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The School of Life, The Appeal of Lonely Places

The Appeal of Lonely Places

When we imagine where in the world we'd be happiest, we're often prompted to imagine

places filled with people; a cosy home with family, a party with friends, a busy office

or bar, well-lit streets teaming with cheerful faces… But defining happy places in these

terms misses out what can be the deep appeal of far less publicised and distinguished sorts

of environment: locations that are starkly downbeat, empty, melancholic, architecturally

compromised and isolated – but where we nevertheless experience a deep pull, coming

to feel, perhaps, that we belong here far more than in the gaiety, elegance and colour

of familiar vistas. We may have an instinctive sense that we are true natives of the isolated

motorway diner at 11pm. Or of the open road, under a boundless sky in which a billion stars

are starting to appear. Or of dusk at the container port – or of night under the shadow

of vast electricity pylons marching across the landscape to an unknown city whose eerie

orange aura glows over the hills. In these lonely, isolated places, we have an opportunity

to meet with bits of ourselves with which the routines of daily life don't allow us

to commune. We are keeping an appointment with a disavowed side of our characters, and

can have internal conversations of a sort that are drowned out by the normal chatter,

the smiling and the casual enquiries of our regular lives. We are recovering a sense of

who we are, turning over memories and plans, regrets and excitements – without any pressure

to be reassuring, purposeful or just (so-called) normal. The bleakness all around is a relief

from the false comforts of home. We don't have to pretend any longer. The environment

supports us in our wish to own up to a sadness we have had to hide from for too long. The

fellow outsiders we encounter in these lonely places seem closer to offering us the true

community we crave than the friends we should supposedly rely on. In their sad faces and

grief-stricken eyes, we recognise the most sincere, bruised bits of ourselves. They seem

like our true brothers and sisters – also unable to accommodate their characters within

the strictures of the ordinary world, outcasts and – in their own way – visionaries.

There can be something almost beautiful about the ugliest kinds of lonely places: plastified,

brightly lit, garish, cheap. The lack of domesticity, the pitiless illumination and anonymous furniture

offer an alternative to ordinary sentimentality and good taste. It may be easier to give way

to sadness here than in a cosy living room with wallpaper and framed photos.

If we are defined by the places where we feel ‘at home', some of these may have nothing

at all to do with homeliness as we presently conceive of the term; and yet they may comprise

our truest and best homes nevertheless.

Our wisdom display cards explore what it really means to be wise and how we can strive to become more enlightened in our everyday lives.

The Appeal of Lonely Places El atractivo de los lugares solitarios Il fascino dei luoghi solitari 孤独な場所の魅力 A atracção dos lugares solitários Привлекательность одиноких мест Issız Yerlerin Cazibesi 孤独之地的魅力

When we imagine where in the world we'd be happiest, we're often prompted to imagine

places filled with people; a cosy home with family, a party with friends, a busy office

or bar, well-lit streets teaming with cheerful faces… But defining happy places in these

terms misses out what can be the deep appeal of far less publicised and distinguished sorts Термины упускают из виду то, что может быть глубокой привлекательностью гораздо менее разрекламированных и выдающихся сортов.

of environment: locations that are starkly downbeat, empty, melancholic, architecturally

compromised and isolated – but where we nevertheless experience a deep pull, coming скомпрометированные и изолированные - но где мы, тем не менее, испытываем глубокую тягу, приходящую

to feel, perhaps, that we belong here far more than in the gaiety, elegance and colour

of familiar vistas. We may have an instinctive sense that we are true natives of the isolated знакомых пейзажей. У нас может быть инстинктивное чувство, что мы настоящие уроженцы изолированных мест.

motorway diner at 11pm. Or of the open road, under a boundless sky in which a billion stars закусочной на автостраде в 11 часов вечера. Или на открытой дороге, под бескрайним небом, в котором миллиард звезд.

are starting to appear. Or of dusk at the container port – or of night under the shadow начинают появляться. Или сумерки в контейнерном порту - или ночь под сенью

of vast electricity pylons marching across the landscape to an unknown city whose eerie огромные опоры электропередач, проходящие через весь ландшафт, к неизвестному городу, чьи жуткие

orange aura glows over the hills. In these lonely, isolated places, we have an opportunity

to meet with bits of ourselves with which the routines of daily life don't allow us

to commune. We are keeping an appointment with a disavowed side of our characters, and общаться. Мы договариваемся о встрече с отрекшейся стороной наших характеров, и

can have internal conversations of a sort that are drowned out by the normal chatter, могут вести своего рода внутренние разговоры, которые заглушаются обычной болтовней,

the smiling and the casual enquiries of our regular lives. We are recovering a sense of улыбки и случайные вопросы нашей обычной жизни. Мы восстанавливаем чувство

who we are, turning over memories and plans, regrets and excitements – without any pressure

to be reassuring, purposeful or just (so-called) normal. The bleakness all around is a relief

from the false comforts of home. We don't have to pretend any longer. The environment от ложных удобств дома. Нам больше не нужно притворяться. Окружающая среда

supports us in our wish to own up to a sadness we have had to hide from for too long. The поддерживает нас в нашем желании признаться в печали, которую мы слишком долго скрывали. Сайт

fellow outsiders we encounter in these lonely places seem closer to offering us the true чужаки, с которыми мы сталкиваемся в этих одиноких местах, кажутся ближе к тому, чтобы предложить нам истинный

community we crave than the friends we should supposedly rely on. In their sad faces and мы жаждем общества, а не друзей, на которых мы якобы должны полагаться. В их печальных лицах и

grief-stricken eyes, we recognise the most sincere, bruised bits of ourselves. They seem Мы узнаем самые искренние, израненные частички самих себя. Они кажутся

like our true brothers and sisters – also unable to accommodate their characters within

the strictures of the ordinary world, outcasts and – in their own way – visionaries. строгости обычного мира, изгои и - по-своему - провидцы.

There can be something almost beautiful about the ugliest kinds of lonely places: plastified, В самых уродливых видах одиноких мест может быть что-то почти прекрасное: пластилиновое,

brightly lit, garish, cheap. The lack of domesticity, the pitiless illumination and anonymous furniture ярко освещенные, аляповатые, дешевые. Отсутствие домашнего уюта, безжалостное освещение и безымянная мебель

offer an alternative to ordinary sentimentality and good taste. It may be easier to give way предлагают альтернативу обычной сентиментальности и хорошему вкусу. Возможно, проще уступить

to sadness here than in a cosy living room with wallpaper and framed photos.

If we are defined by the places where we feel ‘at home', some of these may have nothing Если мы определяем себя по местам, где мы чувствуем себя "как дома", то некоторые из них могут не иметь ничего общего с другими.

at all to do with homeliness as we presently conceive of the term; and yet they may comprise вообще не имеют отношения к домашнему уюту, как мы сейчас понимаем этот термин; и все же они могут включать в себя

our truest and best homes nevertheless. тем не менее, наши самые истинные и лучшие дома.

Our wisdom display cards explore what it really means to be wise and how we can strive to become more enlightened in our everyday lives.