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Society and people, Ambitions


I have a few main ambitions at the moment. I think the first and foremost ones, seeing as I'm in Japan at the moment studying Japanese, would to be actually to be able to speak the language, but I think that's pretty far fetched ambition at the moment at the rate I'm going. I think to actually learn this language properly you'd have to live here and be studying at least a year to get to know the language and then another year to get fluent, get the speed up, get the slang in, so I mean I think that's one of my life ambitions is to learn Japanese. I can't speak any other languages so just to be able to speak another language would be amazing. I think English, English speaking people have, well, a sort of bad arrogance that everyone else speaks English and so why bother to learn another language. It's not like people in other European countries where, like from a very young age they learn English. They can speak English, maybe French, Spanish, and Italian. Once you got one language under your belt it seems to be a lot easier to pick up other languages. So that's one of the things I'd like to do. My other main wish at the moment, which I hopefully I'm going to turn into a reality when I return home is to actually get a job in the animation industry. I did my degree in that and it's been something that I've, you know, I've been waiting to actually get to the job stage, the job stage for so long now. Before I came to Japan, I was working, but in a graphic design job which is not what I'm actually wanting to do, so I think my, you know, number one wish at the moment, apart from the Japanese, is to actually be there in the industry I want to be working in, working the way I want to work, you know doing what I do for fun, as a job. That's my sort of number one ambition. I mean obviously making money is nice but I think at the moment the most important thing in a job is, you know money shouldn't be the first thing, you should really enjoy what you're doing. I've always said I'd never want to work in an office where you have to wear a suit, where you have to be constricted and constrained. You know I want to have my offices, sort of I mean, the environments I've, the work environments I've seen so far through friends and what I've worked in myself is pretty similar to how I think it should be: a group of more friends than colleagues working together on something they're passionate about. I think that has to be my main aim in life.

Ambitions Ambitionen Ambiciones 野心

I have a few main ambitions at the moment. Şu anda birkaç ana hedefim var. I think the first and foremost ones, seeing as I’m in Japan at the moment studying Japanese, would to be actually to be able to speak the language, but I think that’s pretty far fetched ambition at the moment at the rate I’m going. Da ich gerade in Japan bin und Japanisch lerne, würde ich in erster Linie die Sprache sprechen können, aber ich glaube, das ist im Moment ein ziemlich weit hergeholtes Ziel, so wie ich vorankomme. Sanırım ilk ve en önemli hedefim, şu anda Japonya'da Japonca eğitimi gördüğüm için, dili gerçekten konuşabilmek olurdu, ama sanırım bu, şu anda gittiğim hızda oldukça uzak bir hedef. I think to actually learn this language properly you’d have to live here and be studying at least a year to get to know the language and then another year to get fluent, get the speed up, get the slang in, so I mean I think that’s one of my life ambitions is to learn Japanese. Bence bu dili düzgün bir şekilde öğrenmek için burada yaşamanız ve dili tanımak için en az bir yıl eğitim almanız ve ardından akıcı hale gelmek, hızlanmak, argoyu öğrenmek için bir yıl daha eğitim almanız gerekir, yani sanırım bu benim hayattaki hedeflerimden biri Japonca öğrenmek. I can’t speak any other languages so just to be able to speak another language would be amazing. I think English, English speaking people have, well, a sort of bad arrogance that everyone else speaks English and so why bother to learn another language. Bence İngilizce konuşan insanlarda, herkesin İngilizce konuştuğu ve bu yüzden neden başka bir dil öğrenmeye zahmet ettikleri gibi kötü bir kibir var. It’s not like people in other European countries where, like from a very young age they learn English. They can speak English, maybe French, Spanish, and Italian. Once you got one language under your belt it seems to be a lot easier to pick up other languages. Wenn man erst einmal eine Sprache gelernt hat, scheint es viel einfacher zu sein, andere Sprachen zu lernen. Bir dili öğrendikten sonra diğer dilleri öğrenmek çok daha kolay gibi görünüyor. So that’s one of the things I’d like to do. My other main wish at the moment, which I hopefully I’m going to turn into a reality when I return home is to actually get a job in the animation industry. Şu andaki diğer ana dileğim, umarım eve döndüğümde gerçeğe dönüştüreceğim, animasyon endüstrisinde gerçekten bir iş bulmak. I did my degree in that and it’s been something that I’ve, you know, I’ve been waiting to actually get to the job stage, the job stage for so long now. Ich habe meinen Abschluss in diesem Bereich gemacht, und ich habe schon so lange darauf gewartet, dass ich tatsächlich in die Job-Phase eintrete, in die Job-Phase. Lisansımı bu alanda yaptım ve bu benim, bilirsiniz, uzun zamandır iş aşamasına geçmeyi beklediğim bir şeydi. Before I came to Japan, I was working, but in a graphic design job which is not what I’m actually wanting to do, so I think my, you know, number one wish at the moment, apart from the Japanese, is to actually be there in the industry I want to be working in, working the way I want to work, you know doing what I do for fun, as a job. That’s my sort of number one ambition. I mean obviously making money is nice but I think at the moment the most important thing in a job is, you know money shouldn’t be the first thing, you should really enjoy what you’re doing. Ich meine, natürlich ist es schön, Geld zu verdienen, aber ich denke, das Wichtigste an einem Job ist, dass Geld nicht an erster Stelle steht, sondern dass man wirklich Spaß an dem hat, was man tut. I’ve always said I’d never want to work in an office where you have to wear a suit, where you have to be constricted and constrained. Ik heb altijd gezegd dat ik nooit zou willen werken op een kantoor waar je een pak moet dragen, waar je moet worden ingesnoerd en beperkt. Her zaman takım elbise giymek zorunda olduğunuz, daraltılmış ve kısıtlanmış olduğunuz bir ofiste asla çalışmak istemediğimi söylemişimdir. You know I want to have my offices, sort of I mean, the environments I’ve, the work environments I’ve seen so far through friends and what I’ve worked in myself is pretty similar to how I think it should be: a group of more friends than colleagues working together on something they’re passionate about. Die Arbeitsumgebungen, die ich bisher durch Freunde kennengelernt habe und in denen ich selbst gearbeitet habe, sind meiner Meinung nach ziemlich ähnlich: eine Gruppe von mehr Freunden als Kollegen, die gemeinsam an einer Sache arbeiten, die ihnen am Herzen liegt. Bilirsiniz, ofislerimin olmasını istiyorum, yani, şimdiye kadar arkadaşlarım aracılığıyla gördüğüm ve kendim çalıştığım çalışma ortamları, nasıl olması gerektiğini düşündüğüme oldukça benziyor: tutkulu oldukları bir şey üzerinde birlikte çalışan meslektaşlardan daha çok arkadaşlardan oluşan bir grup. I think that has to be my main aim in life. Ich denke, das muss mein Hauptziel im Leben sein.