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Four Great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. A Book for Young Americans by James Baldwin, THE STORY OF DANIEL WEBSTER. XIII.—MR. WEBSTER IN THE SENATE.


When Daniel Webster was forty years old, the people of Boston elected him to represent them in Congress. They were so well pleased with all that he did while there, that they re-elected him twice.

In June, 1827, the legislature of Massachusetts chose him to be United States senator for a term of six years. He was at that time the most famous man in Massachusetts, and his name was known and honored in every state of the Union.

After that he was re-elected to the same place again and again; and for more than twenty years he continued to be the distinguished senator from Massachusetts.

I cannot now tell you of all his public services during the long period that he sat in Congress. Indeed, there are some things that you would find hard to understand until you have learned more about the history of our country. But you will by-and-by read of them in the larger books which you will study at school; and, no doubt, you will also read some of his great addresses and orations.

It was in 1830 that he delivered the most famous of all his speeches in the senate chamber of the United States. This speech is commonly called, "The Reply to Hayne." I shall not here try to explain the purport of Mr. Hayne's speeches—for there were two of them. I shall not try to describe the circumstances which led Mr. Webster to make his famous reply to them.

But I will quote Mr. Webster's closing sentences. Forty years ago the school-boys all over the country were accustomed to memorize and declaim these patriotic utterances.

"When my eyes shall be turned to behold, for the last time, the sun in heaven, may I not see him shining on the broken and dishonored fragments of a once glorious Union; on states dissevered, discordant, belligerent, on a land rent with civil feuds, or drenched, it may be, in fraternal blood! "Let their last feeble and lingering glance rather behold the gorgeous ensign of the republic, now known and honored throughout the earth, still high advanced, its arms and trophies streaming in their original lustre, not a stripe erased or polluted, not a single star obscured, bearing for its motto no such miserable interrogatory, 'What is all this worth?' nor those other words of delusion and folly, 'Liberty first and Union afterwards;' but everywhere, spread all over in characters of living light, blazing on all its folds, as they float over the land, and in every wind under the whole heavens, that other sentiment, dear to every American heart—Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!" In 1841, Daniel Webster resigned his seat in the senate. He did this in order to become secretary of state in the cabinet of the newly elected president, William Henry Harrison.

But President Harrison died on the 5th of April, after having held his office just one month; and his place was taken by the vice-president, John Tyler. Mr. Webster now felt that his position in the cabinet would not be a pleasant one; but he continued to hold it for nearly two years.

His most important act as secretary of state was to conclude a treaty with England which fixed the northeastern boundary of the United States. This treaty is known in history as the Ashburton Treaty.

In 1843, Mr. Webster resigned his place in President Tyler's cabinet. But he was not allowed to remain long in private life. Two years later he was again elected to the United States senate.

About this time, Texas was annexed to the United States. But Mr. Webster did not favor this, for he believed that such an act was contrary to the Constitution of our country.

He did all that he could to keep our government from making war upon Mexico. But after this war had been begun, he was a firm friend of the soldiers who took part in it, and he did much to provide for their safety and comfort.

Among these soldiers was Edward, the second son of Daniel Webster. He became a major in the main division of the army, and died in the City of Mexico.


When Daniel Webster was forty years old, the people of Boston elected him to represent them in Congress. Daniel Webster kırk yaşındayken Boston halkı onu Kongre'de kendilerini temsil etmesi için seçti. Коли Деніелу Вебстеру було сорок років, жителі Бостона обрали його представляти їх у Конгресі. They were so well pleased with all that he did while there, that they re-elected him twice. Orada yaptığı her şeyden o kadar memnun kaldılar ki, onu iki kez yeniden seçtiler. 他们对他在那里所做的一切非常满意,因此两次再次选举他。

In June, 1827, the legislature of Massachusetts chose him to be United States senator for a term of six years. Haziran 1827'de Massachusetts yasama meclisi onu altı yıllık bir dönem için Birleşik Devletler senatörü olarak seçti. У червні 1827 року законодавчий орган штату Массачусетс обрав його сенатором Сполучених Штатів терміном на шість років. 1827年6月,马萨诸塞州立法机关选举他为美国参议员,任期六年。 He was at that time the most famous man in Massachusetts, and his name was known and honored in every state of the Union. O zamanlar Massachusetts'in en ünlü adamıydı ve adı Birliğin her eyaletinde biliniyor ve onurlandırılıyordu. На той час він був найвідомішою людиною в Массачусетсі, і його ім’я було відоме й шановане в кожному штаті Союзу. 他是当时马萨诸塞州最著名的人,他的名字在联邦每个州都广为人知并受到尊敬。

After that he was re-elected to the same place again and again; and for more than twenty years he continued to be the distinguished senator from Massachusetts. Bundan sonra aynı yere tekrar tekrar seçildi ve yirmi yıldan fazla bir süre Massachusetts'in seçkin senatörü olmaya devam etti. Після цього його знову і знову переобирали на те саме місце; і більше двадцяти років він залишався видатним сенатором від Массачусетсу. 此后,他一次又一次地连任同一职位。二十多年来,他一直是马萨诸塞州杰出的参议员。

I cannot now tell you of all his public services during the long period that he sat in Congress. Kongre'de görev yaptığı uzun süre boyunca yaptığı tüm kamu hizmetlerini şimdi size anlatamam. Зараз я не можу розповісти вам про всі його державні заслуги протягом тривалого періоду, що він був у Конгресі. 我现在无法向你们讲述他在国会任职期间的所有公共服务。 Indeed, there are some things that you would find hard to understand until you have learned more about the history of our country. Gerçekten de, ülkemizin tarihi hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinene kadar anlamakta zorlanacağınız bazı şeyler var. Дійсно, є деякі речі, які вам буде важко зрозуміти, поки ви не дізнаєтеся більше про історію нашої країни. 事实上,有些事情你会发现很难理解,除非你更多地了解我们国家的历史。 But you will by-and-by read of them in the larger books which you will study at school; and, no doubt, you will also read some of his great addresses and orations. Ancak bunları okulda okuyacağınız daha büyük kitaplarda okuyacaksınız; ve şüphesiz, onun bazı büyük konuşmalarını ve hitabetlerini de okuyacaksınız. 但你会逐渐在学校学习的较大书籍中读到它们;毫无疑问,您还将阅读他的一些精彩演讲和演讲。

It was in 1830 that he delivered the most famous of all his speeches in the senate chamber of the United States. 1830 yılında Birleşik Devletler senato salonunda yaptığı konuşmaların en ünlüsünü gerçekleştirdi. У 1830 році він виголосив найвідомішу з усіх своїх промов у залі сенату Сполучених Штатів. 1830年,他在美国参议院发表了最著名的演讲。 This speech is commonly called, "The Reply to Hayne." Bu konuşma genellikle "Hayne'ye Cevap" olarak adlandırılır. Цю промову зазвичай називають «Відповідь Хейну». 这篇演讲通常被称为“对海恩的答复”。 I shall not here try to explain the purport of Mr. Hayne's speeches—for there were two of them. Burada Bay Hayne'nin konuşmalarının amacını açıklamaya çalışmayacağım, zira iki konuşma vardı. Я не буду тут намагатися пояснити сенс промов містера Хейна, бо їх було дві. 我不会在这里试图解释海恩先生演讲的主旨——因为有两场演讲。 I shall not try to describe the circumstances which led Mr. Webster to make his famous reply to them. Bay Webster'ın onlara meşhur cevabını vermesine neden olan koşulları anlatmaya çalışmayacağım. Я не буду намагатися описувати обставини, які спонукали містера Вебстера дати свою знамениту відповідь на них. 我不会试图描述导致韦伯斯特先生对他们做出著名答复的情况。

But I will quote Mr. Webster's closing sentences. Ama Bay Webster'ın kapanış cümlelerini aktaracağım. Але я процитую заключні речення пана Вебстера. 但我会引用韦伯斯特先生的结束语。 Forty years ago the school-boys all over the country were accustomed to memorize and declaim these patriotic utterances. Kırk yıl önce ülkenin dört bir yanındaki okul çocukları bu vatansever ifadeleri ezberlemeye ve haykırmaya alışkındı. Сорок років тому школярі всієї країни звикли запам'ятовувати і проголошувати ці патріотичні вислови. 四十年前,全国小学生都习惯背诵这些爱国话语。

"When my eyes shall be turned to behold, for the last time, the sun in heaven, may I not see him shining on the broken and dishonored fragments of a once glorious Union; on states dissevered, discordant, belligerent, on a land rent with civil feuds, or drenched, it may be, in fraternal blood! "Gözlerim son kez gökteki güneşe çevrildiğinde, onun bir zamanlar görkemli olan Birliğin parçalanmış ve onuru kırılmış parçaları üzerinde parladığını görmeyeyim; parçalanmış, uyumsuz, savaşan devletler üzerinde, kan davalarıyla kirletilmiş ya da kardeş kanıyla ıslanmış bir toprak üzerinde! «Коли мої очі будуть звернені, щоб востаннє поглянути на сонце на небі, нехай я не побачу, як воно сяє на розбиті й зганьблені уламки колись славного Союзу; на держави, роз’єднані, незгодні, войовничі, на земельну ренту. з міжусобицями, чи залиті, може бути, братньою кров'ю! “当我的眼睛最后一次看到天上的太阳时,愿我不会看到他照耀着曾经辉煌的联邦的破碎和耻辱的碎片;照耀着分裂、不和谐、好战的国家,照耀着地租可能是内讧,或者是兄弟情谊! "Let their last feeble and lingering glance rather behold the gorgeous ensign of the republic, now known and honored throughout the earth, still high advanced, its arms and trophies streaming in their original lustre, not a stripe erased or polluted, not a single star obscured, bearing for its motto no such miserable interrogatory, 'What is all this worth?' "Son zayıf ve kalıcı bakışları, artık dünyanın her yerinde tanınan ve onurlandırılan, hala yüksekte, kolları ve kupaları orijinal parlaklığında akan, tek bir şeridi silinmemiş veya kirlenmemiş, tek bir yıldızı bile karartılmamış, sloganı 'Bütün bunların değeri nedir' gibi sefil bir sorgulama içermeyen cumhuriyetin muhteşem sancağına baksın. «Нехай їхній останній слабкий і довготривалий погляд краще погляне на чудовий прапор республіки, тепер відомий і шанований по всій землі, все ще високорозвинений, його зброя та трофеї струмують у своєму первісному блиску, жодна смуга не стерта чи забруднена, жодна зірка затемнений, не маючи своїм девізом такого жалюгідного допиту: «Чого все це варте?» “让他们最后微弱而挥之不去的一瞥,看看共和国华丽的旗帜,现在已经在地球上广为人知并受到尊敬,仍然先进,它的武器和奖杯闪耀着原来的光泽,没有一条条纹被抹去或污染,没有一颗星星它的座右铭是模糊的,没有这样悲惨的疑问:“这一切有什么价值?” nor those other words of delusion and folly, 'Liberty first and Union afterwards;' but everywhere, spread all over in characters of living light, blazing on all its folds, as they float over the land, and in every wind under the whole heavens, that other sentiment, dear to every American heart—Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!" Ne de 'Önce Özgürlük, Sonra Birlik' şeklindeki o diğer yanılsama ve ahmaklık sözleri; ama her yerde, canlı ışık karakterleriyle her tarafa yayılmış, tüm kıvrımlarında parıldayan, toprağın üzerinde süzülürken ve tüm göklerin altındaki her rüzgarda, her Amerikan kalbi için değerli olan o diğer duygu - Özgürlük ve Birlik, şimdi ve sonsuza dek, bir ve ayrılmaz!" ані ті інші слова омани й безглуздя: «Спочатку свобода, а потім Союз»; але скрізь, поширюючись скрізь символами живого світла, палаючи на всіх його складках, коли вони пливуть над землею та в кожному вітрі під усім небом, те інше почуття, дороге серцю кожного американця — Свобода та Союз, зараз і назавжди єдиний і нероздільний!» 也没有那些妄想和愚蠢的话,“先自由,后统一”;但随处可见,当它们飘过大地时,在整个天空的每一阵风中,都以活生生的光芒散布开来,在所有的褶皱上闪耀着另一种情感,为每一个美国人的心所珍视——自由和联邦,无论现在还是现在。永远、一体、不可分割!” In 1841, Daniel Webster resigned his seat in the senate. 1841 yılında Daniel Webster senatodaki görevinden istifa etti. У 1841 році Деніел Вебстер залишив своє місце в сенаті. He did this in order to become secretary of state in the cabinet of the newly elected president, William Henry Harrison. Bunu, yeni seçilen başkan William Henry Harrison'ın kabinesinde dışişleri bakanı olabilmek için yaptı. Він зробив це для того, щоб стати державним секретарем в кабінеті новообраного президента Вільяма Генрі Гаррісона. 他这样做是为了成为新当选总统威廉·亨利·哈里森的内阁国务卿。

But President Harrison died on the 5th of April, after having held his office just one month; and his place was taken by the vice-president, John Tyler. Але президент Гаррісон помер 5 квітня, пробувши на посаді лише місяць; його місце зайняв віце-президент Джон Тайлер. 但哈里森总统在上任仅一个月后就于 4 月 5 日去世;他的位置由副总统约翰·泰勒接替。 Mr. Webster now felt that his position in the cabinet would not be a pleasant one; but he continued to hold it for nearly two years. Містер Вебстер тепер відчував, що його становище в кабінеті не буде приємним; але він продовжував утримувати його протягом майже двох років. 韦伯斯特先生现在觉得他在内阁中的地位不会令人愉快。但他继续持有近两年。

His most important act as secretary of state was to conclude a treaty with England which fixed the northeastern boundary of the United States. Dışişleri Bakanı olarak yaptığı en önemli iş, İngiltere ile Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin kuzeydoğu sınırını belirleyen bir antlaşma imzalamak oldu. Найважливішим його актом на посаді державного секретаря було укладення договору з Англією, який фіксував північно-східний кордон Сполучених Штатів. 作为国务卿,他最重要的举动是与英国缔结了一项条约,确定了美国东北部的边界。 This treaty is known in history as the Ashburton Treaty. Bu antlaşma tarihte Ashburton Antlaşması olarak bilinmektedir. Цей договір відомий в історії як Ешбертонський договір.

In 1843, Mr. Webster resigned his place in President Tyler's cabinet. 1843 yılında Bay Webster, Başkan Tyler'ın kabinesindeki görevinden istifa etti. But he was not allowed to remain long in private life. Ancak özel hayatında uzun süre kalmasına izin verilmedi. Але йому не дозволили довго залишатися в особистому житті. 但他不被允许长期从事私人生活。 Two years later he was again elected to the United States senate. İki yıl sonra tekrar Birleşik Devletler senatosuna seçildi.

About this time, Texas was annexed to the United States. Bu sıralarda Teksas Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ne ilhak edildi. Приблизно в цей час Техас був приєднаний до Сполучених Штатів. 大约在这个时候,德克萨斯州被并入美国。 But Mr. Webster did not favor this, for he believed that such an act was contrary to the Constitution of our country. Ancak Bay Webster, böyle bir yasanın ülkemizin Anayasasına aykırı olduğuna inandığı için bunu desteklemedi. Але пан Вебстер був не за це, оскільки вважав, що такий вчинок суперечить Конституції нашої країни. 但韦伯斯特先生对此并不赞成,因为他认为这种行为违反了我国宪法。

He did all that he could to keep our government from making war upon Mexico. Hükümetimizin Meksika'ya savaş açmasını engellemek için elinden geleni yaptı. Він зробив усе, що міг, щоб утримати наш уряд від війни з Мексикою. 他竭尽全力阻止我们的政府对墨西哥发动战争。 But after this war had been begun, he was a firm friend of the soldiers who took part in it, and he did much to provide for their safety and comfort. Ancak bu savaş başladıktan sonra, savaşa katılan askerlerin sıkı bir dostu oldu ve onların güvenliğini ve rahatını sağlamak için çok şey yaptı. Але після того, як ця війна почалася, він був міцним другом солдатів, які брали в ній участь, і багато зробив для забезпечення їхньої безпеки та комфорту.

Among these soldiers was Edward, the second son of Daniel Webster. Bu askerler arasında Daniel Webster'ın ikinci oğlu Edward da vardı. Серед цих солдатів був Едвард, другий син Деніела Вебстера. 这些士兵中有丹尼尔·韦伯斯特的次子爱德华。 He became a major in the main division of the army, and died in the City of Mexico. Ordunun ana tümeninde binbaşı oldu ve Meksika Şehri'nde öldü. Він став майором у головній дивізії армії і помер у Сіті Мехіко. 他成为陆军主力师的少校,并死于墨西哥城。