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Andersen's Fairy Tales, The Emperor's New Clothes, part 4

The Emperor's New Clothes, part 4

The canopy which is to be borne over your Majesty, in the procession, is waiting, announced the chief master of the ceremonies.

I am quite ready, answered the Emperor.

Do my new clothes fit well asked he, turning himself round again before the looking glass, in order that he might appear to be examining his handsome suit. The lords of the bedchamber, who were to carry his Majesty's train felt about on the ground, as if they were lifting up the ends of the mantle; and pretended to be carrying something; for they would by no means betray anything like simplicity, or unfitness for their office.

So now the Emperor walked under his high canopy in the midst of the procession, through the streets of his capital; and all the people standing by, and those at the windows, cried out, Oh!

How beautiful are our Emperor's new clothes! What a magnificent train there is to the mantle; and how gracefully the scarf hangs! in short, no one would allow that he could not see these much-admired clothes; because, in doing so, he would have declared himself either a simpleton or unfit for his office. Certainly, none of the Emperor's various suits, had ever made so great an impression, as these invisible ones. But the Emperor has nothing at all on!

said a little child. Listen to the voice of innocence!

exclaimed his father; and what the child had said was whispered from one to another. But he has nothing at all on!

at last cried out all the people. The Emperor was vexed, for he knew that the people were right; but he thought the procession must go on now!

And the lords of the bedchamber took greater pains than ever, to appear holding up a train, although, in reality, there was no train to hold.

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The Emperor's New Clothes, part 4 |Emperor||| Des Kaisers neue Kleider, Teil 4 El traje nuevo del emperador, 4ª parte Les nouveaux habits de l'empereur, partie 4 皇帝の新しい服 その4 황제의 새 옷, 4부 A roupa nova do imperador, parte 4 Новые одежды императора, часть 4 İmparatorun Yeni Giysileri, 4. Bölüm Нове вбрання імператора, частина 4 皇帝的新装》,第 4 部分 皇帝的新装》,第 4 部分

The canopy which is to be borne over your Majesty, in the procession, is waiting, announced the chief master of the ceremonies. 这|华盖|||||承载||||||游行||||||||| |ceremonial covering|||||carried||||||游行|||||chief||||ceremonies chief |天蓋|||||持たれる||あなたの|陛下|||行列||||||||| |dosel ceremonial|||||||||||||||||||| Le dais qui sera porté sur votre Majesté, dans le cortège, est en attente, a annoncé le maître de cérémonie. Majestelerinizin üzerinde bulunan kanopi, alayı sırasında, törenlerin baş ustası ilan edilir.

I am quite ready, answered the Emperor. ||||||皇帝 ||||||el emperador Je suis tout à fait prêt, répond l'Empereur.

Do my new clothes fit well asked he, turning himself round again before the looking glass, in order that he might appear to be examining his handsome suit. ||||||||回転しながら|||||||鏡|||||||||調べる||| ||||||preguntó||||||||||||||||||||elegante| Mes nouveaux vêtements me vont-ils bien ? demanda-t-il en se retournant à nouveau devant le miroir, afin d'avoir l'air d'examiner son beau costume. The lords of the bedchamber, who were to carry his Majesty’s train felt about on the ground, as if they were lifting up the ends of the mantle; and pretended to be carrying something; for they would by no means betray anything like simplicity, or unfitness for their office. ||||寝宫|||||||||||||||||||||||披风|||||||||||||显露|||简单||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||mantle||||||||||||||||||||| ||||寝室|||||||||||||||||||||||マント|||||||||||||示す|||単純さ||不適切さ|ために|| ||||cámara real|||||||||como si|||||||||||||||||||||||||||traicionarían|||||||| Les seigneurs de la chambre à coucher, qui devaient porter le train de Sa Majesté, s'agitaient sur le sol, comme s'ils soulevaient les extrémités du manteau, et faisaient semblant de porter quelque chose, car ils ne voulaient en aucun cas trahir quelque chose comme la simplicité ou l'inaptitude à leur fonction.

So now the Emperor walked under his high canopy in the midst of the procession, through the streets of his capital; and all the people standing by, and those at the windows, cried out, Oh! |||||||||||队伍中间|||||||||||||||旁边|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||capital city|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||行列|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||dosel|||en medio||||||||||||||||||||||| L'empereur marchait donc sous son dais au milieu du cortège, dans les rues de sa capitale, et tous les gens qui se tenaient debout, et ceux qui étaient aux fenêtres, s'écriaient : "Oh ! Então agora o Imperador caminhava sob seu alto dossel no meio da procissão, pelas ruas de sua capital; e todas as pessoas de pé, e as que estavam nas janelas, gritaram, Oh!

How beautiful are our Emperor’s new clothes! Como são lindas as roupas novas do nosso Imperador! What a magnificent train there is to the mantle; and how gracefully the scarf hangs! ||||||||mantle|||||| |||列車|||||||||||垂れている ||magnífico||||||manto|||||| Quelle magnifique traîne pour le manteau et quelle grâce pour l'écharpe ! Que trem magnífico há para o manto; e com que graça pende o lenço! in short, no one would allow that he could not see these much-admired clothes; because, in doing so, he would have declared himself either a simpleton or unfit for his office. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||fool||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||愚か者||不適格||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||tonto||||| Bref, personne n'admettrait qu'il ne puisse pas voir ces vêtements tant admirés, car, ce faisant, il se serait déclaré soit un simple d'esprit, soit inapte à sa fonction. em suma, ninguém permitiria que ele não pudesse ver essas roupas tão admiradas; porque, ao fazê-lo, ele teria se declarado um simplório ou inapto para seu cargo. Certainly, none of the Emperor’s various suits, had ever made so great an impression, as these invisible ones. ||||||suits||||||||||| Aucun des différents costumes de l'Empereur n'avait jamais fait autant d'effet que ces costumes invisibles. Certamente, nenhum dos vários trajes do Imperador, jamais causara uma impressão tão grande quanto esses invisíveis. But the Emperor has nothing at all on! Mas o Imperador não tem nada!

said a little child. disse uma criança. Listen to the voice of innocence! |||||纯真 |||||無垢 Écoutez la voix de l'innocence ! Ouça a voz da inocência!

exclaimed his father; and what the child had said was whispered from one to another. ||||||||||susurrado|||| s'exclama son père ; et ce que l'enfant avait dit fut chuchoté de l'un à l'autre. exclamou seu pai; e o que a criança disse foi sussurrado de um para outro. But he has nothing at all on! Mas ele não tem nada!

at last cried out all the people. finalmente gritou todo o povo. The Emperor was vexed, for he knew that the people were right; but he thought the procession must go on now! |||恼怒||||||||||||||||| |||いらいらして|||||||||||||行列|||| |||irritado||||||||||||||||| L'empereur est vexé, car il sait que le peuple a raison, mais il pense que la procession doit continuer maintenant ! O imperador ficou irritado, pois sabia que o povo estava certo; mas ele pensou que a procissão deveria continuar agora!

And the lords of the bedchamber took greater pains than ever, to appear holding up a train, although, in reality, there was no train to hold. ||||||||||||||||裙摆||||||||| |||||寝室|||努力||||||||裾||||||||| |||||cámara de la reina|||||||||||||||||||| Et les seigneurs de la chambre à coucher se donnaient plus de mal que jamais pour avoir l'air de tenir un train, alors qu'en réalité, il n'y avait pas de train à tenir. E os senhores do quarto se esforçaram mais do que nunca para aparecer segurando um trem, embora, na realidade, não houvesse trem para segurar.