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American English Pronunciation Podcast (Pronuncian.com), #09: American English pronunciation of the five short vowel sounds

#09: American English pronunciation of the five short vowel sounds

#9: American English pronunciation of the five short vowel sounds

This is the beginning of the difficult to say and hear vowel sounds.

Start to realize the importance of being able to hear different sounds. Transcript

Hi everyone!

Welcome to episode 9 of Seattle Learning Academy's American English Pronunciation Podcast. If you are a regular listener, you know we are in the middle of learning about vowel sounds. If this is your first time listening to this podcast, I'd like to say hello. My name is Mandy. As always, the transcript for this show is available at www.pronuncian.com. You will also find a link on Pronuncian for buying the book, "Pronunciation Pages: Sounds of American English" published by Seattle Learning Academy. The book is available as an ebook download, or as a physical copy to be shipped to you. Along with your book purchase, you get 6 months full access to the pronuncian website.

Let's get back to vowels. Last week we started talking about vowels and learned the five key words for our long vowels. Do you remember them? If not, they were: cake, keep, bike, home, cute. Long vowels are easy to remember because they sound like their name, a, e, i, o, and u. Today we will talk about short vowels, which are way more difficult to say and to hear. Like long vowels, I have key words for short vowels.

Since short vowels will take longer to get through, I'm going to jump right into them today. The short a sounds like ( short a ), ( short a ). The key word for short a is cat. To create the short a sound we need to lift the middle of the tongue and push it forward and into our bottom teeth a little bit. short a is a pretty forceful sound; we use a lot of muscle in our mouth to create it. Try saying the sound alone. ( short a ). Now say our key word, cat. ( short a , cat)

The short e sounds like ( short e ).

There is very little muscle involved to create this sound, just raise the middle of your tongue a tiny bit toward the roof of the mouth. The sides of your tongue may lightly touch your upper teeth. The key word for short e is bed. Do you hear the ( short e ) sound in bed? ( b sound , short e , d sound ). So, so far we've had short a and short e . ( short a , short e ). You want to be able to hear the difference between the sounds.

The short i sounds like ( short i ), ( short i ).

It is the middle sound of the key word sit. The middle of your tongue is a little higher for the short i sound than it is for the short e sound. Listen to both sounds side by side. ( short e , short i ), ( short e , short i ), (bed, sit) Try saying those sounds: ( short e , short i ). Now say the key words: bed, sit.

To create the short o sound ( short o ), we need to open our mouth a lot.

Our jaw actually needs to open to get this sound out nice and clear. At the same time as we open our mouth, our tongue bunches up some in the back of our mouth. ( short o ) The key word for short o is top. Top. ( t sound , short o , p sound ).

Do you remember the four key words so far?

They were cat, bed, sit, and top.

Our last short vowel sound is the short u , and it sounds like ( short u ).

The short u sound is created by pressing the back of our tongue down, and our mouth does not need to be open in the same way that it does for the short o . The short u key word is sun. Listen to the difference in the middle sound in the words top and sun. Top, sun. ( short o , short u )

So we have the key words: cat, bed, sit, top, sun.

You job is to memorize those words. We'll come back to them again after practicing some short word lists, like we did last week for the long vowels. short a ( short a ): add, after, bath, plan, crash short e ( short e ): end, enter, bend, yes, dress short i ( short i ): it, ill, gift, since, drip short o ( short o ): odd, on, box, lot, rock short u ( short u ): up, us, jump, luck, fun

Now let's practice with some listening for a bit. I'm going to say a word, and I want you to decide which short vowel sound is in the word. I am intentionally going to pick words that may confuse you because of their spelling. Keep listening for the comparison to the key words to help you. Start to learn to use those key words. Trust me, memorizing them will help you!


myth, m-y-t-h, Does it sound like cat, bed, sit, top, or sun. Myth. It is the short i ( short i ) like in sit.


said, s-a-i-d, said. Compare it to cat, bed, sit, top, sun. Said. I hope you said it is the short e . Please, do not say the word said with a long a, like sayed, or people will think you are saying s-a-y-e-d, which isn't a word, but an expected way to incorrectly conjugate the word say. 3.

done, d-o-n-e, done. Compare it to cat, bed, sit, top, sun. Did you say it is the short u ? If you did, very good, you didn't let the spelling mess you up. 4.


l-o-t, lot. Does it sound like cat, bed, sit, top, or sun. That one should have been easy. Lot is the short o , like the word top.


fast, f-a-s-t, fast. This one is also easy, it is the short a , like cat.


blood, b-l-o-o-d, blood. Can you get that one? The spelling is unusual for the sound, but it is the short u , as in sun. Listen and compare. Blood, sun. It is the same sound.


This is the last one today, bread, b-r-e-a-d, bread. Compare the sound in the word bread to the key words. Did you say it is the short e sound? I hope so, because you would be correct.

Maybe you are starting to notice the sounds that are a bit harder for you.

I cannot stress the importance of listening practice enough, and I really recommend that you go to the pronuncian website and practice some sets of minimal pairs. You can find minimal pairs practice for most of these sounds just below the word lists for each individual sound. You can click the sounds tab and find sounds that way, and the show notes from each show link directly to sound lists for the sounds we practice during each episode.

Thanks for listening everyone.

This podcast covered the most number of difficult sounds in one show of all the shows so far. I know I go through it quickly, but that's why I give you so much free content on Pronuncian. That way you can practice what is more important to you. If you find this podcast valuable in your everyday life, please write an iTunes review. Don't worry about imperfect English. Even native speakers don't have great grammar, and I make mistakes all the time. Have a wonderful day everyone.


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#09: American English pronunciation of the five short vowel sounds American English|American English|pronunciation|of||the|short|sounds|vowel sounds #09: Amerikanisches Englisch: Aussprache der fünf kurzen Vokale #09: American English pronunciation of the five short vowel sounds #09: Pronunciación en inglés americano de los cinco sonidos vocálicos cortos #09 : Prononciation des cinq voyelles courtes en anglais américain #09: pronuncia dell'inglese americano dei cinque suoni delle vocali brevi #09: 短母音5音のアメリカ英語発音 #09: 다섯 가지 단모음 소리의 미국식 영어 발음 #09: Wymowa pięciu krótkich samogłosek w amerykańskim angielskim #09: Pronúncia em inglês americano dos cinco sons de vogais curtas #09: Американское английское произношение пяти кратких гласных звуков #09: Beş kısa sesli harfin Amerikan İngilizcesi telaffuzu #09: Вимова п'яти коротких голосних звуків американської англійської мови #09:美式英语中五个短元音的发音 #09:美式英語五個短元音的發音

#9: American English pronunciation of the five short vowel sounds

This is the beginning of the difficult to say and hear vowel sounds. Este é o início da dificuldade de dizer e ouvir sons vocálicos.

Start to realize the importance of being able to hear different sounds. |||||||capable of|||| Transcript

Hi everyone!

Welcome to episode 9 of Seattle Learning Academy's American English Pronunciation Podcast. If you are a regular listener, you know we are in the middle of learning about vowel sounds. If this is your first time listening to this podcast, I'd like to say hello. My name is Mandy. As always, the transcript for this show is available at www.pronuncian.com. You will also find a link on Pronuncian for buying the book, "Pronunciation Pages: Sounds of American English" published by Seattle Learning Academy. The book is available as an ebook download, or as a physical copy to be shipped to you. Along with your book purchase, you get 6 months full access to the pronuncian website.

Let's get back to vowels. Last week we started talking about vowels and learned the five key words for our long vowels. Do you remember them? If not, they were: cake, keep, bike, home, cute. Long vowels are easy to remember because they sound like their name, a, e, i, o, and u. Today we will talk about short vowels, which are way more difficult to say and to hear. Like long vowels, I have key words for short vowels. مثل حروف العلة الطويلة، لدي كلمات رئيسية لأحرف العلة القصيرة.

Since short vowels will take longer to get through, I'm going to jump right into them today. The short a sounds like ( short a ), ( short a ). The key word for short a is cat. To create the short a sound we need to lift the middle of the tongue and push it forward and into our bottom teeth a little bit. برای ایجاد صدای کوتاه باید وسط زبان را بلند کرده و کمی به جلو و داخل دندان های پایینی خود فشار دهیم. 短いaの音を出すには、舌の真ん中を持ち上げて前方に押し出し、下の歯に少し押し込む必要がある。 short a is a pretty forceful sound; we use a lot of muscle in our mouth to create it. |||||kraftvoll||||||||||||| 短いaはかなり力強い音で、口の筋肉をたくさん使って音を出す。 Try saying the sound alone. ( short a ). Now say our key word, cat. ( short a , cat)

The short e sounds like ( short e ).

There is very little muscle involved to create this sound, just raise the middle of your tongue a tiny bit toward the roof of the mouth. この音を出すのに必要な筋肉はほとんどなく、舌の真ん中を口の天井に向かってほんの少し上げるだけだ。 The sides of your tongue may lightly touch your upper teeth. The key word for short e is bed. Do you hear the ( short e ) sound in bed? ( b sound , short e , d sound ). So, so far we've had short a and short e . だから、これまで我々は短いaと短いeを持っていた。 ( short a , short e ). You want to be able to hear the difference between the sounds. 音の違いを聞き分けられるようにしたい。

The short i sounds like ( short i ), ( short i ).

It is the middle sound of the key word sit. The middle of your tongue is a little higher for the short i sound than it is for the short e sound. 舌の真ん中は、短いeの音よりも短いiの音の方が少し高い位置にあります。 Listen to both sounds side by side. 両方の音を並べて聴く。 ( short e , short i ), ( short e , short i ), (bed, sit) Try saying those sounds: ( short e , short i ). Now say the key words: bed, sit.

To create the short o sound ( short o ), we need to open our mouth a lot.

Our jaw actually needs to open to get this sound out nice and clear. |mâchoire|||||||||||| この音をきれいにクリアに出すためには、実際に顎を開く必要がある。 At the same time as we open our mouth, our tongue bunches up some in the back of our mouth. |||||||||||zusammenzieht|||||||| همزمان با باز کردن دهان، زبان ما مقداری در پشت دهان جمع می‌شود. 口を開けると同時に、舌が口の奥で少し束になる。 ( short o ) The key word for short o is top. Top. ( t sound , short o , p sound ).

Do you remember the four key words so far?

They were cat, bed, sit, and top.

Our last short vowel sound is the short u , and it sounds like ( short u ). Наш останній короткий голосний звук - це короткий u, і він звучить як (короткий u).

The short u sound is created by pressing the back of our tongue down, and our mouth does not need to be open in the same way that it does for the short o . |||||||drücken|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 短いuの音は、舌の裏を押し下げることによって作られ、短いoの音と同じように口を開く必要はない。 The short u key word is sun. Listen to the difference in the middle sound in the words top and sun. Top, sun. ( short o , short u )

So we have the key words: cat, bed, sit, top, sun.

You job is to memorize those words. We'll come back to them again after practicing some short word lists, like we did last week for the long vowels. 先週の長母音の練習と同じように、短単語のリストを練習した後に、またこのリストに戻ることにしよう。 short a ( short a ): add, after, bath, plan, crash short e ( short e ): end, enter, bend, yes, dress short i ( short i ): it, ill, gift, since, drip short o ( short o ): odd, on, box, lot, rock short u ( short u ): up, us, jump, luck, fun ||||||||||||||||||||||||||goutte||||||||||||||||||

Now let's practice with some listening for a bit. I'm going to say a word, and I want you to decide which short vowel sound is in the word. I am intentionally going to pick words that may confuse you because of their spelling. ||absichtlich|||||||||||| Keep listening for the comparison to the key words to help you. Start to learn to use those key words. Trust me, memorizing them will help you!


myth, m-y-t-h, Does it sound like cat, bed, sit, top, or sun. Myth. It is the short i ( short i ) like in sit.


said, s-a-i-d, said. dit||||| Compare it to cat, bed, sit, top, sun. Said. I hope you said it is the short e . Please, do not say the word said with a long a, like sayed, or people will think you are saying s-a-y-e-d, which isn't a word, but an expected way to incorrectly conjugate the word say. ||||||||||||sayed|||||||||||||||||||||||||| sayedのように長いaをつけてsaidと言わないでください。s-a-y-e-dと言っていると思われます。 3.

done, d-o-n-e, done. Compare it to cat, bed, sit, top, sun. Did you say it is the short u ? If you did, very good, you didn't let the spelling mess you up. Якщо ви це зробили, дуже добре, ви не дозволили орфографії зіпсувати вам настрій. 4.


l-o-t, lot. Does it sound like cat, bed, sit, top, or sun. That one should have been easy. Lot is the short o , like the word top.


fast, f-a-s-t, fast. This one is also easy, it is the short a , like cat.


blood, b-l-o-o-d, blood. Can you get that one? The spelling is unusual for the sound, but it is the short u , as in sun. Listen and compare. Blood, sun. It is the same sound.


This is the last one today, bread, b-r-e-a-d, bread. Compare the sound in the word bread to the key words. Did you say it is the short e sound? I hope so, because you would be correct.

Maybe you are starting to notice the sounds that are a bit harder for you.

I cannot stress the importance of listening practice enough, and I really recommend that you go to the pronuncian website and practice some sets of minimal pairs. |||||||||||||||||||||||||minimalistes| من نمی توانم به اندازه کافی بر اهمیت تمرین گوش دادن تأکید کنم، و واقعاً توصیه می کنم به وب سایت تلفظ کننده بروید و چند مجموعه از جفت های حداقلی را تمرین کنید. You can find minimal pairs practice for most of these sounds just below the word lists for each individual sound. You can click the sounds tab and find sounds that way, and the show notes from each show link directly to sound lists for the sounds we practice during each episode.

Thanks for listening everyone.

This podcast covered the most number of difficult sounds in one show of all the shows so far. I know I go through it quickly, but that's why I give you so much free content on Pronuncian. That way you can practice what is more important to you. If you find this podcast valuable in your everyday life, please write an iTunes review. Don't worry about imperfect English. |||unvollkommen| Even native speakers don't have great grammar, and I make mistakes all the time. Have a wonderful day everyone.
