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Steve's YouTube Videos, Level Up With Moses McCormick (laoshu505000): Part 1

Level Up With Moses McCormick (laoshu505000): Part 1

what is it Mr. Ka.. Mr. Kaufmann has been

what 10 years almost it's been seven

years oh man you know what I I this

morning with my wife that I said I'm

talking to moment and of course she

doesn't know who you are right so I said

I got you so I gotta show you this guy

so I went and found a bunch of your

videos where you walk into a store and

you speak Khmer and Vietnamese and then

was where you talk to some Chinese guy

his foot oh I got to be looking at my

phone here and that spoke to this

Chinese guy I think in a restaurant and

you spoke to him in Russia and he said

no you're not speaking Russian oh oh oh

that was oh yeah that was crazy yeah

yeah so very impressive very impressive

so what has what has changed over these

last seven years not much man just um I

mean I live in Arizona now I don't I

don't live in Ohio so that's the biggest

thing that's different here I'm still

doing a language you know as usual I

can't I can't stop doing languages right

that's I should you know for those I

should say maybe some of my viewers

don't know who you okay although you are

a legend you're a legend

and we would like you to your unit you

know I'll link to your YouTube channel

in the description bar okay and I mean

you have massive numbers of subscribers

I don't know what it is 800,000 or

something yes like I think it's like

nine hundred fifty thousand and I don't

know how to happen I don't know where

these people came from I was shocked I'm

still shocked cuz I didn't really expect

it to that channel is there are people

you can say there are people like Lucca

who I think is phenomenal and you know a

limited number of languages so whatever

that is ten or something Moses is the

champ in terms of numbers of languages

numbers of unrelated languages so just

to go over that so I saw you speaking

Khmer and BA

and I should say that I went to Vietnam

and I tried to learn a bit before going

there and I was totally incapable of

saying anything other than come on which

is thank you

that's about as far as I got but you

also do could you just tell our people

who follow this channel just all the

different languages that you speak well

to what some degree like you don't have

to be a PhD in these yeah just that

you're able to a community longest

languages are Mandarin obviously English

that's my native language Japanese was a

Mandarin Japanese Cantonese Korean it's

up there Korean Spanish other languages

that I can it's so many of them okay so

so don't you do it so nyan or Georgia

oh okay so Estonian I'm not really doing

much of Estonian these days however I

study finished for a couple years

Georgian is one of them are manian do

you read I can read and write Georgian

read and write Armenian pretty much all

the languages I learned I know how to

read and write in them it's similar are

the writing system like to media look

the same Georgian and old air they use

the same well they're totally different

they're totally different yeah they're

very very different and I think that the

Georgian is probably easier to learn as

far as the writing is easier it's a bit

more easy to learn than Armenia but

they're they're very different languages

state the writing system is different I

mean they they both well countries a lot

of the people of both countries speak

Russian as a native language but though

they're that Armenian and Georgian very

different very very different yeah I

mean there you have a similar history in

a way you know early Christian countries

and the caucuses and stuffing and I

thought maybe I know the languages are

completely different like Armenian is a

European language right yeah it is I

know European yes whereas George is

something yeah Georgian you know what

Georgian the last time I read about

Jordan Jordan isn't is it's in his own

little group it's not related to any

other language this

that is an isolating language and it's

very unique like every I had a Georgian

I still do I have George and grammar

book every chapter literally every

chapter has a chart four four four four

what is it oh my goodness I'm forgetting

the word ear ear irregular verbs every

chapter they have a chart for irregular

verbs it's ridiculous you know we're

gonna get George link oh yeah okay okay

because somebody decided to translate

our many stories into George's so we're

gonna get Georgian I don't think we get

many people learning it but well but so

so showing geographically then so you're

you're into the Baltics and you can test

call to the edge yeah you know what it's

funny cuz Letha wainy and I just I know

you probably know that many years ago I

dad I dabble with a lot of different

languages Leif Delaney was one language

that I was dabbling with but just this

year last year I that's one of the

languages I decided to learn like four

times so leapt away knee isn't one of my

active languages right now you're in

Southeast Asia with Khmer Thai

Vietnamese yes you're in East Asia

with Korean Japanese and Mandarin and

Cantonese what other geographical area

I'm going to first Mendoza Sofia

Mongolian is over there too right yeah

monk so besides the East Asian we got

Southeast Asia we got right to Southeast

Asia then we have what else we have

didn't I see an Indian flag on one of

your videos oh yeah we have Indian

language is going on Tommy so I'm doing

Tamil full time now then I do Hindi I'm

not doing it full time but I do some

hindi here and there right a bit of

Punjabi what else is new you'd be


oh man I heard about that yeah I heard

about that

yes yeah I have a quite a few Indian

language oh yeah yes so we got Somali

that's probably my strongest African

language Somali Swahili I'm hard easy

which is Ethiopian right okay yeah your

robot I saw your you said you're gonna

speak Sudanese Arabic but it sounded to

me like foot sir I could understand

everything yeah it's yeah it's food

that's another one of my current

activist languages Sudanese Arabic is

basically you know it's just a dialect

but they have their own words like

Shadid they say Shadid that that word is

for what it should be strong yeah yeah

like it's close to yes should be then it

they just have some words that are

different that only Sudanese people will

understand but for the most part if

you're for example if you're from Saudi

Arabia and I spoke to you in Sudanese

Arabic you will pretty much understand

even if there are some words that we use

that you don't understand you'll be able

to figure out what I'm saying from

context so it's you could speak that I

could speak that Sudanese Arabic with

anyone from the Arab speaking world yes

Zulu Zulu actually Swahili I think but

actually you know what Swahili is bond

to and Zul was more yummy they say yeah

it's a goonie language yoruba that's

Nigerian languages Nigeria and yeah I

had a friend at university yeah how much


in native languages what like Quechua

you speak I don't know catch no I don't

know that I Navajo is probably the one I

know the most but I'm interesting

learning like moose that Ojibwe Cree

would be a big one in camp which one

Cree Cree is though is most widely free

okay I've never heard of that really is

that CR EE uptick I've seen it correct

okay it's all across Canada all across

Canada I don't know how neutrally

intelligible all the different versions

of cream are but it's widely so you meet

them very often well I was involved in a

sawmill in northern Alberta and we had

there's a lot of people out there whose

be Cree and also we one of our partners

was a matey settlement and they speak

Korean oh yeah and there's Korean

British Columbia those Cree in Ontario

Quebec it's fairly widespread oh okay

yeah that's that's yeah I'm I have to

look into that Creek because I

definitely want to come back I went I've

been to Canada too

when maybe three times I've been in

Canada but that was Toronto but I would

love to go to Vancouver because I hear a

lot you know if you come to Vancouver

we will go do your yeah yes first of all

I've never done that but I've always

wondered like if you wander into a place

and you got your camera on like some

people don't want to be videoed right

and they don't want to be on the

internet like how do you get permission

or do you get permission after this um

whoa go chase you away

for the most part for the most part I

don't know how the laws are there in

Canada but here and particularly in the

United States you can record anywhere

freely except in someone's home if you

it's private so it has to be public so

normally when I when I do recordings I

don't really tell people unless state

the only time I tell them is if they

notice I'm recording now if they say hey

you're recording that's a camera then I

will tell them and then most of the time

99% of the time they're okay with the

date I'll tell them I have a YouTube

channel they say oh you have a YouTube

channel what's your YouTube channel

getting let me and I'll give them my

youtube channel

I had a couple times where someone said

yeah I don't want to be on YouTube and I

didn't use the footage but that rarely

happened to me so your camera is

actually you know what one second my bag

is right here so I have a hat I think

you've seen this hat before I have this

hat these are the cameras that I use


okay so these are the cameras that I use

these are GoPro cameras I'm pretty sure

a lot of the lot of your followers a lot

of your viewers they know what GoPro is

so these I use these cameras GoPro and

what I do with these cameras is put it

I'll use this hat right so as you can

see as you can see there's a hole right


in this hat so I place the camera inside

of this you know like this right and you

can't really see you can't really you

know I'm six foot seven okay I'm six

foot seven so when I'm wearing this hat

most people can't really see even it's

funny because even when I sit down I

remember I was recording in a Chinese

restaurant and I was actually sitting

down I had this hat on and I'm looking

up at the waitress and she still didn't

realize that I was recording so most

most of time people are so intrigued and

interested in why I'm want to learn this

language they're not really look at this

and they'll just write you know they're

not really concerned about that but um

if they if you look at it if you if you

look if you keep looking at it you can

tell that it's a camera in there but you

have to be really looking so if you're

very observant --iv you will know it's a

camera and then you say wait a minute

what is they they'll ask you what what

is that what is

is that a camera so I had that happen to

me a Chinese actually a Chinese guy I

was in Walmart and I was in line talking

to him and his wife and then he was

looking he was looking at my hat and

then he said we he asked me Johnny so

what is that he said is that camera and

then I was like oh shit he I was like oh

man I gotta come up with a story so I

had to come up with some lip story I

said okay I said yes it's a camera and I

said it's my friend's birthday my friend

is having a birthday party tonight and

I'm recording the you know the reaction

and I'm record basically recording the

party and he's oh okay

okay and that was that but I used that

camera for that and then I have this I

recently just started using this here

this this just came out this is the max

this is the GoPro max now with this

obviously you know this is not going

into the Hat this is too big so I have a

chest strap i have the gopro chest strap

and basically what i do is have my

brother wear this and he's recording

from from his chest strap so so so the

viewers can see me which is better

really yeah because for for a long time

I've been recording in a way to where

you can't really see me you only hear me

and a lot of people they've been saying

oh we want to see we want to see you so

I said man I don't know how I'm gonna do

this and I say okay this is what I'm

gonna do I'm gonna get this chest strap

for my brother and then when I'm

practicing the language then he could be

recording from his perspective so and

you know it's that camera is exposed if

people look at them they can tell that

they look at they say they'll see that

he's recording but like I said before

they're so interested and why I'm

wanting to while I'm speaking this

language they're not really concerned

about their anyway so they're just

trying to see like why are you want to

learn this language will happen where'd

you learn why are you speaking it you



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Level Up With Moses McCormick (laoshu505000): Part 1 ||||麦考密克|| |||Moses|McCormick|laoshu| Level||||Moses McCormick|Moses McCormick| |||||لاوشو| |||Moisés|McCormick|laoshu| Level Up mit Moses McCormick (laoshu505000): Teil 1 Sube de nivel con Moses McCormick (laoshu505000): Parte 1 Niveau supérieur avec Moses McCormick (laoshu505000) : Partie 1 Salire di livello con Moses McCormick (laoshu505000): Parte 1 モーゼス・マコーミック(laoshu505000)とレベルアップ:第1回 모세 맥코믹과 함께 레벨 업하기 (laoshu505000): 파트 1 Lygis aukštyn su Moses McCormick (laoshu505000): 1 dalis Level Up met Mozes McCormick (laoshu505000): Deel 1 Poziom wyżej z Mosesem McCormickiem (laoshu505000): Część 1 Subir de nível com Moses McCormick (laoshu505000): Parte 1 Level Up With Moses McCormick (laoshu505000): Часть 1 Level Up med Moses McCormick (laoshu505000): Del 1 Moses McCormick (laoshu505000) ile Seviye Atlayın: Bölüm 1 Підвищення рівня з Мозесом МакКорміком (laoshu505000): Частина 1 Lên cấp với Moses McCormick (laoshu505000): Phần 1 与摩西-麦考密克(laoshu505000)一起提升水平:第一部分 與 Moses McCormick 一起升級 (laoshu505000):第 1 部分

what is it Mr. Ka.. Mr. Kaufmann has been ||||Herr|||| ||||Mr.|||| |||señor|Ka|||| que es el Sr. Ka.. Sr. Kaufmann ha sido 카우프만 씨는 kas tai yra, ponas Ka.. Ponas Kaufmanas buvo

what 10 years almost it's been seven kokie 10 metų beveik praėjo septyneri

years oh man you know what I I this |oh|hombre|||||| metų, o žmogau, jūs žinote, ką aš tai nhiều năm trời ơi bạn biết cái gì thế này

morning with my wife that I said I'm |||meiner Frau|||| |||esposa|||| ryte su žmona, kad aš pasakiau, kad aš

talking to moment and of course she ||momento|||| kalbėti su momentu ir, žinoma, ji

doesn't know who you are right so I said

I got you so I gotta show you this guy |||||muss|||| |||||||||person |||||tengo que||||tipo Tôi hiểu rồi nên tôi phải cho bạn xem anh chàng này

so I went and found a bunch of your ||||||un montón|| vì vậy tôi đã đi và tìm thấy một loạt của bạn

videos where you walk into a store and

you speak Khmer and Vietnamese and then ||Khmer||Vietnamesisch|| ||Khmer language||Vietnamese|| ||jemer||vietnamita||

was where you talk to some Chinese guy

his foot oh I got to be looking at my |Fuß|||||||| |pie||||||||

phone here and that spoke to this teléfono|||||| điện thoại ở đây và điều đó đã nói lên điều này

Chinese guy I think in a restaurant and |Typ||||||

you spoke to him in Russia and he said |||||Russland||| |||||Rusia|||

no you're not speaking Russian oh oh oh

that was oh yeah that was crazy yeah ||||||verrückt| |||sí|||increíble| điều đó thật là ồ vâng điều đó thật điên rồ ừ

yeah so very impressive very impressive |||beeindruckend|| |||very impressive|| |||impresionante||

so what has what has changed over these |||||cambiado|durante|

last seven years not much man just um I |||||Mann||| |||||guy||| |||||||eh| bảy năm qua không nhiều lắm, chỉ ừm tôi

mean I live in Arizona now I don't I ||||Arizona|||| ||vivo||Arizona|||| nghĩa là bây giờ tôi sống ở Arizona phải không

don't live in Ohio so that's the biggest |||Ohio|||| |||Ohio|||| |||Ohio||||

thing that's different here I'm still

doing a language you know as usual I ||||||gewöhnlich| ||||||usualmente| làm một ngôn ngữ mà bạn biết như thường lệ tôi

can't I can't stop doing languages right |||aufhören|||

that's I should you know for those I

should say maybe some of my viewers ||||||观众

don't know who you okay although you are ||||está bien|||

a legend you're a legend |Legende||| một huyền thoại bạn là một huyền thoại

and we would like you to your unit you |||||||Einheit|

know I'll link to your YouTube channel biết tôi sẽ liên kết tới kênh YouTube của bạn

in the description bar okay and I mean ||Beschreibung|Leiste|||| という意味だ。

you have massive numbers of subscribers |||||订阅者 |||Zahl||Abonnenten

I don't know what it is 800,000 or Tôi không biết 800.000 là bao nhiêu hay

something yes like I think it's like

nine hundred fifty thousand and I don't

know how to happen I don't know where biết chuyện gì sẽ xảy ra Tôi không biết ở đâu

these people came from I was shocked I'm ||||||schockiert|

still shocked cuz I didn't really expect ||weil|||| ||because|still surprised||| vẫn còn sốc vì tôi thực sự không mong đợi

it to that channel is there are people

you can say there are people like Lucca |||||||Lucca |||||||Lucca

who I think is phenomenal and you know a ||||非凡的|||| ||||phänomenal|||| ||||非凡的||||

limited number of languages so whatever

that is ten or something Moses is the ||zehn||||| đó là mười hoặc gì đó Moses là

champ in terms of numbers of languages 冠軍|||||| Meister Champion||Begriff|||| 冠军||||||

numbers of unrelated languages so just ||無關的||| ||unverwandt|||

to go over that so I saw you speaking để xem qua điều đó vì vậy tôi thấy bạn đang nói

Khmer and BA ||Bachelor of Arts ||Bachelor of Arts

and I should say that I went to Vietnam ||||||||Vietnam

and I tried to learn a bit before going

there and I was totally incapable of |||||無法的| |||||unfähig| |||||unable to| |||||无能为力| ở đó và tôi hoàn toàn không có khả năng

saying anything other than come on which

is thank you

that's about as far as I got but you đó là những gì tôi đã hiểu nhưng bạn

also do could you just tell our people

who follow this channel just all the

different languages that you speak well các ngôn ngữ khác nhau mà bạn nói tốt

to what some degree like you don't have

to be a PhD in these yeah just that |||Doktorand||||| これらの博士号は、まさにそれである。 trở thành tiến sĩ trong lĩnh vực này, vâng, chỉ thế thôi

you're able to a community longest ||||Gemeinschaft|am längsten

languages are Mandarin obviously English ||Mandarin|| ngôn ngữ rõ ràng là tiếng phổ thông tiếng Anh

that's my native language Japanese was a

Mandarin Japanese Cantonese Korean it's ||Kantonesisch||

up there Korean Spanish other languages

that I can it's so many of them okay so rằng tôi có thể có rất nhiều trong số đó được rồi

so don't you do it so nyan or Georgia ||||||so nyan||Georgia ||||||like that|| ||||||にゃん||

oh okay so Estonian I'm not really doing |||Estnisch|||| |||Estonian|||| |||エストニア語||||

much of Estonian these days however I |||||jedoch|

study finished for a couple years nghiên cứu đã hoàn thành trong một vài năm

Georgian is one of them are manian do ||||||馬尼安| georgisch||||||manian| Georgian||||||Mayan|

you read I can read and write Georgian bạn đọc tôi có thể đọc và viết tiếng Georgia

read and write Armenian pretty much all |||Armenisch||| |||Armenian|||

the languages I learned I know how to

read and write in them it's similar are

the writing system like to media look

the same Georgian and old air they use |||||Luft|| cùng một bầu không khí Georgia và cũ mà họ sử dụng

the same well they're totally different

they're totally different yeah they're

very very different and I think that the rất rất khác nhau và tôi nghĩ rằng

Georgian is probably easier to learn as

far as the writing is easier it's a bit

more easy to learn than Armenia but |||||亞美尼亞| |||||Armenien| |||||a country|

they're they're very different languages họ là những ngôn ngữ rất khác nhau

state the writing system is different I Zustand|||||| nói rõ hệ thống chữ viết khác nhau tôi

mean they they both well countries a lot nghĩa là cả hai đều khỏe mạnh rất nhiều

of the people of both countries speak

Russian as a native language but though Tiếng Nga là ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ nhưng

they're that Armenian and Georgian very

different very very different yeah I

mean there you have a similar history in

a way you know early Christian countries |||||christlich| |||||Christianity's influence|

and the caucuses and stuffing and I ||会议||填充物|| ||Kaukasus||Wahlkampf|| ||||filling|| ||党員集会||詰め物|| ||||填充物|| そしてコーカス(党員集会)とスタッフィング、そして私。

thought maybe I know the languages are

completely different like Armenian is a völlig|||||

European language right yeah it is I

know European yes whereas George is |||während|George|

something yeah Georgian you know what

Georgian the last time I read about

Jordan Jordan isn't is it's in his own Jordan|||||||

little group it's not related to any ||||verwandt||

other language this

that is an isolating language and it's |||isolierende||| |||isolating language|||

very unique like every I had a Georgian

I still do I have George and grammar

book every chapter literally every |||buchstäblich|

chapter has a chart four four four four |||Diagramm|||| |||quadro||||

what is it oh my goodness I'm forgetting |||||Güte||

the word ear ear irregular verbs every ||Ohr||unregelmäßig||

chapter they have a chart for irregular

verbs it's ridiculous you know we're ||lächerlich|||

gonna get George link oh yeah okay okay

because somebody decided to translate ||||übersetzen

our many stories into George's so we're ||||Georges|| ||||George's||

gonna get Georgian I don't think we get

many people learning it but well but so

so showing geographically then so you're ||地理上||| ||geografisch||| ||geographically||| ||地理上|||

you're into the Baltics and you can test |||den Baltischen Staaten|||| |||Baltic States|||| |||バルト三国||||

call to the edge yeah you know what it's 呼叫|||||||| |||Rand|||||

funny cuz Letha wainy and I just I know witzig||Letha|schwankend||||| ||Letha|whiny||||| |||レイニー|||||

you probably know that many years ago I ||||||vor vielen Jahren|

dad I dabble with a lot of different ||涉獵||||| ||herumexperimentieren||||| ||experiment||||| ||brinco com||||| ||玩弄|||||

languages Leif Delaney was one language |Leif Delaney|Delaney||| |Leif|Leif Delaney|||

that I was dabbling with but just this |||玩弄|||| |||herumexperimentieren|||| |||experimenting|||| que eu estava a fazer, mas apenas isto

year last year I that's one of the

languages I decided to learn like four

times so leapt away knee isn't one of my ||跳躍|||||| ||sprang||Knie|||| ||leaped|||||| ||飛び跳ねた|||||| ||saltou|||||| tempos tão distantes, o joelho não é um dos meus

active languages right now you're in aktive|||||

Southeast Asia with Khmer Thai Südostasien|Asien|||Thailändisch

Vietnamese yes you're in East Asia ||||Osten|

with Korean Japanese and Mandarin and

Cantonese what other geographical area |||地理區域| |||geografischen| |||地理区域|

I'm going to first Mendoza Sofia ||||Mendoza|Sofia ||||to Mendoza|Sofia

Mongolian is over there too right yeah Mongolisch|||||| Mongolian language||||||

monk so besides the East Asian we got Mönch||außerdem|||asiatisch|| monastic||in addition to||||| 僧侶||||||| monge|||||||

Southeast Asia we got right to Southeast

Asia then we have what else we have

didn't I see an Indian flag on one of ||||indischen|Flagge|||

your videos oh yeah we have Indian

language is going on Tommy so I'm doing ||||Tommy||| ||||Tommy|||

Tamil full time now then I do Hindi I'm Tamil|||||||Hindi| Tamil|||||||Hindi|

not doing it full time but I do some

hindi here and there right a bit of

Punjabi what else is new you'd be Punjabi was sonst|||||du würdest| Punjabi culture||||||


oh man I heard about that yeah I heard

about that

yes yeah I have a quite a few Indian

language oh yeah yes so we got Somali |||||||Somalisch |||||||Somali language

that's probably my strongest African ||||afrikanschen

language Somali Swahili I'm hard easy ||Swahili||| ||Swahili|I am|hard|

which is Ethiopian right okay yeah your ||äthiopisch|||| ||Ethiopian cuisine||||

robot I saw your you said you're gonna Roboter||||||| robot|||||||

speak Sudanese Arabic but it sounded to |sudanesisch||||klang| |Sudanese|||||

me like foot sir I could understand |||Herr|||

everything yeah it's yeah it's food

that's another one of my current |||||aktuellen это еще один из моих нынешних

activist languages Sudanese Arabic is 活动家|||| Aktivistensprache|||| Языки-активисты Суданский арабский является

basically you know it's just a dialect ||||||方言 ||||||方言

but they have their own words like

Shadid they say Shadid that that word is Shadid||||||| |||strong||||

for what it should be strong yeah yeah

like it's close to yes should be then it

they just have some words that are

different that only Sudanese people will

understand but for the most part if

you're for example if you're from Saudi ||||||Saudi-Arabien

Arabia and I spoke to you in Sudanese Arabien|||||||

Arabic you will pretty much understand

even if there are some words that we use

that you don't understand you'll be able

to figure out what I'm saying from |herausfinden|||||

context so it's you could speak that I

could speak that Sudanese Arabic with

anyone from the Arab speaking world yes |||Arabisch|||

Zulu Zulu actually Swahili I think but Zulu|||||| |Zulu|||||

actually you know what Swahili is bond ||||||Binde

to and Zul was more yummy they say yeah ||Zul|||lecker||| ||Zul|||||| |||||delicioso|||

it's a goonie language yoruba that's ||古尼||| ||Goonie Sprache||Goonie-Sprache| ||silly||Yoruba| ||グーニー||ヨルバ語|

Nigerian languages Nigeria and yeah I ||尼日利亚||| nigerianisch||Nigeria||| ||Nigeria|||

had a friend at university yeah how much

American amerikanisch

in native languages what like Quechua |||||Quechua |||||Quechua

you speak I don't know catch no I don't |||||verstehe|||

know that I Navajo is probably the one I |||納瓦荷族||||| |||Navajo||||| |||Navajo|||||

know the most but I'm interesting

learning like moose that Ojibwe Cree ||麋鹿||| ||Elche||Ojibwe-Sprache|Cree-Sprache ||moose||Ojibwe|Cree ||||Ojibwe (uma| ||驼鹿|||

would be a big one in camp which one ||||||Lager|| ||||||acampamento||

Cree Cree is though is most widely free ||||||weit verbreitet|

okay I've never heard of that really is

that CR EE uptick I've seen it correct |||上升|||| |CR|EE|Anstieg|||| |customer report|employee engagement|increase|||| |||aumento||||

okay it's all across Canada all across |||überall in|||

Canada I don't know how neutrally |||||中立地 |||||neutralerweise |||||Canada's neutrality |||||中立地

intelligible all the different versions understandable||||versions compreensível|||| 可理解的|||| verständlich||||Versionen 可理解的|||| I'm sorry, but your request is unclear. Could you please provide more context or clarify what you need translated?||||

of cream are but it's widely so you meet |Sahne|||||||

them very often well I was involved in a

sawmill in northern Alberta and we had 锯木厂|||||| ||nördlichen|Alberta||| lumber mill|||Alberta||| serraria|||||| 鋸木廠||||||

there's a lot of people out there whose |||||||deren

be Cree and also we one of our partners ||||||||Partner ||||||||パートナーの一員

was a matey settlement and they speak ||friendly|||| ||uma aldeia|||| ||友好的|||| ||freundliche|Siedlung||| ||友好的|友好的定居点||| ||仲間の|||| 仲間同士の集落で、彼らはこう話す。

Korean oh yeah and there's Korean

British Columbia those Cree in Ontario |||||Ontario |||||Ontario

Quebec it's fairly widespread oh okay |||weit verbreitet|| |||bastante comum||

yeah that's that's yeah I'm I have to

look into that Creek because I |||Bach|| |||Creek|| 看看那条小溪,因为我

definitely want to come back I went I've

been to Canada too

when maybe three times I've been in

Canada but that was Toronto but I would

love to go to Vancouver because I hear a

lot you know if you come to Vancouver

we will go do your yeah yes first of all

I've never done that but I've always

wondered like if you wander into a place ||||漫游||| sich fragen||||wandern||| ||||stumble||| ||||vagar por|||

and you got your camera on like some

people don't want to be videoed right |||||被拍摄| |||||auf Video aufgenommen|

and they don't want to be on the

internet like how do you get permission ||||||Erlaubnis erhalten

or do you get permission after this um

whoa go chase you away 哇|||| wow||verjagen|| ||afastar||

for the most part for the most part I

don't know how the laws are there in ||||Gesetze|||

Canada but here and particularly in the ||||insbesondere||

United States you can record anywhere Vereinigten|Vereinigte Staaten|||aufzeichnen|überall

freely except in someone's home if you 随意|||||| frei|außer||jemandem|||

it's private so it has to be public so |privat||||||öffentlich|

normally when I when I do recordings I ||||||录音| normalerweise||||||Aufnahmen|

don't really tell people unless state

the only time I tell them is if they

notice I'm recording now if they say hey ||Aufnahme|||||hey

you're recording that's a camera then I

will tell them and then most of the time

99% of the time they're okay with the

date I'll tell them I have a YouTube Datum|||||||

channel they say oh you have a YouTube

channel what's your YouTube channel

getting let me and I'll give them my

youtube channel

I had a couple times where someone said

yeah I don't want to be on YouTube and I

didn't use the footage but that rarely |||影片素材||| nicht|||Filmmaterial|||selten |||as filmagem|||

happened to me so your camera is

actually you know what one second my bag |||||||Tasche 其实你知道吗一秒钟我的包

is right here so I have a hat I think |||||||eine Mütze||

you've seen this hat before I have this

hat these are the cameras that I use ||||Kameras|||


okay so these are the cameras that I use

these are GoPro cameras I'm pretty sure ||GoPro-Kameras|||| ||action cameras||||

a lot of the lot of your followers a lot

of your viewers they know what GoPro is

so these I use these cameras GoPro and

what I do with these cameras is put it

I'll use this hat right so as you can

see as you can see there's a hole right |||||||Loch|


in this hat so I place the camera inside

of this you know like this right and you

can't really see you can't really you

know I'm six foot seven okay I'm six

foot seven so when I'm wearing this hat

most people can't really see even it's

funny because even when I sit down I

remember I was recording in a Chinese

restaurant and I was actually sitting |||||sitzen

down I had this hat on and I'm looking

up at the waitress and she still didn't |||der Kellnerin||||

realize that I was recording so most

most of time people are so intrigued and ||||||感到好奇| ||||||neugierig| ||||||intrigued|

interested in why I'm want to learn this

language they're not really look at this

and they'll just write you know they're |sie werden|||||

not really concerned about that but um

if they if you look at it if you if you

look if you keep looking at it you can

tell that it's a camera in there but you

have to be really looking so if you're

very observant --iv you will know it's a |观察力强|||||| |sehr aufmerksam|so observant||||| |keenly aware|very observant||||| |非常細心||||||

camera and then you say wait a minute

what is they they'll ask you what what

is that what is

is that a camera so I had that happen to

me a Chinese actually a Chinese guy I

was in Walmart and I was in line talking ||Walmart|||||Schlange| ||at Walmart||||||

to him and his wife and then he was

looking he was looking at my hat and

then he said we he asked me Johnny so |||||||Johnny| |||||||Johnny|

what is that he said is that camera and que es lo que dijo es que camara y

then I was like oh shit he I was like oh |||||哇靠||||| |||||Scheiße||||| |||||しまった|||||

man I gotta come up with a story so I

had to come up with some lip story I ||||||Lügenmärchen|| пришлось придумать какую-нибудь историю про губы.

said okay I said yes it's a camera and I

said it's my friend's birthday my friend

is having a birthday party tonight and |||||heute Abend|

I'm recording the you know the reaction ||||||Reaktion

and I'm record basically recording the

party and he's oh okay

okay and that was that but I used that

camera for that and then I have this I

recently just started using this here

this this just came out this is the max ||||||||maximal esto acaba de salir esto es lo maximo

this is the GoPro max now with this

obviously you know this is not going

into the Hat this is too big so I have a

chest strap i have the gopro chest strap Brust|Brustgurt|||||| |チェストストラップ|||||| |||||||cinta peitoral

and basically what i do is have my

brother wear this and he's recording Bruder|trage||||

from from his chest strap so so so the ||||胸带||||

viewers can see me which is better

really yeah because for for a long time

I've been recording in a way to where

you can't really see me you only hear me

and a lot of people they've been saying

oh we want to see we want to see you so

I said man I don't know how I'm gonna do

this and I say okay this is what I'm

gonna do I'm gonna get this chest strap

for my brother and then when I'm

practicing the language then he could be die Sprache üben||||||

recording from his perspective so and

you know it's that camera is exposed if ||||||belichtet|

people look at them they can tell that

they look at they say they'll see that

he's recording but like I said before

they're so interested and why I'm

wanting to while I'm speaking this querendo ver|||||

language they're not really concerned

about their anyway so they're just ||trotzdem|||

trying to see like why are you want to

learn this language will happen where'd |||||wo выучить этот язык, произойдет там, где

you learn why are you speaking it you

