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Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin, 8. BRUCE AND THE SPIDER


THERE was once a king of Scotland whose name was Robert Bruce.

He had need to be both brave and wise, for the times in which he lived were wild and rude. The King of England was at war with him, and had led a great army into Scotland to drive him out of the land. Battle after battle had been fought.

Six times had Bruce led his brave little army against his foes; and six times had his men been beaten, and driven into flight. At last his army was scattered, and he was forced to hide himself in the woods and in lonely places among the mountains. One rainy day, Bruce lay on the ground under a rude shed, listening to the patter of the drops on the roof above him.

He was tired and sick at heart, and ready to give up all hope. It seemed to him that there was no use for him to try to do anything more. As he lay thinking, he saw a spider over his head, making ready to weave her web.

He watched her as she toiled slowly and with great care. Six times she tried to throw her frail thread from one beam to another, and six times it fell short. "Poor thing!

said Bruce: "you, too, know what it is to fail. But the spider did not lose hope with the sixth failure.

With still more care, she made ready to try for the seventh time. Bruce almost forgot his own troubles as he watched her swing herself out upon the slender line. Would she fail again? No! The thread was carried safely to the beam, and fastened there. "I, too, will try a seventh time!

cried Bruce. He arose and called his men together.

He told them of his plans, and sent them out with messages of cheer to his disheartened people. Soon there was an army of brave Scotchmen around him. Another battle was fought, and the King of England was glad to go back into his own country. I have heard it said, that, after that day, no one by the name of Bruce would ever hurt a spider.

The lesson which the little creature had taught the king was never forgotten.

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THERE was once a king of Scotland whose name was Robert Bruce. |||||||||||Bruce THERE, bir zamanlar adı Robert Bruce olan İskoçya'nın bir kralıydı.

He had need to be both brave and wise, for the times in which he lived were wild and rude. Er musste sowohl mutig als auch weise sein, denn die Zeiten, in denen er lebte, waren wild und unhöflich. 彼が住んでいた時代は荒々しく失礼だったので、彼は勇敢で賢明である必要がありました。 Он должен был быть и смелым, и мудрым, потому что времена, в которые он жил, были дикими и грубыми. Han behövde vara både modig och klok, för de tider han levde i var vilda och råa. Yaşadığı zamanlar vahşi ve kaba olduğu için hem cesur hem de bilge olması gerekiyordu. Anh ta cần phải vừa dũng cảm vừa khôn ngoan, vì thời đại anh ta sống rất hoang dã và thô lỗ. The King of England was at war with him, and had led a great army into Scotland to drive him out of the land. Anglický král s ním válčil a vedl velkou armádu do Skotska, aby ho vyhnal ze země. Der König von England befand sich im Krieg mit ihm und hatte eine große Armee nach Schottland geführt, um ihn aus dem Land zu vertreiben. イングランドの王は彼と戦争をしていて、彼を土地から追い出すために偉大な軍隊をスコットランドに導きました。 Король Англии воевал с ним и повел великую армию в Шотландию, чтобы изгнать его из страны. Englands kung var i krig med honom och hade lett en stor armé in i Skottland för att driva ut honom från landet. İngiltere Kralı onunla savaştaydı ve onu araziden çıkarmak için İskoçya'ya büyük bir ordu götürmüştü. Battle after battle had been fought. Bojovala se bitva za bitvou. 戦いの後の戦い。 Битва за битвой велась. Slag efter slag hade utkämpats. Savaştan sonra savaş yapıldı.

Six times had Bruce led his brave little army against his foes; and six times had his men been beaten, and driven into flight. |||||||||||||||||||||driven på flykt|| Šestkrát vedl Bruce svou statečnou armádu proti svým nepřátelům; a šestkrát byli jeho muži biti a zahnáni na útěk. Sechsmal hatte Bruce seine tapfere kleine Armee gegen seine Feinde geführt; und sechsmal waren seine Männer geschlagen und in die Flucht getrieben worden. Six fois Bruce avait mené sa courageuse petite armée contre ses ennemis, et six fois ses hommes avaient été battus et mis en fuite. ブルースは6回、勇敢な小さな軍隊を敵に向けて率いました。そして6回彼の部下は殴打され、飛行に追いやられた。 Шесть раз Брюс вел свою храбрую армию против своих врагов; и шесть раз его люди были избиты и отправлены в бегство. Altı kez Bruce, cesur küçük ordusunu düşmanlarına karşı yönetti; ve altı kez adamları dövüldü ve uçmaya başladı. Sáu lần Bruce đã lãnh đạo đội quân nhỏ bé dũng cảm của mình chống lại kẻ thù; và sáu lần người của ông ta đã bị đánh đập và đuổi đi. At last his army was scattered, and he was forced to hide himself in the woods and in lonely places among the mountains. |||||zerstreut||||||||||||||||| |||||розгромлена||||||||||||||||| とうとう彼の軍隊は散り散りになり、彼は森の中や山の間の人里離れた場所に身を隠すことを余儀なくされました。 Наконец его армия была разбросана, и он был вынужден спрятаться в лесу и в одиноких местах среди гор. Till slut var hans armé utspridd, och han tvingades att gömma sig i skogen och på ensamma ställen bland bergen. Sonunda ordusu dağılmıştı ve kendini ormanda ve dağların arasında yalnız yerlerde saklamak zorunda kaldı. One rainy day, Bruce lay on the ground under a rude shed, listening to the patter of the drops on the roof above him. |||||||||||Scheune||||Tropfenfall|||||||| |||||||||||||||smatter|||||||| Jednoho deštivého dne ležel Bruce na zemi pod hrubou kůlnou a poslouchal šustění kapek na střeše nad sebou. ある雨の日、ブルースは無礼な小屋の下で地面に横になり、彼の上の屋根の滴のパターンを聞いていました。 En regnig dag låg Bruce på marken under en enkel skjul, och lyssnade på dropparna som smattrade mot taket ovanför honom. Yağmurlu bir günde, Bruce, üstündeki çatıda damlaların patterini dinleyerek, kaba bir şaplak altında yere uzanmıştı. Một ngày mưa, Bruce nằm trên mặt đất dưới một căn nhà kho thô sơ, lắng nghe tiếng giọt nước rơi lộp độp trên mái nhà phía trên mình.

He was tired and sick at heart, and ready to give up all hope. Byl unavený a nemocný v srdci a připravený vzdát se veškeré naděje. 彼は疲れていて心が病んでいて、すべての希望をあきらめる準備ができていました。 Он был уставшим и больным в глубине души и готов расстаться со всей надеждой. Han var trött och sjuk till sinne, och redo att ge upp allt hopp. Yorgun ve yüreğindeymiş ve tüm ümitleri bırakmaya hazırdı. It seemed to him that there was no use for him to try to do anything more. Zdálo se mu, že nemá smysl pokoušet se o něco víc. 彼には、これ以上何かをしようとしても無駄に思えた。 Ona daha fazla bir şey yapmaya çalışmak için hiçbir faydası olmadığı görülüyordu. As he lay thinking, he saw a spider over his head, making ready to weave her web. ||||||||||||||väva|| Jak tak ležel a přemýšlel, uviděl nad hlavou pavouka, který se chystal utkat její síť. 考えていると、頭上に蜘蛛が見え、網を編む準備をしていました。 Düşünürken, kafasının üzerinde bir örümcek gördü ve ağını örmeye hazırlanıyordu. Khi anh đang nằm suy nghĩ, anh nhìn thấy một con nhện trên đầu mình, đang chuẩn bị dệt mạng.

He watched her as she toiled slowly and with great care. |||||arbeitete mühsam||||| |||||slitigt arbetade||||| Sledoval ji, jak pomalu a s velkou opatrností dře. 彼女がゆっくりと細心の注意を払って苦労している間、彼は彼女を見ました。 Han såg på henne medan hon arbetade långsamt och med stor omsorg. Onu yavaşça ve büyük bir titizlikle çalışırken izledi. Six times she tried to throw her frail thread from one beam to another, and six times it fell short. |||||||zerbrechlich|Faden|||Balken|||||||| |||||||||||bjälke|||||||| Šestkrát se pokusila přehodit svou křehkou nit z jednoho paprsku na druhý a šestkrát se nezdařilo. 彼女は6回、弱い糸をある梁から別の梁に投げようとしましたが、6回は足りませんでした。 Шесть раз она пыталась перебросить свою хрупкую нить от одного луча к другому, и шесть раз она терпела неудачу. Sex gånger försökte hon kasta sin svaga tråd från en bjälke till en annan, och sex gånger föll den kort. Altı kez, onun zayıf ipliklerini bir ışından diğerine atmaya çalıştı ve altı kez kısa düştü. Sáu lần cô cố ném sợi chỉ mỏng manh của mình từ thanh này sang thanh khác, và sáu lần nó bị đứt. "Poor thing! "Chudáček! 「かわいそう! "Stackars sak!

said Bruce: "you, too, know what it is to fail. řekl Bruce: „Ty také víš, co to je selhat. ブルースは言った。「あなたも、失敗することが何であるかを知っています。 сказал Брюс: «Вы тоже знаете, что такое потерпеть неудачу. Bruce: "Sen de, başarısızlığın ne olduğunu biliyorsun. Bruce nói: "Anh cũng biết thất bại là thế nào. But the spider did not lose hope with the sixth failure. ||||||||||Versagen しかし、クモは 6 回目の失敗で希望を失いませんでした。

With still more care, she made ready to try for the seventh time. さらに注意を払って、彼女は7回目の試行の準備をしました。 Daha fazla özenle, yedinci kez denemeye hazır hale geldi. Bruce almost forgot his own troubles as he watched her swing herself out upon the slender line. |||||||||||||||schlank| ||||||||||svänga|||||| Bruce téměř zapomněl na své vlastní problémy, když pozoroval, jak se vyšvihla na štíhlou linii. ブルースは、彼女が細い線にぶつかるのを見て、自分の悩みをほとんど忘れていました。 Брюс почти забыл о своих собственных неприятностях, когда он смотрел, как она качается на стройной линии. Bruce, kendi ince sıkıntılarını unuttu ve kendini ince çizginin üzerine fırlattığını izledi. Bruce gần như quên mất những rắc rối của chính mình khi nhìn cô đu mình trên sợi dây mảnh mai. Would she fail again? Že by znovu selhala? 彼女は再び失敗するでしょうか? Yine başarısız olur mu? No! The thread was carried safely to the beam, and fastened there. |||||||||fäst| 糸は安全に梁に運ばれ、そこで固定されました。 İplik, kirişe güvenli bir şekilde taşındı ve orada sabitlendi. Sợi chỉ được đưa vào dầm một cách an toàn và buộc chặt ở đó. "I, too, will try a seventh time! "Ben de yedinci kez deneyeceğim!

cried Bruce. He arose and called his men together. Vstal a svolal své muže.

He told them of his plans, and sent them out with messages of cheer to his disheartened people. |||||||||||||ermutigung|||| ||||||||||||||||modfällda människor| Řekl jim o svých plánech a rozeslal je se zprávami o radosti svým sklíčeným lidem. 彼は彼らに彼の計画を話し、彼の落胆した人々に歓声のメッセージを添えて彼らを送りました。 Он рассказал им о своих планах и разослал их ободренным людям. Onlara planlarını anlattı ve onları bulaşıcı insanlarına tezahürat mesajları ile gönderdi. Soon there was an army of brave Scotchmen around him. |||||||skottar|| すぐに彼の周りに勇敢なスコッチマンの軍隊がありました。 Yakında etrafındaki cesur Scotchmen ordusu vardı. Another battle was fought, and the King of England was glad to go back into his own country. Byla svedena další bitva a anglický král byl rád, že se vrátil do své země. 別の戦いが行われ、イングランド王は自国に戻って喜んでいました。 En annan kamp utkämpades, och Englands kung var glad att få återvända till sitt eget land. Başka bir savaş yapıldı ve İngiltere Kralı kendi ülkesine geri dönmek için mutluydu. I have heard it said, that, after that day, no one by the name of Bruce would ever hurt a spider. Slyšel jsem, že po tom dni už nikdo jménem Bruce nikdy neublíží pavoukovi. その日以降、ブルースという名前の人は誰もクモを傷つけることはないだろうと言われているのを聞いたことがあります。 Jag har hört sägas att, efter den dagen, skulle ingen med namnet Bruce någonsin skada en spindel. Söyledim ki, o günden sonra, Bruce adına hiç kimse bir örümceğe zarar vermezdi.

The lesson which the little creature had taught the king was never forgotten. Lekce, kterou to malé stvoření naučilo krále, nebyla nikdy zapomenuta. 小さな生き物が王様に教えた教訓は決して忘れられませんでした。 Lektions som den lilla varelsen hade lärt kungen glömdes aldrig. Küçük yaratığın krala öğrettiği ders asla unutulmadı.