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PHILOSOPHY & FUN OF ALGEBRA, Chapter 9, The Use of Sewing Cards, part 2

Chapter 9, The Use of Sewing Cards, part 2

The Boole method is a conveyance which will take you safely to wherever the Great Unknown directs you to go. Some people mistake it for the carpet in the Arabian Nights, which took whoever stepped on it wherever he or she wished to go–which is a quite different thing. The true Boole method depends essentially on making a right use of imaginary hypotheses. The magic carpet depends for its efficacy on making a wrong use of imaginary hypotheses.

People get to very queer places on that carpet. I have been for several excursions on it, so I know. One of the places it can take you to is a town where all the front doors open on to a street very like Regent Street; with the most gorgeous millinery, jewellery, and fruits in shop windows; and all the back doors open to wild country where blue roses, black tulips, and the fattest double carnations of all colours (including green ones) grow wild in the hedges and fields; and where all the pigs have wings. Another place that it can take you to is one where pigs can wallow in all the filth they like without soiling their wings; and moths fly into candles without singeing theirs. The carpet will take you straight to whatever place you wish to go to. It is by no means warranted to take you safely back. The advantage of Boole's method is that it is warranted to bring you safe down somewhere on solid earth,—not always the exact place you started from, but a safe and clean place of some kind—and to deposit you steady on your feet, with a compass in your pocket which will show you a straight way home.

Chapter 9, The Use of Sewing Cards, part 2 Rozdział 9, Korzystanie z kart do szycia, część 2 Capítulo 9, O uso de cartões de costura, parte 2

The Boole method is a conveyance which will take you safely to wherever the Great Unknown directs you to go. |||||transport|||||||||||||| O método Boole é um meio de transporte que o levará com segurança aonde quer que o Grande Desconhecido o indique. Some people mistake it for the carpet in the Arabian Nights, which took whoever stepped on it wherever he or she wished to go–which is a quite different thing. Algumas pessoas o confundem com o tapete das Mil e Uma Noites, que levava quem pisava nele para onde quisesse ir – o que é bem diferente. The true Boole method depends essentially on making a right use of imaginary hypotheses. ||||relies on||||||||| O verdadeiro método Boole depende essencialmente de fazer um uso correto de hipóteses imaginárias. The magic carpet depends for its efficacy on making a wrong use of imaginary hypotheses. ||||||effectiveness|||||||| O tapete mágico depende, para sua eficácia, de fazer um uso errado de hipóteses imaginárias.

People get to very queer places on that carpet. As pessoas chegam a lugares muito estranhos naquele tapete. I have been for several excursions on it, so I know. Já fiz várias excursões nele, então eu sei. One of the places it can take you to is a town where all the front doors open on to a street very like Regent Street; with the most gorgeous millinery, jewellery, and fruits in shop windows; and all the back doors open to wild country where blue roses, black tulips, and the fattest double carnations of all colours (including green ones) grow wild in the hedges and fields; and where all the pigs have wings. a single|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||beautiful|hat making|jewelry||||||||||||||||||||||||carnations|||||||||||||fields||||||| Um dos lugares para onde pode levá-lo é uma cidade onde todas as portas da frente se abrem para uma rua muito parecida com a Regent Street; com as mais lindas chapelaria, joias e frutas nas vitrines; e todas as portas dos fundos se abrem para um campo selvagem onde rosas azuis, tulipas negras e os mais gordos cravos duplos de todas as cores (incluindo os verdes) crescem selvagens nas sebes e campos; e onde todos os porcos têm asas. Another place that it can take you to is one  where pigs can wallow in all the filth they like without soiling their wings; and moths fly into candles without singeing theirs. |||||||||||||roll around||||dirt|||||||||||||singing| Outro lugar que pode levá-lo é aquele onde os porcos podem chafurdar em toda a imundície que quiserem sem sujar as asas; e as mariposas voam para as velas sem queimar as suas. The carpet will take you straight to whatever place you wish to go to. ||will||||||||||| O tapete irá levá-lo direto para qualquer lugar que você deseja ir. It is by no means warranted to take you safely back. Não é de forma alguma garantido para levá-lo de volta com segurança. The advantage of Boole's method is that it is warranted to bring you safe down somewhere on solid earth,—not always the exact place you started from, but a safe and clean place of some kind—and to deposit you steady on your feet, with a compass in your pocket which will show you a straight way home. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||place|||||||||||||||||direct route|| A vantagem do método de Boole é que ele é garantido para trazê-lo em segurança para algum lugar na terra sólida - nem sempre o lugar exato de onde você começou, mas algum tipo de lugar seguro e limpo - e deixá-lo firme em seus pés, com uma bússola no bolso que lhe mostrará o caminho direto para casa.