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Four Great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. A Book for Young Americans by James Baldwin, THE STORY OF DANIEL WEBSTER. IV.—PLANS FOR THE FUTURE.


One hot day in summer the judge and his youngest son were at work together in the hayfield.

"Daniel," said the judge, "I am thinking that this kind of work is hardly the right thing for you. You must prepare yourself for greater things than pitching hay." "What do you mean, father?" asked Daniel.

"I mean that you must have that which I have always felt the need of. You must have a good education; for without an education a man is always at a disadvantage. If I had been able to go to school when I was a boy, I might have done more for my country than I have. But as it is, I can do nothing but struggle here for the means of living." "Zeke and I will help you, father," said Daniel; "and now that you are growing old, you need not work so hard." "I am not complaining about the work," said the judge. "I live only for my children. When your older brothers were growing up I was too poor to give them an education; but I am able now to do something for you, and I mean to send you to a good school." "Oh, father, how kind you are!" cried Daniel.

"If you will study hard," said his father—"if you will do your best, and learn all that you can; you will not have to endure such hardships as I have endured. And then you will be able to do so much more good in the world." The boy's heart was touched by the manner in which his father spoke these words. He dropped his rake; he threw his arms around his father's neck, and cried for thankfulness and joy. It was not until the next spring that Judge Webster felt himself able to carry out his plans to send Daniel to school.

One evening he said, "Daniel, you must be up early in the morning, I am going with you to Exeter." "To Exeter?" said the boy.

"Yes, to Exeter. I am going to put you in the academy there." The academy at Exeter was then, as it still is, a famous place for preparing boys for college. But Daniel's father did not say anything about making him ready for college. The judge knew that the expenses would be heavy, and he was not sure that he would ever be able to give him a finished education.

It was nearly fifty miles to Exeter, and Daniel and his father were to ride there on horseback. That was almost the only way of traveling in those days.

The next morning two horses were brought to the door. One was Judge Webster's horse, the other was a gentle nag, with a lady's side-saddle on his back. "Who is going to ride on that nag?" asked Daniel.

"Young Dan Webster," answered the judge. "But I don't want a side-saddle. I am not a lady." "Neighbor Johnson is sending the nag to Exeter for the use of a lady who is to ride back with me. I accommodate him by taking charge of the animal, and he accommodates me by allowing you to ride on it." "But won't it look rather funny for me to ride to Exeter on a lady's saddle?" "If a lady can ride on it, perhaps Dan Webster can do as much." And so they set out on their journey to Exeter. The judge rode in advance, and Daniel, sitting astride of the lady's saddle, followed behind. It was, no doubt, a funny sight to see them riding thus along the muddy roads. None of the country people who stopped to gaze at them could have guessed that the dark-faced lad who rode so awkwardly would some day become one of the greatest men of the age.

It was thus that Daniel Webster made his first appearance among strangers.


One hot day in summer the judge and his youngest son were at work together in the hayfield. |||||||||||||||||łąka siana Một ngày hè nóng bức, ông thẩm phán và cậu con trai út cùng làm việc trên cánh đồng cỏ khô.

"Daniel," said the judge, "I am thinking that this kind of work is hardly the right thing for you. «Денієле, — сказав суддя, — я думаю, що така робота навряд чи підходить тобі. “Daniel,” thẩm phán nói, “tôi nghĩ loại công việc này khó có thể phù hợp với anh. You must prepare yourself for greater things than pitching hay." ||||||||rzucanie siana|siano Ви повинні підготувати себе до більшого, ніж підкидання сіна". Bạn phải chuẩn bị cho mình những điều lớn lao hơn là ném cỏ khô." "What do you mean, father?" "Kako to misliš, oče?" asked Daniel. je vprašal Daniel.

"I mean that you must have that which I have always felt the need of. "Mislim, da moraš imeti tisto, kar sem vedno potreboval. «Я маю на увазі, що ти повинен мати те, у чому я завжди відчував потребу. "Ý tôi là bạn phải có thứ mà tôi luôn cảm thấy cần. “我的意思是,你必须拥有我一直觉得需要的东西。 You must have a good education; for without an education a man is always at a disadvantage. ||||||||||||||||niekorzyść Imeti morate dobro izobrazbo; kajti brez izobrazbe je človek vedno na slabšem. If I had been able to go to school when I was a boy, I might have done more for my country than I have. Če bi lahko hodil v šolo, ko sem bil deček, bi morda naredil več za svojo državo, kot sem. Якби я міг ходити до школи, коли був хлопчиком, я міг би зробити для своєї країни більше, ніж зробив. Nếu tôi được đi học khi còn nhỏ, có lẽ tôi đã làm được nhiều việc cho đất nước hơn những gì tôi đã làm. But as it is, I can do nothing but struggle here for the means of living." Ampak tako kot je, mi ne preostane drugega, kot da se tukaj borim za sredstva za življenje." Але на даний момент я не можу нічого зробити, окрім як боротися тут за засоби до існування". Nhưng với tình hình hiện tại, tôi không thể làm gì khác ngoài việc đấu tranh ở đây để kiếm sống." 但事已至此,我只能在这里为谋生而奋斗。” "Zeke and I will help you, father," said Daniel; "and now that you are growing old, you need not work so hard." "Zeke in jaz ti bova pomagala, oče," je rekel Daniel; "in zdaj, ko se staraš, ti ni treba tako trdo delati." «Ми з Зіком допоможемо тобі, батьку», — сказав Даніель; «І тепер, коли ти старієш, тобі не потрібно так багато працювати». “Zeke và con sẽ giúp bố,” Daniel nói; "Bây giờ ngươi đã già rồi, ngươi không cần phải làm việc vất vả như vậy nữa." "I am not complaining about the work," said the judge. »Ne pritožujem se nad delom,« je dejal sodnik. "I live only for my children. »Živim samo za svoje otroke. "Tôi chỉ sống vì con tôi. “我只为我的孩子们而活。 When your older brothers were growing up I was too poor to give them an education; but I am able now to do something for you, and I mean to send you to a good school." Ko so vaši starejši bratje odraščali, sem bil prereven, da bi jim omogočil izobrazbo; zdaj pa lahko naredim nekaj zate in te nameravam poslati v dobro šolo." "Oh, father, how kind you are!" "O, oče, kako ste prijazni!" cried Daniel.

"If you will study hard," said his father—"if you will do your best, and learn all that you can; you will not have to endure such hardships as I have endured. |||||||||||||||||||||||||znosić||trudności||||znieść "Če se boš pridno učil," je rekel njegov oče - "če boš dal vse od sebe in se naučil vsega, kar lahko, ti ne bo treba prenašati takšnih stisk, kot sem jih jaz. «Якщо ти будеш старанно вчитися, — сказав його батько, — якщо ти докладатимеш усіх зусиль і навчишся всього, що зможеш, тобі не доведеться терпіти таких труднощів, як я. And then you will be able to do so much more good in the world." The boy's heart was touched by the manner in which his father spoke these words. Fantovo srce se je dotaknilo načina, kako je njegov oče izrekel te besede. Серце хлопчика зворушило те, як його батько сказав ці слова. 男孩的心被父亲说这句话的语气所触动。 He dropped his rake; he threw his arms around his father's neck, and cried for thankfulness and joy. |||grabie||rzucił|||||||||||| Він упустив свої граблі; він обняв батька за шию і заплакав від вдячності та радості. 他放下了耙子;他用双臂搂住父亲的脖子,因感激和喜悦而哭泣。 It was not until the next spring that Judge Webster felt himself able to carry out his plans to send Daniel to school. 直到第二年春天,韦伯斯特法官才觉得自己能够执行送丹尼尔上学的计划。

One evening he said, "Daniel, you must be up early in the morning, I am going with you to Exeter." 一天晚上,他说:“丹尼尔,你早上必须起得很早,我要和你一起去埃克塞特。” "To Exeter?" said the boy.

"Yes, to Exeter. I am going to put you in the academy there." The academy at Exeter was then, as it still is, a famous place for preparing boys for college. 埃克塞特学院当时是,现在仍然是一个著名的培养男孩上大学的地方。 But Daniel's father did not say anything about making him ready for college. 但丹尼尔的父亲并没有说要让他为上大学做好准备。 The judge knew that the expenses would be heavy, and he was not sure that he would ever be able to give him a finished education. |||||wydatki|||||||||||||||||||| Sodnik je vedel, da bodo stroški visoki, in ni bil prepričan, da mu bo kdaj omogočil dokončano izobrazbo. Суддя знав, що витрати будуть великими, і він не був упевнений, що коли-небудь зможе дати йому закінчену освіту.

It was nearly fifty miles to Exeter, and Daniel and his father were to ride there on horseback. ||prawie||||||||||||||| 距离埃克塞特有近五十英里,丹尼尔和他的父亲要骑马前往那里。 That was almost the only way of traveling in those days. To je bil v tistih časih skoraj edini način potovanja.

The next morning two horses were brought to the door. 第二天早上,两匹马被送到门口。 One was Judge Webster's horse, the other was a gentle nag, with a lady's side-saddle on his back. ||||||||||kobyłka|||||siodło damskie||| Eden je bil konj sodnika Websterja, drugi je bil nežen godrnjav z ženskim stranskim sedlom na hrbtu. Один з них був конем судді Вебстера, інший - лагідною клячею, з жіночим боковим сідлом на спині. "Who is going to ride on that nag?" |||||||szkapina "Kdo bo jezdil na tem naglu?" asked Daniel.

"Young Dan Webster," answered the judge. "Mladi Dan Webster," je odgovoril sodnik. “Young Dan Webster,” thẩm phán trả lời. "But I don't want a side-saddle. "Ampak nočem stranskega sedla. “Nhưng tôi không muốn có yên xe bên hông. I am not a lady." Nisem dama." "Neighbor Johnson is sending the nag to Exeter for the use of a lady who is to ride back with me. "Sosed Johnson pošilja nagca v Exeter za uporabo gospe, ki naj bi jezdila nazaj z menoj. "Сусід Джонсон відправляє клячу в Ексетер для леді, яка поїде назад зі мною. “Hàng xóm Johnson đang cằn nhằn Exeter vì lợi dụng một quý cô sẽ đi cùng tôi về. “邻居约翰逊正把这匹马送到埃克塞特,供一位女士使用,她将和我一起骑马回来。 I accommodate him by taking charge of the animal, and he accommodates me by allowing you to ride on it." Я пристосовуюся до нього, беручи на себе відповідальність за тварину, а він пристосовується до мене, дозволяючи тобі їздити на ньому". Tôi chiều ý anh ấy bằng cách chăm sóc con vật, và anh ấy chiều lòng tôi bằng cách cho phép bạn cưỡi lên nó.” 我通过照顾动物来适应他,他通过允许你骑在它身上来适应我。” "But won't it look rather funny for me to ride to Exeter on a lady's saddle?" “Nhưng chẳng phải sẽ khá buồn cười nếu tôi cưỡi ngựa đến Exeter trên yên ngựa của một quý cô sao?” “但是对我来说,骑着女士的马鞍去埃克塞特不是很有趣吗?” "If a lady can ride on it, perhaps Dan Webster can do as much." “Nếu một quý cô có thể cưỡi nó thì có lẽ Dan Webster cũng có thể làm được điều đó.” “如果一位女士可以骑它,也许丹·韦伯斯特也能做到。” And so they set out on their journey to Exeter. The judge rode in advance, and Daniel, sitting astride of the lady's saddle, followed behind. Thẩm phán đi trước, và Daniel, ngồi trên yên ngựa của người phụ nữ, theo sau. 法官走在前面,丹尼尔跨坐在女士的马鞍上,跟在后面。 It was, no doubt, a funny sight to see them riding thus along the muddy roads. It was, no doubt, a funny sight to see them riding thus along the muddy roads. None of the country people who stopped to gaze at them could have guessed that the dark-faced lad who rode so awkwardly would some day become one of the greatest men of the age. Nihče od podeželskih prebivalcev, ki so se ustavili in jih opazovali, si ni mogel misliti, da bo temnolični fant, ki je tako nerodno jezdil, nekega dne postal eden največjih mož tega časa. Жоден із сільських жителів, які зупинялися, щоб поглянути на них, не міг припустити, що смаглявий хлопець, який так незграбно їхав верхи, одного дня стане одним із найвидатніших людей свого часу. Không ai trong số những người dân quê dừng lại nhìn họ có thể đoán được rằng chàng trai có khuôn mặt ngăm đen cưỡi ngựa vụng về một ngày nào đó sẽ trở thành một trong những người đàn ông vĩ đại nhất của thời đại. 停下来注视他们的乡下人没有一个能想到,这个骑得如此笨拙的黑脸小伙子有一天会成为这个时代最伟大的人之一。

It was thus that Daniel Webster made his first appearance among strangers. Tako se je Daniel Webster prvič pojavil med tujci. Так Даніель Вебстер вперше з'явився серед незнайомих людей.