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Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin, 9. THE BLACK DOUGLAS


IN Scotland, in the time of King Robert Bruce, there lived a brave man whose name was Douglas.

His hair and beard were black and long, and his face was tanned and dark; and for this reason people nicknamed him the Black Douglas. He was a good friend of the king, and one of his strongest helpers. In the war with the English, who were trying to drive Bruce from Scotland, the Black Douglas did many brave deeds; and the English people became very much afraid of him.

By and by the fear of him spread all through the land. Nothing could frighten an English lad more than to tell him that the Black Douglas was not far away. Women would tell their children, when they were naughty, that the Black Douglas would get them; and this would make them very quiet and good. There was a large castle in Scotland which the English had taken early in the war.

The Scottish soldiers wanted very much to take it again, and the Black Douglas and his men went one day to see what they could do. It happened to be a holiday, and most of the English soldiers in the castle were eating and drinking and having a merry time. But they had left watchmen on the wall to see that the Scottish soldiers did not come upon them unawares; and so they felt quite safe. In the evening, when it was growing dark, the wife of one of the soldiers went up on the wall with her child in her arms.

As she looked over into the fields below the castle, she saw some dark objects moving toward the foot of the wall. In the dusk, she could not make out what they were, and so she pointed them out to one of the watchmen. "Pooh, pooh!

said the watchman. "Those are nothing to frighten us. They are the farmer's cattle, trying to find their way home. The farmer himself is enjoying the holiday, and he has forgotten to bring them in. If the Douglas should happen this way before morning, he will be sorry for his carelessness. But the dark objects were not cattle.

They were the Black Douglas and his men, creeping on hands and feet toward the foot of the castle wall. Some of them were dragging ladders behind them through the grass. They would soon be climbing to the top of the wall. None of the English soldiers dreamed that they were within many miles of the place. The woman watched them until the last one had passed around a corner out of sight.

She was not afraid, for in the darkening twilight they looked indeed like cattle. After a little while she began to sing to her child:— "Hush ye, hush ye, little pet ye,

Hush ye, hush ye, do not fret ye,

The Black Douglas shall not get ye.

All at once a gruff voice was heard behind her, saying, "Don't be so sure about that!

She looked around, and there stood the Black Douglas himself.

At the same moment a Scottish soldier climbed off a ladder and leaped upon the wall; and then there came another and another and another, until the wall was covered with them. Soon there was hot fighting in every part of the castle. But the English were so taken by surprise that they could not do much. Many of them were killed, and in a little while the Black Douglas and his men were the masters of the castle, which by right belonged to them. As for the woman and her child, the Black Douglas would not suffer any one to harm them.

After a while they went back to England; and whether the mother made up any more songs about the Black Douglas I cannot tell.

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IN Scotland, in the time of King Robert Bruce, there lived a brave man whose name was Douglas. スコットランドでは、ロバートブルース王の時代に、ダグラスという名の勇敢な男が住んでいました。

His hair and beard were black and long, and his face was tanned and dark; and for this reason people nicknamed him the Black Douglas. ||||||||||||gebräunt|||||||||||| ||||||||||||brunbränd|||||||||||| He was a good friend of the king, and one of his strongest helpers. |||||||||||||hjälpare Byl dobrým přítelem krále a jedním z jeho nejsilnějších pomocníků. Han var en god vän till kungen och en av hans starkaste hjälpare. In the war with the English, who were trying to drive Bruce from Scotland, the Black Douglas did many brave deeds; and the English people became very much afraid of him. Ve válce s Angličany, kteří se snažili vyhnat Bruce ze Skotska, vykonali Černí Douglasové mnoho statečných činů; a Angličané se ho velmi báli. I kriget mot engelsmännen, som försökte driva Bruce från Skottland, gjorde den svarte Douglas många modiga gärningar; och det engelska folket blev mycket rädda för honom.

By and by the fear of him spread all through the land. |||||||поширилася|||| Strach z něj se postupně šířil po celé zemi. Peu à peu, la peur de lui se répandit dans tout le pays. Så småningom spred sig rädslan för honom genom hela landet. Aralarındaki tüm korkular tarafından ve onun korkusuyla. Dần dần nỗi sợ hãi về anh ta lan rộng khắp vùng đất. Nothing could frighten an English lad more than to tell him that the Black Douglas was not far away. ||налякати|||||||||||||||| Nic nemohlo anglického mladíka vyděsit víc, než mu říct, že Black Douglas není daleko. ブラックダグラスが遠くないことを彼に伝えることほど、英国の若者を怖がらせることはできませんでした。 Hiçbir şey bir İngiliz delikanlıyı korkutup, Kara Şövalye'nin çok uzak olmadığını söylemekten daha fazlası olamazdı. Không gì có thể khiến một chàng trai người Anh sợ hãi hơn việc nói với anh ta rằng Black Douglas không còn xa nữa. Women would tell their children, when they were naughty, that the Black Douglas would get them; and this would make them very quiet and good. ||||||||unartig|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||skulle|||||| 女性は、彼らがいたずらをしているとき、彼らの子供たちに、ブラックダグラスが彼らを捕まえるだろうと言いました。そしてこれは彼らをとても静かで良いものにするでしょう。 Kadınlar çocuklarına, yaramaz oldukları zaman, Black Douglas'ın onları alacağını söylerdi; ve bu onları çok sessiz ve iyi yapardı. There was a large castle in Scotland which the English had taken early in the war. Ve Skotsku byl velký hrad, který Angličané obsadili na začátku války. Il y avait un grand château en Ecosse que les Anglais avaient pris au début de la guerre. スコットランドには、戦争の初期にイギリス人が取った大きな城がありました。 İskoçya’da, İngilizlerin savaşın erken saatlerinde aldığı büyük bir kale vardı. Có một lâu đài lớn ở Scotland mà người Anh đã chiếm được từ đầu cuộc chiến.

The Scottish soldiers wanted very much to take it again, and the Black Douglas and his men went one day to see what they could do. Skotští vojáci si to moc přáli znovu získat a Black Douglas a jeho muži se jednoho dne vydali zjistit, co mohou udělat. スコットランドの兵士たちは再びそれを取りたがり、ブラック・ダグラスとその部下はある日、彼らが何ができるかを見に行きました. İskoç askerleri tekrar almak istediler ve Black Douglas ve adamları bir gün neler yapabileceğini görmek için gitti. It happened to be a holiday, and most of the English soldiers in the castle were eating and drinking and having a merry time. Náhodou byl svátek a většina anglických vojáků na hradě jedla, pila a bavila se. Bir tatil oldu ve kaledeki İngiliz askerlerinin çoğu yemek yiyor, içiyor ve mutlu vakit geçiriyorlardı. But they had left watchmen on the wall to see that the Scottish soldiers did not come upon them unawares; and so they felt quite safe. |||||||||||||||||||unbemerkt|||||| |||||||||||||||||||utan att veta|||||| Ale nechali hlídače na zdi, aby viděli, že na ně skotští vojáci nepřišli nevědomky; a tak se cítili docela bezpečně. Mais ils avaient laissé des gardiens sur le mur pour voir que les soldats écossais ne les avaient pas pris par surprise; et ils se sentaient donc en sécurité. しかし、彼らは、スコットランドの兵士が気づかずに彼らに出くわさなかったことを確認するために、警備員を壁に残していました。そして彼らはとても安全だと感じました。 Fakat İskoç askerlerinin üzerlerine gelmediklerini görmek için duvarda bekçi bırakmışlardı; ve böylece oldukça güvenli hissettiler. In the evening, when it was growing dark, the wife of one of the soldiers went up on the wall with her child in her arms. Le soir, alors qu'il faisait sombre, la femme d'un des soldats est montée sur le mur avec son enfant dans les bras. 夕方、暗くなってきたとき、兵士の一人の妻が子供を腕に抱えて壁に登りました。 Akşamları, karanlıkta büyüdüğünde, askerlerden birinin karısı, çocuğuyla kollarında duvara çıktı.

As she looked over into the fields below the castle, she saw some dark objects moving toward the foot of the wall. Když se podívala do polí pod hradem, uviděla nějaké tmavé předměty pohybující se k úpatí zdi. En regardant dans les champs sous le château, elle a vu des objets sombres se déplacer vers le pied du mur. 彼女が城の下の野原を見渡すと、彼女はいくつかの暗い物体が壁のふもとに向かって動いているのを見ました。 In the dusk, she could not make out what they were, and so she pointed them out to one of the watchmen. V šeru nemohla rozeznat, co to je, a tak na ně upozornila jednoho z hlídačů. Dans le crépuscule, elle ne pouvait pas comprendre ce qu'ils étaient, et elle les a donc montrés à l'un des gardiens. 夕暮れの中で、彼女は彼らが何であるかを理解できなかったので、警備員の一人にそれらを指摘しました. Alacakaranlıkta, ne olduklarını anlayamadılar ve bu yüzden onları gözetmenlerden birine yönlendirdi. "Pooh, pooh! fy fy| 「プー、プー!

said the watchman. ||vakten "Those are nothing to frighten us. de||||| "Ce ne sont rien pour nous effrayer. 「それらは私たちを怖がらせるものではありません。 "Bunlar bizi korkutmak için hiçbir şey değildir. They are the farmer’s cattle, trying to find their way home. Ils sont le bétail du fermier, essayant de trouver leur chemin vers la maison. 彼らは農民の牛であり、家に帰る道を見つけようとしています。 Onlar evlerinin yolunu bulmaya çalışan çiftçinin sığırları. The farmer himself is enjoying the holiday, and he has forgotten to bring them in. Sám farmář si užívá prázdnin a zapomněl je přinést. Le fermier lui-même profite des vacances, et il a oublié de les apporter. 農夫自身が休日を楽しんでいて、彼らを連れてくるのを忘れていました. Çiftçi, tatilin tadını çıkarmakta ve onları getirmeyi unutmuştur. If the Douglas should happen this way before morning, he will be sorry for his carelessness. |||||||||||||||slarvighet Pokud se to Douglasovi stane do rána tímto způsobem, bude litovat své neopatrnosti. Si le Douglas devait se passer de cette façon avant le matin, il serait désolé pour sa négligence. ダグラスが朝の前にこのように起こった場合、彼は彼の不注意を気の毒に思うでしょう。 Douglas sabahtan önce bu şekilde olursa, dikkatsiz olması için üzülecek. But the dark objects were not cattle. Mais les objets sombres n'étaient pas du bétail. Fakat karanlık nesneler sığır değildi.

They were the Black Douglas and his men, creeping on hands and feet toward the foot of the castle wall. ||||||||kröpande||||||||||| Byli to Černí Douglasové a jeho muži, plížící se na rukou a nohou k úpatí hradní zdi. 彼らはブラックダグラスと彼の部下であり、城壁のふもとに向かって手足で忍び寄っていました。 Kara Douglas ve onun adamları, ellerinde ve ayaklarında sürünerek kale duvarının ayağına doğru ilerliyorlardı. Họ là Douglas đen và người của hắn, đang bò bằng tay chân về phía chân bức tường lâu đài. Some of them were dragging ladders behind them through the grass. ||||ziehen|||||| |||||stegar||||| ||||тягнучи|драбини||||| Někteří za sebou táhli trávou žebříky. 彼らの何人かは、草の中をはしごを後ろに引きずっていました。 Bazıları çimlerin arkasındaki merdivenleri sürükliyordu. They would soon be climbing to the top of the wall. Brzy vyšplhají na vrchol stěny. 彼らはすぐに壁の頂上に登るでしょう。 Yakında duvarın tepesine tırmanacaklardı. None of the English soldiers dreamed that they were within many miles of the place. |||||||||в межах||||| Nikomu z anglických vojáků se ani nesnilo, že jsou v okruhu mnoha mil od místa. イギリス兵は誰も、彼らがその場所から何マイルも離れていることを夢見ていませんでした。 Inga av de engelska soldaterna drömde om att de befann sig inom många mil från platsen. İngiliz askerlerin hiçbiri, buranın kilometresinde olmadıklarını hayal etmedi. The woman watched them until the last one had passed around a corner out of sight. Žena je sledovala, dokud poslední neminul za rohem z dohledu. 最後の人が見えないところで角を曲がるまで、女性は彼らを見ました。 Kvinnan såg på dem tills den sista hade passerat runt ett hörn ur sikte.

She was not afraid, for in the darkening twilight they looked indeed like cattle. |||||||mörknande|||||| |||||||похмурому|сумерки||||| Nebála se, protože v temném soumraku vypadali opravdu jako dobytek. Elle n'avait pas peur, car au crépuscule qui s'assombrissait, ils ressemblaient en effet à du bétail. 彼女は恐れていませんでした。なぜなら、暗くなる夕暮れの中で、彼らは確かに牛のように見えたからです。 Hon var inte rädd, för i det mörknande skymningsljuset såg de verkligen ut som boskap. Korkmuyordu, çünkü karanlığa gömülen alacakaranlıkta gerçekten sığır gibi görünüyorlardı. After a little while she began to sing to her child:— Kısa bir süre sonra çocuğuna şarkı söylemeye başladı: "Hush ye, hush ye, little pet ye, "Ticho, mlč, zvířátko, 「あなたがたは静まり返り、あなたがたは静まり返り、あなたがたは小さなペット、 "Hush, hush ye, küçük hayvan

Hush ye, hush ye, do not fret ye, ||||||sorgt euch nicht| ||||||oroa| Mlč, mlč, nezlob se, Chut, vous, chut, ne vous inquiétez pas, 静かに、静かに、心配しないでください。 Hush, hush ye, seni kandırma,

The Black Douglas shall not get ye. Černý Douglas tě nedostane. ブラックダグラスはあなたがたを取得してはならない。 Den svarte Douglas ska inte få dig. Kara Douglas seni alamayacak.

All at once a gruff voice was heard behind her, saying, "Don’t be so sure about that! ||||rau|||||||||||| ||||gruff|||||||||||| Tout à coup, une voix rauque se fit entendre derrière elle, disant: "N'en sois pas si sûr! 彼女の後ろで一気に不機嫌そうな声が聞こえた。 Plötsligt hördes en grov röst bakom henne som sa: "Var inte så säker på det!" Bir keresinde onun arkasında, “Bundan emin olma! Đột nhiên một giọng nói cộc cằn vang lên sau lưng cô, nói: "Đừng quá chắc chắn về điều đó!

She looked around, and there stood the Black Douglas himself. Hon vände sig om, och där stod den svarte Douglas själv. Etrafına baktı ve Black Douglas'ın kendisi de oradaydı. Cô nhìn xung quanh và thấy chính Black Douglas đang đứng đó.

At the same moment a Scottish soldier climbed off a ladder and leaped upon the wall; and then there came another and another and another, until the wall was covered with them. 同時に、スコットランドの兵士がはしごを降りて壁に飛び乗った。それから、壁が彼らで覆われるまで、次々と次々とやって来ました。 Aynı anda bir İskoç askeri bir merdivenden tırmandı ve duvarın üzerine atladı; ve sonra duvarın onlarla kaplanana kadar başka bir diğeri de geldi. Soon there was hot fighting in every part of the castle. Brzy se ve všech částech hradu rozpoutaly žhavé boje. すぐに城の至る所で激しい戦いがありました。 But the English were so taken by surprise that they could not do much. しかし、英語はとても驚いたので、彼らは多くをすることができませんでした。 Ama İngilizler çok şaşırmadılar ki, fazla bir şey yapamadılar. Nhưng người Anh quá ngạc nhiên nên không thể làm được gì nhiều. Many of them were killed, and in a little while the Black Douglas and his men were the masters of the castle, which by right belonged to them. ||||||||||||||||||володарі||||||||| Mnoho z nich bylo zabito a za chvíli byli Černý Douglas a jeho muži pány hradu, který jim právem patřil. 彼らの多くは殺されました、そして少しの間、ブラックダグラスと彼の部下は城の主人でした、そしてそれは当然彼らに属していました。 Birçoğu öldürüldü ve bir süre sonra Kara Douglas ve adamları, sağdan onlara ait olan kalenin ustalarıydı. As for the woman and her child, the Black Douglas would not suffer any one to harm them. ||||||||||||leiden lassen||||| بالنسبة إلى المرأة وطفلها ، فإن عائلة دوغلاس السوداء لن تعاني من أي شخص يؤذيها. Pokud jde o ženu a její dítě, Černí Douglasové nesnesou nikoho, kdo by jim ublížil. 女性と彼女の子供に関しては、ブラックダグラスは彼らを傷つけるために誰も苦しむことはありませんでした。 Что касается женщины и ее ребенка, Черный Дуглас не позволит никому причинить им вред. Kadın ve çocuğuna gelince, Kara Douglas onlara zarar vermek için acı çekmezdi. Đối với người phụ nữ và đứa con của cô ấy, Black Douglas sẽ không cho phép bất kỳ ai làm hại họ.

After a while they went back to England; and whether the mother made up any more songs about the Black Douglas I cannot tell. Au bout d'un moment, ils sont retournés en Angleterre; et si la mère a inventé d'autres chansons sur le Black Douglas, je ne peux pas le dire. しばらくして彼らはイギリスに戻った。そして、母親がブラックダグラスについてこれ以上曲を作ったかどうかはわかりません。 Efter en tid åkte de tillbaka till England; och huruvida modern gjorde några fler sånger om Black Douglas kan jag inte säga. Bir süre sonra İngiltere'ye geri döndüler; ve annenin Black Douglas hakkında başka şarkı yapıp yapmadığını söyleyemem. Sau một thời gian họ quay trở lại Anh; và liệu người mẹ có sáng tác thêm bài hát nào về Black Douglas hay không thì tôi không thể biết được.