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Steve's YouTube Videos, Levelling Up With Moses Mccormick (laoshu505000): Part 2

Levelling Up With Moses Mccormick (laoshu505000): Part 2

right yeah because if you come up to

Vancouver there's no shortage of people

speaking all kinds of different

languages we could get into a cab if we

hail a cab

there's a 50% chance the drivers Punjabi

and a 50% is Irani now I've been

learning Persian so I can handle it

oh okay


how many me gonna so and of course the

Chinese there's no shortage of China oh

yes you guys have been Cantonese I heard

that make uber to can't walk not just

can't sneeze but the someone told me

that the poppy I forgot the number

it was a crazy number for population

yeah he's gotta be yeah I mean I would

think that in in Vancouver's got to be

35% okay yeah and that's all happened

within the last 20 or 30 years and it

used to be mostly people from Hong Kong

so it was heavy to Cantonese but now I

think its majority in American mainland

China as well as Taiwanese origin people

but there's lots of everything

certainly I saw the Filipino flag I

wanna oh yeah tagalog we can find it

almost much everything and we can do

pretty much anything like the only

language is that I haven't really cover

or dam what have you done Ukrainian I

haven't done in Ukrainian yet yeah I did

I learned Ukrainian I went to your grain

a great country not always about that

house if you compare that to Russian how

would like how well okay Ukrainian is

kind of between Russian and polish so

the vocabulary is more similar to polish

but certainly the writing system and and

perhaps the grammar is more similar to

Russian it's not very difficult if

you're a Russian speaker at first you

listen to Ukrainian you know as a

Russian speaker and I I felt I should be

able to understand this language but I

don't really quite understand it but

then if you put some effort into

learning the words then yeah and

this is slightly different but but I was

you know the interesting thing is that

that Russian in terms of vocabulary is

the outlier the vocabulary is closer

between polish Czech Ukrainian and

Russian vocabulary is somewhat different

but the grammar is very very similar

okay and yeah and it's a nice country

good food and they unfortunately they

have a real problem right now but I

think their new president is good and

and certainly the it was a great time

what it is but everywhere oh yeah what

are your current like what languages are

you doing now like what are your current

active languages okay so I initially

thought I would go after three so again

going by regions right so I got my East

Asian thing which is you know Chinese

Mandarin Cantonese Japanese Korean to

some extent and of course I got my

Western European languages Romance

languages you know Spanish French

Italian so what so I decided Middle East

like I don't know enough about all okay

so I decided to go after first I went

after Arabic and then I said well I got

the writing system but there's so many

Iranians here involve Hoover so I should

learn purged and and then my wife was

watching a Turkish soap operas that's

why I started Turkish but I dropped the

Turkish for now because it's just too

much for me to do them all at the same

time Turkish is is you know way more

difficult but because it's written in

the Latin alphabet is easier and whereas

reading for me like even though I kind

of know what the writing system is in

fact it takes a long time I don't know

how you handle all these different

writing systems because the brain you

know you can theoretically know

something but you actually I find you

got to do it yeah much before it starts

to feel come on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

you're right so so right now it's

basically Persian in Arabic I'm just

working on the two of them I get

podcasts off the internet I have the

people in one person an Iranian gal who

is actually traveling in India and

and a woman in Jordan and they

transcribed them for me and I listened

to the podcast understand about 20% and

then I go through the text on link and

save words of phrases and I'm just yeah

so on okay so you know in that era

beginning so which one of those well

because I I believe that Farsi for you

shouldn't be a problem with your

Japanese background because the grammar

is the same but what do you think is

more Farsi Farsi is not no Farsi is

Turkish in terms of the structure is

more similar to Japanese but Farsi is an

indo-european language so it's very

similar to other European languages the

word order I mean nothing there is very


whereas Arabic is yes finger because

trying and Turkish Turkish is stranger

yeah but what do you learning fine

what's which form of Arabic are you

learning full power just

yep well Standard Arabic I gather

there's a difference between foot sign

and Standard Arabic whatever you want to

call it this is Arabic they're modern

okay yeah because if I get on to

al-jazeera or transman cat you know or

anywhere where they have Arabic you know

podcast political discussions whatever

it's all in standard air okay whether

the person is from Sudan from Algeria

from Lebanon they speak the standard

Arabic I recognize that if I were to go

on visit Lebanon or Egypt I'd have to

spend some time working on that form of

the language but right now I'm focused

on that when it comes because you know

if you like the spirit people I found

that to be a bit difficult to try to

level up using modern it then when you

talk with them using the modern then

they'll say well oh you make some come

and say you sound like my teacher or

they'll laugh and they and a lot of

times they don't respond back and when

they do respond back it's in their

respective dilate you know so right but

but you know I was in Montreal and a lot

of taxi drivers are Lebanese and they

did not respond in standard Arabic on

the other hand there's a coffee shop in

Vancouver where I can speak to them as


Arabic and my wife and I were in Morocco

and taxi drivers restaurant owners they

were happy to speak to me in Standard

Arabic even though we could have spoken

in French all that is you know right

very common there but they would humor

me they were very nice I like it when

people you were me you know not like

that Chinese guy who was giving oh man

that was video that's he's the only

person in all of the videos that look of

yours he was the only guy who wasn't not

yes in that really not so much you know

I I like to make you so when I have like

a really uncomfortable situation I think

it's good for the court of viewers to

because they may I have a similar

situation and they may get discouraged

and say oh I don't want to do this


this is this how the people act but they

need to see I tell people that but you

can't really expect every situation to

be positive but I will say 98% of the

time when you speak with people you show

them that you want to learn our language

they're gonna be very very happy and

they're gonna be open and they're gonna

be willing to practice with you that

situation with that Chinese guy that was

really something that rarely happens

like I had but but I think I had two bad

experiences with Chinese right and I've

been doing I've been doing languages for

20 years so I mean but you have you have

like not everyone can do what you do

like you have a you know it just bounces

off you and you come back with a chuckle

and I mean not everyone can do it right

so you have a very good personality for

do you come in with a chuckle before

you've even said anything you've already

created a bit of a positive happy mood

and stuff not everyone can do that and I

think some people would be would get

uptight if people were annoyed or and he

was just a jerk he claims that he spoke

Yiddish he didn't speak Yiddish and that

mean that the challenge you and you

spoke to him in Russian says I thought

Russian then he told you your Chinese

was no good like he was just yeah yeah I

didn't I didn't take him seriously

because I have too much experience and

you know I mean my Chinese right perfect

but you know hey no and I think that's

another thing that I always mention you

as an example like like I had a

discussion with a guy in Japanese who is

all about pitch accent in Japanese and

pursuing sort of the nth degree of

perfection in Japanese and I said fine

like if that's what you want to do

that's fine but that's not the only

approach one can have to language

learning and so and I always point to

you said here's a guy he's dabbled in

Estonian in Khmer I think he did some

mom at some point yeah it's what Hayley

like it's such a so he a sampled like

imagine you went to a buffet dinner and

you sampled a little bit of everything

that was that the date in it I mean

that's you can also just grab a steak

and sit down and eat the state but I

think and I'm the same way like I have

20 languages I would say that you know

maybe a handful I speak well and then it

just you know it's you know it gets

worse from there on and I can't claim to

speak but but I went to Greece and I

spoke Greek and I went to Romania and I

spoke Romanian

and if he came at me now and Greek or

Romanian I don't think I'd be able to

handle it but but so what I had

experienced I discovered I discovered a

little bit about Greek culture and a

little bit about I mean I tried getting

to me but I didn't get very far but so I

think that's a tremendous thing to do

and and you can't expect if a person I

don't know how many languages you're up

to now but you can't expect that a

person who does 50 languages is gonna be

equally good in all of them yeah that's

not realistic it's not really this is

you know it's just I tell people you

know people ask me all the time will you

I see that you're doing all these

language at the same time but I will

always tell people if they're trying to

get to a really high level language like

you know c1 or c2 you can't do right

five or six language at the same time

you have to really focus on that

language itself because that language is

gonna require your full attention you

know I always tell people always tell

people that

so it really all depends on the person

it depends on their goals or what they

want to do like me I love I love the new

experience you know I love the new

experience and new interaction with

people so I don't expect myself

to learn all those languages to a crazy

high level so I said I'm going say look

I'm happy with a one I'm happy with a -

I'm not gonna spend all this time trying

to get to like a c1 or whatever you know

so I said realistic goals for myself but

I tell people all the time I tell them

you need to make sure that you know set

your goals I should said what you want

out of this language why are you

studying this language and if it's gonna

be a really high level like that you

can't unfortunately you can't do

multiple I mean you can but the problem

is gonna the problem you're gonna have

is the attention you know you you over

here doing this and then you can say

okay I'll do this first time in the over

here you can't really do that when

you're trying to get a language to a

high level you have to really focus on

that language you know so it really all

depends I tell people that all the time


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Levelling Up With Moses Mccormick (laoshu505000): Part 2 提升|||||| स्तर बढ़ाना|||||| Improvement|||Moses Mccorm|Moses Mccorm|Moses McCormick| レベルアップ|||||| nivelamento|||||| Aufstockung mit Moses McCormick (laoshu505000): Teil 2 Levelling Up With Moses Mccormick (laoshu505000): Part 2 Subiendo de nivel con Moses Mccormick (laoshu505000): Parte 2 Se mettre à niveau avec Moses Mccormick (laoshu505000) : Partie 2 Livellamento con Moses Mccormick (laoshu505000): Parte 2 モーゼス・マコーミック(laoshu505000)とレベルアップ:パート2 모세 맥코믹과 함께 레벨업하기(laoshu505000): 파트 2 Omhoog levelen met Moses Mccormick (laoshu505000): Deel 2 Poziomowanie z Mosesem Mccormickiem (laoshu505000): Część 2 Aumentando o nível com Moses Mccormick (laoshu505000): Parte 2 Levelling Up With Moses Mccormick (laoshu505000): Часть 2 Nivåhöjning med Moses Mccormick (laoshu505000): Del 2 Moses Mccormick (laoshu505000) ile Seviye Yükseltme: Bölüm 2 Вирівнювання з Мойсеєм Маккорміком (laoshu505000): Частина 2 与摩西·麦考密克一起升级 (laoshu505000):第 2 部分 與 Moses Mccormick 一起升級 (laoshu505000):第 2 部分

right yeah because if you come up to right yeah because if you come up to

Vancouver there's no shortage of people |||缺乏|| |||lack|| |||braków ludzi|| 温哥华不缺人

speaking all kinds of different

languages we could get into a cab if we ||||||計程車|| ||||||taxi|| ||||||táxi||

hail a cab flag down||

there's a 50% chance the drivers Punjabi |||||Punjabi driver с вероятностью 50% водители пенджабцы.

and a 50% is Irani now I've been |||Iranian||| |||イラン人|||

learning Persian so I can handle it |||||manage it|

oh okay


how many me gonna so and of course the

Chinese there's no shortage of China oh

yes you guys have been Cantonese I heard |||||speaking Cantonese||

that make uber to can't walk not just которые делают uber для тех, кто не может ходить пешком, не только

can't sneeze but the someone told me |打噴嚏||||| |sneeze||||| |espirrar|||||

that the poppy I forgot the number ||poppy flower||lost track of|| ||a papoula||||

it was a crazy number for population ||||||人口 ||||||people count

yeah he's gotta be yeah I mean I would ||has to||||||

think that in in Vancouver's got to be ||||温哥华的||| ||||Vancouver||| ||||バンクーバーの|||

35% okay yeah and that's all happened

within the last 20 or 30 years and it

used to be mostly people from Hong Kong |||||||Kong people

so it was heavy to Cantonese but now I |||重|||||

think its majority in American mainland |||||美国本土 |||||continental United States |||||kontynentalna część Ameryki

China as well as Taiwanese origin people ||||Taiwanese people||

but there's lots of everything 但什么都有

certainly I saw the Filipino flag I ||||Filipino flag|flag of the Philippines| 我当然看到了菲律宾国旗

wanna oh yeah tagalog we can find it |||塔加洛語|||| |||Tagalog|||| |||塔加洛语||||

almost much everything and we can do 几乎一切我们都能做

pretty much anything like the only 几乎就像唯一

language is that I haven't really cover

or dam what have you done Ukrainian I ||||||乌克兰语| |damn|||||Ukrainian language| |くそ|何を|||||

haven't done in Ukrainian yet yeah I did еще не делал на украинском, да, делал.

I learned Ukrainian I went to your grain |||||||grain storage |||||||ziarno

a great country not always about that

house if you compare that to Russian how |||contrast||||

would like how well okay Ukrainian is

kind of between Russian and polish so

the vocabulary is more similar to polish

but certainly the writing system and and

perhaps the grammar is more similar to

Russian it's not very difficult if

you're a Russian speaker at first you

listen to Ukrainian you know as a

Russian speaker and I I felt I should be |||||thought|||

able to understand this language but I

don't really quite understand it but

then if you put some effort into

learning the words then yeah and

this is slightly different but but I was ||a little|||||

you know the interesting thing is that

that Russian in terms of vocabulary is

the outlier the vocabulary is closer |离群值|||| |Ausreißer|||| |exception||||nearer |odstępstwo|||| hoe uitbijter de woordenschat is dichterbij

between polish Czech Ukrainian and

Russian vocabulary is somewhat different |||to some extent|

but the grammar is very very similar

okay and yeah and it's a nice country

good food and they unfortunately they

have a real problem right now but I

think their new president is good and

and certainly the it was a great time

what it is but everywhere oh yeah what ||||all around|||

are your current like what languages are ||present||||

you doing now like what are your current

active languages okay so I initially

thought I would go after three so again

going by regions right so I got my East ||areas||||||Eastern region

Asian thing which is you know Chinese Chinese||||||

Mandarin Cantonese Japanese Korean to language||||

some extent and of course I got my

Western European languages Romance |of Europe||Romance languages

languages you know Spanish French

Italian so what so I decided Middle East

like I don't know enough about all okay

so I decided to go after first I went

after Arabic and then I said well I got

the writing system but there's so many

Iranians here involve Hoover so I should ||涉及|||| ||include Hoover|Hoover Institution||| ایرانیان اینجا هوور را درگیر می کنند بنابراین من باید این کار را انجام دهم Иранцы здесь привлекают Гувера, так что я должен

learn purged and and then my wife was |清除|||||| |gelöscht|||||| |cleared out|||||spouse| |浄化された|||||| |清除|||||| учились чистить, а потом моя жена была

watching a Turkish soap operas that's ||||肥皂剧| ||||Seifenopern|

why I started Turkish but I dropped the ||||||stopped taking|

Turkish for now because it's just too

much for me to do them all at the same

time Turkish is is you know way more

difficult but because it's written in

the Latin alphabet is easier and whereas ||writing system||||in contrast

reading for me like even though I kind

of know what the writing system is in

fact it takes a long time I don't know ||requires||||||

how you handle all these different

writing systems because the brain you |writing systems||||

know you can theoretically know |||理论上| |||in principle|

something but you actually I find you

got to do it yeah much before it starts

to feel come on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

you're right so so right now it's

basically Persian in Arabic I'm just

working on the two of them I get

podcasts off the internet I have the

people in one person an Iranian gal who ||||||girl| ||||||イラン人女性| ||||||dziewczyna| ||||||uma garota|

is actually traveling in India and ||||the country|

and a woman in Jordan and they ||||the country||

transcribed them for me and I listened ||||||paid attention

to the podcast understand about 20% and ||the podcast|||

then I go through the text on link and |||||the link|||

save words of phrases and I'm just yeah

so on okay so you know in that era ||||||||time period

beginning so which one of those well

because I I believe that Farsi for you |||||ペルシャ語||

shouldn't be a problem with your

Japanese background because the grammar

is the same but what do you think is es el mismo, pero ¿qué crees que es

more Farsi Farsi is not no Farsi is

Turkish in terms of the structure is

more similar to Japanese but Farsi is an

indo-european language so it's very Indo-European|||||

similar to other European languages the

word order I mean nothing there is very

strange unusual

whereas Arabic is yes finger because ||||a gesture|

trying and Turkish Turkish is stranger |||||more foreign

yeah but what do you learning fine

what's which form of Arabic are you

learning full power just |complete|full capacity|

yep well Standard Arabic I gather yes||Modern|||

there's a difference between foot sign ||||footprint|

and Standard Arabic whatever you want to

call it this is Arabic they're modern

okay yeah because if I get on to

al-jazeera or transman cat you know or |||變性男性|||| the|||transgender man|||| |||トランスマン|||| |||trans homem|||| |||变性男性|||| Аль-Джазира или трансвестит Кот, которого вы знаете, или

anywhere where they have Arabic you know any location||||||

podcast political discussions whatever

it's all in standard air okay whether ||||atmospheric air||

the person is from Sudan from Algeria ||||||Algerian origin

from Lebanon they speak the standard |Lebanon||||

Arabic I recognize that if I were to go

on visit Lebanon or Egypt I'd have to ||黎巴嫩||||| ||||Egypt|||

spend some time working on that form of

the language but right now I'm focused

on that when it comes because you know

if you like the spirit people I found ||||spiritual beings|||

that to be a bit difficult to try to

level up using modern it then when you

talk with them using the modern then

they'll say well oh you make some come

and say you sound like my teacher or

they'll laugh and they and a lot of

times they don't respond back and when

they do respond back it's in their они отвечают, что это в их

respective dilate you know so right but |dilate verb||||| |dilatar||||| |擴張||||| jeweiligen|||||| 各自的|扩张||||| |拡張する||||| Соответствующее расширение вы знаете, так правильно, но

but you know I was in Montreal and a lot

of taxi drivers are Lebanese and they ||||of Lebanese origin||

did not respond in standard Arabic on

the other hand there's a coffee shop in ||||||café|

Vancouver where I can speak to them as


Arabic and my wife and I were in Morocco ||||||||the country

and taxi drivers restaurant owners they ||||restaurant proprietors|

were happy to speak to me in Standard

Arabic even though we could have spoken

in French all that is you know right

very common there but they would humor

me they were very nice I like it when

people you were me you know not like

that Chinese guy who was giving oh man

that was video that's he's the only

person in all of the videos that look of

yours he was the only guy who wasn't not possessive pronoun||||||||

yes in that really not so much you know

I I like to make you so when I have like

a really uncomfortable situation I think

it's good for the court of viewers to ||||audience||| 这对观众来说是件好事

because they may I have a similar

situation and they may get discouraged

and say oh I don't want to do this


this is this how the people act but they

need to see I tell people that but you

can't really expect every situation to

be positive but I will say 98% of the

time when you speak with people you show

them that you want to learn our language

they're gonna be very very happy and

they're gonna be open and they're gonna

be willing to practice with you that |ready to|||||

situation with that Chinese guy that was

really something that rarely happens

like I had but but I think I had two bad

experiences with Chinese right and I've encounters|||||

been doing I've been doing languages for

20 years so I mean but you have you have

like not everyone can do what you do

like you have a you know it just bounces ||||||||reverberates ||||||||跳ね返る ||||||||odbija się ||||||||salta

off you and you come back with a chuckle ||||||||轻声笑 ||||||||kichernd zurückkommen ||||||||a soft laugh ||||||||risada suave ||||||||chichotem

and I mean not everyone can do it right

so you have a very good personality for ||||||character traits|

do you come in with a chuckle before

you've even said anything you've already

created a bit of a positive happy mood |||||||atmosphere

and stuff not everyone can do that and I

think some people would be would get

uptight if people were annoyed or and he 緊張不安||||||| tense||||||| Skrępowany||||||| 紧张的|||||||

was just a jerk he claims that he spoke |||混蛋||||| |||rude person|||||

Yiddish he didn't speak Yiddish and that ||||意第绪语|| Yiddish language||||Yiddish language|| ||||イディッシュ語||

mean that the challenge you and you

spoke to him in Russian says I thought

Russian then he told you your Chinese

was no good like he was just yeah yeah I

didn't I didn't take him seriously

because I have too much experience and

you know I mean my Chinese right perfect

but you know hey no and I think that's

another thing that I always mention you

as an example like like I had a

discussion with a guy in Japanese who is

all about pitch accent in Japanese and ||intonation emphasis|||| ||tomada de tom||||

pursuing sort of the nth degree of ||||第n度|| ||||highest level of|| ||||限りなく|| 追求第 n 次方

perfection in Japanese and I said fine perfection||||||

like if that's what you want to do

that's fine but that's not the only

approach one can have to language

learning and so and I always point to

you said here's a guy he's dabbled in ||||||experimented with| ||||||experimentou| ||||||涉獵過| ||||||sich versucht| ||||||涉猎过| ||||||"bawił się w"|

Estonian in Khmer I think he did some Estonian language||ខ្មែរ||||| Ests in Khmer. Ik denk dat hij wat heeft gedaan

mom at some point yeah it's what Hayley mother|||||||Hayley

like it's such a so he a sampled like |||||||取样| |||||||sampled| |||||||amostrado| |||||||próbkowany|

imagine you went to a buffet dinner and |||||自助餐|| picture|||||all-you-can-eat|| |||||自助餐||

you sampled a little bit of everything |probiert||||| |spróbowałeś wszystkiego po trochu|||||

that was that the date in it I mean ||||the date||||

that's you can also just grab a steak |||||||piece of meat

and sit down and eat the state but I

think and I'm the same way like I have

20 languages I would say that you know

maybe a handful I speak well and then it ||a few||||||

just you know it's you know it gets

worse from there on and I can't claim to 从那时起情况就更糟了,我不能声称

speak but but I went to Greece and I ||||||Greece||

spoke Greek and I went to Romania and I |spoke Greek|||||||

spoke Romanian

and if he came at me now and Greek or

Romanian I don't think I'd be able to

handle it but but so what I had

experienced I discovered I discovered a having knowledge||realized|||

little bit about Greek culture and a

little bit about I mean I tried getting

to me but I didn't get very far but so I

think that's a tremendous thing to do

and and you can't expect if a person I

don't know how many languages you're up

to now but you can't expect that a

person who does 50 languages is gonna be

equally good in all of them yeah that's just as|||||||

not realistic it's not really this is |not true|||||

you know it's just I tell people you

know people ask me all the time will you

I see that you're doing all these

language at the same time but I will

always tell people if they're trying to

get to a really high level language like

you know c1 or c2 you can't do right

five or six language at the same time

you have to really focus on that

language itself because that language is |the language||||

gonna require your full attention you

know I always tell people always tell

people that

so it really all depends on the person

it depends on their goals or what they

want to do like me I love I love the new

experience you know I love the new

experience and new interaction with |||engagement|

people so I don't expect myself

to learn all those languages to a crazy

high level so I said I'm going say look

I'm happy with a one I'm happy with a -

I'm not gonna spend all this time trying

to get to like a c1 or whatever you know

so I said realistic goals for myself but

I tell people all the time I tell them

you need to make sure that you know set

your goals I should said what you want 你的目标我应该说你想要什么

out of this language why are you 为什么你不懂这种语言

studying this language and if it's gonna learning||||||

be a really high level like that you

can't unfortunately you can't do

multiple I mean you can but the problem

is gonna the problem you're gonna have

is the attention you know you you over

here doing this and then you can say

okay I'll do this first time in the over

here you can't really do that when

you're trying to get a language to a

high level you have to really focus on

that language you know so it really all

depends I tell people that all the time
