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Four Great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. A Book for Young Americans by James Baldwin, THE STORY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. II.—SCHOOLDAYS.


When Benjamin Franklin was a boy there were no great public schools in Boston as there are now. But he learned to read almost as soon as he could talk, and he was always fond of books.

His nine brothers were older than he, and every one had learned a trade. They did not care so much for books.

"Benjamin shall be the scholar of our family," said his mother. "Yes, we will educate him for a minister," said his father. For at that time all the most learned men were ministers.

And so, when he was eight years old, Benjamin Franklin was sent to a grammar school, where boys were prepared for college. He was a very apt scholar, and in a few months was promoted to a higher class.

But the lad was not allowed to stay long in the grammar school. His father was a poor man. It would cost a great deal of money to give Benjamin a college education. The times were very hard. The idea of educating the boy for the ministry had to be given up.

In less than a year he was taken from the grammar school, and sent to another school where arithmetic and writing were taught.

He learned to write very well, indeed; but he did not care so much for arithmetic, and so failed to do what was expected of him.

When he was ten years old he had to leave school altogether. His father needed his help; and though Benjamin was but a small boy, there were many things that he could do.

He never attended school again. But he kept on studying and reading; and we shall find that he afterwards became the most learned man in America.

Benjamin's father was a soap-boiler and candle-maker. And so when the boy was taken from school, what kind of work do you think he had to do?

He was kept busy cutting wicks for the candles, pouring the melted tallow into the candle-moulds, and selling soap to his father's customers. Do you suppose that he liked this business?

He did not like it at all. And when he saw the ships sailing in and out of Boston harbor, he longed to be a sailor and go to strange, far-away lands, where candles and soap were unknown.

But his father would not listen to any of his talk about going to sea.

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When Benjamin Franklin was a boy there were no great public schools in Boston as there are now. Quando Benjamin Franklin era criança, não havia grandes escolas públicas em Boston como há atualmente. Benjamin Franklin çocukken Boston'da şimdiki gibi büyük devlet okulları yoktu. But he learned to read almost as soon as he could talk, and he was always fond of books. ||||||||||||||||aficionado a|| Mas aprendeu a ler quase tão cedo como falava e sempre gostou de livros. Ama neredeyse konuşmaya başlar başlamaz okumayı öğrendi ve her zaman kitaplara düşkün oldu. Але він навчився читати майже відразу, як почав говорити, і завжди любив книжки. 但他几乎从会说话的时候就学会了读书,而且他一直很喜欢读书。

His nine brothers were older than he, and every one had learned a trade. |||||||||||||oficio Os seus nove irmãos eram mais velhos do que ele e todos tinham aprendido uma profissão. Dokuz erkek kardeşi ondan daha büyüktü ve her biri bir meslek öğrenmişti. Його дев'ять братів були старші за нього, і кожен навчився ремесла. 他的九个兄弟都比他年长,个个都学过一门手艺。 They did not care so much for books. Não se preocupavam muito com os livros. Вони не дуже дбали про книги.

"Benjamin shall be the scholar of our family," said his mother. "Benjamin será o académico da nossa família", disse a mãe. — Бенджамін стане вченим у нашій родині, — сказала його мати. "Yes, we will educate him for a minister," said his father. |||educar||||||| "Sim, vamos educá-lo para ser ministro", disse o pai. "Evet, onu bir bakan olarak yetiştireceğiz," dedi babası. For at that time all the most learned men were ministers. |||ese tiempo|||||||ministros Naquele tempo, todos os homens mais cultos eram ministros. Çünkü o dönemde en bilgili kişilerin hepsi papazdı. Бо в той час усі найосвіченіші люди були міністрами.

And so, when he was eight years old, Benjamin Franklin was sent to a grammar school, where boys were prepared for college. Assim, quando tinha oito anos, Benjamin Franklin foi enviado para uma escola de gramática, onde os rapazes eram preparados para a universidade. Böylece Benjamin Franklin sekiz yaşındayken, erkek çocukların üniversiteye hazırlandığı bir gramer okuluna gönderildi. He was a very apt scholar, and in a few months was promoted to a higher class. ||||muy apto|||||||||||| Er war ein sehr begabter Gelehrter und wurde schon nach wenigen Monaten in eine höhere Klasse befördert. Era um académico muito competente e, em poucos meses, foi promovido a uma classe superior. Çok yetenekli bir akademisyendi ve birkaç ay içinde daha yüksek bir sınıfa terfi etti. Він був дуже спритним ученим, і за кілька місяців його підвищили до вищого класу. 他是一位非常聪明的学者,几个月后就晋升到更高的级别。

But the lad was not allowed to stay long in the grammar school. Mas o rapaz não foi autorizado a permanecer muito tempo no liceu. Ancak delikanlının ilkokulda uzun süre kalmasına izin verilmedi. Але хлопцеві не дозволили надовго затриматися в гімназії. 但这个小伙子不被允许在文法学校呆太久。 His father was a poor man. O seu pai era um homem pobre. Його батько був бідною людиною. It would cost a great deal of money to give Benjamin a college education. Custaria muito dinheiro dar a Benjamin uma educação universitária. Benjamin'e üniversite eğitimi vermek çok pahalıya mal olur. Дати Бенджаміну вищу освіту коштувало б великих грошей. The times were very hard. 日子过得很艰难。 The idea of educating the boy for the ministry had to be given up. A ideia de educar o rapaz para o ministério teve de ser abandonada. Çocuğu bakanlık için eğitme fikrinden vazgeçilmesi gerekiyordu. Від ідеї навчання хлопця для служіння довелося відмовитися.

In less than a year he was taken from the grammar school, and sent to another school where arithmetic and writing were taught. ||||||||||||||||||aritmética|||| Em menos de um ano, foi retirado do liceu e enviado para outra escola onde se ensinava aritmética e escrita. Bir yıldan kısa bir süre içinde dilbilgisi okulundan alındı ve aritmetik ve yazmanın öğretildiği başka bir okula gönderildi. Менш ніж через рік його забрали з гімназії і відправили в іншу школу, де викладали арифметику та письмо. 不到一年,他就被从文法学校带走,送到另一所教授算术和写作的学校。

He learned to write very well, indeed; but he did not care so much for arithmetic, and so failed to do what was expected of him. Aprendeu a escrever muito bem, de facto; mas não se interessou muito pela aritmética e, por isso, não conseguiu fazer o que se esperava dele. Gerçekten de çok iyi yazmayı öğrenmişti; ama aritmetikle pek ilgilenmiyordu ve bu yüzden kendisinden beklenenleri yapamadı. Він справді дуже добре навчився писати; але він не дуже дбав про арифметику, і тому не зміг зробити те, що від нього очікувалося. 他确实写得很好。但他不太喜欢算术,因此没有达到人们对他的期望。

When he was ten years old he had to leave school altogether. |||||||||||por completo Quando tinha dez anos, teve de abandonar a escola. On yaşındayken okulu tamamen bırakmak zorunda kaldı. У десять років йому довелося взагалі залишити школу. 当他十岁时,他不得不完全离开学校。 His father needed his help; and though Benjamin was but a small boy, there were many things that he could do. O seu pai precisava da sua ajuda e, embora Benjamim fosse apenas um rapazinho, havia muitas coisas que ele podia fazer. Babasının onun yardımına ihtiyacı vardı ve Benjamin küçük bir çocuk olmasına rağmen yapabileceği pek çok şey vardı. Його батько потребував його допомоги; і хоча Бенджамін був лише маленьким хлопчиком, він міг багато чого робити. 他的父亲需要他的帮助;虽然本杰明只是一个小男孩,但他能做的事情有很多。

He never attended school again. Nunca mais voltou a frequentar a escola. Bir daha asla okula gitmedi. Він ніколи більше не відвідував школу. But he kept on studying and reading; and we shall find that he afterwards became the most learned man in America. Mas continuou a estudar e a ler; e veremos que, mais tarde, se tornou o homem mais culto da América. Ama çalışmaya ve okumaya devam etti; ve daha sonra Amerika'nın en bilgili adamı olduğunu göreceğiz. Але він продовжував вчитися і читати; і ми побачимо, що згодом він став найосвіченішою людиною в Америці.

Benjamin's father was a soap-boiler and candle-maker. |||||fabricante de jabón||| O pai de Benjamin era fabricante de sabão e velas. Benjamin'in babası sabun ve mum imalatçısıydı. Батько Бенджаміна був миловарником і свічником. 本杰明的父亲是一名肥皂锅炉和蜡烛制造商。 And so when the boy was taken from school, what kind of work do you think he had to do? E então, quando o rapaz foi retirado da escola, que tipo de trabalho é que acham que ele tinha de fazer? Peki çocuk okuldan alındığında, ne tür bir iş yapmak zorunda kaldığını düşünüyorsunuz? І коли хлопця забрали зі школи, як ви думаєте, яку роботу він мав виконувати?

He was kept busy cutting wicks for the candles, pouring the melted tallow into the candle-moulds, and selling soap to his father's customers. |||||mechas||||vertiendo|||sebo derretido||||moldes de velas||||||| Estava sempre ocupado a cortar pavios para as velas, a deitar o sebo derretido nos moldes das velas e a vender sabão aos clientes do pai. Mumlar için fitil kesmekle, eritilmiş don yağını mum kalıplarına dökmekle ve babasının müşterilerine sabun satmakla meşguldü. Він був зайнятий тим, що різав ґноти для свічок, розливав розтоплений жир у форми для свічок і продавав мило клієнтам свого батька. 他一直忙着切割蜡烛的灯芯,将融化的牛脂倒入蜡烛模具中,并向父亲的顾客出售肥皂。 Do you suppose that he liked this business? Achas que ele gostava deste negócio? Sence bu işi seviyor muydu? Як ви гадаєте, йому подобалася ця справа? 你认为他喜欢这个行业吗?

He did not like it at all. Não lhe agradou nada. And when he saw the ships sailing in and out of Boston harbor, he longed to be a sailor and go to strange, far-away lands, where candles and soap were unknown. ||||||||||||puerto de Boston||anhelaba||||||||||||||||| E quando via os navios a entrar e a sair do porto de Boston, ansiava por ser marinheiro e ir para terras estranhas e longínquas, onde as velas e o sabão eram desconhecidos. Ve Boston limanına girip çıkan gemileri gördüğünde, bir denizci olmayı ve mumların ve sabunun bilinmediği garip, uzak diyarlara gitmeyi arzuluyordu. І коли він побачив кораблі, що пливуть у бостонську гавань і випливають з неї, він захотів стати моряком і відправитися в чужі, далекі країни, де не знають свічок і мила. 当他看到波士顿港进出的船只时,他渴望成为一名水手,去陌生而遥远的土地,那里没有蜡烛和肥皂。

But his father would not listen to any of his talk about going to sea. Mas o pai não queria ouvir a sua conversa sobre ir para o mar. Але батько не хотів слухати жодних його розмов про море. 但他的父亲不听他谈论出海的任何事情。