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Breakfast at Tiffany's, CHAPTER ELEVEN Holly Leaves New York

CHAPTER ELEVEN Holly Leaves New York

The sky was red on Friday night and there was a bad storm. On Saturday it was raining heavily. Saturday, the day Holly was leaving New York.

"This weather is only good for fish," I said to her. "Your airplane can't fly today." But Holly wasn't listening to me. She continued to prepare for her trip to Brazil.

I did most of the work. Holly didn't want to come to the apartment building. She was right, too. People were watching the building all the time. Sometimes one man, sometimes more, stood around on the sidewalk. Maybe they were police, or reporters; maybe they were just other interested people. It was impossible to tell.

So Holly left the hospital and went to a bank. Then she went immediately to Joe Bell's bar. Later that day, Joe came to my apartment. "Nobody followed her, she thinks," he said. "She wants to meet you at the bar in about half an hour. And bring some things for her. Her jewelry. Her guitar. Her shoes and her lipsticks. And a bottle of hundred-year-old brandy. She says you'll find it under her dirty clothes. Oh, and the cat. She wants the cat." He stopped talking for a minute. Then he said, "But maybe it's wrong to help her. She does some crazy things. She'll get into more trouble. Maybe we should stop her and tell the police. They'll keep her here. I'll go back to the bar and give her a few drinks. Maybe she'll decide not to take the flight." I ran up and down the fire escape between Holly's apartment and mine. It was very windy and my clothes were soon wet from the rain. And the cat attacked me. He bit me until my hands were covered in blood. He didn't want to leave the warm apartment in bad weather. Quickly, I found the things she wanted. I even found the jewelry from Tiffany's. Everything was piled on the floor of my room. Dresses and underclothes and dancing shoes and pretty things. I felt very sad as I packed them in Holly's suitcase. There were too many things for one suitcase, so I put some of her clothes in paper grocery bags.

Then there was the cat. He was still fighting me. I couldn't carry him and the suitcase and the bags. Finally, I found an old cloth bag, put him inside, and tied the top.

Many years ago, I walked from New Orleans to Nancy's Landing, Mississippi, almost five hundred miles. The reason isn't important. But that long walk was easier than the short walk to Joe Bell's bar. The guitar filled with rain. Rain softened the paper bags, and some of Holly's clothes and jewelry fell through them onto the sidewalk. The wind pushed me, and the cat attacked its bag and screamed at me.

And I was frightened. Now I understood Jose, because I was frightened in the same way as him. Were people watching me? I was helping someone run away from the police. I was a criminal, too.

In the bar, Holly said, "You're late. Did you bring the brandy?" The cat climbed out of its bag and jumped onto her shoulder. Holly was laughing, excited. She opened the bottle. "This brandy was for me and Jose. 'We'll drink this,' I told him, 'every year, on the same day as our wedding.' But that's finished now. Mr. Bell, sir, give me three glasses." "You only need two," Joe Bell told her. "I refuse to drink with you. You're crazy to leave New York." "Please, Mr. Bell," she said. "A lady doesn't disappear every day. Have a drink with her." "No," he replied angrily. "I'm not going to drink with you. This isn't a party and I'm not going to help you." That was a lie. A few minutes later, a large car and driver stopped outside the bar. Holly noticed it first. She put down her brandy glass.

"Well, darling," she said, "is this the judge? Has he come to get me?" I saw Joe Bell's red face. Did he really call the police? But Joe said, "It's nothing. Just a car that I paid for. It will take you to the airport." He turned away from us and started washing some glasses.

"Kind, dear Mr. Bell. Look at me, sir," Holly said. He couldn't look at her. He pulled some flowers from behind the bar and pushed them toward her. She didn't catch them in time and they fell on the floor. "Goodbye," he said. He didn't want to cry in front of her. He ran to the men's bathroom and we heard the door lock. The driver of the car was very calm. In his job, he saw many strange things. He didn't say anything about Holly's suitcase and grocery bags. And his face didn't change when, in the back of the car, Holly took off her clothes. She was still wearing her riding clothes - the jacket and jeans.

"The police came for me so quickly," she said. "There wasn't time to change my clothes." Quickly, she put on her little black dress. We didn't talk after that. Holly was lost in thought and didn't look at me. She sang quietly to herself and drank brandy from the bottle. She moved to the front of her seat so she could look out of the windows. Was she looking for an address? Or taking a last look at New York? But it was neither of these.

Suddenly she spoke. "Stop here," she ordered the driver. He stopped the car by a sidewalk in Spanish Harlem. It was a strange neighborhood, colorful but frightening. There were religious pictures next to photos of movie stars on the walls of buildings. The strong wind moved empty cans and dirty newspapers up and down the sidewalk. But the rain had stopped now and the sun was beginning to break through the cloud.

Holly stepped out of the car. She took the cat with her. Holding him in her arms, she smoothed his head.

"What do you think?" she asked. "Is this the right place for you? You're a fighter and this is a hard neighborhood. There are plenty of trash cans to look in. Lots of gangs of wild cats to join. So go!" She dropped him onto the sidewalk. He didn't move, but lifted his face to her and questioned her with his yellow eyes. "Go!" she shouted, angrily. He came closer to her legs. "Get away from me!" Then she jumped into the car again and closed the door.

"Go," she told the driver. "Go. Go." "That was terrible!" I said angrily. "You really are unkind." We traveled for a block before she replied. "I told you. We met by the river one day. He doesn't belong to me. I don't belong to him. We didn't make any promises. We never -" She stopped speaking. Her face was very white and unhappy.

The car stopped for a traffic light. She opened the door and ran down the street, and I ran after her. She was looking for the cat.

But the cat wasn't there. There was nobody, nothing on the street except an old drunk and women with a group of children. As Holly ran up and down the block, more children came out from doorways. Some ladies looked out of their windows. Holly was shouting, "You. Cat. Where are you? Here, cat." She didn't stop calling until a boy stopped her. He was holding a dirty old cat by the back of its neck. "Do you want a nice cat, miss? Give me a dollar for this one." The car was following us. I took Holly's arm and walked her toward it. At the door of the car, she stopped. She looked past me, past the boy with his cat. He was still talking. "Half a dollar? Twenty cents? It's not much for this cat." She held my arm very tightly. There were tears in her eyes. "Oh, he does belong to me. He was mine," she said. Then I made her a promise. "I'll come back and find your cat. I'll look after him, too. I promise." She smiled - that sad new smile. "And me?" she asked quietly. "Who will look after me? I'm very scared, darling. For the first time, I'm really scared. This will happen again and again. I never know what's mine. Not until I throw it away. The fat woman - she's not important. Unhappiness - that's nothing. This is important, though. Not belonging. I'm so very, very scared." She stepped in the car, and sat down slowly in the seat.

"Sorry, driver," she said. "Let's go."

CHAPTER ELEVEN Holly Leaves New York CAPÍTULO ONCE Holly deja Nueva York 第十一章 ホリーがニューヨークを去る CAPÍTULO ONZE Holly sai de Nova Iorque ONBİRİNCİ BÖLÜM Holly New York'tan Ayrılıyor РОЗДІЛ ОДИНАДЦЯТИЙ Холлі залишає Нью-Йорк

The sky was red on Friday night and there was a bad storm. В пятницу вечером небо было красным, и был сильный шторм. Небо було червоним у п'ятницю ввечері, і там був сильний шторм. On Saturday it was raining heavily. |||||сильно В субботу шел сильный дождь. У суботу сильно дощило. Saturday, the day Holly was leaving New York. Суббота, день, когда Холли покидала Нью-Йорк. У суботу Голлі покидала Нью-Йорк.

"This weather is only good for fish," I said to her. «Ця погода лише добра для риби», - сказав я їй. "Your airplane can't fly today." «Твій літак сьогодні не може летіти». But Holly wasn't listening to me. Але Холлі мене не слухала. She continued to prepare for her trip to Brazil.

I did most of the work. Я сделал большую часть работы. Я зробив більшість роботи. Holly didn't want to come to the apartment building. Холли не хотела приходить в жилой дом. Голлі не хотіла йти до багатоповерхового будинку. She was right, too. Она тоже была права. Вона була права, теж. People were watching the building all the time. Люди наблюдали за зданием все время. Люди все час слідкували за будівлею. Sometimes one man, sometimes more, stood around on the sidewalk. Иногда один человек, иногда больше, стоял на тротуаре. Іноді один чоловік, іноді декілька, стояли на тротуарі. Maybe they were police, or reporters; maybe they were just other interested people. Можливо, це були поліцейські, або репортери; можливо, це були лише інші зацікавлені люди. It was impossible to tell. Это было невозможно сказать. Неможливо було сказати.

So Holly left the hospital and went to a bank. Поэтому Холли покинула больницу и пошла в банк. Холлі покинула лікарню і пішла до банку. Then she went immediately to Joe Bell's bar. Затем она немедленно пошла в бар Джо Белла. Потім вона відразу ж поїхала в бар Джо Белла. Later that day, Joe came to my apartment. Позже в тот же день Джо пришел в мою квартиру. Пізніше в той день Джо прийшов до моєї квартири. "Nobody followed her, she thinks," he said. "Вона думає, що за нею ніхто не йшов", - він сказав. "She wants to meet you at the bar in about half an hour. «Она хочет встретиться с вами в баре примерно через полчаса. "Вона хоче зустрітися з тобою в барі через півгодини. And bring some things for her. І принеси деякі речі для неї." Her jewelry. Her guitar. Her shoes and her lipsticks. Її взуття і помади. And a bottle of hundred-year-old brandy. І пляшка столітнього коньяку. She says you'll find it under her dirty clothes. Она говорит, что вы найдете это под ее грязной одеждой. Вона каже, що ви знайдете це під її брудними речами. Oh, and the cat. She wants the cat." He stopped talking for a minute. Він зупинився говорити на хвилину. Then he said, "But maybe it's wrong to help her. Потім він сказав: "Але можливо не варто їй допомагати. She does some crazy things. Вона робить дещо божевільні речі. She'll get into more trouble. У нее будет больше неприятностей. Вона потрапить в більше неприємностей. Maybe we should stop her and tell the police. Може ми повинні зупинити її і сказати поліції. They'll keep her here. Они будут держать ее здесь. Вони залишать її тут. I'll go back to the bar and give her a few drinks. Я вернусь в бар и дам ей несколько напитков. Я повернуся в бар і куплю їй кілька напоїв. Maybe she'll decide not to take the flight." Может быть, она решит не лететь». Можливо, вона вирішить не летіти на рейс. I ran up and down the fire escape between Holly's apartment and mine. Я бегала вверх и вниз по пожарной лестнице между квартирой Холли и моей. Я бігав вгору і вниз по пожежних сходах між квартирою Холлі і моєю. It was very windy and my clothes were soon wet from the rain. And the cat attacked me. І кіт напав на мене. He bit me until my hands were covered in blood. Он кусал меня, пока мои руки не были покрыты кровью. Він кусав мене так довго, поки мої руки були у крові. He didn't want to leave the warm apartment in bad weather. Він не хотів залишати теплу квартиру в погану погоду. Quickly, I found the things she wanted. I even found the jewelry from Tiffany's. Я навіть знайшов прикраси з Tiffany's. Everything was piled on the floor of my room. Все было свалено на пол моей комнаты. Все було накопичено на підлозі моєї кімнати. Dresses and underclothes and dancing shoes and pretty things. Плаття, білизна, танцювальні туфлі і гарні речі. I felt very sad as I packed them in Holly's suitcase. Мне было очень грустно, когда я упаковывал их в чемодан Холли. There were too many things for one suitcase, so I put some of her clothes in paper grocery bags. В одном чемодане было слишком много вещей, поэтому я положил часть ее одежды в бумажные пакеты для продуктов. Було занадто багато речей для однієї валізи, тому я поклав деякі з її речей у паперові пакети для продуктів.

Then there was the cat. А потім була кішка. He was still fighting me. Он все еще боролся со мной. Він все ще боровся зі мною. I couldn't carry him and the suitcase and the bags. Я не мог нести его, чемодан и сумки. Я не зміг понести його, чемодан і сумки. Finally, I found an old cloth bag, put him inside, and tied the top. |||||ткань|||||||| Наконец, я нашел старый матерчатый мешок, положил его внутрь и завязал верх. Нарешті, я знайшов стару тканинну сумку, поставив його всередині і зв'язав верх.

Many years ago, I walked from New Orleans to Nancy's Landing, Mississippi, almost five hundred miles. Много лет назад я шел от Нового Орлеана до Приземления Нэнси, Миссисипи, почти пятьсот миль. Багато років тому я йшов від Нового Орлеану до Ненсі Лендінг, Міссісіпі, майже п'ятсот миль. The reason isn't important. Причина не важна. Причина не має значення. But that long walk was easier than the short walk to Joe Bell's bar. Але ця довга прогулянка була легше, ніж коротка прогулянка до бару Джо Белла. The guitar filled with rain. Гитара наполнена дождем. Гітара наповнилася дощем. Rain softened the paper bags, and some of Holly's clothes and jewelry fell through them onto the sidewalk. Дождь размочил бумажные пакеты, и часть одежды и украшений Холли вывалилась из них на тротуар. Дощ зм'якшив пап'янові пакети, і деякі речі та прикраси Голлі випали з них на тротуар. The wind pushed me, and the cat attacked its bag and screamed at me. |||||||||||закричала|| Ветер толкнул меня, а кошка набросилась на свою сумку и закричала на меня. Вітер скидав мене, а кіт напав на свій пакет і закричав на мене.

And I was frightened. И я испугался. І я налякався. Now I understood Jose, because I was frightened in the same way as him. Теперь я понял Хосе, потому что был напуган так же, как и он. Тепер я зрозумів Хосе, бо я був наляканий так само, як він. Were people watching me? Наблюдали ли за мной люди? Чи хтось спостерігав за мною? I was helping someone run away from the police. Я допомагав кому-то втекти від поліції. I was a criminal, too.

In the bar, Holly said, "You're late. Did you bring the brandy?" Чи ви принесли бренді? The cat climbed out of its bag and jumped onto her shoulder. Кіт виліз із своєї сумки і стрибнув на її плече. Holly was laughing, excited. Холли смеялась, взволнованная. Голлі сміялася, захоплена. She opened the bottle. "This brandy was for me and Jose. «Ця коньяк був для мене і Хосе. 'We'll drink this,' I told him, 'every year, on the same day as our wedding.' «Мы выпьем это, - сказал я ему, - каждый год в день нашей свадьбы». ' Ми будемо пити це', я сказав йому, 'кожного року, у той самий день, що і наш весілля.' But that's finished now. Но сейчас все кончено. Але тепер це закінчено. Mr. Bell, sir, give me three glasses." Містере Белл, сударю, дайте мені три склянки." "You only need two," Joe Bell told her. "Тобі потрібно лише дві," - сказав їй Джо Белл. "I refuse to drink with you. «Я отказываюсь пить с тобой. "Я відмовляюсь пити з тобою. You're crazy to leave New York." Ти божевільний, що залишаєш Нью-Йорк." "Please, Mr. Bell," she said. "Будь ласка, містере Белл," - сказала вона. "A lady doesn't disappear every day. "Леди не исчезает каждый день. "Леді не зникає кожен день. Have a drink with her." Выпей с ней». "No," he replied angrily. "I'm not going to drink with you. This isn't a party and I'm not going to help you." Це не вечірка, і я не збираюся тобі допомагати. That was a lie. Это была ложь. Це була брехня. A few minutes later, a large car and driver stopped outside the bar. Через несколько минут большая машина и водитель остановились возле бара. Кілька хвилин пізніше велика машина і водій зупинилися поблизу бару. Holly noticed it first. Холли заметила это первой. She put down her brandy glass. Вона поставила свій бокаль з коньяком.

"Well, darling," she said, "is this the judge? «Ну, дорогая, - сказала она, - это судья? "Ну, дорогий," сказала вона, "це суддя? Has he come to get me?" Він прийшов за мною?" I saw Joe Bell's red face. Я бачив червоне обличчя Джо Белла. Did he really call the police? Чи він справді покликав поліцію? But Joe said, "It's nothing. Но Джо сказал: «Это ничего. Але Джо сказав: "Це нічого." Just a car that I paid for. Просто машина, за которую я заплатил. Просто автомобіль, за який я заплатив. It will take you to the airport." Он доставит вас в аэропорт». Він відвезе вас до аеропорту. He turned away from us and started washing some glasses. Он отвернулся от нас и начал мыть стаканы. Він відвернувся від нас і почав мити деякі склянки.

"Kind, dear Mr. Bell. "Ласкавий, шановний містер Белл. Look at me, sir," Holly said. Подивіться на мене, пане," - сказала Холлі. He couldn't look at her. Він не міг дивитись на неї. He pulled some flowers from behind the bar and pushed them toward her. |||||за||||толкнул||| Он вытащил цветы из-за стойки и подтолкнул их к ней. Він витягнув кілька квітів з-за бару і тягнув їх до неї. She didn't catch them in time and they fell on the floor. Она вовремя не поймала их, и они упали на пол. Вона не встигла їх піймати, і вони впали на підлогу. "Goodbye," he said. "До побачення", - сказав він. He didn't want to cry in front of her. Он не хотел плакать перед ней. Він не хотів плакати перед нею. He ran to the men's bathroom and we heard the door lock. Он побежал в мужскую ванную, и мы услышали дверной замок. Він побіг до чоловічого туалету, і ми почули, як зачинилася дверка. The driver of the car was very calm. Водій автомобіля був дуже спокійним. In his job, he saw many strange things. He didn't say anything about Holly's suitcase and grocery bags. And his face didn't change when, in the back of the car, Holly took off her clothes. И его лицо не изменилось, когда в задней части машины Холли сняла одежду. Його обличчя не змінилося, коли Голлі взаді автомобіля зняла з себе одяг. She was still wearing her riding clothes - the jacket and jeans. Вона все ще була в верхній та джинсах для верхівки.

"The police came for me so quickly," she said. «Полиция пришла за мной так быстро», - сказала она. "Поліція так швидко приїхала за мною", - сказала вона. "There wasn't time to change my clothes." «Не было времени переодеться». "Часу на зміну одягу не було." Quickly, she put on her little black dress. Она быстро надела свое маленькое черное платье. Швидко вона вдягла своє маленьке чорне плаття. We didn't talk after that. Мы не разговаривали после этого. Після цього ми не розмовляли. Holly was lost in thought and didn't look at me. Холли была погружена в свои мысли и не смотрела на меня. Голлі була заглиблена у думки і не дивилася на мене. She sang quietly to herself and drank brandy from the bottle. |пела||||||||| Она тихо пела про себя и пила бренди из бутылки. Вона тихо співала про себе і пила коньяк з пляшки. She moved to the front of her seat so she could look out of the windows. Она переместилась на переднее сиденье, чтобы выглянуть в окно. Вона пересіла на переднє сидіння, щоб вона могла подивитися у вікна. Was she looking for an address? Она искала адрес? Чи шукала вона адресу? Or taking a last look at New York? Или последний взгляд на Нью-Йорк? Або останній раз подивилася на Нью-Йорк? But it was neither of these. Ale nebylo to ani jedno z toho. Но это было ни то, ни другое. Але це не було нічого з цього.

Suddenly she spoke. Внезапно она заговорила. Раптово вона заговорила. "Stop here," she ordered the driver. «Стой здесь», - приказала она водителю. "Зупиніться тут," вона веліла водієві. He stopped the car by a sidewalk in Spanish Harlem. Он остановил машину на тротуаре в испанском Гарлеме. Він зупинив автомобіль біля тротуару в Іспанському Гарлемі. It was a strange neighborhood, colorful but frightening. Это был странный район, яркий, но пугающий. Це було дивне квартал, колоритне, але жахливе. There were religious pictures next to photos of movie stars on the walls of buildings. Рядом с фотографиями кинозвезд на стенах зданий стояли религиозные картины. На стінах будинків поруч з фотографіями кіноперсон стояли релігійні картини. The strong wind moved empty cans and dirty newspapers up and down the sidewalk. |||||банки|||||||| Сильный ветер двигал пустые банки и грязные газеты вверх и вниз по тротуару. Сильний вітер рухав порожні бляшанки та брудні газети вгору й вниз по тротуару. But the rain had stopped now and the sun was beginning to break through the cloud. Но дождь прекратился, и солнце начало пробиваться сквозь облака. Та дощ припинився, і сонце почало пробиватися крізь хмари.

Holly stepped out of the car. Холли вышла из машины. Голлі вийшла з машини. She took the cat with her. Вона взяла кота з собою. Holding him in her arms, she smoothed his head. Обнявшего його в її обіймах, вона погладила йому голову.

"What do you think?" "Що ти думаєш?" she asked. спитала вона. "Is this the right place for you? Це вірне місце для вас? You're a fighter and this is a hard neighborhood. ||борец|||||| Ты боец, а это тяжелый район. Ви боєць, і це важкий район. There are plenty of trash cans to look in. Есть много мусорных баков, чтобы посмотреть. Тут багато сміттєвих баків, у які можна подивитися. Lots of gangs of wild cats to join. Много банд диких кошек, чтобы присоединиться. Багато банд диких котів, до яких можна приєднатися. So go!" Так що йди!" She dropped him onto the sidewalk. Вона випустила його на тротуар. He didn't move, but lifted his face to her and questioned her with his yellow eyes. Він не рухався, але підняв обличчя до неї і запитав її своїми жовтими очима. "Go!" "Іди!" she shouted, angrily. кричала вона, сердито. He came closer to her legs. Он подошел ближе к ее ногам. Він підійшов ближче до її ніг. "Get away from me!" "Відійди від мене!" Then she jumped into the car again and closed the door. Затем она снова прыгнула в машину и закрыла дверь. Потім вона знову стрибнула в машину і зачинила двері.

"Go," she told the driver. "Go. Go." "That was terrible!" «Це було жахливо!» I said angrily. сказав я сердито. "You really are unkind." "Вы действительно недобры." «Ти дійсно безжалісний.» We traveled for a block before she replied. Мы путешествовали за квартал, прежде чем она ответила. Ми подорожували один квартал, перш ніж вона відповіла. "I told you. "Я тобі казала. We met by the river one day. Однажды мы встретились у реки. Ми зустрілися біля річки одного дня. He doesn't belong to me. Он не принадлежит мне. Він не належить мені. I don't belong to him. Я не принадлежу ему. Я не належу йому. We didn't make any promises. Ми не робили жодних обіцянок. We never -" She stopped speaking. Ми ніколи не-" Вона припинила говорити. Her face was very white and unhappy. Її обличчя було дуже блідим і нещасливим.

The car stopped for a traffic light. Автомобіль зупинився на світлофорі. She opened the door and ran down the street, and I ran after her. Она открыла дверь и побежала по улице, а я побежал за ней. Вона відчинила двері й побігла вулицею, і я побігла за нею. She was looking for the cat. Она искала кота. Вона шукала кота.

But the cat wasn't there. Але кота не було там. There was nobody, nothing on the street except an old drunk and women with a group of children. На вулиці не було нікого, окрім старого п'яниці та жінок з групою дітей. As Holly ran up and down the block, more children came out from doorways. Когда Холли бегала вверх и вниз по блоку, из дверей выходило больше детей. Коли Голлі бігала вгору та вниз по вулиці, з дверей виходило ще більше дітей. Some ladies looked out of their windows. Деякі пані виглядали зі своїх вікон. Holly was shouting, "You. Холли кричала: «Ты. Cat. Where are you? Here, cat." Здесь, кот. " She didn't stop calling until a boy stopped her. Она не переставала звонить, пока мальчик не остановил ее. Вона не переставала дзвонити, поки хлопець не зупинив її. He was holding a dirty old cat by the back of its neck. Он держал грязного старого кота за шею. Він тримав брудну стару кішку за шию. "Do you want a nice cat, miss? "Вы хотите хорошего кота, мисс? "Ви хочете гарну кішку, міс? Give me a dollar for this one." The car was following us. Машина йшла за нами. I took Holly's arm and walked her toward it. |||||вёл||| Я взял Холли за руку и повел ее к ней. Я взяв руку Холлі і повів її до неї. At the door of the car, she stopped. Біля дверей машини вона зупинилася. She looked past me, past the boy with his cat. Она посмотрела мимо меня, мимо мальчика со своей кошкой. Вона дивилася поза мною, поза хлопцем з його котом. He was still talking. Він все ще говорив. "Half a dollar? "Половина долара? Twenty cents? It's not much for this cat." She held my arm very tightly. Она очень крепко держала меня за руку. There were tears in her eyes. "Oh, he does belong to me. "О, он принадлежит мне. «О, він належить мені. He was mine," she said. Він був мій", - сказала вона. Then I made her a promise. Тогда я дал ей обещание. Тоді я їй пообіцяв. "I'll come back and find your cat. I'll look after him, too. Я тоже позабочусь о нем. Я також піду за ним. I promise." Я обіцяю. She smiled - that sad new smile. Она улыбнулась - эта грустная новая улыбка. Вона посміхнулася - цей сумний новий посмішка. "And me?" she asked quietly. тихо спросила она. "Who will look after me? "Кто позаботится обо мне? "Хто підуть за мною доглядати? I'm very scared, darling. Я очень напугана, дорогая. Я дуже лякаюся, кохана. For the first time, I'm really scared. В первый раз я действительно напуган. Вперше я дійсно лякаюся. This will happen again and again. Это будет происходить снова и снова. I never know what's mine. Я никогда не знаю, что мое. Я ніколи не знаю, що моє. Not until I throw it away. Не||||| Пока я не выброшу это. Не доки я не викину це. The fat woman - she's not important. Толстая женщина - она не важна. Товста жінка - вона не важлива. Unhappiness - that's nothing. Несчастье - это ничто. Нещастя - це ніщо. This is important, though. Это важно, хотя. Це важливо, але. Not belonging. Не принадлежащий. Недостатність. I'm so very, very scared." Я очень, очень напуган ". She stepped in the car, and sat down slowly in the seat. Она вошла в машину и медленно села на сиденье. Вона увійшла у машину і повільно сіла на сидіння.

"Sorry, driver," she said. "Извините, водитель", сказала она. "Вибачте, водію", - сказала вона. "Let's go." "Пошли." "Поїдемо."