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Society and people, Childhood


Todd: Lois, actually how old are you Lois? Lois: I'm 25. Todd: OK, 25, so, do you have any early childhood memories? What's the earliest thing you can remember from Childhood? Lois: Uh, my memories from my childhood aren't very good. I can't remember that much, but I do remember one thing. I must have only been about 3 or 4, I'm not sure, and I was on holiday with my family, and my grandparents and I had an ice cream and I wanted to climb to the top of this hill, and my parents were like," No, No, No. Wait until you finish your ice cream, and then you can go" and I was like, "Nope, I'm going to go now" so I climbed to the top of the hill. It was only a small hill, I was only little and then I decided it would be great to run down the hill really fast, which I did, and I ran to the bottom of the hill, fell over, ice cream all over me, and I don't think I got another ice cream after that. Todd: Oh that's funny, and other memories from childhood. Lois: I think I also remember pushing my brothers around in my brother's pram and him falling out and banging his head and there being lots of blood. I think I might have got is a lot of trouble for that one. Todd: Oh! So you have a younger brother? Lois: I have a younger brother and I have an older brother. Todd: Oh, OK Lois: So I'm the middle child, which is not always good because when we used to go on holiday my brothers would always fight in the car, so I always had to sit in the middle of them so if they were fighting I could stop the fighting, so I didn't like being the middle child. Todd: Well, I sure you served a good purpose for your parents. Lois: Well, I hope so, but still my brothers are now 27 and 23 and they still fight now, so I didn't actually manage to stop that.

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Childhood Kindheit Infancia L'enfance L'infanzia 子供時代 어린 시절 Infância Детство Çocukluk Дитинство 童年 童年

Todd: Lois, actually how old are you Lois? |Lois(1)|aslında||||| Todd: Lois, aslında kaç yaşındasın Lois? Lois: I’m 25. Lois: 25 yaşındayım. Todd: OK, 25, so, do you have any early childhood memories? Todd||||||||| ||||||||early years| Todd: OK, 25, entonces, ¿tienes algún recuerdo de la primera infancia? Todd: Tamam, 25, peki, çocukluk anıların var mı? What’s the earliest thing you can remember from Childhood? ||la première|||||| ¿Qué es lo más antiguo que recuerdas de la infancia? Çocukluğunuzdan hatırlayabildiğiniz en erken şey nedir? Lois: Uh, my memories from my childhood aren’t very good. Lois: Hmm, çocukluğuma dair anılarım pek iyi değil. I can’t remember that much, but I do remember one thing. O kadar çok hatırlayamıyorum ama bir şeyi hatırlıyorum. I must have only been about 3 or 4, I’m not sure, and I was on holiday with my family, and my grandparents and I had an ice cream and I wanted to climb to the top of this hill, and my parents were like," No, No, No. |||solo tenía|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| يجب أن يكون عمري حوالي 3 أو 4 سنوات فقط ، لست متأكدًا ، وكنت في عطلة مع عائلتي ، وكان أجدادي وأنا آيس كريم وأردت الصعود إلى قمة هذا التل ، وكان والداي مثل ، "لا ، لا ، لا. Debo haber tenido solo unos 3 o 4 años, no estoy seguro, y estaba de vacaciones con mi familia, y mis abuelos y yo tomamos un helado y quería subir a la cima de esta colina, y mis padres estaban como, "No, No, No. Emin değilim ama 3 ya da 4 yaşlarındaydım ve ailemle tatildeydim, büyükannem ve büyükbabamla dondurma yiyorduk ve ben tepeye tırmanmak istedim, annem ve babam "Hayır, hayır, hayır" dediler. Wait until you finish your ice cream, and then you can go" and I was like, "Nope, I’m going to go now" so I climbed to the top of the hill. ||||||||||||||||Non|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||Hayır|||||||||||||| انتظر حتى تنتهي من الآيس كريم الخاص بك ، وبعد ذلك يمكنك الذهاب "وكنت مثل ،" لا ، سأذهب الآن "لذلك صعدت إلى أعلى التل. Espera hasta que termines tu helado, y luego puedes irte" y yo estaba como, "No, me voy a ir ahora", así que subí a la cima de la colina. Dondurmalarını bitirene kadar bekle, sonra gidebilirsin" dediler ve ben de "Hayır, şimdi gitmek istiyorum" dedim, bu yüzden tepeye tırmandım. 等你吃完冰淇淋,然後你就可以走了”,我當時想,“不,我現在要走了”,所以我爬到了山頂。 It was only a small hill, I was only little and then I decided it would be great to run down the hill really fast, which I did, and I ran to the bottom of the hill, fell over, ice cream all over me, and I don’t think I got another ice cream after that. Es war nur ein kleiner Hügel, ich war noch klein, und dann beschloss ich, dass es toll wäre, ganz schnell den Hügel hinunter zu rennen, was ich auch tat, und ich rannte bis zum Fuß des Hügels, fiel um, und ich war voller Eiscreme, und ich glaube nicht, dass ich danach noch ein weiteres Eis bekam. It was only a small hill, I was only little and then I decided it would be great to run down the hill really fast, which I did, and I ran to the bottom of the hill, fell over, ice cream all over me, and I don't think I got another ice cream after that. Era solo una pequeña colina, yo era solo un pequeño y luego decidí que sería genial correr cuesta abajo muy rápido, lo cual hice, y corrí hasta el pie de la colina, me caí, helado por todas partes. y no creo que compré otro helado después de eso. Sadece küçük bir tepeydi, ben de küçüktüm ve sonra tepenin aşağısına çok hızlı koşmanın harika olacağını düşündüm, öyle de yaptım ve tepenin dibine koştum, düştüm, dondurma etrafta oldu ve sanırım ondan sonra bir daha dondurma almadım. 那隻是一座小山,我很小,然後我決定跑下山得很快,我就這麼做了,我跑到山腳下,摔倒了,冰淇淋沾滿了我,我想在那之後我就沒有再吃過冰淇淋了。 Todd: Oh that’s funny, and other memories from childhood. Todd: Oh bu komik, ve çocukluktan başka anılar. Lois: I think I also remember pushing my brothers around in my brother’s pram and him falling out and banging his head and there being lots of blood. |||||||||||||poussette||||||se cogner|||||||| |||||||||||||baby carriage||||||hitting|||||||| ||||||||||||kardeşimin|bebek arabası||||||vurarak|||||||| لويس: أعتقد أنني أتذكر أيضًا دفع إخوتي في عربة أخي وسقوطه وضرب رأسه وكان هناك الكثير من الدماء. Lois: Creo que también recuerdo empujar a mis hermanos en el cochecito de mi hermano y él se cayó y se golpeó la cabeza y hubo mucha sangre. Lois: Sanırım, erkek kardeşimi kardeşimin bebek arabasında ittirirken onu düşürdüğümü ve kafasını vurduğunu ve çok kan olduğunu da hatırlıyorum. I think I might have got is a lot of trouble for that one. Creo que podría haber tenido muchos problemas para eso. Sanırım bunun için başım çok belaya girmiş olabilir. Todd: Oh! Todd: Oh! So you have a younger brother? Yani bir küçük kardeşin var mı? Lois: I have a younger brother and I have an older brother. Lois: Bir küçük kardeşim var ve bir de büyük kardeşim var. Todd: Oh, OK Todd: Oh, tamam Lois: So I’m the middle child, which is not always good because when we used to go on holiday my brothers would always fight in the car, so I always had to sit in the middle of them so if they were fighting I could stop the fighting, so I didn’t like being the middle child. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||eğer|||||||||||||||| Lois: Así que soy la hija del medio, lo que no siempre es bueno porque cuando nos íbamos de vacaciones, mis hermanos siempre peleaban en el auto, así que siempre tenía que sentarme en medio de ellos, así que si peleaban yo podía. dejar de pelear, así que no me gustaba ser el hijo del medio. Todd: Well, I sure you served a good purpose for your parents. |||||fulfilled|||function||| ||||||||amaç||| تود: حسنًا ، أنا متأكد من أنك قدمت غرضًا جيدًا لوالديك. Todd: Eminim ailen için iyi bir amaca hizmet etmişsindir. 托德:嗯,我確信你為你的父母服務了一個很好的目標。 Lois: Well, I hope so, but still my brothers are now 27 and 23 and they still fight now, so I didn’t actually manage to stop that. Lois: Das hoffe ich, aber meine Brüder sind jetzt 27 und 23 und sie streiten sich immer noch, also habe ich es nicht geschafft, das zu verhindern. Lois: Umarım öyledir, ama yine de erkek kardeşlerim şimdi 27 ve 23 yaşında ve hala birbirleriyle kavga ediyorlar, bu yüzden bunu durdurmayı başaramadım. 洛伊丝:嗯,我希望如此,但是我的兄弟现在分别 27 岁和 23 岁了,他们现在还在打架,所以我实际上没能阻止他们。