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Steve's YouTube Videos, Connecting Through Language Under COVID-19 Lockdown

Connecting Through Language Under COVID-19 Lockdown

hi there today I can do a little

slightly different type of video you

know we're all not all but a lot of

people myself included are in isolation

locked down or encouraged to not guard

unless we have to and particularly if

you're my age group and it's a little

bit discouraging and depressing to see

the news about the number of people who

are being hospitalized and the problems

at the hospitals and the number of

people who are dying and the impact on

our economies and so forth but what I

want to talk about today is

connectedness solidarity so recognizing

that people are a lot of people are now

sort of isolated we started our live

streams a link where we encourage people

to come and participate in a live stream

we encourage you link users and to come

and participate and share their

experiences I've been doing a lot of

interviews with other youtubers in

different languages you'll see more and

more of those but today I thought I

would do more of a conventional video

and talk about you know here we are in

isolation but ultimately we are

connected all right the world has always

been connected now sometimes you you

hear people say nah well you know this

is gonna change how we operate certainly

we've seen countries close their borders

there's talk about countries wanting to

become more self-sufficient in in their

economies and stuff and I don't think

that's going to last very long I think

ultimately we will get back to

interconnected world with some

modification I think for a while people

may travel less but then again after the

Spanish flu of 1918 1919 people started

travelling again and in those days

travel essentially meant getting on a

boat and we've seen how boats large

boats cruising ships can be major

incubators for various forms of

influenza like the kovat influenza and

yet still people started traveling again

so you know the perspective will change

as we start to come out of it and

hopefully with more and more people

wearing masks so that we don't spread

as much with more testing to find out

who has had it who hasn't both they sort

of diagnostic testing and the the

antibody testing there'll be new

technology there will be some treatment

right now there seem to be very

dependent on these ventilators that

don't have a very high success rate once

the person is in really bad shape

and I think there will be better

treatments testing treatment tracking

they have to get better at following

people you know who are perhaps

identified with a cluster and everyone

they were in contact with them all of

these things how we treat them in

hospitals are testing ability our

tracking ability our ability to slow

down transmission we're learning more

and more and so we will get we've only

get better at these things so to me it's

just a matter of slowly the present

lockdown will start to get removed so

the key thing is what we're gonna do now

so to me it's a great opportunity to

work on your language skills you're not

surprised to have you say that because

we are connected you know and and like

in my Persian I'm reading about the

history of Iran and obviously the

Persians were connected to the Turks and

Byzantine Empire and you know Italian

merchants from Genoa and and even you

know the Vikings around that time and I

mean the world has always been

interconnected and all explorers from

Indonesia who traveled to Madagascar I

mean the world has always been connected

and this connection is has been

accelerating and will continue to

accelerate and and I think what we're

adding now is sort of this virtual level

of connection which is also accelerating

and probably what one of them will be

one of the sort of lasting impacts of

everybody now forced to you know connect

virtually work virtually and so forth so

yeah learn languages all of this

interconnection and I should add

solidarity because we're only gonna get

through this thing if we all work

together you know the development of

testing first of all the experience of

different countries and how they you

know some had been hit worse than others

but there's experience there that's all

being shared the testing of

potential therapeutic you know

treatments or drugs all of that is being

shared there testing all of those I

can't remember the names I mean there's

this high hydro core quinine or

something hi I can't remember and then

there's some other former Ebola dragon

there's like five or six of these and

there are tests going on everywhere in

every province in Canada in different

states in the u.s. in Germany China you

name it everywhere and everything that

people are and this race to find a

vaccine and who finds faster and better

ways of testing this is all being done

in every corner of the world people are

sharing that information so this the

Solidarity the recognition that we're in

the same boat together that's gonna get

us out of this so I don't think once we

come out of it that we will revert back

to sort of self-sufficient economies

there will be increasing interchange so

learn languages and because we can't

expect that this international

solidarity connected this exchange is

always gonna just happen in English

English speakers in fact miss out

because they miss out on the fun unless

they are as I have so many of you who

are listening to me and who are English

speakers you're into learning languages

and you realize just how much of a

reward we get from learning them and

then having learned them and so

increasingly I think that that we're

gonna see increasing interconnectedness

not necessarily as much you know flying

off somewhere at the drop of a hat and

which isn't necessarily a bad thing

either and so I think one of the things

that we can sort of devote ourselves to

in this period of you know grim news

followed by grim news is to come up come

out of this with something a

breakthrough in one or more languages so

that's certainly my approach I'm working

on my Arabic and Persian it's a long

road without a doubt

but I was reviewing some of my

conversation reports with my link tutors

and it's amazing how much I've learned

even though I you know very often you

don't feel like you're learning anything

but in the end you are and I'm in no

great hurry Persian has been around for a

long time the air Arabic language has

been around for a long time any other

language like Turkish that I want to

learn later on it's also been around for

a long time it's not going anywhere

however long I take to learn it is just

fine with me and maybe then after that

I'll learn some other language and

explore different parts of the world

because we are all connected and that's

kind of what I wanted to say today thank

you for listening bye for now

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Connecting Through Language Under COVID-19 Lockdown |||||봉쇄 조치 ||||COVID-19| Verbindung durch Sprache unter COVID-19-Abriegelung Connecting Through Language Under COVID-19 Lockdown Conectar a través del lenguaje bajo el bloqueo de COVID-19 Se connecter par le langage sous le verrouillage COVID-19 Connettersi attraverso il linguaggio sotto il blocco COVID-19 COVID-19のロックダウン下で、言語を通じてつながる。 코로나19 봉쇄 상황에서 언어를 통한 연결 Łączenie się poprzez język w warunkach blokady COVID-19 Estabelecer ligações através da língua durante o confinamento devido à COVID-19 Общение через язык в условиях блокировки COVID-19 COVID-19 Karantinası Altında Dil Yoluyla Bağlantı Kurmak Спілкування через мову в умовах карантину через COVID-19 COVID-19 封锁期间通过语言进行联系 COVID-19 封鎖期間通過語言進行聯繫

hi there today I can do a little

slightly different type of video you

know we're all not all but a lot of

people myself included are in isolation

locked down or encouraged to not guard ||||||bewachen |||zachęcani|||

unless we have to and particularly if

you're my age group and it's a little

bit discouraging and depressing to see

the news about the number of people who

are being hospitalized and the problems

at the hospitals and the number of

people who are dying and the impact on

our economies and so forth but what I

want to talk about today is Oggi vogliamo parlare di

connectedness solidarity so recognizing Verbundenheit||| conexão solidária||| połączenie, solidarność, uznanie|solidarność i więź||

that people are a lot of people are now

sort of isolated we started our live ||kind of secluded||||

streams a link where we encourage people

to come and participate in a live stream |||||||transmisja na żywo

we encourage you link users and to come

and participate and share their

experiences I've been doing a lot of

interviews with other youtubers in

different languages you'll see more and

more of those but today I thought I

would do more of a conventional video

and talk about you know here we are in

isolation but ultimately we are

connected all right the world has always

been connected now sometimes you you

hear people say nah well you know this |||não||||

is gonna change how we operate certainly

we've seen countries close their borders

there's talk about countries wanting to

become more self-sufficient in in their |||self-reliant|||

economies and stuff and I don't think

that's going to last very long I think

ultimately we will get back to

interconnected world with some vernetzt||| połączony ze światem|||

modification I think for a while people modificação||||||

may travel less but then again after the

Spanish flu of 1918 1919 people started

travelling again and in those days

travel essentially meant getting on a

boat and we've seen how boats large

boats cruising ships can be major |navegação||||

incubators for various forms of Inkubatoren|||| incubadoras|||| inkubatory dla różnych||||

influenza like the kovat influenza and

yet still people started traveling again

so you know the perspective will change

as we start to come out of it and

hopefully with more and more people

wearing masks so that we don't spread

as much with more testing to find out

who has had it who hasn't both they sort

of diagnostic testing and the the

antibody testing there'll be new 抗体|||| anticorpo||||

technology there will be some treatment |||||processing or handling

right now there seem to be very

dependent on these ventilators that |||breathing machines|

don't have a very high success rate once

the person is in really bad shape

and I think there will be better

treatments testing treatment tracking

they have to get better at following

people you know who are perhaps

identified with a cluster and everyone |||um grupo|| |||grupa osób||

they were in contact with them all of

these things how we treat them in

hospitals are testing ability our

tracking ability our ability to slow

down transmission we're learning more |Übertragung|||

and more and so we will get we've only

get better at these things so to me it's

just a matter of slowly the present

lockdown will start to get removed so

the key thing is what we're gonna do now

so to me it's a great opportunity to

work on your language skills you're not

surprised to have you say that because

we are connected you know and and like

in my Persian I'm reading about the

history of Iran and obviously the

Persians were connected to the Turks and

Byzantine Empire and you know Italian

merchants from Genoa and and even you

know the Vikings around that time and I

mean the world has always been

interconnected and all explorers from

Indonesia who traveled to Madagascar I ||||Madagascar|

mean the world has always been connected

and this connection is has been

accelerating and will continue to beschleunigend||||

accelerate and and I think what we're acelerar||||||

adding now is sort of this virtual level

of connection which is also accelerating

and probably what one of them will be

one of the sort of lasting impacts of |||||enduring||

everybody now forced to you know connect

virtually work virtually and so forth so

yeah learn languages all of this

interconnection and I should add Verknüpfung|||| linkage|||| interconexão||||

solidarity because we're only gonna get

through this thing if we all work

together you know the development of

testing first of all the experience of

different countries and how they you

know some had been hit worse than others

but there's experience there that's all

being shared the testing of

potential therapeutic you know

treatments or drugs all of that is being

shared there testing all of those I

can't remember the names I mean there's

this high hydro core quinine or ||||Chinin| ||||キニーネ| ||||quinina hidrocore| ||||chinina|

something hi I can't remember and then

there's some other former Ebola dragon ||||dragão Ebola|

there's like five or six of these and

there are tests going on everywhere in

every province in Canada in different

states in the u.s. in Germany China you

name it everywhere and everything that

people are and this race to find a

vaccine and who finds faster and better

ways of testing this is all being done

in every corner of the world people are

sharing that information so this the

Solidarity the recognition that we're in

the same boat together that's gonna get

us out of this so I don't think once we

come out of it that we will revert back |||||||return| |||||||戻る| |||||||powrócimy| |||||||retornar|

to sort of self-sufficient economies

there will be increasing interchange so ||||interaction or exchange| ||||wymiana|

learn languages and because we can't

expect that this international

solidarity connected this exchange is

always gonna just happen in English

English speakers in fact miss out ||||verpassen|

because they miss out on the fun unless

they are as I have so many of you who

are listening to me and who are English

speakers you're into learning languages

and you realize just how much of a

reward we get from learning them and

then having learned them and so

increasingly I think that that we're

gonna see increasing interconnectedness |||Verbundheit |||相互接続性 |||interconexão crescente |||rosnąca współzależność

not necessarily as much you know flying

off somewhere at the drop of a hat and

which isn't necessarily a bad thing

either and so I think one of the things

that we can sort of devote ourselves to |||||dedicate|| |||||dedicar-nos||

in this period of you know grim news ||||||bleak| ||||||sombria| ||||||ponurej|

followed by grim news is to come up come

out of this with something a

breakthrough in one or more languages so avanço|||||| przełom w językach||||||

that's certainly my approach I'm working

on my Arabic and Persian it's a long

road without a doubt

but I was reviewing some of my

conversation reports with my link tutors

and it's amazing how much I've learned

even though I you know very often you

don't feel like you're learning anything

but in the end you are and I'm in no

great hurry Persian has been around for a great hurry Persian has been around for a

long time the air Arabic language has

been around for a long time any other

language like Turkish that I want to

learn later on it's also been around for

a long time it's not going anywhere

however long I take to learn it is just

fine with me and maybe then after that

I'll learn some other language and

explore different parts of the world

because we are all connected and that's

kind of what I wanted to say today thank

you for listening bye for now