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Steve's YouTube Videos, Memory Techniques and Language Learning: A Chat with USA Memory Champi... (1)

Memory Techniques and Language Learning: A Chat with USA Memory Champi... (1)

today my guest is Nelson Dellis who is

and you're gonna provide more details

but you are an experienced or put it

this way an expert on memory yes and you

have also expressed an interest in in

art you've talked about the importance

of language learning and you yourself

learnt Dutch so I want to explore memory

and language learning because that's a

great interest to the people who follow

me did you begin perhaps by introducing

yourself yeah so thank you for having me

on your channel here yeah so I actually

grew up speaking French mostly with my

parents there from Belgium French area

and so language has always been kind of

important in my life obviously perfect

English it's my main language now and

has been for the last probably 30 ish

years but my mother's side was Dutch and

Flemish and I always want to kind of

explore that but I never gave myself the

chance that's one side of the story my

memory journey started about ten years

ago when my grandmother passed away from

Alzheimer's and it kind of inspired me

to start investigating what it meant to

have a healthy brain and if there were

techniques or any strategies I could

learn to train my own memory to be

better lo and behold I found some and

worked on it a lot and led me to win the

US memory championship a number of times

and kind of make memory something that I

now teach people very interesting when

you mentioned memory I remember once I

was in Slovakia okay I was holidaying

there with my son and his family they

live in London England and we had a

member of link who lived nearby we were

in the mountains but we met in a smaller

town and he had some trick that I can't

remember but he wrote a bunch of numbers

out on a piece of paper and then did

something and he could he would remember

which number was where on the piece of

paper yeah we were just amazed at how he

did this but in something that you just

couldn't do if you didn't know

if you didn't have some tricks a good

idea yeah yeah yeah and that's that's

off it I mean we don't do that trick in

particular but I know how we would have

done that and then these competitions

were tested on how many numbers you can

remember how many playing cards poetry

lists of words things like that so it is

very it looks like a feat of memory like

something like this is out of this world

but it's trainable so is there a simple

explanation sort of at a summary of sort

of these techniques what is it about

these techniques how do they work how

does a person trained to be able to do

these things

sure so I'd like to break it down into

kind of three basic steps and this is

how I approach basically anything that I

memorize most things that I memorize

first thing is to think of a picture so

whatever I'm trying to memorize I try to

kind of strip away the foreignness of it

and make it familiar to me because most

things that you're learning it's

something you've never seen before

that's why it's difficult to learn it

was easy to learn or something familiar

probably would stick better right so my

goal is to kind of trick my brain into

thinking it's something familiar so that

usually is in the form of some type of

Association or some kind of system that

I've developed to translate complicated

information into reliable memorable

pictures we remember pictures better so

that's the first step the second step is

how do I organize those pictures or

photographs in my mind and the most

commonly used technique in memory

competitions at least is something

called a memory palace where you imagine

a physical space in your mind and you

place those pictures along a route

through them and the idea is that we

remember places very well as well so why

not use them to remember the order of

things of those pictures that's not the

only way to do it but basically it's

some kind of strategy to store

information mm-hmm second step how to

store that information in a easily

retrievable way and then the final step

is review so if you want to keep things

for a long time for long term you have

to review it now that doesn't ever sound

very fun but what's nice about

1 & 2 is that the review can actually become a little more enjoyable if you

treat it that way and then it's not so

tedious as studying a book you know you

can't explore these crazy images in your

mind so then how were you able to apply

this to learning Dutch now you said you

your parents were from the Dutch or

Flemish speaking part of Belgium so you

would have heard Dutch presumably as a

child yeah I don't really what AG came

to the United States yeah but you would

have had some exposure to Dutch yeah so

let me let me talk about that so

actually my dad speaks French that's it

okay French Belgian he knows absolutely

nothing about Dutch Flemish and he

actually grew up mostly in France so I

okay he's panco fun okay and then my

mother is completely Dutch she's right

huh that she has that accent but she

speaks French and that's what they spoke

together when I grow up so he always

heard French around the house right and

slowly spoke French we actually lived

there for a while too I Belgian the

Flemish you know I really only hear that

when she was on the phone maybe with her

sister and but you're right I died of

course I heard it

there's certainly little phrases she

says that I can repeat but you know I

never knew the meaning I just said them

but it for a long time it just felt like

a very foreign kind of hard language to

grasp so yeah so that was the start of

my exposure to the language and that's

been I'm 36 so I 34 35 I started

thinking about maybe trying to learn it

and in a way to get closer to my mother

right to be able to speak with her to

kind of her have that side of my family

mm-hmm now how did I tie that to my

memory techniques that was kind of the

goal right to figure that out or to

attempt it and see how it went one of

the things I get told or asked of all

the time is you must be amazing with

languages because your memory or do you

ever use your memory to learn a language

right and that question is kind of

insane right because I don't think

anyone learns a language with memory

alone right I'm totally aware that

and I was aware that but I did believe

that my memory would serve as a great

help in kind of advancing me in certain

areas so I began kind of exploring what

that would look like and I thought to

myself well because I can memorize words

pretty fast why not try and tackle a

large set of vocabulary to start with so

I have some kind of base to build on

right and then from there I can maybe

explore other kind of avenues of

traditional and language learning or

different methods that aren't so memory

based but at least I would have a

foundation and that's that's kind of the

process started and so what did you find

did you find that the the memory

techniques were helpful yeah so one of

the things I think that's been tough for

me and probably a lot of people who want

to learn a language is just getting


right for years I've been saying oh I

can learn a language right I have to

apply my memory and put the work in but

that's easier said than done

and you know you buy the books you you

know you you pay for the courses or

whatever you have a tutor lined up and

then you know one thing leads to another

you're not doing any of the work right

right you got to do the work and I think

a big part of my problem is is I needed

something simple that would get me

started that would kind of play on what

I enjoy which is the memory side of

thing maybe not everybody likes that but

for me I enjoy sitting down and coming

up with these fun associations a lot of

them really quickly and so I use this

app called drops that presents a lot of

vocabulary in a fun kind of

aesthetically pleasing way and it's very

minimal at first right you don't have to

kind of commit a lot to start and that's

what I needed and I found myself kind of

always going back to it learning a bunch

of words every day

and my goal was to learn about 2,000

words in 90 days mm-hmm

and I use the app to do that just

because it helped kind of organize the

different kind of categories and help me

review as well so yeah after the 90 days

I believe I was success

successful you know I had my mother test

me and you know quiz me on words and and

I was able to nail you know ninety

percent of them I with some might need a

little review but I'd get them and and

then from then obviously I wasn't fluent

at all but I would say that I felt more

confident at that point and I had built

so much you know kind of consistency at

that point that it was very easy to kind

of move on to the next step and really

work on the language and write yeah it's

interesting like obviously a major

factor in language learning is as I

always say it's the motivation of the

learner and the amount of time that

they're willing to put in yeah there is

a third element that I sometimes talk

about which is the ability to notice but

that develops naturally if you spend a

lot of time with the language you start

to notice more and more things in the

language so it's not you're not

deliberately I'm going to learn how to

notice but if you are motivated and if

you spend the time things that at first

you don't notice in the language they

start to become clearer certain words

certain structures and what I have found

is that so first of all to get started

in the language as I have said I go

through these mini stories that we have

at link right and based on and in

particular the last few languages that

I've started to learn I've relied

entirely on the mini stories that was

for Greek for Persian for Arabic and for

Turkish and typically after your three

months just through repetitive listening

to the mini stories I will achieve three

to four thousand words now the thing is

in in languages the very high frequency

words of course they reappear very

frequently because their high frequency

well if the frequency drops off very

quickly so if you shall learn a thousand

words that to me is like doable okay

yeah through a memory system through the

many stories I when I was learning a

thousand characters of Chinese I had a

very primitive spaced repetition system

this is fifty years ago that I did you

know so so a finite number

of things words whatever it might be I

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today my guest is Nelson Dellis who is ||||Nelson Dellis|Dellis|| |||||Dellis|| Сегодня мой гость - Нельсон Деллис, который danes je moj gost Nelson Dellis, ki je

and you're gonna provide more details ve||||| and you're gonna provide more details と、より詳細な情報を提供することになる и вы предоставите больше деталей in zagotovili boste več podrobnosti

but you are an experienced or put it しかし、あなたは経験豊富な、またはそれを置く bet jūs esat pieredzējis vai nodot to но вы опытный или, скажем так. vendar ste izkušeni ali ga dal

this way an expert on memory yes and you šādā veidā eksperts par atmiņas jā, un jūs таким образом, эксперт по памяти да, и вы na ta način strokovnjak za spomin da in vi

have also expressed an interest in in ir izrādījuši interesi arī par также проявили интерес к so prav tako izrazili zanimanje za

art you've talked about the importance māksla esat runājis par to, cik svarīgi ir Вы говорили о важности umetnosti ste govorili o pomenu

of language learning and you yourself valodas apguves un jūs pats изучения языка, и вы сами učenja jezikov in sami

learnt Dutch so I want to explore memory aprendi||||||| |nizozemščino|||||| iemācījās holandiešu valodu, tāpēc vēlos izpētīt atmiņu выучил голландский, поэтому хочу изучить память. naučil nizozemščine, zato želim raziskati spomin

and language learning because that's a un valodu apguve, jo tas ir и изучение языков, потому что это in učenje jezikov, saj je to

great interest to the people who follow lielu interesi cilvēkiem, kuri seko veliko zanimanje za ljudi, ki spremljajo

me did you begin perhaps by introducing mani jūs sākāt, iespējams, ieviešot Вы начали, возможно, с того, что представили

yourself yeah so thank you for having me pats jā, tāpēc paldies, ka mani uzaicinājāt Да, спасибо, что пригласили.

on your channel here yeah so I actually uz jūsu kanāla šeit jā, tāpēc es faktiski

grew up speaking French mostly with my uzauga, runājot franču valodā, galvenokārt ar manu

parents there from Belgium French area vecāki no Beļģijas Francijas apgabala

and so language has always been kind of un valoda vienmēr ir bijusi sava veida

important in my life obviously perfect ||||évidemment| svarīgi manā dzīvē acīmredzami ideāls

English it's my main language now and Angļu valoda tagad ir mana galvenā valoda un

has been for the last probably 30 ish ||||||mais ou menos ir bijis pēdējo, iespējams, 30 ish

years but my mother's side was Dutch and ||||||néerlandaise| gadu, bet mana māte bija holandiešu un

Flemish and I always want to kind of flamengo||||||| Flamandzki||||||| flamski||||||| Flandrijas un es vienmēr gribu, lai veida

explore that but I never gave myself the izpētīt, ka, bet es nekad nav devis sev

chance that's one side of the story my iespēja, ka tas ir viens no stāsta puses mana

memory journey started about ten years |voyage|||| podróż pamięci||||| atmiņas ceļojums sākās apmēram desmit gadus Путешествие по памяти началось около десяти лет назад.

ago when my grandmother passed away from kad mana vecmāmiņa nomira no

Alzheimer's and it kind of inspired me Alcheimera slimība, un tas mani iedvesmoja. Альцгеймера, и это меня вдохновило.

to start investigating what it meant to ||enquêter sur|||| ||untersuchen|||| sākt pētīt, ko nozīmē

have a healthy brain and if there were ir veselīgas smadzenes, un, ja būtu

techniques or any strategies I could paņēmienus vai stratēģijas, ko es varētu

learn to train my own memory to be iemācīties trenēt savu atmiņu, lai

better lo and behold I found some and mieux|regardez||voilà|||| |||eis|||| |oto||lecz oto znalazłem|||| labāk lūk, es atradu dažus un melhor eis que encontrei alguns e

worked on it a lot and led me to win the |||||||m'a||| strādāja pie tā daudz un noveda mani uzvarēt много работал над ним и привел меня к победе в

US memory championship a number of times ||mistrzostwa pamięci USA|||| ASV atmiņas čempionāts vairākas reizes

and kind of make memory something that I un padarīt atmiņu par kaut ko tādu, ko es

now teach people very interesting when tagad mācīt cilvēkus ļoti interesanti, kad

you mentioned memory I remember once I jūs minējāt atmiņu Es atceros, reiz es

was in Slovakia okay I was holidaying ||||||en vacances ||||||休暇を過ごしていた bija Slovākijā labi man bija brīvdienas

there with my son and his family they tur kopā ar manu dēlu un viņa ģimeni viņi там с моим сыном и его семьей, они

live in London England and we had a dzīvo Londonā Anglijā, un mums bija Мы живем в Лондоне, Англия, и у нас был

member of link who lived nearby we were |||||à proximité|| biedrs saites, kas dzīvoja netālu mēs bijām член звена, который жил неподалеку, мы были

in the mountains but we met in a smaller kalnos, bet mēs tikāmies mazākā в горах, но мы встретились в небольшом

town and he had some trick that I can't pilsēta, un viņš bija kāds triks, ka es nevaru город, и у него был какой-то фокус, который я не могу

remember but he wrote a bunch of numbers |||||||chiffres atcerēties, bet viņš rakstīja ķekars skaitļu помните, но он написал кучу цифр.

out on a piece of paper and then did uz papīra lapas un pēc tam darīja на листе бумаги, а затем сделал

something and he could he would remember kaut ko, un viņš varētu viņš varētu atcerēties что-то, и он мог бы вспомнить.

which number was where on the piece of kurš numurs bija kur uz gabala какой номер находился на листе

paper yeah we were just amazed at how he papīrs jā, mēs bijām vienkārši pārsteigti par to, kā viņš бумагу, да, мы были просто поражены тем, как он

did this but in something that you just to darīja, bet kaut ko, ko jūs tikko сделал это, но в чем-то, что вы только что

couldn't do if you didn't know nevarētu darīt, ja jūs nezinātu. не смог бы сделать, если бы не знал.

if you didn't have some tricks a good ja jums nebija daži triki labs если бы у вас не было некоторых трюков, то хороший

idea yeah yeah yeah and that's that's idea, sì, sì, sì, e questo è ideja jā, jā, jā, jā, jā, un tas ir tas ir tas ir tas ir tas. идея, да, да, да, и это то, что

off it I mean we don't do that trick in off to es domāju, mēs nedarām šo triku in Я имею в виду, что мы не проделываем этот трюк в

particular but I know how we would have szczególny||||||| īpaši, bet es zinu, kā mēs būtu но я знаю, как бы мы

done that and then these competitions |||||compétitions un pēc tam šie konkursi и потом эти соревнования

were tested on how many numbers you can tika pārbaudīts, cik daudz skaitļu varat были протестированы на количество чисел, которые вы можете

remember how many playing cards poetry |||||poesia |||||poezija atcerēties, cik daudz spēļu kartes dzeja вспомните, сколько игральных карт в поэзии

lists of words things like that so it is vārdu sarakstus, piemēram, lai tas ir списки слов и тому подобное, так что это

very it looks like a feat of memory like |||||exploit||| |||||Leistung||| |||||feito||| |||||wyczyn pamięci||| |||||podvig||| ļoti tas izskatās kā varoņdarbs atmiņas, piemēram. очень похоже на подвиг памяти, как

something like this is out of this world |||||||incroyable kaut kas tāds ir ārpus šīs pasaules Это что-то из ряда вон выходящее.

but it's trainable so is there a simple ||entraînable||||| ||訓練可能||||| bet tas ir apmācāms, tāpēc ir vienkāršs но он поддается обучению, так что есть ли простой

explanation sort of at a summary of sort explication résumé||||||| paskaidrojums veida pie kopsavilkuma veida

of these techniques what is it about no šīm metodēm, kas ir par

these techniques how do they work how šīs metodes, kā tās darbojas, kā

does a person trained to be able to do vai persona, kas apmācīta, lai varētu darīt

these things šīs lietas

sure so I'd like to break it down into Quindi vorrei suddividere il tutto in pārliecināts, tāpēc es gribētu sadalīt to pa Конечно, поэтому я хотел бы разделить его на

kind of three basic steps and this is veida trīs pamata soļi, un tas ir

how I approach basically anything that I kā es pieejas būtībā jebko, ko es

memorize most things that I memorize iegaumēt lielāko daļu no tā, ko es iegaumēju.

first thing is to think of a picture so pirmā lieta ir domāt par attēlu, lai Прежде всего, нужно придумать картинку, чтобы

whatever I'm trying to memorize I try to neatkarīgi no tā, ko es cenšos iegaumēt, es cenšos что бы я ни пытался запомнить, я стараюсь

kind of strip away the foreignness of it type||enlever|||étrangeté|| ||entfernen||das|Fremdheit|| |||||異国性|| ||remover|afastar||estranheza|| |||||obcość tego|| atņemt no tā svešzemnieciskumu. een beetje de vreemdheid ervan wegnemen как бы лишить его иностранности.

and make it familiar to me because most un padarīt to pazīstamu man, jo lielākā daļa и сделать его привычным для меня, потому что большинство

things that you're learning it's lietas, ka jūs mācāties, tas ir то, что вы изучаете, это

something you've never seen before kaut ko tādu, ko nekad agrāk neesat redzējis. то, чего вы никогда раньше не видели

that's why it's difficult to learn it tāpēc to ir grūti apgūt. Поэтому его трудно выучить.

was easy to learn or something familiar bija viegli iemācīties vai kaut ko pazīstamu. было легко учиться или что-то знакомое

probably would stick better right so my droši vien būtu stick labāk labi, lai mans возможно, будет лучше держаться прямо, так что мой

goal is to kind of trick my brain into mērķis ir sava veida triks manas smadzenes, lai цель - как бы обмануть мой мозг, чтобы

thinking it's something familiar so that domājot, ka tas ir kaut kas pazīstams, lai думая, что это что-то знакомое, чтобы

usually is in the form of some type of habituellement|||||||| parasti ir kāda veida обычно в виде некоторого типа

Association or some kind of system that Stowarzyszenie lub system|||||| Asociācija vai kāda veida sistēma, kas Ассоциация или какая-то система, которая

I've developed to translate complicated Esmu izstrādājis, lai tulkotu sarežģītus Я научился переводить сложные

information into reliable memorable |||mémorable ||zuverlässig| ||fiável| informāciju par uzticamu atmiņā paliekošu

pictures we remember pictures better so bildes mēs labāk atceramies bildes, tāpēc

that's the first step the second step is tas ir pirmais solis, otrais solis ir

how do I organize those pictures or kā man sakārtot šīs bildes vai

photographs in my mind and the most fotogrāfijas manā prātā un visvairāk

commonly used technique in memory atmiņā bieži izmantotā metode

competitions at least is something konkursi vismaz ir kaut kas

called a memory palace where you imagine |||palais de mémoire||| sauc par atmiņu pili, kur jūs iedomājaties. так называемый дворец памяти, где вы представляете

a physical space in your mind and you fizisku telpu jūsu prātā un jūs

place those pictures along a route |||||itinéraire |||||Route |||||uma rota izvietot šos attēlus pa maršrutu. разместите эти фотографии вдоль маршрута

through them and the idea is that we parmi||||||| caur tiem, un ideja ir tāda, ka mēs через них, и идея в том, что мы

remember places very well as well so why atcerēties vietas ļoti labi, kā arī kāpēc

not use them to remember the order of neizmantot tos, lai atcerētos secību

things of those pictures that's not the lietas no šīm bildēm, kas nav вещи из этих фотографий, которые не

only way to do it but basically it's vienīgais veids, kā to izdarīt, bet būtībā tas ir единственный способ сделать это, но в основном это

some kind of strategy to store kāda veida stratēģija, lai uzglabātu некая стратегия хранения

information mm-hmm second step how to informācija mm-hmm otrais solis, kā

store that information in a easily glabāt šo informāciju viegli

retrievable way and then the final step abrufbar|||||| 取得可能|||||| możliwy do odzyskania|||||| recuperável|||||| atgūstams veids, un tad pēdējais solis

is review so if you want to keep things ir pārskatīšana, tāpēc, ja vēlaties saglabāt

for a long time for long term you have ilgu laiku ilgu laiku jums ir в течение долгого времени.

to review it now that doesn't ever sound pārskatīt to tagad, kas nekad neizklausās пересматривать его сейчас, когда он не звучит

very fun but what's nice about ļoti jautri, bet kas ir jauki par очень весело, но что приятного в том.

1 & 2 is that the review can actually 1 un 2 ir tas, ka pārskatīšana faktiski var 1 и 2 заключается в том, что обзор может become a little more enjoyable if you kļūst nedaudz patīkamāks, ja станет немного приятнее, если вы

treat it that way and then it's not so izturēties pret to šādā veidā, un tad tas nav tik ļoti относиться к нему именно так, и тогда он не будет таким

tedious as studying a book you know you langweilig||||||| nużące jak nauka||||||| garlaicīgs kā studē grāmatu jūs zināt, jūs zināt, ka jūs утомительно, как изучать книгу, о которой вы знаете.

can't explore these crazy images in your nevar izpētīt šos trakos attēlus savā не может исследовать эти безумные образы в своем

mind so then how were you able to apply prātā, tad kā tad jums bija iespēja piemērot Если вы думаете, то как вы смогли применить

this to learning Dutch now you said you to mācīties holandiešu valodu, tagad jūs teicāt, ka jūs это к изучению голландского языка, теперь вы сказали, что

your parents were from the Dutch or jūsu vecāki bija no holandiešu vai Ваши родители были голландцами или

Flemish speaking part of Belgium so you Beļģijas flāmu valodā runājošā daļa, lai jūs Фламандскоязычная часть Бельгии, поэтому вы

would have heard Dutch presumably as a ||||prawdopodobnie|| ||||verjetno bi slišal|| būtu dzirdējuši holandiešu, iespējams, kā услышал бы голландский язык, предположительно, как

child yeah I don't really what AG came bērns yeah man nav īsti ko AG nāca Ребенок, да, я не очень понимаю, что за AG пришел.

to the United States yeah but you would uz Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm jā, bet jūs varētu в Соединенные Штаты, да, но вы бы

have had some exposure to Dutch yeah so немного знакомы с голландским языком, так что

let me let me talk about that so Позвольте мне поговорить об этом.

actually my dad speaks French that's it Вообще-то мой отец говорит по-французски, вот и все.

okay French Belgian he knows absolutely хорошо владеет французским бельгийским, он знает абсолютно

nothing about Dutch Flemish and he ничего не знал о голландском фламандском, и он

actually grew up mostly in France so I Вообще-то я вырос в основном во Франции, так что я

okay he's panco fun okay and then my ||パンコ||||| ||wesoły||||| ||smešen||||| labi, viņš ir panco jautri labi, un tad mans oke hij is panco leuk oke en dan mijn Хорошо, он панко веселый, а потом мой

mother is completely Dutch she's right Мать совершенно голландская, она права.

huh that she has that accent but she huh, ka viņai ir šis akcents, bet viņa что у нее такой акцент, но она

speaks French and that's what they spoke runā franču valodā, un tieši tā viņi runāja. Говорит по-французски, и они говорили именно так.

together when I grow up so he always вместе, когда я вырасту, поэтому он всегда

heard French around the house right and слышал французский язык по всему дому и

slowly spoke French we actually lived медленно говорил по-французски, мы действительно жили

there for a while too I Belgian the там тоже некоторое время я бельгийский

Flemish you know I really only hear that Фламандцы, вы знаете, я действительно слышу только это.

when she was on the phone maybe with her когда она разговаривала по телефону, возможно, со своей

sister and but you're right I died of сестра, но вы правы, я умерла от

course I heard it Конечно, я слышал.

there's certainly little phrases she конечно, мало фраз, которые она

says that I can repeat but you know I говорит, что я могу повторить, но ты знаешь, что я

never knew the meaning I just said them Я никогда не знал значения, я просто говорил их.

but it for a long time it just felt like но долгое время мне казалось, что

a very foreign kind of hard language to очень чужой трудный язык для

grasp so yeah so that was the start of compreensão|||||||| так что да, это было началом

my exposure to the language and that's я познакомился с языком, и это

been I'm 36 so I 34 35 I started Мне 36, так что 34 35 Я начал

thinking about maybe trying to learn it подумываю о том, чтобы попробовать выучить его

and in a way to get closer to my mother и чтобы стать ближе к матери.

right to be able to speak with her to право на разговор с ней, чтобы

kind of her have that side of my family у нее есть та сторона моей семьи.

mm-hmm now how did I tie that to my Как же я связал это с моим

memory techniques that was kind of the техники запоминания, что было своего рода

goal right to figure that out or to право на достижение цели, чтобы выяснить это или

attempt it and see how it went one of попробуйте и посмотрите, как все прошло.

the things I get told or asked of all то, что мне говорят или спрашивают обо всем.

the time is you must be amazing with время, вы должны быть удивительны с

languages because your memory or do you языки благодаря вашей памяти или вы

ever use your memory to learn a language когда-либо использовали свою память для изучения языка

right and that question is kind of Верно, и этот вопрос как бы

insane right because I don't think Безумное право, потому что я не думаю.

anyone learns a language with memory Каждый изучает язык по памяти

alone right I'm totally aware that Я совершенно точно знаю, что

and I was aware that but I did believe И я знал об этом, но верил.

that my memory would serve as a great что моя память будет служить великим

help in kind of advancing me in certain ||||voranbringen||| ||||progredindo||| ||||posuwania naprzód||| ある種の前進に役立っている。 помочь в продвижении меня в некоторых

areas so I began kind of exploring what Поэтому я начал изучать, что

that would look like and I thought to как это будет выглядеть, и я подумал, что

myself well because I can memorize words я хорошо запоминаю слова.

pretty fast why not try and tackle a ||||||zmierzyć się z| ||||||rešiti| довольно быстро, почему бы не попробовать справиться с

large set of vocabulary to start with so Большой словарный запас для начала, так что

I have some kind of base to build on У меня есть какая-то база, на которую можно опереться.

right and then from there I can maybe

explore other kind of avenues of ||||caminhos| ||||inne możliwości| ||||avenije|

traditional and language learning or традиционное и языковое обучение или

different methods that aren't so memory различные методы, не требующие большого объема памяти

based but at least I would have a но, по крайней мере, у меня будет

foundation and that's that's kind of the fundacija|||||| фундамент, и это то, что нужно.

process started and so what did you find Процесс начался, и что вы обнаружили

did you find that the the memory вы обнаружили, что память

techniques were helpful yeah so one of техники были полезны, так что один из

the things I think that's been tough for вещи, которые, как мне кажется, были трудными для

me and probably a lot of people who want Я и, вероятно, многие люди, которые хотят

to learn a language is just getting выучить язык - это только начать


right for years I've been saying oh I Я уже много лет говорю: "О, я

can learn a language right I have to могу выучить язык правильно, я должен

apply my memory and put the work in but применить свою память и приложить усилия, но

that's easier said than done Это легче сказать, чем сделать

and you know you buy the books you you и вы знаете, что покупаете книги, которые вы

know you you pay for the courses or знаете, что вы платите за курсы или

whatever you have a tutor lined up and неважно, что у вас есть репетитор и

then you know one thing leads to another |||||leva|| тогда вы знаете, что одно ведет к другому

you're not doing any of the work right вы не делаете никакой работы правильно

right you got to do the work and I think Вы должны сделать работу, и я думаю.

a big part of my problem is is I needed большая часть моей проблемы в том, что мне нужно было

something simple that would get me что-то простое, что поможет мне

started that would kind of play on what Начали, чтобы как бы сыграть на том, что

I enjoy which is the memory side of Я наслаждаюсь тем, что это сторона памяти

thing maybe not everybody likes that but Может быть, не всем это нравится, но

for me I enjoy sitting down and coming Мне нравится садиться и приходить

up with these fun associations a lot of

them really quickly and so I use this их очень быстро, поэтому я использую этот

app called drops that presents a lot of ||Drops||||| Приложение под названием "Капли", в котором представлено множество

vocabulary in a fun kind of словарный запас в забавном виде

aesthetically pleasing way and it's very |ansprechend|||| |agradável|||| estetsko prijetno|estetsko prijeten||||

minimal at first right you don't have to минимальный поначалу, вы не должны

kind of commit a lot to start and that's для начала, вроде как, нужно много сделать, и это

what I needed and I found myself kind of то, что мне было нужно, и я обнаружил, что

always going back to it learning a bunch постоянно возвращается к ней, узнавая много нового

of words every day

and my goal was to learn about 2,000 и моей целью было узнать о 2 000

words in 90 days mm-hmm

and I use the app to do that just и я использую приложение для этого просто

because it helped kind of organize the потому что это помогло организовать

different kind of categories and help me

review as well so yeah after the 90 days также пересмотр, так что да, после 90 дней

I believe I was success Я считаю, что мне сопутствовал успех.

successful you know I had my mother test Успешно, вы знаете, что я проверял свою мать.

me and you know quiz me on words and and я и ты знаешь, что я знаю, что такое викторина по словам и и

I was able to nail you know ninety ||||przybić||| Мне удалось прибить девяносто

percent of them I with some might need a Процент из них я, а некоторым может понадобиться

little review but I'd get them and and небольшой обзор, но я получал их и

then from then obviously I wasn't fluent с тех пор, очевидно, я не владел языком.

at all but I would say that I felt more но я бы сказала, что чувствовала себя более

confident at that point and I had built В тот момент я был уверен в себе и построил

so much you know kind of consistency at так много, что вы знаете, как бы последовательность в

that point that it was very easy to kind В тот момент было очень легко

of move on to the next step and really перейти к следующему шагу и действительно

work on the language and write yeah it's работать над языком и писать, да, это

interesting like obviously a major интересный, как, очевидно, главный

factor in language learning is as I фактор в изучении языка, как я

always say it's the motivation of the всегда говорят, что это мотивация

learner and the amount of time that ученика и количество времени, которое

they're willing to put in yeah there is они готовы вложить деньги, да есть

a third element that I sometimes talk Третий элемент, о котором я иногда говорю

about which is the ability to notice but о которой - способность замечать, но

that develops naturally if you spend a |se desenvolve||||| которая развивается естественным образом, если вы проводите

lot of time with the language you start много времени с языком, который вы начинаете

to notice more and more things in the замечать все новые и новые вещи в

language so it's not you're not язык, так что это не вы не

deliberately I'm going to learn how to namerno|||||| Я намеренно собираюсь научиться

notice but if you are motivated and if но если у вас есть мотивация и если

you spend the time things that at first Вы тратите время на то, что поначалу

you don't notice in the language they вы не замечаете в языке, на котором они говорят.

start to become clearer certain words начинают становиться понятнее некоторые слова

certain structures and what I have found определенные структуры, и то, что я обнаружил

is that so first of all to get started так что для начала

in the language as I have said I go на языке, как я уже сказал, я иду

through these mini stories that we have через эти мини-истории, которые мы

at link right and based on and in по ссылке справа и на основе и в

particular the last few languages that В частности, последние несколько языков, которые

I've started to learn I've relied |||||dependido

entirely on the mini stories that was

for Greek for Persian for Arabic and for

Turkish and typically after your three

months just through repetitive listening

to the mini stories I will achieve three

to four thousand words now the thing is

in in languages the very high frequency в языках очень высокой частоты

words of course they reappear very

frequently because their high frequency

well if the frequency drops off very

quickly so if you shall learn a thousand

words that to me is like doable okay ||||||実行可能| ||||||fácil de fazer| ||||||izvedljivo| слова, которые, на мой взгляд, вполне выполнимы.

yeah through a memory system through the да через систему памяти через

many stories I when I was learning a много историй, когда я изучал

thousand characters of Chinese I had a тысячи иероглифов китайского языка, у меня был

very primitive spaced repetition system 原始的間隔反復システム

this is fifty years ago that I did you Это было пятьдесят лет назад.

know so so a finite number ||||endlich begrenzt| ||||skończony| знают, что их конечное число

of things words whatever it might be I stvari riječi bilo što to može biti ja слова, что бы это ни было, я