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The Beatles, At the Top Again

At the Top Again

The Beatles ruled the music world in the 1960s. They had twenty-two singles in Britain, and eighteen reached number one. Every album of new songs got to number one. In the United States, there were nineteen number one singles. Many people still think that they were the world's greatest band of all time. In one list of best albums, the top five were all by the Beatles!

But the band's success wasn't just for their musical past. In 1995, the three living Beatles came together to record two 'new' Beatles songs - 'Free as a Bird' and 'Real Love'. Both songs were by John. The singer recorded them, but they weren't finished. Paul, George and Ringo worked with these recordings, adding to them. In their minds, they were finishing the music for John while he worked on something else.

Fans could buy new Beatles records again! They also loved the video for 'Free as a Bird'. It showed people and places from the band's past - Stu Sutcliffe, Brian Epstein, The Cavern, the street outside the Abbey Road studios. There were hundreds of memories of Beatles songs. A few are: a cake with the number sixty-four ('When I'm Sixty-Four')

a man writing a book ('Paperback Writer')

a photo of Mao Tse Tung (a line from 'Revolution')

a stone with the name Eleanor Rigby ('Eleanor Rigby')

At the same time, the living Beatles told their story in the television programme The Beatles Anthology. More than twenty million copies of the Anthology albums were sold. In 2000, there was a very successful album of the Beatles' number one songs. They made more money from the album than any other British artist that year. The Beatles were back in the right place - at the top!


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At the Top Again Otra vez en la cima 再びトップに De novo no topo Знову на вершині

The Beatles ruled the music world in the 1960s. Beatles 1960'larda müzik dünyasına hükmetti. The Beatles правили музичним світом у 1960-х роках. They had twenty-two singles in Britain, and eighteen reached number one. 他們在英國有 22 支單打,其中 18 支達到了第一。 Every album of new songs got to number one. 每張新歌專輯都排名第一。 In the United States, there were nineteen number one singles. У Сполучених Штатах було дев'ятнадцять синглів номер один. Many people still think that they were the world's greatest band of all time. Багато людей досі вважають, що вони були найкращою групою у світі всіх часів. In one list of best albums, the top five were all by the Beatles! В одному списку найкращих альбомів у п’ятірку найкращих увійшли всі гурти Beatles! 在一份最佳專輯列表中,前五名都是披頭士!

But the band's success wasn't just for their musical past. Але успіх гурту був не лише завдяки їхньому музичному минулому. In 1995, the three living Beatles came together to record two 'new' Beatles songs - 'Free as a Bird' and 'Real Love'. У 1995 році троє живих «Бітлз» зібралися разом, щоб записати дві «нові» пісні «Бітлз» — «Free as a Bird» і «Real Love». Both songs were by John. Обидві пісні написані Джоном. The singer recorded them, but they weren't finished. Співак записав їх, але вони не були закінчені. 歌手錄製了他們,但他們還沒有完成。 Paul, George and Ringo worked with these recordings, adding to them. Пол, Джордж і Рінго працювали з цими записами, доповнюючи їх. Paul、George 和 Ringo 與這些錄音一起工作,並添加到其中。 In their minds, they were finishing the music for John while he worked on something else. 彼らの頭の中では、ジョンが他のことに取り組んでいる間、彼らはジョンのために音楽を仕上げていた。 У їхніх думках вони закінчували музику для Джона, поки він працював над чимось іншим. 在他們看來,他們正在為約翰完成音樂,而他正在做其他事情。

Fans could buy new Beatles records again! Шанувальники знову могли купити нові платівки Beatles! They also loved the video for 'Free as a Bird'. Їм також сподобалося відео на «Free as a Bird». It showed people and places from the band's past - Stu Sutcliffe, Brian Epstein, The Cavern, the street outside the Abbey Road studios. There were hundreds of memories of Beatles songs. Були сотні спогадів про пісні Beatles. A few are: a cake with the number sixty-four ('When I'm Sixty-Four') Деякі з них: торт із числом шістдесят чотири («Коли мені шістдесят чотири») 一些是:一個數字為六十四的蛋糕(“當我六十四歲”)

a man writing a book ('Paperback Writer') |||||М'яка обкладинка| чоловік, що пише книгу («Письменник у м'якій обкладинці») 一個寫書的人(“平裝書作家”)

a photo of Mao Tse Tung (a line from 'Revolution') фотографія Мао Цзе Дуна (рядок з «Революції») 毛澤東的照片(“革命”中的一句台詞)

a stone with the name Eleanor Rigby ('Eleanor Rigby') 一塊名為 Eleanor Rigby('Eleanor Rigby')的石頭

At the same time, the living Beatles told their story in the television programme The Beatles Anthology. У той же час живі Бітлз розповіли свою історію в телепрограмі The Beatles Anthology. More than twenty million copies of the Anthology albums were sold. Було продано понад двадцять мільйонів примірників альбомів Anthology. Anthology 專輯銷量超過 2000 萬張。 In 2000, there was a very successful album of the Beatles' number one songs. У 2000 році вийшов дуже успішний альбом пісень номер один гурту Beatles. 2000年,甲殼蟲樂隊的第一首歌曲專輯非常成功。 They made more money from the album than any other British artist that year. Вони заробили на альбомі більше грошей, ніж будь-який інший британський виконавець того року. 那一年,他們從這張專輯中賺到的錢比任何其他英國藝術家都多。 The Beatles were back in the right place - at the top! Beatles doğru yere geri dönmüştü - zirveye! The Beatles повернулися в потрібному місці - на вершині! 披頭士樂隊回到了正確的位置——在頂部!

- THE END - - 結束 -