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The Adventures of Reddy Fox by Thornton W. Burgess, IV. Reddy Fox Grows Bold

IV. Reddy Fox Grows Bold

Reddy Fox was growing bold. Everybody said so, and what everybody says must be so. Reddy Fox had always been very sly and not bold at all. The truth is Reddy Fox had so many times fooled Bowser the Hound and Farmer Brown's boy that he had begun to think himself very smart indeed. He had really fooled himself. Yes, Sir, Reddy Fox had fooled himself. He thought himself so smart that nobody could fool him.

Now it is one of the worst habits in the world to think too much of one's self. And Reddy Fox had the habit. Oh, my, yes! Reddy Fox certainly did have the habit! When anyone mentioned Bowser the Hound, Reddy would turn up his nose and say: "Pooh! It's the easiest thing in the world to fool him." You see, he had forgotten all about the time Bowser had fooled him at the railroad bridge.

Whenever Reddy saw Farmer Brown's boy he would say with the greatest scorn: "Who's afraid of him? Not I!" So as Reddy Fox thought more and more of his own smartness, he grew bolder and bolder. Almost every night he visited Farmer Brown's henyard. Farmer Brown set traps all around the yard, but Reddy always found them and kept out of them. It got so that Unc' Billy Possum and Jimmy Skunk didn't dare go to the henhouse for eggs any more, for fear that they would get into one of the traps set for Reddy Fox. Of course they missed those fresh eggs and of course they blamed Reddy Fox.

"Never mind," said Jimmy Skunk, scowling down on the Green Meadows where Reddy Fox was taking a sun bath, "Farmer Brown's boy will get him yet! I hope he does!" Jimmy said this a little spitefully and just as if he really meant it.

Now when people think that they are very, very smart, they like to show off. You know it isn't any fun at all to feel smart unless others can see how smart you are. So Reddy Fox, just to show off, grew very bold, very bold indeed. He actually went up to Farmer Brown's henyard in broad daylight, and almost under the nose of Bowser the Hound he caught the pet chicken of Farmer Brown's boy. 'Ol Mistah Buzzard, sailing overhead high up in the blue, blue sky, saw Reddy Fox and shook his bald head: "Ah see Trouble on the way; Yes, Ah do! Yes, Ah do! Hope it ain't a-gwine to stay; Yes, Ah do! Yes, Ah do! Trouble am a spry ol' man, Bound to find yo' if he can; If he finds yo' bound to stick. When Ah sees him, Ah runs quick! Yes, Ah do! Yes, Ah do!" But Reddy Fox thought himself so smart that it seemed as if he really were hunting for Ol' Mr. Trouble. And when he caught the pet chicken of Farmer Brown's boy, Ol' Mr. Trouble was right at his heels.

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IV. Reddy Fox Grows Bold IV. Reddy Fox roste odvážně IV. Reddy Fox wird mutig IV. La volpe rossa diventa audace IV. Reddy Fox auga drąsiai 四.雷迪·福克斯變得大膽

Reddy Fox was growing bold. Reddy Fox byl čím dál odvážnější. Everybody said so, and what everybody says must be so. Všichni to říkali, a to, co všichni říkají, tak musí být. Reddy Fox had always been very sly and not bold at all. The truth is Reddy Fox had so many times fooled Bowser the Hound and Farmer Brown's boy that he had begun to think himself very smart indeed. He had really fooled himself. Yes, Sir, Reddy Fox had fooled himself. He thought himself so smart that nobody could fool him.

Now it is one of the worst habits in the world to think too much of one's self. And Reddy Fox had the habit. Oh, my, yes! Reddy Fox certainly did have the habit! When anyone mentioned Bowser the Hound, Reddy would turn up his nose and say: "Pooh! It's the easiest thing in the world to fool him." You see, he had forgotten all about the time Bowser had fooled him at the railroad bridge.

Whenever Reddy saw Farmer Brown's boy he would say with the greatest scorn: "Who's afraid of him? Not I!" So as Reddy Fox thought more and more of his own smartness, he grew bolder and bolder. Almost every night he visited Farmer Brown's henyard. Farmer Brown set traps all around the yard, but Reddy always found them and kept out of them. It got so that Unc' Billy Possum and Jimmy Skunk didn't dare go to the henhouse for eggs any more, for fear that they would get into one of the traps set for Reddy Fox. Дійшло до того, що дядько Біллі Опосум і Джиммі Скунс більше не наважувалися ходити до курника за яйцями, боячись потрапити в одну з пасток, розставлених для Рудого Лиса. Of course they missed those fresh eggs and of course they blamed Reddy Fox.

"Never mind," said Jimmy Skunk, scowling down on the Green Meadows where Reddy Fox was taking a sun bath, "Farmer Brown's boy will get him yet! I hope he does!" Jimmy said this a little spitefully and just as if he really meant it.

Now when people think that they are very, very smart, they like to show off. You know it isn't any fun at all to feel smart unless others can see how smart you are. Vous savez que ce n'est pas amusant du tout de se sentir intelligent à moins que les autres ne voient à quel point vous êtes intelligent. So Reddy Fox, just to show off, grew very bold, very bold indeed. Donc, Reddy Fox, juste pour se montrer, est devenu très audacieux, très audacieux en effet. He actually went up to Farmer Brown's henyard in broad daylight, and almost under the nose of Bowser the Hound he caught the pet chicken of Farmer Brown's boy. En fait, il s'est rendu au poulailler de Farmer Brown en plein jour, et presque sous le nez de Bowser the Hound, il a attrapé le poulet de compagnie du garçon de Farmer Brown. Він справді серед білого дня підійшов до фермерського двору фермера Брауна і майже під носом у пса Баузера зловив домашню курку сина фермера Брауна. 'Ol Mistah Buzzard, sailing overhead high up in the blue, blue sky, saw Reddy Fox and shook his bald head: "Старий Канюк Міста, пролітаючи над головою високо в синьому-блакитному небі, побачив Рудого Лиса і похитав лисою головою: "Ah see Trouble on the way; Yes, Ah do! "Ах, бачу неприємності на шляху; так, Ах, бачу! Yes, Ah do! Hope it ain't a-gwine to stay; Yes, Ah do! Сподіваюся, це не "гвин", щоб залишитися; Так, так! Yes, Ah do! Trouble am a spry ol' man, Bound to find yo' if he can; If he finds yo' bound to stick. J'ai du mal à être un homme vif, obligé de te trouver s'il le peut; S'il trouve que vous êtes tenu de rester. Біда - спритний хлопець, він знайде тебе, якщо зможе; якщо знайде, то неодмінно пристане. When Ah sees him, Ah runs quick! Побачивши його, Ах хутко тікає! Yes, Ah do! Yes, Ah do!" But Reddy Fox thought himself so smart that it seemed as if he really were hunting for Ol' Mr. Trouble. And when he caught the pet chicken of Farmer Brown's boy, Ol' Mr. Trouble was right at his heels. А коли він спіймав домашню курку сина фермера Брауна, Старий Містер Біда наступав йому на п'яти.