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Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin, 10. THREE MEN OF GOTHAM


THERE is a town in England called Gotham, and many merry stories are told of the queer people who used to live there.

One day two men of Gotham met on a bridge. Hodge was coming from the market, and Peter was going to the market.

"Where are you going?" said Hodge.

"I am going to the market to buy sheep," said Peter. "Buy sheep?" said Hodge.

"And which way will you bring them home?" "I shall bring them over this bridge," said Peter. "No, you shall not," said Hodge. "Yes, but I will," said Peter. "You shall not," said Hodge. "I will," said Peter. Then they beat with their sticks on the ground as though there had been a hundred sheep between them.

"Take care!" cried Peter. "Look out that my sheep don't jump on the bridge." "I care not where they jump," said Hodge; "but they shall not go over it." "But they shall," said Peter. "Have a care," said Hodge; "for if you say too much, I will put my fingers in your mouth." "Will you?" said Peter.

Just then another man of Gotham came from the market with a sack of meal on his horse. He heard his neighbors quarreling about sheep; but he could see no sheep between them, and so he stopped and spoke to them.

"Ah, you foolish fellows!" he cried. "It is strange that you will never learn wisdom.—Come here, Peter, and help me lay my sack on my shoulder. " Peter did so, and the man carried his meal to the side of the bridge.

"Now look at me," he said, "and learn a lesson." And he opened the mouth of the sack, and poured all the meal into the river.

"Now, neighbors," he said, "can you tell how much meal is in my sack?" "There is none at all!" cried Hodge and Peter together.

"You are right," said the man; "and you that stand here and quarrel about nothing, have no more sense in your heads than I have meal in my sack!"

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THERE is a town in England called Gotham, and many merry stories are told of the queer people who used to live there. ||||||||||||||||seltsam|||||| ||||||||||||||||незвичайні|||||| V Anglii je město jménem Gotham a vypráví se mnoho veselých příběhů o podivných lidech, kteří tam žili. イギリスにはゴッサムという町があり、そこに住んでいたクィアの人々について多くの陽気な話が語られています。

One day two men of Gotham met on a bridge. ||||||зустрілися|||мосту ある日、ゴッサムの二人の男が橋で会った。 Hodge was coming from the market, and Peter was going to the market. ホッジは市場から来ていて、ピーターは市場に行っていました。 Bác Hodge đi chợ về, còn Peter đi chợ.

"Where are you going?" "どこに行くの?" said Hodge. ホッジは言った。

"I am going to the market to buy sheep," said Peter. "Je vais au marché pour acheter des moutons", dit Pierre. 「私は羊を買うために市場に行くつもりです」とピーターは言いました。 "Buy sheep?" 「羊を買う?」 said Hodge. ホッジは言った。

"And which way will you bring them home?" 「そして、どちらの方法で彼らを家に連れて帰りますか?」 "I shall bring them over this bridge," said Peter. 「私は彼らをこの橋に連れて行きます」とピーターは言いました。 "No, you shall not," said Hodge. 「いいえ、あなたはしてはいけません」とホッジは言った。 "Yes, but I will," said Peter. 「はい、でもそうします」とピーターは言った。 "You shall not," said Hodge. "Vous ne le ferez pas", dit Hodge. 「あなたはしてはならない」とホッジは言った。 "I will," said Peter. 「そうする」とピーターは言った。 Then they beat with their sticks on the ground as though there had been a hundred sheep between them. Potom tloukli holemi do země, jako by mezi nimi bylo sto ovcí. Puis ils frappèrent le sol avec leurs bâtons comme s'il y avait eu cent moutons entre eux. それから彼らはまるで彼らの間に百匹の羊がいたかのように地面に棒で殴りました。 Daha sonra aralarında yüzlerce koyun olduğu gibi yerde sopalarla dövülürler. Rồi họ dùng gậy đập xuống đất như thể giữa họ có cả trăm con cừu.

"Take care!" "Opatruj se!" "Faites attention !" "気をつけて!" cried Peter. ピーターは叫びました。 "Look out that my sheep don't jump on the bridge." "Dávej pozor, aby moje ovce neskákaly na most." "Veillez à ce que mes moutons ne sautent pas sur le pont." 「私の羊が橋に飛び乗らないように気をつけてください。」 "I care not where they jump," said Hodge; "but they shall not go over it." "Je mi jedno, kam skočí," řekl Hodge; "ale nepřejdou přes to." "Je ne me soucie pas de l'endroit où ils sautent, dit Hodge, mais ils ne le franchiront pas. 「私は彼らがどこにジャンプするかは気にしない」とホッジは言った。 「しかし、彼らはそれを乗り越えてはならない。」 “Atladıkları yerde umursamıyorum” dedi Hodge; "ama bunun üzerinden geçmeyecekler." “Tôi không quan tâm họ nhảy ở đâu,” bác Hodge nói; "nhưng họ sẽ không vượt qua nó." "But they shall," said Peter. 「しかし、彼らはそうするだろう」とピーターは言った。 "Have a care," said Hodge; "for if you say too much, I will put my fingers in your mouth." "Dávejte si pozor," řekl Hodge; "protože když toho řekneš moc, strčím ti prsty do úst." "Prends garde, dit Hodge, car si tu en dis trop, je te mettrai les doigts dans la bouche. 「気をつけて」とホッジは言った。 「あなたが言いすぎるなら、私はあなたの口に私の指を置きます。」 "Dikkat et," dedi Hodge; "eğer çok fazla söylersen, parmaklarımı ağzına koyacağım." "Cẩn thận nhé," bác Hodge nói; "vì nếu bạn nói quá nhiều, tôi sẽ thọc ngón tay vào miệng bạn." "Will you?" "Budeš?" "あなたはそうする?" "Mısın?" said Peter. ピーターは言った。

Just then another man of Gotham came from the market with a sack of meal on his horse. ちょうどその時、ゴッサムの別の男が馬に食事の袋を持って市場からやって来ました。 Hemen ardından Gotham'ın başka bir adamı, atından bir çuval yemeği ile pazardan geldi. Ngay lúc đó một người đàn ông khác của Gotham từ chợ đi về với bao thức ăn trên lưng ngựa. He heard his neighbors quarreling about sheep; but he could see no sheep between them, and so he stopped and spoke to them. ||||streitend|||||||||||||||||| 彼は隣人が羊について喧嘩しているのを聞いた。しかし、彼は彼らの間に羊を見ることができなかったので、立ち止まって彼らに話しかけました。 Anh nghe hàng xóm cãi nhau về chuyện cừu; nhưng anh ấy không thể nhìn thấy con cừu nào ở giữa họ nên anh ấy dừng lại và nói chuyện với họ.

"Ah, you foolish fellows!" |||товариші 「ああ、あなたは愚かな仲間だ!」 he cried. 彼は泣いた。 "It is strange that you will never learn wisdom.—Come here, Peter, and help me lay my sack on my shoulder. " ||||||||мудрість|||||||||||| "Je zvláštní, že se nikdy nenaučíš moudrosti." - Pojď sem, Petře, a pomoz mi položit můj pytel na rameno." 「あなたが知恵を決して学ばないのは不思議です。—ピーター、ここに来て、私の肩に袋を置くのを手伝ってください。」 "Asla bilgeliği öğrenemeyeceksin. - Buraya gel Peter, ve çuvalımı omzuma koymama yardım et." Peter did so, and the man carried his meal to the side of the bridge. ピーターはそうしました、そして、男は彼の食事を橋の側に運びました。 Peter öyle yaptı ve adam yemeğini köprünün yanına taşıdı.

"Now look at me," he said, "and learn a lesson." 「今、私を見てください。そして、レッスンを学びましょう。」と彼は言いました。 And he opened the mouth of the sack, and poured all the meal into the river. |||||||||gegossen|||||| そして、彼は袋の口を開けて、すべての食事を川に注ぎました。

"Now, neighbors," he said, "can you tell how much meal is in my sack?" 「さて、隣人」と彼は言った、「私の袋にどれくらいの食事が入っているかわかりますか?」 "Şimdi, komşular," dedi, "Çuvalımda ne kadar yemek olduğunu söyleyebilir misin?" "There is none at all!" 「何もありません!」 cried Hodge and Peter together. ホッジとピーターは一緒に叫んだ。

"You are right," said the man; "and you that stand here and quarrel about nothing, have no more sense in your heads than I have meal in my sack!" |||||||||стоїте||||||||||||||||||| "Máte pravdu," řekl muž; "A vy, co tu stojíte a o ničem se hádáte, nemáte v hlavě o nic víc rozumu, než já mám jídlo v pytli!" 「あなたは正しい」と男は言った。 「そして、ここに立って何も口論しないあなたは、私が袋に入れて食事をするよりも頭の中で何の意味もありません!」 "Haklısın," dedi adam; "ve burada durup, hiçbir şey hakkında kavga etmiyorsunuz, kafamda, benim çuvalımdaki yemeklerden daha fazla anlam ifade etmiyorsunuz!" "Bạn nói đúng," người đàn ông nói; "Còn các người đứng đây cãi nhau chẳng ra gì, đầu óc các người còn ngu hơn cả bữa ăn trong bao của tôi!"