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Travel Youtuber Sorelle, Newbie Travel Advice: 13 Essential Tips Every First Time Traveller Should Know

Newbie Travel Advice: 13 Essential Tips Every First Time Traveller Should Know

It is May 2018 and I have traveled to these countries so far:

It has been an intense schedule. I've been travelling on the road full

time eight, ten months out of my backpack,

as a minimalist, full time on the road, I don't have a house right now. I've been to

about 45 countries and counting. But believe it or not

at some stage, I had to start travelling for the very first time.

So this video is dedicated for those hitting the road for the first

time. Some tips and tricks to make you feel more at ease for the

adventure of a lifetime you're about to embark on.


On the screen here, these are the best places to visit

for first time travelers. Some countries

are a lot easier to travel to than others that's why I'm recommending these

ones because they are easy to travel to, affordable

beautiful, easy to get around. Mostly in touristy places people speak

English, easy to meet people. It's

just a joy to travel to these places. So I couldn't recommend going

to these places more for the first time. Of course this list is not

fully comprehensive and lots of people might disagree on

certain things. My opinion, though. What to see when you get to a place? Believe it or not

Google exists in different countries. Just google

top destinations to see when you're in this country and

it's gonna spit out amazing suggestions. And then, on top of that,

I would love for you to speak to the locals, whether you're staying

in a hostel, Airbnb -ask the receptionist, the host, the best

places they love to go to because they've lived there for a while,

they can provide you with the best of the best advice. And of course

speak to people that you've met, ask their journey, what they loved

about the place, what they haven't loved and just figure out what is gonna be

the best itinerary for you. A new country, the best way for

me to explore and get the most out of it is to get my

bearings of the place. So when I first land, I'm confused.

I have no idea what anything is and everyone's gonna

experience this. The best way to tackle this is to spend half a day

or maybe a day just getting lost. Allowing yourself to

aim wanderlessly (sic)

Figure out where the local supermarket is, figure out where the strip of best cafe is,

figure out where the things to do are in your

periphery. Knowing this really lets you

to understand the city's layout and get the most out of the city.

Booking accommodation overseas isn't ... isn't so difficult.

For hostels, I use Hostelworld. I oftentimes

also use booking.com especially in countries that are

really affordable. Sometimes you'll be surprised how cheap a hotel room

can be. However, just keep in mind it is a lot

harder to meet people when you're staying in a hotel. That's why very

often I still choose a hostel over a hotel

in a new country because I wanna have friends when I'm travelling.

So if I'm going solo for example, hostels are my bestfriend,

if you're going with a group of friends, don't worry, hotels are fine. And

of course, Airbnb is a really great solution also. So I use

all three platforms to find me a place to sleep. If you are on a really

tight budget, you can use couchsurfing or you can also volunteer

in countries abroad using websites like this. Passports and visas

very important. You can get stuck

and denied entry if you don't have a visa. So every single time

you go to a new country, every time, just type in your passport,

your destination country, visa do you need. And it's gonna spit out

how long you can go into this country without having a visa,

what kind of visa you do need, if you have to have one. And with your

passport, it has to have six months minimum validity. So

if it's not valid for more than six months, you will get stuck,

you will not be able to travel, you might even buy a

ticket, go to the airport, they'll check the expiry, if it's less than six months,

you are not flying. And that is an expensive mistake.

Also have backups of your documents stored all around. So

online, in different bags, just in case you need them as well. I do recommend

having insurance because things can go wrong when

you're overseas. Things can get stolen.

I've only had one pair of shoes stolen in 12 years so it's not that

big of an issue at all. Things can get lost, broken,

you can get sick so insurance is really, really great. Currently

I have insurance with my credit card and it's beautiful. And

I've used other services in the past but I don't wanna recommend any brand

because I don;t research into this area anymore because I'm so

well settled with the current insurance that I have.

This is up to you to find out what works best for you, what best coverage is,

etc. etc. So do your research. On that note, getting sick on the

road, as I mentioned, can happen. And most countries have amazing

facilities as well for hospitals. Of course some third world

countries aren't the best. But I've never been to a hospital in

like 12 -ish years of travel. Ever. If I have to

say for example, break my arm. Knock on wood. Not breakin nothin.

I'd go to the local hospital, get something put on

to it like a really crappy cast for example and find

myself to a nearby country where I know the standard of healthcare

is immaculate and I can get my arm worked after.

So there are always solutions so don't freak out.

Having money on the road is essential, believe it or not. Right now the deal I have with

my bank is [stammers]

... is amazing. So I don't

have to worry about these ever. No matter if I

buy something for $2 with my card, or a hundred dollars, if I withdraw

cash, nothing. So if my bank can do it, I'm certain

there are banks out there that are able to provide this service.

There are also travel cards, credit card deals, figure out the

best solution for you. Again you have to do your research.

Every country is different. Every bank is different. If

you haven't been able to find this deal before you're going overseas,

a great way to avoid a lot of fees is to take out a chunk of money. With this worth of

cash, make sure you separate it so it's not in one area 'cause

if it gets lost or stolen, that would suck bad.

Overpacking. Yeah, everyone. Oh my gosh, everyone does this.

My rule of thumb whenever I'm packing. Even now, always,

whatever you think you're gonna bring, halve it and

then halve it again. You really need so

little when you're on the road. It's ridiculous. And it's better to have less

so you can buy a couple of more things if you're overseas than have too much and you;re dragging

it around like crazy, it hurts your back, it's just awkward.

being connected when you're on the road is awesome because it gives you

access to knowledge about where to eat, what good things to explore,

you can contact your family and friends wherever, and the best way to be connected

is through your phone. You are always with it, however,

using your service provider back home is very expensive.

So my solution to that is just to get a local sim

card in every single country I go to and then I'm good. I'm set.

It's not expensive and I'm connected everywhere.

It's genius. Once you;re done in that country, just get rid of the sim card.

Voila! Safety. No matter where in the world you are

there are still creeps. You have to be aware of that. So you just have

to be on your guard, aware of your surroundings. Please don't get

ultra drunk when you're overseas. Don't walk around at nighttime

by yourself, don't walk around at nighttime with headphones

by yourself, don't draw attention to yourself and look

like a lost, confused tourist. If you're looking for a destination or

accommodation, or something, don't stop and just be like, where am I going?

Go into like a little convenience store, look down, check your map,

calmly, collectively be like, ooh I get it

and then walk and continue going. And... uh... just blend in

as much as you possibly can. I never say that because should ever

blend in. But when you're travelling you should definitely blend in. Don't be unique.

Only in this instance. Don't cram. A lot of us

have a tendency to do this when we first travel because we feel like

if we don't see this place, we might never see it again.

It is much better though to just enjoy the experience because

you sometimes cram so much that you forget what you've seen

or you forget to breathe and be present in these destinations. So just chill out.

Allow extra time for weird, unexpected adventures. If you

meet someone in a hostel for example and they wanna go on an adventure, they

invite you, if you've got a list of things you have to do,

you're gonna miss out on what might be a much,

much better adventure. So just list the top 5 things that you're

desperately wanting to do and if these things on the list that you like ...

I'm not so sure about that ... just don't do it. Don't feel bad about it.

Really. And that's another thing. Don't allow anyone to tell

you how to travel. If you love luxury travel, save

up and do that. If you love hostel living, couchsurfing,

that kind of thing, do that. If you do wanna cram your travels, do that.

If you wanna space out and not do anything, just

chill on the beach, do that. Travel is for you to discover yourself,

unwind, make the most of it, enjoy life

and it is different for everyone. Really different for everyone. So just

do you. I wanna thank Square Space for sponsoring this video

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Congratulations again for your first adventure. This is so very

exciting. If you wanna check out my Instagram with all my adventures, please do so

here. And until next time. Peace.

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Newbie Travel Advice: 13 Essential Tips Every First Time Traveller Should Know Débutant|||||||||| First-time traveler|||Crucial|||||First-time traveler|| iniciante|||||||||| Reisetipps für Neulinge: 13 wichtige Tipps, die jeder Erstreisende kennen sollte Consejos para novatos: 13 consejos esenciales que todo viajero primerizo debe conocer Conseils de voyage pour les débutants : 13 conseils essentiels que tout voyageur débutant devrait connaître Consigli di viaggio per principianti: 13 suggerimenti essenziali che ogni viaggiatore alle prime armi dovrebbe conoscere 初心者のための旅行アドバイス:初めて旅行する人が知っておくべき13の重要なヒント 초보 여행자를 위한 조언: 모든 여행자가 알아야 할 13가지 필수 팁 Patarimai keliaujantiems naujokams: 13 svarbiausių patarimų, kuriuos turėtų žinoti kiekvienas pirmą kartą keliaujantis žmogus Reisadvies voor beginners: 13 essentiële tips die elke eerste keer reiziger moet weten Porady dla początkujących podróżników: 13 podstawowych wskazówek, które powinien znać każdy początkujący podróżnik Conselhos de viagem para principiantes: 13 dicas essenciais que todos os viajantes de primeira viagem devem saber Советы новичкам: 13 важных советов, которые должен знать каждый начинающий путешественник Restips för nybörjare: 13 viktiga tips som alla förstagångsresenärer bör känna till Yeni Başlayanlar İçin Seyahat Önerileri: İlk Kez Seyahat Eden Herkesin Bilmesi Gereken 13 Temel İpucu Поради новачкам: 13 важливих порад, які повинен знати кожен мандрівник, що вперше подорожує 新手旅行建议:首次旅行者应了解的 13 个基本提示 新手旅行建议:每位初次旅行者都应了解的 13 条基本建议

It is May 2018 and I have traveled to these countries so far: ||||||visited||||| 2018年5月、私はこれまでにこれらの国々を旅した:

It has been an intense schedule. I've been travelling on the road full ||||căng thẳng|lịch trình dày đặc||||||| |||||hectic itinerary||||||| |||||Programma intenso||||||| Es war ein intensiver Zeitplan. Ich bin voll auf der Straße unterwegs 激しいスケジュールだった。フルに旅をしてきた 빡빡한 일정이었습니다. 바쁜 일정을 소화하느라 바빴습니다. Это был напряженный график. Я много путешествовал по стране.

time eight, ten months out of my backpack, |||||||living out of |oito|||||| Mal acht, zehn Monate aus meinem Rucksack, バックパックを背負ってから8カ月か10カ月、 八、十个月从我的背包里拿出来的时候,

as a minimalist, full time on the road, I don't have a house right now. I've been to ||living simply||||||||||||||| ミニマリストとしてフルタイムで旅をしている私は、今、家を持っていない。これまで Как минималист, проводящий полный рабочий день в дороге, я не имею дома в данный момент. Я был в

about 45 countries and counting. But believe it or not 45カ国を数える。しかし、信じられないかもしれないが

at some stage, I had to start travelling for the very first time. ||point in time|||||||||| ある段階で、私は初めて旅を始めなければならなかった。

So this video is dedicated for those hitting the road for the first ||||meant for|||starting their journey||||| ||video|||||||||| そこでこのビデオは、初めて道路を走る人々に捧げる。 Dlatego ten film jest przeznaczony dla tych, którzy wyruszają w drogę po raz pierwszy

time. Some tips and tricks to make you feel more at ease for the ||||helpful techniques|||||||more comfortable|| 時間をより快適に過ごすためのヒントとコツをいくつか紹介しよう。

adventure of a lifetime you're about to embark on. Epic journey ahead|||unforgettable experience||||begin| |||||||embarcar-se| 一生に一度の大冒険に乗り出そうとしているのだ。


On the screen here, these are the best places to visit この画面では、観光に最適な場所を紹介している。

for first time travelers. Some countries |||first-time visitors|| 初めての旅行者のために。いくつかの国

are a lot easier to travel to than others that's why I'm recommending these |||more convenient|||||||||suggesting| ||||||||os outros|||eu sou|recomendando estas| 他の地域より旅行しやすいからだ。

ones because they are easy to travel to, affordable ||||||||acessíveis

beautiful, easy to get around. Mostly in touristy places people speak |||||For the most part||frequented by tourists|||

English, easy to meet people. It's

just a joy to travel to these places. So I couldn't recommend going ||pure delight|||||||||suggest going|

to these places more for the first time. Of course this list is not |||||||||||set of locations|| 這些地方更多的是第一次。當然這份名單不是

fully comprehensive and lots of people might disagree on |All-encompassing||||||"debate over"| |abrangente|||||||

certain things. My opinion, though. What to see when you get to a place? Believe it or not |||Personal viewpoint|||||||||||||| 確定的事。不過我的意見是。當你到達一個地方時要看什麼?信不信由你

Google exists in different countries. Just google |is present||||| 谷歌存在於不同的國家。只需谷歌

top destinations to see when you're in this country and

it's gonna spit out amazing suggestions. And then, on top of that, ||generate|||recommendations|||||| |vai|lançará||||||||| 它會提出驚人的建議。然後,最重要的是,

I would love for you to speak to the locals, whether you're staying |||||||||local residents|||remaining in place 我希望您能與當地人交談,無論您是否留下來

in a hostel, Airbnb -ask the receptionist, the host, the best ||Hostel reception desk|Short-term rental|||Front desk staff|||| 在旅館、愛彼迎 - 詢問接待員、房東、最好的

places they love to go to because they've lived there for a while,

they can provide you with the best of the best advice. And of course ||offer|||||||||||

speak to people that you've met, ask their journey, what they loved

about the place, what they haven't loved and just figure out what is gonna be |||||não amaram||||||||| 關於這個地方,他們不喜歡什麼,然後弄清楚會是什麼

the best itinerary for you. A new country, the best way for ||Travel plan||||||||| 最適合您的行程。一個新的國家,最好的出路

me to explore and get the most out of it is to get my ||discover||||||||||| do odkrywania i czerpania z niego jak najwięcej, jest zdobycie mojego 我探索並充分利用它就是得到我的

bearings of the place. So when I first land, I'm confused. sense of direction|||||||||| Coordinate del luogo|||||||||| referências|||||||||| łożyska tego miejsca. Kiedy ląduję po raz pierwszy, jestem zdezorientowany. 該地方的軸承。所以當我第一次落地時,我很困惑。

I have no idea what anything is and everyone's gonna ||||||||everyone is| 我不知道什麼是什麼,每個人都會

experience this. The best way to tackle this is to spend half a day ||||||address||||||| ||||||lidar|||||||

or maybe a day just getting lost. Allowing yourself to |||||||permitindo|| a może po prostu zgubić się na jeden dzień. Pozwalając sobie na

aim wanderlessly (sic) |ziellos| |without clear direction|aim aimlessly |Senza meta| objetivo|sem rumo|

Figure out where the local supermarket is, figure out where the strip of best cafe is, |||||||||||row of shops|||best coffee shops| descubra|||||||||||tira|||| Dowiedz się, gdzie znajduje się lokalny supermarket, dowiedz się, gdzie jest najlepsza kawiarnia,

figure out where the things to do are in your

periphery. Knowing this really lets you outer boundary|||||

to understand the city's layout and get the most out of the city. |||urban area's|city's design||||||||

Booking accommodation overseas isn't ... isn't so difficult. |Unterkunft||||| Reserving a stay||in another country||||

For hostels, I use Hostelworld. I oftentimes |budget accommodations|||Hostel booking site||frequently

also use booking.com especially in countries that are

really affordable. Sometimes you'll be surprised how cheap a hotel room |realmente acessível. Às vezes você ficará surpreso com o quão barato um quarto de hotel|||||||||

can be. However, just keep in mind it is a lot

harder to meet people when you're staying in a hotel. That's why very

often I still choose a hostel over a hotel |||opt for||budget accommodation option|||

in a new country because I wanna have friends when I'm travelling.

So if I'm going solo for example, hostels are my bestfriend, ||||by myself||||||go-to option

if you're going with a group of friends, don't worry, hotels are fine. And ||||||||||accommodations|||

of course, Airbnb is a really great solution also. So I use |||||||great option||||

all three platforms to find me a place to sleep. If you are on a really ||operating systems|||||||||||||

tight budget, you can use couchsurfing or you can also volunteer Limited|limited financial resources||||staying with locals|||||

in countries abroad using websites like this. Passports and visas ||foreign countries|||||Travel documents||travel permits

very important. You can get stuck bardzo ważne. Można utknąć

and denied entry if you don't have a visa. So every single time |refused|access||||||entry permit|||| i odmowa wjazdu, jeśli nie masz wizy. Więc za każdym razem

you go to a new country, every time, just type in your passport, ||||||||||||travel document Za każdym razem, gdy wybierasz się do nowego kraju, po prostu wpisz swój paszport, bạn đến một đất nước mới, mỗi lần, chỉ cần nhập hộ chiếu của bạn,

your destination country, visa do you need. And it's gonna spit out

how long you can go into this country without having a visa,

what kind of visa you do need, if you have to have one. And with your

passport, it has to have six months minimum validity. So |||||||at least six|minimum remaining validity|

if it's not valid for more than six months, you will get stuck, |||still effective|||||||||

you will not be able to travel, you might even buy a

ticket, go to the airport, they'll check the expiry, if it's less than six months, boarding pass||||airport terminal||||expiration date||||||

you are not flying. And that is an expensive mistake. ||||||||costly|

Also have backups of your documents stored all around. So ||duplicate copies|||important files||||

online, in different bags, just in case you need them as well. I do recommend |||multiple options available|||||||||||

having insurance because things can go wrong when |Safety net||||||

you're overseas. Things can get stolen. |||||roubados

I've only had one pair of shoes stolen in 12 years so it's not that ||||set of two||footwear|||||||

big of an issue at all. Things can get lost, broken, |||significant problem|||||||

you can get sick so insurance is really, really great. Currently |||fall ill|||||||

I have insurance with my credit card and it's beautiful. And

I've used other services in the past but I don't wanna recommend any brand |||other providers||||||||||

because I don;t research into this area anymore because I'm so ||do not|no longer interested||||||||

well settled with the current insurance that I have. |content and secure|||||||

This is up to you to find out what works best for you, what best coverage is, |||||||||||||||best protection level|

etc. etc. So do your research. On that note, getting sick on the

road, as I mentioned, can happen. And most countries have amazing |||"as stated"|||||||

facilities as well for hospitals. Of course some third world Medical infrastructure||||medical centers|||||

countries aren't the best. But I've never been to a hospital in ||||||||||medical facility|

like 12 -ish years of travel. Ever. If I have to |approximately|||||||| |cerca de||||||||

say for example, break my arm. Knock on wood. Not breakin nothin. ||||||Touch wood||||breaking anything|breaking anything ||||||||madeira||| na przykład złamać rękę. Pukam w drewno. Niczego nie złamię.

I'd go to the local hospital, get something put on Poszedłbym do miejscowego szpitala, założyłbym coś

to it like a really crappy cast for example and find ||||||Poor-quality actors|||| jak na przykład naprawdę kiepska obsada i znaleźć

myself to a nearby country where I know the standard of healthcare |||close-by||||||quality of care||medical services quality do pobliskiego kraju, gdzie znam standard opieki zdrowotnej

is immaculate and I can get my arm worked after. |makellos|||||||| |perfectly clean|||||||| jest nieskazitelny i mogę po nim pracować ramieniem.

So there are always solutions so don't freak out. ||||ways to resolve||||

Having money on the road is essential, believe it or not. Right now the deal I have with

my bank is [stammers] |financial institution||hesitates

... is amazing. So I don't

have to worry about these ever. No matter if I

buy something for $2 with my card, or a hundred dollars, if I withdraw ||||||||||||take out money

cash, nothing. So if my bank can do it, I'm certain gotówka, nic. Więc jeśli mój bank może to zrobić, jestem pewien

there are banks out there that are able to provide this service. ||financial institutions|||||||||

There are also travel cards, credit card deals, figure out the ||||payment options|||special offers|||

best solution for you. Again you have to do your research.

Every country is different. Every bank is different. If

you haven't been able to find this deal before you're going overseas,

a great way to avoid a lot of fees is to take out a chunk of money. With this worth of ||||||||charges||||||large amount||||||

cash, make sure you separate it so it's not in one area 'cause

if it gets lost or stolen, that would suck bad. ||||||||be really unfortunate| Jeśli zostanie zgubiony lub skradziony, to będzie do bani.

Overpacking. Yeah, everyone. Oh my gosh, everyone does this. Excessive packing|||||||| excesso de bagagem|||||||| Nadmierne pakowanie. Tak, wszyscy. O mój Boże, wszyscy to robią.

My rule of thumb whenever I'm packing. Even now, always, ||||each time||preparing for travel||| |||regra|||||| Moja zasada zawsze, gdy się pakuję. Nawet teraz, zawsze,

whatever you think you're gonna bring, halve it and ||||||Cut in half|| ||||||metade||

then halve it again. You really need so

little when you're on the road. It's ridiculous. And it's better to have less |||||||absurd||||||

so you can buy a couple of more things if you're overseas than have too much and you;re dragging ||||||||||||||excess items|||||carrying with difficulty |||||||||||||||||||arrastando

it around like crazy, it hurts your back, it's just awkward. ||||||one's||||uncomfortable

being connected when you're on the road is awesome because it gives you

access to knowledge about where to eat, what good things to explore, Availability of information|||||||||||

you can contact your family and friends wherever, and the best way to be connected ||reach out to|||||anywhere you are|||||||

is through your phone. You are always with it, however,

using your service provider back home is very expensive. |||Network carrier|||||

So my solution to that is just to get a local sim |||||||||||local phone card

card in every single country I go to and then I'm good. I'm set.

It's not expensive and I'm connected everywhere.

It's genius. Once you;re done in that country, just get rid of the sim card. |brilliantly simple idea||||||||||dispose of||||

Voila! Safety. No matter where in the world you are There you go!|Security||||||||

there are still creeps. You have to be aware of that. So you just have |||unsavory individuals||||||||||| ||||||||||||||tem

to be on your guard, aware of your surroundings. Please don't get ||||Stay vigilant|alert|||environmental awareness||| ||||em alerta, ciente do seu entorno. Por favor, não se meta|||||||

ultra drunk when you're overseas. Don't walk around at nighttime |Highly intoxicated||||||||after dark

by yourself, don't walk around at nighttime with headphones ||||||||earphones samemu, nie chodzić w nocy ze słuchawkami

by yourself, don't draw attention to yourself and look samemu, nie zwracać na siebie uwagi i nie wyglądać

like a lost, confused tourist. If you're looking for a destination or ||||bewildered traveler|||||||

accommodation, or something, don't stop and just be like, where am I going?

Go into like a little convenience store, look down, check your map, |||||small retail shop||||||navigation tool

calmly, collectively be like, ooh I get it |as a group||||||

and then walk and continue going. And... uh... just blend in |||||||||fit in| |||||||||e então caminhe e continue indo. E... ah... apenas se misture|

as much as you possibly can. I never say that because should ever

blend in. But when you're travelling you should definitely blend in. Don't be unique. |||||||||||||stand out

Only in this instance. Don't cram. A lot of us |||This case||overload with information|||| |||||memorize||||

have a tendency to do this when we first travel because we feel like ||inclination|||||||||||

if we don't see this place, we might never see it again.

It is much better though to just enjoy the experience because

you sometimes cram so much that you forget what you've seen ||pauken|||||||| |||||||fail to recall|||

or you forget to breathe and be present in these destinations. So just chill out. ||||be mindful|||||||||Relax and enjoy|

Allow extra time for weird, unexpected adventures. If you Make time for|||||unforeseen|unexpected experiences||

meet someone in a hostel for example and they wanna go on an adventure, they

invite you, if you've got a list of things you have to do, encourage you, if||||||||||||

you're gonna miss out on what might be a much,

much better adventure. So just list the top 5 things that you're

desperately wanting to do and if these things on the list that you like ... eagerly||||||||||||| desesperadamente|||||||||||||

I'm not so sure about that ... just don't do it. Don't feel bad about it.

Really. And that's another thing. Don't allow anyone to tell

you how to travel. If you love luxury travel, save |||||||high-end experiences||

up and do that. If you love hostel living, couchsurfing,

that kind of thing, do that. If you do wanna cram your travels, do that. ||||||||||concentrare||||

If you wanna space out and not do anything, just |||espaço||||||

chill on the beach, do that. Travel is for you to discover yourself,

unwind, make the most of it, enjoy life Relax||||||| aproveitar|||||||

and it is different for everyone. Really different for everyone. So just

do you. I wanna thank Square Space for sponsoring this video |||||Square Space|||supporting financially||

Whether you need a domain, website, or online store, make with ||||web address||||||

Square Space. It's very handy having a website where all my travel ||||convenient|||||||

content in one spot. It's a perfect business card to show off my skills. They are an all in one |||single place|||||||||||||||| |||local||||||||||||||||

platform. There's nothing to install, patch or upgrade, ever. cloud-based service||||set up|update or fix||update or improve|

Alongside award-winning 24/7 customer service, it's Together with|prize-winning|highly acclaimed||| Oprócz wielokrotnie nagradzanej obsługi klienta 24/7, jest to

never been easier to keep track of your worldwide adventure so check out

squarespace.com for a free trial. And when you're ready to launch website builder|||||||||||go live

go to squarespace.com/sorelle to save 10% off ||||sisters|||

your first purchase of a domain or website. ||initial acquisition|||||

Congratulations again for your first adventure. This is so very Well done|||||||||

exciting. If you wanna check out my Instagram with all my adventures, please do so |||||||Adventure photo feed||||||| exciting. If you wanna check out my Instagram with all my adventures, please do so

here. And until next time. Peace.