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Crash Course: World History, The Agricultural Revolution: Crash Course World History #1

The Agricultural Revolution: Crash Course World History #1

Hello, learned and astonishingly attractive pupils. My name is John Green and I want to

welcome you to Crash Course World History. Over the next forty weeks together, we will

learn how in a mere fifteen thousand years humans went from hunting and gathering...

Mr. Green, Mr. Green! Is this gonna be on the test?

Yeah, about the test: The test will measure whether you are an informed, engaged, and

productive citizen of the world, and it will take place in schools and bars and hospitals

and dorm-rooms and in places of worship. You will be tested on first dates; in job interviews;

while watching football; and while scrolling through your Twitter feed.

The test will judge your ability to think about things other than celebrity marriages;

whether you'll be easily persuaded by empty political rhetoric; and whether you'll be

able to place your life and your community in a broader context.

The test will last your entire life, and it will be comprised of the millions of decisions

that, when taken together, make your life yours. And everything — everything — will

be on it. I know, right? So pay attention.

[theme music]

In a mere fifteen thousand years, humans went from hunting and gathering to creating such

improbabilities as the airplane, the Internet, and the ninety-nine cent double cheeseburger.

It's an extraordinary journey, one that I will now symbolize by embarking upon a journey

of my own ... over to camera two.

Hi there, camera two ... it's me, John Green. Let's start with that double cheeseburger.

Ooh, food photography! So this hot hunk of meat contains four-hundred and ninety calories.

To get this cheeseburger, you have to feed, raise, and slaughter cows, then grind their

meat, then freeze it and ship it to its destination; you also gotta grow some wheat and then process

the living crap out of it until it's whiter than Queen Elizabeth the First; then you gotta

milk some cows and turn their milk into cheese. And that's not even to mention the growing

and pickling of cucumbers or the sweetening of tomatoes or the grinding of mustard seeds, etc.

How in the sweet name of everything holy did we ever come to live in a world in which such

a thing can even be created? And HOW is it possible that those four-hundred and ninety

calories can be served to me for an amount of money that, if I make the minimum wage

here in the U.S., I can earn in ELEVEN MINUTES? And most importantly: should I be delighted

or alarmed to live in this strange world of relative abundance?

Well, to answer that question we're not going to be able to look strictly at history, because

there isn't a written record about a lot of these things. But thanks to archaeology and

paleobiology, we CAN look deep into the past. Let's go to the Thought Bubble.

So fifteen thousand years ago, humans were foragers and hunters. Foraging meant gathering

fruits, nuts, also wild grains and grasses; hunting allowed for a more protein-rich diet

... so long as you could find something with meat to kill. By far the best hunting gig

in the pre-historic world incidentally was fishing, which is one of the reasons that

if you look at history of people populating the planet, we tended to run for the shore

and then stay there. Marine life was: A) abundant, and

B) relatively unlikely to eat you.

While we tend to think that the life of foragers were nasty, brutish and short, fossil evidence

suggests that they actually had it pretty good: their bones and teeth are healthier

than those of agriculturalists. And anthropologists who have studied the remaining forager peoples

have noted that they actually spend a lot fewer hours working than the rest of us and

they spend more time on art, music, and storytelling. Also if you believe the classic of anthropology, NISA,

they also have a lot more time for skoodilypooping. What? I call it skoodilypooping. I'm not gonna apologize.

It's worth noting that cultivation of crops seems to have risen independently over the

course of milennia in a number of places ... from Africa to China to the Americas ... using

crops that naturally grew nearby: rice in Southeast Asia, maize in in Mexico, potatoes

in the Andes, wheat in the Fertile Crescent, yams in West Africa. People around the world

began to abandon their foraging for agriculture. And since so many communities made this choice

independently, it must have been a good choice ... right? Even though it meant less music

and skoodilypooping. Thanks, Thought Bubble.

All right, to answer that question, let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of agriculture.

Advantage: Controllable food supply. You might have droughts or floods, but if you're growing

the crops and breeding them to be hardier, you have a better chance of not starving.

Disadvantage: In order to keep feeding people as the population grows you have to radically

change the environment of the planet.

Advantage: Especially if you grow grain, you can create a food surplus, which makes cities

possible and also the specialization of labor. Like, in the days before agriculture, EVERYBODY'S

job was foraging, and it took about a thousand calories of work to create a thousand calories

of food ... and it was impossible to create large population centers.

But, if you have a surplus agriculture can support people not directly involved in the

production of food. Like, for instance, tradespeople, who can devote their lives to better farming

equipment which in turn makes it easier to produce more food more efficiently which in

time makes it possible for a corporation to turn a profit on this ninety-nine cent double cheeseburger.

Which is delicious, by the way. It's actually terrible. And it's very cold. And I wish I

had not eaten it. I mean, can we just compare what I was promised to what I was delivered?

Yeah, thank you. Yeah, this is not that.

Some would say that large and complex agricultural communities that can support cities and eventually

inexpensive meat sandwiches are not necessarily beneficial to the planet or even to its human

inhabitants. Although that's a bit of a tough argument to make, coming to you as I am in

a series of ones and zeros.

ADVANTAGE: Agriculture can be practiced all over the world, although in some cases it

takes extensive manipulation of the environment, like y'know irrigation, controlled flooding,

terracing, that kind of thing.

DISADVANTAGE: Farming is hard. So hard in fact that one is tempted to claim ownership

over other humans and then have them till the land on your behalf, which is the kind

of non-ideal social order that tends to be associated with agricultural communities.

So why did agriculture happen?

Wait, I haven't talked about herders. Herders, man! Always getting the short end of the stick.

Herding is a really good and interesting alternative to foraging and agriculture. You domesticate

some animals and then you take them on the road with you. The advantages of herding are

obvious. First, you get to be a cowboy. Also, animals provide meat and milk, but they also

help out with shelter because they can provide wool and leather.

The downside is that you have to move around a lot because your herd always needs new grass,

which makes it hard to build cities, unless you are the Mongols. [music, horse hooves]

By the way, over the next forty weeks you will frequently hear generalizations, followed

by "unless you are the Mongols" [music, hooves].

But anyway one of the main reasons herding only caught on in certain parts of the world

is that there aren't that many animals that lend themselves to domestication. Like, you

have sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, horses, camels, donkeys, reindeer, water buffalo, yaks, all

of which have something in common. They aren't native to the Americas. The only halfway useful

herding animal native to the Americas is the llama. No, not that Lama, two l's. Yes, that llama.

Most animals just don't work for domestication. Like hippos are large, which means they provide

lots of meat, but unfortunately, they like to eat people. Zebras are too ornery. Grizzlies

have wild hearts that can't be broken. Elephants are awesome, but they take way too long to

breed. Which reminds me! It's time for the Open Letter.

Elegant. But first, let's see what the Secret Compartment has for me today. Oh! It's another

double cheeseburger. Thanks, Secret Compartment. Just kidding, I don't thank you for this.

An Open Letter to elephants.

Hey elephants, You're so cute and smart and awesome. Why you gotta be pregnant for 22 months? That's

crazy! And then you only have one kid. If you were more like cows, you might have taken

us over by now. Little did you know, but the greatest evolutionary advantage: being useful to humans.

Like here is a graph of cow population, and here is a graph of elephant population. Elephants,

if you had just inserted yourself into human life the way cows did, you could have used

your power and intelligence to form secret elephant societies, conspiring against the

humans! And then you could have risen up, and destroyed us, and made an awesome elephant

world with elephant cars, and elephant planes!

It would have been so great! But noooo! You gotta be pregnant for 22 months and then have

just one kid. It's so annoying!

Best wishes, John Green.

Right, but back to the agricultural revolution and why it occurred. Historians don't know

for sure, of course, because there are no written records. But, they love to make guesses.

Maybe population pressure necessitated agriculture even though it was more work, or abundance

gave people leisure to experiment with domestication or planting originated as a fertility rite

- or as some historians have argued - people needed to domesticate grains in order to produce more alcohol.

Charles Darwin, like most 19th century scientists, believed agriculture was an accident, saying,

"a wild and unusually good variety of native plant might attract the attention of some

wise old savage." Off topic, but you will note in the coming weeks that the definition

of "savage" tends to be be "not me."

Maybe the best theory is that there wasn't really an agricultural revolution at all,

but that agriculture came out of an evolutionary desire to eat more. Like early hunter gatherers

knew that seeds germinate when planted. And, when you find something that makes food, you

want to do more of it. Unless it's this food. Then you want to do less of it. I kinda want

to spit it out. Eww. Ah, that's much better.

So early farmers would find the most accessible forms of wheat and plant them and experiment

with them not because they were trying to start an agricultural revolution, because

they were like, you know what would be awesome: MORE food!

Like on this topic, we have evidence that more than 13,000 years ago humans in southern

Greece were domesticating snails. In the Franchthi Cave, there's a huge pile of snail shells,

most of them are larger than current snails, suggesting that the people who ate them were

selectively breeding them to be bigger and more nutritious.

Snails make excellent domesticated food sources, by the way because

A) surprisingly caloric B) they're easy to carry since they come with

their own suitcases, and C) to imprison them you just have to scratch

a ditch around their living quarters.

That's not really a revolution, that's just people trying to increase available calories.

But one non-revolution leads to another, and pretty soon you have this, as far as the eye can see.

Many historians also argue that without agriculture we wouldn't have all the bad things that come

with complex civilizations like patriarchy, inequality, war, and unfortunately, famine.

And, as far as the planet is concerned, agriculture has been a big loser. Without it, humans never

would have changed the environment so much, building dams, and clearing forests, and more

recently, drilling for oil that we can turn into fertilizer.

Many people made the choice for agriculture independently, but does that mean it was the

right choice? Maybe so, and maybe not, but, regardless, we can't unmake that choice. And

that's one of the reasons I think it's so important to study history.

History reminds us that revolutions are not events so much as they are processes; that

for tens of thousands of years people have been making decisions that irrevocably shaped

the world that we live in today. Just as today we are making subtle, irrevocable decisions

that people of the future will remember as revolutions.

Next week we're going to journey to the Indus River Valley - whoa - very fragile, our globe,

like the real globe. We're going to travel to the Indus River Valley. I'll see you then.

Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller. Our script supervisor is Danica Johnson.

The show is written by my high school history teacher, Raoul Meyer, and myself, and our

graphics team is Thought Bubble.

If you want to guess at the phrase of the week, you can do so in comments. You can also

suggest future phrases of the week. And if you have a question about today's video, please

leave it comments where our team of semi-professional quasi-historians will aim to answer it.

Thanks for watching, and as we say in my hometown, Don't Forget To Be Awesome.

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The Agricultural Revolution: Crash Course World History #1 The|Farming-related||||| |Agrícola||Curso intensivo||| الثورة الزراعية: مسار تحطم تاريخ العالم # 1 Die Agrarrevolution: Crashkurs Weltgeschichte Nr. 1 La Revolución Agrícola: Curso acelerado de Historia Mundial nº 1 La révolution agricole : Cours intensif d'histoire mondiale #1 La rivoluzione agricola: Corso accelerato di storia mondiale #1 農業革命クラッシュコース世界史#1 농업 혁명: 크래시 코스 세계사 #1 Žemės ūkio revoliucija: Pasaulio istorijos kursas #1 Rewolucja rolnicza: Przyspieszony kurs historii świata #1 A Revolução Agrícola: Curso Rápido de História Mundial #1 Сельскохозяйственная революция: Краткий курс всемирной истории #1 Tarım Devrimi: Crash Course Dünya Tarihi #1 Аграрна революція: Прискорений курс всесвітньої історії #1 农业革命:世界历史速成班 #1 农业革命:世界历史速成班#1 農業革命:世界歷史速成班#1

Hello, learned and astonishingly attractive pupils. My name is John Green and I want to |||remarkably||students||||||||| Merhaba|||şaşırtıcı derecede|çekici|öğrenciler||||||||| |||incredibilmente||||||||||| |||asombrosamente||alumnos||||||||| Hallo, gelehrte und erstaunlich attraktive Schüler. Mein Name ist John Green und ich möchte Bonjour, élèves érudits et étonnamment séduisants. Je m'appelle John Green et je veux Olá, alunos cultos e surpreendentemente atraentes. Meu nome é John Green e eu quero Merhaba, bilgili ve şaşırtıcı derecede çekici öğrenciler. Benim adım John Green ve istiyorum 您好,博学多才的学生令人惊讶。我叫约翰·格林,我想

welcome you to Crash Course World History. Over the next forty weeks together, we will hoş geldiniz|||||||||||||| willkommen zum Crashkurs Weltgeschichte. In den nächsten vierzig Wochen werden wir das gemeinsam tun vous souhaite la bienvenue au Crash Course World History. Au cours des quarante prochaines semaines, ensemble, nous allons bem-vindos ao Crash Course World History. Durante as próximas quarenta semanas, vamos Crash Course World History'e hoş geldiniz. Önümüzdeki kırk hafta boyunca birlikte,

learn how in a mere fifteen thousand years humans went from hunting and gathering... ||||only||||people|||||collecting food resources ||||sadece||||||||| ||||tan solo|||||||||recolección apprenez comment, en seulement quinze mille ans, les humains sont passés de la chasse à la cueillette... aprenda como em meros quinze mil anos os humanos deixaram de caçar e coletar... İnsanların sadece on beş bin yıl içinde avcılıktan ve toplayıcılıktan nasıl geçtiğini öğrenin ...

Mr. Green, Mr. Green! Is this gonna be on the test? ||||||going to|||| M. Green, M. Green ! Est-ce que ça va être sur le test? Sr. Green, Sr. Green! Isto vai aparecer no teste? Мистер Грин, мистер Грин! Это будет на тесте? Bay Green, Bay Green! Bu testte mi olacak?

Yeah, about the test: The test will measure whether you are an informed, engaged, and ||||||||||||informed|| ||||||||||||knowledgeable|| ||||||||olup olmadığını||||bilgili|ilgili| ||||||||||||informado|comprometido| Oui, à propos du test : Le test mesurera si vous êtes informé, engagé et Sim, sobre o teste: O teste medirá se é uma pessoa informada, empenhada e Evet, test hakkında: Test, bilgili, ilgili ve meşgul olup olmadığınızı ölçecektir.

productive citizen of the world, and it will take place in schools and bars and hospitals Contributing|||||||||||||||medical care facilities |citizen|||||||||||||| ciudadano productivo del mundo, y tendrá lugar en escuelas y bares y hospitales citoyen productif du monde, et cela aura lieu dans les écoles, les bars et les hôpitaux cidadão produtivo do mundo, e terá lugar em escolas, bares e hospitais продуктивный гражданин мира, и это будет происходить в школах, барах и больницах. dünyanın üretken vatandaşı ve okullarda, barlarda ve hastanelerde gerçekleşecek

and dorm-rooms and in places of worship. You will be tested on first dates; in job interviews; |dormitory rooms|||||||||||||initial meetings||| |sleep|||||||||||||||| |dormitorio||y en||||lugares de culto|||||||||| Se le pondrá a prueba en las primeras citas, en las entrevistas de trabajo; et les dortoirs et dans les lieux de culte. Vous serez testé aux premiers rendez-vous; dans les entretiens d'embauche ; e dormitórios e em locais de culto. Você será testado nos primeiros encontros; em entrevistas de emprego; yurt odaları ve ibadethaneler. İlk tarihlerde test edileceksiniz; iş görüşmelerinde;

while watching football; and while scrolling through your Twitter feed. ||||||||Twitter| |||||Moving through content|||Social media platform| |||||kaydırma yapmak|||| |||||desplazándote|mientras ves / mientras revisas|tu||1. Ver 2. Feed de Twitter أثناء مشاهدة كرة القدم. وأثناء التمرير خلال موجز Twitter الخاص بك. mientras ves el fútbol o te desplazas por Twitter. enquanto vê futebol; e enquanto percorre o seu feed do Twitter. futbol izlerken; ve Twitter yayınınızda gezinirken.

The test will judge your ability to think about things other than celebrity marriages; La prueba juzgará tu capacidad para pensar en otras cosas que no sean los matrimonios de famosos; Le test évaluera votre capacité à penser à des choses autres que les mariages de célébrités ; O teste avaliará a sua capacidade de pensar noutras coisas para além dos casamentos de celebridades; Тест оценит вашу способность думать о вещах, отличных от брака знаменитостей; Test, ünlülerin evliliklerinden başka şeyler hakkında düşünme yeteneğinizi değerlendirecektir;

whether you'll be easily persuaded by empty political rhetoric; and whether you'll be ||||||||speech or language|||| ||||ikna olmak|||||||| si||||convencido|||||||| ما إذا كان سيتم إقناعك بسهولة بالخطاب السياسي الفارغ ؛ وهل ستكون كذلك ob Sie leicht von leerer politischer Rhetorik überzeugt werden können; und ob du es sein wirst si se dejará persuadir fácilmente por una retórica política vacía; y si será se será facilmente persuadido por uma retórica política vazia; e se será легко ли вас убедит пустая политическая риторика; и будешь ли ты boş siyasi retorik tarafından kolayca ikna edilip edilemeyeceğiniz; ve olup olmayacaksın

able to place your life and your community in a broader context. |||||||||to|broader| ||||||||||más amplio| in der Lage sein, Ihr Leben und Ihre Gemeinschaft in einen breiteren Kontext zu stellen. capaz de situar su vida y su comunidad en un contexto más amplio. capaz de situar a sua vida e a sua comunidade num contexto mais vasto. hayatınızı ve topluluğunuzu daha geniş bir bağlama oturtabilir.

The test will last your entire life, and it will be comprised of the millions of decisions |||||||||||made up of||||| |||||tüm||||||oluşacak||||| |||||||||||constará de||||| La prueba durará toda tu vida, y estará compuesta por los millones de decisiones Le test durera toute votre vie, et il sera composé des millions de décisions O teste durará toda a sua vida e será composto de milhões de decisões

that, when taken together, make your life yours. And everything — everything — will que, en conjunto, hacen que tu vida sea tuya. Y todo... todo... que, quando tomados em conjunto, tornam sua vida sua. E tudo - tudo - vai

be on it. I know, right? So pay attention. être dessus. N'est-ce pas? Alors faites attention. estar nele. Eu sei, não é? Por isso, presta atenção.

[theme music]

In a mere fifteen thousand years, humans went from hunting and gathering to creating such ||sadece|||||||||||| ||tan solo|||||||||||| En apenas quince mil años, los humanos pasaron de cazar y recolectar a crear tales En seulement quinze mille ans, les humains sont passés de la chasse et de la cueillette à la création de tels Em apenas quinze mil anos, os humanos passaram da caça e da recolha para a criação de

improbabilities as the airplane, the Internet, and the ninety-nine cent double cheeseburger. unlikely occurrences||||||||||||inexpensive double cheeseburger 불가능성||||||||||센트||99센트 더블 치즈버거 ありえないもの|||||||||||| لا احتمالية مثل الطائرة ، والإنترنت ، وتسعة وتسعين سنت برجر دبل تشيز برجر. improbables comme l'avion, Internet et le double cheeseburger à quatre-vingt-dix-neuf cents. improbabilidades como o avião, a Internet e o cheeseburger duplo de noventa e nove cêntimos.

It's an extraordinary journey, one that I will now symbolize by embarking upon a journey |||||||||||çıkmak||| |||||||||represent||beginning||| |||||||||상징하다||시작하는 것||| ||||||||||||sobre|| إنها رحلة غير عادية ، سأرمز إليها الآن من خلال الشروع في رحلة Es ist eine außergewöhnliche Reise, die ich jetzt symbolisieren werde, indem ich mich auf eine Reise begebe C'est un voyage extraordinaire, un voyage que je vais maintenant symboliser en entreprenant un voyage É uma viagem extraordinária, que vou agora simbolizar embarcando numa viagem Это необыкновенное путешествие, которое я теперь символизирую, отправляясь в путешествие. Şimdi bir yolculuğa çıkarak sembolize edeceğim olağanüstü bir yolculuk 这是一段非凡的旅程,我现在将踏上一段旅程来象征它

of my own ... over to camera two. |||||second camera angle| da minha própria ... para a câmara dois.

Hi there, camera two ... it's me, John Green. Let's start with that double cheeseburger. Olá, câmara dois... sou eu, John Green. Vamos começar com esse cheeseburger duplo.

Ooh, food photography! So this hot hunk of meat contains four-hundred and ninety calories. ||||||attractive piece||||||||energy content 오우||음식 사진 촬영|||||||||||| ||fotografía de alimentos||||pedazo de carne|||||||| Ooh, ¡fotografía de alimentos! Así que este trozo de carne caliente contiene cuatrocientas noventa calorías. Ooh, fotografia de comida! Portanto, este pedaço quente de carne contém quatrocentas e noventa calorias. Ooh, yemek fotoğrafçılığı! Yani bu sıcak büyük et parçası dört yüz doksan kalori içeriyor. 哦,美食摄影!所以这块热腾腾的肉含有四百九十卡路里的热量。

To get this cheeseburger, you have to feed, raise, and slaughter cows, then grind their |||||||||||||crush into pieces| ||||||||기르다|||||| ||||||||||sacrificar|||moler su carne| Um diesen Cheeseburger zu bekommen, müssen Sie Kühe füttern, aufziehen und schlachten und sie dann mahlen Para conseguir esta hamburguesa con queso, hay que alimentar, criar y sacrificar a las vacas, luego moler sus Para obter este cheeseburger, é necessário alimentar, criar e abater vacas, e depois moer as suas

meat, then freeze it and ship it to its destination; you also gotta grow some wheat and then process ||Store below freezing||||||||||have to|||||| |||||배송||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||grano||| |||||enviar||||||||||||| Fleisch, dann einfrieren und an seinen Bestimmungsort versenden; Sie müssen auch etwas Weizen anbauen und dann verarbeiten carne, luego congelarla y enviarla a su destino; también hay que cultivar algo de trigo y luego procesar viande, puis congelez-la et expédiez-la à sa destination; tu dois aussi faire pousser du blé et ensuite transformer carne, depois congelá-la e enviá-la para o seu destino; também é preciso cultivar algum trigo e depois processá-lo

the living crap out of it until it's whiter than Queen Elizabeth the First; then you gotta ||thoroughly clean it|||||||||extremely thoroughly||||| ||la porquería|||||||||||||| hasta que esté más blanca que la Reina Isabel I; entonces tienes que... la merde vivante hors de lui jusqu'à ce qu'il soit plus blanc que la reine Elizabeth la première; alors tu dois até ficar mais branco do que a Rainha Isabel I; depois tem de 活生生的废话,直到它比伊丽莎白一世更白;那么你必须

milk some cows and turn their milk into cheese. And that's not even to mention the growing ordeñar algunas vacas y convertir su leche en queso. Y eso por no hablar de la creciente ordenhar algumas vacas e transformar o seu leite em queijo. E isto para não falar da crescente inekleri sağ ve sütlerini peynire çevir. Ve bu büyümekten bahsetmiyor bile

and pickling of cucumbers or the sweetening of tomatoes or the grinding of mustard seeds, etc. |Preserving in brine||pickling cucumbers|||making sweeter||||||||| |절임|||||||||||||| |encurtido||||||||||molienda|||| y el encurtido de pepinos o el endulzado de tomates o la molienda de granos de mostaza, etc. e conserva de pepinos ou adoçamento de tomates ou moagem de sementes de mostarda, etc.

How in the sweet name of everything holy did we ever come to live in a world in which such ¿Cómo, en el dulce nombre de todo lo sagrado, hemos llegado a vivir en un mundo en el que tales Comment, au doux nom de tout ce qui est saint, en sommes-nous arrivés à vivre dans un monde où de tels Como, pelo doce nome de tudo o que é sagrado, viemos a viver em um mundo em que tais Nasıl da kutsal olan her şeyin tatlı adıyla böyle bir dünyada yaşamaya geldik

a thing can even be created? And HOW is it possible that those four-hundred and ninety uma coisa pode sequer ser criada? E COMO é possível que esses quatrocentos e noventa

calories can be served to me for an amount of money that, if I make the minimum wage |||||||||||||||||minimum wage earnings |||servidas||||||||||||||salario mínimo calorías me pueden servir por una cantidad de dinero que, si gano el salario mínimo des calories peuvent m'être servies pour une somme d'argent qui, si je fais le salaire minimum as calorias podem ser-me servidas por uma quantia de dinheiro que, se eu ganhar o salário mínimo

here in the U.S., I can earn in ELEVEN MINUTES? And most importantly: should I be delighted |||||||||||||||||encantado ici aux États-Unis, je peux gagner en ONZE MINUTES ? Et surtout : dois-je être ravi aqui nos EUA, posso ganhar em ONZE MINUTOS? E o mais importante: devo ficar encantado

or alarmed to live in this strange world of relative abundance? |||||||||comparative or conditional|plenty |||||||||상대적인|풍요 |不安に感じる||||||||| o alarmado por vivir en este extraño mundo de relativa abundancia? ou alarmado por viver neste estranho mundo de relativa abundância? или боитесь жить в этом странном мире относительного изобилия? 还是害怕生活在这个相对丰富的陌生世界?

Well, to answer that question we're not going to be able to look strictly at history, because |||||||||||||엄격히||| Eh bien, pour répondre à cette question, nous ne pourrons pas examiner strictement l'histoire, car Bem, para responder a essa pergunta, não vamos poder olhar estritamente para a história, porque

there isn't a written record about a lot of these things. But thanks to archaeology and ||||||||||||||study of artifacts| ||||||||||||||고고학| |||escrito|||||||||||arqueología y| não há registos escritos sobre muitas destas coisas. Mas graças à arqueologia e à

paleobiology, we CAN look deep into the past. Let's go to the Thought Bubble. paleobiology|||||||||||||Animated segment 고생물학||||||||||||사고| 古生物学||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Burbuja de ideas| paleobiología, PODEMOS mirar profundamente en el pasado. Vayamos a la Burbuja del Pensamiento. paleobiologia, podemos olhar profundamente para o passado. Vamos para o balão de pensamento.

So fifteen thousand years ago, humans were foragers and hunters. Foraging meant gathering |||||||gatherers and hunters||predators of animals|Gathering food resources|| |||||||채집자들||||| |||||||recolectores y cazadores|||Recolección de alimentos||recolección Vor fünfzehntausend Jahren waren Menschen also Sammler und Jäger. Sammeln bedeutete Sammeln Assim, há quinze mil anos, os humanos eram forrageiros e caçadores. Forragear significava recolher

fruits, nuts, also wild grains and grasses; hunting allowed for a more protein-rich diet ||||wild cereal crops||||||||nutrient-rich substance|| ||||||草類|||||||| frutos, nozes, mas também cereais e gramíneas selvagens; a caça permitia uma alimentação mais rica em proteínas

... so long as you could find something with meat to kill. By far the best hunting gig ...siempre que pudieras encontrar algo con carne que matar. Con mucho, el mejor concierto de caza ... desde que se consiga encontrar algo com carne para matar. De longe o melhor espetáculo de caça

in the pre-historic world incidentally was fishing, which is one of the reasons that |||ancient||by the way||||||||| |그|선사 시대|||우연히||낚시||||||| |||||por cierto||||||||| no mundo pré-histórico era, aliás, a pesca, o que é uma das razões pelas quais

if you look at history of people populating the planet, we tended to run for the shore |||||||settling in||||||||| |||||||인구 증가||||경향이 있었다||||the|해안 Wenn Sie sich die Geschichte der Menschen ansehen, die den Planeten bevölkern, tendieren wir dazu, ans Ufer zu rennen si vous regardez l'histoire des gens qui peuplent la planète, nous avions tendance à courir vers le rivage se olharmos para a história do povoamento do planeta, temos tendência a fugir para a costa

and then stay there. Marine life was: A) abundant, and puis restez là. La vie marine était : A) abondante, et 그리고 그곳에 머물러 있다. 해양 생물은: A) 풍부하고, e depois ficar lá. A vida marinha era: A) abundante, e

B) relatively unlikely to eat you. ||가능성이 낮은||| ||poco probable||| B) es ist relativ unwahrscheinlich, dass es dich frisst. B) relativement peu susceptible de vous manger. B) 비교적 당신을 먹을 가능성이 낮다. B) é relativamente improvável que o comam.

While we tend to think that the life of foragers were nasty, brutish and short, fossil evidence ||||||||||||||||kanıtlar ||||||||||||savage and harsh|||| |||||||||||험악한|야만적인|||| ||||||||||||野蛮な|||| |||||||||||desagradable|brutal y breve||||evidencia fósil Während wir dazu neigen zu denken, dass das Leben von Sammlern scheußlich, brutal und kurz war, sind fossile Beweise vorhanden Aunque tendemos a pensar que la vida de los forrajeadores era desagradable, brutal y corta, las pruebas fósiles Alors que nous avons tendance à penser que la vie des butineurs était désagréable, brutale et courte, des preuves fossiles 우리가 채집가의 삶이 끔찍하고, 잔인하며 짧았다고 생각하는 경향이 있지만, 화석 증거 Embora tenhamos tendência para pensar que a vida das forrageiras era má, bruta e curta, as provas fósseis

suggests that they actually had it pretty good: their bones and teeth are healthier |||||||||||||더 건강한 sugiere que en realidad lo tenían bastante bien: sus huesos y dientes son más sanos suggère qu'ils s'en sont plutôt bien tirés : leurs os et leurs dents sont en meilleure santé sugere que, na verdade, eles tiveram uma vida muito boa: os seus ossos e dentes são mais saudáveis

than those of agriculturalists. And anthropologists who have studied the remaining forager peoples |||farmers or growers||cultural researchers||||||hunter-gatherer|foraging communities |||농업 종사자들||인류학자들||||||채집자|민족 |||農業従事者||人類学者たち||||||| ||||||||||restantes|recolectores| Y los antropólogos que han estudiado los pueblos forrajeros que quedan do que as dos agricultores. E os antropólogos que estudaram os povos forrageiros remanescentes

have noted that they actually spend a lot fewer hours working than the rest of us and |주목했다||||||||||||||| observaram que, de facto, passam muito menos horas a trabalhar do que o resto de nós e

they spend more time on art, music, and storytelling. Also if you believe the classic of anthropology, NISA, ||||||||narrative sharing||||||||study of humans|Anthropological work "Nisa" ||||||||이야기하기||||||||| ||||||||narración de historias||||||||| dedican más tiempo al arte, la música y la narración. También si se cree en el clásico de la antropología, NISA, passam mais tempo na arte, na música e na narração de histórias. Também se acreditarmos no clássico da antropologia, NISA,

they also have a lot more time for skoodilypooping. What? I call it skoodilypooping. I'm not gonna apologize. ||||||||Goofing around||||||||| ||||||||스쿠딜리푸핑|||||||||사과하지 않을게 ||||||||いちゃつくこと||||||||| ||||||||to goofing off||||||||| también tienen mucho más tiempo para skoodilypooping. ¿Qué? Yo lo llamo skoodilypooping. No voy a disculparme. ils ont aussi beaucoup plus de temps pour faire caca. Quoi? J'appelle ça skoodilypooping. Je ne vais pas m'excuser. também têm muito mais tempo para fazer skoodilypooping. O quê? Eu chamo-lhe "skoodilypooping". Não me vou desculpar. 他们也有更多的时间来skoodilypooping。什么?我称之为 skoodilypooping。我不会道歉的。

It's worth noting that cultivation of crops seems to have risen independently over the ||worth mentioning|||||||||on its own|| 그것은|가치가 있다|주목할 만한||재배||작물||||증가한||| ||||栽培||||||||| |||que|||cultivos||||aumentado||| Cabe señalar que los cultivos parecen haber aumentado de forma independiente a lo largo de la Il convient de noter que la culture des cultures semble avoir augmenté de manière indépendante au cours des É de notar que o cultivo de culturas parece ter aumentado independentemente ao longo dos

course of milennia in a number of places ... from Africa to China to the Americas ... using ||thousands of years||||||||||||| ||수천 년|||||||아프리카|||||아메리카| ||数千年の間||||||||||||| cours de millénaires dans un certain nombre d'endroits ... de l'Afrique à la Chine aux Amériques ... en utilisant durante milénios em vários locais ... de África à China e às Américas ... utilizando течение тысячелетий в ряде мест ... от Африки до Китая и Америки ... с использованием

crops that naturally grew nearby: rice in Southeast Asia, maize in in Mexico, potatoes |||||||Southeast Asia||corn|||| |||||||동남아시아||옥수수|||| |||||||||maize||||

in the Andes, wheat in the Fertile Crescent, yams in West Africa. People around the world ||Andes Mountains||||||||||||| ||안데스||||비옥한||얌 (고구마)||||||| ||||||||yams||||||| ||||||||ñames|||||||

began to abandon their foraging for agriculture. And since so many communities made this choice ||||||farming or cultivation|||||||| ||포기하기 시작했다||채집 생활||||||||||

independently, it must have been a good choice ... right? Even though it meant less music independientemente, debe haber sido una buena elección ... ¿verdad? A pesar de que significaba menos música indépendamment, ça devait être un bon choix... non ? Même si cela signifiait moins de musique

and skoodilypooping. Thanks, Thought Bubble. et skoodilypooping. Merci, bulle de pensée. 和 skoodilypooping。谢谢,思想泡泡。

All right, to answer that question, let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of agriculture. ||||||||||||||drawbacks||

Advantage: Controllable food supply. You might have droughts or floods, but if you're growing |Easily managed||||||dry periods|||||| |||||||가뭄이 발생할 수 있습니다|||||| |||||||sequías|||||| Ventaja: Suministro de alimentos controlable. Puede haber sequías o inundaciones, pero si cultivas... Avantage : Approvisionnement alimentaire contrôlable. Vous pourriez avoir des sécheresses ou des inondations, mais si vous cultivez

the crops and breeding them to be hardier, you have a better chance of not starving. |||||||more resilient plants|||||||| |||||||より強靭な|||||||| |||||||más resistentes|||||||| los cultivos y criarlos para que sean más resistentes, tendrás más posibilidades de no morirte de hambre. les cultures et les cultivant pour qu'elles soient plus résistantes, vous avez une meilleure chance de ne pas mourir de faim.

Disadvantage: In order to keep feeding people as the population grows you have to radically |||||||||number of people|||||fundamentally change methods Inconvénient : Afin de continuer à nourrir les gens à mesure que la population augmente, vous devez radicalement

change the environment of the planet.

Advantage: Especially if you grow grain, you can create a food surplus, which makes cities |||||||||||excess food supply||| |||||||||||excedente de alimentos||| Ventaja: Especialmente si cultivas cereales, puedes crear un excedente de alimentos, lo que hace que las ciudades

possible and also the specialization of labor. Like, in the days before agriculture, EVERYBODY'S ||||Focused skillset|||||||||everyone's responsibility ||||||trabajo especializado||||||| posible y también la especialización de la mano de obra. Como, en los días anteriores a la agricultura, TODOS LOS

job was foraging, and it took about a thousand calories of work to create a thousand calories ||toplayıcılık yapmak|||||||||||||| le travail consistait à chercher de la nourriture, et il fallait environ mille calories de travail pour créer mille calories

of food ... and it was impossible to create large population centers. ||||||||||urban areas

But, if you have a surplus agriculture can support people not directly involved in the |||||excess production||||||||| |||||잉여 생산량||||||||| Mais, si vous avez un excédent agricole, vous pouvez soutenir des personnes qui ne sont pas directement impliquées dans le

production of food. Like, for instance, tradespeople, who can devote their lives to better farming ||||||skilled agricultural workers|||||||| |||||||||헌신하다||||| ||||||職人|||||||| |||||por ejemplo|trabajadores agrícolas|||||||| producción de alimentos. Como, por ejemplo, los comerciantes, que pueden dedicar su vida a mejorar la agricultura production de nourriture. Comme, par exemple, les artisans, qui peuvent consacrer leur vie à mieux cultiver

equipment which in turn makes it easier to produce more food more efficiently which in farming tools||||||||||||with less waste||

time makes it possible for a corporation to turn a profit on this ninety-nine cent double cheeseburger. ||||||business entity||||||||||| le temps permet à une entreprise de réaliser un profit sur ce double cheeseburger à quatre-vingt-dix-neuf cents. Время позволяет корпорации получать прибыль от этого двойного чизбургера за девяносто девять центов.

Which is delicious, by the way. It's actually terrible. And it's very cold. And I wish I

had not eaten it. I mean, can we just compare what I was promised to what I was delivered? не ел. Я имею в виду, можем ли мы просто сравнить то, что мне обещали, с тем, что я получил?

Yeah, thank you. Yeah, this is not that.

Some would say that large and complex agricultural communities that can support cities and eventually

inexpensive meat sandwiches are not necessarily beneficial to the planet or even to its human ||cheap meat sandwiches|||||||||||| 安価な||||||||||||||

inhabitants. Although that's a bit of a tough argument to make, coming to you as I am in 住民||||||||||||||||| habitantes. Aunque es un argumento un poco duro, viniendo a ti como estoy en жители. Хотя это довольно сложный аргумент, приходя к вам, когда я в

a series of ones and zeros. |||||0s серия нулей и единиц.

ADVANTAGE: Agriculture can be practiced all over the world, although in some cases it AVANTAGE : L'agriculture peut être pratiquée partout dans le monde, même si dans certains cas elle

takes extensive manipulation of the environment, like y'know irrigation, controlled flooding, ||environmental modification||||||water management techniques||

terracing, that kind of thing. Creating stepped levels|||| 段々畑など|||| le terrassement, ce genre de chose.

DISADVANTAGE: Farming is hard. So hard in fact that one is tempted to claim ownership |||||||||||inclined to claim|||claiming possession INCONVENIENT: L'agriculture est difficile. Tellement dur en fait qu'on est tenté d'en revendiquer la propriété

over other humans and then have them till the land on your behalf, which is the kind |||||||cultivate|||||for your benefit|||| over other humans and then have them till the land on your behalf, which is the kind над другими людьми, а затем заставьте их возделывать землю от вашего имени, что является своего рода

of non-ideal social order that tends to be associated with agricultural communities.

So why did agriculture happen? |||tarım|

Wait, I haven't talked about herders. Herders, man! Always getting the short end of the stick. |||||Livestock caretakers|||||||||| Espera, no he hablado de los pastores. ¡Pastores, hombre! Siempre se llevan la peor parte. Attendez, je n'ai pas parlé des bergers. Bergers, mec ! Toujours prendre le petit bout du bâton.

Herding is a really good and interesting alternative to foraging and agriculture. You domesticate Animal management|||||||||||||tame and breed |||||||||||||飼い慣らす

some animals and then you take them on the road with you. The advantages of herding are |||||||||||||||放牧|

obvious. First, you get to be a cowboy. Also, animals provide meat and milk, but they also

help out with shelter because they can provide wool and leather.

The downside is that you have to move around a lot because your herd always needs new grass, |drawback||||||||||||group of animals||||

which makes it hard to build cities, unless you are the Mongols. [music, horse hooves] |||||||||||nomadic conquerors|||horse feet sounds

By the way, over the next forty weeks you will frequently hear generalizations, followed ||||||||||||broad statements| ||||||||||||一般論|

by "unless you are the Mongols" [music, hooves]. |"olmadıkça"||||||

But anyway one of the main reasons herding only caught on in certain parts of the world

is that there aren't that many animals that lend themselves to domestication. Like, you |||||||||||taming for use|| c'est qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup d'animaux qui se prêtent à la domestication. Comme toi

have sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, horses, camels, donkeys, reindeer, water buffalo, yaks, all ||Farm animals|||||Pack animals|Domesticated arctic animal||water buffalo|Long-haired bovines| |||||||||||ヤク| avoir des moutons, des chèvres, du bétail, des cochons, des chevaux, des chameaux, des ânes, des rennes, des buffles d'eau, des yaks, tous tem ovelhas, cabras, gado, porcos, cavalos, camelos, burros, renas, búfalos, iaques, todos

of which have something in common. They aren't native to the Americas. The only halfway useful ||||||||||||||Partially| qui ont quelque chose en commun. Ils ne sont pas originaires des Amériques. La seule moitié utile

herding animal native to the Americas is the llama. No, not that Lama, two l's. Yes, that llama. ||||||||Herding animal llama||||llama (animal)||||| gütme/güdülen||||||||||||||||| ||||||||リャマ||||||||| |||||||||||||||||llama animal de berger originaire des Amériques est le lama. Non, pas ce Lama, deux l. Oui, ce lama.

Most animals just don't work for domestication. Like hippos are large, which means they provide ||||||||large aquatic mammals|||||| ||||||||カバ|||||| La plupart des animaux ne travaillent tout simplement pas pour la domestication. Comme les hippopotames sont grands, ce qui signifie qu'ils fournissent

lots of meat, but unfortunately, they like to eat people. Zebras are too ornery. Grizzlies ||||||||||Aggressive zebras|||stubborn and irritable|Bears that attack |||||||||||||huysuz|Grizzly ayıları beaucoup de viande, mais malheureusement, ils aiment manger des gens. Les zèbres sont trop méchants. Grizzlis

have wild hearts that can't be broken. Elephants are awesome, but they take way too long to ont des cœurs sauvages qui ne peuvent pas être brisés. Les éléphants sont géniaux, mais ils prennent beaucoup trop de temps pour

breed. Which reminds me! It's time for the Open Letter. ||brings to mind||||||| race. Ce qui me rappelle! C'est l'heure de la lettre ouverte.

Elegant. But first, let's see what the Secret Compartment has for me today. Oh! It's another ||||||||Hidden section||||||| 优雅的。但首先,让我们看看今天的密室对我有什么好处。哦!这是另一个

double cheeseburger. Thanks, Secret Compartment. Just kidding, I don't thank you for this. ||||Hidden section|||||||| double cheeseburger. Merci, compartiment secret. Je plaisante, je ne te remercie pas pour ça. 双芝士汉堡。谢谢,密室。开个玩笑,我不感谢你。

An Open Letter to elephants.

Hey elephants, You're so cute and smart and awesome. Why you gotta be pregnant for 22 months? That's Hé les éléphants, vous êtes si mignons, intelligents et géniaux. Pourquoi faut-il être enceinte de 22 mois ? C'est 嘿,大象,你真可爱,聪明,真棒。为什么要怀孕22个月?那是

crazy! And then you only have one kid. If you were more like cows, you might have taken unbelievable|||||||||||||||||

us over by now. Little did you know, but the greatest evolutionary advantage: being useful to humans. |||||||||||adaptive development advantage||||| a estas alturas. Poco sabías, pero la mayor ventaja evolutiva: ser útil a los humanos. nous plus maintenant. Vous ne le saviez pas, mais le plus grand avantage évolutif : être utile aux humains. мы уже закончили. Вы мало что знали, но величайшее эволюционное преимущество: быть полезным для людей.

Like here is a graph of cow population, and here is a graph of elephant population. Elephants, ||||||||||||chart|||| 就像这里是奶牛数量图,这里是大象数量图。大象,

if you had just inserted yourself into human life the way cows did, you could have used ||||put yourself in|||||||||||| ||||挿入された|||||||||||| si vous veniez de vous insérer dans la vie humaine comme les vaches l'ont fait, vous auriez pu utiliser

your power and intelligence to form secret elephant societies, conspiring against the |||||||||plotting against|| |||||||||共謀する|| votre pouvoir et votre intelligence pour former des sociétés secrètes d'éléphants, conspirant contre le

humans! And then you could have risen up, and destroyed us, and made an awesome elephant humains! Et puis tu aurais pu te lever, nous détruire et faire un éléphant génial

world with elephant cars, and elephant planes! monde avec des voitures d'éléphants et des avions d'éléphants !

It would have been so great! But noooo! You gotta be pregnant for 22 months and then have |||||||"Absolutely not"||||||||| Cela aurait été tellement génial ! Mais noooon ! Tu dois être enceinte pendant 22 mois et ensuite avoir

just one kid. It's so annoying! juste un enfant. C'est tellement ennuyeux!

Best wishes, John Green.

Right, but back to the agricultural revolution and why it occurred. Historians don't know |||||||||||Scholars|| D'accord, mais revenons à la révolution agricole et pourquoi elle s'est produite. Les historiens ne savent pas

for sure, of course, because there are no written records. But, they love to make guesses. bien sûr, car il n'y a pas de traces écrites. Mais, ils aiment faire des suppositions.

Maybe population pressure necessitated agriculture even though it was more work, or abundance |||required||||||||| |||必要とした||||||||| Talvez a pressão populacional exigisse a agricultura, embora fosse mais trabalho ou abundância

gave people leisure to experiment with domestication or planting originated as a fertility rite ||||||||growing crops|began as|||reproductive abundance|ceremonial practice dio a la gente tiempo libre para experimentar con la domesticación o la plantación se originó como un rito de fertilidad a donné aux gens le loisir d'expérimenter la domestication ou la plantation à l'origine comme un rite de fertilité

- or as some historians have argued - people needed to domesticate grains in order to produce more alcohol. ||||||||||||||||alcohol

Charles Darwin, like most 19th century scientists, believed agriculture was an accident, saying,

"a wild and unusually good variety of native plant might attract the attention of some "une variété sauvage et exceptionnellement bonne de plante indigène pourrait attirer l'attention de certains

wise old savage." Off topic, but you will note in the coming weeks that the definition ||Wise old sage||Ancient tribal wisdom||||||||||| ||賢い老野人||||||||||||| viejo salvaje sabio". Fuera de tema, pero notarán en las próximas semanas que la definición sage vieux sauvage." Hors sujet, mais vous constaterez dans les prochaines semaines que la définition

of "savage" tends to be be "not me."

Maybe the best theory is that there wasn't really an agricultural revolution at all,

but that agriculture came out of an evolutionary desire to eat more. Like early hunter gatherers |||||||||||||||food collectors |||||||||||||||採集者たち mais cette agriculture est née d'un désir évolutif de manger plus. Comme les premiers chasseurs-cueilleurs

knew that seeds germinate when planted. And, when you find something that makes food, you |||begin to grow||||||||||| |||発芽する|||||||||||

want to do more of it. Unless it's this food. Then you want to do less of it. I kinda want envie d'en faire plus. A moins que ce ne soit cette nourriture. Ensuite, vous voulez en faire moins. je veux un peu

to spit it out. Eww. Ah, that's much better. |Expel saliva forcefully|||Gross|||| |吐き出す|||「うわっ」|||| pour le recracher. Beurk. Ah, c'est beaucoup mieux.

So early farmers would find the most accessible forms of wheat and plant them and experiment ||||||||||grain crop||||| Ainsi, les premiers agriculteurs trouveraient les formes de blé les plus accessibles, les planteraient et expérimenteraient

with them not because they were trying to start an agricultural revolution, because

they were like, you know what would be awesome: MORE food! ils étaient comme, vous savez ce qui serait génial : PLUS de nourriture !

Like on this topic, we have evidence that more than 13,000 years ago humans in southern

Greece were domesticating snails. In the Franchthi Cave, there's a huge pile of snail shells, Ancient Greeks||taming or cultivating|gastropod mollusks|||Franchthi Cave|||||||mollusk|snail exoskeletons ||길들이다|달팽이들|||프랑크티 동굴|||||||달팽이|껍데기 |||カタツムリ||||||||||カタツムリ| La Grèce domestique les escargots. Dans la grotte Franchthi, il y a un énorme tas de coquilles d'escargots,

most of them are larger than current snails, suggesting that the people who ate them were

selectively breeding them to be bigger and more nutritious. with specific traits||||||||more nutrient-rich ||||||||영양가 높은 選択的に|||||||| les élever sélectivement pour qu'ils soient plus gros et plus nutritifs.

Snails make excellent domesticated food sources, by the way because Edible mollusks|||tamed for use||||||

A) surprisingly caloric B) they're easy to carry since they come with ||high in calories||||||||| |A) 놀랍게도 칼로리가 높은 B) 놀랍게도|A) 의외로 칼로리가 높은 B) 가지고 다니기 쉬운||||||||| ||A) 驚くほど高カロリー B) 持ち運びやすい||||||||| A) sorprendentemente calóricos B) son fáciles de transportar ya que vienen con

their own suitcases, and C) to imprison them you just have to scratch ||luggage||||trap inside|||||| ||자신의 짐가방||||가두다|||||| ||||||閉じ込める|||||| leurs propres valises, et C) pour les emprisonner il suffit de gratter

a ditch around their living quarters. |a trench|||| |주변 도랑|||| un fossé autour de leurs quartiers d'habitation.

That's not really a revolution, that's just people trying to increase available calories. Ce n'est pas vraiment une révolution, ce sont juste des gens qui essaient d'augmenter les calories disponibles.

But one non-revolution leads to another, and pretty soon you have this, as far as the eye can see. Mais une non-révolution en entraîne une autre, et très vite vous avez ceci, à perte de vue.

Many historians also argue that without agriculture we wouldn't have all the bad things that come De nombreux historiens affirment également que sans l'agriculture, nous n'aurions pas toutes les mauvaises choses qui viennent

with complex civilizations like patriarchy, inequality, war, and unfortunately, famine. ||||male-dominated society|unfair social disparity||||severe food shortage ||문명 사회||가부장제|||||기근 ||||家父長制|||||飢饉 avec des civilisations complexes comme le patriarcat, l'inégalité, la guerre et, malheureusement, la famine.

And, as far as the planet is concerned, agriculture has been a big loser. Without it, humans never Et, en ce qui concerne la planète, l'agriculture a été la grande perdante. Sans elle, les humains n'ont jamais

would have changed the environment so much, building dams, and clearing forests, and more might have||||||||water barriers||||| aurait tellement changé l'environnement, en construisant des barrages, en défrichant des forêts, etc.

recently, drilling for oil that we can turn into fertilizer. |||||||||soil nutrient enhancer |||||||||비료로 전환 récemment, le forage de pétrole que nous pouvons transformer en engrais.

Many people made the choice for agriculture independently, but does that mean it was the Beaucoup de gens ont fait le choix de l'agriculture de manière indépendante, mais cela signifie-t-il que c'était le

right choice? Maybe so, and maybe not, but, regardless, we can't unmake that choice. And |||||||||||reverse||| |||||||||||되돌릴 수||| |||||||||||取り消すこと||| bon choix? Peut-être que oui, et peut-être pas, mais quoi qu'il en soit, nous ne pouvons pas revenir sur ce choix. Et

that's one of the reasons I think it's so important to study history.

History reminds us that revolutions are not events so much as they are processes; that ||||radical changes|||||||||| La historia nos recuerda que las revoluciones no son acontecimientos, sino procesos.

for tens of thousands of years people have been making decisions that irrevocably shaped ||||||||||||돌이킬 수 없이| ||||||||||||permanently| ||||||||||||geri alınamaz şekilde| ||||||||||||取り返しのつかない|

the world that we live in today. Just as today we are making subtle, irrevocable decisions ||||||||||||||Cannot be undone| ||||||||||||||取り消せない|

that people of the future will remember as revolutions.

Next week we're going to journey to the Indus River Valley - whoa - very fragile, our globe, ||||||||Indus River|||That's surprising||easily damaged|| ||||||||인더스강 계곡||인더스 계곡||||| На следующей неделе мы собираемся отправиться в долину реки Инд - эй - очень хрупкий, наш земной шар,

like the real globe. We're going to travel to the Indus River Valley. I'll see you then.

Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller. Our script supervisor is Danica Johnson. |||||||Stan Muller|Stan Muller||written content|script overseer||Danica Johnson|

The show is written by my high school history teacher, Raoul Meyer, and myself, and our ||||||||||Raoul Meyer|Raoul Meyer||||

graphics team is Thought Bubble. visual design||||

If you want to guess at the phrase of the week, you can do so in comments. You can also

suggest future phrases of the week. And if you have a question about today's video, please

leave it comments where our team of semi-professional quasi-historians will aim to answer it. |||||||partially skilled||almost but not|||||| |||||||||準歴史家||||||

Thanks for watching, and as we say in my hometown, Don't Forget To Be Awesome. Teşekkürler||||||||||||||