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Society and people, Children with Phones

Children with Phones

Ruth: So Akane, what do you think about children today having mobile phones? Akane: Mobile phones? Well, I mean, I think they could be a good thing, I mean for safety reasons. Ruth: Really? Akane: Yes if I was a parent I think I would feel safer knowing that my child had a mobile phone and I could get in touch with them whenever I need to and if something happens like an emergency then they will be able to use the mobile phone. Ruth: You see I would argue that they're quite dangerous actually, because children don't really have the best attention spans anyway and often they could, for example, walk into the road whilst they were talking on their mobile phone and generally not pay attention so I don't think they're very safe. Akane: Well that's a good point but that could also teach them responsibility as well. If mobile phones are unsafe, I mean bicycles could be unsafe and toys could be unsafe, but that's all part of growing up and I think that if you teach them responsibility, it shouldn't be a big problem. Ruth: But I think fewer children these days play on bikes than they used to; I think children are more dependent upon technology and I see that as, as a definite negative thing because children don't play out as they used to before. They just stay in and watch TV and play on computer games. Akane: True, true. I suppose so, but you know technology is a necessity in our lives and in the future if we want them to become competent in using technology and taking advantage of technology then I think it would be a good way to start. Ruth: Don't you think they are really expensive though? I mean, don't… Akane: Oh yeah, they are. Ruth: If I was a parent though I would not want my child to be phoning people left, right and centre because it would cost so much money. Akane: Well you could be right about that. They do cost a lot of money. Ruth: Oh, I'm glad you agree. Well, yeah, like at least we agree about something now. Akane: For sure.

Children with Phones Niños con teléfono Enfants avec téléphone 携帯電話を持つ子供たち Dzieci z telefonami Crianças com telemóveis Дети с телефонами Telefonlu Çocuklar 有电话的儿童

Ruth: So Akane, what do you think about children today having mobile phones? Akane: Mobile phones? Well, I mean, I think they could be a good thing, I mean for safety reasons. Ruth: Really? Akane: Yes if I was a parent I think I would feel safer knowing that my child had a mobile phone and I could get in touch with them whenever I need to and if something happens like an emergency then they will be able to use the mobile phone. 茜: はい||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ruth: You see I would argue that they’re quite dangerous actually, because children don’t really have the best attention spans anyway and often they could, for example, walk into the road whilst they were talking on their mobile phone and generally not pay attention so I don’t think they’re very safe. |あなたは|||||||||||子供たち||||||注意力|注意持続時間||||||||||||している間に||||||||||||||||||| Ruth: Ich würde sagen, dass sie sogar ziemlich gefährlich sind, denn Kinder haben ohnehin nicht die beste Aufmerksamkeitsspanne, und oft könnten sie zum Beispiel auf die Straße laufen, während sie mit ihrem Handy telefonieren, und generell nicht aufpassen, also glaube ich nicht, dass sie sehr sicher sind. Ruth: Aslında oldukça tehlikeli olduklarını iddia edebilirim, çünkü çocuklar zaten çok iyi dikkat sürelerine sahip değiller ve örneğin cep telefonuyla konuşurken yola doğru yürüyebilirler ve genellikle dikkatlerini vermeyebilirler, bu yüzden çok güvenli olduklarını düşünmüyorum. Akane: Well that’s a good point but that could also teach them responsibility as well. أكانه: حسنًا، هذه نقطة جيدة ولكنها قد تعلمهم المسؤولية أيضًا. 茜:それはいいことだけど、責任も教えられるかもしれない。 Akane: Bu iyi bir nokta ama bu aynı zamanda onlara sorumluluğu da öğretebilir. If mobile phones are unsafe, I mean bicycles could be unsafe and toys could be unsafe, but that’s all part of growing up and I think that if you teach them responsibility, it shouldn’t be a big problem. |||||||||||||||安全でない|||||||||||||||||||||| إذا كانت الهواتف المحمولة غير آمنة، أعني أن الدراجات قد تكون غير آمنة والألعاب قد تكون غير آمنة، ولكن هذا كله جزء من النمو وأعتقد أنه إذا علمتهم المسؤولية، فلن تكون هناك مشكلة كبيرة. Wenn Mobiltelefone unsicher sind, könnten auch Fahrräder und Spielzeug unsicher sein, aber das gehört zum Erwachsenwerden dazu, und ich denke, wenn man ihnen Verantwortung beibringt, sollte das kein großes Problem sein. 携帯電話が安全でないなら、自転車も安全でない可能性があるし、おもちゃも安全でない可能性がある。 Ruth: But I think fewer children these days play on bikes than they used to; I think children are more dependent upon technology and I see that as, as a definite negative thing because children don’t play out as they used to before. ||||より少ない||||||||||||||||依存している|||||||||||||||||||||| ルース:でも、最近の子どもたちは昔に比べて自転車で遊ぶことが少なくなっていると思う。子どもたちがテクノロジーに依存するようになり、以前のように外で遊ばなくなったことは間違いなくマイナスだと思う。 Ruth: Ama bence bugünlerde eskiye kıyasla daha az çocuk bisikletle oynuyor; bence çocuklar teknolojiye daha bağımlı ve bunu kesinlikle olumsuz bir şey olarak görüyorum çünkü çocuklar eskisi gibi dışarıda oynamıyor. They just stay in and watch TV and play on computer games. إنهم فقط يبقون في المنزل ويشاهدون التلفاز ويلعبون ألعاب الكمبيوتر. Akane: True, true. أكانه: صحيح، صحيح. I suppose so, but you know technology is a necessity in our lives and in the future if we want them to become competent in using technology and taking advantage of technology then I think it would be a good way to start. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||技術|||||||||||||||| أفترض ذلك، ولكنك تعلم أن التكنولوجيا ضرورة في حياتنا وفي المستقبل إذا أردنا أن يصبحوا قادرين على استخدام التكنولوجيا والاستفادة منها، فأعتقد أنها ستكون طريقة جيدة للبدء. でも、テクノロジーは私たちの生活に必要不可欠なものだし、将来的にはテクノロジーを使いこなし、テクノロジーを活用する能力を身につけさせたいのであれば、まずはテクノロジーから始めるのがいいと思う。 Ruth: Don’t you think they are really expensive though? روث: ألا تعتقدين أن أسعارها باهظة الثمن حقًا؟ I mean, don’t… Akane: Oh yeah, they are. Ruth: If I was a parent though I would not want my child to be phoning people left, right and centre because it would cost so much money. ||私|||||||||||||電話をかける|||||||||||| روث: إذا كنت أمًا، فلن أرغب في أن يتصل طفلي بالناس في كل مكان، لأن ذلك سيكلف الكثير من المال. Ruth: Wenn ich ein Elternteil wäre, würde ich nicht wollen, dass mein Kind links, rechts und in der Mitte Leute anruft, weil das so viel Geld kosten würde. ルース:もし私が親だったら、自分の子どもに右も左もわからない人に電話をかけさせたくないわ。 Ruth: Ben bir ebeveyn olsaydım, çocuğumun sağda solda insanları aramasını istemezdim çünkü bu çok fazla paraya mal olur. Akane: Well you could be right about that. They do cost a lot of money. إنهم يكلفون الكثير من المال. Sie kosten eine Menge Geld. 大金がかかるんだ。 Ruth: Oh, I’m glad you agree. روث: أوه، أنا سعيد أنك توافق. Well, yeah, like at least we agree about something now. حسنًا، نعم، على الأقل نحن نتفق على شيء ما الآن. Nun, ja, zumindest sind wir uns jetzt in einer Sache einig. まあ、そうだね、少なくとも僕たちは今、何かに同意している。 Akane: For sure. أكانه: بالتأكيد. あかね:確かに。