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"It is a spiritual law that the desire to do necessarily implies the ability to do." You have all read of "Aladdin's Lamp," which accomplished such wonderful things. This, of course, is only a fairy story, but it illustrates the fact that man has within him the power, if he is able to use it, to gratify his every wish.

If you are unable to satisfy your deepest longings it is time you learned how to use your God-given powers. You will soon be conscious that you have latent powers within capable when once developed of revealing to you priceless knowledge and unlimited possibilities of success.

Man should have plenty of everything and not merely substance to live on as so many have. All natural desires can be realized. It would be wrong for the Infinite to create wants that could not be supplied. Man's very soul is in his power to think, and it, therefore, is the essence of all created things. Every instinct of man leads to thought, and in every thought there is great possibility because true thought development, when allied to those mysterious powers which perhaps transcend it, has been the cause of all the world's true progress. In the silence we become conscious of "that something" which transcends thought and which uses thought as a medium for expression. Many have glimpses of "that something," but few ever reach the state where the mind is steady enough to fathom these depths. Silent, concentrated thought is more potent than spoken words, for speech distracts from the focusing power of the mind by drawing more and more attention to the without.

Man must learn more and more to depend on himself; to seek more for the Infinite within. It is from this source alone that he ever gains the power to solve his practical difficulties. No one should give up when there is always the resources of Infinity. The cause of failure is that men search in the wrong direction for success, because they are not conscious of their real powers that when used are capable of guiding them.

The Infinite within is foreign to those persons who go through life without developing their spiritual powers. But the Infinite helps only he who helps himself. There is no such thing as a Special "Providence." Man will not receive help from the Infinite except to the extent that he believes and hopes and prays for help from this great source.

Concentrate on What You Want and Get It. The weakling is controlled by conditions. The strong man controls conditions. You can be either the conqueror or the conquered. By the law of concentration you can achieve your heart's desire. This law is so powerful that that which at first seems impossible becomes attainable.

By this law what you at first see as a dream becomes a reality.

Remember that the first step in concentration is to form a Mental Image of what you wish to accomplish. This image becomes a thought-seed that attracts thoughts of a similar nature. Around this thought, when it is once planted in the imagination or creative region of the mind, you group or build associated thoughts which continue to grow as long as your desire is keen enough to compel close concentration.

Form the habit of thinking of something you wish to accomplish for five minutes each day. Shut every other thought out of consciousness. Be confident that you will succeed; make up your mind that all obstacles that are in your way will be overcome and you can rise above any environment.

You do this by utilizing the natural laws of the thought world which are all powerful.

A great aid in the development of concentration is to write out your thoughts on that which lies nearest your heart and to continue, little by little, to add to it until you have as nearly as possible exhausted the subject.

You will find that each day as you focus your forces on this thought at the center of the stream of consciousness, new plans, ideas and methods will flash into your mind. There is a law of attraction that will help you accomplish your purpose. An advertiser, for instance, gets to thinking along a certain line. He has formed his own ideas, but he wants to know what others think. He starts out to seek ideas and he soon finds plenty of books, plans, designs, etc., on the subject, although when he started he was not aware of their existence.

The same thing is true in all lines. We can attract those things that will help us. Very often we seem to receive help in a miraculous way. It may be slow in coming, but once the silent unseen forces are put into operation, they will bring results so long as we do our part. They are ever present and ready to aid those who care to use them. By forming a strong mental image of your desire, you plant the thought-seed which begins working in your interest and, in time, that desire, if in harmony with your higher nature, will materialize.

It may seem that it would be unnecessary to caution you to concentrate only upon achievement that will be good for you and work no harm to another, but there are many who forget others and their rights, in their anxiety to achieve success. All good things are possible for you to have, but only as you bring your forces into harmony with that law that requires that we mete out justice to fellow travelers as we journey along life's road. So first think over the thing wanted and if it would be good for you to have; say, "I want to do this; I am going to work to secure it. The way will be open for me." If you fully grasp mentally the thought of success and hold it in mind each day, you gradually make a pattern or mold which in time will materialize. But by all means keep free from doubt and fear, the destructive forces. Never allow these to become associated with your thoughts.

At last you will create the desired conditions and receive help in many unlooked-for ways that will lift you out of the undesired environment. Life will then seem very different to you, for you will have found happiness through awakening within yourself the power to become the master of circumstances instead of their slave.

To the beginner in this line of thought some of the things stated in this book may sound strange, even absurd, but, instead of condemning them, give them a trial. You will find they will work out.

The inventor has to work out his idea mentally before he produces it materially. The architect first sees the mental picture of the house he is to plan and from this works out the one we see. Every object, every enterprise, must first be mentally created.

I know a man that started in business with thirteen cents and not a dollar's worth of credit. In ten years he has built up a large and profitable business. He attributes his success to two things—belief that he would succeed and hard work. There were times when it did not look like he could weather the storm. He was being pressed by his creditors who considered him bankrupt. They would have taken fifty cents on the dollar for his notes and considered themselves lucky. But by keeping up a bold front he got an extension of time when needed. When absolutely necessary for him to raise a certain sum at a certain time he always did it. When he had heavy bills to meet he would make up his mind that certain people that owed him would pay by a certain date and they always did. Sometimes he would not receive their check until the last mail of the day of the extension, and I have known him to send out a check with the prospect of receiving a check from one of his customers the following day. He would have no reason other than his belief in the power of affecting the mind of another by concentration of thought for expecting that check, but rarely has he been disappointed.

Just put forth the necessary concentrated effort and you will be wonderfully helped from sources unknown to you.

Remember the mystical words of Jesus, the Master: "Whatsoever thing ye desire when ye pray, pray as if ye had already received and ye shall have."

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"It is a spiritual law that the desire to do necessarily implies the ability to do." "Je to duchovní zákon, který touha dělat nutně znamená schopnost dělat." "Es ist ein spirituelles Gesetz, dass der Wunsch zu tun notwendigerweise die Fähigkeit zu tun impliziert." "Es una ley espiritual que el deseo de hacer implica necesariamente la capacidad de hacer". You have all read of "Aladdin's Lamp," which accomplished such wonderful things. Todos ustedes han leído sobre la "Lámpara de Aladino", que logró cosas tan maravillosas. This, of course, is only a fairy story, but it illustrates the fact that man has within him the power, if he is able to use it, to gratify his every wish. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||satisfy||| Esto, por supuesto, es sólo un cuento de hadas, pero ilustra el hecho de que el hombre tiene dentro de sí el poder, si es capaz de usarlo, de satisfacer todos sus deseos.

If you are unable to satisfy your deepest longings it is time you learned how to use your God-given powers. Pokud nejste schopni uspokojit své nejhlubší touhy, je čas, abyste se naučili používat své Bohem dané síly. You will soon be conscious that you have latent powers within capable when once developed of revealing to you priceless knowledge and unlimited possibilities of success. |||||||||||||||||||invaluable conocimiento|||||| Brzy si uvědomíte, že máte v sobě skryté schopnosti, jakmile se rozvinou, odhalit vám neocenitelné znalosti a neomezené možnosti úspěchu. Sie werden sich bald bewusst, dass Sie latente Kräfte in sich tragen, die Ihnen, wenn sie einmal entwickelt sind, unbezahlbares Wissen und unbegrenzte Erfolgsmöglichkeiten offenbaren. Pronto serás consciente de que tienes poderes latentes en tu interior capaces, una vez desarrollados, de revelarte conocimientos inestimables y posibilidades ilimitadas de éxito.

Man should have plenty of everything and not merely substance to live on as so many have. Člověk by měl mít všeho dostatek a ne pouze hmotu, ze které by mohl žít, jak mnozí mají. Der Mensch sollte von allem reichlich haben und nicht nur Substanz zum Leben, wie so viele. El hombre debería tener de todo y no sólo sustancia para vivir como tienen tantos. L'homme devrait avoir tout en abondance et pas seulement une substance pour vivre comme tant d'autres. All natural desires can be realized. Všechny přirozené touhy lze realizovat. It would be wrong for the Infinite to create wants that could not be supplied. Bylo by špatné, kdyby Nekonečný vytvářel potřeby, které by nemohly být naplněny. Es wäre falsch, wenn das Unendliche Bedürfnisse schaffen würde, die nicht befriedigt werden könnten. Sería un error que el Infinito creara necesidades que no pudieran ser satisfechas. Ce serait mal pour l'Infini de créer des besoins qui ne pourraient pas être satisfaits. Man's very soul is in his power to think, and it, therefore, is the essence of all created things. |||||||||||||||||created beings| Samotná duše člověka je v jeho moci myslet, a proto je podstatou všech stvořených věcí. Die Seele des Menschen ist in seiner Macht zu denken, und sie ist daher die Essenz aller erschaffenen Dinge. El alma misma del hombre está en su poder de pensar y, por tanto, es la esencia de todas las cosas creadas. L'âme même de l'homme est en son pouvoir de penser, et c'est donc l'essence de toutes les choses créées. Every instinct of man leads to thought, and in every thought there is great possibility because true thought development, when allied to those mysterious powers which perhaps transcend it, has been the cause of all the world's true progress. Každý lidský instinkt vede k myšlence a v každé myšlence je velká možnost, protože skutečný myšlenkový vývoj, když se spojil s těmi tajemnými silami, které jej možná přesahují, byl příčinou veškerého skutečného pokroku světa. Jeder Instinkt des Menschen führt zum Denken, und in jedem Gedanken liegt eine große Möglichkeit, weil wahre Gedankenentwicklung, wenn sie mit jenen geheimnisvollen Kräften verbunden ist, die sie vielleicht transzendieren, die Ursache allen wahren Fortschritts der Welt war. Todo instinto del hombre conduce al pensamiento, y en todo pensamiento hay una gran posibilidad porque el verdadero desarrollo del pensamiento, cuando se alía con esos misteriosos poderes que tal vez lo trascienden, ha sido la causa de todo el verdadero progreso del mundo. Chaque instinct de l'homme conduit à la pensée, et dans chaque pensée il y a une grande possibilité parce que le véritable développement de la pensée, lorsqu'il est allié à ces pouvoirs mystérieux qui le transcendent peut-être, a été la cause de tout le vrai progrès du monde. In the silence we become conscious of "that something" which transcends thought and which uses thought as a medium for expression. Many have glimpses of "that something," but few ever reach the state where the mind is steady enough to fathom these depths. ||brief insights||||||||||||||||||| Mnozí zahlédnou „to něco“, ale jen málokdo někdy dosáhne stavu, kdy je mysl dostatečně pevná, aby pochopila tyto hloubky. Viele haben einen flüchtigen Eindruck von „diesem Etwas“, aber nur wenige erreichen jemals den Zustand, in dem der Geist stabil genug ist, um diese Tiefen zu ergründen. Muchos vislumbran "ese algo", pero pocos alcanzan el estado en el que la mente es lo suficientemente firme como para sondear esas profundidades. Silent, concentrated thought is more potent than spoken words, for speech distracts from the focusing power of the mind by drawing more and more attention to the without. |||||||||||diverts attention|||||||||||||||| Tiché, soustředěné myšlení je mocnější než mluvená slova, protože řeč odvádí pozornost od soustředění mysli tím, že přitahuje stále více pozornosti k zevnějšku. Stilles, konzentriertes Denken ist stärker als gesprochene Worte, denn Sprache lenkt von der Konzentrationskraft des Geistes ab, indem es immer mehr Aufmerksamkeit auf das Äußere lenkt. El pensamiento silencioso y concentrado es más potente que las palabras habladas, ya que el habla distrae del poder de concentración de la mente al atraer cada vez más la atención hacia el exterior. La pensée silencieuse et concentrée est plus puissante que les mots prononcés, car la parole détourne l'attention du pouvoir de concentration de l'esprit en attirant de plus en plus l'attention sur l'extérieur.

Man must learn more and more to depend on himself; to seek more for the Infinite within. Člověk se musí stále více učit spoléhat sám na sebe; hledat více pro Nekonečno uvnitř. Der Mensch muss immer mehr lernen, sich auf sich selbst zu verlassen; mehr für das Unendliche im Innern zu suchen. It is from this source alone that he ever gains the power to solve his practical difficulties. Pouze z tohoto zdroje získává sílu řešit své praktické potíže. C'est de cette seule source qu'il tire toujours le pouvoir de résoudre ses difficultés pratiques. No one should give up when there is always the resources of Infinity. Nikdo by se neměl vzdávat, když vždy existují zdroje Nekonečna. Nadie debe rendirse cuando siempre existen los recursos del Infinito. The cause of failure is that men search in the wrong direction for success, because they are not conscious of their real powers that when used are capable of guiding them. Příčinou neúspěchu je, že muži hledají úspěch špatným směrem, protože si nejsou vědomi svých skutečných sil, které je při použití mohou vést. Die Ursache des Scheiterns liegt darin, dass Menschen in die falsche Richtung nach Erfolg suchen, weil sie sich ihrer wahren Kräfte nicht bewusst sind, die sie, wenn sie eingesetzt werden, leiten können. La causa del fracaso es que los hombres buscan el éxito en la dirección equivocada, porque no son conscientes de sus poderes reales que, cuando se utilizan, son capaces de guiarlos. La cause de l'échec est que les hommes recherchent le succès dans la mauvaise direction, car ils ne sont pas conscients de leurs pouvoirs réels qui, lorsqu'ils sont utilisés, sont capables de les guider.

The Infinite within is foreign to those persons who go through life without developing their spiritual powers. Nekonečno uvnitř je cizí těm osobám, které procházejí životem, aniž by rozvinuly své duchovní síly. Das Unendliche im Innern ist denen fremd, die durchs Leben gehen, ohne ihre geistigen Kräfte zu entwickeln. El Infinito interior es ajeno para aquellas personas que pasan por la vida sin desarrollar sus poderes espirituales. L'Infini à l'intérieur est étranger à ces personnes qui traversent la vie sans développer leurs pouvoirs spirituels. But the Infinite helps only he who helps himself. Ale Nekonečno pomáhá jen tomu, kdo pomáhá sám sobě. Pero el Infinito solo ayuda a aquel que se ayuda a sí mismo. There is no such thing as a Special "Providence." Es gibt keine besondere „Vorsehung“. No hay tal cosa como una "Providencia" Especial. Man will not receive help from the Infinite except to the extent that he believes and hopes and prays for help from this great source. Der Mensch wird keine Hilfe vom Unendlichen erhalten, es sei denn, er glaubt und hofft und betet um Hilfe aus dieser großen Quelle. El hombre no recibirá ayuda del Infinito excepto en la medida en que crea y espere y rece por la ayuda de esta gran fuente. L'homme ne recevra pas d'aide de l'Infini sauf dans la mesure où il croit, espère et prie pour l'aide de cette grande source.

Concentrate on What You Want and Get It. Konzentrieren Sie sich auf das, was Sie wollen und bekommen Sie es. The weakling is controlled by conditions. Der Schwächling wird durch Bedingungen kontrolliert. Le faible est contrôlé par des conditions. The strong man controls conditions. Der starke Mann kontrolliert die Bedingungen. You can be either the conqueror or the conquered. Du kannst entweder der Eroberer oder der Besiegte sein. Puedes ser el conquistador o el conquistado. By the law of concentration you can achieve your heart's desire. Par la loi de la concentration, vous pouvez réaliser le désir de votre cœur. This law is so powerful that that which at first seems impossible becomes attainable. |||||||lo que||||||alcanzable

By this law what you at first see as a dream becomes a reality. Par cette loi, ce que vous considérez d'abord comme un rêve devient une réalité.

Remember that the first step in concentration is to form a Mental Image of what you wish to accomplish. This image becomes a thought-seed that attracts thoughts of a similar nature. Dieses Bild wird zu einem Gedankensamen, der Gedanken ähnlicher Art anzieht. Esta imagen se convierte en una semilla de pensamiento que atrae pensamientos de naturaleza similar. Around this thought, when it is once planted in the imagination or creative region of the mind, you group or build associated thoughts which continue to grow as long as your desire is keen enough to compel close concentration. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||drive focus|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||exige|| Um diesen Gedanken, wenn er einmal in die Vorstellungs- oder kreative Region des Geistes gepflanzt wurde, gruppieren oder bauen Sie verbundene Gedanken, die weiter wachsen, solange Ihr Verlangen stark genug ist, um eine enge Konzentration zu erzwingen. Alrededor de este pensamiento, una vez que se planta en la imaginación o en la región creativa de la mente, agrupa o construye pensamientos asociados que continúan creciendo mientras su deseo sea lo suficientemente agudo como para obligar a una concentración cercana. Autour de cette pensée, une fois qu'elle est implantée dans l'imagination ou la région créative de l'esprit, vous regroupez ou construisez des pensées associées qui continuent de croître aussi longtemps que votre désir est suffisamment vif pour obliger à une concentration étroite.

Form the habit of thinking of something you wish to accomplish for five minutes each day. Adquiera el hábito de pensar en algo que desee lograr durante cinco minutos cada día. Shut every other thought out of consciousness. Aparta todos los demás pensamientos de la conciencia. Be confident that you will succeed; make up your mind that all obstacles that are in your way will be overcome and you can rise above any environment. Tenga la seguridad de que tendrá éxito; Decida que todos los obstáculos que se interpongan en su camino serán superados y podrá superar cualquier entorno. Soyez confiant que vous réussirez; décidez que tous les obstacles qui se dressent sur votre chemin seront surmontés et que vous pourrez vous élever au-dessus de n'importe quel environnement.

You do this by utilizing the natural laws of the thought world which are all powerful. Sie tun dies, indem Sie die Naturgesetze der Gedankenwelt nutzen, die allmächtig sind. Haces esto utilizando las leyes naturales del mundo del pensamiento que son todopoderosas.

A great aid in the development of concentration is to write out your thoughts on that which lies nearest your heart and to continue, little by little, to add to it until you have as nearly as possible exhausted the subject. una gran ayuda|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Eine große Hilfe bei der Entwicklung der Konzentration ist es, Ihre Gedanken über das aufzuschreiben, was Ihnen am nächsten liegt, und nach und nach zu ergänzen, bis Sie das Thema so gut wie möglich erschöpft haben. Una gran ayuda en el desarrollo de la concentración es escribir sus pensamientos sobre lo que está más cerca de su corazón y continuar, poco a poco, añadiendo hasta que haya agotado el tema lo más posible. Une grande aide dans le développement de la concentration est d'écrire vos pensées sur ce qui est le plus proche de votre cœur et de continuer, petit à petit, à y ajouter jusqu'à ce que vous ayez autant que possible épuisé le sujet.

You will find that each day as you focus your forces on this thought at the center of the stream of consciousness, new plans, ideas and methods will flash into your mind. There is a law of attraction that will help you accomplish your purpose. An advertiser, for instance, gets to thinking along a certain line. Ein Werbetreibender zum Beispiel beginnt, in eine bestimmte Richtung zu denken. Un anunciante, por ejemplo, se pone a pensar en una determinada línea. Un annonceur, par exemple, se met à penser selon une certaine ligne. He has formed his own ideas, but he wants to know what others think. Il a formé ses propres idées, mais il veut savoir ce que les autres pensent. He starts out to seek ideas and he soon finds plenty of books, plans, designs, etc., on the subject, although when he started he was not aware of their existence. Er macht sich auf die Suche nach Ideen und findet bald viele Bücher, Pläne, Entwürfe usw. zu diesem Thema, obwohl er sich zu Beginn ihrer Existenz nicht bewusst war. Il commence à chercher des idées et il trouve bientôt beaucoup de livres, de plans, de dessins, etc., sur le sujet, même s'il n'était pas au courant de leur existence lorsqu'il a commencé.

The same thing is true in all lines. Dasselbe gilt für alle Linien. Lo mismo es cierto en todas las líneas. La même chose est vraie dans toutes les lignes. We can attract those things that will help us. Very often we seem to receive help in a miraculous way. Sehr oft scheinen wir auf wundersame Weise Hilfe zu erhalten. It may be slow in coming, but once the silent unseen forces are put into operation, they will bring results so long as we do our part. ||||||||||invisibles|||||||||||||||| Cela peut être lent à venir, mais une fois que les forces silencieuses invisibles seront mises en œuvre, elles produiront des résultats tant que nous ferons notre part. They are ever present and ready to aid those who care to use them. Ils sont toujours présents et prêts à aider ceux qui veulent les utiliser. By forming a strong mental image of your desire, you plant the thought-seed which begins working in your interest and, in time, that desire, if in harmony with your higher nature, will materialize.

It may seem that it would be unnecessary to caution you to concentrate only upon achievement that will be good for you and work no harm to another, but there are many who forget others and their rights, in their anxiety to achieve success. Es mag unnötig erscheinen, Sie zu warnen, sich nur auf Leistungen zu konzentrieren, die gut für Sie sind und anderen nicht schaden, aber es gibt viele, die andere und ihre Rechte vergessen, in ihrem Streben nach Erfolg. Il peut sembler inutile de vous avertir de ne vous concentrer que sur des réalisations qui vous seront bénéfiques et qui ne nuiront pas à autrui, mais nombreux sont ceux qui oublient les autres et leurs droits, dans leur souci de réussir. All good things are possible for you to have, but only as you bring your forces into harmony with that law that requires that we mete out justice to fellow travelers as we journey along life's road. |||||||||||||||||||||||||distribuyamos||||||||||| Alle guten Dinge sind für Sie möglich, aber nur, wenn Sie Ihre Kräfte in Harmonie mit dem Gesetz bringen, das verlangt, dass wir unseren Mitreisenden gerecht werden, wenn wir den Weg des Lebens gehen. Todas las cosas buenas son posibles para ti, pero solo cuando pongas tus fuerzas en armonía con esa ley que requiere que impartamos justicia a los compañeros de viaje mientras viajamos por el camino de la vida. Toutes les bonnes choses sont possibles pour vous, mais seulement si vous mettez vos forces en harmonie avec cette loi qui exige que nous rendions justice à nos compagnons de voyage alors que nous voyageons sur le chemin de la vie. So first think over the thing wanted and if it would be good for you to have; say, "I want to do this; I am going to work to secure it. Denken Sie also zuerst über das Gewünschte nach und ob es gut für Sie wäre, es zu haben; sagen: "Ich möchte das tun; ich werde daran arbeiten, es zu sichern. The way will be open for me." La voie m'est ouverte." If you fully grasp mentally the thought of success and hold it in mind each day, you gradually make a pattern or mold which in time will materialize. Si vous saisissez pleinement mentalement la pensée du succès et que vous la gardez à l'esprit chaque jour, vous créez progressivement un modèle ou un moule qui se matérialisera avec le temps. But by all means keep free from doubt and fear, the destructive forces. Pero por todos los medios manténganse libres de dudas y miedos, las fuerzas destructivas. Never allow these to become associated with your thoughts.

At last you will create the desired conditions and receive help in many unlooked-for ways that will lift you out of the undesired environment. |||||||||||||unexpected||||||||||| |||||||||||||inesperadas||||||||||| Endlich schaffen Sie die gewünschten Bedingungen und erhalten auf vielen unerwarteten Wegen Hilfe, die Sie aus der unerwünschten Umgebung herausheben. Por fin, creará las condiciones deseadas y recibirá ayuda de muchas formas inesperadas que lo sacarán del entorno no deseado. Enfin, vous créerez les conditions souhaitées et recevrez de l'aide de nombreuses manières inattendues qui vous sortiront de l'environnement indésirable. Life will then seem very different to you, for you will have found happiness through awakening within yourself the power to become the master of circumstances instead of their slave. La vie vous paraîtra alors bien différente, car vous aurez trouvé le bonheur en éveillant en vous le pouvoir de devenir le maître des circonstances au lieu de leur esclave.

To the beginner in this line of thought some of the things stated in this book may sound strange, even absurd, but, instead of condemning them, give them a trial. Für den Anfänger in diesem Gedankengang mögen einige der in diesem Buch dargelegten Dinge seltsam, sogar absurd klingen, aber anstatt sie zu verurteilen, versuchen Sie es. Para el principiante en esta línea de pensamiento, algunas de las cosas expuestas en este libro pueden sonar extrañas, incluso absurdas, pero, en lugar de condenarlas, pruébelas. Pour le débutant dans cette ligne de pensée, certaines des choses énoncées dans ce livre peuvent sembler étranges, voire absurdes, mais, au lieu de les condamner, donnez-leur un procès. You will find they will work out. Sie werden feststellen, dass sie funktionieren werden.

The inventor has to work out his idea mentally before he produces it materially. |||||||||||||physically Der Erfinder muss seine Idee im Kopf ausarbeiten, bevor er sie materiell produziert. The architect first sees the mental picture of the house he is to plan and from this works out the one we see. L'architecte voit d'abord l'image mentale de la maison qu'il doit projeter et à partir de là, il élabore celle que nous voyons. Every object, every enterprise, must first be mentally created.

I know a man that started in business with thirteen cents and not a dollar's worth of credit. Ich kenne einen Mann, der mit dreizehn Cent und nicht einem Dollar Kredit ins Geschäft eingestiegen ist. Je connais un homme qui a commencé en affaires avec treize cents et pas un dollar de crédit. In ten years he has built up a large and profitable business. He attributes his success to two things—belief that he would succeed and hard work. |qualities||||||||||||| There were times when it did not look like he could weather the storm. Es gab Zeiten, in denen es nicht so aussah, als würde er den Sturm überstehen. Hubo momentos en los que no parecía que pudiera capear la tormenta. Il y avait des moments où il ne semblait pas pouvoir résister à la tempête. He was being pressed by his creditors who considered him bankrupt. ||||||creditors|||| ||||||||||en quiebra Er wurde von seinen Gläubigern bedrängt, die ihn für bankrott hielten. They would have taken fifty cents on the dollar for his notes and considered themselves lucky. Sie hätten für seine Scheine fünfzig Cent auf den Dollar genommen und sich glücklich schätzen können. Habrían tomado cincuenta centavos de dólar por sus billetes y se habrían considerado afortunados. Ils auraient pris cinquante cents sur le dollar pour ses billets et s'estimaient chanceux. But by keeping up a bold front he got an extension of time when needed. Aber indem er eine kühne Front aufrechterhielt, bekam er eine Verlängerung der Zeit, wenn es nötig war. Pero al mantener un frente audaz, obtuvo una extensión de tiempo cuando la necesitaba. Mais en gardant un front audacieux, il a obtenu une prolongation de temps en cas de besoin. When absolutely necessary for him to raise a certain sum at a certain time he always did it. Lorsqu'il était absolument nécessaire pour lui de lever une certaine somme à un certain moment, il le faisait toujours. When he had heavy bills to meet he would make up his mind that certain people that owed him would pay by a certain date and they always did. Wenn er hohe Rechnungen zu begleichen hatte, entschied er sich, dass bestimmte Leute, die ihm etwas schuldeten, bis zu einem bestimmten Datum bezahlen würden, und das taten sie immer. Quand il avait de lourdes factures à payer, il décidait que certaines personnes qui lui devaient payeraient avant une certaine date et ils le faisaient toujours. Sometimes he would not receive their check until the last mail of the day of the extension, and I have known him to send out a check with the prospect of receiving a check from one of his customers the following day. |||||||||||de|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Manchmal erhielt er seinen Scheck erst mit der letzten Post am Tag der Verlängerung, und ich kenne ihn, der einen Scheck verschickte mit der Aussicht, am nächsten Tag einen Scheck von einem seiner Kunden zu erhalten. Parfois, il ne recevait pas leur chèque avant le dernier courrier du jour de la prolongation, et je l'ai connu pour envoyer un chèque avec la perspective de recevoir un chèque d'un de ses clients le lendemain. He would have no reason other than his belief in the power of affecting the mind of another by concentration of thought for expecting that check, but rarely has he been disappointed. Il n'aurait aucune raison autre que sa croyance dans le pouvoir d'affecter l'esprit d'autrui par la concentration de la pensée pour s'attendre à cet échec, mais il a rarement été déçu.

Just put forth the necessary concentrated effort and you will be wonderfully helped from sources unknown to you. Déployez simplement l'effort concentré nécessaire et vous serez merveilleusement aidé par des sources qui vous sont inconnues.

Remember the mystical words of Jesus, the Master: "Whatsoever thing ye desire when ye pray, pray as if ye had already received and ye shall have." Erinnern Sie sich an die mystischen Worte von Jesus, dem Meister: „Was auch immer ihr wünscht, wenn ihr betet, betet, als hättet ihr es bereits erhalten und werdet es haben.“ Recuerda las palabras místicas de Jesús, el Maestro: "Todo lo que desees cuando ores, ora como si ya lo hubieras recibido y lo tendrás". Rappelez-vous les paroles mystiques de Jésus, le Maître : "Tout ce que vous désirez quand vous priez, priez comme si vous l'aviez déjà reçu et vous l'aurez."