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The Beatles, On the Bus

On the Bus

Epstein's death brought another problem. The Beatles knew nothing about business. 'We were in trouble then,' said John. Ringo has described the band as 'chickens without heads' at that time. In the middle of this difficult time, Paul had an idea. He wanted to make a television film. He was trying to help the band, but in John and George's opinion, Paul was trying to lead them. The idea for the film was simple. Forty-three people - with the Beatles - drove around the country in a bus. This time, they didn't have a story to act. They just filmed what happened. There was one problem - nothing really did happen.

Magical Mystery Tour was shown on television in Britain just after Christmas, 1967. Almost fifteen million people watched. They loved the songs, like Paul's The Fool on the Hill' and Johns 'I Am the Walrus'. But not many people liked the film. The color film was shown in black and white on television. But this wasn't the reason why it wasn't popular. For some people it was boring, for others it was too strange. For the first time, the Beatles really failed.


The idea for 'I Am The Walrus' came from Lewis Carroll's book Alice in Wonderland. John said, 'The words don't say a lot...' In February 1968, the Beatles travelled to India to study again with the Maharishi. The trip had a different meaning for each of them. Ringo went with two suitcases - one of clothes and one of English food in tins! He didn't stay long. Paul says that he enjoyed this time in India. But John and George stayed longer. George continued to defend the Maharishi, but John soon became angry at their old teacher. A song on the band's next album was an angry attack on him. Back in Britain, there were no simple answers in business for the Beatles. They opened the Apple shop in London. Paul called it 'a beautiful place where you can buy beautiful things.' The shop lost money almost immediately. But Apple was more than a shop. It was a big company that produced music and films. The Beatles began to produce other musicians. Paul was most interested in Apple's business. He was there more because he lived in London. But the others felt that Paul was trying to lead the band again.

Yellow Submarine

In July 1968, there was another Beatles film in cinemas. The band recorded a few new songs for Yellow Submarine, but they didn't even do the voices in the film. In the story, the band saved a strange place called Pepperland with their music.

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On the Bus En el autobús バスで No autocarro В автобусе Otobüste В автобусі 在公車上

Epstein's death brought another problem. Epstein's death brought another problem. La muerte de Epstein trajo otro problema. エプスタインの死は別の問題をもたらしました。 Смерть Епштейна принесла ще одну проблему. The Beatles knew nothing about business. 'We were in trouble then,' said John. «У нас тоді були проблеми», — сказав Джон. Ringo has described the band as 'chickens without heads' at that time. На той час Рінго описав групу як «курчата без голови». In the middle of this difficult time, Paul had an idea. У цей важкий час у Павла виникла ідея. He wanted to make a television film. He was trying to help the band, but in John and George's opinion, Paul was trying to lead them. Він намагався допомогти групі, але, на думку Джона та Джорджа, Пол намагався очолити їх. The idea for the film was simple. Ідея фільму була проста. Forty-three people - with the Beatles - drove around the country in a bus. Сорок три людини - з "Бітлз" - їхали по країні в автобусі. This time, they didn't have a story to act. Цього разу у них не було історії. They just filmed what happened. Вони просто зняли те, що сталося. There was one problem - nothing really did happen. Була одна проблема — нічого насправді не сталося. 有一個問題 - 沒有真正發生。

Magical Mystery Tour was shown on television in Britain just after Christmas, 1967. Magical Mystery Tour був показаний по телебаченню у Великобританії відразу після Різдва, 1967 року. Almost fifteen million people watched. Подивилися майже п’ятнадцять мільйонів людей. They loved the songs, like Paul's The Fool on the Hill' and Johns 'I Am the Walrus'. Їм подобалися пісні, наприклад «The Fool on the Hill» Пола та «I Am the Walrus» Джона. But not many people liked the film. Але мало кому сподобався фільм. The color film was shown in black and white on television. Кольоровий фільм показали чорно-білим по телебаченню. But this wasn't the reason why it wasn't popular. しかし、これは人気がなかった理由ではありません。 Але не це була причина, чому він не був популярним. For some people it was boring, for others it was too strange. Комусь це було нудно, комусь надто дивно. For the first time, the Beatles really failed. Вперше «Бітлз» дійсно провалилися.


The idea for 'I Am The Walrus' came from Lewis Carroll's book Alice in Wonderland. Ідея «Я — морж» виникла з книги Льюїса Керролла «Аліса в країні чудес». John said, 'The words don't say a lot...' In February 1968, the Beatles travelled to India to study again with the Maharishi. Джон сказав: «Слова мало що говорять...» У лютому 1968 року «Бітлз» поїхали до Індії, щоб знову вчитися у Махаріші. 約翰說,“話不多說……” 1968 年 2 月,披頭士樂隊再次前往印度與瑪赫西人一起學習。 The trip had a different meaning for each of them. Поїздка мала різне значення для кожного з них. Ringo went with two suitcases - one of clothes and one of English food in tins! Рінго пішов із двома валізами - однією з одягом, а однією з англійською їжею в консервних банках! He didn't stay long. Він пробув недовго. Paul says that he enjoyed this time in India. Пол каже, що йому сподобався цей час в Індії. But John and George stayed longer. Але Джон і Джордж залишилися довше. George continued to defend the Maharishi, but John soon became angry at their old teacher. Джордж продовжував захищати Махаріші, але незабаром Джон розлютився на їхнього старого вчителя. 喬治繼續為瑪赫西人辯護,但約翰很快就對他們的老老師生氣了。 A song on the band's next album was an angry attack on him. バンドの次のアルバムの曲は、彼に対する怒りの攻撃でした。 Пісня наступного альбому гурту стала гнівним нападом на нього. Back in Britain, there were no simple answers in business for the Beatles. У Британії не було простих відповідей у бізнесі для Beatles. 回到英國,甲殼蟲樂隊在商業上沒有簡單的答案。 They opened the Apple shop in London. Вони відкрили магазин Apple в Лондоні. Paul called it 'a beautiful place where you can buy beautiful things.' Пол назвав це «прекрасне місце, де можна купити красиві речі». The shop lost money almost immediately. Магазин втратив гроші майже відразу. 商店幾乎立即賠錢。 But Apple was more than a shop. しかし、アップルはショップ以上の存在だった。 Але Apple була більше, ніж магазин. 但蘋果不僅僅是一家商店。 It was a big company that produced music and films. Це була велика компанія, яка випускала музику та фільми. The Beatles began to produce other musicians. The Beatles почали випускати інших музикантів. 披頭士開始培養其他音樂家。 Paul was most interested in Apple's business. Найбільше Пол цікавився бізнесом Apple. He was there more because he lived in London. Він був там більше, тому що жив у Лондоні. But the others felt that Paul was trying to lead the band again. Але інші відчували, що Пол знову намагається очолити гурт.

Yellow Submarine

In July 1968, there was another Beatles film in cinemas. У липні 1968 року в кінотеатрах вийшов ще один фільм Beatles. The band recorded a few new songs for Yellow Submarine, but they didn't even do the voices in the film. バンドは『イエロー・サブマリン』のために新曲を数曲レコーディングしたが、映画では声すら担当していない。 Гурт записав кілька нових пісень для Yellow Submarine, але вони навіть не озвучували у фільмі. In the story, the band saved a strange place called Pepperland with their music. ||||||||||Pepperland||| За сюжетом, гурт своєю музикою врятував дивне місце під назвою Pepperland. 在故事中,樂隊用他們的音樂拯救了一個叫 Pepperland 的陌生地方。