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Spotlight Broadcasts, The Belly Button

The Belly Button

Voice 1

Thank you for joining us for Spotlight! I'm Rebekah Schipper.

Voice 2

And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Are you an ‘innie' or an ‘outie?' Voice 2

If you are like ninety [90] percent of the world, you are an innie.

Voice 1

But if you are like the other ten [10] percent, you are an outie!

Voice 2

What are we talking about? Well, everyone has one. Look down at your stomach. Over your stomach there is either a small hole, or a raised part of skin, a small bump. This is what we are talking about. It is, of course, your belly button!

Voice 1

Today's Spotlight is on the belly button.

Voice 2

Belly button is the common English name for this part of the body. But there are many different names for the belly button. Some people call it the ‘navel.' This word comes from the ancient English word ‘nafela.' It probably meant the hub, or center of a wheel.

Voice 1

The ancient Greeks called the belly button an ‘omphalos.' Omphalos also meant ‘knob' or ‘hub.' In fact, there are even ancient Greek stories about the navel, or center, of the world. One story says that the Greek god Zeus sent out two birds. He wanted them to meet at the center of the world. There, he put omphalos stones to mark the center. The ancient Greeks believed these stones helped them communicate with their gods.

Voice 2

The technical name for the belly button, though, is the ‘umbilicus.' This word comes from the term ‘umbilical cord.' An umbilical cord is long and thick. It looks like a rope. It connects a forming baby to his mother.

Voice 1

The umbilical cord of an unborn baby, or fetus, begins to form during his second month of life. The umbilical cord carries nutrients and life-giving substances from the mother to the fetus. And it carries the fetus' waste out. Voice 2

Shortly after birth, a doctor or health care worker clamps the umbilical cord. This stops the exchange between the mother and baby. Then, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord. A short stump of the cord remains. But after a few days, the small remaining piece falls off. The mark that appears there is your belly button. Your belly button is your first scar. It is usually the first mark on your body after you are born.

Voice 1

Each belly button has a special and different shape. So no two people's belly buttons are exactly the same. But in general, belly buttons have two basic different shapes: ‘innies' and ‘outies.' Innies look like a small hole. Outies look like a small raised part of the skin. People used to believe that a doctor could cut the umbilical cord of a baby to shape it into an innie or an outie. But today, experts say that the shape of a belly button is decided completely by chance. However, many people like the look of an innie belly button the most.

Voice 2

Different cultures have different opinions about belly buttons. In some Western cultures some people think showing a belly button is too sexual. But in southern India many women proudly show their belly buttons. The belly button makes them think of birth and life.

Voice 1

But there is one question about the belly button that all people around the world ask. Have you ever observed a little ball of fluff or soft material in your belly button? This is belly button fluff. Belly button fluff is especially common in innie belly buttons. Have you ever wondered how it gets there? Have you ever wondered what it is made of?

Voice 2

These are questions that people everywhere ask. And many people - scientists and others - have tried to find the answers. Well they believe that belly button fluff is a mix of dead skin cells and fibre from clothes. Experts believe that these dead skin cells and fibres travel along body hair to this central point - the belly button. They get trapped inside of it. And they usually remain there until you clean your belly button.

Voice 1

It may sound strange, but some people even collect this belly button fluff! In November 2000, the Guinness Book of World Records officially recognized Graham Barker's belly button fluff collection as the largest collection of belly button fluff in the world!

Voice 2

Every morning Graham empties the belly button fluff from his belly button. He places it in a glass container. Graham has collected his belly button fluff for over twenty [20] years - since January 17, 1984! He says that his belly button produces about one point one [1.1] grams of fluff every year. Today he has over two [2] full containers of belly button fluff. And he is still collecting it!

Voice 1

For some people, the belly button can be a place to find other 'treasures'. Stephen from Canada tells about something he found in his belly button:

Voice 3

“One September I went alone on a canoe trip. On the very first day my canoe boat turned over in the water and I lost some of my equipment in the water. ... I lost all my extra clothes. So I knew I would have to wear the same clothes for the rest of the trip.

Six days later I was finally back home. The first thing I wanted to do was change clothes and clean myself. But when I took off my shirt, to my amazement, I could see something sticking out of my belly button! I could not believe it; something was growing in there! It was a small plant!

... It was actually rooted in some fluff! I have never heard of anything like that in my whole life! Well, I guess that seed found everything it needed in my belly button: fluff as a place to grow, water from my body sweat and the river water splashes, warmth from my body heat, and some sun-light through my loosely knit shirt. I kept the small plant in a container. But, it died a few days later.”

Voice 2

Sometimes people do not remember the little or seemingly simple things in life - like the belly button. Christians believe that God made the whole world. He made the huge mountains, and he made every little detail of our bodies. There are so many parts of the world to celebrate. Take a short time today to think about what a detailed world we live in! And then celebrate something simple - even if it is just your belly button!

Voice 1

Liz Waid wrote and produced this program. The voices you heard were from the Untied States. Computer users can hear more programs, read our scripts, and see our word list on our website at www.radio.english.net. This program is called “The Belly Button.”

Voice 2

If you have a comment or question about this program, you can email us at radio @ english . net. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye!

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The Belly Button |navel| Der Bauchnabel Το κουμπί της κοιλιάς The Belly Button El ombligo Le nombril L'ombelico お腹のボタン 배꼽 버튼 O umbigo Пупок Naveln Göbek Deliği Пупок 肚脐 肚臍

Voice 1

Thank you for joining us for Spotlight! I’m Rebekah Schipper.

Voice 2

And I’m Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Are you an ‘innie' or an ‘outie?' ||||||outie belly button هل أنت "صغير" أو "خارجي"؟ あなたは「イニー」ですか、それとも「アウトティー」ですか? Você é um 'innie' ou um 'outie?' Ти "свій" чи "чужий"? Voice 2

If you are like ninety [90] percent of the world, you are an innie. ||||||||||||belly button type あなたが世界の 90 [90] パーセントのような人なら、あなたはイニーです。 Se você é noventa [90] por cento do mundo, você é um innie. Eğer dünyanın yüzde doksanı [90] gibiyseniz, siz bir innie'siniz. 如果你像世界上百分之九十[90]的人一样,那么你就是一个内向者。

Voice 1

But if you are like the other ten [10] percent, you are an outie! Mas se você for como os outros dez [10] por cento, você é um forasteiro!

Voice 2

What are we talking about? Sobre o que estamos conversando? Well, everyone has one. まあ、誰もが持っています。 Bem, todo mundo tem um. Herkesin bir tane vardır. Look down at your stomach. Olhe para o seu estômago. Over your stomach there is either a small hole, or a raised part of skin, a small bump. お腹の上に小さな穴か、皮膚の盛り上がった部分、小さな隆起があります。 Sobre o estômago, há um pequeno orifício ou uma parte elevada da pele, uma pequena protuberância. Karnınızın üzerinde ya küçük bir delik ya da derinin kabarık bir kısmı, küçük bir yumru vardır. Над животом є або невеликий отвір, або піднята частина шкіри, невелика шишка. This is what we are talking about. It is, of course, your belly button! Das ist natürlich Ihr Bauchnabel! もちろん、それはあなたのヘソです! É, claro, o seu umbigo!

Voice 1

Today’s Spotlight is on the belly button.

Voice 2

Belly button is the common English name for this part of the body. Umbigo é o nome comum em inglês para essa parte do corpo. But there are many different names for the belly button. Mas existem muitos nomes diferentes para o umbigo. Some people call it the ‘navel.' Algumas pessoas chamam de 'umbigo'. This word comes from the ancient English word ‘nafela.' この言葉は、古代英語の単語「nafela」に由来します。 Esta palavra vem da antiga palavra inglesa 'nafela'. It probably meant the hub, or center of a wheel. Provavelmente significava o cubo ou centro de uma roda.

Voice 1

The ancient Greeks called the belly button an ‘omphalos.' Os antigos gregos chamavam o umbigo de 'omphalos'. Omphalos also meant ‘knob' or ‘hub.' Omphalos também significava 'botão' ou 'hub'. In fact, there are even ancient Greek stories about the navel, or center, of the world. Na verdade, existem até antigas histórias gregas sobre o umbigo, ou centro, do mundo. 事实上,古希腊甚至还有关于世界的肚脐或中心的故事。 One story says that the Greek god Zeus sent out two birds. Uma história diz que o deus grego Zeus enviou dois pássaros. He wanted them to meet at the center of the world. Ele queria que eles se encontrassem no centro do mundo. There, he put omphalos stones to mark the center. Lá, ele colocou pedras omphalos para marcar o centro. Там він поклав камені омфалос, щоб позначити центр. 在那里,他放置了脐石来标记中心。 The ancient Greeks believed these stones helped them communicate with their gods. Os antigos gregos acreditavam que essas pedras os ajudavam a se comunicar com seus deuses. 古希腊人相信这些石头可以帮助他们与神沟通。

Voice 2

The technical name for the belly button, though, is the ‘umbilicus.' O nome técnico do umbigo, porém, é 'umbigo'. This word comes from the term ‘umbilical cord.' Esta palavra vem do termo 'cordão umbilical'. An umbilical cord is long and thick. O cordão umbilical é longo e grosso. Пуповина довга і товста. 脐带又长又粗。 It looks like a rope. Parece uma corda. It connects a forming baby to his mother. Ele conecta um bebê em formação à sua mãe.

Voice 1

The umbilical cord of an unborn baby, or fetus, begins to form during his second month of life. O cordão umbilical de um feto, ou feto, começa a se formar durante seu segundo mês de vida. The umbilical cord carries nutrients and life-giving substances from the mother to the fetus. O cordão umbilical transporta nutrientes e substâncias vitais da mãe para o feto. And it carries the fetus' waste out. E carrega os resíduos do feto para fora. І вона виводить відходи життєдіяльності плода назовні. Voice 2

Shortly after birth, a doctor or health care worker clamps the umbilical cord. Logo após o nascimento, um médico ou profissional de saúde pinça o cordão umbilical. This stops the exchange between the mother and baby. Isso interrompe a troca entre a mãe e o bebê. Then, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord. A short stump of the cord remains. Resta um pequeno coto do cordão. 剩下一小段绳子。 But after a few days, the small remaining piece falls off. Mas depois de alguns dias, o pequeno pedaço restante cai. Ancak birkaç gün sonra kalan küçük parça düşüyor. The mark that appears there is your belly button. A marca que aparece ali é o umbigo. 出现的标记就是您的肚脐。 Your belly button is your first scar. Seu umbigo é sua primeira cicatriz. It is usually the first mark on your body after you are born. Geralmente é a primeira marca em seu corpo após o nascimento.

Voice 1

Each belly button has a special and different shape. Cada umbigo tem uma forma especial e diferente. So no two people’s belly buttons are exactly the same. Portanto, nenhum umbigo de duas pessoas é exatamente igual. Yani iki insanın göbek deliği tamamen aynı değildir. But in general, belly buttons have two basic different shapes: ‘innies' and ‘outies.' Mas, em geral, os umbigos têm duas formas básicas diferentes: 'innies' e 'outies'. 但总的来说,肚脐有两种基本不同的形状:“内型”和“外型”。 Innies look like a small hole. Innies parecem um pequeno buraco. Outies look like a small raised part of the skin. Outies parecem uma pequena parte elevada da pele. People used to believe that a doctor could cut the umbilical cord of a baby to shape it into an innie or an outie. As pessoas costumavam acreditar que um médico poderia cortar o cordão umbilical de um bebê para transformá-lo em interno ou externo. 人们过去相信医生可以剪断婴儿的脐带,将其塑造成内型或外型。 But today, experts say that the shape of a belly button is decided completely by chance. Mas hoje, os especialistas dizem que o formato do umbigo é decidido totalmente por acaso. 但如今,专家表示,肚脐的形状完全是由偶然决定的。 However, many people like the look of an innie belly button the most. No entanto, muitas pessoas gostam mais da aparência de um umbigo interno. Однак багатьом людям найбільше подобається вигляд внутрішнього пупка. 然而,许多人最喜欢内裤肚脐的外观。

Voice 2

Different cultures have different opinions about belly buttons. Culturas diferentes têm opiniões diferentes sobre os umbigos. In some Western cultures some people think showing a belly button is too sexual. Em algumas culturas ocidentais, algumas pessoas acham que mostrar um umbigo é muito sexual. But in southern India many women proudly show their belly buttons. Mas no sul da Índia, muitas mulheres mostram com orgulho os umbigos. The belly button makes them think of birth and life. O umbigo os faz pensar no nascimento e na vida. 肚脐让他们想到出生和生命。

Voice 1

But there is one question about the belly button that all people around the world ask. Mas há uma pergunta sobre o umbigo que todas as pessoas no mundo fazem. 但世界各地的人们都会问一个关于肚脐的问题。 Have you ever observed a little ball of fluff or soft material in your belly button? Você já observou uma bolinha de penugem ou material macio no umbigo? This is belly button fluff. Isso é penugem do umbigo. Bu göbek deliği tüyü. Belly button fluff is especially common in innie belly buttons. A penugem do umbigo é especialmente comum nos umbigos internos. Пушок на пупку особливо часто зустрічається в області пупка. 肚脐绒毛在内科医生的肚脐中尤其常见。 Have you ever wondered how it gets there? Você já se perguntou como isso chega lá? Ви коли-небудь замислювалися, як вона туди потрапляє? Have you ever wondered what it is made of? Você já se perguntou do que é feito?

Voice 2

These are questions that people everywhere ask. Essas são perguntas que as pessoas fazem em todos os lugares. And many people - scientists and others - have tried to find the answers. E muitas pessoas - cientistas e outros - tentaram encontrar as respostas. Well they believe that belly button fluff is a mix of dead skin cells and fibre from clothes. Bem, eles acreditam que a penugem do umbigo é uma mistura de células mortas da pele e fibras de roupas. Experts believe that these dead skin cells and fibres travel along body hair to this central point - the belly button. Os especialistas acreditam que essas células e fibras mortas da pele viajam ao longo dos pelos corporais até esse ponto central - o umbigo. Експерти вважають, що ці відмерлі клітини і волокна шкіри рухаються по волоссю тіла до цієї центральної точки - пупка. They get trapped inside of it. Eles ficam presos dentro dela. And they usually remain there until you clean your belly button. E geralmente permanecem lá até que você limpe o umbigo.

Voice 1

It may sound strange, but some people even collect this belly button fluff! Pode parecer estranho, mas algumas pessoas ainda colecionam essa penugem do umbigo! Kulağa garip gelebilir ama bazı insanlar bu göbek deliği tüylerini bile topluyor! In November 2000, the Guinness Book of World Records officially recognized Graham Barker’s belly button fluff collection as the largest collection of belly button fluff in the world! Em novembro de 2000, o Guinness Book of World Records reconheceu oficialmente a coleção de penugem do umbigo de Graham Barker como a maior coleção de penugens do umbigo do mundo!

Voice 2

Every morning Graham empties the belly button fluff from his belly button. Todas as manhãs, Graham esvazia a penugem do umbigo. Graham her sabah göbek deliğinden göbek deliği tüylerini boşaltıyor. He places it in a glass container. Ele o coloca em um recipiente de vidro. Cam bir kaba yerleştiriyor. 他将其放入玻璃容器中。 Graham has collected his belly button fluff for over twenty [20] years - since January 17, 1984! He says that his belly button produces about one point one [1.1] grams of fluff every year. Ele diz que seu umbigo produz cerca de um vírgula um [1,1] grama de penugem por ano. Today he has over two [2] full containers of belly button fluff. Hoje ele tem mais de dois [2] recipientes cheios de penugem do umbigo. 今天他有超过两 [2] 个装满肚脐绒毛的容器。 And he is still collecting it! E ele ainda está coletando!

Voice 1

For some people, the belly button can be a place to find other 'treasures'. Para algumas pessoas, o umbigo pode ser um lugar para encontrar outros 'tesouros'. Stephen from Canada tells about something he found in his belly button: Stephen, do Canadá, conta sobre algo que encontrou em seu umbigo: 来自加拿大的斯蒂芬讲述了他在肚脐中发现的东西:

Voice 3

“One September I went alone on a canoe trip. “Em um mês de setembro, fiz uma viagem de canoa sozinho. On the very first day my canoe boat turned over in the water and I lost some of my equipment in the water. Logo no primeiro dia minha canoa virou na água e perdi parte do meu equipamento na água. ... I lost all my extra clothes. ... Perdi todas as minhas roupas extras. So I knew I would have to wear the same clothes for the rest of the trip. Então eu sabia que teria que usar as mesmas roupas pelo resto da viagem. Тому я знав, що мені доведеться носити той самий одяг до кінця подорожі.

Six days later I was finally back home. Seis dias depois, finalmente estava de volta em casa. The first thing I wanted to do was change clothes and clean myself. A primeira coisa que quis fazer foi trocar de roupa e me limpar. But when I took off my shirt, to my amazement, I could see something sticking out of my belly button! Mas quando tirei a camisa, para minha surpresa, pude ver algo saindo do meu umbigo! Але коли я зняв сорочку, то, на свій подив, побачив, що з мого пупка щось стирчить! I could not believe it; something was growing in there! Eu não pude acreditar; algo estava crescendo lá! It was a small plant! Era uma planta pequena!

... It was actually rooted in some fluff! ... Na verdade, estava enraizado em algum fofo! I have never heard of anything like that in my whole life! Nunca ouvi nada parecido em toda a minha vida! 我这辈子从来没有听说过这样的事情! Well, I guess that seed found everything it needed in my belly button: fluff as a place to grow, water from my body sweat and the river water splashes, warmth from my body heat, and some sun-light through my loosely knit shirt. Bem, acho que aquela semente encontrou tudo de que precisava no meu umbigo: fofo como um lugar para crescer, água do suor do meu corpo e respingos de água do rio, calor do calor do meu corpo e um pouco de luz do sol através da minha camisa frouxa. I kept the small plant in a container. But, it died a few days later.” Mas morreu alguns dias depois. ”

Voice 2

Sometimes people do not remember the little or seemingly simple things in life - like the belly button. Às vezes, as pessoas não se lembram das coisas pequenas ou aparentemente simples da vida - como o umbigo. Christians believe that God made the whole world. Os cristãos acreditam que Deus fez o mundo inteiro. He made the huge mountains, and he made every little detail of our bodies. Ele fez as enormes montanhas e fez cada pequeno detalhe de nossos corpos. There are so many parts of the world to celebrate. Existem tantas partes do mundo para comemorar. Існує так багато частин світу, де можна святкувати. 世界上有很多地方值得庆祝。 Take a short time today to think about what a detailed world we live in! Reserve um pouco de tempo hoje para pensar sobre o mundo detalhado em que vivemos! 今天花点时间想想我们生活在一个多么细致的世界! And then celebrate something simple - even if it is just your belly button! E então comemore algo simples - mesmo que seja apenas o seu umbigo! А потім відсвяткуйте щось просте - навіть якщо це просто ваш пупок!

Voice 1

Liz Waid wrote and produced this program. The voices you heard were from the Untied States. Computer users can hear more programs, read our scripts, and see our word list on our website at www.radio.english.net. This program is called “The Belly Button.”

Voice 2

If you have a comment or question about this program, you can email us at radio @ english . net. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye!