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The Power of Concentration by Theron Q. Dumont, LESSON XVII. IDEALS DEVELOPED BY CONCENTRATION


Through our paltry stir and strife, Glows the wished Ideal, And longing molds in clay, what life Carves in the marble real.—Lowell.

We often hear people spoken of as idealists. The fact is we are all idealists to a certain extent, and upon the ideals we picture depends our ultimate success. You must have the mental image if you are to produce the material thing. Everything is first created in the mind. When you control your thoughts you become a creator. You receive divine ideas and shape them to your individual needs. All things of this world are to you just what you think they are. Your happiness and success depend upon your ideals.

You are responsible for every condition you go through, either consciously or unconsciously. The next step you take determines the succeeding step. Remember this; it is a valuable lesson. By concentrating on each step as you go along, you can save a lot of waste steps and will be able to choose a straight path instead of a roundabout road.

Concentrate Upon Your Ideals and They Will Become Material Actualities. Through concentration we work out our ideals in physical life. Your future depends upon the ideals you are forming now. Your past ideals are determining your present. Therefore, if you want a bright future, you must begin to prepare for it today.

If persons could only realize that they can only injure themselves, that when they are apparently injuring others they are really injuring themselves, what a different world this would be!

We say a man is as changeable as the weather. What is meant is his ideals change. Every time you change your ideal you think differently. You become like a rudderless boat on an ocean. Therefore realize the importance of holding to your ideal until it becomes a reality.

You get up in the morning determined that nothing will make you lose your temper. This is your ideal of a person of real strength and poise. Something takes place that upsets you completely and you lose your temper. For the time being you forget your ideal. If you had just thought a second of what a well-poised person implies you would not have become angry. You lose your poise when you forget your ideal. Each time we allow our ideals to be shattered we also weaken our will-power. Holding to your ideals develops will-power. Don't forget this. Why do so many men fail? Because they don't hold to their ideal until it becomes a mental habit. When they concentrate on it to the exclusion of all other things it becomes a reality.

"I am that which I think myself to be." Ideals are reflected to us from the unseen spirit. The laws of matter and spirit are not the same. One can be broken, but not the other. To the extent that ideals are kept is your future assured.

It was never intended that man should suffer. He has brought it upon himself by disobeying the laws of nature. He knows them so cannot plead ignorance. Why does he break them? Because he does not pay attention to those ideals flashed to him from the Infinite Spirit.

Life is but one continuous unfoldment, and you can be happy every step of the way or miserable, as you please; it all depends upon how we entertain those silent whisperings that come from we know not where. We cannot hear them with mortal ear, but from the silence they come as if they were dreams, not to you or me alone, but to everyone. In this way the grandest thoughts come to us, to use or abuse. So search not in treasured volumes for noble thoughts, but within, and bright and glowing vision will come to be realized now and hereafter.

You must give some hours to concentrated, consistent, persistent thought. You must study yourself and your weaknesses.

No man gets over a fence by wishing himself on the other side. He must climb.

No man gets out of the rut of dull, tiresome, monotonous life by merely wishing himself out of the rut. He must climb.

If you are standing still, or going backward, there is something wrong. You are the man to find out what is wrong.

Don't think that you are neglected, or not understood, or not appreciated. Such thoughts are the thoughts of failure.

Think hard about the fact that men who have got what you envy got it by working for it.

Don't pity yourself, criticise yourself. You know that the only thing in the world that you have got to count upon is yourself.

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Through our paltry stir and strife, Glows the wished Ideal, And longing molds in clay, what life Carves in the marble real.—Lowell. ||insignificante|movimiento||lucha|||||||||||||||mármol real|| Durch unseren dürftigen Aufruhr und Kampf erstrahlt das gewünschte Ideal und sehnt sich nach Schimmel in Ton, was das Leben in den Marmor echt schnitzt. - Lowell. A través de nuestro mezquino revuelo y contienda, brilla el ideal deseado, y el anhelo moldea en arcilla, lo que la vida talla en el mármol real. — Lowell. À travers notre agitation et nos conflits dérisoires, Brille l'idéal souhaité, Et le désir moule dans l'argile, ce que la vie Sculpte dans le marbre réel.—Lowell.

We often hear people spoken of as idealists. Wir hören oft Leute, die als Idealisten bezeichnet werden. A menudo escuchamos que se habla de personas como idealistas. On entend souvent parler de gens comme d'idéalistes. The fact is we are all idealists to a certain extent, and upon the ideals we picture depends our ultimate success. Tatsache ist, dass wir alle bis zu einem gewissen Grad Idealisten sind, und von den Idealen, die wir uns vorstellen, hängt unser letztendlicher Erfolg ab. Le fait est que nous sommes tous des idéalistes dans une certaine mesure, et des idéaux que nous représentons dépend notre succès ultime. You must have the mental image if you are to produce the material thing. Sie müssen das mentale Bild haben, wenn Sie das materielle Ding produzieren wollen. Everything is first created in the mind. Alles wird zuerst im Kopf geschaffen. When you control your thoughts you become a creator. Wenn du deine Gedanken kontrollierst, wirst du ein Schöpfer. You receive divine ideas and shape them to your individual needs. Sie erhalten göttliche Ideen und gestalten sie nach Ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen. All things of this world are to you just what you think they are. Alle Dinge dieser Welt sind für dich genau das, was du denkst. Toutes les choses de ce monde sont pour vous exactement ce que vous pensez qu'elles sont. Your happiness and success depend upon your ideals. Ihr Glück und Erfolg hängen von Ihren Idealen ab.

You are responsible for every condition you go through, either consciously or unconsciously. Sie sind verantwortlich für jeden Zustand, den Sie durchmachen, entweder bewusst oder unbewusst. The next step you take determines the succeeding step. Der nächste Schritt, den Sie machen, bestimmt den nächsten Schritt. Remember this; it is a valuable lesson. By concentrating on each step as you go along, you can save a lot of waste steps and will be able to choose a straight path instead of a roundabout road. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||camino indirecto| Wenn Sie sich auf die einzelnen Schritte konzentrieren, sparen Sie viele Abfallschritte und können einen geraden Weg anstelle eines Kreisverkehrs wählen.

Concentrate Upon Your Ideals and They Will Become Material Actualities. Konzentrieren Sie sich auf Ihre Ideale und sie werden zu materiellen Tatsachen. Through concentration we work out our ideals in physical life. Your future depends upon the ideals you are forming now. Ihre Zukunft hängt von den Idealen ab, die Sie jetzt bilden. Your past ideals are determining your present. Ihre vergangenen Ideale bestimmen Ihre Gegenwart. Therefore, if you want a bright future, you must begin to prepare for it today. Wenn Sie also eine glänzende Zukunft wollen, müssen Sie sich schon heute darauf vorbereiten.

If persons could only realize that they can only injure themselves, that when they are apparently injuring others they are really injuring themselves, what a different world this would be! |||||||||harm|||||||||||||||||||| Wenn die Menschen nur erkennen könnten, dass sie sich nur selbst verletzen können, dass sie sich selbst wirklich verletzen, wenn sie anscheinend andere verletzen, was für eine andere Welt wäre das! Si seulement les gens pouvaient se rendre compte qu'ils ne peuvent que se blesser eux-mêmes, que lorsqu'ils blessent apparemment les autres, ils se blessent en réalité, quel autre monde ce serait !

We say a man is as changeable as the weather. Wir sagen, ein Mann ist so wechselhaft wie das Wetter. What is meant is his ideals change. Gemeint ist, dass sich seine Ideale ändern. Every time you change your ideal you think differently. Jedes Mal, wenn Sie Ihr Ideal ändern, denken Sie anders. You become like a rudderless boat on an ocean. ||||sin rumbo|||| Du wirst wie ein ruderloses Boot auf einem Ozean. Vous devenez comme un bateau sans gouvernail sur un océan. Therefore realize the importance of holding to your ideal until it becomes a reality.

You get up in the morning determined that nothing will make you lose your temper. Vous vous levez le matin déterminé que rien ne vous fera perdre votre sang-froid. This is your ideal of a person of real strength and poise. Dies ist Ihr Ideal einer Person von echter Stärke und Ausgeglichenheit. Something takes place that upsets you completely and you lose your temper. ||||disturbs you||||||| For the time being you forget your ideal. Vorerst vergisst du dein Ideal. If you had just thought a second of what a well-poised person implies you would not have become angry. Si vous veniez de penser une seconde à ce qu'implique une personne bien équilibrée, vous ne vous seriez pas mis en colère. You lose your poise when you forget your ideal. Each time we allow our ideals to be shattered we also weaken our will-power. Holding to your ideals develops will-power. Don't forget this. Why do so many men fail? Because they don't hold to their ideal until it becomes a mental habit. When they concentrate on it to the exclusion of all other things it becomes a reality. |||||||to the neglect of||||||||

"I am that which I think myself to be." "Je suis ce que je pense être." Ideals are reflected to us from the unseen spirit. The laws of matter and spirit are not the same. Die Gesetze von Materie und Geist sind nicht dieselben. Les lois de la matière et de l'esprit ne sont pas les mêmes. One can be broken, but not the other. To the extent that ideals are kept is your future assured. In dem Maße, in dem Ideale eingehalten werden, ist Ihre Zukunft gesichert. Dans la mesure où les idéaux sont respectés, votre avenir est assuré.

It was never intended that man should suffer. Es war nie beabsichtigt, dass der Mensch leiden sollte. Il n'a jamais été prévu que l'homme souffre. He has brought it upon himself by disobeying the laws of nature. |||||||desobedeciendo|||| Se lo ha provocado desobedeciendo las leyes de la naturaleza. Il l'a provoqué en désobéissant aux lois de la nature. He knows them so cannot plead ignorance. Il les connaît donc ne peut plaider l'ignorance. Why does he break them? Because he does not pay attention to those ideals flashed to him from the Infinite Spirit. |||||||||destellaron||||||

Life is but one continuous unfoldment, and you can be happy every step of the way or miserable, as you please; it all depends upon how we entertain those silent whisperings that come from we know not where. |||||development|||||||||||||||||||||||||silent thoughts||||||| |||||desarrollo continuo|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Das Leben ist nur eine kontinuierliche Entfaltung, und Sie können bei jedem Schritt des Weges glücklich oder unglücklich sein, wie Sie möchten; es hängt alles davon ab, wie wir dieses stille Flüstern unterhalten, das wir wissen nicht woher kommen. La vida no es más que un desarrollo continuo, y puedes ser feliz en cada paso del camino o desdichado, como quieras; todo depende de cómo entretenemos esos susurros silenciosos que provienen de no sabemos de dónde. La vie n'est qu'un déroulement continu, et vous pouvez être heureux à chaque étape du chemin ou misérable, à votre guise ; tout dépend de la façon dont nous accueillons ces chuchotements silencieux qui viennent d'on ne sait d'où. We cannot hear them with mortal ear, but from the silence they come as if they were dreams, not to you or me alone, but to everyone. No podemos escucharlos con oído mortal, pero del silencio surgen como si fueran sueños, no solo para ti o para mí, sino para todos. In this way the grandest thoughts come to us, to use or abuse. Auf diese Weise kommen uns die großartigsten Gedanken, um sie zu gebrauchen oder zu missbrauchen. Ainsi viennent à nous les pensées les plus grandioses, à user ou à abuser. So search not in treasured volumes for noble thoughts, but within, and bright and glowing vision will come to be realized now and hereafter. ||||||||||||||radiant||||||||| ||||valiosos libros|||||||||||||||||||en el futuro Suche also nicht in wertvollen Bänden nach edlen Gedanken, sondern im Inneren, und helle und leuchtende Visionen werden sich jetzt und im Jenseits verwirklichen. Ne cherchez donc pas dans des volumes précieux de nobles pensées, mais à l'intérieur, et une vision lumineuse et éclatante se réalisera maintenant et dans l'au-delà.

You must give some hours to concentrated, consistent, persistent thought. You must study yourself and your weaknesses.

No man gets over a fence by wishing himself on the other side. |||||valla||||||| Aucun homme ne franchit une clôture en se souhaitant de l'autre côté. He must climb.

No man gets out of the rut of dull, tiresome, monotonous life by merely wishing himself out of the rut. |||||||||boring and tedious|||||||||| |||||||||tediosa|||||||||| Kein Mensch kommt aus dem Trott eines langweiligen, ermüdenden, eintönigen Lebens heraus, indem er sich nur wünscht, aus dem Trott herauszukommen. Nadie sale de la rutina de la vida aburrida, tediosa y monótona simplemente deseando salir de la rutina. He must climb.

If you are standing still, or going backward, there is something wrong. |||||||hacia atrás|||| Si está parado o retrocediendo, algo anda mal. You are the man to find out what is wrong.

Don't think that you are neglected, or not understood, or not appreciated. Denken Sie nicht, dass Sie vernachlässigt, nicht verstanden oder nicht geschätzt werden. Such thoughts are the thoughts of failure.

Think hard about the fact that men who have got what you envy got it by working for it. Denken Sie daran, dass die Männer, die das erreicht haben, worum Sie sie beneiden, dafür gearbeitet haben. Piense detenidamente en el hecho de que los hombres que han obtenido lo que usted envidia lo consiguieron trabajando para ello. Réfléchissez bien au fait que les hommes qui ont ce que vous enviez l'ont obtenu en travaillant pour cela.

Don't pity yourself, criticise yourself. You know that the only thing in the world that you have got to count upon is yourself. Sie wissen, dass das Einzige, worauf Sie sich verlassen können, Sie selbst sind.