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Four Great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. A Book for Young Americans by James Baldwin, THE STORY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. IX.—THE RETURN TO PHILADELPHIA.


Benjamin Franklin felt much disappointed when his father refused to help send him to England. But he was not discouraged.

In a few weeks he was ready to return to Philadelphia. This time he did not have to run away from home.

His father blessed him, and his mother gave him many small gifts as tokens of her love.

"Be diligent," said his father, "attend well to your business, and save your money carefully, and, perhaps, by the time you are twenty-one years old, you will be able to set up for yourself without the governor's help." All the family, except James the printer, bade him a kind good-bye, as he went on board the little ship that was to take him as far as New York.

There was another surprise for him when he reached New York.

The governor of New York had heard that there was a young man from Boston on board the ship, and that he had a great many books.

There were no large libraries in New York at that time. There were no bookstores, and but few people who cared for books.

So the governor sent for Franklin to come and see him. He showed him his own library, and they had a long talk about books and authors.

This was the second governor that had taken notice of Benjamin. For a poor boy, like him, it was a great honor, and very pleasing.

When he arrived in Philadelphia he gave to Governor Keith the letter which his father had written.

The governor was not very well pleased. He said:

"Your father is too careful. There is a great difference in persons. Young men can sometimes be trusted with great undertakings as well as if they were older." He then said that he would set Franklin up in business without his father's help. "Give me a list of everything needed in a first-class printing-office. I will see that you are properly fitted out." Franklin was delighted. He thought that Governor Keith was one of the best men in the world.

In a few days he laid before the governor a list of the things needed in a little printing-office.

The cost of the outfit would be about five hundred dollars.

The governor was pleased with the list. There were no type-foundries in America at that time. There was no place where printing-presses were made. Everything had to be bought in England.

The governor said, "Don't you think it would be better if you could go to England and choose the types for yourself, and see that everything is just as you would like to have it?" "Yes, sir," said Franklin, "I think that would be a great advantage." "Well, then," said the governor, "get yourself ready to go on the next regular ship to London. It shall be at my expense." At that time there was only one ship that made regular trips from Philadelphia to England, and it sailed but once each year.

The name of this ship was the Annis . It would not be ready to sail again for several months.

And so young Franklin, while he was getting ready for the voyage, kept on working in Mr. Keimer's little printing-office. He laid up money enough to pay for his passage. He did not want to be dependent upon Governor Keith for everything; and it was well that he did not.

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Benjamin Franklin felt much disappointed when his father refused to help send him to England. Babası onu İngiltere'ye göndermeye yardım etmeyi reddettiğinde Benjamin Franklin büyük bir hayal kırıklığına uğradı. Бенджамін Франклін був дуже розчарований, коли його батько відмовився допомогти відправити його до Англії. 当本杰明·富兰克林的父亲拒绝帮助他去英国时,他感到非常失望。 But he was not discouraged. ||||desanimado Ama cesareti kırılmamıştı. Але він не зневірився. 但他并没有灰心。

In a few weeks he was ready to return to Philadelphia. Birkaç hafta içinde Philadelphia'ya dönmeye hazırdı. This time he did not have to run away from home. Bu sefer evden kaçmak zorunda kalmadı. Цього разу йому не довелося тікати з дому. 这一次,他不用离家出走了。

His father blessed him, and his mother gave him many small gifts as tokens of her love. Sein Vater segnete ihn, und seine Mutter gab ihm viele kleine Geschenke als Zeichen ihrer Liebe. Babası onu kutsadı ve annesi sevgisinin bir göstergesi olarak ona birçok küçük hediye verdi. Його батько благословив його, а мати дала йому багато маленьких подарунків на знак своєї любові. 他的父亲祝福他,他的母亲送给他许多小礼物作为爱的信物。

"Be diligent," said his father, "attend well to your business, and save your money carefully, and, perhaps, by the time you are twenty-one years old, you will be able to set up for yourself without the governor's help." |"Esforzado"||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| "Seja diligente", disse o pai, "cuide bem de seus negócios e economize seu dinheiro com cuidado e, talvez, quando tiver vinte e um anos de idade, poderá se estabelecer sozinho sem a ajuda do governador ." "Çalışkan ol," dedi babası, "işine iyi bak ve paranı dikkatle biriktir, belki yirmi bir yaşına geldiğinde valinin yardımı olmadan kendi işini kurabilirsin." «Будь старанним, — казав йому батько, — дбай про свою справу й дбайливо бережи свої гроші, і, може, до двадцяти першого року тобі вдасться облаштуватися без допомоги губернатора. ." “要勤奋,”他的父亲说,“好好干你的生意,好好存钱,也许,到你二十一岁的时候,你就能在没有州长帮助的情况下自己立业了。” ”。 All the family, except James the printer, bade him a kind good-bye, as he went on board the little ship that was to take him as far as New York. |||||||despidieron de él||||||||||||||||||||||| Toda a família, exceto James, o impressor, despediu-se gentilmente, enquanto ele embarcava no pequeno navio que o levaria até Nova York. Matbaacı James dışında tüm aile, kendisini New York'a kadar götürecek olan küçük gemiye binerken ona nazik bir veda etti. Уся сім’я, крім друкаря Джеймса, люб’язно попрощалася з ним, коли він піднявся на борт маленького корабля, який мав доставити його аж до Нью-Йорка. 当他登上将带他前往纽约的小船时,除了印刷工詹姆斯之外,全家人都亲切地向他告别。

There was another surprise for him when he reached New York. Houve outra surpresa para ele quando chegou a Nova York. New York'a ulaştığında onu başka bir sürpriz bekliyordu. Коли він дістався Нью-Йорка, його чекав ще один сюрприз.

The governor of New York had heard that there was a young man from Boston on board the ship, and that he had a great many books. O governador de Nova York ouvira dizer que havia um jovem de Boston a bordo do navio e que ele tinha muitos livros. New York valisi gemide Bostonlu genç bir adam olduğunu ve çok sayıda kitabı olduğunu duymuştu. Губернатор Нью-Йорка почув, що на борту корабля був молодий чоловік із Бостона, який мав дуже багато книжок. 纽约州州长听说船上有一个来自波士顿的年轻人,而且他有很多书。

There were no large libraries in New York at that time. ||||||||||en ese momento Não havia grandes bibliotecas em Nova York naquela época. O dönemde New York'ta büyük kütüphaneler yoktu. 当时纽约还没有大型图书馆。 There were no bookstores, and but few people who cared for books. Não havia livrarias e poucas pessoas se importavam com livros. Kitapçı yoktu ve kitaplarla ilgilenen çok az insan vardı. Не було книгарень, і мало людей, які дбали про книги. 那里没有书店,但爱书的人却很少。

So the governor sent for Franklin to come and see him. Então o governador mandou chamar Franklin para vê-lo. Vali de Franklin'i onu görmesi için çağırdı. Тож губернатор послав по Франкліна, щоб той прийшов і побачив його. He showed him his own library, and they had a long talk about books and authors. Ele lhe mostrou sua própria biblioteca, e eles tiveram uma longa conversa sobre livros e autores. Ona kendi kütüphanesini gösterdi ve kitaplar ve yazarlar hakkında uzun uzun konuştular.

This was the second governor that had taken notice of Benjamin. Este foi o segundo governador que notou Benjamin. Bu, Benjamin'in dikkatini çeken ikinci valiydi. Це був другий правитель, який звернув увагу на Веніямина. For a poor boy, like him, it was a great honor, and very pleasing. Para um menino pobre, como ele, era uma grande honra e muito agradável. Onun gibi fakir bir çocuk için bu büyük bir onurdu ve çok sevindiriciydi. Для такого бідного хлопчика, як він, це була велика честь і дуже приємно.

When he arrived in Philadelphia he gave to Governor Keith the letter which his father had written. Quando chegou à Filadélfia, entregou ao governador Keith a carta que seu pai havia escrito. Philadelphia'ya vardığında Vali Keith'e babasının yazdığı mektubu verdi.

The governor was not very well pleased. O governador não gostou muito. Vali pek memnun olmadı. Губернатор був не дуже задоволений. He said:

"Your father is too careful. "Baban çok dikkatli. There is a great difference in persons. Es gibt einen großen Unterschied zwischen den Menschen. Kişiler arasında büyük bir fark vardır. Є велика різниця в особах. 人与人之间存在着很大的差异。 Young men can sometimes be trusted with great undertakings as well as if they were older." Genç adamlara bazen büyük işlerde yaşlılar kadar güvenilebilir." Молодим людям іноді можна довірити великі починання так само, якби вони були старшими». Những chàng trai trẻ đôi khi có thể được tin tưởng giao những công việc lớn lao ngay cả khi họ lớn tuổi hơn." 有时,年轻人和年长的人一样可以被信任从事伟大的事业。” He then said that he would set Franklin up in business without his father's help. Ele então disse que colocaria Franklin no negócio sem a ajuda de seu pai. Daha sonra babasının yardımı olmadan Franklin'e iş kuracağını söyledi. Тоді він сказав, що налаштує Франкліна на бізнес без допомоги батька. 然后他说他将在没有父亲帮助的情况下让富兰克林创业。 "Give me a list of everything needed in a first-class printing-office. "Dê-me uma lista de tudo o que é necessário em uma gráfica de primeira classe. "Bana birinci sınıf bir matbaada ihtiyaç duyulan her şeyin bir listesini verin. «Дайте мені список усього, що потрібно в першокласній друкарні. “给我一份一流印刷厂所需的一切清单。 I will see that you are properly fitted out." |||||||equipado| Vou cuidar para que você esteja devidamente equipado." Uygun şekilde donatıldığınızdan emin olacağım." Я простежу, щоб ти був належним чином оснащений». 我会看看你是否穿戴整齐。” Franklin was delighted. Franklin çok sevindi. Франклін був у захваті. 富兰克林很高兴。 He thought that Governor Keith was one of the best men in the world. Vali Keith'in dünyanın en iyi adamlarından biri olduğunu düşünüyordu. Він вважав, що губернатор Кейт був одним із найкращих людей у світі.

In a few days he laid before the governor a list of the things needed in a little printing-office. Birkaç gün içinde valinin önüne küçük bir matbaada ihtiyaç duyulan şeylerin bir listesini koydu. За кілька днів він подав губернатору список речей, необхідних у маленькій друкарні. 几天后,他向州长提交了一份小印刷所所需物品的清单。

The cost of the outfit would be about five hundred dollars. Kıyafetin maliyeti yaklaşık beş yüz dolar olacak. Вартість наряду склала б близько п'ятисот доларів. 这套衣服的成本约为五百美元。

The governor was pleased with the list. Vali listeden memnun kaldı. Губернатор залишився задоволений списком. There were no type-foundries in America at that time. O dönemde Amerika'da hiç dizgi fabrikası yoktu. У той час в Америці не було ливарних заводів. 当时美国没有铸字厂。 There was no place where printing-presses were made. Não havia um local onde se fabricassem tipografias. Matbaa baskılarının yapıldığı bir yer yoktu. Не було місця, де виготовляли б друкарні. 没有制造印刷机的地方。 Everything had to be bought in England. Her şey İngiltere'den satın alınmak zorundaydı. Все доводилося купувати в Англії.

The governor said, "Don't you think it would be better if you could go to England and choose the types for yourself, and see that everything is just as you would like to have it?" O governador disse: "Não achas que seria melhor se pudesses ir a Inglaterra e escolher os tipos por ti próprio, e ver que tudo é exatamente como gostarias que fosse?" Vali, "İngiltere'ye gidip tipleri kendiniz seçseniz ve her şeyin tam istediğiniz gibi olduğunu görseniz daha iyi olmaz mı?" dedi. Губернатор сказав: «Чи не думаєте ви, що було б краще, якби ви могли поїхати до Англії та вибрати типи для себе, і переконатися, що все саме так, як ви хотіли б мати?» 总督说:“你不觉得如果你能去英国自己选择类型,然后看看一切都如你所愿吗?” "Yes, sir," said Franklin, "I think that would be a great advantage." "Evet efendim," dedi Franklin, "bence bu büyük bir avantaj olur." "Well, then," said the governor, "get yourself ready to go on the next regular ship to London. "Bem, então", disse o governador, "prepara-te para ires no próximo navio regular para Londres. «Тоді, — сказав губернатор, — готуйся відправитися наступним регулярним кораблем до Лондона. “好吧,那么,”总督说,“准备好登上下一班前往伦敦的定期轮船。 It shall be at my expense." Será à minha custa". Це буде за мій рахунок». 费用由我承担。” At that time there was only one ship that made regular trips from Philadelphia to England, and it sailed but once each year. ||En ese momento|||||||||||||||||||| Naquela época, havia apenas um navio que fazia viagens regulares de Filadélfia para Inglaterra, e navegava apenas uma vez por ano. O dönemde Philadelphia'dan İngiltere'ye düzenli seferler yapan tek bir gemi vardı ve bu gemi yılda sadece bir kez sefer yapıyordu. У той час був лише один корабель, який здійснював регулярні рейси з Філадельфії до Англії, і він плавав лише раз на рік. 当时只有一艘船定期从费城前往英国,而且每年只航行一次。

The name of this ship was the  Annis . O nome deste navio era Annis . Назва цього корабля була «Анніс». 这艘船的名字是安尼斯号。 It would not be ready to sail again for several months. O navio não estará pronto para navegar novamente durante vários meses. Він не буде готовий знову відплисти через кілька місяців. 几个月后它才能再次航行。

And so young Franklin, while he was getting ready for the voyage, kept on working in Mr. Keimer's little printing-office. E assim o jovem Franklin, enquanto se preparava para a viagem, continuou a trabalhar na pequena tipografia do Sr. Keimer. Böylece genç Franklin, yolculuğa hazırlanırken Bay Keimer'in küçük matbaasında çalışmaya devam etti. І тому юний Франклін, готуючись до подорожі, продовжував працювати в маленькій друкарні містера Кеймера. 因此,年轻的富兰克林在准备出航的同时,继续在凯默先生的小印刷厂里工作。 He laid up money enough to pay for his passage. |जमा किया|||||||| Ele juntou dinheiro suficiente para pagar a sua passagem. Yol parasını ödeyecek kadar para biriktirmiş. Він зібрав достатньо грошей, щоб заплатити за проїзд. 他积攒了足够的钱来支付路费。 He did not want to be dependent upon Governor Keith for everything; and it was well that he did not. Ele não queria depender do Governador Keith para tudo; e era bom que não o fizesse. Her konuda Vali Keith'e bağımlı olmak istemiyordu ve iyi ki de istemiyordu. Він не хотів у всьому залежати від губернатора Кіта; і добре, що він цього не зробив. 他不想在所有事情上都依赖基思州长;他不想在任何事情上都依赖基思州长。幸好他没有这样做。