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Crash Course: World History, Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History #2

Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History #2

Hi, I'm John Green, and this is Crash Course World History.

Let's begin today with a question.

Why am I alive? Also, why don't I have any eyes? Ah, That's better.

The way we answer that question ends up organizing all kinds of other thoughts, like what we

should value, and how we should behave, and if we should eat meat, and whether we should

dump that boy who is very nice, but insanely clingy, in a way that he cannot possibly think

is attractive. All of which adds up-

Uh, Mr. Green, Mr. Green, uh, are you talking about me?

Yes, I'm talking about you, me from the past. I'm telling you that one of the reasons

we study history is so that you can be a less terrible boyfriend, but more on that momentarily.

[theme music]

Today we're going to talk about civilizations, but in order to do that, we have to talk about

talking about civilizations, because it's a problematic word. So problematic, in fact,

that I have to turn to camera 2 to discuss it.

Certain Conglomerations of humans are seen as civilizations, whereas, say, nomadic cultures

generally aren't, unless, you are -- say it with me --

the mongols

By calling some groups civilizations, you imply that all other social orders are uncivilized,

which is basically just another way of saying that they're savages or barbarians.

side note: originally Greek, the word Barbarian denoted anyone who did not speak ancient Greek,

because to the Greeks, all other languages sounded like bar bar bar bar bar bar.

So, that is to say that we are all essentially barbarians, except for the classics majors,

which is worth remembering when we're discussing civilizations.

Civilizations are like most of the things we like to study, they're intellectual constructs.

No one woke up in the city of Thebe's in Egypt one morning and said, “what a beautiful

morning, I sure am living at the height of Egyptian civilization.” Still, they're

useful constructs, particularly when you're comparing one civilization to another. They're

less useful when you're comparing a civilization to a non-civilization type social order, which

is why we will try to avoid that.

And yes, I am getting to the good boyfriend stuff. Patience, grasshopper.

So what is a civilization? Well, diagnosing a civilization is a little like like diagnosing

an illness. If you have four or more of the following symptoms, you might be a civilization.

Surplus production. Once one person can make enough food to feed several people, it becomes

possible to build a city, another symptom of civilization.

It also leads to the specialization of labor, which in turn leads to trade. Like, if everybody

picks berries for a living, there's no reason to trade, because I have berries, and you

have berries, but if I pick berries for a living and you make hammers, suddenly, we have cause to trade.

Civilizations are also usually associated with social stratification, centralized government,

shared values, generally in the form of religion, and writing. And at least in the early days,

they were almost always associated with rivers.

These days you can just bisect a segment of land horizontally and vertically, and boom,

build a city. But 5000 years ago, civilizations were almost always associated with rivers. Whether

that's the Tigris and Euphrates, the Yellow River, The Nile, the Amazon Basin, the Coatzacoalcos -

Gaaah! I was doing so good until I got to Coatzacoalcos!

(computer says: Coatzacoalcos) Coatzacoalcos. Maybe.

Why river valleys? They're flat, they're well watered, and when they flood, they deposit nutrient-rich silt.

We'll have more to say about most of these civilizations later, but let's talk about

this guy, the Indus Valley Civilization, ‘cause it's my all time favorite.

The Indus Valley Civilization was located in the flood plain of the Indus and Sarawati

rivers, and it was about the best place in the world to have an ancient civilization

because the rivers flooded very reliably twice a year, which meant that it had the most available

calories per acre of pretty much anywhere on the planet.

We know the Indus Valley Civilization flourished a long time ago. Probably around 3000 BCE.

Why is that question literally hanging over my head?

But people of the Indus valley were trading with Mesopotamians as early as 3500 BCE. We also

know that it was the largest of the ancient civilizations. Archaeologists have discovered more than 1500 sites.

So what do we know about this civilization? Let's go to the Thought Bubble.

Everything we know about the Indus Valley Civilization comes from archaeology, because

while they did use written language, we don't know how to read it, and no Rosetta Stone

has thus appeared to help us learn it.

I meant the other Rosetta Stone, Thought Bubble, yeah.

Although, come to think of it, either would be acceptable.

So here's what we know, they had amazing cities. Harappa and Mohenjo Daro are the best

known, with dense, multi-story homes constructed out of uniformly sized bricks along perpendicular

streets. I mean this wasn't some ancient world version of Houston, more like Chicago.

This means they must have had some form of government and zoning, but we don't know

what gave this government its authority.

Cities were oriented to catch the wind and provide a natural form of air conditioning.

And they were clean. Most homes were connected to a centralized drainage system that used

gravity to carry waste and water out of the city in big sewer ditches that ran under the

main avenues, a plumbing system that would have been the envy of many 18th century European cities.

Also, in Mohenjo Daro, the largest public building was not a temple or a palace, but

a public bath, which historians call the Great Bath. We don't know what the great bath

was used for, but since later Indian culture placed a huge emphasis on ritual purity, which

is the basis for the caste system, some historians have speculated that the bath might

have been like a giant baptismal pool.

Also, they traded. One of the coolest things that the Indus Valley Civilization produced

were seals used as identification markers on goods and clay tablets. These seals contained the writing

that we still can't decipher, and a number of fantastic designs, many featuring animals and monsters.

One of the most famous and frightening is of a man with what looks like water buffalo

horns on his head, sitting cross-legged between a tiger and a bull. We don't know what's

really going on here, but it's safe to say that this was a powerful dude, because he

seems to be able to control the tiger.

How do these seals let us know that they traded? Well, because we found them in Mesopotamia,

not the indus valley. Plus, archaeologists have found stuff like bronze in the indus

valley that is not native to the region. So what did they trade? Cotton cloth. Still such

a fascinating export, incidentally that it will be the subject of the 40th and final

video in this very series.

But here's the most amazing thing about the Indus Valley people. They were peaceful. Despite

archaeologists finding 1500 sites, they have found very little evidence of warfare, almost no weapons.

Thanks Thought Bubble. OK, before we talk about the fascinating demise of the Indus

Valley Civilization. It's time for the open letter.


I wonder what the secret compartment has for me today? Oh! Fancy clothes.

I guess the secret compartment didn't think I was dressed up enough for the occasion.

An open letter to Historians. Dear historians, the Great Bath? Really? THE GREAT BATH? I'm

trying to make history fascinating, and you give me a term that evokes scented candles,

bath salts and Frederic Fekkai hair products?

I know sometimes the crushingly boring names of history aren't your fault. You didn't

name the federalist papers or the Austro-Hungarian Empire or Adam Smith. But when you do get

a chance to name something, you go with THE GREAT BATH? Not the Epic Bath of Mohenjo Daro,

or the Bath to End All Baths, or the Pool That Ruled, or the Moist Mystery of Mohenjo

Daro or the Wet Wonder? The Great Bath? Really? You can do better. best wishes, John Green.

So what happened to these people? Well, here's what didn't happen to them. They didn't

morph into the current residents of that area of the world, Hindu Indians or Muslim Pakistanis.

Those people probably came from the Caucasus.

Instead, sometime around 1750 BCE, the Indus Valley Civilization declined until it faded

into obscurity. Why? Historians have three theories.

One: Conquest! Turns out to be a terrible military strategy not to have any weapons, and it's possible

people from the Indus Valley were completely overrun by people from the Caucasus.

Two: Environmental Disaster! It's possible they brought about their own end by destroying their environment.

Three: Earthquake! The most interesting theory is that a massive earthquake changed the

course of the rivers so much that a lot of the tributaries dried up.

Without adequate water supplies for irrigation, the cities couldn't sustain themselves,

so people literally picked up and headed for greener pastures.

Well, probably not pastures, it's unlikely they became nomads. They probably just moved

to a different plain an continued their agricultural ways. I am already boring you and I haven't

even told you yet how to be a better boyfriend and/or girlfriend. I'm going to do that now.

So we don't know why the Indus Valley Civilization ended, but we also don't really know why

it started. Why did these people build cities, and dig swimming pools, and make unnecessarily ornate seals?

Were they motivated by hunger, fear, a desire for companionship, the need to be near their

sacred spaces, or a general feeling that city life was just more awesome than foraging?

Thinking about what motivated them to structure their life as they did helps us to think about

how we structure our own lives. In short, you're clingy because you're motivated

by fear and a need for companionship,

and she finds it annoying because it's enough work having to be responsible for herself

without having to also be responsible for you.

Also, you're not really helping her by clinging, and from the Indus Valley in the bronze age,

to school life today, human life is all about collaboration.

Trading cloth for bronze, building cities together, and collaborating to make sure that

human lives are tilted to catch the wind.

Next week we will travel here to discuss the Hot Mess o' Potamia, but in the meantime,

if you have any questions, leave them in comments, and our team of semi-trained semi-professionals

will do their best to answer them.

Also, you'll find some suggested resources in the video info below, he said, pointing

at his pants. Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next week!

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Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History #2 Indus-Tal-Zivilisation: Crashkurs Weltgeschichte #2 Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History #2 Civilización del Valle del Indo: Curso acelerado de Historia Universal nº 2 La civilisation de la vallée de l'Indus : Cours accéléré d'histoire mondiale #2 インダスバレー文明クラッシュコース世界史#2 인더스 밸리 문명: 크래시 코스 세계사 #2 Cywilizacja doliny Indusu: Przyspieszony kurs historii świata #2 Civilização do Vale do Indo: Curso Intensivo História Mundial #2 Цивилизация долины Инда: Краткий курс всемирной истории #2 İndus Vadisi Uygarlığı: Crash Course Dünya Tarihi #2 Цивілізація долини Інду: Прискорений курс всесвітньої історії #2 印度河流域文明:世界历史速成班 #2 印度河流域文明:世界歷史速成班#2

Hi, I'm John Green, and this is Crash Course World History. こんにちは、ジョン・グリーンです。これはクラッシュコースの世界史です。 Olá, chamo-me John Green e este é o Crash Course World History. Merhaba, ben John Green ve bu da Crash Course Dünya Tarihi.

Let's begin today with a question. Comecemos hoje com uma pergunta. Bugün bir soru ile başlayalım.

Why am I alive? Also, why don't I have any eyes? Ah, That's better. なぜ私は生きているのですか?また、目がないのはなぜですか?あ、それはいいです。 Porque é que estou vivo? E também, porque é que não tenho olhos? Ah, assim está melhor.

The way we answer that question ends up organizing all kinds of other thoughts, like what we The way we answer that question ends up organizing all kinds of other thoughts, like what we 私たちがその質問に答える方法は、結局のところ、 A forma como respondemos a essa pergunta acaba por organizar todo o tipo de outros pensamentos, como o que Bu soruyu cevaplama şeklimiz, her türlü başka düşünceyi organize etmekle sonuçlanır, tıpkı bizim yaptığımız gibi.

should value, and how we should behave, and if we should eat meat, and whether we should 大切にすべき、そして私たちがどのように振る舞うべきか、そして肉を食べるべきかどうか、そして私たちがすべきかどうか valorizar, e como nos devemos comportar, e se devemos comer carne, e se devemos değer vermeli, nasıl davranmalı, et yemeli miyiz ve et yemeli miyiz?

dump that boy who is very nice, but insanely clingy, in a way that he cannot possibly think |||||||||appiccicoso|||||||| 非常にいいが、めちゃくちゃしがみついているその少年を、彼が考えられない方法で捨てる largar aquele menino que é muito legal, mas insanamente pegajoso, de uma forma que ele não pode pensar çok hoş ama delicesine yapışkan olan o çocuğu düşünemeyeceği bir şekilde terk et

is attractive. All of which adds up- 魅力的です。すべてが加算されます é atrativo. Tudo isto se conjuga... çekici. Tüm bunlar ekleniyor-

Uh, Mr. Green, Mr. Green, uh, are you talking about me? ええと、グリーン氏、グリーン氏、ええと、あなたは私について話しているのですか? Sr. Green, Sr. Green, está a falar de mim? Bay Green, Bay Green, benim hakkımda mı konuşuyorsunuz?

Yes, I'm talking about you, me from the past. I'm telling you that one of the reasons はい、私はあなたについて話している、私は過去から。その理由の一つはあなたに言っています Sim, estou a falar de ti, eu do passado. Estou a dizer-vos que uma das razões Evet, senden bahsediyorum, geçmişten gelen benden. nedenlerinden biri olduğunu söylüyorum

we study history is so that you can be a less terrible boyfriend, but more on that momentarily. |||||||||||||||||za chwilę 私たちが歴史を研究するのは、あなたがそれほどひどいボーイフレンドになれないようにするためですが、それについては一瞬もっと。 estudamos história é para podermos ser um namorado menos terrível, mas falaremos disso mais tarde. мы изучаем историю, чтобы вы могли быть менее ужасным парнем, но на мгновение об этом подробнее.

[theme music]

Today we're going to talk about civilizations, but in order to do that, we have to talk about 今日は文明についてお話しますが、そのためには、 Hoje vamos falar de civilizações, mas, para isso, temos de falar de Bugün medeniyetler hakkında konuşacağız, ama bunu yapabilmek için hakkında konuşmamız gerekiyor.

talking about civilizations, because it's a problematic word. So problematic, in fact, 文明について話しています。それは問題のある言葉だからです。実際、問題が多い Medeniyetlerden bahsetmek, çünkü sorunlu bir kelime. O kadar sorunlu ki aslında

that I have to turn to camera 2 to discuss it. それを議論するためにカメラ2に目を向ける必要があることを。 que tenho de passar para a câmara 2 para discutir o assunto. bunu tartışmak için kamera 2'ye dönmem gerekiyor.

Certain Conglomerations of humans are seen as civilizations, whereas, say, nomadic cultures |Groups or clusters|||||||||| 人間の特定の集まりは文明と見なされますが、たとえば遊牧文化と見なされます Certas aglomerações de seres humanos são consideradas civilizações, enquanto, por exemplo, as culturas nómadas Bazı insan toplulukları medeniyet olarak görülürken, diyelim ki göçebe kültürler

generally aren't, unless, you are -- say it with me -- あなたがそうでなければ、一般的にそうではありません-私と一緒に言ってください- geralmente não são, a não ser que sejam - digam-no comigo - genellikle değildir, eğer siz -- benimle birlikte söyleyin --

the mongols os mongóis Moğollar

By calling some groups civilizations, you imply that all other social orders are uncivilized, 一部のグループを文明と呼ぶことで、他のすべての社会秩序が文明化されていないことを意味します、 Ao chamar civilizações a alguns grupos, está a implicar que todas as outras ordens sociais são incivilizadas, Bazı grupları medeniyet olarak adlandırmakla, diğer tüm sosyal düzenlerin medeniyetsiz olduğunu ima ediyorsunuz,

which is basically just another way of saying that they're savages or barbarians. ||||||||||||barbarlar veya vahşiler これは基本的に、彼らが野蛮人または野蛮人であるという別の言い方です。 o que é basicamente outra forma de dizer que são selvagens ou bárbaros. bu da temelde onların vahşi veya barbar olduklarını söylemenin başka bir yoludur.

side note: originally Greek, the word Barbarian denoted anyone who did not speak ancient Greek, |||||||referred to||||||| サイドノート:もともとギリシャ語で、バーバリアンという言葉は古代ギリシャ語を話さない人を意味しました、 nota lateral: originalmente grega, a palavra bárbaro designava qualquer pessoa que não falasse grego antigo, yan not: aslen Yunanca, Barbar kelimesi eski Yunanca konuşmayanları ifade eder,

because to the Greeks, all other languages sounded like bar bar bar bar bar bar. ギリシャ人にとって、他のすべての言語はバーバーバーバーバーバーのように聞こえました。 porque, para os gregos, todas as outras línguas soavam como bar bar bar bar bar bar bar. çünkü Yunanlılar için diğer tüm diller kulağa bar bar bar bar bar bar gibi geliyordu.

So, that is to say that we are all essentially barbarians, except for the classics majors, つまり、クラシック専攻を除いて、私たちは皆本質的に野蛮人だということです。 Ou seja, somos todos essencialmente bárbaros, à exceção dos licenciados em Letras, Yani klasik branşlar dışında hepimiz esasen barbarız.

which is worth remembering when we're discussing civilizations. 文明について議論するときに覚えておく価値があります。 o que vale a pena lembrar quando estamos a discutir civilizações. uygarlıkları tartışırken hatırlamaya değer.

Civilizations are like most of the things we like to study, they're intellectual constructs. Las civilizaciones son como la mayoría de las cosas que nos gusta estudiar, son construcciones intelectuales. 文明は私たちが研究したいほとんどの事柄のようであり、それらは知的構造です。 As civilizações são, como a maior parte das coisas que gostamos de estudar, construções intelectuais. Medeniyetler, incelemeyi sevdiğimiz çoğu şey gibidir, entelektüel yapılardır.

No one woke up in the city of Thebe's in Egypt one morning and said, “what a beautiful ||||||||Thebes'||||||||| ある朝、エジプトのテーベの街で目を覚ました人は誰もいませんでした。 Ninguém acordou uma manhã na cidade de Tebe, no Egipto, e disse: "Que bela Mısır'da Thebe's şehrinde bir sabah uyanan kimse, “Ne güzelmiş.

morning, I sure am living at the height of Egyptian civilization.” Still, they're 朝、私は確かにエジプト文明の真っ只中に住んでいます。」それでも、彼らは manhã, estou mesmo a viver no auge da civilização egípcia". Ainda assim, eles são утром, я уверен, что живу на пике египетской цивилизации ». Тем не менее, они sabah, Mısır uygarlığının zirvesinde yaşadığımdan eminim.” Yine de onlar

useful constructs, particularly when you're comparing one civilization to another. They're ||özellikle|||||||| 特に、1つの文明を別の文明と比較する場合に便利です。彼らは são constructos úteis, especialmente quando se está a comparar uma civilização com outra. São полезные конструкции, особенно когда вы сравниваете одну цивилизацию с другой. Они kullanışlı yapılar, özellikle bir uygarlığı diğeriyle karşılaştırırken. onlar

less useful when you're comparing a civilization to a non-civilization type social order, which 文明を非文明タイプの社会秩序と比較する場合、あまり有用ではありません。 menos útil quando se está a comparar uma civilização com uma ordem social de tipo não-civilizacional, que менее полезно, когда вы сравниваете цивилизацию с общественным порядком нецивилизационного типа, который bir uygarlığı, uygarlık olmayan türden bir toplumsal düzenle karşılaştırırken daha az kullanışlıdır.

is why we will try to avoid that. それを回避しようとする理由です。 é por isso que vamos tentar evitá-lo. bu yüzden bundan kaçınmaya çalışacağız.

And yes, I am getting to the good boyfriend stuff. Patience, grasshopper. Y sí, estoy llegando a las cosas buenas del novio. Paciencia, saltamontes. そして、はい、私は良いボーイフレンドのものになっています。忍耐、バッタ。 E sim, estou a chegar às coisas boas do namorado. Paciência, gafanhoto. Ve evet, iyi erkek arkadaş olayına geliyorum. Sabır, çekirge.

So what is a civilization? Well, diagnosing a civilization is a little like like diagnosing ||||||identifying|||||||| では、文明とは何でしょうか?まあ、文明の診断は診断のようなものです Então, o que é uma civilização? Bem, diagnosticar uma civilização é um pouco como diagnosticar Peki medeniyet nedir? Bir uygarlığı teşhis etmek biraz teşhis koymaya benzer.

an illness. If you have four or more of the following symptoms, you might be a civilization. 病気。次の症状が4つ以上ある場合は、文明である可能性があります。 uma doença. Se tiver quatro ou mais dos seguintes sintomas, pode ser uma civilização. bir hastalık. Aşağıdaki belirtilerden dört veya daha fazlasına sahipseniz, bir uygarlık olabilirsiniz.

Surplus production. Once one person can make enough food to feed several people, it becomes Surplus production. Once one person can make enough food to feed several people, it becomes 余剰生産。 1人で複数の人に食べさせるのに十分な食糧を作ることができると、 Produção excedentária. Quando uma pessoa consegue produzir alimentos suficientes para alimentar várias pessoas, torna-se Fazla üretim. Bir kişi birkaç kişiyi beslemeye yetecek kadar yiyecek ürettiğinde,

possible to build a city, another symptom of civilization. 文明のもう一つの症状である都市を建設することは可能です。 possível construir uma cidade, outro sintoma de civilização. bir şehir inşa etmek mümkün, medeniyetin bir başka belirtisi.

It also leads to the specialization of labor, which in turn leads to trade. Like, if everybody Também leva à especialização do trabalho, que por sua vez leva ao comércio. Por exemplo, se toda a gente Aynı zamanda emeğin uzmanlaşmasına yol açar ve bu da ticarete yol açar. Mesela, eğer herkes

picks berries for a living, there's no reason to trade, because I have berries, and you apanha bagas para ganhar a vida, não há razão para trocar, porque eu tenho bagas e tu geçimini sağlamak için böğürtlen topluyor, takas etmeye gerek yok çünkü benim böğürtlenlerim var ve sen

have berries,  but if I pick berries for a living and you make hammers, suddenly, we have cause to trade. |||||||||||||çekiçler|||||| mas se eu apanhar bagas para ganhar a vida e tu fizeres martelos, de repente, temos motivos para negociar. Böğürtlenlerim var, ama yaşamak için böğürtlen toplarsam ve sen çekiç yaparsan, aniden ticaret yapmak için nedenimiz olur.

Civilizations are also usually associated with social stratification, centralized government, |||||||social hierarchy|concentrated authority structure| |||||||stratyfikacja społeczna|| As civilizações também estão normalmente associadas à estratificação social e ao governo centralizado, Medeniyetler ayrıca genellikle sosyal tabakalaşma, merkezi hükümet,

shared values, generally in the form of religion, and writing. And at least in the early days, valores partilhados, geralmente sob a forma de religião e de escrita. E, pelo menos nos primeiros tempos, ortak değerler, genellikle din ve yazı biçiminde. Ve en azından ilk günlerde,

they were almost always associated with rivers. ||||ilişkilendirilmiş|| estavam quase sempre associados a rios. neredeyse her zaman nehirlerle ilişkilendirildiler.

These days you can just bisect a segment of land horizontally and vertically, and boom, |||||divide into two||||||||| |||||podzielić na pół||||||||| Hoje em dia, basta dividir um segmento de terreno horizontal e verticalmente e pronto, В наши дни вы можете просто разделить участок земли пополам по горизонтали и вертикали и взмахнуть стрелой, Bu günlerde, bir arazi parçasını yatay ve dikey olarak ikiye bölebilir ve bom,

build a city. But 5000 years ago, civilizations were almost always associated with rivers. Whether construir uma cidade. Mas há 5000 anos, as civilizações estavam quase sempre associadas aos rios. Quer bir şehir inşa et. Ancak 5000 yıl önce medeniyetler neredeyse her zaman nehirlerle ilişkilendirilirdi. İkisinden biri

that's the Tigris and Euphrates, the Yellow River, The Nile, the Amazon Basin, the Coatzacoalcos - o Tigre e o Eufrates, o Rio Amarelo, o Nilo, a Bacia Amazónica, os Coatzacoalcos bu Dicle ve Fırat, Sarı Nehir, Nil, Amazon Havzası, Coatzacoalcos -

Gaaah! I was doing so good until I got to Coatzacoalcos! Frustrated exclamation|||||||||| Gaaah! Estava a ir tão bem até chegar a Coatzacoalcos! Tanrım! Coatzacoalcos'a gelene kadar çok iyiydim!

(computer says: Coatzacoalcos) Coatzacoalcos. Maybe. ||Coatzacoalcos, perhaps.|| (o computador diz: Coatzacoalcos) Coatzacoalcos. Talvez. (bilgisayar diyor ki: Coatzacoalcos) Coatzacoalcos. Belki.

Why river valleys? They're flat, they're well watered, and when they flood, they deposit nutrient-rich silt. Porquê os vales dos rios? São planos, são bem irrigados e, quando inundam, depositam sedimentos ricos em nutrientes. Neden nehir vadileri? Düzdürler, iyi sulanırlar ve taştıklarında besin açısından zengin silt biriktirirler.

We'll have more to say about most of these civilizations later, but let's talk about Teremos mais a dizer sobre a maioria destas civilizações mais tarde, mas vamos falar sobre Bu uygarlıkların çoğu hakkında daha sonra söyleyecek daha çok şeyimiz olacak, ama

this guy, the Indus Valley Civilization, ‘cause it's my all time favorite. este tipo, a Civilização do Vale do Indo, porque é a minha favorita de sempre. Bu adam, İndus Vadisi Uygarlığı, çünkü o benim her zaman favorim.

The Indus Valley Civilization was located in the flood plain of the Indus and Sarawati ||||||||||||||Sarasvati River A civilização do Vale do Indo localizava-se na planície de inundação dos rios Indo e Sarawati İndus Vadisi Uygarlığı, İndus ve Sarawati'nin taşkın ovasında bulunuyordu.

rivers, and it was about the best place in the world to have an ancient civilization rios, e era o melhor lugar do mundo para ter uma civilização antiga nehirler ve eski bir uygarlığa sahip olmak için dünyanın en iyi yeriydi.

because the rivers flooded very reliably twice a year, which meant that it had the most available porque os rios inundavam de forma muito fiável duas vezes por ano, o que significava que tinha a maior disponibilidade çünkü nehirler yılda iki kez çok güvenilir bir şekilde taştı, bu da en uygun olana sahip olduğu anlamına geliyordu.

calories per acre of pretty much anywhere on the planet. calorias por acre de praticamente qualquer lugar do planeta. gezegende hemen hemen her yerde dönüm başına kalori.

We know the Indus Valley Civilization flourished a long time ago. Probably around 3000 BCE. Sabemos que a civilização do Vale do Indo floresceu há muito tempo. Provavelmente por volta de 3000 a.C. İndus Vadisi Uygarlığının uzun zaman önce geliştiğini biliyoruz. Muhtemelen MÖ 3000 civarında.

Why is that question literally hanging over my head? Porque é que esta pergunta está literalmente a pairar sobre a minha cabeça? Bu soru neden tam anlamıyla kafamda asılı duruyor?

But people of the Indus valley were trading with Mesopotamians as early as 3500 BCE. We also Mas os povos do vale do Indo estavam a negociar com os mesopotâmicos já em 3500 a.C. Também Ancak İndus vadisindeki insanlar MÖ 3500 kadar erken bir tarihte Mezopotamyalılarla ticaret yapıyorlardı. Ayrıca biz

know that it was the largest of the ancient civilizations. Archaeologists have discovered more than 1500 sites. sabe-se que foi a maior das civilizações antigas. Os arqueólogos descobriram mais de 1500 sítios. знаю, что это была самая крупная из древних цивилизаций. Археологи обнаружили более 1500 памятников. Bilin ki antik uygarlıkların en büyüğüydü. Arkeologlar 1500'den fazla site keşfettiler.

So what do we know about this civilization? Let's go to the Thought Bubble. Então, o que é que sabemos sobre esta civilização? Vamos ao Balão do Pensamento. Итак, что мы знаем об этой цивилизации? Пойдем к Мыльному пузырю. Peki bu medeniyet hakkında ne biliyoruz? Gelelim Düşünce Balonu'na.

Everything we know about the Indus Valley Civilization comes from archaeology, because Tudo o que sabemos sobre a Civilização do Vale do Indo vem da arqueologia, porque İndus Vadisi Uygarlığı hakkında bildiğimiz her şey arkeolojiden geliyor, çünkü

while they did use written language, we don't know how to read it, and no Rosetta Stone embora usassem linguagem escrita, não sabemos como lê-la, e não há Pedra de Roseta onlar yazılı dili kullanırken biz onu nasıl okuyacağımızı bilmiyoruz ve Rosetta Stone da yok.

has thus appeared to help us learn it. apareceu assim para nos ajudar a aprendê-la. böylece öğrenmemize yardımcı olduğu ortaya çıktı.

I meant the other Rosetta Stone, Thought Bubble, yeah. Estava a falar da outra Pedra de Roseta, a Bolha de Pensamento, sim. Diğer Rosetta Stone'u kastetmiştim, Thought Bubble, evet.

Although, come to think of it, either would be acceptable. Aunque, pensándolo bien, cualquiera de los dos sería aceptable. Embora, pensando bem, qualquer uma delas seria aceitável. Her ne kadar bir düşününce, her ikisi de kabul edilebilir.

So here's what we know, they had amazing cities. Harappa and Mohenjo Daro are the best |||||||||ancient city||ancient Indus city|Mohenjo Daro||| Eis o que sabemos: eles tinham cidades fantásticas. Harappa e Mohenjo Daro são as melhores İşte bildiğimiz şey, harika şehirleri vardı. Harappa ve Mohenjo Daro en iyisidir

known, with dense, multi-story homes constructed out of uniformly sized bricks along perpendicular |||||||||||||prostopadły conhecida, com casas densas e de vários andares construídas com tijolos de tamanho uniforme ao longo de известный, с плотными, многоэтажными домами, построенными из кирпичей одинакового размера вдоль перпендикулярных dikey boyunca eşit büyüklükteki tuğlalardan inşa edilmiş yoğun, çok katlı evlerle bilinir. 众所周知,密集的多层住宅由沿垂直方向的均匀大小的砖块建造而成

streets. I mean this wasn't some ancient world version of Houston, more like Chicago. ruas. Quer dizer, isto não era uma versão do mundo antigo de Houston, era mais como Chicago. sokaklar. Demek istediğim, bu Houston'ın eski bir dünya versiyonu değildi, daha çok Chicago gibi.

This means they must have had some form of government and zoning, but we don't know Bu demek ki||||||||||||||| |||||||||||planowanie przestrzenne|||| Isto significa que devem ter tido alguma forma de governo e de zonamento, mas não sabemos

what gave this government its authority. o que deu a este governo a sua autoridade.

Cities were oriented to catch the wind and provide a natural form of air conditioning. As cidades foram orientadas para apanhar o vento e proporcionar uma forma natural de ar condicionado.

And they were clean. Most homes were connected to a centralized drainage system that used E eram limpos. A maioria das casas estava ligada a um sistema de drenagem centralizado que usava

gravity to carry waste and water out of the city in big sewer ditches that ran under the gravidade para transportar os resíduos e a água para fora da cidade em grandes valas de esgoto que corriam sob a

main avenues, a plumbing system that would have been the envy of many 18th century European cities. avenidas principais, um sistema de canalização que teria sido a inveja de muitas cidades europeias do século XVIII.

Also, in Mohenjo Daro, the largest public building was not a temple or a palace, but Além disso, em Mohenjo Daro, o maior edifício público não era um templo ou um palácio, mas

a public bath, which historians call the Great Bath. We don't know what the great bath um banho público, a que os historiadores chamam o Grande Banho. Não sabemos o que era o grande banho

was used for, but since later Indian culture placed a huge emphasis on ritual purity, which era utilizado, mas como a cultura indiana posterior colocava uma enorme ênfase na pureza ritual, que

is the basis for the caste system, some historians have speculated that the bath might é a base do sistema de castas, alguns historiadores especularam que o banho poderia

have been like a giant baptismal pool. |||||purifying water source| foi como uma piscina batismal gigante.

Also, they traded. One of the coolest things that the Indus Valley Civilization produced Além disso, faziam comércio. Uma das coisas mais fixes que a civilização do Vale do Indo produziu

were seals used as identification markers on goods and clay tablets. These seals contained the writing eram selos usados como marcadores de identificação em mercadorias e tabuletas de argila. Esses selos continham a escrita Печати использовались в качестве опознавательных знаков на товарах и глиняных табличках. Эти печати содержали письмо

that we still can't decipher, and a number of fantastic designs, many featuring animals and monsters. que ainda não conseguimos decifrar, e uma série de desenhos fantásticos, muitos deles com animais e monstros.

One of the most famous and frightening is of a man with what looks like water buffalo Uma das mais famosas e assustadoras é a de um homem com o que parece ser um búfalo de água Один из самых известных и пугающих - человек с чем-то похожим на водяного буйвола.

horns on his head, sitting cross-legged between a tiger and a bull. We don't know what's chifres na cabeça, sentado de pernas cruzadas entre um tigre e um touro. Não sabemos o que é с рогами на голове, сидя, скрестив ноги, между тигром и быком. Мы не знаем что

really going on here, but it's safe to say that this was a powerful dude, because he realmente acontecendo aqui, mas é seguro dizer que este era um cara poderoso, porque ele здесь действительно происходит, но можно с уверенностью сказать, что это был могущественный чувак, потому что он

seems to be able to control the tiger. parece ser capaz de controlar o tigre. кажется, может управлять тигром.

How do these seals let us know that they traded? Well, because we found them in Mesopotamia, Como esses selos nos informam que eles negociaram? Bem, porque os encontramos na Mesopotâmia,

not the indus valley. Plus, archaeologists have found stuff like bronze in the indus não o vale do Indo. Além disso, os arqueólogos encontraram coisas como bronze no vale do Indo

valley that is not native to the region. So what did they trade? Cotton cloth. Still such que não é nativo da região. Então o que é que eles trocavam? Tecido de algodão. Ainda assim

a fascinating export, incidentally that it will be the subject of the 40th and final uma exportação fascinante, aliás, que será objeto do 40º e último

video in this very series. vídeo desta mesma série.

But here's the most amazing thing about the Indus Valley people. They were peaceful. Despite Mas aqui está a coisa mais espantosa sobre o povo do Vale do Indo. Eles eram pacíficos. Apesar de

archaeologists finding 1500 sites, they have found very little evidence of warfare, almost no weapons. arkeologlar||||||||kanıt||||| Os arqueólogos que encontraram 1500 sítios, encontraram muito poucas provas de guerra, quase nenhuma arma.

Thanks Thought Bubble. OK, before we talk about the fascinating demise of the Indus ||||||||||upadek||| Obrigado, Thought Bubble. OK, antes de falarmos sobre a fascinante morte do Indus

Valley Civilization. It's time for the open letter. Civilização do Vale. Está na altura da carta aberta.

Magic! Mágico!

I wonder what the secret compartment has for me today? Oh! Fancy clothes. O que será que o compartimento secreto tem para mim hoje? Oh! Roupas extravagantes. Интересно, что для меня сегодня в секретном отсеке? Ой! Модная одежда.

I guess the secret compartment didn't think I was dressed up enough for the occasion. ||||sekretny schowek|||||||||| Acho que o compartimento secreto não achou que eu estava suficientemente bem vestido para a ocasião.

An open letter to Historians. Dear historians, the Great Bath? Really? THE GREAT BATH? I'm Uma carta aberta aos historiadores. Caros historiadores, o Grande Banho? A sério? O GRANDE BANHO? Estou a

trying to make history fascinating, and you give me a term that evokes scented candles, a tentar tornar a história fascinante, e tu dás-me um termo que evoca velas perfumadas, пытаясь сделать историю увлекательной, и вы даете мне термин, который ассоциируется с ароматическими свечами,

bath salts and Frederic Fekkai hair products? sais de banho e produtos para o cabelo Frederic Fekkai?

I know sometimes the crushingly boring names of history aren't your fault. You didn't Sé que a veces los nombres aplastantemente aburridos de la historia no son culpa tuya. Tú no Eu sei que, por vezes, os nomes esmagadoramente aborrecidos da história não são culpa tua. Não foi

name the federalist papers or the Austro-Hungarian Empire or Adam Smith. But when you do get nomear os documentos federalistas ou o Império Austro-Húngaro ou Adam Smith. Mas quando se consegue

a chance to name something, you go with THE GREAT BATH? Not the Epic Bath of Mohenjo Daro, uma oportunidade de dar um nome a algo, escolhe-se O GRANDE BANHO? Não o Banho Épico de Mohenjo Daro,

or the Bath to End All Baths, or the Pool That Ruled, or the Moist Mystery of Mohenjo ou o banho para acabar com todos os banhos, ou a piscina que reinava, ou o mistério húmido de Mohenjo

Daro or the Wet Wonder? The Great Bath? Really? You can do better. best wishes, John Green. Daro ou a Maravilha Húmida? O Grande Banho? A sério? Consegues fazer melhor. Felicidades, John Green.

So what happened to these people? Well, here's what didn't happen to them. They didn't Então, o que é que aconteceu a estas pessoas? Bem, eis o que não lhes aconteceu. Eles não

morph into the current residents of that area of the world, Hindu Indians or Muslim Pakistanis. przeobrazić się w||||||||||||||| se transforman en los actuales residentes de esa zona del mundo, indios hindúes o pakistaníes musulmanes. se nos actuais habitantes dessa zona do mundo, indianos hindus ou paquistaneses muçulmanos. превратиться в нынешних жителей этого региона мира, индусов или пакистанцев-мусульман.

Those people probably came from the Caucasus. Essas pessoas vieram provavelmente do Cáucaso. Наверное, эти люди приехали с Кавказа.

Instead, sometime around 1750 BCE, the Indus Valley Civilization declined until it faded Em vez disso, por volta de 1750 AC, a Civilização do Vale do Indo declinou até desaparecer Вместо этого, примерно в 1750 году до нашей эры, цивилизация долины Инда пришла в упадок, пока не исчезла.

into obscurity. Why? Historians have three theories. |w zapomnienie||||| na obscuridade. Por quê? Os historiadores têm três teorias.

One: Conquest! Turns out to be a terrible military strategy not to have any weapons, and it's possible |Podbój|||||||||||||||| Um: Conquista! É uma péssima estratégia militar não ter armas, e é possível

people from the Indus Valley were completely overrun by people from the Caucasus. os povos do Vale do Indo foram completamente invadidos por povos do Cáucaso.

Two: Environmental Disaster! It's possible they brought about their own end by destroying their environment. Dois: Desastre ambiental! É possível que tenham provocado o seu próprio fim ao destruírem o seu ambiente.

Three: Earthquake! The most interesting theory is that a massive earthquake changed the Três: Terramoto! A teoria mais interessante é que um grande terramoto alterou a

course of the rivers so much that a lot of the tributaries dried up. |||||||||||dopływy rzek|| curso dos rios de tal forma que muitos dos afluentes secaram.

Without adequate water supplies for irrigation, the cities couldn't sustain themselves, Sem o abastecimento adequado de água para irrigação, as cidades não conseguiam sustentar-se,

so people literally picked up and headed for greener pastures. por isso, as pessoas pegaram literalmente nas coisas e foram para pastos mais verdes.

Well, probably not pastures, it's unlikely they became nomads. They probably just moved Bem, provavelmente não eram pastos, é pouco provável que se tenham tornado nómadas. Provavelmente mudavam-se

to a different plain an continued their agricultural ways. I am already boring you and I haven't para uma planície diferente e continuaram a sua atividade agrícola. Já estou a aborrecer-vos e ainda não

even told you yet how to be a better boyfriend and/or girlfriend. I'm going to do that now. ainda não vos disse como ser um melhor namorado e/ou namorada. Vou fazer isso agora.

So we don't know why the Indus Valley Civilization ended, but we also don't really know why Portanto, não sabemos porque é que a civilização do Vale do Indo terminou, mas também não sabemos realmente porque é que

it started. Why did these people build cities, and dig swimming pools, and make unnecessarily ornate seals? começou. Porque é que estas pessoas construíram cidades, cavaram piscinas e fizeram selos desnecessariamente ornamentados?

Were they motivated by hunger, fear, a desire for companionship, the need to be near their Terão sido motivados pela fome, pelo medo, pelo desejo de companhia, pela necessidade de estar perto dos seus

sacred spaces, or a general feeling that city life was just more awesome than foraging? espaços sagrados, ou um sentimento geral de que a vida na cidade era simplesmente mais espetacular do que a recolha de alimentos?

Thinking about what motivated them to structure their life as they did helps us to think about Pensar no que os motivou a estruturar a sua vida como o fizeram ajuda-nos a refletir sobre

how we structure our own lives. In short, you're clingy because you're motivated como estruturamos as nossas vidas. Em suma, é pegajoso porque está motivado как мы строим свою жизнь. Короче говоря, вы навязчивы, потому что у вас есть мотивация

by fear and a need for companionship, por el miedo y la necesidad de compañía, pelo medo e pela necessidade de companhia, страхом и потребностью в общении,

and she finds it annoying because it's enough work having to be responsible for herself e ela acha isso irritante porque já é bastante trabalhoso ter de ser responsável por si própria и она находит это раздражающим, потому что это достаточно работы, чтобы нести ответственность за себя

without having to also be responsible for you. sem ter de ser também responsável por si. без необходимости нести ответственность за вас.

Also, you're not really helping her by clinging, and from the Indus Valley in the bronze age, Além disso, não a está a ajudar muito se se agarrar, e do Vale do Indo na idade do bronze,

to school life today, human life is all about collaboration. à vida escolar de hoje, a vida humana tem tudo a ver com colaboração.

Trading cloth for bronze, building cities together, and collaborating to make sure that Trocando tecido por bronze, construindo cidades em conjunto e colaborando para garantir que

human lives are tilted to catch the wind. as vidas humanas estão inclinadas para apanhar o vento.

Next week we will travel here to discuss the Hot Mess o' Potamia, but in the meantime, Na próxima semana, viajaremos até aqui para discutir o Hot Mess o' Potamia, mas entretanto,

if you have any questions, leave them in comments, and our team of semi-trained semi-professionals se tiver alguma dúvida, deixe-a nos comentários, e a nossa equipa de semi-profissionais semi-formados

will do their best to answer them. farão o seu melhor para lhes responder.

Also, you'll find some suggested resources in the video info below, he said, pointing Além disso, encontrará alguns recursos sugeridos na informação do vídeo abaixo, disse ele, apontando Кроме того, вы найдете некоторые рекомендуемые ресурсы в видеоинформации ниже, - сказал он, указывая

at his pants. Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next week! nas suas calças. Obrigado por terem assistido e vemo-nos na próxima semana! в штаны. Спасибо за просмотр, увидимся на следующей неделе!