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Society and people, Big Bad Brothers

Big Bad Brothers

Todd: So, greg you were saying you had brothers and they always picked on you like all older brothers do. Do you have any stories about your brothers used to do to you? Greg: Ah, yes, you know I think back on some of the crazy fights we had and it is absolutely amazing that we are all still alive. (Yeah) One time, I was closing the garage door and I didn't see my brother, my oldest brother walking behind me and I pulled the door down and it hit him in the head. Todd: Right, ooh, ow! Greg: A complete accident . (Yeah) but he just got so angry. He had a pair of shoes that he was holding in his hand, and I think he was going to polish them or something, and he just took the shoe and he smacked me as hard as he could right in the stomach. Todd: Oh, that's gotta hurt. Greg: Oh, it hurt so much. I bent over and I got so angry and I looked in the garage and I saw a big piece of metal pipe Todd: Oh, no! Greg: And I held it like a spear , and I ran after him, and he of course ran away. I was chasing him around the house and he ran into the front door, and I threw the spear, as hard as I could, and it went like a, I threw the pipe, and it went like a spear, through the air, and he closed the door right behind him, and it put a hole in the door. Todd: Oh, man, it was gonna hit him. It would have hit him. Greg: It would have hit him actually. Todd: Wow. You don't even want to think what could have happened if it had hit him. Greg: Yeah, it's amazing that we're still alive. We used to have fights with baseball bats and branches and things. Todd: Well, it must have been good, made you tough and strong for all the other kids at school. Greg: Yeah, they thought I was crazy.

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Big Bad Brothers Big Bad Brothers Grandes Hermanos Malos Les grands méchants frères ビッグ・バッド・ブラザーズ Grandes Irmãos Maus 大壞兄弟

Todd: So, greg you were saying you had brothers and they always picked on you like all older brothers do. ||||||||||eles||zoavam||||||| Todd: Also, Greg, du hast gesagt, du hattest Brüder und die haben immer auf dir herumgehackt, wie alle älteren Brüder das tun. Todd: Então, Greg, você estava dizendo que tinha irmãos e eles sempre mexeram com você como todos os irmãos mais velhos fazem. Грегу, ти казав, що у тебе є брати, і вони завжди дражнили тебе, як і всі старші брати. Do you have any stories about your brothers used to do to you? Hast du irgendwelche Geschichten, die deine Brüder mit dir gemacht haben? Você tem alguma história sobre seus irmãos costumavam fazer para você? Чи є у вас якісь історії про те, що з вами робили ваші брати? Greg: Ah, yes, you know I think back on some of the crazy fights we had and it is absolutely amazing that we are all still alive. Greg: Ah, ja, wenn ich an die verrückten Kämpfe zurückdenke, die wir hatten, ist es absolut erstaunlich, dass wir alle noch leben. Greg: Ah, sim, você sabe, eu penso em algumas das lutas malucas que tivemos e é absolutamente incrível que ainda estejamos vivos. Грег: Так, знаєте, я згадую деякі божевільні бійки, які у нас були, і це абсолютно дивно, що ми всі досі живі. (Yeah) One time, I was closing the garage door and I didn’t see my brother, my oldest brother walking behind me and I pulled the door down and it hit him in the head. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||a frappé|||| (Sim) Uma vez, eu estava fechando a porta da garagem e não vi meu irmão, meu irmão mais velho andando atrás de mim e puxei a porta para baixo e acertou-o na cabeça. (Так) Одного разу я закривав двері гаража і не побачив свого брата, мого старшого брата, який йшов позаду мене, і я потягнув двері вниз, і вони вдарили його по голові. Todd: Right, ooh, ow! Greg: A complete accident . |||un accident complet (Yeah) but he just got so angry. (Sim) mas ele ficou tão zangado. He had a pair of shoes that he was holding in his hand, and I think he was going to polish them or something, and he just took the shoe and he smacked me as hard as he could right in the stomach. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ventre ||||||||||||||||||||dar brilho|||||||pegou|||||deu uma pancada|||||||||| Ele tinha um par de sapatos que segurava na mão, e acho que ia engraxá-los ou algo assim, então pegou o sapato e me deu um tapa com toda a força que pôde no estômago. У нього була пара черевиків, яку він тримав у руці, і я думаю, що він збирався їх почистити або щось таке, але він просто взяв черевик і щосили вдарив мене прямо в живіт. Todd: Oh, that’s gotta hurt. |||ça doit| |||tem que| Todd: Oh, isso deve doer. Greg: Oh, it hurt so much. I bent over and I got so angry and I looked in the garage and I saw a big piece of metal pipe ||||||||||||||||||||||tuyau eu|me inclinei||||||||||||||||||||| Eu me abaixei e fiquei com tanta raiva que olhei na garagem e vi um grande pedaço de cano de metal Eğildim ve çok sinirlendim, garaja baktım ve büyük bir metal boru parçası gördüm. Todd: Oh, no! Oh, hayır! Greg: And I held it like a spear , and I ran after him, and he of course ran away. |||tenais||||||||||||||| |||||||lança||||||||||| Greg: E eu o segurei como uma lança, e corri atrás dele, e é claro que ele fugiu. Greg: Ve onu bir mızrak gibi tuttum ve peşinden koştum ve tabii ki kaçtı. I was chasing him around the house and he ran into the front door, and I threw the spear, as hard as I could, and it went like a, I threw the pipe, and it went like a spear, through the air, and he closed the door right behind him, and it put a hole in the door. ||||||||||||||||lançai|||||||||||||||||||||||||air|||||||||||||trou||| Eu estava perseguindo ele pela casa e ele correu para a porta da frente, e eu joguei a lança, o mais forte que pude, e foi como um, eu joguei o tubo, e ele foi como uma lança, pelo ar, e ele fechou a porta bem atrás de si e abriu um buraco na porta. Todd: Oh, man, it was gonna hit him. Todd: Oh, cara, ia acertá-lo. It would have hit him. Isso o teria atingido. Greg: It would have hit him actually. Greg: Isso o teria atingido na verdade. Todd: Wow. You don’t even want to think what could have happened if it had hit him. Sie wollen sich gar nicht vorstellen, was hätte passieren können, wenn er getroffen worden wäre. Você nem quer pensar no que poderia ter acontecido se aquilo o tivesse atingido. Greg: Yeah, it’s amazing that we’re still alive. We used to have fights with baseball bats and branches and things. |||||||bates de beise|||| Wir haben uns mit Baseballschlägern und Ästen und so weiter geprügelt. Costumávamos brigar com tacos de beisebol, galhos e coisas assim. Todd: Well, it must have been good, made you tough and strong for all the other kids at school. Todd: Das muss gut gewesen sein, es hat dich stark gemacht für alle anderen Kinder in der Schule. Todd: Bem, deve ter sido bom, fez você durão e forte para todas as outras crianças na escola. Greg: Yeah, they thought I was crazy. Greg: Sim, eles pensaram que eu estava louco.