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Travel Youtuber Sorelle, How To Afford a Life of Non-Stop Travel (Even if You're Broke AF)

How To Afford a Life of Non-Stop Travel (Even if You're Broke AF)

(clears throat)

- I am digging my set up, if I may say so. (laughs)

It's currently the beginning of April, and so far this year,

I have spent two weeks in Australia,

campervanned in Iceland in winter, doing the entire

Ring Road and the Snaefellsnes Peninsula.

Went snowboarding in France.

I think I might have fractured my tailbone,

because sitting still hurts and it's two months ago.

Went to Belgium.

Had a two week holiday with my mum in Latvia.

Fell in love with Estonia.

Took a day ferry to Helsinki, Finland.

Went to Lithuania.

Did a photography experience tour in Iceland,

my first one ever.

Back to Dinka, as it's currently my base,

because I'm building an online course.

More information on that soon.

Spent a week with my family in Poland.

Two days ago I booked a trip to Bali for 10 days.

And after Bali, I predict I'll be solo caravanning

on the east coast of Australia.

It's pretty good.

We live in the best time possible

for accessibility of the world.

Flights are incredibly cheap, there's endless information

on how to travel depending on your interests,

your budget, and so forth.

Perfect photo destinations are revealed to you

within one click of an Instagram search.

The world is very open, but you're probably sitting

on the other side of this video thinking, "But how?

"You're an influencer, it must be super easy for you.

"I could never do this, is this even possible?"

Well, believe it or not,

I wasn't always a travel influencer.

I actually started travelling the world by myself,

solo, at the age of 18, and basically every single year

since I was 18, I've taken two to three months off,

traveled the world.

No one paid me for it, I did it out of my own money.

So, in this video, I'm going to be covering

how I used to travel the world before I was an influencer.

And then how I get paid as an influencer these days.

And on that note, one of the ways

that an influencer gets paid, is through brand sponsorships.

So, therefore, I would like to thank Squarespace

for sponsoring this video.

Whether you need a domain website, or an online store,

do it with Squarespace.

I've been a happy customer of Squarespace for years now.

Not only do they have beautiful designer templates,

they are also an all-in-one platform.

There's nothing to install, patch, or upgrade, ever.

Alongside award winning 24/7 customer service, it's never

been easier to keep track of your worldwide adventures.

Check out Squarespace.com for a free trial,

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to save 10% off your first purchase of a domain or website.

How to travel the world when you are working

in probably, a crappy job.

It is so much easier than you think.

It's even easier these days,

it was harder when I was doing it.

I did this by working incredibly hard for a period of time,

and then taking huge chunks of time off.

I would also save extra money by avoiding buying

the latest and greatest things, or the fast fashion

that I didn't need, or even getting a haircut.

I was a tight ass.

I wanted to make sure that I was gonna be

on that plane as soon as possible.

And if I had to look bad for awhile, I mean,

I was working in a bar, so I really didn't mind.

Unless you're working for tips,

then maybe a haircut is a good idea. (laughs)

Also, because I'm Australian,

I had to really commit to travel,

because taking a one week trip as an Australian

just didn't make sense,

because we're very isolated out there.

Flights out of Australia are expensive.

♪ All by myself ♪

But if you don't live in Australia, or in an isolated place,

it's probably way easier for you to just take a week here,

a week there, 'cause I'd say that cheaps (laughs)


I'd say that cheap flights are very accessible to you.

Just go to momondo.com, and see where it takes you.

Type in your local airport, and then tour everywhere,

and see what the cheapest flights come up as.

I also ensured that the jobs I was choosing were very easy

for me to quit, or put on hold for a little while.

And these are the jobs that I chose.

(playful music)

- Dan? - Oh, hi!

- Hi, thanks for the invite.

- Oh, my pleasure, enjoy.

(bright music)

- I was a bartender for quite a long time,

and I absolutely love this strategy,

because it is so easy for you to save a good chunk of money,

and then go abroad, come back, and then get your job back.

Two notes on that.

You have to work extremely hard, so that when you come back,

it's really easy for your boss to take you back.

And if there's a danger that if they might not take you back

at that place, make sure you get a reference.

Actually, always get a reference, because it's always

easier for you to get a future job in a different place.

When I was bartending, I also started the process

of learning how to freelance work.

So, with my photography, with my videography,

camp out your skills that you have.

Make that money, honey.

Freelance is gonna be your best friend.

And lastly, this is the greatest thing,

when I was bartending,

I learnt the art of making money online.

You are the only one responsible for learning this skill,

and honestly, if you are planning on going into

a nine to five normal job,

try to think differently about that,

because that is a very old school way of working,

and you're not a slave, you're a human being.

Ahem, unless you like your job,

then continue on your merry way.

And also these results are mine, this is just examples,

I'm not promising anyone anything.

Just thought I'd mention.

I took the full responsibility

of learning how to make money online.

I wanted to make sure that I was working on my own terms.

If you wanna become a lawyer, a doctor, or so forth,

obviously, it's a little bit harder,

because you're gonna have to have a full time, steady job.

But for me, that was not really of interest to me.

I just wanted to make sure that I had my own time,

I could do whatever I want, whenever I wanted,

and I could still be making money even when I was sleeping.

This was a very long process for me to master

how to make money online,

so I'm not even gonna go into it, but start learning now.

The sooner the better. Just give it some time.

While you're bartending, you can still be take time off

and still be learning these skills, and then perfect it.

And one day, even if it takes you to 25 or 30,

at least after 30, the world is yours.

You never have to get a job again.

That's a lot of time that you have to live life

exactly how you want to be living.

Another way to afford to travel when you are working

in a bar, for example, is you go volunteering.

When I was 18, bla bla bla.

When I was 18, I worked as a volunteer in Canada for a year.

But I also had to prepay this institution

that I was volunteering with $6.000. (laughs)

Luckily, times have changed,

and now you can just go to these kind of websites,

and you can have accommodation and everything for free.

And you don't have to pay a fee.

See, this is how much times have changed already. (laughs)

Volunteering is genius, because during your free time,

make the most of it, and go and take beautiful photos,

video yourself in these destinations,

if you wanna become a travel influencer.

Talk about the area you are in,

talk about your volunteering journey,

inspire others to do exactly what you are doing.

This is another way of how you can learn

to make money online.

How to become a public figure.

This is all part of the process.

Once you're on your adventure, you just have to make sure

that the money lasts as long as possible.

So, I would take three months off,

but I wasn't living extravagantly at all. (laughs)

I was a minimalist, so I took very little baggage with me,

meaning that I also couldn't buy extra things

when I was overseas, because it wouldn't fit in my bag.

Cheap accommodation, cheap transport, cheap food.

There are so many hacks to travel cheap.

When you're younger, traveling on the cheap is so much fun,

because it's all about meeting people, exploring,

the world is so exciting, everywhere you look,

it's just mmm!

It's awesome.

So doing travel extremely cheap

is not something to shy away from.

It's really fun.

Now, would I want to stay in hostels all the time,

and eat two minute noodles all the time?


But that's just because I'm in a different life stage.

Ain't nothing wrong with that,

I like a little bit of luxury.

You know what I'm saying'

To summarize though, if you're brand new to travel,

and you don't know how to do this,

and you want to do this more, it's a skill.

I can now almost travel with my eyes closed.

It's so second nature to me.

But when you're first learning, it is overwhelming,

and you're gonna get really.

Emotions, scared, everything.

Everything's gonna run through your mind,

you're gonna think you're not able to do it.

It's so much easier than you think.

So just start.

Secondly, how I make money as an influencer.

This is what you can look forward to

if you go down the path of becoming an influencer.

Brand deals, semi-earned trips around the world.

Like the Iceland trips that I put on.

Sell courses, ebooks, prints online.

I sell mentorship in my area of expertise.

Sell photography, videography skills,

and if you want to get extra insights

on how to get paid as an influencer,

if you're just starting, here is the video for that.

I hope you guys enjoyed this video,

make sure you like, hit subscribe.

Like, hit, hit? (laughs)

Make sure you like, hit the bell, subscribe,

and I look forward to seeing you guys next time.

Peace out.

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How To Afford a Life of Non-Stop Travel (Even if You're Broke AF) |||||||||||||очень бедный Ways to|Method for|Manage to fund|a life of|||Continuous||Continuous exploration|||||as fuck Como|para|Arcar com|uma|||sem|||até mesmo|||| ||sich leisten|||||||||||as f 어떻게 하면||감당하다||삶|||||심지어 ~도||네가|빈털터리인|존나 가난한 Come||||||||||||| |||||||||||||بشكل مفرط どのように||||||||||||| Cómo||||||||||||| كيفية تحمل حياة السفر بدون توقف (حتى لو كنت معطلاً AF) Wie man sich ein Leben mit Non-Stop-Reisen leisten kann (auch wenn man pleite ist) How To Afford a Life of Non-Stop Travel (Even if You're Broke AF) Cómo permitirse viajar sin parar (aunque estés arruinado) Comment s'offrir une vie de voyage non-stop (même si vous êtes fauché) Come permettersi una vita di viaggi senza sosta (anche se si è al verde) 旅行三昧の生活を送るには(たとえお金がなくても)。 부자가 아니더라도 논스톱 여행의 삶을 누리는 방법(부자가 아니더라도) Kaip įpirkti gyvenimą be sustojimo (net jei esate be pinigų) Hoe je je een leven van non-stop reizen kunt veroorloven (zelfs als je blut bent) Jak pozwolić sobie na nieprzerwane podróżowanie (nawet jeśli jesteś spłukany)? Como ter uma vida de viagens ininterruptas (mesmo se estiver falido) Как позволить себе жизнь беспрерывных путешествий (даже если у вас разорено) Hur man får råd med ett liv av non-stop resor (även om du är pank AF) Durmaksızın Seyahat Edilen Bir Hayatı Nasıl Karşılayabilirsiniz (Beş Parasız Olsanız Bile) Як дозволити собі життя в безперервних подорожах (навіть якщо у вас немає грошей) Làm thế nào để đủ khả năng cho một cuộc sống du lịch không ngừng nghỉ (Ngay cả khi bạn bị phá vỡ AF) 如何承担不间断旅行的生活(即使你已经破产了) 如何负担得起不间断旅行的生活(即使你已经破产了) 如何过上马不停蹄的旅行生活(即使你一贫如洗)

(clears throat) räuspert sich|Hals |Clears throat sound (räuspert sich) (прочищает горло) (boğazı temizler) ( hắng giọng )

- I am digging my set up, if I may say so. (laughs) ||настраиваю||||||||| ||enjoying||||||||| ||preparando||||||||| ||設置||||||||| ||Ich mag|||||||||lacht (1) |있어요|내 세팅이 마음에 들어||||||||| ||apprezzando||||||||| ||أحب إعدادتي||||||||| ||Мені подобається||||||||| ||掘っている||||||||| - أنا أحفر إعدادي، إذا جاز لي أن أقول ذلك. (يضحك) - Ich grabe mein Setup, wenn ich so sagen darf. (lacht) - I am digging my set up, if I may say so. (laughs) - J'aime bien mon installation, si je puis dire. (rires) - 自分で言うのもなんだけど、自分のセットアップを掘っているんだ。(笑)。 - Мне нравится моя обстановка, если можно так сказать. (смеется) - Söyleyebilirsem, düzenimi kazıyorum. (güler) - Tôi đang đào thiết lập của mình, nếu tôi có thể nói như vậy. (cười) - 如果我可以这么说的话,我正在挖掘我的设置。 (笑)

It's currently the beginning of April, and so far this year, |derzeit||||||||| نحن حاليًا في بداية شهر أبريل، وحتى الآن هذا العام، Es ist derzeit Anfang April und bis jetzt in diesem Jahr It's currently the beginning of April, and so far this year, 現在、4月の初め、 Şu anda Nisan'ın başı ve şimdiye kadar bu yıl, 现在是四月初,今年到目前为止,

I have spent two weeks in Australia, لقد قضيت أسبوعين في أستراليا، オーストラリアで2週間過ごした、 我在澳大利亚呆了两个星期,

campervanned in Iceland in winter, doing the entire на автодоме||||||| traveled by campervan||||||| de motorhome|||||||toda a im Wohnmobil||||||| 겨울 아이슬란드 캠핑|||||하는 것|| با ون کمپینگ||||||| سافرت في ع||أيسلندا||||| подорожували фургоном||||||| 冬のアイスランドでキャンピングカー||||||| viajé en caravana||||||| العربة في أيسلندا في الشتاء، وتقوم بكل شيء Im Winter in Island mit dem Wohnmobil unterwegs, alles dabei 冬のアイスランドをキャンピングカーで走り回った。 Kışın İzlanda'da karavanla, tüm 冬天在冰岛露营,完成整个

Ring Road and the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. ||||полуостров С| ||||Snaefellsnes Peninsula| ||||Snaefellsnes-Halbinsel| 순환 도로|도로|||스나이펠스네스 반도|스나이펠스네스 반도 ||||ساحل اسن| ||||شبه جزيرة س| ||||スナイフェル| الطريق الدائري وشبه جزيرة Snaefellsnes. Ringstraße und die Halbinsel Snaefellsnes. 環状道路とスネフェルネス半島。 Çevre Yolu ve Snaefellsnes Yarımadası. 环路和斯奈山半岛。

Went snowboarding in France. |التزلج على الج|| |Snowboard fahren|| 갔다|프랑스에서 스노보드 탔어요.|| |スノーボード|| |riding a snowboard|| ذهب للتزلج على الجليد في فرنسا. Fransa'da snowboard yapmaya gitti.

I think I might have fractured my tailbone, |||||broken or cracked||coccyx |||||fraturado||cóccix |||||Ich glaube, ich habe mir das Steißbein gebrochen.||Steißbein |||||골절된 것 같아요||꼬리뼈 |||||كسرت||عظمة الذنب |||||||kostrč |||||骨折した||尾骨 أعتقد أنني قد كسرت عظم الذنب، Ich glaube, ich könnte mein Steißbein gebrochen haben, Kuyruk kemiğimi kırmış olabilirim. Tôi nghĩ tôi có thể đã bị gãy xương cụt, 我想我的尾骨可能骨折了

because sitting still hurts and it's two months ago. 왜냐하면|||||||| لأن الجلوس ما زال يؤلم وقد مضى عليه شهرين. denn das Sitzen tut immer noch weh und es ist zwei Monate her. というのも、まだ座っていると痛いし、もう2カ月も前のことだからだ。 çünkü oturmak hala acıyor ve aradan iki ay geçti.

Went to Belgium. 갔다|| ذهبت إلى بلجيكا. Belçika'ya gitti.

Had a two week holiday with my mum in Latvia. |||||||||لاتفيا قضيت عطلة لمدة أسبوعين مع أمي في لاتفيا. Annemle Letonya'da iki haftalık bir tatil geçirdim.

Fell in love with Estonia. ||||إستونيا وقعت في حب إستونيا. Estonya'ya aşık oldum.

Took a day ferry to Helsinki, Finland. |||||Хельсинки| |||عبّارة||هلسنكي| |||||Helsinki, Finland| |||ferry de dia||| أخذت عبارة يومية إلى هلسنكي، فنلندا. Nahm eine Tagesfähre nach Helsinki, Finnland. Helsinki, Finlandiya'ya bir günlük feribot aldı.

Went to Lithuania. ||ليتوانيا ذهبت إلى ليتوانيا. Litvanya'ya gitti.

Did a photography experience tour in Iceland, ||写真体験ツア|||| قمت بجولة تجربة التصوير الفوتوغرافي في أيسلندا، Habe eine Fotoerlebnistour in Island gemacht, İzlanda'da bir fotoğraf deneyimi turu yaptı,

my first one ever. أول واحد لي على الإطلاق. 私の初めての一本。 benim ilkim.

Back to Dinka, as it's currently my base, ||Динка||||| ||zurück nach Dinka||||| ||دينكا||||| ||Dinka language base||||| بالعودة إلى الدينكا، فهي قاعدتي حاليًا، Zurück zu Dinka, da es derzeit meine Basis ist, ディンカに戻るよ、現在僕のベースだからね、 Şu anda benim üssüm olduğu için Dinka'ya geri dönelim,

because I'm building an online course. というのも、私はオンラインコースを作っているからだ。 çünkü çevrimiçi bir kurs yapıyorum.

More information on that soon. 詳細は近日中に。 Yakında bununla ilgili daha fazla bilgi.

Spent a week with my family in Poland. |||||||بولندا Polonya'da ailemle bir hafta geçirdim.

Two days ago I booked a trip to Bali for 10 days. ||||||||Indonesian island|| İki gün önce 10 günlüğüne Bali'ye bir gezi rezervasyonu yaptım.

And after Bali, I predict I'll be solo caravanning ||||vorhersagen|||| ||بالي|||||بمفردي|التخييم بالسي ||||||||traveling with caravan ||||||||キャラバン旅行 ||||prevejo||||viajando de car Und nach Bali werde ich wohl allein mit dem Wohnwagen unterwegs sein. Ve Bali'den sonra tek başıma karavancılık yapacağımı tahmin ediyorum

on the east coast of Australia. Avustralya'nın doğu kıyısında.

It's pretty good. Oldukça iyi.

We live in the best time possible Wir leben in der bestmöglichen Zeit Mümkün olan en iyi zamanda yaşıyoruz

for accessibility of the world. |Zugänglichkeit der Welt||| |الوصولية||| |アクセシビリティ||| |accessibility of||| dünyanın erişilebilirliği için.

Flights are incredibly cheap, there's endless information 航空券は信じられないほど安く、情報は無限にある。 Uçuşlar inanılmaz ucuz, sonsuz bilgi var

on how to travel depending on your interests, あなたの興味に応じた旅の仕方について、 ilgi alanlarınıza bağlı olarak nasıl seyahat edeceğiniz konusunda,

your budget, and so forth. あなたの|||| 予算とかね。 bütçeniz vb.

Perfect photo destinations are revealed to you Mükemmel fotoğraf hedefleri size gösterilir

within one click of an Instagram search. Bir Instagram aramasının tek bir tıklamasıyla.

The world is very open, but you're probably sitting 世界はとても開かれているが、あなたはおそらく座っている。 Dünya çok açık, ama muhtemelen oturuyorsun

on the other side of this video thinking, "But how? しかし、どうやって? bu videonun diğer tarafında, "Ama nasıl?

"You're an influencer, it must be super easy for you. ||||||super einfach||| ||trendsetter||||||| 「あなたはインフルエンサーなんだから、すごく簡単なことに違いない。 "Sen bir etkileyicisin, senin için çok kolay olmalı.

"I could never do this, is this even possible?" "私には絶対にできない、こんなことが可能なのか?" "Bunu asla yapamam, bu mümkün mü?"

Well, believe it or not, Nun,|||| まあ、信じられないかもしれないが、 İster inan ister inanma,

I wasn't always a travel influencer. |||||travel content creator 私はもともとトラベル・インフルエンサーではなかった。 Her zaman bir seyahat etkileyicisi değildim.

I actually started travelling the world by myself, Aslında dünyayı tek başıma gezmeye başladım,

solo, at the age of 18, and basically every single year ソロ、18歳、基本的に毎年 yalnız, 18 yaşında ve temelde her yıl

since I was 18, I've taken two to three months off, 18歳のときから2~3カ月は休んでいる、 18 yaşımdan beri 2-3 ay izin aldım,

traveled the world. dünyayı gezdi.

No one paid me for it, I did it out of my own money. 誰もお金を出してくれなかった。 Kimse bana para vermedi, ben kendi paramdan yaptım.

So, in this video, I'm going to be covering ||||||||behandeln In diesem Video werde ich also Folgendes behandeln というわけで、このビデオでは次のことを取り上げる。 Yani, bu videoda, ben

how I used to travel the world before I was an influencer. wie ich um die Welt gereist bin, bevor ich Influencerin wurde. インフルエンサーになる前は、世界中を旅していた。 Etkileyici olmadan önce dünyayı nasıl gezerdim.

And then how I get paid as an influencer these days. Und dann, wie ich heutzutage als Influencer bezahlt werde. そして、最近のインフルエンサーとしての報酬のもらい方。 Ve sonra bugünlerde bir influencer olarak nasıl ödeme aldığımı.

And on that note, one of the ways |||a esse respeito|||| Und in diesem Sinne, einer der Wege Ve bu notta, yollardan biri

that an influencer gets paid, is through brand sponsorships. ||||||||رعاية العلامات التجارية ||||||||brand sponsorships ||||||||ブランドスポンサーシップ |||||||patrocínios de| Influencer'ın ödeme alması, marka sponsorlukları aracılığıyla olur.

So, therefore, I would like to thank Squarespace |||||||Squarespace |portanto||||||Squarespace Bu nedenle, Squarespace'e teşekkür etmek istiyorum.

for sponsoring this video. |رعاية|| |patrocinando este|| bu videoya sponsor olduğunuz için

Whether you need a domain website, or an online store, ||||ドメイン||||| ドメインのウェブサイトが必要な場合も、オンラインストアが必要な場合も、 Bir etki alanı web sitesine veya çevrimiçi bir mağazaya ihtiyacınız olsun,

do it with Squarespace. Squarespaceでやってみましょう。 Squarespace ile yapın.

I've been a happy customer of Squarespace for years now. ||||||Squarespace||| Yıllardır Squarespace'in mutlu bir müşterisiyim.

Not only do they have beautiful designer templates, |||||||Vorlagen |||||||templates Sadece güzel tasarımcı şablonlarına sahip olmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda

they are also an all-in-one platform. aynı zamanda hepsi bir arada bir platformdur.

There's nothing to install, patch, or upgrade, ever. ||||aktualisieren||| Es gibt nie etwas zu installieren, zu patchen oder zu aktualisieren. Asla kurulacak, yamalanacak veya yükseltilecek bir şey yok.

Alongside award winning 24/7 customer service, it's never junto com|prêmio||||| Neben dem preisgekrönten 24/7-Kundenservice ist dies nie der Fall 受賞歴のある年中無休24時間体制のカスタマーサービスと並んで、このようなサービスは決してありません。 Ödüllü 7/24 müşteri hizmetinin yanı sıra, asla

been easier to keep track of your worldwide adventures. ||||||||مغامراتك العالمية |||||||mundiais| dünya çapındaki maceralarınızı takip etmek daha kolay oldu.

Check out Squarespace.com for a free trial, ||Squarespace||||| Besuchen Sie Squarespace.com für eine kostenlose Testversion, Ücretsiz deneme için Squarespace.com'a göz atın,

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How to travel the world when you are working 働きながら世界を旅する方法 Çalışırken dünyayı nasıl gezersiniz?

in probably, a crappy job. |||beschissen| |||سيئة| |||ひどい| |||ruim| |||poor quality| in wahrscheinlich einem beschissenen Job. おそらく、くだらない仕事だ。 muhtemelen, berbat bir iş.

It is so much easier than you think. Düşündüğünden çok daha kolay.

It's even easier these days, Bu günlerde daha da kolay,

it was harder when I was doing it. 私がやっていたときはもっと大変だった。 Ben yaparken daha zordu.

I did this by working incredibly hard for a period of time, 私はある期間、信じられないほどハードに働いた、 Bunu bir süre inanılmaz derecede sıkı çalışarak yaptım,

and then taking huge chunks of time off. ||||große Zeiträume||| ||||large portions||| ||||まとまった||| ||||grandes períodos||| そしてまとまった休みを取る。 ve sonra büyük miktarda zaman ayırarak.

I would also save extra money by avoiding buying |||||||تجنب| Ayrıca satın almaktan kaçınarak ekstra para biriktirirdim

the latest and greatest things, or the fast fashion ||||||||الموضة

that I didn't need, or even getting a haircut. die ich nicht brauchte, oder sogar einen Haarschnitt bekommen. ihtiyacım yoktu, hatta saçımı kestirdim.

I was a tight ass. Ich war ein enger Arsch. Sıkı bir kıçımdı.

I wanted to make sure that I was gonna be ということを確認したかったんだ。 olacağımdan emin olmak istedim.

on that plane as soon as possible. in diesem Flugzeug so schnell wie möglich. 一刻も早くあの飛行機に乗るんだ。 en kısa sürede o uçakta.

And if I had to look bad for awhile, I mean, ||||||||بعض الوقت|| ||||||||por um tempo|| そして、もし私がしばらくの間、悪い顔をしなければならないとしたら、つまり、そういうことだ、 Ve bir süre kötü görünmem gerekirse, yani,

I was working in a bar, so I really didn't mind. Ich arbeitete in einer Bar, also machte es mir wirklich nichts aus. 私はバーで働いていたので、本当に気にしなかった。 Bir barda çalışıyordum, bu yüzden gerçekten aldırmadım.

Unless you're working for tips, Es sei denn, Sie arbeiten für Trinkgelder, İpuçları için çalışmıyorsan,

then maybe a haircut is a good idea. (laughs) |||corte de cabelo||||| o zaman belki bir saç kesimi iyi bir fikirdir. (güler)

Also, because I'm Australian, Da ich Australier bin, Ayrıca Avustralyalı olduğum için,

I had to really commit to travel, ||||sich verpflichten|| ||||comprometer-me|| Ich musste mich wirklich zum Reisen verpflichten, Seyahat etmeyi gerçekten taahhüt etmem gerekiyordu,

because taking a one week trip as an Australian weil ich als Australier eine einwöchige Reise mache çünkü bir Avustralyalı olarak bir haftalık seyahate çıkmak

just didn't make sense, hat einfach keinen Sinn gemacht, sadece mantıklı değildi,

because we're very isolated out there. çünkü orada çok izole durumdayız. тому що ми там дуже ізольовані.

Flights out of Australia are expensive. Avustralya'dan uçuşlar pahalıdır.

♪ All by myself ♪ ♪ Tek başıma ♪

But if you don't live in Australia, or in an isolated place, Ama Avustralya'da ya da izole bir yerde yaşamıyorsanız,

it's probably way easier for you to just take a week here, muhtemelen burada bir hafta geçirmek senin için çok daha kolay,

a week there, 'cause I'd say that cheaps (laughs) |||||||дешевки| a single|||||||saves money| |||||||الأرخص| orada bir hafta, çünkü bunun ucuz olduğunu söyleyebilirim (gülüyor)

cheaps, Billigware, Inexpensive items barato ucuzlar,

I'd say that cheap flights are very accessible to you. Ucuz uçuşların sizin için çok erişilebilir olduğunu söyleyebilirim.

Just go to momondo.com, and see where it takes you. |||momondo||||||| |||momondo||||||| |||موموندو||||||| |||travel search engine||||||| momondo.comにアクセスして、どこに連れて行かれるか見てみてください。 momondo.com'a git ve seni nereye götürdüğünü gör.

Type in your local airport, and then tour everywhere, 最寄りの空港を入力し、あちこちを巡る、 Yerel havaalanınızı yazın ve ardından her yeri turlayın,

and see what the cheapest flights come up as. ve en ucuz uçuşların ne olduğunu görün.

I also ensured that the jobs I was choosing were very easy ||sicherstellen||||||||| ||تأكدت من||||||||| ||garanti||||||||| Ayrıca seçtiğim işlerin çok kolay olmasını sağladım.

for me to quit, or put on hold for a little while. |||||||suspender|||| bırakmam ya da bir süreliğine beklemeye almam için.

And these are the jobs that I chose. Ve bunlar benim seçtiğim işler.

(playful music) مرحة| lighthearted| (eğlenceli müzik)

- Dan? - Oh, hi! -Dan? - A merhaba!

- Hi, thanks for the invite. - Hallo, danke für die Einladung.

- Oh, my pleasure, enjoy. - Oh, gerne. Viel Spaß.

(bright music) alegre|

- I was a bartender for quite a long time, |||barman||||| |||Ich war lange Barkeeper.||||| |||نادل||||| - Uzun süre barmenlik yaptım,

and I absolutely love this strategy, ve bu stratejiyi kesinlikle seviyorum,

because it is so easy for you to save a good chunk of money, |||||||||||جزء كبير|| |||||||||||large portion|| |||||||||||uma boa parte|| çünkü iyi bir miktar para biriktirmek sizin için çok kolay,

and then go abroad, come back, and then get your job back. |||para o exterior|||||||| sonra yurtdışına git, geri gel ve sonra işini geri al.

Two notes on that. Zwei Anmerkungen dazu. それに関して2つ注意点がある。 Bununla ilgili iki not.

You have to work extremely hard, so that when you come back, Son derece sıkı çalışmanız gerekiyor, böylece geri döndüğünüzde,

it's really easy for your boss to take you back. patronunun seni geri alması gerçekten çok kolay.

And if there's a danger that if they might not take you back そして、もし彼らがあなたを連れ戻さないかもしれないという危険性があるのなら......。 Ve eğer seni geri alamayacakları bir tehlike varsa

at that place, make sure you get a reference. ||||||||Empfehlungsschreiben その場所では、必ず推薦状をもらうこと。 o yerde, bir referans aldığınızdan emin olun.

Actually, always get a reference, because it's always 実際、常にリファレンスが必要だ。 Aslında, her zaman bir referans alın, çünkü her zaman

easier for you to get a future job in a different place. gelecekte başka bir yerde iş bulmanız daha kolay.

When I was bartending, I also started the process |||als Barkeeper arbeiten||||| |||عمل النادل||||| |||バーテンダーとして||||| |||trabajando de barman||||| |||mixing drinks||||| Barmenlik yaparken ben de süreci başlattım

of learning how to freelance work. ||||na volné noze| ||||العمل الحر| ||||フリーランスの| serbest çalışmayı öğrenmek.

So, with my photography, with my videography, ||||||video production ||||||تصوير الفيديو ||||||ビデオ撮影 Yani, fotoğrafçılığımla, videografimle,

camp out your skills that you have. Camp deine Fähigkeiten, die du hast. sahip olduğunuz becerilerinizi ortaya çıkarın.

Make that money, honey. Verdiene das Geld, Schatz. O parayı kazan, tatlım.

Freelance is gonna be your best friend. フリーランス|||||| Serbest çalışan senin en iyi arkadaşın olacak.

And lastly, this is the greatest thing, Ve son olarak, bu en büyük şey,

when I was bartending, |||za barem バーテンダーをしていたときのことだ、 Ben barmenlik yaparken,

I learnt the art of making money online. |تعلمت|||||| |aprendi|||||| Ich habe die Kunst gelernt, online Geld zu verdienen. 私はオンラインでお金を稼ぐ術を学んだ。 İnternetten para kazanma sanatını öğrendim.

You are the only one responsible for learning this skill, この技術を習得する責任は、あなた自身にしかない、 Bu beceriyi öğrenmekten sorumlu olan tek kişi sensin,

and honestly, if you are planning on going into 正直なところ、もしあなたがこの業界に入ろうと考えているのなら ve dürüst olmak gerekirse, girmeyi planlıyorsanız

a nine to five normal job, 9時から5時までの普通の仕事、 dokuz ila beş normal bir iş,

try to think differently about that, それについては、別の考え方をするようにしよう、 bu konuda farklı düşünmeye çalışın,

because that is a very old school way of working, denn das ist eine sehr alte Art zu arbeiten, なぜなら、それはとても古い仕事のやり方だからだ、 çünkü bu çok eski bir çalışma şeklidir,

and you're not a slave, you're a human being. ||||عبد|||| ||||slave|||| 君は奴隷ではなく、人間なんだ。 ve sen köle değilsin, sen bir insansın.

Ahem, unless you like your job, هممم||||| clearing throat||||| Ahem, işini sevmiyorsan,

then continue on your merry way. ||||المبهجة| ||||happy| ||||alegre| dann geh deinen fröhlichen Weg weiter. そして、陽気な道を進みなさい。 sonra mutlu yolunuza devam edin.

And also these results are mine, this is just examples, Ayrıca bu sonuçlar benim, bu sadece örnekler,

I'm not promising anyone anything. Ich verspreche niemandem etwas. Kimseye bir şey vaat etmiyorum.

Just thought I'd mention. |||nur erwähnen Ich dachte nur, ich erwähne es. Sadece bahsetmeyi düşündüm.

I took the full responsibility Ich habe die volle Verantwortung übernommen tüm sorumluluğu ben aldım

of learning how to make money online. internetten nasıl para kazanılacağını öğrenmek.

I wanted to make sure that I was working on my own terms. ||||||||||||terms Ich wollte sicherstellen, dass ich zu meinen eigenen Bedingungen arbeite. 自分のペースで仕事をしたかった。 Kendi şartlarıma göre çalıştığımdan emin olmak istedim.

If you wanna become a lawyer, a doctor, or so forth, ||||||||||und so weiter Wenn Sie Anwalt, Arzt oder so weiter werden wollen, Eğer avukat, doktor veya benzeri olmak istiyorsanız,

obviously, it's a little bit harder, offensichtlich||||| offensichtlich ist es etwas schwieriger, Açıkçası, biraz daha zor,

because you're gonna have to have a full time, steady job. |||||||||stálý| |||||||||fest| |||||||||stable| |||||||||estável| çünkü tam zamanlı, düzenli bir işin olmalı.

But for me, that was not really of interest to me. Ama benim için, bu beni gerçekten ilgilendirmiyordu.

I just wanted to make sure that I had my own time, Sadece kendi zamanım olduğundan emin olmak istedim.

I could do whatever I want, whenever I wanted, İstediğim zaman, istediğim her şeyi yapabilirdim,

and I could still be making money even when I was sleeping. ve uyurken bile hala para kazanıyor olabilirim.

This was a very long process for me to master Bu ustalaşmak benim için çok uzun bir süreçti.

how to make money online, internetten nasıl para kazanılır,

so I'm not even gonna go into it, but start learning now. bu yüzden içine girmeyeceğim bile, ama şimdi öğrenmeye başla.

The sooner the better. Just give it some time. Ne kadar erken o kadar iyi. Sadece biraz zaman ver.

While you're bartending, you can still be take time off Barmenlik yaparken, yine de izin alabilirsin.

and still be learning these skills, and then perfect it. ve hala bu becerileri öğreniyor ve sonra onu mükemmelleştiriyor.

And one day, even if it takes you to 25 or 30, そしていつか、たとえ25歳になっても30歳になっても、 Ve bir gün, seni 25 ya da 30'a götürse bile,

at least after 30, the world is yours. ||||||لك ||después de|||| en azından 30'dan sonra dünya senindir.

You never have to get a job again. Bir daha asla iş bulmak zorunda değilsin.

That's a lot of time that you have to live life Hayatı yaşamak için çok fazla zaman var

exactly how you want to be living. tam olarak nasıl yaşamak istiyorsun.

Another way to afford to travel when you are working 仕事をしながら旅行するもう一つの方法 Çalışırken seyahat etmenin başka bir yolu

in a bar, for example, is you go volunteering. 例えば、バーでボランティアをする。 örneğin bir barda gönüllü olarak mı gidiyorsunuz?

When I was 18, bla bla bla. |||||bla bla bla |||كلام فارغ|| |||and so on|| 18 yaşımdayken, bla bla bla.

When I was 18, I worked as a volunteer in Canada for a year. |||||||متطوع||||| 18 yaşındayken Kanada'da bir yıl gönüllü olarak çalıştım.

But I also had to prepay this institution |||||pay in advance|| |||||أدفع مسبق|| |||||前払いする||機関 |||||pagar antecipadamente|| Ama aynı zamanda bu kuruma ön ödeme yapmak zorunda kaldım.

that I was volunteering with $6.000. (laughs) 6.000 dolarla gönüllü olarak çalıştığımı. (güler)

Luckily, times have changed, Neyse ki, zaman değişti,

and now you can just go to these kind of websites, ve şimdi bu tür web sitelerine gidebilirsiniz,

and you can have accommodation and everything for free. ||||宿泊施設|||| ve konaklama ve her şeye ücretsiz sahip olabilirsiniz.

And you don't have to pay a fee. |||||||taxa Ve bir ücret ödemenize gerek yok.

See, this is how much times have changed already. (laughs) Bak, bu zaten ne kadar çok zaman değişti. (güler)

Volunteering is genius, because during your free time, Volunteering||brilliant idea||||| ボランティア活動||天才的||||| Gönüllülük dahidir, çünkü boş zamanlarınızda,

make the most of it, and go and take beautiful photos, en iyi şekilde yararlanın ve gidin ve güzel fotoğraflar çekin,

video yourself in these destinations, bu destinasyonlarda kendinizi videoya çekin,

if you wanna become a travel influencer. Eğer bir seyahat etkileyicisi olmak istiyorsanız.

Talk about the area you are in, Bulunduğunuz alan hakkında konuşun,

talk about your volunteering journey, gönüllülük yolculuğunuz hakkında konuşun,

inspire others to do exactly what you are doing. başkalarına tam olarak yaptığınız şeyi yapmaları için ilham verin.

This is another way of how you can learn

to make money online.

How to become a public figure. Nasıl halk figürü olunur.

This is all part of the process. Bunların hepsi sürecin bir parçası.

Once you're on your adventure, you just have to make sure Bir kez maceraya atıldığında, sadece emin olmalısın.

that the money lasts as long as possible. |||تدوم|||| dass das Geld möglichst lange reicht. paranın mümkün olduğu kadar uzun sürmesi.

So, I would take three months off, Yani, üç ay izin alırdım,

but I wasn't living extravagantly at all. (laughs) ||||lavishly||| ||||بشكل مبالغ فيه||| ||||贅沢に||| ama hiç de abartılı yaşamıyordum. (güler)

I was a minimalist, so I took very little baggage with me, |||minimalist|||||||| |||ミニマリスト|||||||| Minimalisttim, bu yüzden yanıma çok az bagaj aldım,

meaning that I also couldn't buy extra things significado (1)||||||| yani fazladan şeyler de satın alamam

when I was overseas, because it wouldn't fit in my bag. |||no exterior||||||| Yurtdışındayken çantama sığmadığı için.

Cheap accommodation, cheap transport, cheap food. Ucuz konaklama, ucuz ulaşım, ucuz yemek.

There are so many hacks to travel cheap. ||||裏技||| Ucuz seyahat etmek için çok fazla hile var.

When you're younger, traveling on the cheap is so much fun, Daha gençken ucuza seyahat etmek çok eğlencelidir,

because it's all about meeting people, exploring, çünkü her şey insanlarla tanışmak, keşfetmek,

the world is so exciting, everywhere you look, dünya çok heyecan verici, nereye bakarsanız bakın,

it's just mmm! sadece mmm!

It's awesome. Es ist toll. Bu harika.

So doing travel extremely cheap So reisen Sie extrem günstig だから激安旅行ができる Yani seyahat etmek son derece ucuz

is not something to shy away from. ||||shy away|| ||||evitar|| ist nichts, wovor man sich scheuen muss. no es algo de lo que rehuir. は尻込みするものではない。 utanılacak bir şey değildir.

It's really fun. Gerçekten eğlenceli.

Now, would I want to stay in hostels all the time, |||||||ホステル||| Würde ich jetzt die ganze Zeit in Hostels bleiben wollen, Şimdi, her zaman pansiyonlarda kalmak ister miydim,

and eat two minute noodles all the time? und die ganze Zeit Zwei-Minuten-Nudeln essen? ve her zaman iki dakikalık erişte yemek?


But that's just because I'm in a different life stage. Ama bu sadece farklı bir yaşam evresinde olduğum için.

Ain't nothing wrong with that, No hay nada|||| Daran ist nichts auszusetzen, Bunda yanlış bir şey yok.

I like a little bit of luxury. Biraz lüksü severim.

You know what I'm saying' Ne söylediğimi biliyorsun'

To summarize though, if you're brand new to travel, |||||совершенно||| Özetlemek gerekirse, seyahat etmeye yeni başladıysanız,

and you don't know how to do this, ve bunu nasıl yapacağını bilmiyorsun,

and you want to do this more, it's a skill. und Sie möchten dies mehr tun, es ist eine Fähigkeit. ve bunu daha fazlasını yapmak istiyorsanız, bu bir beceridir.

I can now almost travel with my eyes closed. Artık neredeyse gözlerim kapalı seyahat edebiliyorum.

It's so second nature to me. Bu benim için çok doğal.

But when you're first learning, it is overwhelming, |||||||intimidating Ama ilk öğrendiğinde, bu çok zor,

and you're gonna get really. ve gerçekten alacaksın.

Emotions, scared, everything. Emotionen, Angst, alles. Duygular, korku, her şey.

Everything's gonna run through your mind, Alles wird dir durch den Kopf gehen, Aklından her şey geçecek,

you're gonna think you're not able to do it. yapamayacağını düşüneceksin.

It's so much easier than you think. Düşündüğünden çok daha kolay.

So just start. Öyleyse başla.

Secondly, how I make money as an influencer. İkincisi, bir influencer olarak nasıl para kazanıyorum.

This is what you can look forward to dört gözle bekleyebileceğin şey bu

if you go down the path of becoming an influencer. etkileyici olma yolunda ilerlerseniz.

Brand deals, semi-earned trips around the world. ||partially||||| Markendeals, halbverdiente Reisen um die Welt. Marka anlaşmaları, dünya çapında yarı kazanılmış geziler.

Like the Iceland trips that I put on. Como los viajes a Islandia que hice. Yaptığım İzlanda gezileri gibi.

Sell courses, ebooks, prints online. Verkaufen Sie Kurse, E-Books, Drucke online. Çevrimiçi kurslar, e-kitaplar, baskılar satın.

I sell mentorship in my area of expertise. ||Guidance and support|||||expertise area ||الإرشاد الشخصي||||| ||メンターシップ|||||専門知識 Uzmanlık alanımda mentorluk satıyorum.

Sell photography, videography skills, Fotoğraf, videografi becerileri satmak,

and if you want to get extra insights ||||||additional|information |||||||informações adicionais ve daha fazla bilgi edinmek istiyorsanız

on how to get paid as an influencer, Etkileyici olarak nasıl ödeme alınacağına dair,

if you're just starting, here is the video for that. Yeni başlıyorsanız, bunun için video burada.

I hope you guys enjoyed this video, Ich|||||| Ich hoffe euch hat dieses Video gefallen, Umarım bu videoyu beğenmişsinizdir,

make sure you like, hit subscribe. beğendiğinizden emin olun, abone ol.

Like, hit, hit? (laughs) ||bateu (2)| Wie, schlagen, schlagen? (lacht) Vurmak, vurmak gibi mi? (güler)

Make sure you like, hit the bell, subscribe, 確認する||||||| Beğendiğinizden emin olun, zile basın, abone olun,

and I look forward to seeing you guys next time. ve bir dahaki sefere sizi görmeyi dört gözle bekliyorum.

Peace out. Entspann dich. Barış dışarı.