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The Hand of Fu-Manchu by Sax Rohmer, CHAPTER I. THE TRAVELER FROM TIBET


"Who's there?" I called sharply.

I turned and looked across the room. The window had been widely opened when I entered, and a faint fog haze hung in the apartment, seeming to veil the light of the shaded lamp. I watched the closed door intently, expecting every moment to see the knob turn. But nothing happened.

"Who's there?" I cried again, and, crossing the room, I threw open the door.

The long corridor without, lighted only by one inhospitable lamp at a remote end, showed choked and yellowed with this same fog so characteristic of London in November. But nothing moved to right nor left of me. The New Louvre Hotel was in some respects yet incomplete, and the long passage in which I stood, despite its marble facings, had no air of comfort or good cheer; palatial it was, but inhospitable.

I returned to the room, reclosing the door behind me, then for some five minutes or more I stood listening for a repetition of that mysterious sound, as of something that both dragged and tapped, which already had arrested my attention. My vigilance went unrewarded. I had closed the window to exclude the yellow mist, but subconsciously I was aware of its encircling presence, walling me in, and now I found myself in such a silence as I had known in deserts but could scarce have deemed possible in fog-bound London, in the heart of the world's metropolis, with the traffic of the Strand below me upon one side and the restless life of the river upon the other. It was easy to conclude that I had been mistaken, that my nervous system was somewhat overwrought as a result of my hurried return from Cairo—from Cairo where I had left behind me many a fondly cherished hope. I addressed myself again to the task of unpacking my steamer-trunk and was so engaged when again a sound in the corridor outside brought me upright with a jerk.

A quick footstep approached the door, and there came a muffled rapping upon the panel.

This time I asked no question, but leapt across the room and threw the door open. Nayland Smith stood before me, muffled up in a heavy traveling coat, and with his hat pulled down over his brows.

"At last!" I cried, as my friend stepped in and quickly reclosed the door.

Smith threw his hat upon the settee, stripped off the great-coat, and pulling out his pipe began to load it in feverish haste.

"Well," I said, standing amid the litter cast out from the trunk, and watching him eagerly, "what's afoot?" Nayland Smith lighted his pipe, carelessly dropping the match-end upon the floor at his feet.

"God knows what is afoot this time, Petrie!" he replied. "You and I have lived no commonplace lives; Dr. Fu-Manchu has seen to that; but if I am to believe what the Chief has told me to-day, even stranger things are ahead of us!" I stared at him wonder-stricken.

"That is almost incredible," I said; "terror can have no darker meaning than that which Dr. Fu-Manchu gave to it. Fu-Manchu is dead, so what have we to fear?" "We have to fear," replied Smith, throwing himself into a corner of the settee, "the Si-Fan!" I continued to stare, uncomprehendingly.

"The Si-Fan——" "I always knew and you always knew," interrupted Smith in his short, decisive manner, "that Fu-Manchu, genius that he was, remained nevertheless the servant of another or others. He was not the head of that organization which dealt in wholesale murder, which aimed at upsetting the balance of the world. I even knew the name of one, a certain mandarin, and member of the Sublime Order of the White Peacock, who was his immediate superior. I had never dared to guess at the identity of what I may term the Head Center." He ceased speaking, and sat gripping his pipe grimly between his teeth, whilst I stood staring at him almost fatuously. Then—

"Evidently you have much to tell me," I said, with forced calm. I drew up a chair beside the settee and was about to sit down.

"Suppose you bolt the door," jerked my friend. I nodded, entirely comprehending, crossed the room and shot the little nickel bolt into its socket.

"Now," said Smith as I took my seat, "the story is a fragmentary one in which there are many gaps. Let us see what we know. It seems that the despatch which led to my sudden recall (and incidentally yours) from Egypt to London and which only reached me as I was on the point of embarking at Suez for Rangoon, was prompted by the arrival here of Sir Gregory Hale, whilom attaché at the British Embassy, Peking. So much, you will remember, was conveyed in my instructions." "Quite so." "Furthermore, I was instructed, you'll remember, to put up at the New Louvre Hotel; therefore you came here and engaged this suite whilst I reported to the chief. A stranger business is before us, Petrie, I verily believe, than any we have known hitherto. In the first place, Sir Gregory Hale is here——" "Here?" "In the New Louvre Hotel. I ascertained on the way up, but not by direct inquiry, that he occupies a suite similar to this, and incidentally on the same floor." "His report to the India Office, whatever its nature, must have been a sensational one." "He has made no report to the India Office." "What! made no report?" "He has not entered any office whatever, nor will he receive any representative. He's been playing at Robinson Crusoe in a private suite here for close upon a fortnight— id est since the time of his arrival in London!" I suppose my growing perplexity was plainly visible, for Smith suddenly burst out with his short, boyish laugh.

"Oh! I told you it was a strange business," he cried. "Is he mad?" Nayland Smith's gaiety left him; he became suddenly stern and grim. "Either mad, Petrie, stark raving mad, or the savior of the Indian Empire—perhaps of all Western civilization. Listen. Sir Gregory Hale, whom I know slightly and who honors me, apparently, with a belief that I am the only man in Europe worthy of his confidence, resigned his appointment at Peking some time ago, and set out upon a private expedition to the Mongolian frontier with the avowed intention of visiting some place in the Gobi Desert. From the time that he actually crossed the frontier he disappeared for nearly six months, to reappear again suddenly and dramatically in London. He buried himself in this hotel, refusing all visitors and only advising the authorities of his return by telephone. He demanded that I should be sent to see him; and—despite his eccentric methods—so great is the Chief's faith in Sir Gregory's knowledge of matters Far Eastern, that behold, here I am." He broke off abruptly and sat in an attitude of tense listening. Then—

"Do you hear anything, Petrie?" he rapped.

"A sort of tapping?" I inquired, listening intently myself the while.

Smith nodded his head rapidly.

We both listened for some time, Smith with his head bent slightly forward and his pipe held in his hands; I with my gaze upon the bolted door. A faint mist still hung in the room, and once I thought I detected a slight sound from the bedroom beyond, which was in darkness. Smith noted me turn my head, and for a moment the pair of us stared into the gap of the doorway. But the silence was complete.

"You have told me neither much nor little, Smith," I said, resuming for some reason, in a hushed voice. "Who or what is this Si-Fan at whose existence you hint?" Nayland Smith smiled grimly.

"Possibly the real and hitherto unsolved riddle of Tibet, Petrie," he replied—"a mystery concealed from the world behind the veil of Lamaism." He stood up abruptly, glancing at a scrap of paper which he took from his pocket—"Suite Number 14a," he said. "Come along! We have not a moment to waste. Let us make our presence known to Sir Gregory— the man who has dared to raise that veil."

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"Who's there?" who is|someone present "من هناك؟" "¿Quién está ahí?" "Quem é que está aí?" I called sharply. |spoke|in a stern manner اتصلت بحدة. Llamé bruscamente. Chamei-o bruscamente.

I turned and looked across the room. |faced|then|glanced||| |me volví||||| |virei|||através de|| استدرت ونظرت عبر الغرفة. Virei-me e olhei para o outro lado da sala. The window had been widely opened when I entered, and a faint fog haze hung in the apartment, seeming to veil the light of the shaded lamp. ||||||||||||||||||||peittää|||||| |||||||||||slight||fog|lingered||||||obscure|||||covered| ||||ampliamente||||||||neblina|neblina|se cernía||||pareciendo||velo|||||con pantalla|lámpara de sombra |||estado|amplamente||||entrei|||leve nevoeiro|neblina|neblina leve|pairava||||parecendo||velar|||||abajourada|luz da lâmpada كانت النافذة قد فتحت على نطاق واسع عندما دخلت ، وعلق ضباب خافت في الشقة ، ويبدو أنه يحجب ضوء المصباح المظلل. La ventana estaba muy abierta cuando entré, y una tenue neblina se cernía sobre el apartamento, pareciendo velar la luz de la lámpara sombreada. A janela tinha sido aberta quando entrei e uma ténue neblina pairava no apartamento, parecendo encobrir a luz do candeeiro. 我進去的時候窗戶已經大開,公寓裡籠罩著一層淡淡的霧氣,似乎遮住了燈罩下的燈光。 I watched the closed door intently, expecting every moment to see the knob turn. ||||||||||||nuppi| |||||with focus|||||||handle| |||||con atención|||||||perilla de la puerta|girar |||||com atenção|||||||a maçaneta|girar Observé atentamente la puerta cerrada, esperando a cada momento ver girar el pomo. Observei atentamente a porta fechada, esperando a cada momento ver a maçaneta girar. But nothing happened.

"Who's there?" "Quem é que está aí?" I cried again, and, crossing the room, I threw open the door. |sobbed|||||||flung||| ||||atravessando||||abri de repente||| |grité|||||||abrí de golpe||| Voltei a chorar e, atravessando o quarto, abri a porta.

The long corridor without, lighted only by one inhospitable lamp at a remote end, showed choked and yellowed with this same fog so characteristic of London in November. |||||||||||||||tukittu|||||||||||| ||||||||unfreundlich||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||unwelcoming||||||revealed|clogged suffocated|||||||so|typical|||| ||||iluminado||||inóspita||||||apresentava|entupido||amarelada||||neblina||típica|||| |||sin|||||inhóspita|||||||ahogado||amarillenta||||neblina||característica|||| El largo corredor sin luz, iluminado solo por una lámpara inhóspita en un extremo remoto, se mostraba atestado y amarillento con esta misma niebla tan característica de Londres en noviembre. But nothing moved to right nor left of me. Pero nada se movía a mi derecha ni a mi izquierda. The New Louvre Hotel was in some respects yet incomplete, and the long passage in which I stood, despite its marble facings, had no air of comfort or good cheer; palatial it was, but inhospitable. ||||||||||||||||||||Marmorverkleidungen||||||||||palastartig|||| |New|museum|lodging place||||||not finished|||||||||||marble|marble coverings|||||||good cheer|cheer|palace-like||||unwelcoming |||||||respeitos em||incompleta||||corredor||||me encontrava|apesar de||mármore|revestimentos de mármore|||||conforto|||bom ânimo|palaciana|||| ||Louvre|||||respectos||||||pasillo largo||||estaba de pie|a pesar de|||revestimientos de már|||||||||palaciego|||| El Nuevo Hotel Louvre estaba en algunos aspectos aún incompleto, y el largo pasaje en el que me encontraba, a pesar de sus revestimientos de mármol, no tenía aire de comodidad ni de buen ánimo; palaciego era, pero inhóspito.

I returned to the room, reclosing the door behind me, then for some five minutes or more I stood listening for a repetition of that mysterious sound, as of something that both dragged and tapped, which already had arrested my attention. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||dragged||tapped|||||my| |||||cerrando de nuevo|||detrás de||||||||||estuve de pie|||||||||||algo que||ambas cosas|||golpeó|||||| |voltei||||fechando novamente|||||||||||||||||||||||||||arrastava|||||||| Regresé a la habitación, cerrando la puerta detrás de mí, luego durante unos cinco minutos o más estuve escuchando una repetición de ese misterioso sonido, como de algo que tanto arrastraba como golpeaba, que ya había llamado mi atención. My vigilance went unrewarded. |||未獲回報 |alertness||without reward |vigilancia||sin recompensa Mi vigilancia no fue recompensada. I had closed the window to exclude the yellow mist, but subconsciously I was aware of its encircling presence, walling me in, and now I found myself in such a silence as I had known in deserts but could scarce have deemed possible in fog-bound London, in the heart of the world's metropolis, with the traffic of the Strand below me upon one side and the restless life of the river upon the other. |||||||||||||||||||圍住||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||omit|||fog||unconsciously||||||surrounding||surrounding|||||||||||||||||deserts|||barely could||considered||||restricted enclosed||||||||city||||||||||||||unsettled||||||| ||||||excluir||||||||consciente|||que rodeaba||me encerraba||||||me encontré|me encontré|||||como|||||desiertos|||escasamente podría||considerado posible|||neblina|cubierta de niebla||||||||metrópoli del||||||la Strand|||sobre un||lado|||inquieta|||||sobre un|| It was easy to conclude that I had been mistaken, that my nervous system was somewhat overwrought as a result of my hurried return from Cairo—from Cairo where I had left behind me many a fondly cherished hope. |||||||||||||||to some extent|overly emotional|||||||||Cairo|||||||||||affectionately cherished|dearly held| |||||||||equivocado||||||algo|||||||apresurada||||||||||dejado atrás||muchas esperanzas||queridamente atesorada|queridamente atesorada| Era fácil llegar a la conclusión de que me había equivocado, de que mi sistema nervioso estaba algo sobreexcitado como consecuencia de mi precipitado regreso de El Cairo, de El Cairo, donde había dejado atrás muchas esperanzas acariciadas con cariño. I addressed myself again to the task of unpacking my steamer-trunk and was so engaged when again a sound in the corridor outside brought me upright with a jerk. |turned|||||||unpacking my trunk||trunk|steamer trunk||||||||||||||||||sudden movement |me dirigí||||||||||baúl de viaje|||||||||||||||||| Volví a dedicarme a la tarea de desempaquetar mi baúl y en ello estaba cuando, de nuevo, un ruido en el pasillo me hizo levantarme de un tirón.

A quick footstep approached the door, and there came a muffled rapping upon the panel. |||||||||||敲擊聲||| ||footstep||||||||softened|tapping|||door surface

This time I asked no question, but leapt across the room and threw the door open. |||||||jumped|||||flung||| Nayland Smith stood before me, muffled up in a heavy traveling coat, and with his hat pulled down over his brows. |||||wrapped up|||||||||||||||forehead area

"At last!" "Наконец!" I cried, as my friend stepped in and quickly reclosed the door.

Smith threw his hat upon the settee, stripped off the great-coat, and pulling out his pipe began to load it in feverish haste. ||||||couch or sofa|removed|||long||||||||||||frantic|feverish urgency Смит швырнул шляпу на кушетку, снял пальто и, вытащив трубку, начал в лихорадочной спешке набивать ее.

"Well," I said, standing amid the litter cast out from the trunk, and watching him eagerly, "what's afoot?" ||||in the middle of||debris|thrown||||car trunk||||with anticipation|what is|happening or going on — Ну, — сказал я, стоя среди мусора, выброшенного из сундука, и жадно наблюдая за ним, — что происходит? Nayland Smith lighted his pipe, carelessly dropping the match-end upon the floor at his feet. |||||without concern|letting fall||matchstick||||||| Найланд Смит закурил трубку, небрежно уронив огарок на пол к своим ногам.

"God knows what  is afoot this time, Petrie!" "Бог знает, что происходит на этот раз, Петри!" he replied. "You and I have lived no commonplace lives; Dr. Fu-Manchu has seen to that; but if I am to believe what the Chief has told me to-day, even stranger things are ahead of us!" ||||||ordinary|||||||||||||||||Chief|||||||||||| «Мы с вами не жили заурядной жизнью, об этом позаботился доктор Фу-Манчу, но если верить тому, что сегодня сказал мне вождь, впереди нас ждут еще более странные вещи!» I stared at him wonder-stricken. ||||in awe|filled with wonder Я удивленно посмотрел на него.

"That is almost incredible," I said; "terror can have no darker meaning than that which Dr. Fu-Manchu gave to it. ||||||fear|||||||||||||| "Это почти невероятно," сказал я; «ужас не может иметь более темного значения, чем то, которое придал ему доктор Фу-Маньчу. Fu-Manchu is dead, so what have we to fear?" "We have to fear," replied Smith, throwing himself into a corner of the settee, "the Si-Fan!" I continued to stare, uncomprehendingly. |||gaze|without understanding |||encarar|sem compreender

"The Si-Fan——" "I always knew and you always knew," interrupted Smith in his short, decisive manner, "that Fu-Manchu, genius that he was, remained nevertheless the servant of another or others. |||||||interjected|||||firm and clear||||||||||nonetheless|||||| -- Я всегда знал, и вы всегда знали, -- прервал его Смит в своей краткой и решительной манере, -- что Фу-Маньчи, каким бы гением он ни был, тем не менее оставался слугой одного или других. He was not the head of that organization which dealt in wholesale murder, which aimed at upsetting the balance of the world. |||||||||||mass|||||disturbing||||| |||||||||lidava com||atacado|assassinato em massa||||||||| Он не был главой той организации, которая занималась массовыми убийствами, целью которых было нарушить равновесие в мире. I even knew the name of one, a certain mandarin, and member of the Sublime Order of the White Peacock, who was his immediate superior. |||||||||||||||||||孔雀||||| ||||||||||||||Sublime Order|||||||||| Я даже знал имя одного, некоего мандарина, члена Высшего Ордена Белого Павлина, который был его непосредственным начальником. I had never dared to guess at the identity of what I may term the Head Center." |||dared||||||||||||| |||ousei atrever||adivinhar||||||||||| Я никогда не осмеливался догадываться о личности того, что я могу назвать Головным Центром». He ceased speaking, and sat gripping his pipe grimly between his teeth, whilst I stood staring at him almost fatuously. |stopped||||holding|||sternly||||while|I||||||foolishly Он замолчал и сел, мрачно сжимая трубку зубами, а я стоял и смотрел на него почти глупо. Then—

"Evidently you have much to tell me," I said, with forced calm. clearly||||||||||| |||||||||||calma forçada — Очевидно, вам есть что мне рассказать, — сказал я с напускным спокойствием. I drew up a chair beside the settee and was about to sit down. |pulled|||||||||||| |||||||sofá de dois lugares||||||

"Suppose you bolt the door," jerked my friend. ||secure|||said abruptly|| "Предположим, вы заперли дверь," дернулся мой друг. I nodded, entirely comprehending, crossed the room and shot the little nickel bolt into its socket. |||||||||||small|bolt|||

"Now," said Smith as I took my seat, "the story is a fragmentary one in which there are many gaps. ||||||||||||incomplete||||||| Let us see what we know. It seems that the despatch which led to my sudden recall (and incidentally yours) from Egypt to London and which only reached me as I was on the point of embarking at Suez for Rangoon, was prompted by the arrival here of Sir Gregory Hale, whilom attaché at the British Embassy, Peking. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||仰光||||||||||||||||| ||||dispatch||||||||by the way||||||||||||||||||||||||caused by|||||||||former|former diplomat|||||Beijing |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||em|||| So much, you will remember, was conveyed in my instructions." ||||||communicated|||directions "Quite so." "Furthermore, I was instructed, you'll remember, to put up at the New Louvre Hotel; therefore you came here and engaged this suite whilst I reported to the chief. |||told|||||||||||||||||||||||| A stranger business is before us, Petrie, I verily believe, than any we have known hitherto. ||||||||truly believe|||||||up to now In the first place, Sir Gregory Hale is here——" "Here?" "In the New Louvre Hotel. I ascertained on the way up, but not by direct inquiry, that he occupies a suite similar to this, and incidentally on the same floor." |determined|||||||||questioning|||occupies||||||||||| "His report to the India Office, whatever its nature, must have been a sensational one." |||||||||||||exciting| "He has made no report to the India Office." "What! made no report?" "He has not entered any office whatever, nor will he receive any representative. He's been playing at Robinson Crusoe in a private suite here for close upon a fortnight— id est since the time of his arrival in London!" |||||||||||||||two weeks|that is|that is|||||||| I suppose my growing perplexity was plainly visible, for Smith suddenly burst out with his short, boyish laugh. ||||confusion||clearly|||||laughed|||||youthful|

"Oh! I told you it was a strange business," he cried. "Is he mad?" Nayland Smith's gaiety left him; he became suddenly stern and grim. ||cheerfulness||||||serious and strict||serious and stern "Either mad, Petrie, stark raving mad, or the savior of the Indian Empire—perhaps of all Western civilization. |||completely insane|completely insane||||savior||||||||| Listen. Sir Gregory Hale, whom I know slightly and who honors me, apparently, with a belief that I am the only man in Europe worthy of his confidence, resigned his appointment at Peking some time ago, and set out upon a private expedition to the Mongolian frontier with the avowed intention of visiting some place in the Gobi Desert. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||戈壁| |||||||||respects||||||||||||||||||stepped down||||||||||||||journey|||||||openly stated||||||||| From the time that he actually crossed the frontier he disappeared for nearly six months, to reappear again suddenly and dramatically in London. ||||||||||||||||reappear|||||| He buried himself in this hotel, refusing all visitors and only advising the authorities of his return by telephone. |isolated|||||rejecting|||||||||||| He demanded that  I should be sent to see him; and—despite his eccentric methods—so great is the Chief's faith in Sir Gregory's knowledge of matters Far Eastern, that behold, here I am." |requested||||||||||||unconventional|||||||trust|||Gregory|||||||look here||| He broke off abruptly and sat in an attitude of tense listening. |||suddenly|||||||| Then—

"Do you hear anything, Petrie?" he rapped. |spoke rhythmically

"A sort of tapping?" |||knocking sound I inquired, listening intently myself the while. |asked||with focus|||

Smith nodded his head rapidly.

We both listened for some time, Smith with his head bent slightly forward and his pipe held in his hands; I with my gaze upon the bolted door. ||||||||||tilted||||||||||||||||secured| A faint mist still hung in the room, and once I thought I detected a slight sound from the bedroom beyond, which was in darkness. |thin||||||||||||perceived||||||||||| Smith noted me turn my head, and for a moment the pair of us stared into the gap of the doorway. |observed||||||||||||||||||| But the silence was complete.

"You have told me neither much nor little, Smith," I said, resuming for some reason, in a hushed voice. |||||||||||speaking again||||||quiet| "Who or what is this Si-Fan at whose existence you hint?" |||||||||||suggest Nayland Smith smiled grimly. |||with a grim expression

"Possibly the real and hitherto unsolved riddle of Tibet, Petrie," he replied—"a mystery concealed from the world behind the veil of Lamaism." ||||up to now|unresolved|mystery||||||||||||||mask||Buddhist practice He stood up abruptly, glancing at a scrap of paper which he took from his pocket—"Suite Number 14a," he said. ||||looking|||piece||||||||||||| "Come along! Прийди| We have not a moment to waste. Let us make our presence known to Sir Gregory— the man who has dared to raise that veil." |||||||||||||had the courage||||veil