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Steve's YouTube Videos, What progress actually looks like in language learning

What progress actually looks like in language learning

The element of surprise in language learning, when I have a session with

my tutor now in Turkish, I never quite know how I'm going to do.

Sometimes I surprise myself, with how well I do and yet at other

times I'm very disappointed and I'm surprised at how much I can't produce

or I've forgotten or that I get the structures of the language wrong.

So there's always that element of anticipation, but surprise is

a big part of language learning.

We know that from the MRI imaging of the brain.

the brain, based on the accumulated experience of reading and listening

to the language, the brain starts to predict both in terms of vocabulary and

in terms of structure, what's coming.

And it's an important part of our ability to understand the language, comprehend

the language that we are able to predict.

Language learning is coming.

It has been called a probabilistic error driven process, so that either

what happens as we predict what's going to happen, it confirms what

we think of the language, which is good, strengthens our hold on the

language, or it contradicts it.

And if we see that different response than we anticipated after a while,

we adjust our sense of the language to match what actually is happening.

So surprise is a big part of it.

Similarly, even when we go to speak, we have to reach into what

we have accumulated, our sense of the language, and we have to grab.

Some words and some phrases and try them out.

And depending on the response we get, again, that's going to confirm or not

confirm, encourage us to adjust our comprehension, our sense of the language.

So surprise is always there.

So it's a bit like this joke, and I can't remember if it

was a German officer or what.

Nationality of officer.

You can pick the nationality of your choice.

But the story went that this officer laughed three times

every time he was told a joke.

So he laughed when he was told the joke, he laughed later when

the joke was explained to him.

And then three weeks later, when he finally understood

the joke, he laughed again.

So it's a bit silly, but there's a lot to that because first of

all, jokes are about surprise.

So we find something funny because something happens that

is contrary to our expectation.

And this expectation or being contrary to the expectation is

very much culture dependent.

It's context dependent, so you have to have a familiarity with that culture or

that context in order for whatever happens in the joke to appear funny to you.

And until that happens, you can have it explained.

And this is true, I find, in language learning.

I notice, for example, with my Turkish tutor, I have read the

explanation of the Turkish verbs.

I have looked at the tables, and when I go to use it, I get it wrong.

Until it clicks, so we have to be patient.

We won't notice it, we won't be able to produce it.

Even though we've read the tables and we had it explained, and yet, somehow,

until that context is rich enough, that what we are predicting, in the

way of a structure or vocabulary item, It's either confirmed or, adjusted.

Until we have that, we won't find the joke funny.

We won't, be able to use the language correctly.

And so we need to be patient and we need to circle back.

I've looked at the tables over and over again.

That didn't do it.

I've read, I've listened to texts and finally it starts to come into focus

and we just have to wait for that.

Now, some people say, Oh, Steve, like for example, in Turkish,

now I'm at 20, 000 known words.

I say what does that really mean?

You don't really know those words.

You can't use those words.

However, those are words that in a given context, I understood and was

confident enough that I understood them, that I threw them into my

known words reserve in my brain.

And there's many more that are not yet known that also sit in my

reserve, but they're all part of my growing sense of the language.

So thank you.

To me, in order to build up my ability to predict, I need to accumulate words.

The fact that I encourage myself by claiming some of these words as known

in some sense that, okay, in a given context, I understood that sort of scope

of meaning, maybe in another context, I won't understand it, but I will.

It doesn't matter.

It's an ongoing process of getting used to the language.

So I don't worry about how well I know the word.

Some people say you have to be able to use it.

You have to invest time in studying the etymology and, or you should use

a, monolingual dictionary and all of this sort of focusing in on that

word, I think is the wrong approach.

You have to throw it in there, claim credit for some that you're, you think

you know, and you may be surprised to find out you don't know it, but you

just keep on filling your head with words and then seeing what you predict

when you hear the language, when you read the language, when you speak

the language, and you slowly adjust.

And eventually you get to the stage where you understand the

joke, or you understand the movie.

Because even there, when you are watching a movie, say I'll be watching

a movie in Turkish, I'll It's not just the words, it's my sense of that

cultural context, which gradually grows.

And in that sense, there are fewer and fewer surprises as we get

better and better at the language.

And therefore we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves.

If we continue to disappoint ourselves in conversation or continue

not to understand certain things, unpleasant surprises, that's normal.

But there also are lots of pleasant surprises when we do better.

Then we thought we were gonna do.

So just a little digression on this whole issue of, the importance of the known

words total, that I consider an important part of my language learning strategy and

my goal setting what that actually means.

And this reference to what we know from how the brain learns languages,

that the element of surprise is a big part of how the brain gradually

gets used to a new language.

Thank you for listening.


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What progress actually looks like in language learning Was||||||| What|progress|actually = in fact|looks like|like = such as||in|to learn 何||||||| o que|o progresso|na verdade|parece|como||língua| كيف يبدو التقدم في تعلم اللغة فعليًا Jak vlastně vypadá pokrok ve výuce jazyků Wie der Fortschritt beim Sprachenlernen tatsächlich aussieht Cómo es realmente el progreso en el aprendizaje de idiomas در واقع پیشرفت در یادگیری زبان چگونه است Che aspetto ha il progresso nell'apprendimento delle lingue 言語学習における進歩とはどのようなものか 언어 학습의 실제 진행 상황 Jak wygląda postęp w nauce języków obcych? O que é realmente o progresso na aprendizagem de línguas Как на самом деле выглядит прогресс в изучении языка Dil öğreniminde ilerleme aslında neye benziyor? Як насправді виглядає прогрес у вивченні мови 语言学习的进步究竟是什么样的 語言學習的實際進展是什麼樣的

The element of surprise in language learning, when I have a session with |element|of|sorpresa|||||I|I have||a session|with |||verrassing||||||||| |o elemento|do|surpresa||a língua|||eu|||sessão| |||||||||||заняття| |||驚きの要||||||||セッション| |element zaskoczenia||||||||||sesję| عنصر المفاجأة في تعلم اللغة، عندما أعقد جلسة مع Prvek překvapení při výuce jazyků, když mám sezení s

my tutor now in Turkish, I never quite know how I'm going to do. ||||||||||我在||| my|tutor|currently||Turco||never|exactly|know|how = how|I'm = I am|going||do |tutor|||turco||nunca|exatamente|sei|como|estou|me saindo||me sair |nauczyciel|||||||||||| |||||я|ніколи|ніколи не зовс|||||| معلّمي الآن باللغة التركية، لا أعرف أبدًا كيف سأتصرف. mého učitele turečtiny, nikdy nevím, jak se mi bude dařit.

Sometimes I surprise myself, with how well I do and yet at other Sometimes|||me|||well||||yet||other |||||どれほど||||||| às vezes|||a mim mesmo|com|como|tão bem||faço||mas ainda|em outras|outras vezes Někdy překvapím sám sebe, jak dobře se mi daří, a přesto jindy.

times I'm very disappointed and I'm surprised at how much I can't produce |||失望||||||||| times||very|deluso|||surprised|||much||can't = cannot|to produce |||rozczarowany|||||||||wyprodukować vezes||muito|decepcionado||||||quanto||não consigo|produzir

or I've forgotten or that I get the structures of the language wrong. ||||что||получаю|||||| or|ho|dimenticato||that||I get = I understand||structures||||incorrectly |eu tenho|esqueci|ou|que||||as estruturas||||

So there's always that element of anticipation, but surprise is ||||||ожидания||| então|há|sempre||||antecipação||| ||||||기대감||| ||||||очікування||| ||||||期待||| ||||||oczekiwanie||| لذا هناك دائمًا عنصر التوقع، لكن المفاجأة هي

a big part of language learning. 大きな|大きな|||| ||uma grande parte|||

We know that from the MRI imaging of the brain. |||||magnetic resonance imaging|scanning||| nós|||||ressonância magnética|imagem por ressonância||| |||||MRI|영상||| |||||МРТ(1|||| |||||MRI画像|画像診断||| |||||MRI|obrazowanie|||

the brain, based on the accumulated experience of reading and listening |||||累積的||||| |||||축적된||||| |||||zgromadzone doświadczenie|doświadczenie|||| ||baseado em|||acumulada|experiência acumulada||a leitura||audição |||||蓄積された||||| الدماغ، بناءً على الخبرة المتراكمة من القراءة والاستماع

to the language, the brain starts to predict both in terms of vocabulary and |||||||предсказывать|||||| ||||||||||어휘 측면||| |||||||prever|ambas||vocabulário e||vocabulário| |||||||przewidywać|||słownictwa i||| بالنسبة للغة، يبدأ الدماغ في التنبؤ بكل من المفردات والكلمات. do języka, mózg zaczyna przewidywać zarówno pod względem słownictwa, jak i umiejętności.

in terms of structure, what's coming. |em termos de||estrutura|o que|o que vem من حيث الهيكل، ما هو قادم. pod względem struktury, co nadchodzi.

And it's an important part of our ability to understand the language, comprehend ||||||||||||понимать |é|uma|importante|||nossa|capacidade||compreender|||compreender ||||||||||||理解 ||||||||||||이해하다 ||||||||||||усвідомлювати ||||||||||||理解する ||||||||||||zrozumieć

the language that we are able to predict. |||||||prever |||||||przewidywać

Language learning is coming. 言語||は|進んでいる Nadchodzi nauka języków obcych.

It has been called a probabilistic error driven process, so that either ||||это называется|вероятностный|||||| |||||probabiliste|||||| |||||chance-based|||||| |tem|sido|chamado||probabilístico|erro probabilístico|dirigido por erro||||ou |||||機率性|||||| |||||확률적||오류 기반|||| ||なっている|||確率的||駆動された|||| |||||probabilistyczny|błąd||||| لقد تم تسميتها بعملية تعتمد على الخطأ الاحتمالي، بحيث إما Byl nazván pravděpodobnostním procesem řízeným chybou, takže buď Został on nazwany probabilistycznym procesem sterowanym błędem, więc albo

what happens as we predict what's going to happen, it confirms what ||||||||||подтверждает что| |acontece|à medida que||||||acontece||confirma o que| ||에 따라||||||||| ||||||||||підтвердж| ||||||||||確認する| ||||||||||potwierdza| ما يحدث عندما نتوقع ما سيحدث، فإنه يؤكد ما سيحدث. co se stane, když předpovídáme, co se stane, potvrzuje to, co se to, co się dzieje, gdy przewidujemy, co się wydarzy, potwierdza to, co się wydarzy.

we think of the language, which is good, strengthens our hold on the ||||||||fortifies|||| |pensamos na||||a qual||boa|fortalece nossa compreensão||controle sobre|| ||||||||강화한다||지배력|| ||||||||посилює|||| ||||||||posiluje|||| ||||||||||支配|| ||||||||wzmacnia|||| نحن نفكر في اللغة، وهو أمر جيد، ويعزز قبضتنا على myślimy o języku, który jest dobry, wzmacnia naszą kontrolę nad nim.

language, or it contradicts it. |||противоречит| |||la contredit| |||goes against| |||contradiz| |||모순된다| |||суперечить| |||矛盾する| |||przeczy temu| اللغة، أو ما يتناقض معها. jazyka, nebo je s ním v rozporu. język lub jest z nim sprzeczny.

And if we see that different response than we anticipated after a while, ||||||||мы||после этого|| ||||||reakcja|||oczekiwanej||| |||||||||예상한||| |||||異なる|||私たち|予想した|後に|| |se||veremos||||||esperada|depois||enquanto وإذا رأينا هذه الاستجابة مختلفة عما توقعناه بعد فترة، A pokud se po nějaké době setkáme s jinou odezvou, než jsme očekávali, A jeśli po pewnym czasie zobaczymy inną reakcję niż się spodziewaliśmy,

we adjust our sense of the language to match what actually is happening. |ajustamos||percepção|||||corresponder|||| |dostosowujemy|||||||dopasować||faktycznie|| ||||||||一致させる|||| نحن نعدل إحساسنا باللغة لتتناسب مع ما يحدث بالفعل. 실제로 일어나는 일에 맞게 언어에 대한 감각을 조정합니다. dostosowujemy nasze poczucie języka do tego, co faktycznie się dzieje.

So surprise is a big part of it. ||||||の| |niespodzianka|||||| 따라서 놀라움이 큰 부분을 차지합니다. Zaskoczenie jest więc jego dużą częścią.

Similarly, even when we go to speak, we have to reach into what ||||||||||reach|| de maneira semelhante||||vamos||||||recorrer a|| Podobnie|||||||||||| |||私たち||||||||| Podobnie, nawet gdy przemawiamy, musimy sięgać do tego, co

we have accumulated, our sense of the language, and we have to grab. ||||||||||||aproveitar ||蓄積した|||||||||| ||skumulowane|||||||||| لقد تراكم لدينا إحساس باللغة، وعلينا أن نتمسك به. 우리가 축적해 온 언어 감각, 그리고 우리가 잡아야 합니다. zgromadziliśmy, nasze wyczucie języka i musimy się go chwycić.

Some words and some phrases and try them out. ||||||попробуйте|| ||||||試してみて|| |palavras||algumas|||experimente|elas| 몇 가지 단어와 구문을 찾아서 사용해 보세요. Wypróbuj kilka słów i zwrotów.

And depending on the response we get, again, that's going to confirm or not |||||||||||подтвердить|| And|||||||||||verify|| |dependendo||||||novamente||||confirmar|| |w zależności||||||||||potwierdzi|| |||||||||||確認する||

confirm, encourage us to adjust our comprehension, our sense of the language. |incentivar|nós||||||||| |促す|||||||||| |zachęcać|||dostosować|||nasze|postrzeganie||| ||||||розуміння||||| 확인하고, 언어에 대한 이해와 감각을 조정하도록 격려합니다. zachęcić nas do dostosowania naszego rozumienia, naszego wyczucia języka.

So surprise is always there. だから|驚き||常に| ||||presente 따라서 놀라움은 항상 존재합니다. Niespodzianka jest więc zawsze obecna.

So it's a bit like this joke, and I can't remember if it ||それ|||||||||| |||um pouco|||piada||||lembrar|| To trochę jak w tym dowcipie, nie pamiętam, czy to był żart.

was a German officer or what. |||将校|| era||um oficial alemão|oficial alemão|| 독일 장교인지 뭔지. był niemieckim oficerem czy co.

Nationality of officer. ||職員の国籍 Nacionalidade||oficial narodowość|| національність (|| 임원의 국적. Narodowość funkcjonariusza.

You can pick the nationality of your choice. Вы||||||| |||||||wybór narodowości ||||국적||| ||||国籍|||選択した ||escolher||nacionalidade||sua|sua escolha Możesz wybrać dowolną narodowość.

But the story went that this officer laughed three times |||||||śmiał|| |||disse-se||||riu|| |||||||||回

every time he was told a joke. za każdym razem, gdy opowiadano mu dowcip.

So he laughed when he was told the joke, he laughed later when ||笑った|||||||||| |||||||||||mais tarde| 그래서 그는 농담을 들었을 때 웃었고 나중에 웃었습니다. Śmiał się więc, gdy opowiedziano mu dowcip, śmiał się później, gdy

the joke was explained to him. その||||| |||||ele 농담에 대해 설명했습니다. żart został mu wyjaśniony.

And then three weeks later, when he finally understood |então||semanas||||finalmente|entendeu A trzy tygodnie później, kiedy w końcu zrozumiał

the joke, he laughed again. żart, zaśmiał się ponownie.

So it's a bit silly, but there's a lot to that because first of |||||||een beetje|||||| ||||foolish||||||||| ||||어리석은||||||||| ||||ばかげた||||||||| ||||bobo||||muito|||porque é|primeiro| Więc to trochę głupie, ale jest w tym wiele, ponieważ po pierwsze

all, jokes are about surprise. |ジョーク||について| todas|as piadas||sobre| W żartach chodzi przecież o zaskoczenie.

So we find something funny because something happens that ||achamos||engraçado||algo engraçado|| だから|||||なぜなら||| ||znajdujemy|||||| Znajdujemy coś zabawnego, ponieważ dzieje się coś, co

is contrary to our expectation. |opposite||| |반대되는||| |期待に反する|||期待 |przeciwieństwo|||oczekiwaniu ||||expectativa jest sprzeczna z naszymi oczekiwaniami.

And this expectation or being contrary to the expectation is |||||przeciwne|||oczekiwanie| ||期待||||||| ||expectativa||ser|contrária|||| |||||протилежною|||| 그리고 이러한 기대 또는 기대에 반하는 것은 다음과 같습니다.

very much culture dependent. очень|||зависимый |||zależny |非常に|文化|文化依存 ||cultura|dependente da cultura 문화에 따라 크게 달라집니다. w dużej mierze zależy od kultury.

It's context dependent, so you have to have a familiarity with that culture or |||||||||знакомство|||| |o contexto|dependente de|||||||familiaridade|||| |||||||||친숙함|||| |||||||||ألفة|||| |||||||||знайомство|||| |文脈|依存する||||||||||| |kontekst||||||||znajomość|||kultura| Jest to zależne od kontekstu, więc musisz mieć znajomość tej kultury lub

that context in order for whatever happens in the joke to appear funny to you. |||||||||||wydawać się||| |||||何が起こって|起こる|||||見える||| |contexto||ordem||||||||parecer||| ten kontekst, aby wszystko, co dzieje się w dowcipie, wydawało się zabawne.

And until that happens, you can have it explained. ||||あなたは||受ける||説明してもらう Dopóki tak się nie stanie, można to wyjaśnić.

And this is true, I find, in language learning. |||verdadeiro||||| Uważam, że tak samo jest w przypadku nauki języków obcych.

I notice, for example, with my Turkish tutor, I have read the ||||||turecki||||| |percebo||exemplo|||||||lido|

explanation of the Turkish verbs. explicação||||verbos wyjaśnienie czasowników tureckich.

I have looked at the tables, and when I go to use it, I get it wrong. |||||таблиці(1||||||||||| ||olhei|||||||||usar||||| 표를 보았는데 막상 사용하려고 하면 잘못 이해하게 됩니다. Spojrzałem na tabele i kiedy zaczynam z nich korzystać, mylę się.

Until it clicks, so we have to be patient. ||faz sentido|||||ter|paciente ||이해되다|||||| まで|それ||||||| ||kliknięć|||||| ||||||||calm and persistent 클릭이 될 때까지 인내심을 가져야 합니다. Dopóki się nie zatrzaśnie, musimy być cierpliwi.

We won't notice it, we won't be able to produce it. |하지 않을 것이다||||||||| |não vamos||||||||| 우리는 그것을 알아채지 못할 것이고, 생산할 수 없을 것입니다. Nie zauważymy tego, nie będziemy w stanie tego wyprodukować.

Even though we've read the tables and we had it explained, and yet, somehow, |||||||||||||어쨌든 |||||||||||e||de alguma forma |||||||||||||in some way |それでも||||||||||||なぜか |||читали|||||||||| 표를 읽고 설명을 들었음에도 불구하고 어떻게든 이해하지 못했습니다, Mimo że przeczytaliśmy tabele i wyjaśniono nam to, a jednak w jakiś sposób,

until that context is rich enough, that what we are predicting, in the |||||достаточно||||||в| until then|||||||||||| ||||||||||prevendo|| ||||풍부한||||||예측하는|| ||||||||||予測している|| ||||||||||przewidując|| 그 컨텍스트가 충분히 풍부해질 때까지, 우리가 예측하는 것이

way of a structure or vocabulary item, It's either confirmed or, adjusted. способ||||||элемент||||| |||||||||verified||modified ||||||item de vocabulário||||| |||||||||||조정된 |||||||それは|どちらか|確認された||調整された ||||||element|||potwierdzone||dostosowany طريقة بناء أو عنصر المفردات، إما أن يتم تأكيده أو تعديله. sposób struktury lub elementu słownictwa, jest albo potwierdzony, albo dostosowany.

Until we have that, we won't find the joke funny. それまで|私たち|||||||| 그것이 없으면 농담이 재미없어집니다. Dopóki tego nie zrobimy, żart nie będzie śmieszny.

We won't, be able to use the language correctly. ||||||||正しく ||||||||poprawnie

And so we need to be patient and we need to circle back. ||||||||||глагол|вернуться| |||||||||||circle|return to |||||||||||돌아가다| |||||||||||戻る|戻る |||||||||||retornar| ولذلك نحن بحاجة إلى التحلي بالصبر والعودة إلى المسار الصحيح. 그러니 인내심을 갖고 다시 돌아와야 합니다. Musimy więc uzbroić się w cierpliwość i zawrócić.

I've looked at the tables over and over again. Przeglądałem tabele raz za razem.

That didn't do it. 그렇게 하지 못했습니다. To nie wystarczyło.

I've read, I've listened to texts and finally it starts to come into focus |||||||||||||wyraźnie |||||textos|||||||| 읽고, 텍스트를 듣고, 마침내 초점이 맞춰지기 시작합니다. Czytałem, słuchałem tekstów i w końcu wszystko zaczęło się układać w całość

and we just have to wait for that. |||||待つ|| |||||esperar|| i musimy tylko na to poczekać.

Now, some people say, Oh, Steve, like for example, in Turkish, |||||Steve||||| Niektórzy ludzie mówią "Och, Steve", na przykład po turecku,

now I'm at 20, 000 known words. |||conhecidas| 지금은 알려진 단어가 20, 000개에 달합니다. teraz mam 20 000 znanych słów.

I say what does that really mean? 그게 무슨 뜻이냐고요? Pytam, co to tak naprawdę oznacza?

You don't really know those words. あなたは||||| Tak naprawdę nie znasz tych słów.

You can't use those words. Nie możesz użyć tych słów.

However, those are words that in a given context, I understood and was 하지만||||||||||||

confident enough that I understood them, that I threw them into my ||||||||던졌다||| ||||||その|私|投げた||| pewien||||||||wrzuciłem|||

known words reserve in my brain. ||резерв||| ||store collection||| ||reservatório de palavras||| ||저장된||| ||記憶の中の単語||| ||rezerwa|||

And there's many more that are not yet known that also sit in my

reserve, but they're all part of my growing sense of the language. |||すべて|||私の|||||言語 |||||||crescente||||

So thank you.

To me, in order to build up my ability to predict, I need to accumulate words. ||||||||||||||acumular| ||||||||||予測||||蓄積する| ||||||||||przewidywać||||gromadzić|

The fact that I encourage myself by claiming some of these words as known |||||||asserting|||||| |||||||主張する|||||| ||||zachęcam siebie|||twierdząc||||||

in some sense that, okay, in a given context, I understood that sort of scope ||||||||||||||область применения ||||||||||||||range or extent |||||||||||dat|soort van|| ||||||||||||tipo||abrangência において|ある||||において|||||||||範囲 ||||||||||||||zakres pojęciowy بمعنى ما، حسنًا، في سياق معين، فهمت هذا النوع من النطاق

of meaning, maybe in another context, I won't understand it, but I will. |значение|||||||||||

It doesn't matter. To nie ma znaczenia.

It's an ongoing process of getting used to the language. ||進行中の||||||| ||trwający||||||| إنها عملية مستمرة للتعود على اللغة. 언어에 익숙해지는 과정은 계속 진행 중입니다.

So I don't worry about how well I know the word. |||me preocupo|||||||

Some people say you have to be able to use it.

You have to invest time in studying the etymology and, or you should use ||||||||étymologie||||| ||||||||word origin||||| |||investir|||||||||| ||||||||Wortherkunft||||| |||투자하다|||||어원 연구||||| ||||||||етимологія||||| ||||||||語源学||||| ||||||||etymologia|||||

a, monolingual dictionary and all of this sort of focusing in on that |одноязычный||||||||||| ||dicionário monol|||||||||| |단일 언어|사전|||||||||| |単言語の||||||||||| |jednojęzyczny||||||||||| jednojęzyczny słownik i cały ten rodzaj skupienia się na tym

word, I think is the wrong approach. |私|思う|||| |||||zły|podejście Uważam, że to złe podejście.

You have to throw it in there, claim credit for some that you're, you think |||||||заявить||||||| ||||||||acknowledge contribution|||||| |||lançar||||reivindique||||||| ||||||||인정|||||| |||||||主張|クレジット||いくつか|||| |||||||roszczenie||||||| عليك أن ترميها هناك، وتطالب بالفضل لبعض ما تعتقد أنه صحيح. 당신은 거기에 그것을 던져 넣고, 당신이 생각하는 것에 대한 크레딧을 주장해야합니다.

you know, and you may be surprised to find out you don't know it, but you أنت تعرف ذلك، وربما تفاجأ عندما تكتشف أنك لا تعرف ذلك، لكنك

just keep on filling your head with words and then seeing what you predict |||preenchendo|||||||||| |||채우기|||||||보는 것||| |||詰め込む|||||||||| |||wypełnianie||||||||||przewidywać

when you hear the language, when you read the language, when you speak

the language, and you slowly adjust. |||||dostosowujesz

And eventually you get to the stage where you understand the ||||||段階|||| ||||||etapie||||

joke, or you understand the movie. |||||filme żart, albo rozumiesz film.

Because even there, when you are watching a movie, say I'll be watching |さえ||映画を見ている|||映画を見ている||||||映画を見ている ||||||||um filme||||

a movie in Turkish, I'll It's not just the words, it's my sense of that |||||это|||||||||этого film po turecku, nie chodzi tylko o słowa, ale o moje wyczucie tego.

cultural context, which gradually grows. ||который|постепенно растет| |||gradualmente| kulturowy|||stopniowo|rośnie cultural|||| ||||成長する

And in that sense, there are fewer and fewer surprises as we get ||||||||||할수록|| |||||||||surpresas||| ||||||mniej|||niespodzianki||| |||||||||驚き||| 그런 의미에서 점점 더 놀랄 일이 줄어들고 있습니다.

better and better at the language. ますます||||| 언어에 점점 더 능숙해지고 있습니다. coraz lepiej radzi sobie z językiem.

And therefore we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves. |so we shouldn't||||||| |だから|||||厳しく|に| |dlatego|||||||siebie |||não devemos||||| 따라서 우리는 스스로에게 너무 엄격해서는 안 됩니다. Dlatego nie powinniśmy być dla siebie zbyt surowi.

If we continue to disappoint ourselves in conversation or continue ||||rozczarować||||| ||||失望させる||||| ||continuamos||||||| ||||розчаровувати||||| 대화에서 계속 실망하거나 계속해서

not to understand certain things, unpleasant surprises, that's normal. |||||desagradáveis||| |||特定の||不快な||| |||||nieprzyjemny||| |||||неприємні|||

But there also are lots of pleasant surprises when we do better. |||||||niespodzianki|||| ||||||agradáveis||||| ||||||||いつ|||より良く

Then we thought we were gonna do. ||myśleli|||| |私たち||||| ||думали|||| |||||vamos ver| 그리고 나서 우리는 그렇게 할 것이라고 생각했습니다. Wtedy myśleliśmy, że to zrobimy.

So just a little digression on this whole issue of, the importance of the known ||||отступление|||||||||| ||||digressing|||||||||| |||||||toda a questão|questão|||||| ||||Abschweifung|||||||||| ||||탈선|||||||||| ||||离题|||||||||| ||||відступлення|||||||||| ||||脱線|||||||||| ||||dygresja|||całym|kwestia|||ważność|||znanym إذن، مجرد استطراد بسيط حول هذه القضية برمتها، وهي أهمية المعروف Mała dygresja na temat tego, jak ważne jest to, co wiemy.

words total, that I consider an important part of my language learning strategy and ||||||||||||戦略| |łącznie|||uważam||||||||strategia językowa|

my goal setting what that actually means. |objetivo||||| 제 목표가 실제로 무엇을 의미하는지 설정했습니다.

And this reference to what we know from how the brain learns languages, ||citation|||||||||| ||참조|||||||||| ||参照|||||||||| ||odniesienie|||||||||| |||||||||||aprende| 그리고 이것은 뇌가 언어를 학습하는 방식에서 우리가 알고 있는 것을 참조한 것입니다,

that the element of surprise is a big part of how the brain gradually

gets used to a new language. 새로운 언어에 익숙해집니다.

Thank you for listening.
