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The Power of Concentration by Theron Q. Dumont, LESSON XI. CONCENTRATE ON COURAGE


Courage is the backbone of man. The man with courage has persistence. He states what he believes and puts it into execution. The courageous man has confidence. He draws to himself all the moral qualities and mental forces which go to make up a strong man. Whereas, the man without courage draws to himself all the qualities of a weak man, vacillation, doubt, hesitancy, and unsteadiness of purpose. You can therefore see the value of concentration on courage. It is a most vital element of success.

The lack of courage creates financial, as well as mental and moral difficulties. When a new problem comes, instead of looking upon it as something to be achieved, the man or woman without courage looks for reasons why it cannot be done and failure is naturally the almost inevitable result. This is a subject well worthy of your study. Look upon everything within your power as a possibility instead of as merely a probability and you will accomplish a great deal more, because by considering a thing as impossible, you immediately draw to yourself all the elements that contribute to failure. Lack of courage destroys your confidence in yourself. It destroys that forceful, resolute attitude so important to success.

The man without courage unconsciously draws to himself all that is contemptible, weakening, demoralizing and destructive. He then blames his luck when he does not secure the things he weakly desires. We must first have the courage to strongly desire something. A desire to be fulfilled must be backed by the strength of all our mental forces. Such a desire has enough commanding force to change all unfavorable conditions. The man with courage commands, whether be is on the battlefield or in business life.

What is courage? It is the Will To Do. It takes no more energy to be courageous than to be cowardly. It is a matter of the right training in the right way. Courage concentrates the mental forces on the task at hand. It then directs them thoughtfully, steadily, deliberately, while attracting all the forces of success, toward the desired end. Cowardice on the other hand, dissipates both our mental and moral forces, thereby inviting failure.

As we are creatures of habits, we should avoid persons that lack courage. They are easy to discover because of their habits of fear in attacking new problems. The man with courage is never afraid.

Start out today with the idea that there is no reason why you should not be courageous. If any fear-thoughts come to you cast them off as you would the deadly viper. Form the habit of never thinking of anything unfavorable to yourself or anyone else. In dealing with difficulties, new or old, hold ever the thought, "I am courageous." Whenever a doubt crosses the threshold of your mind, banish it. Remember, you as master of your mind control its every thought, and here is a good one to often affirm, "I have courage because I desire it; because I need it; because I use it and because I refuse to become such a weakling as cowardice produces." There is no justification for the loss of courage. The evils by which you will almost certainly be overwhelmed without it are far greater than those which courage will help you to meet and overcome. Right, then, must be the moralist who says that the only thing to fear is fear.

Never let another's opinion affect you; he cannot tell what you are able to do; he does not know what you can do with your forces. The truth is you do not know yourself until you put yourself to the test. Therefore, how can someone else know? Never let anyone else put a valuation on you.

Almost all wonderful achievements have been accomplished after it had been "thoroughly" demonstrated that they were impossibilities. Once we understand the law, all things are possible. If they were impossibilities we could not conceive them.

Just the moment you allow someone to influence you against what you think is right, you lose that confidence in yourself that inspires courage and carries with it all the forces which courage creates. Just the moment you begin to swerve in your plan you begin to carry out another's thought and not your own. You become the directed and not the director. You forsake the courage and resolution of your own mind, and you therefore lack the very forces that you need to sustain and carry out your work. Instead of being self-reliant you become timid and this invites failure. When you permit yourself to be influenced from your plan by another, you are unable to judge as you should, because you have allowed another's influence to deprive you of your courage and determination without absorbing any of his in return so you are in much the same predicament, as you would be in if you turned over all your worldly possessions to another without getting "value received." Concentrate on just the opposite of fear, want, poverty, sickness, etc. Never doubt your own ability. You have plenty, if you will just use it. A great many men are failures because they doubt their own capacity. Instead of building up strong mental forces which would be of the greatest use to them their fear thoughts tear them down. Fear paralyzes energy. It keeps us from attracting the forces that go to make up success. Fear is the worst enemy we have.

There are few people that really know that they can accomplish much. They desire the full extent of their powers, but alas, it is only occasionally that you find a man that is aware of the great possibilities within him. When you believe with all your mind and heart and soul that you can do something, you thereby develop the courage to steadily and confidently live up to that belief. You have now gone a long way towards accomplishing it. The chances are that there will be obstacles, big and little, in your way, but resolute courage will overcome them and nothing else will. Strong courage eliminates the injurious and opposing forces by summoning their masters, the yet stronger forces that will serve you.

Courage is yours for the asking. All you have to do is to believe in it, claim it and use it. To succeed in business believe that it will be successful, assert that it is successful, and work like a beaver to make it so. Difficulties soon melt away before the courageous. One man of courage can fire with his spirit a whole army of men, whether it be military or industrial, because courage, like cowardice, is contagious.

The man of courage overcomes the trials and temptations of life; he commands success; he renders sound judgment; he develops personal influence and a forceful character and often becomes the mentor of the community which he serves.

How to Overcome Depression and Melancholia. Both of the former are harmful and make you unhappy. These are states that can be quickly overcome through concentrating more closely on the higher self, for when you do you cut off the connection with the harmful force currents. You can also drive away moods by simply choosing and fully concentrating on an agreeable subject. Through will power and thought control we can accomplish anything we want to do. There is wonderful inherent power within us all, and there is never any sufficient cause for fear, except ignorance.

Every evil is but the product of ignorance, and everyone that possesses the power to think has the power to overcome ignorance and evil. The pain that we suffer from doing evil are but the lessons of experience, and the object of the pain is to make us realize our ignorance. When we become depressed It is evidence that our thought faculties are combining improperly and thereby attracting the wrong force-currents.

All that it is necessary to do is to exercise the will and concentrate upon happy subjects. I will only think of subjects worthy of my higher self and its powers.

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Courage is the backbone of man. Bravery|||essential support|| |||espina dorsal|| Мужество — это опора человека. The man with courage has persistence. |||||determination |||||persistencia У мужественного человека есть настойчивость. He states what he believes and puts it into execution. Он заявляет, во что верит, и претворяет это в жизнь. The courageous man has confidence. |valiente||| Мужественный человек уверен в себе. He draws to himself all the moral qualities and mental forces which go to make up a strong man. |attracts||||||||||||||||| Он притягивает к себе все нравственные качества и душевные силы, которые составляют сильного человека. Whereas, the man without courage draws to himself all the qualities of a weak man, vacillation, doubt, hesitancy, and unsteadiness of purpose. |||||attracts||||||||||indecision||indecisiveness||lack of resolve|| Mientras que|||||atrae hacia||||||||débil||vacilación||vacilación||inseguridad de propósito|| Während der Mann ohne Mut alle Eigenschaften eines schwachen Mannes an sich zieht, Schwanken, Zweifel, Zögern und Zielunsicherheit. Тогда как человек без мужества притягивает к себе все качества слабого человека, нерешительность, сомнение, нерешительность и неустойчивость цели. You can therefore see the value of concentration on courage. ||por lo tanto||||||| It is a most vital element of success.

The lack of courage creates financial, as well as mental and moral difficulties. |||||financieras||||||| When a new problem comes, instead of looking upon it as something to be achieved, the man or woman without courage looks for reasons why it cannot be done and failure is naturally the almost inevitable result. ||||||||como|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Lorsqu'un nouveau problème survient, au lieu de le considérer comme quelque chose à réaliser, l'homme ou la femme sans courage cherche les raisons pour lesquelles cela ne peut pas être fait et l'échec est naturellement le résultat presque inévitable. This is a subject well worthy of your study. Dies ist ein Thema, das Ihres Studiums würdig ist. C'est un sujet bien digne de votre étude. Look upon everything within your power as a possibility instead of as merely a probability and you will accomplish a great deal more, because by considering a thing as impossible, you immediately draw to yourself all the elements that contribute to failure. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||atraes||||||||| Betrachten Sie alles, was in Ihrer Macht steht, als Möglichkeit und nicht nur als Wahrscheinlichkeit, und Sie werden viel mehr erreichen, denn wenn Sie etwas als unmöglich betrachten, ziehen Sie sofort alle Elemente an sich, die zum Scheitern beitragen. Considera todo lo que está a tu alcance como una posibilidad en lugar de como una mera probabilidad y lograrás mucho más, porque al considerar una cosa como imposible, atraes inmediatamente hacia ti todos los elementos que contribuyen al fracaso. Considere tudo ao seu alcance como uma possibilidade em vez de apenas uma probabilidade e você realizará muito mais, porque ao considerar algo como impossível, você imediatamente atrai para si todos os elementos que contribuem para o fracasso. Lack of courage destroys your confidence in yourself. It destroys that forceful, resolute attitude so important to success. |||enérgico||||||

The man without courage unconsciously draws to himself all that is contemptible, weakening, demoralizing and destructive. |||||||||||deserving scorn||undermining one's spirit|| |||||||||||despreciable||desmoralizador|| Человек без мужества бессознательно притягивает к себе все презренное, ослабляющее, деморализующее и разрушительное. He then blames his luck when he does not secure the things he weakly desires. ||culpa|||||||||||débilmente| Il blâme alors sa chance lorsqu'il ne sécurise pas les choses qu'il désire faiblement. Затем он винит свою удачу, когда не получает то, чего слабо желает. We must first have the courage to strongly desire something. |||||||fuerte deseo|| A desire to be fulfilled must be backed by the strength of all our mental forces. Un désir d'être satisfait doit être soutenu par la force de toutes nos forces mentales. Желание осуществиться должно быть подкреплено силой всех наших душевных сил. Such a desire has enough commanding force to change all unfavorable conditions. ||||||||||adverse| |||||dominante|||||| The man with courage commands, whether be is on the battlefield or in business life. ||||comanda|||||||||| Человек с мужеством командует, будь то на поле боя или в деловой жизни.

What is courage? It is the Will To Do. C'est la volonté de faire. It takes no more energy to be courageous than to be cowardly. |||||||||||cobarde Il ne faut pas plus d'énergie pour être courageux que pour être lâche. Чтобы быть смелым, нужно не больше энергии, чем для того, чтобы быть трусливым. It is a matter of the right training in the right way. Courage concentrates the mental forces on the task at hand. Le courage concentre les forces mentales sur la tâche à accomplir. It then directs them thoughtfully, steadily, deliberately, while attracting all the forces of success, toward the desired end. ||||||with careful intention||||||||||| ||||pensativamente|constantemente|||||||||hacia||| Il les dirige ensuite de manière réfléchie, constante, délibérée, tout en attirant toutes les forces du succès, vers la fin souhaitée. Cowardice on the other hand, dissipates both our mental and moral forces, thereby inviting failure. Lack of courage|||||weakens||||||||| |||||disipa|||||||de este modo||

As we are creatures of habits, we should avoid persons that lack courage. Da wir Gewohnheitstiere sind, sollten wir Personen meiden, denen es an Mut mangelt. They are easy to discover because of their habits of fear in attacking new problems. ||||||||||||atacar|| The man with courage is never afraid.

Start out today with the idea that there is no reason why you should not be courageous. Commencez aujourd'hui avec l'idée qu'il n'y a aucune raison pour que vous ne soyez pas courageux. If any fear-thoughts come to you cast them off as you would the deadly viper. |||||||||||||||poisonous snake |||||||desecha|||||||mortal|víbora mortal Wenn Ihnen irgendwelche Angstgedanken kommen, werfen Sie sie ab, wie Sie es mit der tödlichen Viper tun würden. Si des pensées de peur vous viennent à l'esprit, rejetez-les comme vous le feriez avec la vipère mortelle. Form the habit of never thinking of anything unfavorable to yourself or anyone else. Machen Sie es sich zur Gewohnheit, niemals an etwas Ungünstiges für sich selbst oder andere zu denken. In dealing with difficulties, new or old, hold ever the thought, "I am courageous." |||||||||||||valiente En faisant face aux difficultés, nouvelles ou anciennes, gardez toujours la pensée : « Je suis courageux. Whenever a doubt crosses the threshold of your mind, banish it. |||||||||eliminate| |||cruza||||||deséchala| Remember, you as master of your mind control its every thought, and here is a good one to often affirm, "I have courage because I desire it; because I need it; because I use it and because I refuse to become such a weakling as cowardice produces." |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||feeble person||| |||||||||||||||||||afirma|||||||||||||||||||me niego|||||débil||| Denken Sie daran, dass Sie als Meister Ihres Geistes jeden Gedanken kontrollieren, und hier ist ein guter, um oft zu bestätigen: „Ich habe Mut, weil ich ihn begehre; weil ich ihn brauche; weil ich ihn benutze und weil ich mich weigere, ein solcher Schwächling zu werden wie Feigheit hervorbringt.“ N'oubliez pas qu'en tant que maître de votre esprit, vous contrôlez chacune de ses pensées, et en voici une bonne à affirmer souvent : "J'ai du courage parce que je le désire, parce que j'en ai besoin, parce que je l'utilise et parce que je refuse de devenir un si faible que la lâcheté produit." There is no justification for the loss of courage. |||justificación||||| Es gibt keine Rechtfertigung für den Verlust des Mutes. The evils by which you will almost certainly be overwhelmed without it are far greater than those which courage will help you to meet and overcome. |los males|||||||||||||||||||||||| Les maux dont vous serez presque certainement accablé sans elle sont bien plus grands que ceux que le courage vous aidera à affronter et à vaincre. Right, then, must be the moralist who says that the only thing to fear is fear. |||||ethical advisor|||||||||| |||||moralista|||||||||| Alors, doit être le moraliste qui dit que la seule chose à craindre est la peur.

Never let another's opinion affect you; he cannot tell what you are able to do; he does not know what you can do with your forces. The truth is you do not know yourself until you put yourself to the test. Therefore, how can someone else know? por lo tanto||||| Wie kann also jemand anderes wissen? Never let anyone else put a valuation on you. ||||||assessment of worth|| ||||||valoración||

Almost all wonderful achievements have been accomplished after it had been "thoroughly" demonstrated that they were impossibilities. ||||||||||||||||unachievable tasks |||||||||||exhaustivamente||||| Once we understand the law, all things are possible. If they were impossibilities we could not conceive them. |||||||imagine or understand| S'il s'agissait d'impossibilités, nous ne pourrions pas les concevoir.

Just the moment you allow someone to influence you against what you think is right, you lose that confidence in yourself that inspires courage and carries with it all the forces which courage creates. Juste au moment où vous permettez à quelqu'un de vous influencer contre ce que vous pensez être juste, vous perdez cette confiance en vous qui inspire le courage et emporte avec elle toutes les forces que le courage crée. Just the moment you begin to swerve in your plan you begin to carry out another's thought and not your own. ||||||deviate|||||||||||||| ||||||desviarte|||||||||||||| Juste au moment où vous commencez à vous écarter de votre plan, vous commencez à réaliser la pensée d'un autre et non la vôtre. You become the directed and not the director. Vous devenez le dirigé et non le réalisateur. You forsake the courage and resolution of your own mind, and you therefore lack the very forces that you need to sustain and carry out your work. |Abandon||||determination||||||||||||||||Maintain||||| |abandonas||||||||||||||||||||||||| Instead of being self-reliant you become timid and this invites failure. ||||dependent on oneself||||||| ||||dependiente de sí mismo||||||| When you permit yourself to be influenced from your plan by another, you are unable to judge as you should, because you have allowed another's influence to deprive you of your courage and determination without absorbing any of his in return so you are in much the same predicament, as you would be in if you turned over all your worldly possessions to another without getting "value received." |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Take away|||||||||||||||||||||difficult situation||||||||||||material wealth||||||| ||permitas|||||||||||||||||||||||||privar|||||||||||||||||||||situación difícil||||||||||||terrenales||||||| Lorsque vous vous laissez influencer par un autre à partir de votre plan, vous êtes incapable de juger comme vous le devriez, parce que vous avez laissé l'influence d'un autre vous priver de votre courage et de votre détermination sans absorber quoi que ce soit des siens en retour, vous êtes donc dans la même situation. situation difficile, comme vous le seriez si vous cédiez tous vos biens matériels à un autre sans obtenir la "valeur reçue". Concentrate on just the opposite of fear, want, poverty, sickness, etc. Never doubt your own ability. You have plenty, if you will just use it. Vous en avez beaucoup, si vous voulez juste l'utiliser. A great many men are failures because they doubt their own capacity. Instead of building up strong mental forces which would be of the greatest use to them their fear thoughts tear them down. Au lieu de développer de puissantes forces mentales qui leur seraient d'une grande utilité, leurs pensées de peur les anéantissent. Fear paralyzes energy. |paraliza| It keeps us from attracting the forces that go to make up success. Cela nous empêche d'attirer les forces qui contribuent au succès. Fear is the worst enemy we have.

There are few people that really know that they can accomplish much. Il y a peu de gens qui savent vraiment qu'ils peuvent accomplir beaucoup. They desire the full extent of their powers, but alas, it is only occasionally that you find a man that is aware of the great possibilities within him. |||||||||||||infrequently|||||||||||||| |||||||||ay desgraciadamente|||||||||||||||||| Ils désirent la pleine mesure de leurs pouvoirs, mais hélas, ce n'est qu'occasionnellement que vous trouvez un homme conscient des grandes possibilités qu'il a en lui. When you believe with all your mind and heart and soul that you can do something, you thereby develop the courage to steadily and confidently live up to that belief. You have now gone a long way towards accomplishing it. Vous avez maintenant parcouru un long chemin vers son accomplissement. The chances are that there will be obstacles, big and little, in your way, but resolute courage will overcome them and nothing else will. Il y a de fortes chances qu'il y ait des obstacles, petits et grands, sur votre chemin, mais un courage résolu les surmontera et rien d'autre ne le fera. Strong courage eliminates the injurious and opposing forces by summoning their masters, the yet stronger forces that will serve you. |||||||||召唤|||||||||| ||||harmful or damaging|||||calling upon|||||||||| ||elimina|||||||convocando|||||||||| Un courage fort élimine les forces nuisibles et opposées en invoquant leurs maîtres, les forces encore plus fortes qui vous serviront.

Courage is yours for the asking. Le courage est à vous pour le demander. All you have to do is to believe in it, claim it and use it. To succeed in business believe that it will be successful, assert that it is successful, and work like a beaver to make it so. ||||||||||State confidently|||||||||work diligently|||| ||||||||||afirma|||||||||castor|||| Pour réussir en affaires, croyez qu'elle réussira, affirmez qu'elle réussit et travaillez comme un castor pour qu'elle le soit. Difficulties soon melt away before the courageous. ||se desvanecen|||| One man of courage can fire with his spirit a whole army of men, whether it be military or industrial, because courage, like cowardice, is contagious. |||||||||||||||||||||||cobardía||contagiosa

The man of courage overcomes the trials and temptations of life; he commands success; he renders sound judgment; he develops personal influence and a forceful character and often becomes the mentor of the community which he serves. ||||conquers||||allurements|||||||provides||||||||||||||||||||| ||||supera||pruebas||tentaciones|||||||emite juicio||juicio sólido|||||||||||||mentor|||||| L'homme de courage surmonte les épreuves et les tentations de la vie ; il commande le succès; il rend un jugement sain; il développe une influence personnelle et un caractère énergique et devient souvent le mentor de la communauté qu'il sert.

How to Overcome Depression and Melancholia. |||||Deep sadness |||depresión||melancolía Both of the former are harmful and make you unhappy. Les deux premiers sont nocifs et vous rendent malheureux. These are states that can be quickly overcome through concentrating more closely on the higher self, for when you do you cut off the connection with the harmful force currents. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||harmful energy flows Das sind Zustände, die durch eine stärkere Konzentration auf das Höhere Selbst schnell überwunden werden können, denn damit unterbrichst du die Verbindung zu den schädlichen Kraftströmen. Ce sont des états qui peuvent être rapidement surmontés en se concentrant plus étroitement sur le soi supérieur, car lorsque vous le faites, vous coupez la connexion avec les courants de force nocifs. You can also drive away moods by simply choosing and fully concentrating on an agreeable subject. ||||||||||||||agradable| Through will power and thought control we can accomplish anything we want to do. There is wonderful inherent power within us all, and there is never any sufficient cause for fear, except ignorance. |||natural||||||||||||||| Il y a un merveilleux pouvoir inhérent en chacun de nous, et il n'y a jamais de cause suffisante de peur, sauf l'ignorance.

Every evil is but the product of ignorance, and everyone that possesses the power to think has the power to overcome ignorance and evil. Tout mal n'est que le produit de l'ignorance, et quiconque possède le pouvoir de penser a le pouvoir de vaincre l'ignorance et le mal. The pain that we suffer from doing evil are but the lessons of experience, and the object of the pain is to make us realize our ignorance. ||||sufrimos|||el mal||||||||||||||||||| La douleur que nous souffrons de faire le mal ne sont que les leçons de l'expérience, et l'objet de la douleur est de nous faire réaliser notre ignorance. When we become depressed It is evidence that our thought faculties are combining improperly and thereby attracting the wrong force-currents. ||||||||||mental abilities|||incorrectly|||||||energy flows ||||||||||||combinando|de manera incorrecta|||||||

All that it is necessary to do is to exercise the will and concentrate upon happy subjects. |||||||||||voluntad||||| I will only think of subjects worthy of my higher self and its powers. |||||||||||||abilities Je ne penserai qu'à des sujets dignes de mon moi supérieur et de ses pouvoirs.