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PHILOSOPHY & FUN OF ALGEBRA, Chapter 9, The Use of Sewing Cards, part 1

Chapter 9, The Use of Sewing Cards, part 1

When you go for holidays perhaps your friends will ask you what is the use of sewing curves on cards. I should like you to know exactly what to say. The use of the single sewing cards is to provide children in the kindergarten with the means of finding out the exact nature of the relation between one dimension and two. There is another set of sewing cards which is made by laying two cards side by side on the table and pasting a tape over the crack between them. This tape forms a hinge. You can lay one card flat and stand the other edgeways upright, and lace patterns between them from one to the other.

The use of this part of the method is to provide girls in the higher forms with a means of learning the relation between two dimensions and three.

There is another set of models, the use of which is to provide people who have left school with a means of learning the relation between three dimensions and four. The use of the books which are signed George Boole or Mary Everest Boole is to provide reasonable people, who have learned the logic of algebra conscientiously, with a means of teaching themselves the relations between n dimensions and n + 1 dimensions, whatever number n may be. The above is a quite accurate account of the real Boole Method; as much as there is any need for you to know while you are at school. I should feel grateful to you if you will each copy it out in a clear handwriting, and keep it by you, and take it home whenever you go away from school for the holidays. It would be all the better if you learned it by heart.

And now I will tell you why I am so anxious about this.

Chapter 9, The Use of Sewing Cards, part 1 Kapitel 9, Die Verwendung von Nähkarten, Teil 1 Capítulo 9, El uso de las tarjetas de costura, parte 1 Chapitre 9, L'utilisation des cartes à coudre, partie 1 Capítulo 9, O uso de cartões de costura, parte 1 第 9 章,缝纫卡的使用,第 1 部分

When you go for holidays perhaps your friends will ask you what is the use of sewing curves on cards. Quando você for de férias, talvez seus amigos perguntem para que serve costurar curvas em cartões. Когда вы отправляетесь в отпуск, возможно, ваши друзья спросят вас, какой смысл вышивать кривые на открытках. I should like you to know exactly what to say. I||||||||| Eu gostaria que você soubesse exatamente o que dizer. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы точно знали, что сказать. The use of the single sewing cards is to provide children in the kindergarten with the means of finding out the exact nature of the relation between one dimension and two. |||||||||supply to||||||||||||||||||||| O uso dos cartões de costura simples é fornecer às crianças no jardim de infância os meios de descobrir a natureza exata da relação entre uma dimensão e duas. Использование одиночных карточек для шитья должно дать детям в детском саду средства для выяснения точного характера отношения между одним измерением и двумя. There is another set of sewing cards which is made by laying two cards side by side on the table and pasting a tape over the crack between them. Há outro conjunto de cartões de costura que é feito colocando dois cartões lado a lado na mesa e colando uma fita adesiva na fenda entre eles. Есть еще один набор карт для шитья, который делается путем укладки двух карт рядом на столе и заклеивания щели между ними скотчем. This tape forms a hinge. Esta fita forma uma dobradiça. You can lay one card flat and stand the other edgeways upright, and lace patterns between them from one to the other. ||||||||||on its edge|||intertwine|||||||| Você pode colocar um cartão plano e colocar o outro na vertical, e padrões de renda entre eles de um para o outro. Вы можете положить одну карту плашмя, а другую поставить боком вертикально и провязать узоры между ними от одной к другой.

The use of this part of the method is to provide girls in the higher forms with a means of learning the relation between two dimensions and three. O uso desta parte do método é fornecer às meninas nas formas superiores um meio de aprender a relação entre duas dimensões e três.

There is another set of models, the use of which is to provide people who have left school with a means of learning the relation between three dimensions and four. Existe um outro conjunto de modelos, cujo uso é fornecer às pessoas que deixaram a escola um meio de aprender a relação entre três dimensões e quatro. Есть еще один набор моделей, использование которых состоит в том, чтобы предоставить людям, окончившим школу, средства изучения связи между тремя измерениями и четырьмя. The use of the books which are signed George Boole or Mary Everest Boole is to provide reasonable people, who have learned the logic of algebra conscientiously, with a means of teaching themselves the relations between n dimensions and n + 1 dimensions, whatever number n may be. O uso dos livros assinados por George Boole ou Mary Everest Boole é fornecer às pessoas sensatas, que aprenderam a lógica da álgebra conscienciosamente, um meio de aprender a si mesmas as relações entre n dimensões e n + 1 dimensões, qualquer que seja o número n. ser. Использование книг, подписанных Джорджем Булем или Мэри Эверест Буль, состоит в том, чтобы предоставить разумным людям, которые добросовестно изучили логику алгебры, средства изучения отношений между n измерениями и n + 1 измерением, каким бы ни было число n. быть. The above is a quite accurate account of the real Boole Method; as much as there is any need for you to know while you are at school. O acima é um relato bastante preciso do verdadeiro Método Boole; tanto quanto houver necessidade de você saber enquanto estiver na escola. Вышеизложенное является довольно точным описанием реального метода Буля; столько, сколько вам нужно знать, пока вы в школе. I should feel grateful to you if you will each copy it out in a clear handwriting, and keep it by you, and take it home whenever you go away from school for the holidays. Eu ficaria grato a vocês se cada um de vocês copiá-lo em uma caligrafia clara, e guardá-lo com você, e levá-lo para casa sempre que você sair da escola para as férias. Я был бы признателен вам, если бы каждый из вас переписал его четким почерком, держал при себе и брал с собой домой, когда уходит из школы на каникулы. It would be all the better if you learned it by heart. Seria muito melhor se você o aprendesse de cor.

And now I will tell you why I am so anxious about this. E agora vou lhe dizer por que estou tão ansioso com isso.