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The Beatles, The End of Touring

The End of Touring

The tour continued, but it wasn't a happy time. Some newspapers in the United States were against the band now. For the first time, there were a few empty seats at some concerts. But it was still impossible to hear the music because of the screams. As George said, touring wasn't 'fun' now. Also, their lives were different. Only one Beatle - Paul - wasn't married. It was time to stop travelling.

At first, Paul wanted to tour more, but finally he agreed with the others. On 29 August 1966, they played at Candlestick Park in San Francisco. They played eleven songs, finishing with 'I'm Down'. It was the Beatles' last concert. The band faced a new question: what now? In his heart, John thought, 'This is the end, really.' For some time the Beatles all did different things:

George spent a few weeks in India.

Paul worked with George Martin on the music for a film, The Family Way. The music won an award.

John went to Spain to act in a film, How I Won the War. It wasn't a good film, and John wasn't a good actor. But he did come back wearing the famous small, round 'John Lennon glasses'! Ringo spent a few weeks in Spain with John, and he enjoyed time at home with his wife and child.

Back in the studio, the band felt more free. Now they didn't have to play any new songs on stage. They could do anything, and they did - with George Martin's help. The next songs were another big step into new musical areas. But they also looked back, as both John and Paul turned to their Liverpool past for 'Strawberry Fields Forever' and 'Penny Lane'. STORY BEHIND THE SONGS

When he was a child, John lived near a children's home. The home was called Strawberry Field. John's song 'Strawberry Fields Forever' wasn't really about that place; it just took the home's name. The line 'Nothing is real' perfectly described this strange, beautiful song. Paul then wrote a song about Liverpool, too. 'Penny Lane' was a much happier song, describing people and places from the old days in Liverpool. The band was still using instruments that were unusual in pop records. A trumpet played on the song. There were many differences between Paul and John. Paul was very interested in studio recording. He worked carefully with George Martin. John had little time for this. He just told the producer what he wanted. In fact, the band played Strawberry Fields Forever' in two very different ways. John couldn't choose his favorite. Finally, the producer joined the two. (Years later, John wasn't happy about this recording of his song.) Together, 'Strawberry Fields Forever' and 'Penny Lane' became the Beatles' next single. It was a great record, but for the first time in years the band didn't reach number one.

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The End of Touring Das Ende der Tournee El fin de las giras La fine del turismo ツアーの終わり 여행의 끝 Koniec trasy koncertowej O fim das digressões Конец гастролей Turizmin Sonu Кінець гастролей 旅游的结束 旅遊的結束

The tour continued, but it wasn't a happy time. Екскурсія тривала, але це був нещасливий час. Some newspapers in the United States were against the band now. For the first time, there were a few empty seats at some concerts. Вперше на деяких концертах було кілька вільних місць. But it was still impossible to hear the music because of the screams. Але почути музику через крики було все одно неможливо. As George said, touring wasn't 'fun' now. Як сказав Джордж, зараз гастролі не були «веселі». Also, their lives were different. Крім того, їхнє життя було іншим. Only one Beatle - Paul - wasn't married. Тільки один Beatle - Пол - не був одружений. It was time to stop travelling. Настав час припинити подорожувати.

At first, Paul wanted to tour more, but finally he agreed with the others. Спочатку Пол хотів більше гастролювати, але врешті погодився з іншими. On 29 August 1966, they played at Candlestick Park in San Francisco. 29 серпня 1966 року вони грали в Candlestick Park у Сан-Франциско. They played eleven songs, finishing with 'I'm Down'. It was the Beatles' last concert. The band faced a new question: what now? Перед гуртом постало нове запитання: що тепер? In his heart, John thought, 'This is the end, really.' У своєму серці Джон подумав: «Справді, це кінець». For some time the Beatles all did different things: Деякий час Beatles всі робили різні речі: 一段時間以來,披頭士樂隊都做了不同的事情:

George spent a few weeks in India. Джордж провів кілька тижнів в Індії.

Paul worked with George Martin on the music for a film, The Family Way. Пол працював з Джорджем Мартіном над музикою для фільму «Сімейний шлях». The music won an award. Музика отримала нагороду.

John went to Spain to act in a film, How I Won the War. Джон поїхав до Іспанії, щоб знятися у фільмі «Як я виграв війну». 約翰去西班牙拍電影《我是如何贏得戰爭的》。 It wasn't a good film, and John wasn't a good actor. But he did come back wearing the famous small, round 'John Lennon glasses'! Але він повернувся у знаменитих маленьких круглих окулярах Джона Леннона! 但他確實戴著著名的小圓形“約翰列儂眼鏡”回來了! Ringo spent a few weeks in Spain with John, and he enjoyed time at home with his wife and child. Рінго провів кілька тижнів в Іспанії з Джоном, і він із задоволенням проводив час вдома з дружиною та дитиною.

Back in the studio, the band felt more free. Повернувшись у студію, гурт почувався більш вільно. Now they didn't have to play any new songs on stage. Тепер їм не довелося грати на сцені жодних нових пісень. They could do anything, and they did - with George Martin's help. Вони могли зробити все, і вони зробили – з допомогою Джорджа Мартіна. The next songs were another big step into new musical areas. Наступні пісні стали ще одним великим кроком у нові музичні напрямки. But they also looked back, as both John and Paul turned to their Liverpool past for 'Strawberry Fields Forever' and 'Penny Lane'. Але вони також озирнулися назад, оскільки Джон і Пол звернулися до свого ліверпульського минулого для «Strawberry Fields Forever» і «Penny Lane». 但他們也回過頭來,因為約翰和保羅都為“永遠的草莓園”和“便士巷”而轉向利物浦的過去。 STORY BEHIND THE SONGS ІСТОРІЯ ЗА ПІСНЯМИ

When he was a child, John lived near a children's home. Коли він був дитиною, Джон жив біля дитячого будинку. 當他還是個孩子的時候,約翰住在一個兒童之家附近。 The home was called Strawberry Field. John's song 'Strawberry Fields Forever' wasn't really about that place; it just took the home's name. Пісня Джона «Strawberry Fields Forever» насправді не була про те місце; він просто отримав назву будинку. The line 'Nothing is real' perfectly described this strange, beautiful song. Рядок «Nothing is real» чудово описує цю дивну, красиву пісню. “沒有什麼是真實的”這句話完美地描述了這首奇怪而美麗的歌曲。 Paul then wrote a song about Liverpool, too. Тоді Пол також написав пісню про Ліверпуль. 'Penny Lane' was a much happier song, describing people and places from the old days in Liverpool. «Penny Lane» була набагато веселішою піснею, яка описувала людей і місця старих часів Ліверпуля. The band was still using instruments that were unusual in pop records. バンドはまだポップ・レコードでは珍しい楽器を使っていた。 Гурт все ще використовував інструменти, незвичні для поп-альбомів. A trumpet played on the song. На пісні заграла труба. 小號在這首歌中奏響。 There were many differences between Paul and John. Paul was very interested in studio recording. Павло дуже цікавився студійним записом. He worked carefully with George Martin. Він ретельно працював з Джорджем Мартіном. John had little time for this. У Джона було мало часу на це. 約翰沒有多少時間做這件事。 He just told the producer what he wanted. Він просто сказав продюсеру, що він хоче. In fact, the band played Strawberry Fields Forever' in two very different ways. Насправді, група грала Strawberry Fields Forever двома дуже різними способами. 事實上,樂隊以兩種截然不同的方式演奏 Strawberry Fields Forever'。 John couldn't choose his favorite. Джон не міг вибрати свого фаворита. Finally, the producer joined the two. Нарешті до них приєднався продюсер. 最後,製片人加入了兩者。 (Years later, John wasn't happy about this recording of his song.) (Пізніше Джон не був задоволений записом своєї пісні.) Together, 'Strawberry Fields Forever' and 'Penny Lane' became the Beatles' next single. Разом «Strawberry Fields Forever» і «Penny Lane» стали наступним синглом «Бітлз». It was a great record, but for the first time in years the band didn't reach number one. Це був чудовий запис, але вперше за багато років група не досягла першого місця. 這是一張很棒的唱片,但多年來樂隊第一次沒有達到第一名。