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Four Great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. A Book for Young Americans by James Baldwin, THE STORY OF DANIEL WEBSTER. VIII.—HOW DANIEL TAUGHT SCHOOL.


While Daniel Webster was taking his course in college, there was one thing that troubled him very much. It was the thought of his brother Ezekiel toiling at home on the farm.

He knew that Ezekiel had great abilities. He knew that he was not fond of the farm, but that he was anxious to become a lawyer.

This brother had given up all his dearest plans in order that Daniel might be favored; and Daniel knew that this was so.

Once, when Daniel was at home on a vacation, he said, "Zeke, this thing is all wrong. Father has mortgaged the farm for money to pay my expenses at school, and you are making a slave of yourself to pay off the mortgage. It isn't right for me to let you do this." Ezekiel said, "Daniel, I am stronger than you are, and if one of us has to stay on the farm, of course I am the one." "But I want you to go to college," said Daniel. "An education will do you as much good as me." "I doubt it," said Ezekiel; "and yet, if father was only able to send us both. I think that we might pay him back some time." "I will see father about it this very day," said Daniel. He did see him.

"I told my father," said Daniel, afterwards, "that I was unhappy at my brother's prospects. For myself, I saw my way to knowledge, respectability, and self-protection. But as to Ezekiel, all looked the other way. I said that I would keep school, and get along as well as I could, be more than four years in getting through college, if necessary, provided he also could be sent to study." The matter was referred to Daniel's mother, and she and his father talked it over together. They knew that it would take all the property they had to educate both the boys. They knew that they would have to do without many comforts, and that they would have a hard struggle to make a living while the boys were studying.

But the mother said, "I will trust the boys." And it was settled that Ezekiel, too, should have a chance to make his mark in the world.

He was now a grown-up man. He was tall and strong and ambitious. He entered college the very year that Daniel graduated.

As for Daniel, he was now ready to choose a profession. What should it be?

His father wanted him to become a lawyer. And so, to please his parents, he went home and began to read law in the office of a Mr. Thompson, in the little village of Salisbury, which adjoined his father's farm. The summer passed by. It was very pleasant to have nothing to do but to read. And when the young man grew tired of reading, he could go out fishing, or could spend a day in hunting among the New Hampshire hills.

It is safe to say that he did not learn very much law during that summer.

But there was not a day that he did not think about his brother. Ezekiel had done much to help him through college, and now ought he not to help Ezekiel?

But what could he do?

He had a good education, and his first thought was that he might teach school, and thus earn a little money for Ezekiel.

The people of Fryeburg, in Maine, wanted him to take charge of the academy in their little town. And so, early in the fall, he decided to take up with their offer.

He was to have three hundred and fifty dollars for the year's work, and that would help Ezekiel a great deal. He bade good-bye to Mr. Thompson and his little law office, and made ready to go to his new field of labor. There were no railroads at that time, and a journey of even a few miles was a great undertaking.

Daniel had bought a horse for twenty-four dollars. In one end of an old-fashioned pair of saddle-bags he put his Sunday clothes, and in the other he packed his books.

He laid the saddle-bags upon the horse, then he mounted and rode off over the hills toward Fryeburg, sixty miles away.

He was not yet quite twenty years old. He was very slender, and nearly six feet in height. His face was thin and dark. His eyes were black and bright and penetrating—no person who once saw them could ever forget them.

Young as he was, he was very successful as a teacher during that year which he spent at Fryeburg. The trustees of the academy were so highly pleased that they wanted him to stay a second year. They promised to raise his salary to five or six hundred dollars, and to give him a house and a piece of land.

He was greatly tempted to give up all further thoughts of becoming a lawyer.

"What shall I do?" he said to himself. "Shall I say, 'Yes, gentlemen,' and sit down here to spend my days in a kind of comfortable privacy?" But his father was anxious that he should return to the study of the law. And so he was not long in making up his mind.

In a letter to one of his friends he said: "I shall make one more trial of the law in the ensuing autumn. "If I prosecute the profession, I pray God to fortify me against its temptations. To be honest, to be capable, to be faithful to my client and my conscience." Early the next September, he was again in Mr. Thompson's little law office. All the money that he had saved, while at Fryeburg, was spent to help Ezekiel through college.


While Daniel Webster was taking his course in college, there was one thing that troubled him very much. Daniel Webster üniversitede derslerine devam ederken, onu çok rahatsız eden bir şey vardı. Коли Деніел Вебстер навчався в коледжі, була одна річ, яка його дуже турбувала. It was the thought of his brother Ezekiel toiling at home on the farm. Kardeşi Ezekiel'in evde, çiftlikte çalıştığını düşünüyordu. Це була думка його брата Єзекіїля, який працював удома на фермі. Đó là suy nghĩ của anh trai Ezekiel đang làm việc cực nhọc ở nhà trong trang trại. 这是关于他的兄弟以西结在家里农场劳作的想法。

He knew that Ezekiel had great abilities. Hezekiel'in büyük yetenekleri olduğunu biliyordu. Anh biết rằng Ezekiel có những khả năng tuyệt vời. He knew that he was not fond of the farm, but that he was anxious to become a lawyer. Çiftlikten hoşlanmadığını ama avukat olmak için can attığını biliyordu. Він знав, що не любив ферму, але дуже хотів стати юристом. Anh biết rằng anh không thích trang trại nhưng anh rất nóng lòng muốn trở thành một luật sư. 他知道自己并不喜欢农场,但他渴望成为一名律师。

This brother had given up all his dearest plans in order that Daniel might be favored; and Daniel knew that this was so. Bu kardeş Daniel'in kayrılması için en sevdiği planlarından vazgeçmişti ve Daniel bunun böyle olduğunu biliyordu. Цей брат відмовився від усіх своїх найзаповітніших планів, щоб Даниїл був прихильний до нього; і Даниїл знав, що це так. Người anh này đã từ bỏ mọi kế hoạch thân yêu nhất của mình để có được sự ưu ái của Daniel; và Daniel biết rằng điều này là như vậy. 为了让但以理得到青睐,这位弟兄放弃了他所有最亲爱的计划。丹尼尔知道事实就是如此。

Once, when Daniel was at home on a vacation, he said, "Zeke, this thing is all wrong. Bir keresinde Daniel tatilde evdeyken, "Zeke, bu şey tamamen yanlış. Một lần, khi Daniel đang ở nhà trong kỳ nghỉ, anh ấy nói: "Zeke, chuyện này không ổn đâu. Father has mortgaged the farm for money to pay my expenses at school, and you are making a slave of yourself to pay off the mortgage. Babam okul masraflarımı karşılayabilmek için çiftliği ipotek ettirdi ve sen de ipoteği ödeyebilmek için kendini köle gibi çalıştırıyorsun. Cha đã thế chấp trang trại để lấy tiền trang trải chi phí học tập cho con, còn bố đang biến mình thành nô lệ để trả hết tiền thế chấp. It isn't right for me to let you do this." Bunu yapmana izin vermem doğru değil." Tôi không đúng khi để anh làm điều này." Ezekiel said, "Daniel, I am stronger than you are, and if one of us has to stay on the farm, of course I am the one." Hezekiel, "Daniel, ben senden daha güçlüyüm ve eğer birimizin çiftlikte kalması gerekiyorsa, o kişi elbette benim," dedi. Ezekiel nói, "Daniel, tôi khỏe hơn anh, và nếu một trong chúng ta phải ở lại trang trại thì tất nhiên tôi là người đó." "But I want you to go to college," said Daniel. "Ama ben senin üniversiteye gitmeni istiyorum," dedi Daniel. "An education will do you as much good as me." "Bir eğitim benim kadar sana da iyi gelecektir." "Освіта принесе тобі стільки ж користі, скільки й мені". "Việc học hành sẽ giúp ích cho bạn nhiều như tôi." "I doubt it," said Ezekiel; "and yet, if father was only able to send us both. "Bundan kuşkuluyum," dedi Hezekiel, "ama yine de babam ikimizi de gönderebilecek durumda olsaydı. "Сумніваюся, - сказав Єзекіїль, - та все ж, якби батько міг послати нас обох". “Tôi nghi ngờ điều đó,” Ezekiel nói; "Tuy nhiên, giá như cha có thể gửi cả hai chúng ta đi. “我对此表示怀疑,”以西结说。 “但是,如果父亲能够派我们俩去就好了。 I think that we might pay him back some time." Bir süre sonra ona borcumuzu ödeyebileceğimizi düşünüyorum." Я думаю, що колись ми зможемо повернути йому борг". Tôi nghĩ rằng chúng ta có thể trả lại cho anh ấy một lúc nào đó." 我想我们也许有一天会偿还他的。” "I will see father about it this very day," said Daniel. Daniel, "Bu konuyu hemen bugün babamla görüşeceğim," dedi. "Я поговорю з батьком про це сьогодні ж", - сказав Даніель. “Con sẽ gặp cha về chuyện đó ngay hôm nay,” Daniel nói. “我今天就要去见父亲,讨论这件事。”丹尼尔说。 He did see him. Onu gördü.

"I told my father," said Daniel, afterwards, "that I was unhappy at my brother's prospects. Daniel daha sonra, "Babama," dedi, "kardeşimin geleceği için mutsuz olduğumu söyledim. “Tôi đã nói với cha tôi,” Daniel nói sau đó, “rằng tôi không hài lòng với tương lai của anh trai tôi. “我告诉我的父亲,”丹尼尔事后说道,“我对我哥哥的前景感到不满。 For myself, I saw my way to knowledge, respectability, and self-protection. Kendi adıma, bilgiye, saygınlığa ve kendimi korumaya giden yolu gördüm. Đối với bản thân tôi, tôi đã tìm ra con đường dẫn đến sự hiểu biết, sự tôn trọng và sự tự vệ. But as to Ezekiel, all looked the other way. Ama Hezekiel'e gelince, herkes başka tarafa baktı. I said that I would keep school, and get along as well as I could, be more than four years in getting through college, if necessary, provided he also could be sent to study." Okula devam edeceğimi ve elimden geldiğince iyi geçineceğimi, gerekirse üniversiteyi bitirmek için dört yıldan fazla zaman harcayacağımı söyledim, yeter ki o da okumaya gönderilebilsin." Я сказала, що буду продовжувати навчання і буду викручуватися, як зможу, буду більше чотирьох років навчатися в коледжі, якщо буде потрібно, за умови, що його теж можна буде відправити на навчання". Tôi nói rằng tôi sẽ tiếp tục đi học và cố gắng hết sức có thể, học đại học hơn bốn năm nếu cần thiết, miễn là anh ấy cũng có thể được gửi đi học." 我说我会继续上学,并尽我所能,用四年多的时间读完大学,如果有必要的话,只要他也能被送去读书。” The matter was referred to Daniel's mother, and she and his father talked it over together. Konu Daniel'in annesine iletildi ve annesiyle babası bu konuyu birlikte konuştular. Vấn đề đã được chuyển đến mẹ của Daniel, bà và bố anh ấy đã cùng nhau bàn bạc. 这件事被转达给丹尼尔的母亲,她和他的父亲一起商量。 They knew that it would take all the property they had to educate both the boys. Her iki çocuğu da eğitmek için sahip oldukları tüm mülkün gerekeceğini biliyorlardı. Họ biết rằng họ sẽ phải lấy hết tài sản để có thể giáo dục cả hai cậu con trai. They knew that they would have to do without many comforts, and that they would have a hard struggle to make a living while the boys were studying. Pek çok konfordan mahrum kalacaklarını ve çocuklar okurken geçimlerini sağlamak için zorlu bir mücadele vereceklerini biliyorlardı. Họ biết rằng họ sẽ phải sống mà không có nhiều tiện nghi, và họ sẽ phải vật lộn khó khăn để kiếm sống trong khi các cậu bé đang đi học.

But the mother said, "I will trust the boys." Ama annesi "Çocuklara güveneceğim" dedi. And it was settled that Ezekiel, too, should have a chance to make his mark in the world. Ve Hezekiel'in de dünyaya damgasını vurmak için bir şansı olması gerektiğine karar verildi. 人们一致认为,以西结也应该有机会在世界上留下自己的印记。

He was now a grown-up man. O artık yetişkin bir adamdı. He was tall and strong and ambitious. Uzun boylu, güçlü ve hırslıydı. He entered college the very year that Daniel graduated. Daniel'in mezun olduğu yıl üniversiteye girdi. Anh ấy vào đại học đúng vào năm Daniel tốt nghiệp.

As for Daniel, he was now ready to choose a profession. Daniel'e gelince, o artık bir meslek seçmeye hazırdı. Що стосується Даніеля, то він уже був готовий до вибору професії. Về phần Daniel, giờ đây anh đã sẵn sàng chọn một nghề. What should it be? Ne olmalı? 应该是什么?

His father wanted him to become a lawyer. Babası onun avukat olmasını istiyordu. And so, to please his parents, he went home and began to read law in the office of a Mr. Thompson, in the little village of Salisbury, which adjoined his father's farm. Böylece ailesini memnun etmek için eve döndü ve babasının çiftliğine bitişik olan küçük Salisbury köyünde Bay Thompson'ın bürosunda hukuk okumaya başladı. Vì vậy, để làm vui lòng cha mẹ, anh về nhà và bắt đầu đọc luật tại văn phòng của ông Thompson, ở ngôi làng nhỏ Salisbury, tiếp giáp với trang trại của cha anh. The summer passed by. Yaz geçti. 夏天过去了。 It was very pleasant to have nothing to do but to read. Okumaktan başka yapacak bir şey olmaması çok hoştu. 除了读书之外无所事事,真是一件令人愉快的事。 And when the young man grew tired of reading, he could go out fishing, or could spend a day in hunting among the New Hampshire hills. Ve genç adam okumaktan yorulduğunda, balık tutmaya gidebilir ya da New Hampshire tepelerinde avlanarak bir gün geçirebilirdi. А коли юнак втомлювався від читання, він міг піти на риболовлю або провести день на полюванні серед пагорбів Нью-Гемпшира. Và khi chàng trai trẻ đã chán đọc sách, anh ta có thể đi câu cá hoặc dành một ngày đi săn giữa những ngọn đồi ở New Hampshire. 当年轻人厌倦了阅读时,他可以出去钓鱼,或者花一天时间在新罕布什尔州的山间打猎。

It is safe to say that he did not learn very much law during that summer. O yaz boyunca çok fazla hukuk öğrenmediğini söylemek yanlış olmaz. 可以肯定地说,那个夏天他并没有学到太多法律。

But there was not a day that he did not think about his brother. Ama kardeşini düşünmediği tek bir gün bile yoktu. Nhưng không ngày nào anh không nghĩ đến anh trai mình. 但他没有一天不想念他的兄弟。 Ezekiel had done much to help him through college, and now ought he not to help Ezekiel? Ezekiel ona üniversitede yardımcı olmak için çok şey yapmıştı ve şimdi onun da Ezekiel'e yardım etmesi gerekmez miydi? Єзекіїль зробив багато, щоб допомогти йому в коледжі, і тепер він повинен не допомагати Єзекіїлю? 以西结在大学期间帮助他做了很多事情,现在他不应该帮助以西结吗?

But what could he do?

He had a good education, and his first thought was that he might teach school, and thus earn a little money for Ezekiel. İyi bir eğitim almıştı ve ilk düşüncesi okulda öğretmenlik yapmak ve böylece Hezekiel için biraz para kazanmaktı. Він мав гарну освіту, і його першою думкою було те, що він міг би викладати в школі і таким чином заробити трохи грошей для Єзекіїля. Anh ta có một nền giáo dục tốt, và ý nghĩ đầu tiên của anh ta là có thể dạy học ở trường để kiếm được một ít tiền cho Ezekiel.

The people of Fryeburg, in Maine, wanted him to take charge of the academy in their little town. Maine'deki Fryeburg halkı, küçük kasabalarındaki akademinin başına geçmesini istedi. Мешканці Фрайбурга, штат Мен, хотіли, щоб він очолив академію в їхньому маленькому містечку. Người dân Fryeburg, Maine, muốn ông phụ trách học viện ở thị trấn nhỏ của họ. 缅因州弗莱堡的人们希望他负责他们小镇上的学院。 And so, early in the fall, he decided to take up with their offer. Ve böylece, sonbaharın başlarında, tekliflerini kabul etmeye karar verdi.

He was to have three hundred and fifty dollars for the year's work, and that would help Ezekiel a great deal. Bir yıllık çalışması için üç yüz elli dolar alacaktı ve bu para Hezekiel'e çok yardımcı olacaktı. Він мав мати триста п’ятдесят доларів за річну роботу, і це дуже допомогло б Єзекіїлю. 他将获得三百五十美元用于一年的工作,这对以西结有很大帮助。 He bade good-bye to Mr. Thompson and his little law office, and made ready to go to his new field of labor. Bay Thompson'a ve küçük hukuk bürosuna veda etti ve yeni çalışma alanına gitmeye hazırlandı. Він попрощався з містером Томпсоном і його маленькою адвокатською конторою і приготувався вирушити на нове поле праці. Anh chào tạm biệt ông Thompson và văn phòng luật nhỏ của ông rồi chuẩn bị đi đến lĩnh vực lao động mới. There were no railroads at that time, and a journey of even a few miles was a great undertaking. O zamanlar demiryolları yoktu ve birkaç millik bir yolculuk bile büyük bir girişimdi. У той час не було залізниць, і подорож навіть у кілька миль була великою справою. Lúc đó chưa có đường sắt, và một cuộc hành trình thậm chí chỉ vài dặm cũng là một công việc tuyệt vời. 那时还没有铁路,即使是几英里的旅程也是一项艰巨的任务。

Daniel had bought a horse for twenty-four dollars. Daniel yirmi dört dolara bir at satın almıştı. In one end of an old-fashioned pair of saddle-bags he put his Sunday clothes, and in the other he packed his books. Eski moda bir çift heybenin bir ucuna pazar giysilerini, diğer ucuna da kitaplarını koydu. В один кінець старомодної пари сідельних сумок він поклав свій недільний одяг, а в інший пакував свої книжки. 他把周日穿的衣服放在一对老式马鞍包的一端,另一端则装着书。

He laid the saddle-bags upon the horse, then he mounted and rode off over the hills toward Fryeburg, sixty miles away. Eyer çantalarını atın üzerine koydu, sonra atına bindi ve tepelerin üzerinden altmış mil uzaklıktaki Fryeburg'a doğru yola çıktı. Він поклав сідельні мішки на коня, потім сів верхи й помчав через пагорби до Фрайбурга, за шістдесят миль. 他把鞍袋放在马上,然后骑上山,向六十英里外的弗莱堡出发。

He was not yet quite twenty years old. Henüz yirmi yaşında bile değildi. Йому не було ще й двадцяти років. 他还不到二十岁。 He was very slender, and nearly six feet in height. Çok inceydi ve boyu neredeyse bir metreydi. Він був дуже стрункий і мав майже шість футів заввишки. Anh ta rất mảnh khảnh và cao gần mét tám. 他非常苗条,身高接近六英尺。 His face was thin and dark. Yüzü ince ve karanlıktı. Його обличчя було худим і темним. His eyes were black and bright and penetrating—no person who once saw them could ever forget them. Gözleri siyah, parlak ve nüfuz ediciydi; onları bir kez gören hiç kimse unutamazdı. 他的眼睛漆黑明亮,目光锐利,任何人只要见过他们,就永远无法忘记。

Young as he was, he was very successful as a teacher during that year which he spent at Fryeburg. Genç olmasına rağmen Fryeburg'da geçirdiği bir yıl boyunca öğretmen olarak çok başarılı oldu. Молодий, як він був, він був дуже успішним вчителем протягом того року, який він провів у Фрайбурзі. 尽管他很年轻,但在弗莱堡的那一年里,他作为一名教师非常成功。 The trustees of the academy were so highly pleased that they wanted him to stay a second year. Akademinin mütevelli heyeti o kadar memnun kaldı ki, ikinci bir yıl daha kalmasını istediler. Піклувальники академії були настільки задоволені, що хотіли, щоб він залишився на другий рік. Những người được quản lý của học viện rất hài lòng nên họ muốn anh ở lại năm thứ hai. 学院的董事们非常高兴,希望他继续留任第二年。 They promised to raise his salary to five or six hundred dollars, and to give him a house and a piece of land. Maaşını beş ya da altı yüz dolara çıkaracaklarına ve ona bir ev ve bir parça arazi vereceklerine söz verdiler. Обіцяли підняти йому зарплату до п'ятисот-шестисот доларів, дати будинок і ділянку землі. 他们答应把他的工资提高到五六百美元,并给他一套房子和一块地。

He was greatly tempted to give up all further thoughts of becoming a lawyer. Avukat olma düşüncesinden vazgeçmek için çok istekliydi. У нього була велика спокуса відмовитися від усіх подальших думок стати адвокатом. Anh rất muốn từ bỏ mọi ý định trở thành luật sư. 他很想放弃成为一名律师的所有进一步想法。

"What shall I do?" he said to himself. "Shall I say, 'Yes, gentlemen,' and sit down here to spend my days in a kind of comfortable privacy?" "Evet, beyler' diyeyim ve günlerimi rahat bir mahremiyet içinde geçirmek için burada oturayım mı?" «Чи варто мені сказати: «Так, джентльмени», і сісти тут, щоб провести свої дні в якомусь комфортному усамітненні?» “我应该说,‘是的,先生们’,然后坐在这里,在一种舒适的私密环境中度过我的日子吗?” But his father was anxious that he should return to the study of the law. Ancak babası onun hukuk eğitimine geri dönmesi konusunda endişeliydi. Але його батько дуже хотів повернутися до вивчення права. And so he was not long in making up his mind. Bu yüzden kararını vermekte gecikmedi. І тому він не довго вирішував. 所以他很快就做出了决定。

In a letter to one of his friends he said: "I shall make one more trial of the law in the ensuing autumn. Arkadaşlarından birine yazdığı bir mektupta şöyle diyordu: "Önümüzdeki sonbaharda hukukla ilgili bir deneme daha yapacağım. У листі до одного зі своїх друзів він сказав: «Наступної осені я зроблю ще один суд над законом. Trong một bức thư gửi cho một người bạn của mình, ông nói: "Tôi sẽ thực hiện một phiên tòa xét xử luật pháp nữa vào mùa thu tới. 他在给一位朋友的信中说:“我将在接下来的秋天再次审判该法律。 "If I prosecute the profession, I pray God to fortify me against its temptations. "Eğer mesleğimi sürdürürsem, Tanrı'dan beni ayartmalarına karşı güçlendirmesini dilerim. «Якщо я займаюся цією професією, я молюся, щоб Бог зміцнив мене проти її спокус. “Nếu tôi truy tố nghề này, tôi cầu nguyện Chúa thêm sức cho tôi trước những cám dỗ của nó. “如果我从事这一职业,我祈求上帝让我坚强地抵御它的诱惑。 To be honest, to be capable, to be faithful to my client and my conscience." Dürüst olmak, yetenekli olmak, müvekkilime ve vicdanıma sadık olmak." Бути чесним, бути здібним, бути вірним своєму клієнту і своїй совісті». Thành thật mà nói, có khả năng, trung thành với khách hàng và lương tâm của mình.” Early the next September, he was again in Mr. Thompson's little law office. Bir sonraki Eylül ayının başlarında yine Bay Thompson'ın küçük hukuk bürosundaydı. All the money that he had saved, while at Fryeburg, was spent to help Ezekiel through college. Fryeburg'dayken biriktirdiği tüm parayı Ezekiel'in üniversite eğitimine yardımcı olmak için harcadı.