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The Power of Concentration by Theron Q. Dumont, LESSON XVIII. MENTAL CONTROL THROUGH CREATION


I attended a banquet of inventors recently. Each inventor gave a short talk on something he thought would be accomplished in the future. Many very much needed things were spoken of. One inventor spoke of the possibilities of wireless telephone. Distance, he said, would shortly be annihilated. He thought we would soon be able to talk to the man in the submarine forty fathoms below the surface and a thousand miles away. When he got through he asked if there were any that doubted what he said. No one spoke up. This was not a case of tactful politeness, as inventors like to argue, but a case where no one present really doubted that the inventor's vision would, in the future, materialize.

These shrewd men, some real geniuses, all thought we would in time be able to talk to those a thousand miles away without media. Now, if we can make an instrument so wonderful that we can send wireless messages a thousand miles, is there any reason why we should not through mental control transmit messages from one person to another? The wireless message should not be as easy to send as the projected thought.

The day will come when all business will employ highly developed persons to send out influences. These influences will be so dominating that employes will be partly controlled by them and so you will profit more and more by your mental powers and depend on them to draw to you all forces of a helpful nature. You will be constantly sending out suggestions to your employes and friends. They will receive these unconsciously, but in case yours is the stronger personality they will carry them out the same as if you had spoken them.

This is being done even today. A finely organized company secures the combined effort of all its men. They may be each doing a different kind of work, but all work to bring about the very best results. The whole atmosphere is impregnated with a high standard of workmanship. Everyone feels he must do his best. He could not be in such surroundings and be satisfied to do anything but his best work.

A business will succeed only to the extent that the efforts of all are co-ordinated towards one result. At least one person is needed to direct all toward the desired end. The person at the head does not have to exactly outline to the others what steps to take, but he must possess the mental power of control over others.

An up-to-date business letter is not written in a casual, commonplace way today. The writer tries to convey something he thinks the receiver will be interested to know. In this way he awakens a responsive spirit. Sometimes just the addition of a word or two will change a letter of the matter-of-fact style to one that compels a response. It is not always what is actually in a letter, but the spirit which it breathes that brings results. That intangible something that defies analysis is the projected thought of the master that brings back the harvest that it claims.

But we should not always claim success for ourselves only. If you are anxious that some friend or relative should succeed, think of this person as becoming successful. Picture him in the position you would like to see him in. If he has a weakness, desire and command that it be strengthened; think of his shortcomings which belong to his negative nature as being replaced by positive qualities. Take a certain part of the day to send him thoughts of an up-building nature. You can in this way arouse his mental powers into activity, and once aroused, they will assert themselves and claim their own.

We can accomplish a great deal more than many of us are ready to believe by sending to another our direct, positive and controlling suggestions of leadership, but whether a man is a success or not is greatly determined by the way he acts on the suggestions he receives.

We either advance or decline. We never stand still. Every time we accomplish something it gives us ability to do greater things. The bigger the attempt undertaken, the greater the things accomplished in the future. As a business grows, the head of the business also has to grow. He must advance and be ever the guiding influence. By his power to control, he inspires confidence in those associated with him. Often employes are superior to their employers in some qualities, and, if they had studied, instead of neglected their development, they could have been employers of more commanding influence than those whom they serve.

Through your mental power you can generate in another enthusiasm and the spirit of success, which somehow furnishes an impetus to do something worth while.

In concentrated mental control, there is a latent power more potent than physical force. The person becomes aware that the attitude of the mind has a power of controlling, directing and governing other forces. He has been placed in an attitude capable of acquiring that which he desires.

All of us no matter how strong we are, are affected by the mental forces of our environment. There is no one that can remain neutral to influences. The mind cannot be freed from the forces of a place. If the environment of your place of business is not helpful, it will be harmful. That is why a change of position will often do a person a great deal of good.

No person was ever intended to live alone. If you are shut up with only your own thoughts you suffer from mental starvation. The mind becomes narrow; the mental powers weaken. Living alone often causes some of the milder forms of insanity. If children do not play with those their own age, but associate with only older people, they will take on the actions of the older people. The same is true of older persons if they associate with people younger than they are. They take on the spirit of youth. If you wish to retain your youth you need the influences of youth. Like attracts like all over the world.

The thought element plays a great part in our lives. Every business must not only command physical effort but it must also command thought effort. There must be co-ordination of thought. All employers should aim to secure employes that think along similar lines. They will work in fuller sympathy with each other. They will better understand each other. This enables them to help each other, which would be utterly impossible if they were not in sympathy with each other. It is this that goes to make up a perfect organization, which directs and influences them toward the one end. Instead of each person being a separate unit, each one is like a spoke in a big wheel. Each member carries his own load, and he would not think of shirking. Anyone working in such an atmosphere could not help turning out his best work.

All great leaders must be able to inspire this co-operative spirit. They first secure assistance through their mental control. They then make their assistants realize the value of mental control. Soon there is a close bond between them; they are working toward a single purpose. They profit by their combined effort. The result is that they accomplish much.

If your business is conducted in the right spirit, you can instill your thoughts and your ideas into your employes. Your methods and ideas become theirs. They don't know it, but your mental forces are shaping their work. They are just as certain to produce results as any physical force in nature.

The up-to-date business man of the future is going to take pains to get his employes to think and reason better. He will not want them to become depressed or discouraged. There is time that instead of being wasted he will endeavor to have them use in concentrated effort that will be profitable to both employer and employed. There must be more of the spirit of justice enter into the business of the future.

There is a firm I know that will not hire an employe until he has filled out an application blank. No doubt those that fill it out think it is foolishness, but it is not. A capable manager can look over this application blank and pretty nearly tell if this person will fit into his management. The main thing he wants to know is the applicant's capacity for efficient co-operative effort. He wants persons that have faith in themselves. He wants them to realize that when they talk of misfortunes and become blue they are likely to communicate the same depressing influence to others. The up-to-date manager wants to guard against hiring employes who will obstruct his success.

You must realize that every moment spent in thinking of your difficulties of the past, every moment spent in bad company is attracting to you all that is bad; is attracting influences that must be shaken off before you can advance.

Many firms prefer to hire employes that never worked before so that they have nothing to unlearn. They are then not trained, but have no bad business habits to overcome. They are more easily guided and grasp the new methods more effectively because they are not contrary to what they have already learned. They are at once started on the right road, and as they co-operate readily they receive the mental support of the management in learning the methods that have been perfected. This inspires confidence in themselves and they soon become efficient and, finally, skilled workers.

Most big business firms today employ efficiency experts. Each day or week they are in a different department. They earn their money because they familiarize persons with very little business experience with plans that has taken the "expert" years of training and much money to perfect. The attitude we take has a great deal more to do with our success than most of us realize. We must be able to generate those forces that are helpful. There is a wonderful power in the thought rightly controlled and projected and we must through concentration develop this power to the fullest possible extent.

We are surrounded by many forces of which we know but little at present. Our knowledge of these is to be wonderfully increased. Each year we learn more about these psychic forces which are full of possibilities of which we are not even dimly conscious. We must believe in mental control, learn more about it, and use it, if we want to command these higher powers and forces which will unquestionably direct the lives of countless future generations.

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I attended a banquet of inventors recently. Ich habe kürzlich an einem Bankett von Erfindern teilgenommen. Asistí a un banquete de inventores recientemente. Recentemente, participei de um banquete de inventores. Each inventor gave a short talk on something he thought would be accomplished in the future. Jeder Erfinder hielt einen kurzen Vortrag über etwas, von dem er dachte, dass es in der Zukunft erreicht werden würde. Cada inventor dio una breve charla sobre algo que creía que se conseguiría en el futuro. Cada inventor fez uma breve palestra sobre algo que achava que seria realizado no futuro. Many very much needed things were spoken of. Se habló de muchas cosas muy necesarias. On a parlé de beaucoup de choses très nécessaires. Muitas coisas muito necessárias foram ditas. One inventor spoke of the possibilities of wireless telephone. Um inventor falou das possibilidades do telefone sem fio. Distance, he said, would shortly be annihilated. ||||||eliminated completely ||||||aniquilada Die Entfernung, sagte er, würde in Kürze vernichtet werden. La distancia, dijo, sería aniquilada en breve. A distância, disse ele, logo seria aniquilada. He thought we would soon be able to talk to the man in the submarine forty fathoms below the surface and a thousand miles away. ||||||||||||||||fathoms|||||||| Er dachte, wir könnten bald vierzig Faden unter der Oberfläche und tausend Meilen entfernt mit dem Mann im U-Boot sprechen. Pensó que pronto podríamos hablar con el hombre del submarino a cuarenta brazas bajo la superficie y a mil millas de distancia. Ele pensou que logo poderíamos falar com o homem no submarino quarenta braças abaixo da superfície e a mil milhas de distância. Он думал, что вскоре мы сможем поговорить с человеком на подводной лодке в сорока морских саженях под водой и в тысяче миль от нас. When he got through he asked if there were any that doubted what he said. Als er durch war, fragte er, ob jemand an seiner Aussage zweifelte. Cuando terminó, preguntó si había alguien que dudara de lo que dijo. Ao terminar, perguntou se havia alguém que duvidasse do que ele dizia. Когда он закончил, он спросил, есть ли кто-нибудь, кто сомневается в том, что он сказал. No one spoke up. Nadie habló. Ninguém falou. This was not a case of tactful politeness, as inventors like to argue, but a case where no one present really doubted that the inventor’s vision would, in the future, materialize. ||||||discreet politeness|||||||||||||||||||||||| Dies war kein Fall von taktvoller Höflichkeit, wie Erfinder gerne argumentieren, sondern ein Fall, bei dem niemand wirklich daran zweifelte, dass sich die Vision des Erfinders in Zukunft verwirklichen würde. No se trataba de un caso de tacto cortés, como les gusta argumentar a los inventores, sino de un caso en el que nadie de los presentes dudaba realmente de que la visión del inventor se materializaría en el futuro. Il ne s'agissait pas d'un cas de politesse pleine de tact, comme les inventeurs aiment à le dire, mais d'un cas où personne ne doutait vraiment que la vision de l'inventeur se concrétiserait à l'avenir. Este não foi um caso de polidez diplomática, como os inventores gostam de argumentar, mas um caso em que ninguém realmente duvidou que a visão do inventor se materializaria no futuro. Это был не случай тактичной вежливости, как любят спорить изобретатели, а случай, когда никто из присутствующих не сомневался, что замысел изобретателя в будущем материализуется.

These shrewd men, some real geniuses, all thought we would in time be able to talk to those a thousand miles away without media. |astutos|||||||||||||||||||||| Diese schlauen Männer, einige echte Genies, dachten alle, wir würden mit der Zeit in der Lage sein, ohne Medien mit denen zu sprechen, die tausend Meilen entfernt sind. Estos hombres astutos, algunos verdaderos genios, todos pensaron que con el tiempo podríamos hablar con aquellos a miles de kilómetros de distancia sin medios. Esses homens astutos, alguns verdadeiros gênios, todos pensaram que com o tempo seríamos capazes de falar com aqueles a mil milhas de distância sem mídia. Эти проницательные люди, некоторые настоящие гении, все думали, что со временем мы сможем разговаривать с теми, кто находится за тысячу миль без средств массовой информации. Now, if we can make an instrument so wonderful that we can send wireless messages a thousand miles, is there any reason why we should not through mental control transmit messages from one person to another? Maintenant, si nous pouvons fabriquer un instrument si merveilleux que nous puissions envoyer des messages sans fil à des milliers de kilomètres, y a-t-il une raison pour laquelle nous ne devrions pas, par le contrôle mental, transmettre des messages d'une personne à une autre ? Agora, se podemos fazer um instrumento tão maravilhoso que podemos enviar mensagens sem fio a mil milhas, há alguma razão para que não possamos, por meio do controle mental, transmitir mensagens de uma pessoa para outra? Теперь, если мы можем сделать такой замечательный инструмент, чтобы передавать беспроводные сообщения на тысячи миль, есть ли какая-то причина, по которой мы не должны с помощью ментального контроля передавать сообщения от одного человека к другому? The wireless message should not be as easy to send as the projected thought. Die drahtlose Nachricht sollte nicht so einfach zu senden sein wie der projizierte Gedanke. El mensaje inalámbrico no debería ser tan fácil de enviar como el pensamiento proyectado. Le message sans fil ne devrait pas être aussi facile à envoyer que la pensée projetée. A mensagem sem fio não deve ser tão fácil de enviar quanto o pensamento projetado. Беспроводное сообщение не должно быть так легко отправить, как спроецированная мысль.

The day will come when all business will employ highly developed persons to send out influences. Der Tag wird kommen, an dem alle Unternehmen hochentwickelte Personen beschäftigen werden, um Einflüsse auszusenden. Llegará el día en que todos los negocios emplearán personas altamente desarrolladas para enviar influencias. Le jour viendra où toutes les entreprises emploieront des personnes hautement développées pour envoyer des influences. Chegará o dia em que todos os negócios empregarão pessoas altamente desenvolvidas para enviar influências. Придет день, когда весь бизнес будет нанимать высокоразвитых людей для распространения влияния. These influences will be so dominating that employes will be partly controlled by them and so you will profit more and more by your mental powers and depend on them to draw to you all forces of a helpful nature. Diese Einflüsse werden so dominierend sein, dass Mitarbeiter teilweise von ihnen kontrolliert werden und Sie immer mehr von Ihren geistigen Kräften profitieren und darauf angewiesen sind, dass sie alle Kräfte hilfreicher Natur an sich ziehen. Estas influencias serán tan dominantes que los empleados estarán en parte controlados por ellas, por lo que aprovecharán cada vez más sus poderes mentales y dependerán de ellos para atraer hacia sí todas las fuerzas de naturaleza útil. Ces influences seront si dominantes que les employés seront en partie contrôlés par elles et ainsi vous profiterez de plus en plus de vos facultés mentales et dépendrez d'elles pour attirer à vous toutes les forces de nature utile. Essas influências serão tão dominantes que os empregados serão parcialmente controlados por elas e assim você se beneficiará cada vez mais de seus poderes mentais e dependerá deles para atrair para você todas as forças de natureza útil. Эти влияния будут настолько доминирующими, что работники будут частично контролироваться ими, и поэтому вы будете получать все больше и больше пользы от своих умственных способностей и зависеть от них в привлечении к вам всех сил полезного характера. You will be constantly sending out suggestions to your employes and friends. Vous enverrez constamment des suggestions à vos employés et amis. Você estará constantemente enviando sugestões para seus funcionários e amigos. Вы будете постоянно рассылать предложения своим сотрудникам и друзьям. They will receive these unconsciously, but in case yours is the stronger personality they will carry them out the same as if you had spoken them. Ils les recevront inconsciemment, mais si la vôtre est la personnalité la plus forte, ils les exécuteront de la même manière que si vous les aviez prononcés. Eles as receberão inconscientemente, mas caso a sua seja a personalidade mais forte, elas as executarão da mesma forma como se você as tivesse falado. Они будут получать их бессознательно, но если вы более сильная личность, они будут выполнять их так же, как если бы вы их произнесли.

This is being done even today. Cela se fait encore aujourd'hui. Isso está sendo feito até hoje. Это делается и сегодня. A finely organized company secures the combined effort of all its men. |well-structured|||ensures cooperation of||||||| Ein gut organisiertes Unternehmen sichert die gemeinsame Anstrengung aller seiner Männer. Une entreprise finement organisée sécurise l'effort conjugué de tous ses hommes. Uma empresa finamente organizada garante o esforço combinado de todos os seus homens. Хорошо организованная компания обеспечивает совместные усилия всех своих сотрудников. They may be each doing a different kind of work, but all work to bring about the very best results. Eles podem estar fazendo um tipo diferente de trabalho, mas todos trabalham para produzir os melhores resultados. Каждый из них может выполнять разную работу, но все они работают для достижения наилучших результатов. The whole atmosphere is impregnated with a high standard of workmanship. ||||||||||craftsmanship ||||||||||calidad de la mano Die gesamte Atmosphäre ist von einem hohen Verarbeitungsstandard durchdrungen. Toute l'atmosphère est imprégnée d'un haut niveau de fabrication. Todo o ambiente é impregnado de alto padrão de acabamento. Everyone feels he must do his best. Todos sentem que devem fazer o seu melhor. Каждый чувствует, что должен сделать все возможное. He could not be in such surroundings and be satisfied to do anything but his best work. Er konnte sich in einer solchen Umgebung nicht damit zufrieden geben, etwas anderes als seine beste Arbeit zu leisten. No podía estar en un entorno así y estar satisfecho con hacer otra cosa que no fuera su mejor trabajo. Ele não poderia estar em tal ambiente e ficar satisfeito em fazer qualquer coisa que não fosse o seu melhor trabalho. Он не мог находиться в таком окружении и довольствоваться чем-либо, кроме своей лучшей работы.

A business will succeed only to the extent that the efforts of all are co-ordinated towards one result. Uma empresa terá sucesso apenas na medida em que os esforços de todos sejam coordenados em direção a um resultado. Бизнес будет успешным только в том случае, если усилия всех будут скоординированы для достижения одного результата. At least one person is needed to direct all toward the desired end. Pelo menos uma pessoa é necessária para direcionar tudo para o fim desejado. Нужен хотя бы один человек, чтобы направить всех к желаемой цели. The person at the head does not have to exactly outline to the others what steps to take, but he must possess the mental power of control over others. La persona a la cabeza no tiene que delinear exactamente a los demás qué pasos tomar, pero debe poseer el poder mental de control sobre los demás. La personne à la tête n'a pas à décrire exactement aux autres les mesures à prendre, mais elle doit posséder le pouvoir mental de contrôler les autres. A pessoa que está à frente não precisa descrever exatamente para os outros quais passos dar, mas deve possuir o poder mental de controle sobre os outros. Человек во главе не должен точно намечать остальным, какие шаги предпринять, но он должен обладать умственной силой контроля над другими.

An up-to-date business letter is not written in a casual, commonplace way today. Une lettre commerciale à jour n'est pas écrite de manière décontractée et banale aujourd'hui. Uma carta comercial atualizada não é escrita de maneira casual e comum hoje em dia. Актуальное деловое письмо сегодня не пишется небрежно, банально. The writer tries to convey something he thinks the receiver will be interested to know. El escritor intenta transmitir algo que cree que al receptor le interesará saber. O escritor tenta transmitir algo que acha que o receptor terá interesse em saber. Писатель пытается передать что-то, что, по его мнению, будет интересно узнать получателю. In this way he awakens a responsive spirit. ||||awakens||| ||||despierta||| De cette façon, il éveille un esprit réactif. Таким образом он пробуждает отзывчивый дух. Sometimes just the addition of a word or two will change a letter of the matter-of-fact style to one that compels a response. ||||||||||||||||||||||exige|| Parfois, juste l'ajout d'un mot ou deux changera une lettre du style terre-à-terre en une qui oblige à une réponse. Иногда простое добавление одного-двух слов меняет букву фактического стиля на букву, требующую ответа. It is not always what is actually in a letter, but the spirit which it breathes that brings results. Ce n'est pas toujours ce qu'il y a réellement dans une lettre, mais l'esprit qu'elle respire qui produit des résultats. Не всегда то, что на самом деле в письме, но дух, которым оно дышит, приносит результат. That intangible something that defies analysis is the projected thought of the master that brings back the harvest that it claims. |unquantifiable essence||||||||||||||||||| Ce quelque chose d'intangible qui défie l'analyse, c'est la pensée projetée du maître qui rapporte la récolte qu'il réclame. Это неосязаемое нечто, не поддающееся анализу, — это спроецированная мысль хозяина, которая возвращает урожай, на который она претендует.

But we should not always claim success for ourselves only. If you are anxious that some friend or relative should succeed, think of this person as becoming successful. Если вы беспокоитесь о том, чтобы какой-то друг или родственник преуспел, думайте об этом человеке как об успешном. Picture him in the position you would like to see him in. If he has a weakness, desire and command that it be strengthened; think of his shortcomings which belong to his negative nature as being replaced by positive qualities. S'il a une faiblesse, désirez et ordonnez qu'elle soit renforcée; pensez à ses défauts qui appartiennent à sa nature négative comme étant remplacés par des qualités positives. Если у него есть слабость, пожелай и прикажи укрепить ее; думайте о его недостатках, принадлежащих его отрицательной природе, как о замещении положительными качествами. Take a certain part of the day to send him thoughts of an up-building nature. Выделяйте определенную часть дня, чтобы посылать ему мысли созидательного характера. You can in this way arouse his mental powers into activity, and once aroused, they will assert themselves and claim their own. |||||despertar|||||||||||||||| Vous pouvez ainsi éveiller ses pouvoirs mentaux en activité, et une fois éveillés, ils s'affirmeront et revendiqueront les leurs. Таким образом, вы можете пробудить его умственные способности к активности, и однажды пробужденные, они заявят о себе и заявят о себе.

We can accomplish a great deal more than many of us are ready to believe by sending to another our direct, positive and controlling suggestions of leadership, but whether a man is a success or not is greatly determined by the way he acts on the suggestions he receives. Nous pouvons accomplir beaucoup plus que beaucoup d'entre nous sont prêts à croire en envoyant à un autre nos suggestions directes, positives et contrôlantes de leadership, mais le fait qu'un homme réussisse ou non est grandement déterminé par la façon dont il agit sur les suggestions qu'il reçoit. Мы можем добиться гораздо большего, чем многие из нас готовы поверить, посылая другим наши прямые, позитивные и контролирующие внушения о лидерстве, но успех человека или нет во многом определяется тем, как он действует в соответствии с внушениями, которые он делает. получает.

We either advance or decline. Wir steigen auf oder lehnen ab. Soit nous avançons, soit nous déclinons. We never stand still. Every time we accomplish something it gives us ability to do greater things. The bigger the attempt undertaken, the greater the things accomplished in the future. Plus grande est la tentative entreprise, plus grandes sont les choses accomplies dans le futur. As a business grows, the head of the business also has to grow. À mesure qu'une entreprise se développe, le chef d'entreprise doit également se développer. He must advance and be ever the guiding influence. Il doit avancer et être toujours l'influence directrice. By his power to control, he inspires confidence in those associated with him. Often employes are superior to their employers in some qualities, and, if they had studied, instead of neglected their development, they could have been employers of more commanding influence than those whom they serve. Souvent les employés sont supérieurs à leurs employeurs dans certaines qualités, et, s'ils avaient étudié, au lieu de négliger leur développement, ils auraient pu être des employeurs d'une plus grande influence que ceux qu'ils servent.

Through your mental power you can generate in another enthusiasm and the spirit of success, which somehow furnishes an impetus to do something worth while. |||||||||||||||||||impulso||||| Grâce à votre puissance mentale, vous pouvez générer dans un autre enthousiasme et l'esprit de réussite, ce qui, d'une manière ou d'une autre, fournit une impulsion pour faire quelque chose qui en vaut la peine.

In concentrated mental control, there is a latent power more potent than physical force. The person becomes aware that the attitude of the mind has a power of controlling, directing and governing other forces. He has been placed in an attitude capable of acquiring that which he desires.

All of us no matter how strong we are, are affected by the mental forces of our environment. Wir alle, egal wie stark wir sind, werden von den mentalen Kräften unserer Umgebung beeinflusst. There is no one that can remain neutral to influences. Personne ne peut rester neutre face aux influences. The mind cannot be freed from the forces of a place. ||||liberated|||||| L'esprit ne peut pas être libéré des forces d'un lieu. If the environment of your place of business is not helpful, it will be harmful. That is why a change of position will often do a person a great deal of good. C'est pourquoi un changement de position fera souvent beaucoup de bien à une personne.

No person was ever intended to live alone. Personne n'a jamais été destiné à vivre seul. If you are shut up with only your own thoughts you suffer from mental starvation. |||||||||||sufres||| Si vous êtes enfermé avec seulement vos propres pensées, vous souffrez de famine mentale. The mind becomes narrow; the mental powers weaken. Living alone often causes some of the milder forms of insanity. |||||||más leves|||locura leve If children do not play with those their own age, but associate with only older people, they will take on the actions of the older people. Si les enfants ne jouent pas avec ceux de leur âge, mais s'associent uniquement avec des personnes âgées, ils assumeront les actions des personnes âgées. The same is true of older persons if they associate with people younger than they are. Il en va de même pour les personnes âgées si elles fréquentent des personnes plus jeunes qu'elles. They take on the spirit of youth. If you wish to retain your youth you need the influences of youth. Like attracts like all over the world. Comme attire comme partout dans le monde.

The thought element plays a great part in our lives. L'élément pensée joue un grand rôle dans nos vies. Every business must not only command physical effort but it must also command thought effort. There must be co-ordination of thought. ||||organization|| All employers should aim to secure employes that think along similar lines. |||||||que|||| Tous les employeurs devraient viser à recruter des employés qui pensent dans le même sens. They will work in fuller sympathy with each other. They will better understand each other. This enables them to help each other, which would be utterly impossible if they were not in sympathy with each other. ||||||||||totalmente imposible|||||||||| It is this that goes to make up a perfect organization, which directs and influences them toward the one end. C'est cela qui constitue une organisation parfaite, qui les dirige et les influence vers une seule fin. Instead of each person being a separate unit, each one is like a spoke in a big wheel. Anstatt dass jede Person eine separate Einheit ist, ist jede wie eine Speiche in einem großen Rad. Au lieu que chaque personne soit une unité séparée, chacun est comme un rayon dans une grande roue. Each member carries his own load, and he would not think of shirking. ||||||||||||evadir responsabilidades Jedes Mitglied trägt seine eigene Last, und er würde nicht daran denken, sich zu drücken. Chaque membre porte sa propre charge, et il ne songerait pas à se dérober. Anyone working in such an atmosphere could not help turning out his best work. Quiconque travaillait dans une telle atmosphère ne pouvait s'empêcher de produire son meilleur travail.

All great leaders must be able to inspire this co-operative spirit. ||||||||||cooperative| They first secure assistance through their mental control. Ils obtiennent d'abord de l'aide grâce à leur contrôle mental. They then make their assistants realize the value of mental control. Ils font alors prendre conscience à leurs assistants de la valeur du contrôle mental. Soon there is a close bond between them; they are working toward a single purpose. Bientôt, il y a un lien étroit entre eux; ils travaillent dans un seul but. They profit by their combined effort. The result is that they accomplish much.

If your business is conducted in the right spirit, you can instill your thoughts and your ideas into your employes. Your methods and ideas become theirs. They don’t know it, but your mental forces are shaping their work. Eles não sabem, mas suas forças mentais estão moldando o trabalho deles. They are just as certain to produce results as any physical force in nature. Ils sont tout aussi certains de produire des résultats que n'importe quelle force physique dans la nature. Eles são tão certos de produzir resultados quanto qualquer força física na natureza.

The up-to-date business man of the future is going to take pains to get his employes to think and reason better. L'homme d'affaires moderne de demain va s'efforcer de faire mieux réfléchir et raisonner ses employés. He will not want them to become depressed or discouraged. There is time that instead of being wasted he will endeavor to have them use in concentrated effort that will be profitable to both employer and employed. ||||||||||esforzará|||||||||||||||| Il y a du temps qu'au lieu d'être perdu, il s'efforcera de les faire utiliser dans un effort concentré qui sera profitable à la fois à l'employeur et à l'employé. There must be more of the spirit of justice enter into the business of the future.

There is a firm I know that will not hire an employe until he has filled out an application blank. Ich kenne eine Firma, die einen Mitarbeiter erst einstellt, wenn er ein Bewerbungsformular ausgefüllt hat. Il y a une entreprise que je connais qui n'embauchera pas d'employé tant qu'il n'aura pas rempli un formulaire vierge. No doubt those that fill it out think it is foolishness, but it is not. Sans doute ceux qui le remplissent pensent que c'est de la folie, mais ce n'est pas le cas. A capable manager can look over this application blank and pretty nearly tell if this person will fit into his management. Un gestionnaire compétent peut examiner cette demande en blanc et dire à peu près si cette personne s'intégrera dans sa gestion. The main thing he wants to know is the applicant’s capacity for efficient co-operative effort. La principale chose qu'il veut savoir est la capacité du candidat à un effort coopératif efficace. He wants persons that have faith in themselves. He wants them to realize that when they talk of misfortunes and become blue they are likely to communicate the same depressing influence to others. Er möchte, dass sie erkennen, dass sie wahrscheinlich den gleichen deprimierenden Einfluss auf andere übertragen, wenn sie über Unglück sprechen und blau werden. Il veut qu'ils réalisent que lorsqu'ils parlent de malheurs et deviennent bleus, ils sont susceptibles de communiquer la même influence déprimante aux autres. The up-to-date manager wants to guard against hiring employes who will obstruct his success. |||||||||contratación de|||||| Le gestionnaire au goût du jour veut se prémunir contre l'embauche d'employés qui entraveraient son succès.

You must realize that every moment spent in thinking of your difficulties of the past, every moment spent in bad company is attracting to you all that is bad; is attracting influences that must be shaken off before you can advance. Vous devez réaliser que chaque instant passé à penser à vos difficultés du passé, chaque instant passé en mauvaise compagnie attire à vous tout ce qui est mauvais ; attire des influences qui doivent être secouées avant de pouvoir avancer.

Many firms prefer to hire employes that never worked before so that they have nothing to unlearn. ||||||||||||||||desaprender hábitos They are then not trained, but have no bad business habits to overcome. They are more easily guided and grasp the new methods more effectively because they are not contrary to what they have already learned. They are at once started on the right road, and as they co-operate readily they receive the mental support of the management in learning the methods that have been perfected. Ils sont immédiatement mis sur la bonne voie et, comme ils coopèrent volontiers, ils reçoivent l'appui mental de la direction pour apprendre les méthodes qui ont été perfectionnées. This inspires confidence in themselves and they soon become efficient and, finally, skilled workers. Cela leur inspire confiance en eux et ils deviennent rapidement des travailleurs efficaces et finalement qualifiés.

Most big business firms today employ efficiency experts. La plupart des grandes entreprises emploient aujourd'hui des experts en efficacité. Each day or week they are in a different department. They earn their money because they familiarize persons with very little business experience with plans that has taken the "expert" years of training and much money to perfect. Ils gagnent leur argent parce qu'ils familiarisent des personnes ayant très peu d'expérience en affaires avec des plans qui ont nécessité des années de formation "d'expert" et beaucoup d'argent pour se perfectionner. The attitude we take has a great deal more to do with our success than most of us realize. Die Einstellung, die wir einnehmen, hat sehr viel mehr mit unserem Erfolg zu tun, als den meisten von uns bewusst ist. L'attitude que nous adoptons a beaucoup plus à voir avec notre succès que la plupart d'entre nous ne le pensent. We must be able to generate those forces that are helpful. There is a wonderful power in the thought rightly controlled and projected and we must through concentration develop this power to the fullest possible extent. Il y a un pouvoir merveilleux dans la pensée correctement contrôlée et projetée et nous devons, par la concentration, développer ce pouvoir au maximum.

We are surrounded by many forces of which we know but little at present. Wir sind von vielen Kräften umgeben, von denen wir derzeit nur wenig wissen. Nous sommes entourés de nombreuses forces dont nous ne savons que peu de choses à l'heure actuelle. Our knowledge of these is to be wonderfully increased. Unser Wissen darüber soll wunderbar vermehrt werden. Each year we learn more about these psychic forces which are full of possibilities of which we are not even dimly conscious. ||||||||||||||||||||débilmente| Jedes Jahr lernen wir mehr über diese psychischen Kräfte, die voller Möglichkeiten sind, derer wir uns nicht einmal annähernd bewusst sind. Chaque année, nous en apprenons davantage sur ces forces psychiques pleines de possibilités dont nous n'avons même pas vaguement conscience. We must believe in mental control, learn more about it, and use it, if we want to command these higher powers and forces which will unquestionably direct the lives of countless future generations.