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PHILOSOPHY & FUN OF ALGEBRA, Chapter 8, The Limits of the Teacher’s Function, part 1

Chapter 8, The Limits of the Teacher's Function, part 1

One of the greatest causes of mental and moral confusion, as well as of absolute insanity, in modern Europe, is the fact that numbers of people plunge into the second and third great Hebrew algebras before they rightly understand the first. Even if they are silent about their results, this distracts their own minds, and sows the seeds of bad habits and mental confusion in their own constitutions. Many of these people give to the world their own wild guesses about the second and third algebras, and that puts the rest of the world into confusion. We are, therefore, not going to enter on the question of the second algebra till I have provided you with the possibility of understanding and practising the first. In the next few chapters I hope to give you a series of stories of people who used, and sometimes mis-used, the algebra of Moses, in order that you may see how to work the rules strictly and how mistakes might creep in.

But, before we begin our stories, there is one principle to which I must call your attention: it is the business of your teachers at school to see that you acquire skill in using certain implements or tools; it is not their business nor mine to decide what use you shall make, when you are grown up, of the skill which you have acquired. It is their business to see that you learn to read and to speak properly; it is not their business to decide beforehand whether you shall recite in public or only read to your own family and your sick friends. It is their business to see that you know how to sew; but not to settle whether you shall, in future, make your own clothes or work for the poor. So it is with the tools of the mind, such as algebra and logic. It is our business to see that you know how to use algebraic and logical method accurately and skilfully; it is not our business to decide whether, in the future, you shall use your skill to deceive other people or to show them the truth. It is our business to see that you do not deceive yourself, because deceiving yourself distorts your brain and ruins the possibility of using logical methods skilfully to arrive at the knowledge of truths.

Chapter 8, The Limits of the Teacher’s Function, part 1 Capítulo 8, Os limites da função do professor, parte 1 Глава 8. Границы функции учителя, часть 1 Bölüm 8, Öğretmenin İşlevinin Sınırları, 1. kısım

One of the greatest causes of mental and moral confusion, as well as of absolute insanity, in modern Europe, is the fact that numbers of people plunge into the second and third great Hebrew algebras before they rightly understand the first. One|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Uma das maiores causas de confusão mental e moral, bem como de insanidade absoluta, na Europa moderna, é o fato de que muitas pessoas mergulham na segunda e na terceira grandes álgebras hebraicas antes de entenderem corretamente a primeira. Одной из величайших причин умственного и морального смятения, а также полного безумия в современной Европе является тот факт, что многие люди погружаются во вторую и третью великие еврейские алгебры, прежде чем правильно понимают первую. Even if they are silent about their results, this distracts their own minds, and sows the seeds of bad habits and mental confusion in their own constitutions. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||bodies Mesmo que eles se calem sobre seus resultados, isso distrai suas próprias mentes e semeia as sementes de maus hábitos e confusão mental em suas próprias constituições. Даже если они умалчивают о своих результатах, это отвлекает их собственные умы и сеет семена дурных привычек и умственной путаницы в их собственных конституциях. Many of these people give to the world their own wild guesses about the second and third algebras, and that puts the rest of the world into confusion. numerous||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Muitas dessas pessoas dão ao mundo suas próprias suposições sobre a segunda e a terceira álgebra, e isso deixa o resto do mundo confuso. We are, therefore, not going to enter on the question of the second algebra till I have provided you with the possibility of understanding and practising the first. |||||||||||||||I myself||||||||||||initial Não vamos, portanto, entrar na questão da segunda álgebra até que eu tenha fornecido a você a possibilidade de compreender e praticar a primeira. Поэтому мы не собираемся приступать к вопросу о второй алгебре, пока я не предоставлю вам возможность понять и применить на практике первую. In the next few chapters I hope to give you a series of stories of people who used, and sometimes mis-used, the algebra of Moses, in order that you may see how to work the rules strictly and how mistakes might creep in. Nos próximos capítulos, espero contar a você uma série de histórias de pessoas que usaram, e às vezes usaram mal, a álgebra de Moisés, para que você possa ver como trabalhar as regras estritamente e como os erros podem surgir. В следующих нескольких главах я надеюсь рассказать вам серию историй о людях, которые использовали, а иногда и неправильно использовали алгебру Моисея, чтобы вы могли увидеть, как строго соблюдать правила и как могут возникать ошибки.

But, before we begin our stories, there is one principle to which I must call your attention: it is the business of your teachers at school to see that you acquire skill in using certain implements or tools; it is not their business nor mine to decide what use you shall make, when you are grown up, of the skill which you have acquired. Mas, antes de começarmos nossas histórias, há um princípio para o qual devo chamar sua atenção: é dever de seus professores na escola garantir que você adquira habilidade no uso de certos implementos ou ferramentas; não é da conta deles nem meu decidir que uso você fará, quando crescer, da habilidade que adquiriu. Но прежде чем мы начнем наши рассказы, есть один принцип, на который я должен обратить ваше внимание: обязанность ваших учителей в школе — следить за тем, чтобы вы приобретали навыки в использовании определенных орудий или инструментов; не их и не мое дело решать, как ты будешь использовать приобретенное умение, когда вырастешь. It is their business to see that you learn to read and to speak properly; it is not their business to decide beforehand whether you shall recite in public or only read to your own family and your sick friends. É da conta deles garantir que você aprenda a ler e a falar corretamente; não é da conta deles decidir de antemão se você deve recitar em público ou apenas ler para sua própria família e seus amigos doentes. It is their business to see that you know how to sew; but not to settle whether you shall, in future, make your own clothes or work for the poor. É da conta deles garantir que você saiba costurar; mas não para decidir se você deve, no futuro, fazer suas próprias roupas ou trabalhar para os pobres. Их дело следить за тем, чтобы вы умели шить; но не решать, будете ли вы в будущем сами шить себе одежду или работать на бедных. So it is with the tools of the mind, such as algebra and logic. Assim é com as ferramentas da mente, como a álgebra e a lógica. То же самое и с инструментами разума, такими как алгебра и логика. It is our business to see that you know how to use algebraic and logical method accurately and skilfully; it is not our business to decide whether, in the future, you shall use your skill to deceive other people or to show them the truth. ||||||||||||||||||skillfully||||||||||||you|||||||||||||| É nosso dever garantir que você saiba como usar métodos algébricos e lógicos com precisão e habilidade; não é da nossa conta decidir se, no futuro, você deve usar sua habilidade para enganar outras pessoas ou mostrar-lhes a verdade. It is our business to see that you do not deceive yourself, because deceiving yourself distorts your brain and ruins the possibility of using logical methods skilfully to arrive at the knowledge of truths. É nosso dever cuidar para que você não se engane, porque enganar a si mesmo distorce seu cérebro e arruína a possibilidade de usar habilmente métodos lógicos para chegar ao conhecimento das verdades.