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"Anne of Green Gables" by Lucy Maud Montgomery (full novel, dramatic reading), CHAPTER VII. Anne Says Her Prayers

CHAPTER VII. Anne Says Her Prayers

CHAPTER VII. Anne Says Her Prayers

When Marilla took Anne up to bed that night she said stiffly:

"Now, Anne, I noticed last night that you threw your clothes all about the floor when you took them off. That is a very untidy habit, and I can't allow it at all. As soon as you take off any article of clothing fold it neatly and place it on the chair. I haven't any use at all for little girls who aren't neat." "I was so harrowed up in my mind last night that I didn't think about my clothes at all," said Anne. "I'll fold them nicely tonight. They always made us do that at the asylum. Half the time, though, I'd forget, I'd be in such a hurry to get into bed nice and quiet and imagine things." "You'll have to remember a little better if you stay here," admonished Marilla. "There, that looks something like. Say your prayers now and get into bed." "I never say any prayers," announced Anne. Marilla looked horrified astonishment.

"Why, Anne, what do you mean? Were you never taught to say your prayers? God always wants little girls to say their prayers. Don't you know who God is, Anne?" "'God is a spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable, in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth,'" responded Anne promptly and glibly. Marilla looked rather relieved.

"So you do know something then, thank goodness! You're not quite a heathen. Where did you learn that?" "Oh, at the asylum Sunday-school. They made us learn the whole catechism. I liked it pretty well. There's something splendid about some of the words. 'Infinite, eternal and unchangeable.' Isn't that grand? It has such a roll to it—just like a big organ playing. You couldn't quite call it poetry, I suppose, but it sounds a lot like it, doesn't it?" "We're not talking about poetry, Anne—we are talking about saying your prayers. Don't you know it's a terrible wicked thing not to say your prayers every night? I'm afraid you are a very bad little girl." "You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair," said Anne reproachfully. "People who haven't red hair don't know what trouble is. Mrs. Thomas told me that God made my hair red ON PURPOSE, and I've never cared about Him since. And anyhow I'd always be too tired at night to bother saying prayers. People who have to look after twins can't be expected to say their prayers. Now, do you honestly think they can?" Marilla decided that Anne's religious training must be begun at once. Plainly there was no time to be lost.

"You must say your prayers while you are under my roof, Anne." "Why, of course, if you want me to," assented Anne cheerfully. "I'd do anything to oblige you. But you'll have to tell me what to say for this once. After I get into bed I'll imagine out a real nice prayer to say always. I believe that it will be quite interesting, now that I come to think of it." "You must kneel down," said Marilla in embarrassment. Anne knelt at Marilla's knee and looked up gravely. "Why must people kneel down to pray? If I really wanted to pray I'll tell you what I'd do. I'd go out into a great big field all alone or into the deep, deep, woods, and I'd look up into the sky—up—up—up—into that lovely blue sky that looks as if there was no end to its blueness. And then I'd just FEEL a prayer. Well, I'm ready. What am I to say?" Marilla felt more embarrassed than ever. She had intended to teach Anne the childish classic, "Now I lay me down to sleep." But she had, as I have told you, the glimmerings of a sense of humor—which is simply another name for a sense of fitness of things; and it suddenly occurred to her that that simple little prayer, sacred to white-robed childhood lisping at motherly knees, was entirely unsuited to this freckled witch of a girl who knew and cared nothing bout God's love, since she had never had it translated to her through the medium of human love. "You're old enough to pray for yourself, Anne," she said finally. "Just thank God for your blessings and ask Him humbly for the things you want." "Well, I'll do my best," promised Anne, burying her face in Marilla's lap. "Gracious heavenly Father—that's the way the ministers say it in church, so I suppose it's all right in private prayer, isn't it?" she interjected, lifting her head for a moment.

"Gracious heavenly Father, I thank Thee for the White Way of Delight and the Lake of Shining Waters and Bonny and the Snow Queen. I'm really extremely grateful for them. And that's all the blessings I can think of just now to thank Thee for. As for the things I want, they're so numerous that it would take a great deal of time to name them all so I will only mention the two most important. Please let me stay at Green Gables; and please let me be good-looking when I grow up. I remain, "Yours respectfully, Anne Shirley. "There, did I do all right?" she asked eagerly, getting up. "I could have made it much more flowery if I'd had a little more time to think it over." Poor Marilla was only preserved from complete collapse by remembering that it was not irreverence, but simply spiritual ignorance on the part of Anne that was responsible for this extraordinary petition. She tucked the child up in bed, mentally vowing that she should be taught a prayer the very next day, and was leaving the room with the light when Anne called her back.

"I've just thought of it now. I should have said, 'Amen' in place of 'yours respectfully,' shouldn't I?—the way the ministers do. I'd forgotten it, but I felt a prayer should be finished off in some way, so I put in the other. Do you suppose it will make any difference?" "I—I don't suppose it will," said Marilla. "Go to sleep now like a good child. Good night." "I can only say good night tonight with a clear conscience," said Anne, cuddling luxuriously down among her pillows. Marilla retreated to the kitchen, set the candle firmly on the table, and glared at Matthew.

"Matthew Cuthbert, it's about time somebody adopted that child and taught her something. She's next door to a perfect heathen. Will you believe that she never said a prayer in her life till tonight? I'll send her to the manse tomorrow and borrow the Peep of the Day series, that's what I'll do. And she shall go to Sunday-school just as soon as I can get some suitable clothes made for her. I foresee that I shall have my hands full. Well, well, we can't get through this world without our share of trouble. I've had a pretty easy life of it so far, but my time has come at last and I suppose I'll just have to make the best of it."

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CHAPTER VII. Anne Says Her Prayers KAPITEL VII. Anne spricht ihr Gebet CAPÍTULO VII. Ana reza sus oraciones CHAPITRE VII. Anne dit ses prières CAPITOLO VII. Anne dice le sue preghiere 第七章.アンは祈りを捧げる 제7장. 앤의 기도 CAPÍTULO VII. Ana reza as suas orações ГЛАВА VII. Анна читает молитву BÖLÜM VII. Anne Dualarını Ediyor РОЗДІЛ VII. Анна молиться 第七章。安妮祈祷 第七章。安妮祈禱

CHAPTER VII. Anne Says Her Prayers Anne diz as suas orações

When Marilla took Anne up to bed that night she said stiffly: |||||||||||похмуро |||||||||||con rigidez When Marilla took Anne up to bed that night she said stiffly: Quando a Marilla levou a Anne para a cama nessa noite, disse-lhe com rigidez:

"Now, Anne, I noticed last night that you threw your clothes all about the floor when you took them off. "Anne, ontem à noite reparei que atiraste as tuas roupas para o chão quando as despiste. That is a very untidy habit, and I can't allow it at all. ||||不整洁|||||||| É um hábito muito desordenado e não o posso permitir de todo. As soon as you take off any article of clothing fold it neatly and place it on the chair. |||||||衣物|||把它折叠|||||||| ||||||||||складіть||акуратно|||||| Assim que tirar uma peça de roupa, dobre-a com cuidado e coloque-a na cadeira. I haven't any use at all for little girls who aren't neat." |||||||||||охайні Je n'ai aucune utilité pour les petites filles qui ne sont pas soignées." Não tenho qualquer utilidade para as raparigas que não são elegantes". "I was so harrowed up in my mind last night that I didn't think about my clothes at all," said Anne. |||心烦意乱||||||||||||||||| |||動揺した||||||||||||||||| |||angustiada||||||||||||||||| |||пригнічена||||||||||||||||| "J'étais tellement bouleversée hier soir que je n'ai pas du tout pensé à mes vêtements", a déclaré Anne. "Ontem à noite estava tão perturbada que nem sequer pensei na minha roupa", disse Anne. "I'll fold them nicely tonight. |складу||| "Esta noite, vou dobrá-las muito bem. They always made us do that at the asylum. Ils nous ont toujours fait faire ça à l'asile. 彼らはいつも亡命時にそれをさせました。 Obrigavam-nos sempre a fazer isso no asilo. Half the time, though, I'd forget, I'd be in such a hurry to get into bed nice and quiet and imagine things." |||проте|||||||||||||||||| La moitié du temps, cependant, j'oublierais, je serais tellement pressé de me mettre au lit bien tranquillement et d'imaginer des choses." しかし、半分の時間、私は忘れてしまいました、私はとても早く静かにベッドに入って物事を想像することをそんなに急いでいたでしょう。」 Mas, metade das vezes, esquecia-me, tinha tanta pressa em ir para a cama sossegada e imaginar coisas". "You'll have to remember a little better if you stay here," admonished Marilla. |||||||||||告诫| |||||||||||注意した| |||||||||||попередила| 「ここに居るなら、もう少し覚えておく必要があるだろう」とマリラは警告した。 "Vais ter de te lembrar um pouco melhor se ficares aqui", avisou Marilla. "There, that looks something like. « Là, ça ressemble à quelque chose. 「そこに、それは何かのように見えます。 "Pronto, é mais ou menos assim. "Вот, это выглядит примерно так. Say your prayers now and get into bed." Digam agora as vossas orações e vão para a cama". "I never say any prayers," announced Anne. "Eu nunca digo orações", anunciou Anne. Marilla looked horrified astonishment. ||惊恐万分| ||в жаху|жахливе здивування Marilla fez um ar de espanto horrorizado.

"Why, Anne, what do you mean? "Porquê, Ana, o que queres dizer com isso? Were you never taught to say your prayers? あなたの祈りを言うように教えられたことはありませんでしたか? Nunca te ensinaram a rezar as tuas orações? God always wants little girls to say their prayers. 神はいつも小さな女の子たちに彼らの祈りを言うことを望んでいます。 Deus quer sempre que as meninas façam as suas orações. Don't you know who God is, Anne?" Ne sais-tu pas qui est Dieu, Anne?" アン、神が誰なのか知らないの?」 Não sabes quem é Deus, Ana? "'God is a spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable, in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth,'" responded Anne promptly and glibly. ||||无限|||不可改变||||||圣洁|||||||||流利地 ||||||||||||||||||||||すらすらと ||||безмежний|вічний||незмінний||||||святість|||||||||безтурботно ||||||||||||||||||||||con facilidad "" Dieu est un esprit, infini, éternel et immuable, dans son être, sagesse, puissance, sainteté, justice, bonté et vérité "", a répondu Anne rapidement et avec désinvolture. 「 '神は、無限、永遠、そして不変の精神であり、彼の存在、知恵、力、神聖さ、正義、善良さ、そして真実において、'」とアンは即座にかつ一見した。 "Deus é um espírito, infinito, eterno e imutável, no seu ser, sabedoria, poder, santidade, justiça, bondade e verdade", respondeu Ana, pronta e glacialmente. Marilla looked rather relieved. |||松了一口气 |||ほっとした |||полегшена マリラはむしろ安心しました。 Marilla parecia bastante aliviada.

"So you do know something then, thank goodness! |||||||gracias a Dios 「だからあなたは何かを知っている、ありがとう。 "Então sabes alguma coisa, graças a Deus! You're not quite a heathen. ||||你不算异教徒。 ||||язичник ||||paganos Vous n'êtes pas tout à fait un païen. あなたはかなり異教徒ではありません。 Não és propriamente um pagão. Where did you learn that?" Onde é que aprendeu isso? "Oh, at the asylum Sunday-school. "Oh, na catequese do asilo. They made us learn the whole catechism. ||||||教义问答 ||||||教理問答全書 ||||||катехизм Ils nous ont fait apprendre tout le catéchisme. Obrigavam-nos a aprender todo o catecismo. I liked it pretty well. Gostei bastante. There's something splendid about some of the words. |||||||言葉の素晴らしさ ||чудового||||| Há algo de esplêndido em algumas palavras. 'Infinite, eternal and unchangeable.' Безкінечний(1)|||незмінний "Infinito, eterno e imutável". Isn't that grand? ||maravilloso Não é fantástico? It has such a roll to it—just like a big organ playing. ||||sonido envolvente|||||||| Il a un tel rythme, tout comme un grand jeu d'orgue. 大きなオルガンが演奏しているように、非常にロールバックされています。 Tem um toque tão forte - como um grande órgão a tocar. You couldn't quite call it poetry, I suppose, but it sounds a lot like it, doesn't it?" あなたはそれを詩と呼ぶことはできませんでしたが、私はそう思いますが、それはとても似ているようですね。」 Não se pode chamar-lhe poesia, suponho, mas parece-se muito com ela, não é?" "We're not talking about poetry, Anne—we are talking about saying your prayers. nosotros estamos|||||||||||| 「私たちは詩について話しているのではなく、アン。あなたの祈りを言っているのです。 "Não estamos a falar de poesia, Ana - estamos a falar de dizer as suas orações. Don't you know it's a terrible wicked thing not to say your prayers every night? ||||||поганий|||||||| 毎晩祈りを言わないのはひどい邪悪なことだと知っていませんか? Não sabes que é uma grande maldade não rezar todas as noites? I'm afraid you are a very bad little girl." |残念ながら||||||| あなたはとても悪い女の子だと思います。」 Receio que sejas uma menina muito má". "You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair," said Anne reproachfully. |||легше|||||||||||||з докором "Tu trouverais plus facile d'être mauvais que bon si tu avais les cheveux roux," dit Anne avec reproche. 「赤い髪を持っていれば、良いより悪い方が簡単だとわかるでしょう」とアンは非難しました。 "Seria mais fácil ser má do que boa se tivesses cabelo ruivo", disse Anne em tom de reprovação. "People who haven't red hair don't know what trouble is. 「赤毛を持たない人は、問題が何であるかを知りません。 "As pessoas que não têm cabelo ruivo não sabem o que é um problema. Mrs. Thomas told me that God made my hair red ON PURPOSE, and I've never cared about Him since. |||||||||||намерено||||||| Mme Thomas m'a dit que Dieu m'avait rendu les cheveux rouges VOLONTAIREMENT, et je ne me suis jamais soucié de lui depuis. トーマス夫人は、神が私の髪を目的に合わせて赤くしたことを私に話しました。 A Sra. Thomas disse-me que Deus fez o meu cabelo ruivo DE PROPÓSITO e, desde então, nunca mais me preocupei com Ele. And anyhow I'd always be too tired at night to bother saying prayers. Et de toute façon, je serais toujours trop fatigué la nuit pour m'embêter à dire des prières. とにかく、私はいつも夜に疲れて祈りをささげるでしょう。 E, de qualquer modo, eu estava sempre demasiado cansado à noite para me dar ao trabalho de rezar. People who have to look after twins can't be expected to say their prayers. On ne peut pas s'attendre à ce que les personnes qui doivent s'occuper de jumeaux fassent leurs prières. 双子の世話をしなければならない人々は彼らの祈りを言うことを期待することはできません。 Não se pode esperar que as pessoas que têm de cuidar de gémeos rezem as suas orações. Now, do you honestly think they can?" |||чесно||| Maintenant, pensez-vous honnêtement qu'ils le peuvent ?" Agora, achas mesmo que eles conseguem? Marilla decided that Anne's religious training must be begun at once. Марілла|||||||||| Marilla a décidé que la formation religieuse d'Anne devait être commencée immédiatement. Marilla decidiu que a formação religiosa de Anne devia ser iniciada de imediato. Марілла вирішила, що релігійне виховання Енн необхідно розпочати негайно. Plainly there was no time to be lost. Очевидно||||||| De toute évidence, il n'y avait pas de temps à perdre. É evidente que não havia tempo a perder. Очевидно, часу нема гаяти.

"You must say your prayers while you are under my roof, Anne." "Deves rezar as tuas orações enquanto estiveres debaixo do meu teto, Anne." "Ти повинна молитися, поки ти під моїм дахом, Енн." "Why, of course, if you want me to," assented Anne cheerfully. ||||||||同意了|| ||||||||同意した|| ||||||||погодилася|| "Pourquoi, bien sûr, si vous voulez que je le fasse," acquiesça joyeusement Anne. "Claro que sim, se quiseres que eu o faça", concordou Anne alegremente. "I'd do anything to oblige you. ||||满足| ||||喜んでお応えします| ||||задовольнити| "Eu faria qualquer coisa para vos agradar. But you'll have to tell me what to say for this once. Mas, desta vez, terás de me dizer o que dizer. After I get into bed I'll imagine out a real nice prayer to say always. Après m'être couché, j'imaginerai une vraie belle prière à dire toujours. Depois de me deitar, imagino uma oração muito bonita para dizer sempre. I believe that it will be quite interesting, now that I come to think of it." Je crois que ce sera assez intéressant, maintenant que j'y pense." Penso que será bastante interessante, agora que estou a pensar nisso". "You must kneel down," said Marilla in embarrassment. ||припасти на коліна|||||сором'язливо « Vous devez vous agenouiller », dit Marilla embarrassée. "Tens de te ajoelhar", disse Marilla, embaraçada. Anne knelt at Marilla's knee and looked up gravely. |припала на коліна|||||||серйозно Anne ajoelhou-se no joelho de Marilla e olhou para cima gravemente. "Why must people kneel down to pray? "Porque é que as pessoas têm de se ajoelhar para rezar? If I really wanted to pray I'll tell you what I'd do. Si je voulais vraiment prier, je vous dirai ce que je ferais. I'd go out into a great big field all alone or into the deep, deep, woods, and I'd look up into the sky—up—up—up—into that lovely blue sky that looks as if there was no end to its blueness. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||блакитності J'allais dans un grand champ tout seul ou dans les bois profonds, profonds, et je regardais le ciel - haut - haut - haut - dans ce beau ciel bleu qui semble n'avoir aucune fin à son bleuté. Ia para um grande campo sozinho ou para os bosques profundos, profundos, e olhava para o céu - para cima - para aquele lindo céu azul que parece não ter fim. And then I'd just FEEL a prayer. ||||||молитва E depois senti uma oração. Well, I'm ready. Bem, estou pronto. What am I to say?" O que é que eu hei-de dizer? Marilla felt more embarrassed than ever. |||сором'язливо||коли-небудь Marilla sentiu-se mais embaraçada do que nunca. She had intended to teach Anne the childish classic, "Now I lay me down to sleep." |||||||幼稚的|经典作品||||||| ||планувала|||||дитяча|||||||| Elle avait eu l'intention d'enseigner à Anne le classique enfantin, « Maintenant, je me couche pour dormir ». Tinha a intenção de ensinar a Ana o clássico infantil "Agora deito-me para dormir". Вона мала намір навчити Анну дитячій класичній молитві: "Я лягаю спати." But she had, as I have told you, the glimmerings of a sense of humor—which is simply another name for a sense of fitness of things; and it suddenly occurred to her that that simple little prayer, sacred to white-robed childhood lisping at motherly knees, was entirely unsuited to this freckled witch of a girl who knew and cared nothing bout God's love, since she had never had it translated to her through the medium of human love. |||||||||初现端倪|||||幽默感||||||||||||||||突然想到|||||||||||穿着白袍的||咿呀学语||母亲般的||||不适合|||||||||||||||||||||||||||媒介||| |||||||||兆し||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||舌足らずに|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||перші ознаки|||||||||||||||||||||прийшло в голову|||||||молитва||||в білому одязі||лепетуючи||материнських|||повністю|непідходяща|||||||||||||about||||||||||||||||| |||||||||λαμπυρίσματα|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Mais elle avait, comme je vous l'ai dit, les lueurs d'un sens de l'humour, qui est simplement un autre nom pour un sens de la convenance des choses ; et il lui vint soudain à l'esprit que cette simple petite prière, sacrée pour l'enfance en robe blanche qui bégayait sur les genoux maternels, était totalement inadaptée à cette sorcière aux taches de rousseur qui ne savait rien de l'amour de Dieu et ne se souciait de rien de l'amour de Dieu, puisqu'elle ne l'avait jamais fait traduire en elle par l'intermédiaire de l'amour humain. Mas ela tinha, como já lhe disse, os vislumbres de um sentido de humor - que é simplesmente um outro nome para um sentido de adequação das coisas; e de repente ocorreu-lhe que aquela pequena e simples oração, sagrada para a infância de vestes brancas que cochilava aos joelhos maternos, era inteiramente inadequada para esta bruxa sardenta de uma rapariga que nada sabia e nada queria saber do amor de Deus, uma vez que nunca lho tinha sido traduzido através do amor humano. Але у неї, як я вже вам казав, було наче трошки почуття гумору — що просто інше ім'я для почуття доцільності речей; і раптом їй спало на думку, що ця проста маленька молитва, свята для хлопчиків у білих халатах, що шепочуть біля материнських колін, абсолютно не підходить для цієї веснянкуватої відьмочки, яка нічого не знала і не дбала про любов Бога, оскільки ніколи не відчувала її через людську любов. "You're old enough to pray for yourself, Anne," she said finally. « Tu es assez âgée pour prier pour toi-même, Anne », dit-elle finalement. "Ти достатньо велика, щоб молитися за себе, Анно," - нарешті сказала вона. "Just thank God for your blessings and ask Him humbly for the things you want." |||||||||谦卑地||||| |||||благословення||||||||| "Remerciez simplement Dieu pour vos bénédictions et demandez-lui humblement ce que vous voulez." "Agradeça a Deus pelas suas bênçãos e peça-Lhe humildemente as coisas que deseja." "Well, I'll do my best," promised Anne, burying her face in Marilla's lap. ||||||||||||膝上 |||||||поховавши|||||на колінах « Eh bien, je ferai de mon mieux », promit Anne en enfouissant son visage dans les genoux de Marilla. "Bem, vou fazer o meu melhor," prometeu Anne, enterrando a cara no colo de Marilla. "Що ж, я зроблю все можливе," пообіцяла Енн, поховавши обличчя в колінах Марілли. "Gracious heavenly Father—that's the way the ministers say it in church, so I suppose it's all right in private prayer, isn't it?" 仁慈的|||||||牧师们||||||||||||||| благословенний|небесний||||||||||||||||||||| « Bienveillant Père céleste, c'est comme ça que les ministres le disent à l'église, alors je suppose que c'est bien dans la prière privée, n'est-ce pas ? "Pai celestial gracioso - é assim que os ministros o dizem na igreja, por isso suponho que não há problema na oração privada, não é?" "Благословенний небесний Отче — так кажуть служителі в церкві, тому я вважаю, що це правильно і в особистій молитві, чи ж ні?" she interjected, lifting her head for a moment. |παρενέβη|||||| interveio ela, levantando a cabeça por um momento. вона втрутилася, піднявши голову на мить.

"Gracious heavenly Father, I thank Thee for the White Way of Delight and the Lake of Shining Waters and Bonny and the Snow Queen. Благословенний|небесний||||Тебе||||||Радість|||||||||||| « Gracieux Père céleste, je Te remercie pour la Voie Blanche des Délices et le Lac des Eaux Brillantes et Bonny et la Reine des Neiges. "Gracioso Pai celestial, agradeço-Te o Caminho Branco do Prazer e o Lago das Águas Brilhantes e Bonny e a Rainha da Neve. "Благословенний небесний Отче, дякую Тобі за Білу Дорогу Радості, озеро Сяйливих Вод, Бонні та Снігову Королеву. I'm really extremely grateful for them. |||вдячний|| Estou muito grato por eles. Я справді надзвичайно вдячний за них. And that's all the blessings I can think of just now to thank Thee for. ||||благословення|||||||||Тебе| Et ce sont toutes les bénédictions auxquelles je peux penser maintenant pour Te remercier. E são todas as bênçãos de que me consigo lembrar neste momento para Te agradecer. І це всі благословення, про які я можу зараз подумати, щоб подякувати Тобі. As for the things I want, they're so numerous that it would take a great deal of time to name them all so I will only mention the two most important. ||||||||численні|||||||||||||||||||||| Quant aux choses que je veux, elles sont si nombreuses qu'il faudrait beaucoup de temps pour toutes les nommer donc je ne citerai que les deux plus importantes. Quanto às coisas que quero, são tantas que seria preciso muito tempo para as nomear a todas, pelo que mencionarei apenas as duas mais importantes. Що стосується речей, які я хочу, їх так багато, що знадобиться багато часу, щоб назвати їх усі, тому я згадаю лише два найважливіші. Please let me stay at Green Gables; and please let me be good-looking when I grow up. S'il vous plaît laissez-moi rester à Green Gables; et s'il te plaît, laisse-moi être beau quand je serai grand. Por favor, deixem-me ficar no Frontão Verde; e, por favor, deixem-me ser bonita quando for grande. Будь ласка, дозвольте мені залишитися в Зелених Гаях; і, будь ласка, дозвольте мені бути гарною, коли я виросту. I remain, "Yours respectfully, Anne Shirley. |||恭敬地||雪莉 |||з повагою|| Je reste, "Sincèrement vôtre, Anne Shirley. Eu continuo: "Com todo o respeito, Anne Shirley. Залишаюсь, "Ваш respectfully, Енн Ширлі. "There, did I do all right?" "Pronto, fiz tudo bem?" she asked eagerly, getting up. demanda-t-elle avidement en se levant. perguntou ela com entusiasmo, levantando-se. "I could have made it much more flowery if I'd had a little more time to think it over." |||||||华丽辞藻||||||||||| |||||||華やかに||||||||||| |||||||квітчастим||||||||||| "J'aurais pu le rendre beaucoup plus fleuri si j'avais eu un peu plus de temps pour y réfléchir." "Podia tê-lo feito muito mais florido se tivesse tido um pouco mais de tempo para pensar." Poor Marilla was only preserved from complete collapse by remembering that it was not irreverence, but simply spiritual ignorance on the part of Anne that was responsible for this extraordinary petition. ||||||||||||||不敬之举||||||||||||||||请愿 ||||||||||||||不敬|||||||||||||||| ||||врятована|||колапсу|||||||неповага|||духовна|недостатність знань||||||||||||петиція Die arme Marilla wurde nur vor dem völligen Zusammenbruch bewahrt, indem sie sich daran erinnerte, dass es nicht Respektlosigkeit, sondern einfach geistige Unwissenheit auf Seiten von Anne war, die für diese außergewöhnliche Bitte verantwortlich war. La pauvre Marilla n'a été préservée d'un effondrement complet qu'en se rappelant que ce n'était pas l'irrévérence, mais simplement l'ignorance spirituelle de la part d'Anne qui était responsable de cette demande extraordinaire. A pobre Marilla só foi preservada de um colapso total ao lembrar-se de que não era irreverência, mas simplesmente ignorância espiritual da parte de Ana que era responsável por esta petição extraordinária. 可怜的玛丽拉只有记住,安妮造成这一非同寻常的请愿并非出于不敬,而只是精神上的无知,她才免于彻底崩溃。 She tucked the child up in bed, mentally vowing that she should be taught a prayer the very next day, and was leaving the room with the light when Anne called her back. ||||||||发誓|||||||||||||||||||||||| |укутала||||||в думках|обіцяючи|||||навчена||||||||||||||||||| Elle borda l'enfant dans son lit, se jurant mentalement qu'on lui apprendrait une prière dès le lendemain, et quittait la chambre éclairée quand Anne la rappela. Aconchegou a criança na cama, jurando mentalmente que lhe ensinariam uma oração logo no dia seguinte, e estava a sair do quarto com a luz quando Ana a chamou.

"I've just thought of it now. "Je viens d'y penser maintenant. "Acabei de pensar nisso agora. I should have said, 'Amen' in place of 'yours respectfully,' shouldn't I?—the way the ministers do. ||||амін|||||||||||| Eu devia ter dito "Amém" em vez de "respeitosamente", não é verdade? como fazem os ministros. I'd forgotten it, but I felt a prayer should be finished off in some way, so I put in the other. |||||||молитва||||||||||||| Je l'avais oublié, mais je sentais qu'une prière devait être terminée d'une certaine manière, alors j'ai mis l'autre. Tinha-me esquecido dela, mas achei que uma oração devia ser terminada de alguma forma e coloquei a outra. Do you suppose it will make any difference?" Achas que vai fazer alguma diferença?" "I—I don't suppose it will," said Marilla. "Eu acho que não vai acontecer", disse Marilla. "Go to sleep now like a good child. "Vai dormir como uma boa criança. Good night." "I can only say good night tonight with a clear conscience," said Anne, cuddling luxuriously down among her pillows. |||||||||清白的||||依偎|奢侈地|||| |||||||||||||抱きしめる||||| ||||||||||чистою совістю|||обіймаючи|розкішно||||подушками "Je ne peux dire bonne nuit ce soir qu'en toute bonne conscience", a déclaré Anne, se pelotonnant luxueusement entre ses oreillers. "Só posso dizer boa noite com a consciência tranquila", disse Anne, aconchegando-se luxuosamente entre as almofadas. "Я можу лише сказати доброї ночі сьогодні з чистою совістю," сказала Енн, розташувавшись розкішно серед своїх подушок. “今晚我只能问心无愧地道晚安,”安妮舒适地依偎在枕头里说道。 Marilla retreated to the kitchen, set the candle firmly on the table, and glared at Matthew. |||||||||||||怒视|| |пішла назад|||||||міцно|||||поглянула з гнівом|| Marilla retirou-se para a cozinha, pousou a vela firmemente na mesa e olhou para Matthew. Марілла відійшла до кухні, міцно поставила свічку на стіл і зиркнула на Метью.

"Matthew Cuthbert, it's about time somebody adopted that child and taught her something. ||||||усиновив||||навчав|| "Matthew Cuthbert, il est temps que quelqu'un adopte cette enfant et lui apprenne quelque chose. "Matthew Cuthbert, já é tempo de alguém adotar aquela criança e ensinar-lhe alguma coisa. "Метью Катберто, давно пора, щоб хтось усиновив цю дитину і навчив її чогось." She's next door to a perfect heathen. ||||||язичниця Elle est à côté d'un païen parfait. Ela é vizinha de um perfeito pagão. Вона сусідка до ідеального язичника. Will you believe that she never said a prayer in her life till tonight? Ти повіриш, що вона ніколи не говорила молитву в своєму житті до сьогоднішнього вечора? I'll send her to the manse tomorrow and borrow the Peep of the Day series, that's what I'll do. |||||牧师住宅||||||||||||| |||||牧師館||||||||||||| |||||парафіяльний будинок|||||||||серія|||| Je l'enverrai au presbytère demain et emprunterai la série Peep of the Day, c'est ce que je ferai. Amanhã mando-a para a mansão e peço-lhe emprestada a série Peep of the Day, é o que vou fazer. Я відправлю її до мансу завтра і позичу серію 'Peep of the Day', ось що я зроблю. And she shall go to Sunday-school just as soon as I can get some suitable clothes made for her. Et elle ira à l'école du dimanche dès que je pourrai lui faire faire des vêtements convenables. E ela irá para a catequese assim que eu conseguir mandar fazer umas roupas adequadas para ela. I foresee that I shall have my hands full. |预见||||||| |передбачаю||||||| |preveo que||||||| Je prévois que j'aurai les mains pleines. Prevejo que vou ter as mãos cheias. Well, well, we can't get through this world without our share of trouble. ||||||||||частки|| Eh bien, nous ne pouvons pas traverser ce monde sans notre part d'ennuis. Bem, bem, não podemos passar por este mundo sem a nossa quota-parte de problemas. Ну, ну, ми не можемо пройти через цей світ без нашої частки troubles. I've had a pretty easy life of it so far, but my time has come at last and I suppose I'll just have to make the best of it." |||||||||||||||||||припускаю||||||||| J'ai eu une vie assez facile jusqu'à présent, mais mon heure est enfin venue et je suppose que je vais devoir en tirer le meilleur parti." A minha vida tem sido bastante fácil até agora, mas finalmente chegou a minha hora e suponho que terei de a aproveitar da melhor forma possível." Я мав досить легке життя до цього часу, але мій час нарешті настав, і я припускаю, що мені просто доведеться зробити з цього найкраще.