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The Burgess Animal Book for Children by Thornton W. Burgess, PREFACE




The cordial reception given the Burgess Bird Book for Children, together with numerous letters to the author asking for information on the habits and characteristics of many of the mammals of America, led to the preparation of this volume. It is offered merely as an introduction to the four-footed friends, little and big, which form so important a part of the wild life of the United States and Canada.

There has been no attempt to describe or classify sub-species. That is for the scientist and student with specific interests. The purpose of this book is to acquaint the reader with the larger groups—orders, families, and divisions of the latter, so that typical representatives may be recognized and their habits understood.

Instead of the word mammal, the word animal has been used throughout as having a better defined meaning to the average child. A conscientious effort to avoid technical terms and descriptions has been made that there may be nothing to confuse the young mind. Clarity and simplicity have been the objects kept constantly in view.

At the same time the utmost care to be accurate in the smallest details has been exercised. To this end the works of leading authorities on American mammals have been carefully consulted and compared. No statements which are not confirmed by two or more naturalists of recognized standing have been made.

In this research work the writings of Audubon and Bachman, Dr. E.W. Neson, Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Dr. W.T. Hornaday, Ernest Thompson Seton and others, together with the bulletins of the Biological Survey of the Department of Agriculture at Washington, have been of the greatest value. I herewith acknowledge my debt to these.

Whatever the text may lack in clearness of description will be amply compensated for by the wonderful drawings in color and black-an-white by Mr. Louis Agassiz Fuertes, the artist-naturalist, whoese hearty cooperation has been a source of great help to me. These drawings were made especially for this book and add in no small degree to such value as it may possess.

If the reading of these pages shall lead even a few to an active interest in our wild animals, stimulating a desire to preserve and protect a priceless heritage from the past which a heedless present threatens through wanton and reckless waste to deny the future, the labor will have been well worth while.

Only through intimate acquaintance may understanding of the animals in their relations to each other and to man be attained. To serve as a medium for this purpose this book has been written. As such I offer it to the children of America, conscious of its shortcomings yet hopeful that it will prove of some value in acquainting them with their friends and mine—the animals of field and wood, of mountain and desert, in the truest sense the first citizens of America. THORNTON W. BURGESS

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PREFACE Предисловие VORWORT پیشگفتار PRÉFACE まえがき PREFÁCIO ÖNSÖZ 前言 前言

TO THE CAUSE OF WILD LIFE IN AMERICA, ESPECIALLY THE MAMMALS MANY OF WHICH ARE SERIOUSLY THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION, THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED. ||||||||||млекопитающим||||||под угрозой|с угрозой|исчезновения|||| |||||wildlife||United States|particularly|||||||||||||| |||||||||||muchas de las||||||||||| به علت حیات وحشی در آمریکا، به ویژه پستاندارانی که بسیاری از آنها به طور جدی در معرض خطر انقراض هستند، این کتاب تقدیم شده است. アメリカの野生生物のため、特に、絶滅の危機に瀕している多くの哺乳動物がこの本を扱っています。 À CAUSA DA VIDA SELVAGEM NA AMÉRICA, ESPECIALMENTE OS MAMÍFEROS, MUITOS DOS QUAIS ESTÃO SERIAMENTE AMEAÇADOS DE EXTINÇÃO, ESTE LIVRO É DEDICADO. ЦЯ КНИГА ПРИСВЯЧАЄТЬСЯ СПРАВІ ДИКОГО ЖИТТЯ В АМЕРИЦІ, ОСОБЛИВО САВСЦІВ, БАГАТО З ЯКИХ ПЕРЕБУВАЄ СЕРЙОЗНА ЗАГРОЗА ЗНИМАННЯ. 本书献给美国的野生生物事业,尤其是哺乳动物事业,其中许多哺乳动物正面临着濒临灭绝的严重威胁。


The cordial reception given the Burgess Bird Book for Children, together with numerous letters to the author asking for information on the habits and characteristics of many of the mammals of America, led to the preparation of this volume. |доброжелательный|прием||определённый артикль|Книга о птицах|||||||||||||||||привычках|||||||||||||||| |||to the||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| la||||||Bird Book||||||||||||||||hábitos|||||||||||||||| バージェスバードブックフォーチルドレンが、アメリカの多くの哺乳類の習慣と特徴についての情報を求める作者への多数の手紙とともに与えられた心のこもったレセプションが、この巻の準備につながりました。 A cordial recepção dada ao Burgess Bird Book for Children, juntamente com inúmeras cartas ao autor pedindo informações sobre os hábitos e características de muitos dos mamíferos da América, levaram à preparação deste volume. Сердечний прийом, який отримала "Книга птахів Берджесса для дітей", а також численні листи до автора з проханням надати інформацію про звички та особливості багатьох ссавців Америки, призвели до підготовки цієї книги. 伯吉斯鸟类儿童读物》受到热烈欢迎,许多读者致函作者,询问有关美洲许多哺乳动物习性和特征的信息,这促成了这本书的编写。 It is offered merely as an introduction to the four-footed friends, little and big, which form so important a part of the wild life of the United States and Canada. |||only|in the role of|an||||||||||||||||||||||||| これは、米国とカナダの野生生物の非常に重要な部分を形成する、大小の4足の友人への紹介としてのみ提供されています。 Ele é oferecido apenas como uma introdução aos amigos de quatro patas, pequenos e grandes, que formam uma parte tão importante da vida selvagem dos Estados Unidos e do Canadá.

There has been no attempt to describe or classify sub-species. ||||intento|||||| Não houve nenhuma tentativa de descrever ou classificar subespécies. 目前还没有尝试对亚种进行描述或分类。 That is for the scientist and student with specific interests. Isso é para o cientista e estudante com interesses específicos. 这是为有特殊兴趣的科学家和学生准备的。 The purpose of this book is to acquaint the reader with the larger groups—orders, families, and divisions of the latter, so that typical representatives may be recognized and their habits understood. |propósito|||libro|||familiarizar||lector|||||||||||los últimos|||||||||||comprendidos El propósito de este libro es familiarizar al lector con los grupos más grandes: órdenes, familias y divisiones de estos últimos, para que los representantes típicos puedan ser reconocidos y sus hábitos entendidos. O objetivo deste livro é familiarizar o leitor com os grupos maiores — ordens, famílias e divisões destes últimos, para que os representantes típicos possam ser reconhecidos e seus hábitos compreendidos. 本书的目的是让读者了解后者中较大的类群--目、科和分部,以便认识典型代表并了解它们的习性。

Instead of the word mammal, the word animal has been used throughout as having a better defined meaning to the average child. En lugar de la palabra mamífero, la palabra animal se ha utilizado en todo momento por tener un significado mejor definido para el niño promedio. Em vez da palavra mamífero, a palavra animal tem sido usada como tendo um significado mais bem definido para a criança média. Замість слова "ссавець" використовується слово "тварина", оскільки воно має більш зрозуміле значення для пересічної дитини. 我们一直使用动物一词,而不是哺乳动物,因为对于普通儿童来说,动物的含义更明确。 A conscientious effort to avoid technical terms and descriptions has been made that there may be nothing to confuse the young mind. Se ha hecho un esfuerzo concienzudo para evitar términos técnicos y descripciones para que no haya nada que confunda a la mente joven. Foi feito um esforço consciente para evitar termos e descrições técnicas para que não haja nada para confundir a mente jovem. Ми сумлінно намагалися уникати технічних термінів і описів, щоб ніщо не бентежило юний розум. 我们有意识地避免使用专业术语和描述,以免混淆年轻人的思维。 Clarity and simplicity have been the objects kept constantly in view. La claridad y la sencillez han sido los objetos que se han mantenido constantemente a la vista. 清晰和简洁是我们始终追求的目标。

At the same time the utmost care to be accurate in the smallest details has been exercised. Al mismo tiempo, se ha ejercido el máximo cuidado para ser preciso en los detalles más pequeños. У той же час було докладено максимум зусиль, щоб бути точним у найдрібніших деталях. 与此同时,在最微小的细节上也力求精确。 To this end the works of leading authorities on American mammals have been carefully consulted and compared. Con este fin, se han consultado y comparado cuidadosamente los trabajos de las principales autoridades sobre los mamíferos americanos. З цією метою були ретельно проаналізовані та порівняні роботи провідних дослідників американських ссавців. No statements which are not confirmed by two or more naturalists of recognized standing have been made. No se han hecho afirmaciones que no estén confirmadas por dos o más naturalistas de reconocido prestigio. Не було зроблено жодного твердження, яке не було б підтверджено двома або більше натуралістами з визнаним авторитетом. 未经两位或两位以上具有公认地位的博物学家证实的声明均不存在。

In this research work the writings of Audubon and Bachman, Dr. E.W. En este trabajo de investigación los escritos de Audubon y Bachman, Dr. EW У цій дослідницькій роботі використано праці Одюбона та Бахмана, д-ра Е.В. Neson, Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Dr. W.T. Hornaday, Ernest Thompson Seton and others, together with the bulletins of the Biological Survey of the Department of Agriculture at Washington, have been of the greatest value. Горнадея, Ернеста Томпсона Сетона та інших, а також бюлетені Біологічної служби Департаменту сільського господарства у Вашингтоні мали найбільшу цінність. I herewith acknowledge my debt to these. 我在此向他们致谢。

Whatever the text may lack in clearness of description will be amply compensated for by the wonderful drawings in color and black-an-white by Mr. Louis Agassiz Fuertes, the artist-naturalist, whoese hearty cooperation has been a source of great help to me. These drawings were made especially for this book and add in no small degree to such value as it may possess. 这些图画是专门为本书绘制的,在很大程度上增加了本书的价值。

If the reading of these pages shall lead even a few to an active interest in our wild animals, stimulating a desire to preserve and protect a priceless heritage from the past which a heedless present threatens through wanton and reckless waste to deny the future, the labor will have been well worth while. 如果阅读这些书页能使一些人对我们的野生动物产生浓厚的兴趣,激发他们保存和保护过去留下的无价遗产的愿望,而现在的漫不经心和肆无忌惮的浪费可能会使未来失去这些遗产,那么我们的劳动将是非常值得的。

Only through intimate acquaintance may understanding of the animals in their relations to each other and to man be attained. To serve as a medium for this purpose this book has been written. As such I offer it to the children of America, conscious of its shortcomings yet hopeful that it will prove of some value in acquainting them with their friends and mine—the animals of field and wood, of mountain and desert, in the truest sense the first citizens of America. THORNTON W. BURGESS