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Englishme - Short Stories, Miracle Worker

Miracle Worker

The ER at Seattle general hospital is famous around the country, we have the highest success rate on surgeries in the country as well. Our doctors are top of the line and we have a very strict selection process. I am a senior surgeon at Seattle General and it's my responsibility to ensure our reputation stays this way. That is a lot easier said than done though. I do about 4-10 surgeries a week and it can get exhausting. Some are shorter and take maybe only an hour, while others are much longer and take several hours. The worst surgeries are the ones that go on all night, and you can't just leave the person on the operating table, so you must stay all night until you are finished completely and everything has been checked out so the patient is safe. All that responsibility gets to you sometimes, you have someone's life in your hands and that's enough to scare people away from this profession from the get go. Some people call me a miracle worker, I have sewed back on fingers, I have removed tumors and cysts, I have relieved pain and saved lives hundreds of times. Has it been easy? No, it definitely hasn't but it's what I do. I became a surgeon because I want to be the best of the best, and surgery requires the best of the best. I'm who they call to remove someone's cancerous tumors, I'm the one they call when someone needs their heart repaired after a heart attack. The work I do, is some of the most important work there is, and I am proud of it. I came from a poor family in India, now I'm fully a licensed surgeon, 10 years of education will do that for you. It's a job I cherish and also a job that demands a lot from me. It's time consuming, it's tense, it's stressful but man, is it rewarding. So do I really think I am a miracle worker? You tell me. Who else can fix the little intricate problems in your body with such precision and skill, so that you come out of the operating room alive and well. A few hundred years ago you couldn't even get a surgeon, they were so few and far between and we lacked any kind of medical knowledge to properly help or save anyone. You are lucky to be alive today because with me around you've got the highest chances of living a long healthy life. At Seattle General Hospital I am a miracle worker, and it's what gives us our reputation. When you've got a life threatening illness, you know that when you get brought into our Hospital, we are going to use every resource at our disposal to fix you up. So yes, we surgeons are miracle workers, because preserving life is a miracle in itself.

Miracle Worker Wundertäter El trabajador milagroso Le travailleur miraculeux 奇跡の人 미라클 워커 Cudotwórca O Milagreiro Чудотворец 奇迹工作者

The ER at Seattle general hospital is famous around the country, we have the highest success rate on surgeries in the country as well. ||||||||||||||||||手术成功率||||| ER ve všeobecné nemocnici v Seattlu je známá po celé zemi, máme nejvyšší úspěšnost také u operací v zemi. Die Notaufnahme im Seattle General Hospital ist im ganzen Land berühmt, wir haben auch die höchste Erfolgsquote bei Operationen im Land. 시애틀 종합병원의 응급실은 전국적으로 유명하며, 수술 성공률도 전국에서 가장 높습니다. 西雅图综合医院的急诊室在全国闻名,我们的手术成功率也是全国最高的。 Our doctors are top of the line and we have a very strict selection process. Unsere Ärzte sind erstklassig und wir haben ein sehr strenges Auswahlverfahren. 저희 의사들은 최고 수준이며 매우 엄격한 선발 과정을 거칩니다. 我们的医生都是顶尖的,而且我们的选择过程非常严格。 I am a senior surgeon at Seattle General and it's my responsibility to ensure our reputation stays this way. ||||Oberarzt|||||||||||Ruf||| Ich bin leitender Chirurg bei Seattle General und es liegt in meiner Verantwortung sicherzustellen, dass unser Ruf so bleibt. 我是西雅图综合医院的一名高级外科医生,我有责任确保我们的声誉保持下去。 That is a lot easier said than done though. Das ist aber viel leichter gesagt als getan. 하지만 이는 말처럼 쉬운 일이 아닙니다. 但这说起来容易做起来难。 I do about 4-10 surgeries a week and it can get exhausting. Ich mache ungefähr 4-10 Operationen pro Woche und es kann anstrengend werden. 저는 일주일에 약 4~10건의 수술을 하는데 지칠 때가 있습니다. 我每周做大约 4-10 次手术,这会让人筋疲力尽。 Some are shorter and take maybe only an hour, while others are much longer and take several hours. Einige sind kürzer und dauern vielleicht nur eine Stunde, während andere viel länger sind und mehrere Stunden dauern. The worst surgeries are the ones that go on all night, and you can't just leave the person on the operating table, so you must stay all night until you are finished completely and everything has been checked out so the patient is safe. die||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Die schlimmsten Operationen sind die, die die ganze Nacht dauern, und Sie können die Person nicht einfach auf dem Operationstisch lassen, also müssen Sie die ganze Nacht bleiben, bis Sie vollständig fertig sind und alles überprüft wurde, damit der Patient sicher ist. 최악의 수술은 밤새 계속되는 수술로, 환자를 수술대 위에 올려놓고 그냥 내버려둘 수 없기 때문에 수술이 완전히 끝나고 환자가 안전할 수 있도록 모든 것을 점검할 때까지 밤새 머물러야 합니다. 最糟糕的手术是持续整夜的手术,你不能把人留在手术台上,所以你必须整晚待在手术台上,直到手术完全完成,一切都检查完毕,病人才安全。 All that responsibility gets to you sometimes, you have someone's life in your hands and that's enough to scare people away from this profession from the get go. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||kommt|gehen Die ganze Verantwortung überkommt dich manchmal, du hast jemandes Leben in der Hand und das reicht, um Leute von diesem Beruf von Anfang an abzuschrecken. 때때로 누군가의 목숨을 손에 쥐고 있다는 책임감 때문에 사람들이 이 직업을 처음부터 기피하는 경우가 있습니다. 有时,所有的责任都会落在你身上,你手里掌握着某人的生命,这足以让人们从一开始就远离这个职业。 Some people call me a miracle worker, I have sewed back on fingers, I have removed tumors and cysts, I have relieved pain and saved lives hundreds of times. |||||||||genäht||||||||||||gelindert||||||| |||||||||縫い合わせた|||||||||嚢胞 (のうほう)|||||||||| Manche Leute nennen mich einen Wundertäter, ich habe Finger wieder genäht, ich habe Tumore und Zysten entfernt, ich habe Schmerzen gelindert und hunderte Male Leben gerettet. 어떤 사람들은 저를 기적의 일꾼이라고 부르며 손가락을 꿰매고, 종양과 낭종을 제거하고, 통증을 완화하고 수백 번이나 생명을 구했습니다. 有些人称我为奇迹创造者,我曾数百次将手指缝合,切除肿瘤和囊肿,减轻疼痛并挽救生命。 Has it been easy? War es einfach? 容易吗? No, it definitely hasn't but it's what I do. Nein, das hat es definitiv nicht, aber es ist, was ich tue. 아니요, 확실히 그렇지 않지만 이것이 제가 하는 일입니다. 不,绝对没有,但这就是我所做的。 I became a surgeon because I want to be the best of the best, and surgery requires the best of the best. |||Chirurg|||||||||||||erfordert||||| Ich bin Chirurg geworden, weil ich der Beste der Besten sein möchte, und die Chirurgie erfordert die Besten der Besten. 我成为一名外科医生是因为我想成为最好的人,而手术需要最好的人。 I'm who they call to remove someone's cancerous tumors, I'm the one they call when someone needs their heart repaired after a heart attack. |||||||癌性の|腫瘍||||||||||||||| Ich bin derjenige, den sie anrufen, um jemandes Krebstumoren zu entfernen, ich bin derjenige, den sie anrufen, wenn jemand sein Herz nach einem Herzinfarkt reparieren muss. 누군가의 암 종양을 제거하기 위해 저를 부르고, 심장마비 후 심장 수리가 필요할 때 저를 부르는 사람이 바로 저입니다. 他们打电话给我来切除某人的癌性肿瘤,当有人心脏病发作后需要修复心脏时,他们会打电话给我。 The work I do, is some of the most important work there is, and I am proud of it. Die Arbeit, die ich mache, ist eine der wichtigsten, die es gibt, und ich bin stolz darauf. 제가 하는 일은 세상에서 가장 중요한 일 중 하나이며, 저는 이 일을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. I came from a poor family in India, now I'm fully a licensed surgeon, 10 years of education will do that for you. Ich komme aus einer armen Familie in Indien, jetzt bin ich ein voll lizenzierter Chirurg, 10 Jahre Ausbildung werden das für Sie tun. 저는 인도의 가난한 가정에서 태어났지만 지금은 10년 동안의 교육을 통해 정식 외과의사가 되었습니다. 我来自印度的一个贫困家庭,现在我是一名完全有执照的外科医生,10年的教育就可以做到这一点。 It's a job I cherish and also a job that demands a lot from me. ||||schätzen|||||||||| Es ist ein Job, den ich schätze und der auch viel von mir verlangt. 제가 소중히 여기는 직업이자 저에게 많은 것을 요구하는 직업이기도 합니다. 这是一份我珍惜的工作,也是一份对我要求很高的工作。 It's time consuming, it's tense, it's stressful but man, is it rewarding. Es ist zeitaufwändig, es ist angespannt, es ist stressig, aber Mann, ist es lohnend. 시간이 많이 걸리고, 긴장되고, 스트레스를 받기도 하지만 보람도 큽니다. 这很耗时,很紧张,很有压力,但是伙计,这有回报吗? So do I really think I am a miracle worker? Also denke ich wirklich, dass ich ein Wundertäter bin? You tell me. Du sagst es mir. Who else can fix the little intricate problems in your body with such precision and skill, so that you come out of the operating room alive and well. ||||||komplizierte||||||||||||||||||||| Wer sonst kann die kleinen komplizierten Probleme in Ihrem Körper mit solcher Präzision und Geschicklichkeit beheben, sodass Sie gesund und munter aus dem Operationssaal kommen. 수술실에서 살아서 건강하게 나올 수 있도록 신체의 작은 복잡한 문제를 그처럼 정밀하고 숙련된 기술로 고칠 수 있는 사람이 또 있을까요? 还有谁能如此精准、如此熟练地解决你身体上的小问题,让你健康地走出手术室。 A few hundred years ago you couldn't even get a surgeon, they were so few and far between and we lacked any kind of medical knowledge to properly help or save anyone. ||||||||||||||数少ない||||||欠いていた||||||||||| Vor ein paar hundert Jahren konnte man nicht einmal einen Chirurgen bekommen, es gab so wenige und weit verstreute und uns fehlte jegliches medizinisches Wissen, um jemandem richtig zu helfen oder zu retten. 수백 년 전에는 외과의사조차 구할 수 없었고, 외과의사는 매우 드물었으며, 누군가를 제대로 돕거나 구할 수 있는 의학 지식이 부족했습니다. Algumas centenas de anos atrás, você não conseguia nem mesmo um cirurgião, eles eram tão poucos e distantes entre si e nos faltava qualquer tipo de conhecimento médico para ajudar ou salvar adequadamente alguém. 几百年前,你甚至找不到外科医生,他们的数量如此之少,而且相隔甚远,我们缺乏任何医学知识来正确地帮助或拯救任何人。 You are lucky to be alive today because with me around you've got the highest chances of living a long healthy life. Sie haben Glück, heute am Leben zu sein, denn mit mir um sich herum haben Sie die besten Chancen, ein langes, gesundes Leben zu führen. 저와 함께라면 건강하게 오래 살 확률이 가장 높기 때문에 오늘 살아 있다는 것은 행운입니다. 你很幸运今天还活着,因为有我在身边,你就有最大的机会过上健康长寿的生活。 At Seattle General Hospital I am a miracle worker, and it's what gives us our reputation. Im Seattle General Hospital bin ich ein Wundertäter, und das gibt uns unseren Ruf. At Seattle General Hospital I am a miracle worker, and it's what gives us our reputation. When you've got a life threatening illness, you know that when you get brought into our Hospital, we are going to use every resource at our disposal to fix you up. |||||命に関わる||||||||||||||||||資源|||処分|||| Wenn Sie eine lebensbedrohliche Krankheit haben, wissen Sie, dass wir, wenn Sie in unser Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden, alle uns zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen nutzen werden, um Sie zu heilen. 생명을 위협하는 질병에 걸렸을 때 병원에 입원하면 모든 자원을 동원하여 환자를 치료할 것임을 알고 계실 것입니다. 当您患有危及生命的疾病时,您知道当您被送往我们医院时,我们将使用我们可以使用的一切资源来治愈您。 So yes, we surgeons are miracle workers, because preserving life is a miracle in itself. |||Chirurgen|||||erhalten|||||| ||||||||命を守る|||||| Also ja, wir Chirurgen sind Wundertäter, denn Leben zu erhalten ist ein Wunder an sich. 생명을 보존하는 것 자체가 기적이므로 외과의사는 기적의 일꾼이라고 할 수 있습니다. 所以,是的,我们外科医生是奇迹创造者,因为保存生命本身就是一个奇迹。