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Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin, 15. SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT


MORE than three hundred years ago there lived in England a brave man whose name was Sir Humphrey Gilbert. At that time there were no white people in this country of ours. The land was covered with forests; and where there are now great cities and fine farms there were only trees and swamps among which roamed wild Indians and wild beasts.

Sir Humphrey Gilbert was one of the first men who tried to make a settlement in America. Twice did he bring men and ships over the sea, and twice did he fail, and sail back for England. The second time, he was on a little ship called the "Squirrel." Another ship, called the "Golden Hind," was not far away. When they were three days from land, the wind failed, and the ships lay floating on the waves. Then at night the air grew very cold. A breeze sprang up from the east. Great white icebergs came drifting around them. In the morning the little ships were almost lost among the floating mountains of ice. The men on the "Hind" saw Sir Humphrey sitting on the deck of the "Squirrel" with an open book in his hand. He called to them and said,—

"Be brave, my friends! We are as near heaven on the sea as on the land." Night came again. It was a stormy night, with mist and rain. All at once the men on the "Hind" saw the lights on board of the "Squirrel" go out. The little vessel, with brave Sir Humphrey and all his brave men, was swallowed up by the waves.

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MORE than three hundred years ago there lived in England a brave man whose name was Sir Humphrey Gilbert. 300年以上前、ハンフリー・ギルバート卿という名の勇敢な男がイギリスに住んでいました。 At that time there were no white people in this country of ours. ||||||||||||unserem Land À l'époque, il n'y avait pas de Blancs dans notre pays. 当時、私たちの国には白人はいませんでした。 那時我們這個國家還沒有白人。 The land was covered with forests; and where there are now great cities and fine farms there were only trees and swamps among which roamed wild Indians and wild beasts. 土地は森に覆われていました。そして今、大都市と素晴らしい農場があるところには、野生のインディアンと野獣が歩き回る木々と湿地しかありませんでした。 這片土地被森林覆蓋;現在有大城市和優良農場的地方只有樹木和沼澤,野生印地安人和野獸在其中漫步。

Sir Humphrey Gilbert was one of the first men who tried to make a settlement in America. ハンフリー・ギルバート卿は、アメリカに定住しようとした最初の人物の 1 人でした。 Twice did he bring men and ships over the sea, and twice did he fail, and sail back for England. 彼は海を越えて人や船を2回連れて行きましたが、2回失敗してイギリスに戻ってきました。 他曾兩次帶人和船隻出海,兩次都失敗了,然後又返回英國。 The second time, he was on a little ship called the "Squirrel." 二度目は「リス」という小さな船に乗っていました。 Another ship, called the "Golden Hind," was not far away. 「Golden Hind」と呼ばれる別の船が近くにありました。 Неподалік був ще один корабель, який називався "Золотий хвіст". 另一艘名為「金鹿號」的船就在不遠處。 When they were three days from land, the wind failed, and the ships lay floating on the waves. |||||||||versagte|||||||| 陸地から 3 日たつと、風が弱くなり、船は波の上に浮いてしまいました。 當他們離開陸地三天后,風停了,船隻漂浮在波浪上。 Then at night the air grew very cold. A breeze sprang up from the east. 東からそよ風が吹いてきました。 Ветер поднялся с востока. Great white icebergs came drifting around them. 大きな白い氷山が彼らの周りを漂ってきました。 In the morning the little ships were almost lost among the floating mountains of ice. 朝になると、小さな船は浮かぶ氷の山の間で迷子になりそうになりました。 早上,小船幾乎迷失在漂浮的冰山之中。 The men on the "Hind" saw Sir Humphrey sitting on the deck of the "Squirrel" with an open book in his hand. 「ハインド」の男たちは、ハンフリー卿が「リス」の甲板に座って、開いた本を手にしているのを見ました。 He called to them and said,— 彼は彼らを呼んで言った。

"Be brave, my friends! We are as near heaven on the sea as on the land." نحن قريبون من الجنة على البحر كما في البر ". Nous sommes aussi proches du ciel sur la mer que sur la terre". 私たちは陸地と同じように海でも天国に近いのです。」 Мы находимся на небесах как на море, так и на суше ". Night came again. It was a stormy night, with mist and rain. All at once the men on the "Hind" saw the lights on board of the "Squirrel" go out. 突然、「ハインド」の男たちは、「リス」の船上のライトが消えるのを見ました。 突然,「雌鹿號」上的人看到「松鼠號」上的燈熄滅了。 The little vessel, with brave Sir Humphrey and all his brave men, was swallowed up by the waves. 勇敢なハンフリー卿と彼のすべての勇敢な部下を乗せた小さな船は、波に飲み込まれました。