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PHILOSOPHY & FUN OF ALGEBRA, Chapter 10, The Story of a Working Hypothesis, part 3

Chapter 10, The Story of a Working Hypothesis, part 3

This, again, you will observe, is purely imaginary hypothesis. I had not the faintest warrant for saying anything of the kind; therefore I did not say it; but I experimented at treating my Hebrew friends and acquaintance as if they were natural born ministers, or servants, of the principle of rhythmic beat; as if it was their business to introduce respect for rhythm and an orderly arrangement of time into the general morals of the world; and as if they would, of course, become degraded more than other people, if they allowed themselves to drift into being irregular and disorderly. Now you will observe that, though all this was purely imaginary hypothesis, it was of a harmless kind; there is nothing contrary to the ten commandments, or to any other register of safe rules, in treating one's Hebrew acquaintance as if one expected them to be more orderly as to time than other people. The registered rules allowed me to consider this a safe road; and my imagination showed me that it was one along which I could travel quickly; therefore I started to go along it and waited to see where I got to. One consequence which came was that some of the people of Isra¨l began telling me that I seemed toe know things about their old books (even some old books that I had never read), which they themselves had never observed before; I had enabled them to get at real values for the x's and y's; of some of their problems. Please notice that all this is pure imaginary hypothesis. Ancient peoples made a hypothesis, for which they had no authority, about angels; and I made one, for which I had no authority, about some of those supposed angels. And, by dealing logically with these imaginations, we got to some very real knowledge.

Chapter 10, The Story of a Working Hypothesis, part 3 Capítulo 10, A história de uma hipótese de trabalho, parte 3

This, again, you will observe, is purely imaginary hypothesis. Isso, novamente, você observará, é uma hipótese puramente imaginária. I had not the faintest warrant for saying anything of the kind; therefore I did not say it; but I experimented at treating my Hebrew friends and acquaintance as if they were natural born ministers, or servants, of the principle of rhythmic beat; as if it was their business to introduce respect for rhythm and an orderly arrangement of time into the general morals of the world; and as if they would, of course, become degraded more than other people, if they allowed themselves to drift into being irregular and disorderly. Eu não tinha a menor justificativa para dizer qualquer coisa desse tipo; portanto, não o disse; mas experimentei tratar meus amigos e conhecidos hebreus como se fossem ministros natos, ou servos, do princípio da batida rítmica; como se fosse seu dever introduzir o respeito pelo ritmo e um arranjo ordenado do tempo na moral geral do mundo; e como se eles, é claro, se degradassem mais do que as outras pessoas, se se permitissem ser irregulares e desordenados. Now you will observe that, though all this was purely imaginary hypothesis, it was of a harmless kind; there is nothing contrary to the ten commandments, or to any other register of safe rules, in treating one's Hebrew acquaintance as if one expected them to be more orderly as to time than other people. Agora você observará que, embora tudo isso fosse uma hipótese puramente imaginária, era de um tipo inofensivo; não há nada contrário aos dez mandamentos, ou a qualquer outro registro de regras seguras, em tratar um conhecido hebreu como se esperasse que eles fossem mais organizados quanto ao tempo do que outras pessoas. The registered rules allowed me to consider this a safe road; and my imagination showed me that it was one along which I could travel quickly; therefore I started to go along it and waited to see where I got to. |||permitted||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| As regras registradas me permitiram considerar este um caminho seguro; e minha imaginação me mostrou que era um caminho ao longo do qual eu poderia viajar rapidamente; por isso comecei a percorrê-lo e esperei para ver onde chegava. One consequence which came was that some of the people of Isra¨l began telling me that I seemed toe know things about their old books (even some old books that I had never read), which they themselves had never observed before; I had enabled them to get at real values for the x's and y's; of some of their problems. Uma conseqüência que veio foi que algumas pessoas de Israel começaram a me dizer que eu parecia saber coisas sobre seus livros antigos (mesmo alguns livros antigos que eu nunca tinha lido), que eles mesmos nunca haviam observado antes; Eu os habilitei a obter valores reais para x e y; de alguns de seus problemas. Please notice that all this is pure imaginary hypothesis. Observe que tudo isso é pura hipótese imaginária. Ancient peoples made a hypothesis, for which they had no authority, about angels; and I made one, for which I had no authority, about some of those supposed angels. Os povos antigos fizeram uma hipótese, para a qual não tinham autoridade, sobre os anjos; e fiz um, para o qual não tinha autoridade, sobre alguns desses supostos anjos. Древние народы выдвигали гипотезы об ангелах, на которые у них не было авторитета; а я выдвинул гипотезу, на которую у меня не было авторитета, о некоторых из этих предполагаемых ангелов. And, by dealing logically with these imaginations, we got to some very real knowledge. E, lidando logicamente com essas imaginações, chegamos a um conhecimento muito real.