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Youth by Isaac Asimov, CHAPTER VI.


RED and Slim had trailed their elders with the experience of youth, aided by the absorption and anxiety of their fathers. Their view of the final object of the search was somewhat obscured by the underbrush behind which they remained.

Red said, "Holy Smokes. Look at that. It's all shiny silver or something." But it was Slim who was really excited. He caught at the other. "I know what this is. It's a space-ship. That must be why my father came here. He's one of the biggest astronomers in the world and your father would have to call him if a space-ship landed on his estate." "What are you talking about? Dad didn't even know that thing was there. He only came here because I told him I heard the thunder from here. Besides, there isn't any such thing as a space-ship." "Sure, there is. Look at it. See those round things. They are ports. And you can see the rocket tubes." "How do you know so much?" Slim was flushed. He said, "I read about them. My father has books about them. Old books. From Beforethewars." "Huh. Now I know you're making it up. Books from Beforethewars!" "My father has to have them. He teaches at the University. It's his job." His voice had risen and Red had to pull at him. "You want them to hear us?" he whispered indignantly.

"Well, it is, too, a space-ship." "Look here, Slim, you mean that's a ship from another world." "It's got to be. Look at my father going round and round it. He wouldn't be so interested if it was anything else." "Other worlds! Where are there other worlds?" "Everywhere. How about the planets? They're worlds just like ours, some of them. And other stars probably have planets. There's probably zillions of planets." Red felt outweighed and outnumbered. He muttered, "You're crazy!" "All right, then. I'll show you." "Hey! Where are you going?" "Down there. I'm going to ask my father. I suppose you'll believe it if he tells you. I suppose you'll believe a Professor of Astronomy knows what—" He had scrambled upright.

Red said, "Hey. You don't want them to see us. We're not supposed to be here. Do you want them to start asking questions and find out about our animals?" "I don't care. You said I was crazy." "Snitcher! You promised you wouldn't tell." "I'm not going to tell. But if they find out themselves, it's your fault, for starting an argument and saying I was crazy." "I take it back, then," grumbled Red. "Well, all right. You better." In a way, Slim was disappointed. He wanted to see the space-ship at closer quarters. Still, he could not break his vow of secrecy even in spirit without at least the excuse of personal insult.

Red said, "It's awfully small for a space-ship." "Sure, because it's probably a scout-ship." "I'll bet Dad couldn't even get into the old thing." So much Slim realized to be true. It was a weak point in his argument and he made no answer. His interest was absorbed by the adults.

Red rose to his feet; an elaborate attitude of boredom all about him. "Well, I guess we better be going. There's business to do and I can't spend all day here looking at some old space-ship or whatever it is. We've got to take care of the animals if we're going to be circus-folks. That's the first rule with circus-folks. They've got to take care of the animals. And," he finished virtuously, "that's what I aim to do, anyway." Slim said, "What for, Red? They've got plenty of meat. Let's watch." "There's no fun in watching. Besides Dad and your father are going away and I guess it's about lunch time." Red became argumentative. "Look, Slim, we can't start acting suspicious or they're going to start investigating. Holy Smokes, don't you ever read any detective stories? When you're trying to work a big deal without being caught, it's practically the main thing to keep on acting just like always. Then they don't suspect anything. That's the first law—" "Oh, all right." Slim rose resentfully. At the moment, the circus appeared to him a rather tawdry and shoddy substitute for the glories of astronomy, and he wondered how he had come to fall in with Red's silly scheme. Down the slope they went, Slim, as usual, in the rear.

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RED and Slim had trailed their elders with the experience of youth, aided by the absorption and anxiety of their fathers. ||||||||||||допомагали|||||||| Ред і Слім наслідували своїх старших, маючи юнацький досвід, якому допомагали поглиненість і тривожність їхніх батьків. Their view of the final object of the search was somewhat obscured by the underbrush behind which they remained. ||||||||пошуку||||||підлісок|||| Їхній погляд на кінцевий об'єкт пошуків дещо затуляв чагарник, за яким вони залишилися.

Red said, "Holy Smokes. Ред сказав: "Святий Боже. Look at that. It's all shiny silver or something." But it was Slim who was really excited. Але по-справжньому схвильованим був Слім. He caught at the other. Він зловив іншого. "I know what this is. It's a space-ship. That must be why my father came here. He's one of the biggest astronomers in the world and your father would have to call him if a space-ship landed on his estate." Він один з найбільших астрономів у світі, і твій батько мав би йому зателефонувати, якби космічний корабель приземлився в його маєтку". "What are you talking about? Dad didn't even know that thing was there. He only came here because I told him I heard the thunder from here. Він прийшов сюди тільки тому, що я сказав йому, що чув грім звідси. Besides, there isn't any such thing as a space-ship." Крім того, не існує такого поняття, як космічний корабель". "Sure, there is. Look at it. See those round things. They are ports. And you can see the rocket tubes." "How do you know so much?" Slim was flushed. Слім||засоромлений Слім почервонів. He said, "I read about them. My father has books about them. Old books. From Beforethewars." "Huh. Now I know you're making it up. Тепер я знаю, що ти все вигадуєш. Books from Beforethewars!" "My father  has to have them. He teaches at the University. Викладає в університеті. It's his job." His voice had risen and Red had to pull at him. "You want them to hear us?" he whispered indignantly.

"Well, it is, too, a space-ship." "Look here, Slim, you mean that's a ship from another world." "Поглянь, Слім, ти хочеш сказати, що це корабель з іншого світу". "It's  got to be. Look at my father going round and round it. Подивіться, як мій батько ходить навколо нього. He wouldn't be so interested if it was anything else." Якби це було щось інше, він би не був так зацікавлений". "Other worlds! Where are there other worlds?" "Everywhere. How about the planets? They're worlds just like ours, some of them. And other stars probably have planets. There's probably zillions of planets." ||безліч|| Існують, мабуть, мільярди планет". Red felt outweighed and outnumbered. Червоний||перевершував||перевершений чис Червоні відчували себе переваженими і чисельно меншими. He muttered, "You're crazy!" "All right, then. I'll show you." "Hey! Where are you going?" "Down there. I'm going to ask my father. I suppose you'll believe it if  he tells you. I suppose you'll believe a Professor of Astronomy knows what—" He had scrambled upright. він||| Він випростався.

Red said, "Hey. You don't want them to see us. We're not supposed to be here. Do you want them to start asking questions and find out about our animals?" "I don't care. You said I was crazy." "Snitcher! стукач "Стукач! You promised you wouldn't tell." "I'm  not going to tell. But if they find out themselves, it's your fault, for starting an argument and saying I was crazy." Але якщо вони самі дізнаються, то це твоя провина, бо ти почав суперечку і сказав, що я божевільний". "I take it back, then," grumbled Red. "Тоді я забираю свої слова назад", - буркнув Рудий. "Well, all right. You better." In a way, Slim was disappointed. У певному сенсі Слім був розчарований. He wanted to see the space-ship at closer quarters. Still, he could not break his vow of secrecy even in spirit without at least the excuse of personal insult. ||||||обіцянка||||||||||||| Проте він не міг порушити обітницю мовчання навіть подумки, не маючи принаймні приводу для особистої образи.

Red said, "It's awfully small for a space-ship." Ред сказав: "Він страшенно малий для космічного корабля". "Sure, because it's probably a scout-ship." "Звісно, бо це, мабуть, розвідувальний корабель". "I'll bet Dad couldn't even get into the old thing." "Б'юся об заклад, що тато навіть не зміг би влізти в стару річ". So much Slim realized to be true. Так багато Слім зрозумів, що це правда. It was a weak point in his argument and he made no answer. His interest was absorbed by the adults. Його інтерес поглинули дорослі.

Red rose to his feet; an elaborate attitude of boredom all about him. Ред підвівся на ноги; його обличчя випромінювало витончену нудьгу. "Well, I guess we better be going. There's business to do and I can't spend all day here looking at some old space-ship or whatever it is. We've got to take care of the animals if we're going to be circus-folks. Ми повинні піклуватися про тварин, якщо хочемо бути циркачами. That's the first rule with circus-folks. They've got to take care of the animals. And," he finished virtuously, "that's what I aim to do, anyway." |||добродійно||||||| І, - віртуозно закінчив він, - це те, що я прагну зробити в будь-якому випадку". Slim said, "What for, Red? They've got plenty of meat. У них багато м'яса. Let's watch." "There's no fun in watching. Besides Dad and your father are going away and I guess it's about lunch time." Крім того, тато і твій батько вже йдуть, і, гадаю, вже час обіду". Red became argumentative. "Look, Slim, we can't start acting suspicious or they're going to start investigating. "Слухай, Слім, ми не можемо поводитися підозріло, інакше вони почнуть розслідування. Holy Smokes, don't you ever read any detective stories? Святий Боже, ви що, ніколи не читали детективів? When you're trying to work a big deal without being caught, it's practically the main thing to keep on acting just like always. Коли ти намагаєшся провернути велику справу так, щоб тебе не спіймали, чи не найголовніше - продовжувати діяти так, як завжди. Then they don't suspect anything. ||||нічого підозр Тоді вони нічого не підозрюють. That's the first law—" "Oh, all right." Slim rose resentfully. ||з обуренням Слім обурено підвівся. At the moment, the circus appeared to him a rather tawdry and shoddy substitute for the glories of astronomy, and he wondered how he had come to fall in with Red's silly scheme. ||||||||||||поганий|||||||||||||||||||| На даний момент цирк здавався йому досить прісним і неякісним замінником слави астрономії, і він дивувався, як він потрапив у цю безглузду схему Реда. Down the slope they went, Slim, as usual, in the rear. Вони спустилися вниз по схилу, Слім, як завжди, ззаду.