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The Power of Concentration by Theron Q. Dumont, LESSON XII. CONCENTRATE ON WEALTH


It was never intended that man should be poor. When wealth is obtained under the proper conditions it broadens the life. Everything has its value. Everything has a good use and a bad use. The forces of mind like wealth can be directed either for good or evil. A little rest will re-create forces. Too much rest degenerates into laziness, and brainless, dreamy longings.

If you acquire wealth unjustly from others, you are misusing your forces; but if your wealth comes through the right sources you will be blessed. Through wealth we can do things to uplift ourselves and humanity.

Wealth is many persons' goal. It therefore stimulates their endeavor. They long for it in order to dress and live in such a way as to attract friends. Without friends they would not be so particular of their surroundings. The fact is the more attractive we make ourselves and our surroundings the more inspiring are their influences. It is not conducive to proper thought to be surrounded by conditions that are uncongenial and unpleasant.

So the first step toward acquiring wealth is to surround yourself with helpful influences; to claim for yourself an environment of culture, place yourself in it and be molded by its influences.

Most great men of all ages have been comparatively rich. They have made or inherited money. Without money they could not have accomplished what they did. The man engaged in physical drudgery is not likely to have the same high ideals as the man that can command comparative leisure.

Wealth is usually the fruit of achievement. It is not, however, altogether the result of being industrious. Thousands of persons work hard who never grow wealthy. Others with much less effort acquire wealth. Seeing possibilities is another step toward acquiring wealth. A man may be as industrious as he can possibly be, but if he does not use his mental forces he will be a laborer, to be directed by the man that uses to good advantage his mental forces.

No one can become wealthy in an ordinary lifetime, by mere savings from earnings. Many scrimp and economize all their lives; but by so doing waste all their vitality and energy. For example, I know a man that used to walk to work. It took him an hour to go and an hour to return. He could have taken a car and gone in twenty minutes. He saved ten cents a day but wasted an hour and a half. It was not a very profitable investment unless the time spent in physical exercise yielded him large returns in the way of health.

The same amount of time spent in concentrated effort to overcome his unfavorable business environment might have firmly planted his feet in the path of prosperity.

One of the big mistakes made by many persons of the present generation is that they associate with those who fail to call out or develop the best that is in them. When the social side of life is developed too exclusively, as it often is, and recreation or entertainment becomes the leading motive of a person's life, he acquires habits of extravagance instead of economy; habits of wasting his resources, physical, mental, moral and spiritual, instead of conserving them. He is, in consequence, lacking in proper motivation, his God-given powers and forces are undeveloped and he inevitably brings poor judgment to bear upon all the higher relationships of life, while, as to his financial fortunes, he is ever the leaner; often a parasite, and always, if opportunity affords, as heavy a consumer as he is a poor producer.

It seems a part of the tragedy of life that these persons have to be taught such painful lessons before they can understand the forces and laws that regulate life. Few profit by the mistakes of others. They must experience them for themselves and then apply the knowledge so gained in reconstructing their lives.

Any man that has ever amounted to anything has never done a great deal of detail work for long periods at any given time. He needs his time to reflect. He does not do his duties today in the same way as yesterday, but as the result of deliberate and concentrated effort, constantly tries to improve his methods.

The other day I attended a lecture on Prosperity. I knew the lecturer had been practically broke for ten years. I wanted to hear what he had to say. He spoke very well. He no doubt benefited some of his hearers, but he had not profited by his own teachings. I introduced myself and asked him if he believed in his maxims. He said he did. I asked him if they had made him prosperous. He said not exactly. I asked him why. He answered that he thought he was fated not to experience prosperity.

In half an hour I showed that man why poverty had always been his companion. He had dressed poorly. He held his lectures in poor surroundings. By his actions and beliefs he attracted poverty. He did not realize that his thoughts and his surroundings exercised an unfavorable influence. I said: "Thoughts are moving forces; great powers. Thoughts of wealth attract wealth. Therefore, if you desire wealth you must attract the forces that will help you to secure it. Your thoughts attract a similar kind of thoughts. If you hold thoughts of poverty you attract poverty. If you make up your mind you are going to be wealthy, you will instil this thought into all your mental forces, and you will at the same time use every external condition to help you." Many persons are of the opinion that if you have money it is easy to make more money. But this is not necessarily true. Ninety per cent of the men that start in business fail. Money will not enable one to accumulate much more, unless he is trained to seek and use good opportunities for its investment. If he inherits money the chances are that he will lose it. While, if he has made it, he not only knows its value, but has developed the power to use it as well as to make more if he loses it.

Business success today depends on foresight, good judgment, grit, firm resolution and settled purpose. But never forget that thought is as real a force as electricity. Let your thoughts be such, that you will send out as good as you receive; if you do not, you are not enriching others, and therefore deserve not to be enriched.

The man that tries to get all he can from others for nothing becomes so selfish and mean that he does not even enjoy his acquisitions. We see examples of this every day. What we take from others, will in turn, be taken from us. All obligations have to be met fairly and squarely. We cannot reach perfection until we discharge every obligation of our lives. We all realize this, so why not willingly give a fair exchange for all that we receive?

Again I repeat that the first as well as the last step in acquiring wealth is to surround yourself with good influences—good thought, good health, good home and business environment and successful business associates. Cultivate, by every legitimate means, the acquaintance of men of big caliber. Bring your thought vibrations in regard to business into harmony with theirs. This will make your society not only agreeable, but sought after, and, when you have formed intimate friendships with clean, reputable men of wealth, entrust to them, for investment, your surplus earnings, however small, until you have developed the initiative and business acumen to successfully manage your own investments. By this time you will, through such associations, have found your place in life which, if you have rightly concentrated upon and used your opportunities, will not be among men of small parts. With a competence secured, you will take pleasure in using a part of it in making the road you traveled in reaching your position easier for those who follow you.

There is somewhere in every brain the energy that will get you out of that rut and put you far up on the mountain of success if you can only use the energy.

You know that gasoline in the engine of an automobile doesn't move the car until the spark comes to explode the gasoline. So it is with the mind of man. We are not speaking now of men of great genius, but of average, able citizens.

Each one of them has in his brain the capacity to climb over the word impossible and get into the successful country beyond.

And hope, self-confidence and the determination to do something supply the spark that makes the energy work.

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It was never intended that man should be poor. Il n'a jamais été prévu que l'homme soit pauvre. 人間が貧しくなることは決して意図されていませんでした。 Никогда не предполагалось, что человек должен быть бедным. When wealth is obtained under the proper conditions it broadens the life. |||||||||expands|| 適切な条件下で富が得られると、人生が広がります。 Когда богатство получено при надлежащих условиях, оно расширяет жизнь. Everything has its value. Все имеет свою ценность. Everything has a good use and a bad use. Все имеет хорошее применение и плохое применение. The forces of mind like wealth can be directed either for good or evil. 富のような心の力は、善にも悪にも向けることができます。 Силы разума, как и богатство, могут быть направлены либо во благо, либо во зло. A little rest will re-create forces. 少し休むと、力が再作成されます。 Небольшой отдых восстановит силы. Too much rest degenerates into laziness, and brainless, dreamy longings. |||turns into||||mindless|| |||degenera||pereza||sin cerebro|soñadoras|anhelos soñadores Trop de repos dégénère en paresse et en envies rêveuses et sans cervelle. 休息が多すぎると、怠惰になり、頭のない、夢のような憧れになります。 Чрезмерный отдых вырождается в лень и безмозглые мечтательные стремления.

If you acquire wealth unjustly from others, you are misusing your forces; but if your wealth comes through the right sources you will be blessed. |||||||||abusing||||||||||||||| ||||injustamente|||||mal utilizando||||||riqueza|||||||||bendecido Wenn Sie sich ungerechterweise Reichtum von anderen aneignen, missbrauchen Sie Ihre Kräfte; aber wenn Ihr Reichtum aus den richtigen Quellen kommt, werden Sie gesegnet sein. Si vous acquérez injustement la richesse des autres, vous abusez de vos forces ; mais si votre richesse provient des bonnes sources, vous serez béni. 他人から不当に富を得るなら、あなたは自分の力を悪用しています。しかし、あなたの富が正しい情報源からもたらされるなら、あなたは祝福されるでしょう。 Если вы несправедливо приобретаете богатство от других, вы злоупотребляете своими силами; но если ваше богатство приходит из правильных источников, вы будете благословлены. Through wealth we can do things to uplift ourselves and humanity. |riqueza económica||||||elevarnos||| Grâce à la richesse, nous pouvons faire des choses pour nous élever et élever l'humanité. 富を通じて、私たちは自分自身と人類を向上させるために何かをすることができます。 Благодаря богатству мы можем сделать что-то, чтобы возвысить себя и человечество.

Wealth is many persons' goal. Reichtum ist das Ziel vieler Menschen. La richesse est l'objectif de nombreuses personnes. 富は多くの人の目標です。 Богатство является целью многих людей. It therefore stimulates their endeavor. ||||effort |por lo tanto|||esfuerzo Il stimule donc leur effort. したがって、それは彼らの努力を刺激します。 Таким образом, это стимулирует их усилия. They long for it in order to dress and live in such a way as to attract friends. |anhelan|||||||||||||||| Sie sehnen sich danach, sich so zu kleiden und zu leben, dass sie Freunde anziehen. Ils le désirent pour s'habiller et vivre de manière à attirer des amis. 彼らは、友人を引き付けるような服装と生活をするために、それを切望しています。 Они жаждут этого, чтобы одеваться и жить так, чтобы привлекать друзей. Without friends they would not be so particular of their surroundings. ||||||||||entorno Ohne Freunde wären sie ihrer Umgebung nicht so genau. Sans amis, ils ne seraient pas si attentifs à leur environnement. 友達がいなければ、彼らは周囲にそれほどこだわらないでしょう。 Без друзей они не были бы так разборчивы в своем окружении. The fact is the more attractive we make ourselves and our surroundings the more inspiring are their influences. Le fait est que plus nous nous rendons attrayants ainsi que notre environnement, plus leurs influences sont inspirantes. Дело в том, что чем более привлекательными мы делаем себя и свое окружение, тем более вдохновляющими оказываются их влияния. It is not conducive to proper thought to be surrounded by conditions that are uncongenial and unpleasant. |||favorable for|||||||||||unpleasant and unsuitable|| |||propicio|||||||||||incongruentes|| Il n'est pas propice à une bonne réflexion d'être entouré de conditions peu agréables et désagréables. 不愉快で不快な状況に囲まれていることは、適切な思考を助長するものではありません。 Окружение неблагоприятными и неприятными условиями не способствует правильному мышлению.

So the first step toward acquiring wealth is to surround yourself with helpful influences; to claim for yourself an environment of culture, place yourself in it and be molded by its influences. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||shaped||| したがって、富を獲得するための最初のステップは、自分を有益な影響力で囲むことです。自分自身が文化の環境であると主張し、その中に身を置くこと、そしてその影響によって形作られること。 Итак, первый шаг к богатству — окружить себя полезными влияниями; претендовать на культурную среду, поместить себя в нее и формироваться под ее влиянием.

Most great men of all ages have been comparatively rich. Die meisten großen Männer aller Zeiten waren vergleichsweise reich. La plupart des grands hommes de tous âges ont été relativement riches. すべての年齢のほとんどの偉大な男性は、比較的裕福です。 Большинство великих людей всех времен были сравнительно богаты. They have made or inherited money. Ils ont gagné ou hérité de l'argent. Without money they could not have accomplished what they did. お金がなければ、彼らがしたことを成し遂げることはできなかったでしょう。 Без денег они не смогли бы добиться того, что сделали. The man engaged in physical drudgery is not likely to have the same high ideals as the man that can command comparative leisure. ||||||||||||||||||||||free time |||||trabajo arduo|||||||||ideales elevados||||||puede ordenar|comparativa|ocio comparativo L'homme engagé dans la corvée physique n'a probablement pas les mêmes idéaux élevés que l'homme qui peut commander des loisirs comparatifs. 肉体労働に従事している男性は、比較的余暇を指揮できる男性と同じような高い理想を持っている可能性は低い. Человек, занятый тяжелым физическим трудом, вряд ли будет иметь те же высокие идеалы, что и человек, который может располагать относительным досугом.

Wealth is usually the fruit of achievement. La richesse est généralement le fruit de la réussite. 富は通常、達成の成果です。 Богатство обычно является плодом достижений. It is not, however, altogether the result of being industrious. |||||||||hardworking ||||en su totalidad|||||diligente Ce n'est pas, cependant, tout à fait le résultat d'être industrieux. しかし、それはすべて勤勉であることの結果ではありません。 Однако это не совсем результат трудолюбия. Thousands of persons work hard who never grow wealthy. 何千人もの人々が懸命に働いても裕福にはなりません。 Тысячи людей упорно трудятся, но никогда не разбогатеют. Others with much less effort acquire wealth. はるかに少ない努力で富を獲得する人もいます。 Другие с гораздо меньшими усилиями приобретают богатство. Seeing possibilities is another step toward acquiring wealth. 可能性を見ることは、富を獲得するためのもう 1 つのステップです。 Увидеть возможности — это еще один шаг на пути к богатству. A man may be as industrious as he can possibly be, but if he does not use his mental forces he will be a laborer, to be directed by the man that uses to good advantage his mental forces. ||||||||||||||||||||||||manual worker|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||trabajador manual|||||||||||||| Un homme peut être aussi industrieux qu'il peut l'être, mais s'il n'utilise pas ses forces mentales, il sera un travailleur, dirigé par l'homme qui utilise à bon escient ses forces mentales. 人は可能な限り勤勉かもしれませんが、精神力を使用しない場合、彼は労働者になり、精神力を有利に利用する人によって指示されます. Человек может быть настолько трудолюбив, насколько это возможно, но если он не использует свои умственные силы, он будет чернорабочим, которым будет руководить человек, который с пользой использует свои умственные силы.

No one can become wealthy in an ordinary lifetime, by mere savings from earnings. |||||||||||||ingresos laborales Personne ne peut devenir riche au cours d'une vie ordinaire, simplement en économisant sur ses revenus. 収入を蓄えるだけでは、普通の人生で裕福になることはできません。 Никто не может стать богатым за обычную жизнь, просто сберегая заработанные деньги. Many scrimp and economize all their lives; but by so doing waste all their vitality and energy. |ahorran||economizan||||||||||||| Viele knausern und sparen ihr Leben lang; aber dadurch verschwenden sie all ihre Vitalität und Energie. Beaucoup lésinent et économisent toute leur vie ; mais en faisant ainsi gaspiller toute leur vitalité et leur énergie. 多くの人は、一生を節約して節約します。しかし、そうすることによって、彼らの活力とエネルギーをすべて無駄にしてしまいます。 Многие скупятся и экономят всю свою жизнь; но тем самым тратят впустую всю свою жизненную силу и энергию. For example, I know a man that used to walk to work. Например, я знаю человека, который ходил на работу пешком. It took him an hour to go and an hour to return. Il lui a fallu une heure pour aller et une heure pour revenir. 行きに一時間、帰りに一時間かかりました。 Ему потребовался час, чтобы уйти, и час, чтобы вернуться. He could have taken a car and gone in twenty minutes. Il aurait pu prendre une voiture et partir en vingt minutes. 彼は車に乗って 20 分で行くことができたでしょう。 Он мог взять машину и уехать через двадцать минут. He saved ten cents a day but wasted an hour and a half. Il a économisé dix cents par jour mais a perdu une heure et demie. 彼は 1 日 10 セント節約しましたが、1 時間半を無駄にしました。 Он экономил десять центов в день, но потратил впустую полтора часа. It was not a very profitable investment unless the time spent in physical exercise yielded him large returns in the way of health. ||||||||||||||produced|||||||| |||||rentable|||||||||produjo|||||||| Ce n'était pas un investissement très rentable à moins que le temps consacré à l'exercice physique ne lui rapporte de gros bénéfices en termes de santé. 運動に費やした時間が健康に大きな利益をもたらさない限り、それはあまり有益な投資ではありませんでした。 Это было не очень выгодное вложение, если только время, проведенное в физических упражнениях, не приносило ему большой прибыли в виде здоровья.

The same amount of time spent in concentrated effort to overcome his unfavorable business environment might have firmly planted his feet in the path of prosperity. ||||||||||||||||||firme arraigado||||||| Le même temps passé à concentrer ses efforts pour surmonter son environnement commercial défavorable aurait peut-être fermement planté ses pieds sur la voie de la prospérité. 彼の不利なビジネス環境を克服するために集中的な努力に費やされた同じ時間は、彼の繁栄の道にしっかりと足を踏み入れたかもしれません. Столько же времени, потраченное на сосредоточенные усилия по преодолению неблагоприятной деловой среды, могло бы твердо встать на путь процветания.

One of the big mistakes made by many persons of the present generation is that they associate with those who fail to call out or develop the best that is in them. L'une des grandes erreurs commises par de nombreuses personnes de la génération actuelle est de s'associer à ceux qui ne parviennent pas à faire appel ou à développer le meilleur d'eux-mêmes. 現在の世代の多くの人が犯している大きな過ちの 1 つは、自分の持つ最高のものを呼び覚まさない、または伸ばしていない人と付き合うということです。 Одна из больших ошибок, совершаемых многими людьми нынешнего поколения, состоит в том, что они общаются с теми, кто не может выявить или развить лучшее, что в них есть. When the social side of life is developed too exclusively, as it often is, and recreation or entertainment becomes the leading motive of a person's life, he acquires habits of extravagance instead of economy; habits of wasting his resources, physical, mental, moral and spiritual, instead of conserving them. |||||||||||||||recreation|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||exclusivamente||||||recreación|||||||||||||||extravagancia||||||||||||||||conservando| Wenn die gesellschaftliche Seite des Lebens zu ausschließlich entwickelt wird, wie es oft der Fall ist, und Erholung oder Unterhaltung zum Hauptmotiv des Lebens eines Menschen werden, erwirbt er Gewohnheiten der Verschwendung statt der Sparsamkeit; Angewohnheit, seine physischen, mentalen, moralischen und spirituellen Ressourcen zu verschwenden, anstatt sie zu schonen. Lorsque le côté social de la vie est développé de manière trop exclusive, comme c'est souvent le cas, et que les loisirs ou le divertissement deviennent le motif principal de la vie d'une personne, elle acquiert des habitudes d'extravagance au lieu d'économie ; habitudes de gaspiller ses ressources, physiques, mentales, morales et spirituelles, au lieu de les conserver. よくあることですが、生活の社会的側面が独占的に発展しすぎて、レクリエーションや娯楽が人の生活の主な動機になると、彼は節約の代わりに浪費の習慣を身につけます。資源を節約する代わりに、肉体的、精神的、道徳的、精神的なリソースを浪費する習慣。 Когда общественная сторона жизни развита слишком исключительно, как это часто бывает, и ведущим мотивом жизни человека становится отдых или развлечение, он приобретает привычки к расточительности вместо экономии; привычка растрачивать свои ресурсы, физические, умственные, моральные и духовные, вместо того, чтобы сохранять их. He is, in consequence, lacking in proper motivation, his God-given powers and forces are undeveloped and he inevitably brings poor judgment to bear upon all the higher relationships of life, while, as to his financial fortunes, he is ever the leaner; often a parasite, and always, if opportunity affords, as heavy a consumer as he is a poor producer. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||provides|||||||||| ||||carente de|||||||||||||||||||influence|sobre|||||||||||||||||parásito||||||||ofrece la oportunidad|||||||||| Il manque, par conséquent, de motivation appropriée, ses pouvoirs et forces donnés par Dieu sont sous-développés et il apporte inévitablement un mauvais jugement sur toutes les relations supérieures de la vie, tandis que, quant à sa fortune financière, il est toujours plus maigre ; souvent un parasite, et toujours, si l'occasion se présente, aussi gros consommateur qu'il est un pauvre producteur.

It seems a part of the tragedy of life that these persons have to be taught such painful lessons before they can understand the forces and laws that regulate life. Cela semble faire partie de la tragédie de la vie que ces personnes doivent recevoir des leçons si douloureuses avant de pouvoir comprendre les forces et les lois qui régissent la vie. Few profit by the mistakes of others. Peu profitent des erreurs des autres. They must experience them for themselves and then apply the knowledge so gained in reconstructing their lives. ||||||||||||||reconstruyendo|| Ils doivent les expérimenter par eux-mêmes et ensuite appliquer les connaissances ainsi acquises pour reconstruire leur vie.

Any man that has ever amounted to anything has never done a great deal of detail work for long periods at any given time. |||||ha llegado|||||||||||||||||| N'importe quel homme qui s'est jamais élevé à quelque chose n'a jamais fait beaucoup de travail de détail pendant de longues périodes à un moment donné. He needs his time to reflect. Il a besoin de son temps pour réfléchir. He does not do his duties today in the same way as yesterday, but as the result of deliberate and concentrated effort, constantly tries to improve his methods. Il n'exerce pas ses fonctions aujourd'hui de la même manière qu'hier, mais à la suite d'efforts délibérés et concentrés, il essaie constamment d'améliorer ses méthodes.

The other day I attended a lecture on Prosperity. L'autre jour, j'ai assisté à une conférence sur la prospérité. I knew the lecturer had been practically broke for ten years. I wanted to hear what he had to say. He spoke very well. He no doubt benefited some of his hearers, but he had not profited by his own teachings. |||||||listeners|||||gained advantage|||| |||se benefició||||oyentes|||||se benefició||||enseñanzas Il a sans doute profité à certains de ses auditeurs, mais il n'a pas profité de ses propres enseignements. I introduced myself and asked him if he believed in his maxims. He said he did. I asked him if they had made him prosperous. ||||||||próspero He said not exactly. I asked him why. He answered that he thought he was fated not to experience prosperity. |||||||destined|||| |||||||destinado a|||| Il a répondu qu'il pensait qu'il était destiné à ne pas connaître la prospérité.

In half an hour I showed that man why poverty had always been his companion. ||||||||||||||compañera He had dressed poorly. He held his lectures in poor surroundings. |realizó|||||entorno pobre Il donnait ses cours dans un milieu pauvre. By his actions and beliefs he attracted poverty. Par ses actions et ses croyances, il a attiré la pauvreté. He did not realize that his thoughts and his surroundings exercised an unfavorable influence. Er war sich nicht bewusst, dass seine Gedanken und seine Umgebung einen ungünstigen Einfluss ausübten. I said: "Thoughts are moving forces; great powers. Thoughts of wealth attract wealth. Therefore, if you desire wealth you must attract the forces that will help you to secure it. ||||riqueza financiera|||||||||||| Your thoughts attract a similar kind of thoughts. If you hold thoughts of poverty you attract poverty. |||||贫穷||| If you make up your mind you are going to be wealthy, you will instil this thought into all your mental forces, and you will at the same time use every external condition to help you." ||||||||||||||instilar||||||||||||||||||||| Si vous décidez que vous allez être riche, vous instillerez cette pensée dans toutes vos forces mentales, et vous utiliserez en même temps toutes les conditions extérieures pour vous aider." Many persons are of the opinion that if you have money it is easy to make more money. But this is not necessarily true. Ninety per cent of the men that start in business fail. Money will not enable one to accumulate much more, unless he is trained to seek and use good opportunities for its investment. If he inherits money the chances are that he will lose it. ||hereda dinero||||||||| S'il hérite de l'argent, il y a de fortes chances qu'il le perde. While, if he has made it, he not only knows its value, but has developed the power to use it as well as to make more if he loses it. Tandis que, s'il l'a fait, non seulement il connaît sa valeur, mais il a développé le pouvoir de l'utiliser ainsi que d'en faire plus s'il le perd.

Business success today depends on foresight, good judgment, grit, firm resolution and settled purpose. |||||planning ahead|||||determination||| |||||previsión||juicio acertado|determinación||||firme propósito| But never forget that thought is as real a force as electricity. Let your thoughts be such, that you will send out as good as you receive; if you do not, you are not enriching others, and therefore deserve not to be enriched. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||enriquecido Que vos pensées soient telles que vous enverrez autant de bien que vous en recevrez ; si vous ne le faites pas, vous n'enrichissez pas les autres et méritez donc de ne pas être enrichi.

The man that tries to get all he can from others for nothing becomes so selfish and mean that he does not even enjoy his acquisitions. |||||||||||||||||||||||||acquisitions |||||||||||||||egoísta||||||||||adquisiciones L'homme qui essaie d'obtenir tout ce qu'il peut des autres pour rien devient si égoïste et méchant qu'il ne profite même pas de ses acquisitions. We see examples of this every day. What we take from others, will in turn, be taken from us. Ce que nous prenons aux autres nous sera à son tour enlevé. All obligations have to be met fairly and squarely. ||||||||directly and honestly ||||||||de manera justa We cannot reach perfection until we discharge every obligation of our lives. ||||||fulfill||||| ||alcanzar||||||||| Nous ne pouvons pas atteindre la perfection tant que nous ne nous sommes pas acquittés de toutes les obligations de notre vie. We all realize this, so why not willingly give a fair exchange for all that we receive? ||nos damos cuenta|||||de buena gana||||||||| Wir alle wissen das, warum also nicht bereitwillig einen fairen Austausch für alles geben, was wir erhalten?

Again I repeat that the first as well as the last step in acquiring wealth is to surround yourself with good influences—good thought, good health, good home and business environment and successful business associates. Cultivate, by every legitimate means, the acquaintance of men of big caliber. ||||||conocimiento||||| Cultivez, par tous les moyens légitimes, la connaissance d'hommes de grand calibre. Bring your thought vibrations in regard to business into harmony with theirs. |||||respecto a|||||| This will make your society not only agreeable, but sought after, and, when you have formed intimate friendships with clean, reputable men of wealth, entrust to them, for investment, your surplus earnings, however small, until you have developed the initiative and business acumen to successfully manage your own investments. ||||||||||||||||||||respectable and trustworthy||||delegate responsibility||||||extra earnings||||||||||||insight|||||| |||||||agradable||deseada||||||||amistades íntimas|||||||confía a||||||||||||||||||perspicacia empresarial|||||| Cela rendra votre société non seulement agréable, mais recherchée, et, lorsque vous aurez noué des amitiés intimes avec des hommes riches et propres, confiez-leur, pour investissement, vos plus-values, si minimes soient-elles, jusqu'à ce que vous ayez développé l'initiative et sens des affaires pour gérer avec succès vos propres investissements. By this time you will, through such associations, have found your place in life which, if you have rightly concentrated upon and used your opportunities, will not be among men of small parts. |||||||associations||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||habrás|||asociaciones sociales|||||||||||correctamente|||||||||||||| À ce moment-là, grâce à de telles associations, vous aurez trouvé votre place dans la vie qui, si vous vous êtes correctement concentré et utilisé vos opportunités, ne sera pas parmi les hommes de petite taille. With a competence secured, you will take pleasure in using a part of it in making the road you traveled in reaching your position easier for those who follow you. Mit einer gesicherten Kompetenz werden Sie Freude daran haben, einen Teil davon zu nutzen, um den Weg, den Sie zurückgelegt haben, um Ihre Position zu erreichen, für diejenigen, die Ihnen folgen, einfacher zu machen. Disposant d'une compétence assurée, vous prendrez plaisir à en utiliser une partie pour faciliter le chemin parcouru pour rejoindre votre poste à ceux qui vous suivront.

There is somewhere in every brain the energy that will get you out of that rut and put you far up on the mountain of success if you can only use the energy.

You know that gasoline in the engine of an automobile doesn't move the car until the spark comes to explode the gasoline. |||gasolina||||||automóvil|||||||chispa||||| So it is with the mind of man. We are not speaking now of men of great genius, but of average, able citizens. Nous ne parlons plus d'hommes de grand génie, mais de citoyens moyens et capables.

Each one of them has in his brain the capacity to climb over the word impossible and get into the successful country beyond. ||||||||||||||||||||||más allá

And hope, self-confidence and the determination to do something supply the spark that makes the energy work. |esperanza|auto- confianza|autoconfianza|||||||suministran|||||||