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Spotlight Broadcasts, Russia's Abandoned Children

Russia's Abandoned Children

Voice 1

Thank you for joining us for today's Spotlight program. I'm Rebekah Schipper. Voice 2

And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Tanya is a three and a half year old girl. She has never played with another child. She has only been outside one or two times in her whole life.

Voice 2

Masha is six [6]. She is quiet, but kind. She has light blond hair and big blue eyes.

Voice 1

Dima is a very shy and quiet five [5] year old. He and his little brother spent three [3] years alone in a hospital.

Voice 2

These children all have something in common. Yes - they are all Russian. Yes - they are all very young. But there is also something very sad that brings them together. All these children were abandoned by their mothers. The mothers of these children were all HIV positive. They carried the virus that causes AIDS. And they left their children at the hospital, after their children were born. The mothers thought their children might also carry HIV. These children continue to suffer because of a country-wide fear of HIV and AIDS. Today's Spotlight is on this problem. Voice 1

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. People can receive treatment for AIDS. But there is no cure for it. In Russia, experts recorded the first case of HIV in 1987. At first, Russia seemed almost unaffected by AIDS. But experts say that cases soon increased at a huge rate. It became an epidemic.

Voice 2

Experts estimate that today about one [1] percent of the Russian population lives with HIV. But they believe that the numbers could be much higher. The United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, works for children's rights, survival, development, and protection. They say that Russia has one [1] of the fastest growing AIDS epidemics in the world. One hundred [100] people there become infected with HIV every day. And UNICEF says that the number of women living with HIV has more than doubled in the past few years. This is especially frightening.

Voice 1

During birth, an HIV positive mother can pass the virus on to her baby. However, this does not happen in the majority of cases. Without prevention services, HIV positive mothers pass on the virus thirty-five [35] percent of the time. And with prevention services, the number is much lower. But many women do not know this.

Voice 2

Every day in Russia about twenty [20] HIV positive women give birth. Of these twenty [20] new babies, on average two [2] will be abandoned by their mothers. Their mothers will leave them at the hospital.

Voice 1

Experts say the fear of HIV is very great in Russia. The mothers may leave their babies because they feel too much shame. Or some may not feel able to care for their babies. They may be afraid of having a sick baby. There is very little support in Russia for AIDS sufferers.

Voice 2

So what happens to these abandoned babies? Normally, an orphanage would care for them. Orphanages are homes for babies and children without parents. But orphanages often refuse to care for babies who may be HIV positive. So, abandoned babies stay at the hospital.

Voice 1

It takes the Russian government eighteen [18] months to officially say if a baby is HIV positive or not. If a baby is not HIV positive, he will go to an orphanage. But if he is HIV positive, he will most likely stay at the hospital. Sadly, the HIV positive children will probably stay at the hospital for a very long time.

Voice 2

But hospitals are not the best places for these babies to be. As a baby grows, he learns how to communicate. He learns how to play with others. He learns how to think. These developmental levels are very important. But to learn all these things, babies need attention. They need people to talk to them and play with them.

Voice 1

Babies in the hospital do not usually get the attention they need. Nurses or caregivers may be too busy with other hospital patients. Or they may just be too afraid to care for the babies. So, many of the children in hospitals suffer from extreme loneliness.

Voice 2

But there is one place in Russia where HIV positive babies are welcome. This is the Republican Hospital for Infectious Diseases in the city of Ust-Izhora. Abandoned HIV positive babies can come here when orphanages do not accept them. But sadly, the center can only care for forty [40] children. Yevgeny Voronin established this hospital. He says that the bad experiences children have before they get to the hospital can affect them their whole lives.

Voice 3

“These children [all look the same] - they do not show any emotion, their face is mask-like, they do not smile, they sit in one place.”

Voice 1

Yelena Vedmed also works at the Republican Hospital for Infectious Diseases. She agrees that, often, these abandoned babies do not get the care they need - especially mentally.

Voice 4

“Absolutely all the children that came here had developmental problems... Two year old children had the developmental level of a six month old baby.”

Voice 2

Workers at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases do their best to care for these abandoned children. But they cannot care for every child. And most of all, they worry that people outside the hospital will never accept the HIV positive children. Yevgeny says:

Voice 3

“People are still [afraid]; they think these children have no future. [The children] are denied [chances] because of prejudices. [People believe] that they will not live long, [and] ... they are easily infectious. In reality, this is [completely] not true. [There are] new medicines...now. But what was in people's heads twenty [20] years ago has not changed. The worst punishment for these children is not HIV, it is [the] [people's] prejudice. This is the most terrible punishment.”

Voice 1

Russian lawmakers have tried to force orphanages to take the HIV positive babies. But the results have not been encouraging. Yelena says:

Voice 4

“...A new law was introduced which [required] orphanages to accept [these children]. We tried once - at an orphanage nearby... But after we went there, we [understood] that the level of AIDS [fear] is so high that our child would be isolated [and alone] again. So we did not give this child away.”

Voice 2

Yelena hopes that one day, the people of Russia will not be as afraid of people who have HIV. She wants people to know that HIV positive people are no different than anyone else. They have many good qualities and skills. And she hopes that children can help to change the old ideas people have about HIV positive people.

Voice 4

“Maybe when people see how wonderful and [skilled] our children are, this may change their ideas.”

Voice 1

People around the world have bad ideas about people with HIV and AIDS. But ideas can change. What are the ideas toward HIV and AIDS in your area?

Voice 2

Computer users can hear more Spotlight programs on our website at www.radio.english.net. This program is called “Russia's Abandoned Children.” Voice 1

You can email us at radio @ english . net. Goodbye!

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Russia's Abandoned Children |Neglected| Russlands verlassene Kinder Τα εγκαταλελειμμένα παιδιά της Ρωσίας Los niños abandonados de Rusia Les enfants abandonnés de la Russie I bambini abbandonati della Russia ロシアの見捨てられた子供たち 러시아의 버려진 아이들 As crianças abandonadas da Rússia Брошенные дети России. Rusya'nın Terk Edilmiş Çocukları Покинуті діти Росії 俄罗斯的被遗弃儿童

Voice 1

Thank you for joining us for today's Spotlight program. I'm Rebekah Schipper. Voice 2

And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Tanya is a three and a half year old girl. Таня – девочка трех с половиной лет. She has never played with another child. She has only been outside one or two times in her whole life. Она была на улице всего один или два раза за всю свою жизнь.

Voice 2

Masha is six [6]. She is quiet, but kind. Она тихая, но добрая. She has light blond hair and big blue eyes.

Voice 1

Dima is a very shy and quiet five [5] year old. Дима очень застенчивый и тихий пяти [5] летний ребенок. He and his little brother spent three [3] years alone in a hospital.

Voice 2

These children all have something in common. Bu çocukların hepsinin ortak bir noktası var. Yes - they are all Russian. Yes - they are all very young. But there is also something very sad that brings them together. Но есть и что-то очень печальное, что их объединяет. All these children were abandoned by their mothers. The mothers of these children were all HIV positive. Все матери этих детей были ВИЧ-положительными. They carried the virus that causes AIDS. Nesli virus, který způsobuje AIDS. Они перенесли вирус, вызывающий СПИД. And they left their children at the hospital, after their children were born. A své děti zanechali v nemocnici poté, co se narodily. The mothers thought their children might also carry HIV. Matky si myslely, že jejich děti by mohly také nést HIV. Матери думали, что их дети также могут быть носителями ВИЧ. These children continue to suffer because of a country-wide fear of HIV and AIDS. Эти дети продолжают страдать из-за общенационального страха перед ВИЧ и СПИДом. Today's Spotlight is on this problem. Сегодняшняя тема посвящена этой проблеме. Voice 1

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. ВИЧ – это вирус, вызывающий СПИД. People can receive treatment for AIDS. But there is no cure for it. Но лекарства от этого нет. In Russia, experts recorded the first case of HIV in 1987. В России специалисты зафиксировали первый случай ВИЧ в 1987 году. At first, Russia seemed almost unaffected by AIDS. Поначалу казалось, что Россия почти не затронута СПИДом. But experts say that cases soon increased at a huge rate. Но эксперты говорят, что вскоре число случаев увеличилось с огромной скоростью. It became an epidemic.

Voice 2

Experts estimate that today about one [1] percent of the Russian population lives with HIV. يقدر الخبراء أن حوالي 1 [1] في المئة من سكان روسيا يعيشون مع فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية. По оценкам экспертов, сегодня около одного [1] процента населения России живет с ВИЧ. But they believe that the numbers could be much higher. The United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, works for children's rights, survival, development, and protection. Детский фонд Организации Объединенных Наций, ЮНИСЕФ, работает в интересах прав детей, их выживания, развития и защиты. They say that Russia has one [1] of the fastest growing AIDS epidemics in the world. Говорят, что в России одна [1] из самых быстрорастущих эпидемий СПИДа в мире. One hundred [100] people there become infected with HIV every day. Ежедневно там заражаются ВИЧ сто [100] человек. And UNICEF says that the number of women living with HIV has more than doubled in the past few years. По данным ЮНИСЕФ, число женщин, живущих с ВИЧ, за последние несколько лет увеличилось более чем вдвое. This is especially frightening. Это особенно пугает.

Voice 1

During birth, an HIV positive mother can pass the virus on to her baby. Během porodu může HIV pozitivní matka předat virus svému dítěti. Во время родов ВИЧ-положительная мать может передать вирус своему ребенку. However, this does not happen in the majority of cases. Nicméně, ve většině případů k tomu nedochází. Однако в большинстве случаев этого не происходит. Without prevention services, HIV positive mothers pass on the virus thirty-five [35] percent of the time. |preventive|||||||||||||| Bez prevence přenosu službami HIV pozitivní matky předají virus třicet pět [35] procent času. Без профилактических услуг ВИЧ-инфицированные матери передают вирус в 35 [35] процентах случаев. And with prevention services, the number is much lower. А с профилактическими услугами цифра намного меньше. But many women do not know this.

Voice 2

Every day in Russia about twenty [20] HIV positive women give birth. Ежедневно в России рожают около двадцати [20] ВИЧ-позитивных женщин. Of these twenty [20] new babies, on average two [2] will be abandoned by their mothers. Bu yirmi [20] yeni bebekten ortalama ikisi [2] anneleri tarafından terk edilecektir. Their mothers will leave them at the hospital.

Voice 1

Experts say the fear of HIV is very great in Russia. The mothers may leave their babies because they feel too much shame. Матери могут оставить своих детей, потому что им слишком стыдно. Or some may not feel able to care for their babies. Или некоторые могут чувствовать себя не в состоянии заботиться о своих детях. They may be afraid of having a sick baby. Они могут бояться родить больного ребенка. There is very little support in Russia for AIDS sufferers. В России очень мало поддержки больным СПИДом.

Voice 2

So what happens to these abandoned babies? Normally, an orphanage would care for them. Orphanages are homes for babies and children without parents. But orphanages often refuse to care for babies who may be HIV positive. |childcare facilities||||||||||| So, abandoned babies stay at the hospital.

Voice 1

It takes the Russian government eighteen [18] months to officially say if a baby is HIV positive or not. Ruské vládě trvá osmnáct [18] měsíců, než oficiálně řekne, zda je dítě HIV pozitivní nebo ne. If a baby is not HIV positive, he will go to an orphanage. Pokud dítě není HIV pozitivní, půjde do sirotčince. But if he is HIV positive, he will most likely stay at the hospital. Ale pokud je HIV pozitivní, pravděpodobně zůstane v nemocnici. Sadly, the HIV positive children will probably stay at the hospital for a very long time. Bohužel, HIV pozitivní děti pravděpodobně zůstanou v nemocnici velmi dlouho. К сожалению, ВИЧ-положительные дети, вероятно, останутся в больнице на очень долгое время.

Voice 2 Hlas 2

But hospitals are not the best places for these babies to be. Ale nemocnice nejsou pro tyto děti to nejlepší místo. As a baby grows, he learns how to communicate. По мере того, как ребенок растет, он учится общаться. He learns how to play with others. He learns how to think. These developmental levels are very important. But to learn all these things, babies need attention. Ale aby se tyto věci naučily, potřebují miminka pozornost. They need people to talk to them and play with them. Potřebují lidi, kteří s nimi budou mluvit a hrát si s nimi.

Voice 1 Hlas 1

Babies in the hospital do not usually get the attention they need. Novorozenci v nemocnici obvykle nedostávají pozornost, kterou potřebují. Nurses or caregivers may be too busy with other hospital patients. Sestry nebo pečovatelé mohou být příliš zaneprázdnění s ostatními pacienty v nemocnici. Or they may just be too afraid to care for the babies. Nebo se mohou bát starat se o novorozence. So, many of the children in hospitals suffer from extreme loneliness.

Voice 2

But there is one place in Russia where HIV positive babies are welcome. Ancak Rusya'da HIV pozitif bebeklerin kabul edildiği bir yer var. This is the Republican Hospital for Infectious Diseases in the city of Ust-Izhora. Abandoned HIV positive babies can come here when orphanages do not accept them. But sadly, the center can only care for forty [40] children. Yevgeny Voronin established this hospital. He says that the bad experiences children have before they get to the hospital can affect them their whole lives. Říká, že špatné zkušenosti, které děti zažívají před tím, než se dostanou do nemocnice, mohou ovlivnit jejich celý život.

Voice 3 Hlas 3

“These children [all look the same] - they do not show any emotion, their face is mask-like, they do not smile, they sit in one place.” "Tyto děti [všechny vypadají stejně] - neukazují žádnou emoci, mají maskovitý výraz, neusmívají se, sedí na jednom místě."

Voice 1

Yelena Vedmed also works at the Republican Hospital for Infectious Diseases. She agrees that, often, these abandoned babies do not get the care they need - especially mentally.

Voice 4

“Absolutely all the children that came here had developmental problems... Two year old children had the developmental level of a six month old baby.”

Voice 2

Workers at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases do their best to care for these abandoned children. But they cannot care for every child. And most of all, they worry that people outside the hospital will never accept the HIV positive children. Yevgeny says:

Voice 3

“People are still [afraid]; they think these children have no future. [The children] are denied [chances] because of prejudices. Dětem jsou upírány šance kvůli předsudkům. [People believe] that they will not live long, [and] ... they are easily infectious. Lidé věří, že nebudou dlouho žít a jsou snadno nakažliví. In reality, this is [completely] not true. Ve skutečnosti to je naprosto nepravda. [There are] new medicines...now. But what was in people's heads twenty [20] years ago has not changed. Ale to, co bylo ve hlavách lidí před dvaceti [20] lety, se nezměnilo. The worst punishment for these children is not HIV, it is [the] [people's] prejudice. Nejhorším trestem pro tyto děti není HIV, ale předsudky lidí. This is the most terrible punishment.” To je ten nejstrašnější trest."

Voice 1

Russian lawmakers have tried to force orphanages to take the HIV positive babies. Ruská legislativa se pokusila donutit sirotčince, aby přijaly děti s HIV. But the results have not been encouraging. Výsledky však nebyly povzbudivé. Yelena says: Jelena říká:

Voice 4

“...A new law was introduced which [required] orphanages to accept [these children]. „...Byl přijat nový zákon, který vyžadoval, aby si sirotčince přijímaly těchto dětí.“ We tried once - at an orphanage nearby... But after we went there, we [understood] that the level of AIDS [fear] is so high that our child would be isolated [and alone] again. Zkusili jsme to jednou - v nedalekém sirotčinci... Ale poté, co jsme tam šli, jsme pochopili, že úroveň strachu z AIDS je tak vysoká, že by náše dítě bylo opět izolováno a osamělé.“ So we did not give this child away.” Proto jsme toto dítě nepředali.“

Voice 2

Yelena hopes that one day, the people of Russia will not be as afraid of people who have HIV. She wants people to know that HIV positive people are no different than anyone else. They have many good qualities and skills. And she hopes that children can help to change the old ideas people have about HIV positive people. A doufá, že děti mohou pomoci změnit staré představy lidí o HIV pozitivních lidech.

Voice 4 Hlas 4

“Maybe when people see how wonderful and [skilled] our children are, this may change their ideas.” „Možná když lidé uvidí, jak nádherné a [schopné] naše děti jsou, může se to změnit jejich názory.“

Voice 1

People around the world have bad ideas about people with HIV and AIDS. But ideas can change. What are the ideas toward HIV and AIDS in your area?

Voice 2

Computer users can hear more Spotlight programs on our website at www.radio.english.net. This program is called “Russia's Abandoned Children.” Voice 1

You can email us at radio @ english . net. Goodbye!