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Andersen's Fairy Tales, The Shadow, part 7

The Shadow, part 7

I became a man! I came out matured; but you were no longer in the warm lands; as a man I was ashamed to go as I did. I was in want of boots, of clothes, of the whole human varnish that makes a man perceptible. I took my way--I tell it to you, but you will not put it in any book--I took my way to the cake woman--I hid myself behind her; the woman didn't think how much she concealed. I went out first in the evening; I ran about the streets in the moonlight; I made myself long up the walls--it tickles the back so delightfully! I ran up, and ran down, peeped into the highest windows, into the saloons, and on the roofs, I peeped in where no one could peep, and I saw what no one else saw, what no one else should see! This is, in fact, a base world! I would not be a man if it were not now once accepted and regarded as something to be so! I saw the most unimaginable things with the women, with the men, with parents, and with the sweet, matchless children; I saw," said the shadow, "what no human being must know, but what they would all so willingly know--what is bad in their neighbor. Had I written a newspaper, it would have been read! But I wrote direct to the persons themselves, and there was consternation in all the towns where I came. They were so afraid of me, and yet they were so excessively fond of me. The professors made a professor of me; the tailors gave me new clothes--I am well furnished; the master of the mint struck new coin for me, and the women said I was so handsome! And so I became the man I am. And I now bid you farewell. Here is my card--I live on the sunny side of the street, and am always at home in rainy weather!" And so away went the shadow. "That was most extraordinary!" said the learned man.

Years and days passed away, then the shadow came again. "How goes it?" said the shadow.

"Alas!" said the learned man.

"I write about the true, and the good, and the beautiful, but no one cares to hear such things; I am quite desperate, for I take it so much to heart!" "But I don't!" said the shadow.

"I become fat, and it is that one wants to become! You do not understand the world. You will become ill by it. You must travel! I shall make a tour this summer; will you go with me? I should like to have a travelling companion! Will you go with me, as shadow? It will be a great pleasure for me to have you with me; I shall pay the travelling expenses!" "Nay, this is too much!" said the learned man.

"It is just as one takes it!" said the shadow.

"It will do you much good to travel! Will you be my shadow? You shall have everything free on the journey!" "Nay, that is too bad!" said the learned man.

"But it is just so with the world!" said the shadow, "and so it will be!" and away it went again.

The Shadow, part 7 La Sombra, parte 7 L'Ombre, partie 7 Тень, часть 7 Тінь, частина 7

I became a man! I came out matured; but you were no longer in the warm lands; as a man I was ashamed to go as I did. Ich kam gereift heraus; aber du warst nicht mehr in den warmen Ländern; als Mann schämte ich mich, so zu gehen, wie ich es tat. Saí amadurecido; mas tu já não estavas nas terras quentes; como homem, tive vergonha de ir como fui. I was in want of boots, of clothes, of the whole human varnish that makes a man perceptible. Mir fehlte es an Stiefeln, an Kleidung, an dem ganzen menschlichen Anstrich, der einen Menschen wahrnehmbar macht. I took my way--I tell it to you, but you will not put it in any book--I took my way to the cake woman--I hid myself behind her; the woman didn't think how much she concealed. Ich nahm meinen Weg - ich erzähle es dir, aber du wirst es in kein Buch schreiben - ich nahm meinen Weg zur Kuchenfrau - ich versteckte mich hinter ihr; die Frau dachte nicht daran, wie viel sie verbarg. I went out first in the evening; I ran about the streets in the moonlight; I made myself long up the walls--it tickles the back so delightfully! Am Abend ging ich zuerst aus; ich lief im Mondlicht durch die Straßen; ich machte mich lang an den Mauern hinauf - es kitzelt so herrlich im Rücken! I ran up, and ran down, peeped into the highest windows, into the saloons, and on the roofs, I peeped in where no one could peep, and I saw what no one else saw, what no one else should see! Ich lief hinauf und lief hinunter, spähte in die höchsten Fenster, in die Salons und auf die Dächer, ich spähte hinein, wo niemand spähen konnte, und ich sah, was niemand sonst sah, was niemand sonst sehen sollte! This is, in fact, a base world! Dies ist in der Tat eine Basiswelt! I would not be a man if it were not now once accepted and regarded as something to be so! Ich wäre kein Mann, wenn es nicht einmal akzeptiert und als etwas angesehen würde, so zu sein! I saw the most unimaginable things with the women, with the men, with parents, and with the sweet, matchless children; I saw," said the  shadow, "what no human being must know, but what they would all so willingly know--what is bad in their neighbor. Ich sah die unvorstellbarsten Dinge mit den Frauen, mit den Männern, mit den Eltern und mit den süßen, unvergleichlichen Kindern; ich sah", sagte der Schatten, "was kein Mensch wissen darf, was sie aber alle so gerne wissen würden - was an ihrem Nächsten schlecht ist. Had I written a newspaper, it would have been read! Hätte ich eine Zeitung geschrieben, wäre sie auch gelesen worden! But I wrote direct to the persons themselves, and there was consternation in all the towns where I came. Aber ich habe mich direkt an die Personen gewandt, und in allen Städten, in die ich kam, herrschte Bestürzung. They were so afraid of me, and yet they were so excessively fond of me. Sie fürchteten sich so sehr vor mir, und doch hatten sie mich so übermäßig gern. The professors made a professor of me; the tailors gave me new clothes--I am well furnished; the master of the mint struck new coin for me, and the women said I was so handsome! Die Professoren machten einen Professor aus mir; die Schneider gaben mir neue Kleider - ich bin gut ausgestattet; der Münzmeister prägte neue Münzen für mich, und die Frauen sagten, ich sei so schön! And so I became the man I am. And I now bid you farewell. Und nun verabschiede ich mich von Ihnen. Here is my card--I live on the sunny side of the street, and am always at home in rainy weather!" Hier ist meine Karte - ich wohne auf der Sonnenseite der Straße und bin bei Regenwetter immer zu Hause!" And so away went the shadow. Und so ging der Schatten davon. "That was most extraordinary!" said the learned man.

Years and days passed away, then the shadow came again. "How goes it?" said the shadow.

"Alas!" said the learned man.

"I write about the true, and the good, and the beautiful, but no one cares to hear such things; I am quite desperate, for I take it so much to heart!" "Ich schreibe über das Wahre, das Gute und das Schöne, aber niemand will so etwas hören; ich bin ganz verzweifelt, weil ich es mir so sehr zu Herzen nehme!" "But I don't!" "Aber das tue ich nicht!" said the shadow.

"I become fat, and it is that one wants to become! "Ich werde fett, und das ist es, was man werden will! You do not understand the world. You will become ill by it. You must travel! I shall make a tour this summer; will you go with me? I should like to have a travelling companion! Ich hätte gerne einen Reisebegleiter! Will you go with me, as shadow? It will be a great pleasure for me to have you with me; I shall pay the travelling expenses!" "Nay, this is too much!" said the learned man.

"It is just as one takes it!" "Es ist so, wie man es nimmt!" said the shadow.

"It will do you much good to travel! Will you be my shadow? You shall have everything free on the journey!" Du sollst auf der Reise alles umsonst haben!" "Nay, that is too bad!" "Nein, das ist zu schade!" said the learned man.

"But it is just so with the world!" "Aber so ist das nun mal mit der Welt!" said the shadow, "and so it will be!" and away it went again. und schon ging es wieder los.