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"Anne of Green Gables" by Lucy Maud Montgomery (full novel, dramatic reading), CHAPTER XI. Anne's Impressions of Sunday-School

CHAPTER XI. Anne's Impressions of Sunday-School

CHAPTER XI. Anne's Impressions of Sunday-School

"Well, how do you like them? " said Marilla. Anne was standing in the gable room, looking solemnly at three new dresses spread out on the bed.

One was of snuffy colored gingham which Marilla had been tempted to buy from a peddler the preceding summer because it looked so serviceable; one was of black-and-white checkered sateen which she had picked up at a bargain counter in the winter; and one was a stiff print of an ugly blue shade which she had purchased that week at a Carmody store.

She had made them up herself, and they were all made alike—plain skirts fulled tightly to plain waists, with sleeves as plain as waist and skirt and tight as sleeves could be.

"I'll imagine that I like them," said Anne soberly. "I don't want you to imagine it," said Marilla, offended. "Oh, I can see you don't like the dresses! What is the matter with them? Aren't they neat and clean and new? " "Yes. "Then why don't you like them? "They're—they're not—pretty," said Anne reluctantly. "Pretty! " Marilla sniffed. "I didn't trouble my head about getting pretty dresses for you. I don't believe in pampering vanity, Anne, I'll tell you that right off. Those dresses are good, sensible, serviceable dresses, without any frills or furbelows about them, and they're all you'll get this summer. The brown gingham and the blue print will do you for school when you begin to go. The sateen is for church and Sunday school. I'll expect you to keep them neat and clean and not to tear them. I should think you'd be grateful to get most anything after those skimpy wincey things you've been wearing. " "Oh, I AM grateful," protested Anne. "But I'd be ever so much gratefuller if—if you'd made just one of them with puffed sleeves. Puffed sleeves are so fashionable now. It would give me such a thrill, Marilla, just to wear a dress with puffed sleeves. " "Well, you'll have to do without your thrill. I hadn't any material to waste on puffed sleeves. I think they are ridiculous-looking things anyhow. I prefer the plain, sensible ones. " "But I'd rather look ridiculous when everybody else does than plain and sensible all by myself," persisted Anne mournfully. "Trust you for that! Well, hang those dresses carefully up in your closet, and then sit down and learn the Sunday school lesson. I got a quarterly from Mr. Bell for you and you'll go to Sunday school tomorrow," said Marilla, disappearing downstairs in high dudgeon. Anne clasped her hands and looked at the dresses.

"I did hope there would be a white one with puffed sleeves," she whispered disconsolately. "I prayed for one, but I didn't much expect it on that account. I didn't suppose God would have time to bother about a little orphan girl's dress. I knew I'd just have to depend on Marilla for it. Well, fortunately I can imagine that one of them is of snow-white muslin with lovely lace frills and three-puffed sleeves. " The next morning warnings of a sick headache prevented Marilla from going to Sunday-school with Anne.

"You'll have to go down and call for Mrs. Lynde, Anne. " she said. "She'll see that you get into the right class. Now, mind you behave yourself properly. Stay to preaching afterwards and ask Mrs. Lynde to show you our pew. Here's a cent for collection. Don't stare at people and don't fidget. I shall expect you to tell me the text when you come home. " Anne started off irreproachable, arrayed in the stiff black-and-white sateen, which, while decent as regards length and certainly not open to the charge of skimpiness, contrived to emphasize every corner and angle of her thin figure.

Her hat was a little, flat, glossy, new sailor, the extreme plainness of which had likewise much disappointed Anne, who had permitted herself secret visions of ribbon and flowers. The latter, however, were supplied before Anne reached the main road, for being confronted halfway down the lane with a golden frenzy of wind-stirred buttercups and a glory of wild roses, Anne promptly and liberally garlanded her hat with a heavy wreath of them. Whatever other people might have thought of the result it satisfied Anne, and she tripped gaily down the road, holding her ruddy head with its decoration of pink and yellow very proudly.

When she had reached Mrs. Lynde's house she found that lady gone.

Nothing daunted, Anne proceeded onward to the church alone. In the porch she found a crowd of little girls, all more or less gaily attired in whites and blues and pinks, and all staring with curious eyes at this stranger in their midst, with her extraordinary head adornment. Avonlea little girls had already heard queer stories about Anne. Mrs. Lynde said she had an awful temper; Jerry Buote, the hired boy at Green Gables, said she talked all the time to herself or to the trees and flowers like a crazy girl. They looked at her and whispered to each other behind their quarterlies. Nobody made any friendly advances, then or later on when the opening exercises were over and Anne found herself in Miss Rogerson's class.

Miss Rogerson was a middle-aged lady who had taught a Sunday-school class for twenty years.

Her method of teaching was to ask the printed questions from the quarterly and look sternly over its edge at the particular little girl she thought ought to answer the question. She looked very often at Anne, and Anne, thanks to Marilla's drilling, answered promptly; but it may be questioned if she understood very much about either question or answer.

She did not think she liked Miss Rogerson, and she felt very miserable; every other little girl in the class had puffed sleeves.

Anne felt that life was really not worth living without puffed sleeves.

"Well, how did you like Sunday school? " Marilla wanted to know when Anne came home. Her wreath having faded, Anne had discarded it in the lane, so Marilla was spared the knowledge of that for a time.

"I didn't like it a bit. It was horrid. " "Anne Shirley! " said Marilla rebukingly. Anne sat down on the rocker with a long sigh, kissed one of Bonny's leaves, and waved her hand to a blossoming fuchsia.

"They might have been lonesome while I was away," she explained. "And now about the Sunday school. I behaved well, just as you told me. Mrs. Lynde was gone, but I went right on myself. I went into the church, with a lot of other little girls, and I sat in the corner of a pew by the window while the opening exercises went on. Mr. Bell made an awfully long prayer. I would have been dreadfully tired before he got through if I hadn't been sitting by that window. But it looked right out on the Lake of Shining Waters, so I just gazed at that and imagined all sorts of splendid things. " "You shouldn't have done anything of the sort. You should have listened to Mr. Bell. " "But he wasn't talking to me," protested Anne. "He was talking to God and he didn't seem to be very much interested in it, either. I think he thought God was too far off though. There was a long row of white birches hanging over the lake and the sunshine fell down through them, 'way, 'way down, deep into the water. Oh, Marilla, it was like a beautiful dream! It gave me a thrill and I just said, 'Thank you for it, God,' two or three times. " "Not out loud, I hope," said Marilla anxiously. "Oh, no, just under my breath. Well, Mr. Bell did get through at last and they told me to go into the classroom with Miss Rogerson's class. There were nine other girls in it. They all had puffed sleeves. I tried to imagine mine were puffed, too, but I couldn't. Why couldn't I? It was as easy as could be to imagine they were puffed when I was alone in the east gable, but it was awfully hard there among the others who had really truly puffs. " "You shouldn't have been thinking about your sleeves in Sunday school. You should have been attending to the lesson. I hope you knew it. " "Oh, yes; and I answered a lot of questions. Miss Rogerson asked ever so many. I don't think it was fair for her to do all the asking. There were lots I wanted to ask her, but I didn't like to because I didn't think she was a kindred spirit. Then all the other little girls recited a paraphrase. She asked me if I knew any. I told her I didn't, but I could recite, 'The Dog at His Master's Grave' if she liked. That's in the Third Royal Reader. It isn't a really truly religious piece of poetry, but it's so sad and melancholy that it might as well be. She said it wouldn't do and she told me to learn the nineteenth paraphrase for next Sunday. I read it over in church afterwards and it's splendid. There are two lines in particular that just thrill me.

"'Quick as the slaughtered squadrons fell In Midian's evil day. "I don't know what 'squadrons' means nor 'Midian,' either, but it sounds SO tragical. I can hardly wait until next Sunday to recite it. I'll practice it all the week. After Sunday school I asked Miss Rogerson—because Mrs. Lynde was too far away—to show me your pew. I sat just as still as I could and the text was Revelations, third chapter, second and third verses. It was a very long text. If I was a minister I'd pick the short, snappy ones. The sermon was awfully long, too. I suppose the minister had to match it to the text. I didn't think he was a bit interesting. The trouble with him seems to be that he hasn't enough imagination. I didn't listen to him very much. I just let my thoughts run and I thought of the most surprising things. " Marilla felt helplessly that all this should be sternly reproved, but she was hampered by the undeniable fact that some of the things Anne had said, especially about the minister's sermons and Mr. Bell's prayers, were what she herself had really thought deep down in her heart for years, but had never given expression to.

It almost seemed to her that those secret, unuttered, critical thoughts had suddenly taken visible and accusing shape and form in the person of this outspoken morsel of neglected humanity.

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CHAPTER XI. Anne's Impressions of Sunday-School KAPITEL XI. Annes Eindrücke von der Sonntagsschule CHAPTER XI. Anne's Impressions of Sunday-School CAPÍTULO XI. Impresiones de Ana sobre la escuela dominical CHAPITRE XI. Les impressions d'Anne sur l'école du dimanche CAPITOLO XI. Le impressioni di Anne sulla scuola domenicale 第十一章アンの日曜学校での印象 제11장. 앤의 주일학교 소감 ROZDZIAŁ XI. Wrażenia Anny ze szkółki niedzielnej CAPÍTULO XI. As impressões de Ana sobre a catequese BÖLÜM XI. Anne'in Pazar Okulu İzlenimleri 第十一章。安妮对主日学校的印象

CHAPTER XI. XI。 Anne’s Impressions of Sunday-School Impressões de Ana sobre a catequese

"Well, how do you like them? 「まあ、どのようにそれらが好きですか? "Bem, o que é que achas? " said Marilla. 「マリラは言った。 Anne was standing in the gable room, looking solemnly at three new dresses spread out on the bed. Anne se tenait dans la salle à pignon, regardant solennellement trois nouvelles robes étalées sur le lit. Anne estava de pé no quarto de duas águas, olhando solenemente para três vestidos novos estendidos na cama. Энн стояла в щипцовой комнате, торжественно глядя на три новых платья, расстеленных на кровати.

One was of snuffy colored gingham which Marilla had been tempted to buy from a peddler the preceding summer because it looked so serviceable; one was of black-and-white checkered sateen which she had picked up at a bargain counter in the winter; and one was a stiff print of an ugly blue shade which she had purchased that week at a Carmody store. |||斑驳的||格子布||||||||||小贩||||||||耐用|||||||黑白格子|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||鼻声の||ギンガム||||||||||行商人||||||||実用的な||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| L'un était en vichy de couleur snuffy que Marilla avait été tentée d'acheter à un colporteur l'été précédent parce qu'il avait l'air si pratique ; l'un était en satin à carreaux noir et blanc qu'elle avait ramassé à un comptoir de bonnes affaires en hiver; et l'un était une impression rigide d'une vilaine teinte bleue qu'elle avait achetée cette semaine-là dans un magasin Carmody. 1つは、マリラが前夏に行商人から購入するように誘惑された嗅ぎやすい色のギンガムでした。 1人は冬にバーゲンカウンターで拾った白黒の市松模様の綿teen子でした。 1つは、その週にCarmodyの店で購入したhadい青い色合いの硬いプリントでした。 Um era de gingham de cor baça, que Marilla se sentira tentada a comprar a um vendedor ambulante no verão anterior, por parecer tão útil; outro era de cetim axadrezado a preto e branco, que comprara num balcão de pechinchas no inverno; e outro era um estampado rígido de um tom azul feio, que comprara nessa semana numa loja Carmody. Один из них был из неряшливого цветного ситца, который Марилла соблазнилась купить у торговца прошлым летом, потому что он выглядел так исправно; один был из черно-белого клетчатого сатина, который она подобрала у прилавка зимой; и один был твердый отпечаток уродливого синего оттенка, который она купила на этой неделе в магазине Carmody.

She had made them up herself, and they were all made alike—plain skirts fulled tightly to plain waists, with sleeves as plain as waist and skirt and tight as sleeves could be. ||||||||||||||收缩||||腰部|||||||||||||| Elle les avait confectionnés elle-même, et ils étaient tous pareils - des jupes unies bien serrées à la taille unie, avec des manches aussi simples que la taille et la jupe et aussi serrées que les manches pouvaient l'être. 彼女は自分でそれらを作り上げ、それらはすべて同じように作られました。平野のスカートは平野の腰にしっかりと詰められ、袖は腰とスカートのように平野で、袖はできる限りタイトでした。 Tinha sido ela a fazê-las, e eram todas iguais: saias lisas, bem apertadas na cintura, com mangas tão lisas como a cintura e a saia e tão justas como as mangas. Она сама их придумала, и все они были сделаны одинаково - простые юбки, плотно прилегающие к талии, с рукавами такими же простыми, как талия, и юбкой и плотными, как рукава.

"I’ll imagine that I like them," said Anne soberly. ||||||||νηφάλια ||||||||真面目に ||||||||严肃地 「私は彼らが好きだと思います」とアンは地味に言った。 "Imagino que gosto deles," disse Anne sobriamente. "I don’t want you to imagine it," said Marilla, offended. 「私はあなたにそれを想像してほしくない」とマリラは言った。 "Não quero que imagines isso", disse Marilla, ofendida. "Oh, I can see you don’t like the dresses! 「ああ、私はあなたがドレスが好きではないことがわかります! "Oh, estou a ver que não gostas dos vestidos! What is the matter with them? 彼らの問題は何ですか? O que é que se passa com eles? Aren’t they neat and clean and new? " Ne sont-ils pas soignés, propres et neufs ? " Não estão bem arrumados, limpos e novos? " "Yes. "Then why don’t you like them? "They’re—they’re not—pretty," said Anne reluctantly. "Não são bonitos", disse Anne com relutância. "Pretty! "Bonita! " Marilla sniffed. " Marilla renifla. " Marilla fungou. "Марилла фыркнула. "I didn’t trouble my head about getting pretty dresses for you. 「私はあなたのためにきれいなドレスを手に入れることに頭を悩ませませんでした。 "Não me preocupei em arranjar vestidos bonitos para ti. "Я не беспокоился о том, чтобы получить красивые платья для тебя. “我并没有费心去给你买漂亮的衣服。 I don’t believe in pampering vanity, Anne, I’ll tell you that right off. ||||纵容|||||||| ||||甘やかす|||||||| Je ne crois pas qu'il faille dorloter la vanité, Anne, je vais te le dire tout de suite. 虚栄心を甘やかすとは思わない、アン、すぐにそれを教えましょう。 Não acredito em mimar a vaidade, Anne, digo-te desde já. Я не верю в баловство тщеславия, Энн, я скажу тебе это сразу. Those dresses are good, sensible, serviceable dresses, without any frills or furbelows about them, and they’re all you’ll get this summer. |||||||||||κοσμήματα||||||||| |||||||||||装飾||||||||| |||||||||||花哨装饰||||||||| Ces robes sont de bonnes robes sensées et utilisables, sans fioritures ni plis, et ce sont tout ce que vous aurez cet été. Esses vestidos são bons, sensatos, úteis, sem quaisquer folhos ou enfeites, e são tudo o que vai ter este verão. Эти платья - хорошие, разумные, исправные платья, без излишеств и излишеств, и это все, что вы получите этим летом. The brown gingham and the blue print will do you for school when you begin to go. ||καρώ|||||||||||||| O gingham castanho e o estampado azul vão servir para a escola quando começar a ir. Коричневый ситцев и синий принт помогут вам в школе, когда вы начнете ходить. The sateen is for church and Sunday school. O cetim é para a igreja e para a catequese. Сатин для церкви и воскресной школы. I’ll expect you to keep them neat and clean and not to tear them. Espero que os mantenham arrumados e limpos e que não os rasguem. Я ожидаю, что вы будете держать их в чистоте и порядке и не порвать их. I should think you’d be grateful to get most anything after those skimpy wincey things you’ve been wearing. " あなたが身に着けているこれらの露出度の高いひどいものの後、ほとんど何でも手に入れることに感謝するだろうと思うべきです。 」 Penso que ficarias grata por receber quase tudo depois dessas coisas de cílios minúsculos que tens vestido. " Я должен подумать, что вы были бы благодарны за то, чтобы получить что-нибудь еще после тех скудных вялых вещей, которые вы носили. " "Oh, I AM grateful," protested Anne. 「ああ、私は感謝している」とアンは抗議した。 "Oh, eu estou grata", protestou Anne. "But I’d be ever so much gratefuller if—if you’d made just one of them with puffed sleeves. ||||||更加感激||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||ふくらんだ| "Mas eu ficaria muito mais grata se - se tivesse feito apenas um deles com mangas bufantes. «Но я был бы очень благодарен, если бы ... если бы вы сделали только один из них с надутыми рукавами. Puffed sleeves are so fashionable now. As mangas bufantes estão tão na moda atualmente. Пухлые рукава сейчас так модны. It would give me such a thrill, Marilla, just to wear a dress with puffed sleeves. " Ficaria tão excitada, Marilla, só de usar um vestido com mangas bufantes. " Марилла, я бы с таким восторгом просто одела платье с пышными рукавами. " "Well, you’ll have to do without your thrill. 「さて、あなたはスリルなしでやらなければならないでしょう。 "Bem, vais ter de passar sem a tua emoção. «Ну, тебе придется обойтись без острых ощущений. I hadn’t any material to waste on puffed sleeves. パフスリーブで無駄にする材料はありませんでした。 Não tinha material para desperdiçar em mangas bufantes. У меня не было материала, чтобы тратить его на распухшие рукава. I think they are ridiculous-looking things anyhow. とにかくばかげているようだ。 De qualquer forma, acho que são coisas de aspeto ridículo. Я думаю, что они все равно выглядят нелепо. I prefer the plain, sensible ones. " Je préfère les simples et sensés. " Prefiro os simples e sensatos. " Я предпочитаю простые, разумные. " "But I’d rather look ridiculous when everybody else does than plain and sensible all by myself," persisted Anne mournfully. "Mais je préfère avoir l'air ridicule quand tout le monde le fait que clair et sensé tout seul", a persisté Anne tristement. "Mas eu prefiro parecer ridícula quando toda a gente o faz do que simples e sensata sozinha," persistiu Anne com tristeza. «Но я бы предпочел выглядеть нелепо, когда все так делают, чем просто и разумно», - грустно продолжала Энн. "Trust you for that! "Vertrau dir dafür! « Faites-vous confiance pour ça ! 「あなたを信頼してください! "Confia em ti para isso! "Доверься тебе за это! Well, hang those dresses carefully up in your closet, and then sit down and learn the Sunday school lesson. さて、これらのドレスをクローゼットに慎重に掛けてから、座って日曜学校のレッスンを学びましょう。 Bem, pendurem esses vestidos cuidadosamente no vosso armário, e depois sentem-se e aprendam a lição da catequese. I got a quarterly from Mr. Bell for you and you’ll go to Sunday school tomorrow," said Marilla, disappearing downstairs in high dudgeon. |||τριμηνιαίος||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||高い怒り |||季度的|||||||||||||||||||愤怒 J'ai reçu un trimestriel de M. Bell pour vous et vous irez à l'école du dimanche demain », a déclaré Marilla, disparaissant en bas dans un dudgeon élevé. Recebi uma moeda do Sr. Bell para ti e amanhã vais à catequese", disse Marilla, desaparecendo lá em baixo em grande zanga. Я получил от вас мистер Белл ежеквартально, а завтра вы пойдете в воскресную школу ", - сказала Марилла, исчезая внизу в глубоком рассвете. Anne clasped her hands and looked at the dresses. A Ana bateu as mãos e olhou para os vestidos. Энн сложила руки и посмотрела на платья.

"I did hope there would be a white one with puffed sleeves," she whispered disconsolately. ||||||||||||||沮丧地 ||||||||||||||悲しげに "J'espérais qu'il y en aurait un blanc avec des manches bouffantes," chuchota-t-elle tristement. 「袖が膨らんだ白いものがあればいいのに」と彼女はさりげなくささやいた。 "Esperava que houvesse um branco com mangas bufantes", sussurrou desconsolada. «Я действительно надеялась, что будет белый с надутыми рукавами», - прошептала она безутешно. "I prayed for one, but I didn’t much expect it on that account. "J'ai prié pour en avoir un, mais je ne m'y attendais pas beaucoup à cause de cela. 「私は1つのために祈ったが、そのアカウントにはあまり期待していなかった。 "Rezei por um, mas não o esperava muito por causa disso. «Я молился за одного, но я не ожидал этого в этом смысле. I didn’t suppose God would have time to bother about a little orphan girl’s dress. 私は神が小さな孤児の少女の服を気にする時間を持っているとは思わなかった。 Não pensei que Deus tivesse tempo para se preocupar com o vestido de uma órfã. Я не предполагал, что у Бога будет время беспокоиться о платье маленькой сироты. I knew I’d just have to depend on Marilla for it. Je savais que je devais compter sur Marilla pour ça. マリラに頼らなければならないことはわかっていました。 Eu sabia que teria de depender da Marilla para o conseguir. Я знал, что мне просто нужно зависеть от Мариллы за это. Well, fortunately I can imagine that one of them is of snow-white muslin with lovely lace frills and three-puffed sleeves. " Bem, felizmente posso imaginar que um deles é de musselina branca como a neve, com belos folhos de renda e mangas de três folhos. " Ну, к счастью, я могу представить, что один из них - белоснежный муслин с милыми кружевными оборками и рукавами с тремя пышками. " The next morning warnings of a sick headache prevented Marilla from going to Sunday-school with Anne. Le lendemain matin, des avertissements d'un mal de tête empêchèrent Marilla d'aller à l'école du dimanche avec Anne. Na manhã seguinte, avisos de uma dor de cabeça doentia impediram Marilla de ir à catequese com Anne.

"You’ll have to go down and call for Mrs. Lynde, Anne. "Vous devrez descendre et appeler Mme Lynde, Anne. "Terás de ir lá abaixo chamar a Sra. Lynde, Anne. " she said. ", disse ela. "She’ll see that you get into the right class. 「彼女はあなたが正しいクラスに入ることを見るでしょう。 "Ela vai certificar-se de que entras na turma certa. Now, mind you behave yourself properly. さて、あなたは自分自身を正しく振る舞うことを心に留めてください。 Agora, comporte-se como deve ser. Теперь учтите, что вы ведете себя хорошо. Stay to preaching afterwards and ask Mrs. Lynde to show you our pew. ||讲道|||||||||| Bleiben Sie danach beim Predigen und bitten Sie Frau Lynde, Ihnen unsere Bank zu zeigen. Restez ensuite à prêcher et demandez à Mme Lynde de vous montrer notre banc. その後、説教にとどまり、リンデ夫人に私たちのピューを見せてくれるよう頼んでください。 Fiquem para a pregação depois e peçam à Sra. Lynde para vos mostrar o nosso banco. 之后继续讲道,请林德夫人带您看看我们的座位。 Here’s a cent for collection. Hier ist ein Cent für die Sammlung. Voici un centime pour la collecte. Aqui está um cêntimo para a coleta. Вот цент за сбор. Don’t stare at people and don’t fidget. ||||||坐立不安 ||||||そわそわする Não olhe fixamente para as pessoas e não se mexa. I shall expect you to tell me the text when you come home. " Je m'attendrai à ce que vous me disiez le texte quand vous rentrerez à la maison. " あなたが家に帰ったら、テキストを教えてくれると期待しています。 」 Espero que me contes o texto quando chegares a casa. " Anne started off irreproachable, arrayed in the stiff black-and-white sateen, which, while decent as regards length and certainly not open to the charge of skimpiness, contrived to emphasize every corner and angle of her thin figure. |||无可指责|||||||||||||||||||||||过于简约|故意|||||||||| |||非の打ち所|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Anne begann tadellos mit dem steifen Schwarz-Weiß-Satin, der zwar in Bezug auf die Länge anständig und sicherlich nicht offen für knappe Dinge war, aber jede Ecke und jeden Winkel ihrer dünnen Figur hervorhob. Anne a commencé irréprochable, vêtue de satinette noir et blanc rigide, qui, bien que décente en termes de longueur et certainement pas ouverte à l'accusation de maigreur, a réussi à souligner tous les coins et angles de sa silhouette mince. アンは、非の打ちどころのない、硬い白黒の綿teen子に並べられた、非難されないスタートを切りました。 Anne começou de forma irrepreensível, vestida com o rígido cetim preto e branco, que, apesar de ser decente em termos de comprimento e de não poder ser acusado de ser muito pequeno, fazia sobressair todos os cantos e ângulos da sua figura magra. Энн начала безукоризненно, выстроившись в жестком черно-белом сатине, который, хотя и был приличным с точки зрения длины и, конечно, не склонен к скудности, умудрился подчеркнуть каждый угол и угол своей худой фигуры. 安妮一开始无可挑剔,穿着僵硬的黑白棉缎,虽然长度合适,当然不会被指责为短小,但她却设法强调了她瘦弱身材的每个角落和角度。

Her hat was a little, flat, glossy, new sailor, the extreme plainness of which had likewise much disappointed Anne, who had permitted herself secret visions of ribbon and flowers. |||||||||||朴素||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||質素さ||||||||||||||||| Ihr Hut war ein kleiner, flacher, glänzender, neuer Seemann, dessen extreme Schlichtheit Anne ebenfalls sehr enttäuscht hatte, die sich geheime Visionen von Bändern und Blumen erlaubt hatte. Son chapeau était un petit matelot plat, luisant, neuf, dont l'extrême simplicité avait également beaucoup déçu Anne, qui s'était permis des visions secrètes de rubans et de fleurs. 彼女の帽子は少し、平らで、光沢があり、新しい船乗りでしたが、リボンと花の秘密のビジョンを許可していたアンも同様に非常に失望しました。 O seu chapéu era um pequeno chapéu de marinheiro novo, liso e brilhante, cuja extrema simplicidade tinha igualmente desapontado muito Anne, que se tinha permitido visões secretas de fitas e flores. Ее шляпа была маленьким, плоским, блестящим, новым моряком, чрезвычайная простота которого также сильно разочаровала Анну, которая позволила себе тайные видения ленты и цветов. 她的帽子是一顶小而扁平、光滑的新水手帽,它的极其朴素同样让安妮非常失望,她允许自己秘密地想象丝带和花朵。 The latter, however, were supplied before Anne reached the main road, for being confronted halfway down the lane with a golden frenzy of wind-stirred buttercups and a glory of wild roses, Anne promptly and liberally garlanded her hat with a heavy wreath of them. ||||提供|||||||||||||||||||||黄花菜||||||||||慷慨地|用花环装饰|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||バターカップ||||||||||||||||||| Letztere wurden jedoch geliefert, bevor Anne die Hauptstraße erreichte, weil sie auf halber Strecke mit einem goldenen Rausch windgerührter Butterblumen und einem Glanz wilder Rosen konfrontiert wurde. Anne verzierte ihren Hut prompt und großzügig mit einem schweren Kranz . Ces derniers, cependant, ont été approvisionnés avant qu'Anne n'atteigne la route principale, car étant confrontée à mi-chemin avec une frénésie dorée de renoncules agitées par le vent et une gloire de roses sauvages, Anne a rapidement et généreusement enguirlandé son chapeau d'une lourde couronne. . しかし、後者は、アンが主要道路に到達する前に供給されました。風に揺れるキンポウゲの黄金の狂気と野生のバラの栄光でレーンの半分に直面したため、アンはそれらの重い花輪で彼女の帽子を迅速かつ自由に飾りました。 No entanto, estas últimas foram supridas antes de Anne ter chegado à estrada principal, pois ao deparar-se, a meio do caminho, com um frenesim dourado de ranúnculos agitados pelo vento e uma glória de rosas silvestres, Anne prontamente e generosamente adornou o seu chapéu com uma pesada coroa de flores. Последние, однако, были поставлены еще до того, как Энн добралась до главной дороги, потому что на полпути по аллее с золотым безумством взбитых ветром лютиков и славой диких роз Энн быстро и обильно надела шляпу с тяжелым венком из них. , 然而,后者是在安妮到达主干道之前提供的,因为在小巷的半路上,她遇到了风吹草动的金色疯狂毛茛和绚丽的野玫瑰,安妮立即慷慨地在她的帽子上戴上一个沉重的花环。 。 Whatever other people might have thought of the result it satisfied Anne, and she tripped gaily down the road, holding her ruddy head with its decoration of pink and yellow very proudly. ||||||||||||||つまずいた||||||||||||||||| Quoi que les autres aient pu penser du résultat, cela a satisfait Anne, et elle a trébuché gaiement sur la route, tenant très fièrement sa tête rougeâtre avec sa décoration de rose et de jaune. アンが満足した結果を他の人がどのように考えたとしても、アンは彼女を楽しげに道を走り、ピンクと黄色の装飾で血色の良い頭を非常に誇らしげに持ちました。 Independentemente do que as outras pessoas pudessem pensar do resultado, este satisfez Anne, e ela trotou alegremente pela estrada, segurando orgulhosamente a sua cabeça corada com a sua decoração cor-de-rosa e amarela. Что бы ни думали другие люди о результате, это удовлетворило Энн, и она весело споткнулась о дорогу, держа свою румяную голову с розовым и желтым украшением с гордостью.

When she had reached Mrs. Lynde’s house she found that lady gone. 彼女がリンド夫人の家に着いたとき、彼女はその女性がいなくなったのを見つけました。 Quando chegou a casa da Sra. Lynde, encontrou a senhora fora. 当她到达林德太太家时,她发现那位女士已经不见了。

Nothing daunted, Anne proceeded onward to the church alone. |怯えず||||||| Anne war nicht entmutigt und ging allein zur Kirche. Rien découragée, Anne se dirigea seule vers l'église. Sem se deixar intimidar, Ana dirigiu-se sozinha para a igreja. Ничего не пугало, Анна пошла дальше в церковь в одиночку. In the porch she found a crowd of little girls, all more or less gaily attired in whites and blues and pinks, and all staring with curious eyes at this stranger in their midst, with her extraordinary head adornment. |||||||||||||||穿着华丽|||||||||||||||||||||||头饰 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||装飾品 No alpendre, encontrou uma multidão de meninas, todas mais ou menos bem vestidas de branco, azul e rosa, e todas olhavam com curiosidade para aquela estranha no meio delas, com o seu extraordinário adorno de cabeça. На крыльце она нашла толпу маленьких девочек, более или менее весело одетых в белые, синие и розовые цвета, и все они с любопытством смотрели на этого незнакомца среди них, с ее необычайным украшением головы. Avonlea little girls had already heard queer stories about Anne. Les petites filles d'Avonlea avaient déjà entendu des histoires étranges sur Anne. Mrs. Lynde said she had an awful temper; Jerry Buote, the hired boy at Green Gables, said she talked all the time to herself or to the trees and flowers like a crazy girl. A Sra. Lynde disse que ela tinha um temperamento horrível; Jerry Buote, o rapaz contratado em Green Gables, disse que ela estava sempre a falar para si própria ou para as árvores e flores, como uma rapariga louca. Миссис Линде сказала, что у нее ужасный характер; Джерри Буоте, наемный парень в Green Gables, сказал, что она все время разговаривала с собой или с деревьями и цветами, как сумасшедшая девушка. They looked at her and whispered to each other behind their quarterlies. |||||||||||期刊 |||||||||||四半期報告書 Sie sahen sie an und flüsterten sich hinter ihren Vierteljahreszeitungen zu. Olharam para ela e sussurraram uns para os outros por detrás dos seus quartos. Nobody made any friendly advances, then or later on when the opening exercises were over and Anne found herself in Miss Rogerson’s class. |||||||||||||||||||||罗杰森老师| Personne n'a fait d'avances amicales, à ce moment-là ou plus tard lorsque les exercices d'ouverture étaient terminés et qu'Anne s'est retrouvée dans la classe de Miss Rogerson. Ninguém fez nenhum avanço amigável, nem nessa altura nem mais tarde, quando os exercícios de abertura terminaram e Anne se encontrou na aula da Menina Rogerson.

Miss Rogerson was a middle-aged lady who had taught a Sunday-school class for twenty years. Mlle Rogerson était une dame d'âge moyen qui avait enseigné une classe d'école du dimanche pendant vingt ans. A menina Rogerson era uma senhora de meia-idade que tinha dado aulas numa escola dominical durante vinte anos.

Her method of teaching was to ask the printed questions from the quarterly and look sternly over its edge at the particular little girl she thought ought to answer the question. |||||||||||||||厳しく||||||||||||||| Sa méthode d'enseignement consistait à poser les questions imprimées du trimestriel et à regarder sévèrement par-dessus le bord la petite fille en particulier qui, selon elle, devait répondre à la question. O seu método de ensino consistia em fazer as perguntas impressas no caderno e olhar severamente por cima da borda do caderno para a menina que ela achava que devia responder à pergunta. Ее метод обучения заключался в том, чтобы задавать печатные вопросы из ежеквартального журнала и строго заглядывать через край на маленькую девочку, которая, по ее мнению, должна ответить на вопрос. 她的教学方法是问季刊上印刷的问题,并越过边缘严肃地看着她认为应该回答问题的那个小女孩。 She looked very often at Anne, and Anne, thanks to Marilla’s drilling, answered promptly; but it may be questioned if she understood very much about either question or answer. Elle regardait très souvent Anne, et Anne, grâce au forage de Marilla, répondait promptement ; mais on peut se demander si elle a très bien compris la question ou la réponse. Ela olhava muitas vezes para Anne, e Anne, graças à perfuração de Marilla, respondia prontamente; mas pode perguntar-se se ela percebeu muito bem tanto a pergunta como a resposta. Она очень часто смотрела на Анну, и Анна, благодаря бурению Мариллы, быстро ответила; но это может быть поставлено под сомнение, если она очень много понимала ни вопрос, ни ответ. 她经常看着安妮,而安妮由于玛丽拉的训练,很快就做出了回答。但她是否非常理解问题或答案可能会受到质疑。

She did not think she liked Miss Rogerson, and she felt very miserable; every other little girl in the class had puffed sleeves. |||||||罗杰森||||||||||||||| Elle ne pensait pas qu'elle aimait Miss Rogerson, et elle se sentait très malheureuse ; toutes les autres petites filles de la classe avaient des manches bouffantes. Ela achava que não gostava de Miss Rogerson e sentia-se muito infeliz; todas as outras meninas da turma tinham mangas bufantes.

Anne felt that life was really not worth living without puffed sleeves. Anne sentia que a vida não valia a pena ser vivida sem mangas bufantes.

"Well, how did you like Sunday school? "Bem, gostaste da catequese? “嗯,你喜欢周日学校吗? " Marilla wanted to know when Anne came home. " A Marilla queria saber quando é que a Anne chegava a casa. Her wreath having faded, Anne had discarded it in the lane, so Marilla was spared the knowledge of that for a time. |花冠|||||||||||||免れた||||||| Sa couronne s'étant fanée, Anne l'avait jetée dans la ruelle, alors Marilla en fut épargnée pendant un certain temps. Como a sua coroa de flores se tinha desvanecido, Anne tinha-a deitado fora no caminho, por isso Marilla foi poupada a saber disso durante algum tempo. Ее венок исчез, Энн выбросила его в переулок, так что Марилла какое-то время была избавлена от этого знания. 她的花环褪色了,安妮把它扔在巷子里,所以玛丽拉暂时不知道这件事。

"I didn’t like it a bit. "Não gostei nem um bocadinho. "Мне это немного не понравилось. “我有点不喜欢它。 It was horrid. " ||ひどい Foi horrível. " Это было ужасно. " 太可怕了。 ” "Anne Shirley! "Anne Shirley! “安妮·雪莉! " said Marilla rebukingly. ||责备地 ||叱るように "disse Marilla, repreendendo-a. Anne sat down on the rocker with a long sigh, kissed one of Bonny’s leaves, and waved her hand to a blossoming fuchsia. |||||摇椅|||||||||||||||||紫红色花 |||||揺り椅子||||||||||||||||| Anne s'assit sur le fauteuil à bascule avec un long soupir, embrassa l'une des feuilles de Bonny et fit un signe de la main vers un fuchsia en fleurs. Anne sentou-se na cadeira de baloiço com um longo suspiro, beijou uma das folhas de Bonny e acenou com a mão para uma fúcsia em flor. Энн с глубоким вздохом села на качалку, поцеловала одну из листьев Бонни и помахала рукой цветущей фуксии.

"They might have been lonesome while I was away," she explained. "Ils ont peut-être été seuls pendant mon absence", a-t-elle expliqué. "Talvez se tenham sentido sós enquanto eu estive fora", explicou. “我不在的时候他们可能会感到孤独,”她解释道。 "And now about the Sunday school. "E agora sobre a catequese. “现在谈谈主日学。 I behaved well, just as you told me. あなたが私に言ったように、私はふるまいました。 Comportei-me bem, tal como me disse. 我表现得很好,正如你告诉我的那样。 Mrs. Lynde was gone, but I went right on myself. A Sra. Lynde tinha saído, mas eu fui-me embora. I went into the church, with a lot of other little girls, and I sat in the corner of a pew by the window while the opening exercises went on. ||||||||||||||||||||座席||||||||| Entrei na igreja, com muitas outras meninas, e sentei-me no canto de um banco junto à janela enquanto decorriam os exercícios de abertura. Mr. Bell made an awfully long prayer. O Sr. Bell fez uma oração muito longa. I would have been dreadfully tired before he got through if I hadn’t been sitting by that window. J'aurais été terriblement fatiguée avant qu'il ne passe si je n'avais pas été assise près de cette fenêtre. Teria ficado terrivelmente cansada antes de ele passar, se não estivesse sentada junto à janela. But it looked right out on the Lake of Shining Waters, so I just gazed at that and imagined all sorts of splendid things. " Mas tinha vista para o Lago das Águas Brilhantes, por isso fiquei a olhar para lá e a imaginar todo o tipo de coisas esplêndidas. " Но это выглядело прямо на озере Сияющих вод, поэтому я просто смотрел на это и представлял себе все виды великолепных вещей. " "You shouldn’t have done anything of the sort. "Não devias ter feito nada disso. You should have listened to Mr. Bell. " Devias ter dado ouvidos ao Sr. Bell. " "But he wasn’t talking to me," protested Anne. "Mas ele não estava a falar comigo", protestou Anne. "He was talking to God and he didn’t seem to be very much interested in it, either. "Ele estava a falar com Deus e também não parecia estar muito interessado nisso. I think he thought God was too far off though. Ich denke, er dachte, Gott sei zu weit weg. Je pense qu'il pensait que Dieu était trop loin. Mas acho que ele pensava que Deus estava demasiado longe. Я думаю, что он думал, что Бог был слишком далеко, хотя. 我认为他认为上帝离我们太遥远了。 There was a long row of white birches hanging over the lake and the sunshine fell down through them, 'way, 'way down, deep into the water. Il y avait une longue rangée de bouleaux blancs suspendus au-dessus du lac et le soleil tombait à travers eux, 'way, 'way down, profondément dans l'eau. Havia uma longa fila de bétulas brancas penduradas sobre o lago e a luz do sol caía por entre elas, muito, muito para baixo, até à água. Над озером висел длинный ряд белых берез, и солнечный свет падал сквозь них «в путь», глубоко в воду. Oh, Marilla, it was like a beautiful dream! Oh, Marilla, foi como um sonho lindo! It gave me a thrill and I just said, 'Thank you for it, God,' two or three times. " Cela m'a donné un frisson et j'ai juste dit: «Merci pour ça, mon Dieu», deux ou trois fois. " Fiquei emocionado e disse duas ou três vezes: "Obrigado, Deus, por isso". " "Not out loud, I hope," said Marilla anxiously. |||||||心配そうに "Não em voz alta, espero", disse Marilla ansiosamente. "Oh, no, just under my breath. "Oh nein, nur unter meinem Atem. "Oh, não, só estava a respirar. Well, Mr. Bell did get through at last and they told me to go into the classroom with Miss Rogerson’s class. Eh bien, M. Bell a enfin réussi et ils m'ont dit d'aller dans la classe avec la classe de Miss Rogerson. Bem, o Sr. Bell acabou por conseguir falar comigo e disseram-me para ir para a sala de aula com a turma de Miss Rogerson. There were nine other girls in it. Havia mais nove raparigas lá dentro. They all had puffed sleeves. Todos tinham mangas bufantes. I tried to imagine mine were puffed, too, but I couldn’t. Why couldn’t I? Porque é que eu não podia? It was as easy as could be to imagine they were puffed when I was alone in the east gable, but it was awfully hard there among the others who had really truly puffs. " |||||||||||||||||||東の切妻屋||||||||||||||ふくらみ Era tão fácil quanto possível imaginar que estavam inchados quando eu estava sozinho na empena leste, mas era terrivelmente difícil ali, entre os outros que tinham realmente inchados. " "You shouldn’t have been thinking about your sleeves in Sunday school. "Não devias estar a pensar nas tuas mangas na catequese. You should have been attending to the lesson. Devia ter estado a assistir à aula. I hope you knew it. " Espero que o conheças. " "Oh, yes; and I answered a lot of questions. "Oh, sim; e respondi a muitas perguntas. Miss Rogerson asked ever so many. Miss Rogerson perguntou muitas vezes. I don’t think it was fair for her to do all the asking. Je ne pense pas qu'il était juste pour elle de faire tout ce qu'elle demandait. Não acho que seja justo que seja ela a fazer todas as perguntas. There were lots I wanted to ask her, but I didn’t like to because I didn’t think she was a kindred spirit. Il y avait beaucoup de choses que je voulais lui demander, mais je n'aimais pas parce que je ne pensais pas qu'elle était une âme sœur. Havia muitas coisas que lhe queria perguntar, mas não gostava de o fazer porque não achava que ela fosse uma alma gémea. Я хотел спросить у нее много вещей, но мне это не понравилось, потому что я не думал, что она родственная душа. Then all the other little girls recited a paraphrase. ||||||||释义 ||||||||言い換え Dann rezitierten alle anderen kleinen Mädchen eine Paraphrase. Puis toutes les autres petites filles ont récité une paraphrase. Depois, todas as outras meninas recitaram uma paráfrase. Тогда все другие маленькие девочки прочитали перефразировку. She asked me if I knew any. Elle m'a demandé si j'en connaissais. Perguntou-me se eu conhecia algum. I told her I didn’t, but I could recite, 'The Dog at His Master’s Grave' if she liked. |||||||||||||主人の|||| Disse-lhe que não sabia, mas que podia recitar "O cão na sepultura do seu dono", se ela quisesse. Я сказал ей, что нет, но я мог бы читать «Собаку на могиле его хозяина», если бы она любила. That’s in the Third Royal Reader. C'est dans le troisième lecteur royal. Isso está no Terceiro Leitor Real. Это в Третьем Королевском Читателе. It isn’t a really truly religious piece of poetry, but it’s so sad and melancholy that it might as well be. ||||||||||||||忧郁|||||| ||||||||||||||悲しげ|||||| Não é uma peça de poesia verdadeiramente religiosa, mas é tão triste e melancólica que até poderia ser. She said it wouldn’t do and she told me to learn the nineteenth paraphrase for next Sunday. ||||||||||||第十九の|||| Ela disse que não servia e disse-me para aprender a décima nona paráfrase para o próximo domingo. Она сказала, что это не сработает, и сказала, чтобы я выучил девятнадцатый парафраз на следующее воскресенье. I read it over in church afterwards and it’s splendid. Je l'ai relu à l'église après et c'est magnifique. Li-o depois na igreja e é esplêndido. There are two lines in particular that just thrill me. Há duas linhas em particular que me emocionam.

"'Quick as the slaughtered squadrons fell In Midian’s evil day. ||||军队||||| |||屠殺された|||||| "'Schnell wie die geschlachteten Staffeln fielen In Midians bösem Tag. "'Rapide alors que les escadrons abattus tombaient au mauvais jour de Madian. 「殺害された戦隊がミディアンの邪悪な日に倒れたように迅速。 "'Rápido como os esquadrões abatidos caíram no dia mau de Midiã. «Быстро, как убитые эскадрильи упали в злой день Мадиана. "I don’t know what 'squadrons' means nor 'Midian,' either, but it sounds SO tragical. ||||飛行隊|||ミディアン(1|||||| 「「飛行隊」の意味も「ミディアン」のこともわからないが、悲劇的なようだ。 "Não sei o que significa 'esquadrões' nem 'Midian', mas parece-me tão trágico. I can hardly wait until next Sunday to recite it. 私はそれを暗唱するために次の日曜日までほとんど待つことができません。 Mal posso esperar até ao próximo domingo para a recitar. Я не могу дождаться следующего воскресенья, чтобы прочитать это. I’ll practice it all the week. 一週間ずっと練習します。 Vou praticá-lo durante toda a semana. Я буду практиковать это всю неделю. After Sunday school I asked Miss Rogerson—because Mrs. Lynde was too far away—to show me your pew. Après l'école du dimanche, j'ai demandé à Miss Rogerson – parce que Mme Lynde était trop loin – de me montrer votre banc. 日曜日の学校の後、私はロジャーソンさんに、リンド夫人が遠すぎたので、あなたの足を見せてくれるように頼みました。 Depois da catequese, pedi à Menina Rogerson - porque a Sra. Lynde estava muito longe - que me mostrasse o seu banco. 周日放学后,我请罗杰森小姐——因为林德夫人离得太远——让我看看你的座位。 I sat just as still as I could and the text was Revelations, third chapter, second and third verses. ||||||||||||启示录(1)||||||节 ||||||||||||啓示|||||| Je me suis assis aussi tranquillement que possible et le texte était Révélations, troisième chapitre, deuxième et troisième versets. 私はできる限りじっと座って、テキストは黙示録、第3章、第2節、第3節でした。 Sentei-me o mais imóvel possível e o texto era o Apocalipse, capítulo terceiro, versículos segundo e terceiro. 我尽量一动不动地坐着,课文是《启示录》,第三章,第二节和第三节。 It was a very long text. 非常に長いテキストでした。 Era um texto muito longo. 这是一篇很长的文字。 If I was a minister I’d pick the short, snappy ones. |||||||||简洁有力| |||||||||簡潔な| Si j'étais ministre, je choisirais les plus courts et les plus vifs. もし私が牧師だったら、短くてきぱきしたものを選びます。 Se eu fosse um ministro, escolheria os mais curtos e rápidos. Если бы я был министром, я бы выбрал короткие, быстрые. 如果我是一名部长,我会选择短而活泼的。 The sermon was awfully long, too. |讲道|||| |説教|||| 説教もひどく長かった。 O sermão também foi muito longo. 讲道也非常长。 I suppose the minister had to match it to the text. Je suppose que le ministre devait le faire correspondre au texte. 大臣はそれを本文に合わせなければならなかったと思います。 Suponho que o ministro teve de o fazer corresponder ao texto. Я полагаю, министр должен был сопоставить его с текстом. 我想部长必须将其与文本相匹配。 I didn’t think he was a bit interesting. Je ne pensais pas qu'il était un peu intéressant. 彼は少しおもしろいとは思いませんでした。 Não o achei nem um bocadinho interessante. 我不认为他有一点有趣。 The trouble with him seems to be that he hasn’t enough imagination. 彼とのトラブルは、彼が十分な想像力を持っていないことのようです。 O problema com ele parece ser o facto de não ter imaginação suficiente. I didn’t listen to him very much. 私は彼の話をあまり聞きませんでした。 Eu não o ouvia muito. I just let my thoughts run and I thought of the most surprising things. " 私は自分の考えを実行させ、最も驚くべきことを考えました。 」 Deixei os meus pensamentos correrem e pensei nas coisas mais surpreendentes. " Marilla felt helplessly that all this should be sternly reproved, but she was hampered by the undeniable fact that some of the things Anne had said, especially about the minister’s sermons and Mr. Bell’s prayers, were what she herself had really thought deep down in her heart for years, but had never given expression to. |||||||||||||受阻|||||||||||||||||讲道|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||妨げられた||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Marilla se sentait impuissante que tout cela devait être sévèrement réprimandé, mais elle était gênée par le fait indéniable que certaines des choses qu'Anne avait dites, en particulier sur les sermons du ministre et les prières de M. Bell, étaient ce qu'elle-même avait vraiment pensé au fond d'elle-même. cœur pendant des années, mais n'avait jamais donné d'expression à. マリラはこのすべてを厳しく非難すべきだと無力に感じましたが、アンが言ったこと、特に大臣の説教とベル氏の祈りについてのいくつかが彼女自身が本当に深く考えていたという否定できない事実によって妨げられました心は何年もの間、表現していませんでした。 Marilla sentiu-se impotente para que tudo isto fosse severamente reprovado, mas foi impedida pelo facto inegável de que algumas das coisas que Anne tinha dito, especialmente sobre os sermões do pastor e as orações do Sr. Bell, eram o que ela própria tinha pensado no fundo do seu coração durante anos, mas nunca tinha dado expressão. Марилла беспомощно чувствовала, что все это должно быть строго осуждено, но ей мешал неоспоримый факт, что некоторые из высказываний Анны, особенно о проповедях министра и молитвах г-на Белла, были тем, о чем она сама действительно думала в глубине души. Сердце годами, но никогда не давал выражения. 玛丽拉无奈地觉得这一切都应该受到严厉的谴责,但她又被一个不可否认的事实所困扰,那就是安妮所说的一些话,尤其是牧师的布道和贝尔先生的祈祷,正是她自己内心深处的真实想法。多年来的心,却从未表达出来。

It almost seemed to her that those secret, unuttered, critical thoughts had suddenly taken visible and accusing shape and form in the person of this outspoken morsel of neglected humanity. ||||||||未说出的||||||||||||||||||一小块||| ||||||||||||||||非難する||||||||||一口||| Es kam ihr fast so vor, als hätten diese geheimen, unausgesprochenen, kritischen Gedanken plötzlich sichtbare und anklagende Gestalt und Gestalt in der Person dieses ausgesprochenen Stücks vernachlässigter Menschlichkeit angenommen. Il lui semblait presque que ces pensées secrètes, inexprimées, critiques avaient soudainement pris une forme et une forme visibles et accusatrices en la personne de ce morceau franc d'humanité négligée. この秘密の、不本意な、批判的な思考が、この無意識の人道の口実の者の中で、突然目に見え、形と形を告発したように思えた。 Quase lhe parecia que esses pensamentos secretos, não ditos, críticos, tinham subitamente tomado forma e forma visível e acusadora na pessoa deste pedaço de humanidade negligenciada. Ей почти казалось, что эти тайные, не высказанные, критические мысли внезапно приобрели видимую и обвинительную форму и форму в лице этого откровенного кусочка забытого человечества. 在她看来,那些秘密的、不言而喻的、批判性的想法突然在这个直言不讳、被忽视的人性身上变得可见和指责。