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The Majesty of Calmness by William George Jordan, II. Hurry, the Scourge of America

II. Hurry, the Scourge of America

The first sermon in the world was preached at the Creation. It was a Divine protest against Hurry. It was a Divine object lesson of perfect law, perfect plan, perfect order, perfect method. Six days of work carefully planned, scheduled and completed were followed by,--rest. Whether we accept the story as literal or as figurative, as the account of successive days or of ages comprising millions of years, matters little if we but learn the lesson.

Nature is very un-American. Nature never hurries. Every phase of her working shows plan, calmness, reliability, and the absence of hurry. Hurry always implies lack of definite method, confusion, impatience of slow growth. The Tower of Babel, the world's first skyscraper, was a failure because of hurry. The workers mistook their arrogant ambition for inspiration. They had too many builders,--and no architect. They thought to make up the lack of a head by a superfluity of hands. This is a characteristic of Hurry. It seeks ever to make energy a substitute for a clearly defined plan,--the result is ever as hopeless as trying to transform a hobby-horse into a real steed by brisk riding.

Hurry is a counterfeit of haste. Haste has an ideal, a distinct aim to be realized by the quickest, direct methods. Haste has a single compass upon which it relies for direction and in harmony with which its course is determined. Hurry says: "I must move faster. I will get three compasses; I will have them different; I will be guided by all of them. One of them will probably be right." Hurry never realizes that slow, careful foundation work is the quickest in the end.

Hurry has ruined more Americans than has any other word in the vocabulary of life. It is the scourge of America; and is both a cause and a result of our high-pressure civilization. Hurry adroitly assumes so many masquerades of disguise that its identity is not always recognized.

Hurry always pays the highest price for everything, and, usually the goods are not delivered. In the race for wealth men often sacrifice time, energy, health, home, happiness and honor,--everything that money cannot buy, the very things that money can never bring back. Hurry is a phantom of paradoxes. Business men, in their desire to provide for the future happiness of their family, often sacrifice the present happiness of wife and children on the altar of Hurry. They forget that their place in the home should be something greater than being merely "the man that pays the bills;" they expect consideration and thoughtfulness that they are not giving. We hear too much of a wife's duties to a husband and too little of the other side of the question. "The wife," they tell us, "should meet her husband with a smile and a kiss, should tactfully watch his moods and be ever sweetness and sunshine." Why this continual swinging of the censer of devotion to the man of business? Why should a woman have to look up with timid glance at the face of her husband, to "size up his mood"? Has not her day, too, been one of care, and responsibility, and watchfulness? Has not mother-love been working over perplexing problems and worries of home and of the training of the children that wifely love may make her seek to solve in secret? Is man, then, the weaker sex that he must be pampered and treated as tenderly as a boil trying to keep from contact with the world?

In their hurry to attain some ambition, to gratify the dream of a life, men often throw honor, truth, and generosity to the winds. Politicians dare to stand by and see a city poisoned with foul water until they "see where they come in" on a water-works appropriation. If it be necessary to poison an army,--that, too, is but an incident in the hurry for wealth.

This is the Age of the Hothouse. The element of natural growth is pushed to one side and the hothouse and the force-pump are substituted. Nature looks on tolerantly as she says: "So far you may go, but no farther, my foolish children." The educational system of to-day is a monumental institution dedicated to Hurry. The children are forced to go through a series of studies that sweep the circle of all human wisdom. They are given everything that the ambitious ignorance of the age can force into their minds; they are taught everything but the essentials,--how to use their senses and how to think. Their minds become congested by a great mass of undigested facts, and still the cruel, barbarous forcing goes on. You watch it until it seems you cannot stand it a moment longer, and you instinctively put out your hand and say: "Stop! This modern slaughter of the Innocents must not go on!" Education smiles suavely, waves her hand complacently toward her thousands of knowledge-prisons over the country, and says: "Who are you that dares speak a word against our sacred, school system?" Education is in a hurry. Because she fails in fifteen years to do what half the time should accomplish by better methods, she should not be too boastful. Incompetence is not always a reason for pride. And they hurry the children into a hundred textbooks, then into ill-health, then into the colleges, then into a diploma, then into life,--with a dazed mind, untrained and unfitted for the real duties of living.

Hurry is the deathblow to calmness, to dignity, to poise. The old-time courtesy went out when the new-time hurry came in. Hurry is the father of dyspepsia. In the rush of our national life, the bolting of food has become a national vice. The words "Quick Lunches" might properly be placed on thousands of headstones in our cemeteries. Man forgets that he is the only animal that dines; the others merely feed. Why does he abrogate his right to dine and go to the end of the line with the mere feeders? His self-respecting stomach rebels, and expresses its indignation by indigestion. Then man has to go through life with a little bottle of pepsin tablets in his vest-pocket. He is but another victim to this craze for speed. Hurry means the breakdown of the nerves. It is the royal road to nervous prostration.

Everything that is great in life is the product of slow growth; the newer, and greater, and higher, and nobler the work, the slower is its growth, the surer is its lasting success. Mushrooms attain their full power in a night; oaks require decades. A fad lives its life in a few weeks; a philosophy lives through generations and centuries. If you are sure you are right, do not let the voice of the world, or of friends, or of family swerve you for a moment from your purpose. Accept slow growth if it must be slow, and know the results must come, as you would accept the long, lonely hours of the night,--with absolute assurance that the heavy-leaded moments must bring the morning.

Let us as individuals banish the word "Hurry" from our lives. Let us care for nothing so much that we would pay honor and self-respect as the price of hurrying it. Let us cultivate calmness, restfulness, poise, sweetness,--doing our best, bearing all things as bravely as we can; living our life undisturbed by the prosperity of the wicked or the malice of the envious. Let us not be impatient, chafing at delay, fretting over failure, wearying over results, and weakening under opposition. Let us ever turn our face toward the future with confidence and trust, with the calmness of a life in harmony with itself, true to its ideals, and slowly and constantly progressing toward their realization.

Let us see that cowardly word Hurry in all its most degenerating phases, let us see that it ever kills truth, loyalty, thoroughness; and let us determine that, day by day, we will seek more and more to substitute for it the calmness and repose of a true life, nobly lived.

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II. Hurry, the Scourge of America II. Eile, die Geißel Amerikas II. Date prisa, el Azote de América II.アメリカの惨劇、急げ II. Skubėjimas, Amerikos rykštė II. A pressa, o flagelo da América II. Спешите, бич Америки II. Hitenje, nadloga Amerike II. Acele, Amerika'nın Baş Belası II. Поспішай, бич Америки II.匆忙,美国之祸 II.匆忙,美国之祸

The first sermon in the world was preached at the Creation. Первая проповедь в мире была произнесена при сотворении мира. Prva pridiga na svetu je bila izrečena ob stvarjenju. 世界上第一次布道是在创世时宣讲的。 It was a Divine protest against Hurry. Это был Божественный протест против Спешки. To je bil božji protest proti Hitenju. 这是对匆忙的神圣抗议。 It was a Divine object lesson of perfect law, perfect plan, perfect order, perfect method. Это был Божественный наглядный урок совершенного закона, совершенного плана, совершенного порядка, совершенного метода. To je bila božanska lekcija popolnega zakona, popolnega načrta, popolnega reda in popolne metode. 这是完美法则、完美计划、完美秩序、完美方法的神圣实物课程。 Six days of work carefully planned, scheduled and completed were followed by,--rest. Po šestih dneh skrbno načrtovanega, predvidenega in opravljenega dela je sledil počitek. Whether we accept the story as literal or as figurative, as the account of successive days or of ages comprising millions of years, matters little if we but learn the lesson. ||||||||||||||consecutive|||||"including"||||||||||| Принимаем ли мы эту историю буквально или образно, как рассказ о последовательных днях или веках, включающих миллионы лет, не имеет большого значения, если мы усвоим урок. Če zgodbo sprejemamo kot dobesedno ali v prenesenem pomenu, kot poročilo o zaporednih dnevih ali o milijonih let, je malo pomembno, če se le naučimo lekcije.

Nature is very un-American. Narava je zelo neameriška. Nature never hurries. Narava nikoli ne hiti. Every phase of her working shows plan, calmness, reliability, and the absence of hurry. Каждая фаза ее работы отличается планомерностью, спокойствием, надежностью и отсутствием спешки. V vsaki fazi njenega dela so vidni načrt, mirnost, zanesljivost in odsotnost hitenja. Hurry always implies lack of definite method, confusion, impatience of slow growth. Спешка всегда подразумевает отсутствие определенного метода, растерянность, нетерпение медленного роста. Hitenje vedno pomeni pomanjkanje določenega načina, zmedo, nestrpnost zaradi počasne rasti. The Tower of Babel, the world's first skyscraper, was a failure because of hurry. |||confusion of languages|||||||||| Babilonski stolp, prvi nebotičnik na svetu, je propadel zaradi naglice. The workers mistook their arrogant ambition for inspiration. Delavci so njihove arogantne ambicije zamenjali za navdih. They had too many builders,--and no architect. Imeli so preveč gradbenikov in nobenega arhitekta. They thought to make up the lack of a head by a superfluity of hands. ||||||||||||excessive amount|| Menili so, da bodo pomanjkanje glave nadomestili s presežkom rok. This is a characteristic of Hurry. To je značilnost hitenja. It seeks ever to make energy a substitute for a clearly defined plan,--the result is ever as hopeless as trying to transform a hobby-horse into a real steed by brisk riding. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||real horse||energetic, quick| Он всегда стремится заменить энергией четко определенный план, и результат всегда столь же безнадежен, как и попытка превратить лошадку-любителя в настоящего скакуна быстрой ездой. Vedno poskuša iz energije narediti nadomestek za jasno opredeljen načrt, rezultat pa je vedno tako brezupen, kot če bi poskušali s hitrim jahanjem konja iz konjička spremeniti v pravega konja.

Hurry is a counterfeit of haste. Спешка — это подделка спешки. Naglica je ponaredek naglice. Haste has an ideal, a distinct aim to be realized by the quickest, direct methods. У спешки есть идеал, четкая цель, которая должна быть реализована самыми быстрыми, прямыми методами. Naglica je ideal, jasen cilj, ki ga je treba uresničiti z najhitrejšimi in neposrednimi metodami. Haste has a single compass upon which it relies for direction and in harmony with which its course is determined. У спешки есть единственный компас, на который она опирается при выборе направления и в гармонии с которым определяется ее курс. Naglica ima en sam kompas, na katerega se zanaša pri usmerjanju in v skladu s katerim določa svojo pot. Hurry says: "I must move faster. Hitenje pravi: "Moram se premakniti hitreje. I will get three compasses; I will have them different; I will be guided by all of them. Dobil bom tri kompase, ki se bodo med seboj razlikovali, vodili me bodo vsi. One of them will probably be right." Eden od njiju bo imel verjetno prav." Hurry never realizes that slow, careful foundation work is the quickest in the end. Hitenje se nikoli ne zaveda, da je na koncu najhitrejše počasno in skrbno delo na temeljih.

Hurry has ruined more Americans than has any other word in the vocabulary of life. Naglica je uničila več Američanov kot katera koli druga beseda v besednjaku življenja. It is the scourge of America; and is both a cause and a result of our high-pressure civilization. To je nadloga Amerike, ki je hkrati vzrok in posledica naše civilizacije visokega pritiska. Hurry adroitly assumes so many masquerades of disguise that its identity is not always recognized. |skillfully||||||||||||| Спешка ловко принимает на себя столько маскарадов маскировки, что ее личность не всегда узнают. Hurry spretno prevzame toliko maskirnih preoblek, da njegova identiteta ni vedno prepoznavna.

Hurry always pays the highest price for everything, and, usually the goods are not delivered. Hurry vedno plača najvišjo ceno za vse, blago pa običajno ni dostavljeno. In the race for wealth men often sacrifice time, energy, health, home, happiness and honor,--everything that money cannot buy, the very things that money can never bring back. В погоне за богатством люди часто жертвуют временем, энергией, здоровьем, домом, счастьем и честью — всем, что нельзя купить за деньги, тем самым, что деньги никогда не могут вернуть. V tekmi za bogastvo ljudje pogosto žrtvujejo čas, energijo, zdravje, dom, srečo in čast - vse, česar ni mogoče kupiti z denarjem, stvari, ki jih denar ne more vrniti. Hurry is a phantom of paradoxes. |||illusory presence|| Спешка — это призрак парадоксов. Naglica je fantom paradoksov. Business men, in their desire to provide for the future happiness of their family, often sacrifice the present happiness of wife and children on the altar of Hurry. Деловые люди, желая обеспечить будущее счастье своей семьи, часто жертвуют нынешним счастьем жены и детей на алтарь Спешки. Poslovni ljudje v želji, da bi zagotovili prihodnjo srečo svoje družine, pogosto žrtvujejo sedanjo srečo žene in otrok na oltarju naglice. They forget that their place in the home should be something greater than being merely "the man that pays the bills;" they expect consideration and thoughtfulness that they are not giving. |||||||||||||||||||||||||care and attention||||| Они забывают, что их место в доме должно быть чем-то большим, чем быть просто «человеком, который платит по счетам»; они ожидают внимания и заботы, которых не дают. Pozabljajo, da bi moralo biti njihovo mesto v družini nekaj več kot le "človek, ki plačuje račune"; pričakujejo pozornost in skrbnost, ki ju ne dajejo. We hear too much of a wife's duties to a husband and too little of the other side of the question. Мы слишком много слышим об обязанностях жены по отношению к мужу и слишком мало о другой стороне вопроса. Preveč slišimo o dolžnostih žene do moža in premalo o drugi strani vprašanja. "The wife," they tell us, "should meet her husband with a smile and a kiss, should tactfully watch his moods and be ever sweetness and sunshine." |||||||||||||||||||||||kindness and warmth|| «Жена, — говорят нам, — должна встречать мужа улыбкой и поцелуем, должна тактично следить за его настроением и быть всегда милой и солнечной». "Žena," pravijo nam, "mora moža pričakati z nasmehom in poljubom, taktično opazovati njegova razpoloženja in biti vedno sladka in sončna." Why this continual swinging of the censer of devotion to the man of business? ||||||Incense holder||||||| Zakaj nenehno dvigovanje kadilnice predanosti poslovnemu človeku? Why should a woman have to look up with timid glance at the face of her husband, to "size up his mood"? Почему женщина должна поднимать робкий взгляд на лицо мужа, чтобы «оценить его настроение»? Zakaj bi morala ženska s plašnim pogledom pogledati moža, da bi "ocenila njegovo razpoloženje"? Has not her day, too, been one of care, and responsibility, and watchfulness? ||||||||||||vigilant attention Разве ее день тоже не был днем забот, ответственности и бдительности? Ali ni bil tudi njen dan poln skrbi, odgovornosti in budnosti? Has not mother-love been working over perplexing problems and worries of home and of the training of the children that wifely love may make her seek to solve in secret? |||||||confusing and difficult||||||||||||||as a wife||||||||| Ali ni materinska ljubezen reševala zapletenih problemov in skrbi doma in pri vzgoji otrok, ki jih je zaradi ženine ljubezni morda poskušala rešiti na skrivaj? Is man, then, the weaker sex that he must be pampered and treated as tenderly as a boil trying to keep from contact with the world? ||||||||||overly indulged||||gently||||||||||| Ali je torej moški šibkejši spol, da ga je treba razvajati in z njim ravnati tako nežno kot z vrelcem, ki se skuša izogniti stiku s svetom?

In their hurry to attain some ambition, to gratify the dream of a life, men often throw honor, truth, and generosity to the winds. ||||||||satisfy||||||||||||||| В погоне за достижением каких-либо амбиций, чтобы удовлетворить мечту о жизни, люди часто бросают честь, правду и щедрость на ветер. V naglici, da bi dosegli neko ambicijo, da bi izpolnili sanje o življenju, ljudje pogosto zavržejo čast, resnico in velikodušnost. Politicians dare to stand by and see a city poisoned with foul water until they "see where they come in" on a water-works appropriation. ||||||||||||||||||||||||fund allocation Политики осмеливаются стоять в стороне и смотреть, как город отравлен грязной водой, пока они не «увидят, куда они попадают» в ассигнованиях на водопроводные сооружения. Politiki si drznejo gledati, kako je mesto zastrupljeno z umazano vodo, dokler "ne vidijo, kje bodo dobili" sredstva za gradnjo vodovodov. If it be necessary to poison an army,--that, too, is but an incident in the hurry for wealth. Если нужно отравить армию, это тоже всего лишь случайность в погоне за богатством. Če je treba zastrupiti vojsko, je tudi to le dogodek v naglici za bogastvom.

This is the Age of the Hothouse. Это эпоха теплиц. To je doba rastlinjakov. The element of natural growth is pushed to one side and the hothouse and the force-pump are substituted. ||||||||||||||||||put in place Element naravne rasti je potisnjen na stranski tir, nadomestita ga rastlinjak in črpalka. Nature looks on tolerantly as she says: "So far you may go, but no farther, my foolish children." |||with patience|||||||||||||| Narava strpno gleda in pravi: "Tako daleč lahko greste, a ne dlje, moji neumni otroci." The educational system of to-day is a monumental institution dedicated to Hurry. ||||||||immense|||| Današnji izobraževalni sistem je monumentalna ustanova, posvečena hitenju. The children are forced to go through a series of studies that sweep the circle of all human wisdom. Otroci so prisiljeni opraviti vrsto študij, ki prečijo krog vseh človeških modrosti. They are given everything that the ambitious ignorance of the age can force into their minds; they are taught everything but the essentials,--how to use their senses and how to think. Dajo jim vse, kar jim lahko vsili ambiciozna nevednost dobe; učijo jih vsega, razen bistvenega - kako uporabljati čute in kako misliti. Their minds become congested by a great mass of undigested facts, and still the cruel, barbarous forcing goes on. Их умы забиты огромной массой непереваренных фактов, а жестокое, варварское принуждение продолжается. Njihovi možgani postanejo preobremenjeni z množico neprebavljenih dejstev, kruto in barbarsko siljenje pa se še vedno nadaljuje. You watch it until it seems you cannot stand it a moment longer, and you instinctively put out your hand and say: "Stop! Вы смотрите на это до тех пор, пока вам не покажется, что вы не можете больше выдержать ни минуты, и вы инстинктивно протягиваете руку и говорите: «Стой! Gledate ga, dokler se vam ne zdi, da ne morete več zdržati, in instinktivno iztegnete roko in rečete: "Ustavite se! This modern slaughter of the Innocents must not go on!" Эта современная резня невинных не должна продолжаться!» Ta sodobni pokol nedolžnih se ne sme nadaljevati!" Education smiles suavely, waves her hand complacently toward her thousands of knowledge-prisons over the country, and says: "Who are you that dares speak a word against our sacred, school system?" ||smoothly and confidently||||self-satisfiedly|||||||||||||||||||||||| Образование учтиво улыбается, самодовольно машет рукой в сторону своих тысяч тюрем-знаний по всей стране и говорит: «Кто вы такие, что смеете говорить хоть слово против нашей священной школьной системы?» Izobraževanje se prikupno nasmehne, samozadovoljno zamahne z roko proti tisočim zaporom znanja po vsej državi in reče: "Kdo ste vi, ki si upate reči besedo proti našemu svetemu šolskemu sistemu?" Education is in a hurry. Z izobraževanjem se mudi. Because she fails in fifteen years to do what half the time should accomplish by better methods, she should not be too boastful. ||||||||||||||||||||||overly proud Ker ji v petnajstih letih ni uspelo narediti tega, kar bi morala v polovici časa doseči z boljšimi metodami, se ne sme preveč hvaliti. Incompetence is not always a reason for pride. Некомпетентность не всегда является поводом для гордости. Nesposobnost ni vedno razlog za ponos. And they hurry the children into a hundred textbooks, then into ill-health, then into the colleges, then into a diploma, then into life,--with a dazed mind, untrained and unfitted for the real duties of living. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||confused and unprepared|||||||||| И торопят детей по сотне учебников, потом в нездоровье, потом в колледжи, потом в диплом, потом в жизнь, -- с затуманенным умом, неподготовленным и неприспособленным к настоящим жизненным обязанностям. Otroke ženejo v stotine učbenikov, nato v slabo zdravje, nato na fakultete, nato v diplomo, nato v življenje - z omamljenim umom, neusposobljenim in neprilagojenim za resnične življenjske naloge.

Hurry is the deathblow to calmness, to dignity, to poise. |||destructive force|||||| Hitenje je smrtni udarec mirnosti, dostojanstvu in zbranosti. The old-time courtesy went out when the new-time hurry came in. Stara vljudnost je izginila, ko se je pojavila nova naglica. Hurry is the father of dyspepsia. |||||Indigestion Hitenje je oče dispepsije. In the rush of our national life, the bolting of food has become a national vice. ||||||||rapid eating||||||| В спешке нашей национальной жизни отказ от еды стал национальным пороком. V hitrem tempu našega nacionalnega življenja je postalo nabijanje hrane nacionalna razvada. The words "Quick Lunches" might properly be placed on thousands of headstones in our cemeteries. |||Fast meals||||||||grave markers||| Слова «Быстрые обеды» вполне можно было бы разместить на тысячах надгробий на наших кладбищах. Besede "Hitra kosila" bi lahko bile pravilno zapisane na tisočih nagrobnih spomenikih na naših pokopališčih. Man forgets that he is the only animal that dines; the others merely feed. |||||||||eats with ceremony|||| Человек забывает, что он единственное животное, которое ест; остальные просто кормятся. Človek pozablja, da je edina žival, ki jé, druge se le hranijo. Why does he abrogate his right to dine and go to the end of the line with the mere feeders? |||give up||||eat a meal||||||||||||ordinary eaters Почему он отказывается от своего права обедать и идет в конец очереди с простыми едоками? Zakaj se odpove pravici do kosila in gre na konec vrste z navadnimi hranilci? His self-respecting stomach rebels, and expresses its indignation by indigestion. Его уважающий себя желудок бунтует и выражает свое возмущение несварением желудка. Njegov samozavestni želodec se upre in svoje ogorčenje izrazi s prebavnimi motnjami. Then man has to go through life with a little bottle of pepsin tablets in his vest-pocket. ||||||||||||digestive enzyme tablets||||| Potem mora človek skozi življenje hoditi z majhno stekleničko pepsinskih tablet v žepu jopiča. He is but another victim to this craze for speed. Je le še ena žrtev navdušenja nad hitrostjo. Hurry means the breakdown of the nerves. Naglica pomeni razpad živcev. It is the royal road to nervous prostration. |||||||nervous exhaustion Это царская дорога к нервной прострации. To je kraljevska pot do živčne prostracije.

Everything that is great in life is the product of slow growth; the newer, and greater, and higher, and nobler the work, the slower is its growth, the surer is its lasting success. Все великое в жизни — результат медленного роста; чем новее, и больше, и выше, и благороднее работа, тем медленнее ее рост, тем вернее ее прочный успех. Vse, kar je v življenju veliko, je rezultat počasne rasti; čim novejše, večje, višje in plemenitejše je delo, tem počasnejša je njegova rast, tem zanesljivejši je njegov trajni uspeh. Mushrooms attain their full power in a night; oaks require decades. Грибы достигают своей полной силы за ночь; дубы требуют десятилетий. Gobe dosežejo polno moč v eni noči, hrast pa potrebuje desetletja. A fad lives its life in a few weeks; a philosophy lives through generations and centuries. Причуда живет своей жизнью за несколько недель; философия живет через поколения и века. Modna muha se razvije v nekaj tednih, filozofija pa v generacijah in stoletjih. If you are sure you are right, do not let the voice of the world, or of friends, or of family swerve you for a moment from your purpose. |||||||||||||||||||||change your direction||||||| Если вы уверены, что правы, не позволяйте голосу мира, друзей или семьи ни на мгновение отвлечь вас от вашей цели. Če ste prepričani, da imate prav, ne dovolite, da vas glas sveta, prijateljev ali družine za trenutek odvrne od vašega cilja. Accept slow growth if it must be slow, and know the results must come, as you would accept the long, lonely hours of the night,--with absolute assurance that the heavy-leaded moments must bring the morning. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||burdened with weight||||| Смиритесь с медленным ростом, если он должен быть медленным, и знайте, что результаты должны прийти, как вы бы смирились с долгими одинокими ночными часами — с абсолютной уверенностью, что тяжелые мгновения должны принести утро. Sprejmite počasno rast, če mora biti počasna, in vedite, da bodo rezultati prišli, kot bi sprejeli dolge, samotne ure noči - s popolnim prepričanjem, da bodo težki trenutki prinesli jutro.

Let us as individuals banish the word "Hurry" from our lives. Kot posamezniki izženimo besedo "hitenje" iz svojega življenja. Let us care for nothing so much that we would pay honor and self-respect as the price of hurrying it. Za nič ne skrbimo tako zelo, da bi za to plačali čast in samospoštovanje. Let us cultivate calmness, restfulness, poise, sweetness,--doing our best, bearing all things as bravely as we can; living our life undisturbed by the prosperity of the wicked or the malice of the envious. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ill will||| Давайте развивать спокойствие, уравновешенность, уравновешенность, мягкость, стараясь изо всех сил, перенося все как можно мужественнее; живя своей жизнью, не тревожимой ни процветанием нечестивых, ни злобой завистников. Razvijmo mirnost, spokojnost, razgibanost, sladkost - delajmo po svojih najboljših močeh, vse prenašajmo pogumno, kolikor zmoremo; živimo svoje življenje, ne da bi nas motila blaginja zlobnih ali zloba zavistnežev. Let us not be impatient, chafing at delay, fretting over failure, wearying over results, and weakening under opposition. |||||irritated by|||worrying about|||growing tired of|||||| Давайте не будем нетерпеливы, раздражаемся из-за промедления, беспокоимся о неудачах, утомляемся из-за результатов и слабеем перед противодействием. Ne bodimo nepotrpežljivi, ne tarnajmo zaradi odlašanja, se ne vznemirjajmo zaradi neuspeha, se ne utrujajmo zaradi rezultatov in ne slabimo zaradi nasprotovanja. Let us ever turn our face toward the future with confidence and trust, with the calmness of a life in harmony with itself, true to its ideals, and slowly and constantly progressing toward their realization. Vedno usmerimo svoj pogled v prihodnost z zaupanjem in samozavestjo, z mirnostjo življenja, ki je v harmoniji s samim seboj, zvesto svojim idealom ter počasi in nenehno napreduje k njihovi uresničitvi.

Let us see that cowardly word Hurry in all its most degenerating phases, let us see that it ever kills truth, loyalty, thoroughness; and let us determine that, day by day, we will seek more and more to substitute for it the calmness and repose of a true life, nobly lived. ||||||||||||||||||||||Attention to detail||||||||||||||||||||||calm tranquility|||||With honor| Oglejmo si to strahopetno besedo Hitenje v vseh njenih najbolj degenerativnih fazah, poglejmo, da vedno ubija resnico, zvestobo, temeljitost, in se odločimo, da jo bomo iz dneva v dan vse bolj skušali nadomestiti z mirnostjo in umirjenostjo resničnega, plemenito živetega življenja.