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The Adventures of Reddy Fox by Thornton W. Burgess, I. Granny Fox Gives Reddy a Scare

I. Granny Fox Gives Reddy a Scare

Reddy Fox lived with Granny Fox. You see, Reddy was one of a large family, so large that Mother Fox had hard work to feed so many hungry little mouths and so she had let Reddy go to live with old Granny Fox. Granny Fox was the wisest, slyest, smartest fox in all the country round, and now that Reddy had grown so big, she thought it about time that he began to learn the things that every fox should know. So every day she took him hunting with her and taught him all the things that she had learned about hunting: about how to steal Farmer Brown's chickens without awakening Bowser the Hound, and all about the thousand and one ways of fooling a dog which she had learned. This morning Granny Fox had taken Reddy across the Green Meadows, up through the Green Forest, and over to the railroad track. Reddy had never been there before and he didn't know just what to make of it. Granny trotted ahead until they came to a long bridge. Then she stopped.

"Come here, Reddy, and look down," she commanded. Reddy did as he was told, but a glance down made him giddy, so giddy that he nearly fell. Granny Fox grinned.

"Come across," said she, and ran lightly across to the other side. But Reddy Fox was afraid. Yes, Sir, he was afraid to take one step on the long bridge. He was afraid that he would fall through into the water or onto the cruel rocks below. Granny Fox ran back to where Reddy sat.

"For shame, Reddy Fox!" said she. "What are you afraid of? Just don't look down and you will be safe enough. Now come along over with me." But Reddy Fox hung back and begged to go home and whimpered. Suddenly Granny Fox sprang to her feet, as if in great fright. "Bowser the Hound! Come, Reddy, come!" she cried, and started across the bridge as fast as she could go.

Reddy didn't stop to look or to think. His one idea was to get away from Bowser the Hound. "Wait, Granny! Wait!" he cried, and started after her as fast as he could run. He was in the middle of the bridge before he remembered it at all. When he was at last safely across, it was to find old Granny Fox sitting down laughing at him. Then for the first time Reddy looked behind him to see where Bowser the Hound might be. He was nowhere to be seen. Could he have fallen off the bridge?

"Where is Bowser the Hound?" cried Reddy.

"Home in Farmer Brown's dooryard," replied Granny Fox dryly. Reddy stared at her for a minute. Then he began to understand that Granny Fox had simply scared him into running across the bridge. Reddy felt very cheap, very cheap indeed. "Now we'll run back again," said Granny Fox. And this time Reddy did.

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I. Granny Fox Gives Reddy a Scare I. Oma Fuchs jagt Reddy einen Schrecken ein I. Granny Fox Gives Reddy a Scare I. Granny Fox le da un susto a Reddy I. La grand-mère Fox fait peur à Reddy I. Nonna Volpe fa spaventare Reddy I.おばあさんキツネがレディを脅かす I. Vovó Fox dá um susto em Reddy I. Бабушка Фокс напугала Редди I. Granny Fox, Reddy'yi Korkutuyor I. Бабуся Лисиця лякає Рудого I. 狐狸奶奶吓到了雷迪 I. 狐狸奶奶嚇到了雷迪

Reddy Fox lived with Granny Fox. Reddy Fox vivía con Granny Fox. Reddy FoxはGranny Foxと同居していました。 Reddy Fox morava com Vovó Fox. You see, Reddy was one of a large family, so large that Mother Fox had hard work to feed so many hungry little mouths and so she had let Reddy go to live with old Granny Fox. Verás, Reddy pertenecía a una familia numerosa, tan grande que Madre Zorra tenía que trabajar duro para alimentar a tantas boquitas hambrientas, por lo que había dejado que Reddy se fuera a vivir con la abuela Zorra. ほら、レディは大家族の一人だったので、マザーフォックスはたくさんの空腹の小さな口を養うのに苦労しました。それで彼女はレディを古いおばあちゃんフォックスと一緒に住まわせました。 Veja bem, Reddy era de uma família grande, tão grande que Mãe Raposa teve muito trabalho para alimentar tantas boquinhas famintas e então ela deixou Reddy ir morar com a velha Vovó Raposa. Görüyorsunuz, Reddy büyük bir aileden biriydi, o kadar büyüktü ki, Ana Tilki bu kadar çok aç küçük ağzı doyurmak için çok uğraştı ve bu yüzden Reddy'nin yaşlı Büyükanne Tilki ile yaşamasına izin verdi. Granny Fox was the wisest, slyest, smartest fox in all the country round, and now that Reddy had grown so big, she thought it about time that he began to learn the things that every fox should know. Oma Fuchs war der klügste, schlaueste und schlauste Fuchs im ganzen Land, und jetzt, wo Reddy so groß geworden war, dachte sie, es sei an der Zeit, dass er die Dinge lernte, die jeder Fuchs wissen sollte. Granny Fox era la zorra más sabia, astuta e inteligente de todo el país, y ahora que Reddy había crecido tanto, pensó que era hora de que comenzara a aprender las cosas que todo zorro debería saber. おばあさんの狐は全国で最も賢く、賢く、賢い狐でした。そして、レディがとても大きくなった今、彼女は彼がすべての狐が知っておくべきことを学び始めた時が来たと思いました。 Vovó Raposa era a raposa mais sábia, astuta e esperta de todo o país, e agora que Reddy tinha crescido tanto, ela achou que já era hora de ele começar a aprender as coisas que toda raposa deveria saber. Бабуся Лисиця була наймудрішою, найхитрішою, найрозумнішою лисицею в усій країні, і тепер, коли Рудий став таким великим, вона вирішила, що настав час йому почати вивчати речі, які повинна знати кожна лисиця. So every day she took him hunting with her and taught him all the things that she had learned about hunting: about how to steal Farmer Brown's chickens without awakening Bowser the Hound, and all about the thousand and one ways of fooling a dog which she had learned. Así que todos los días lo llevaba a cazar con ella y le enseñaba todas las cosas que había aprendido sobre la caza: cómo robar las gallinas del Granjero Brown sin despertar a Bowser el Sabueso, y todo sobre las mil y una formas de engañar a un perro que tenía. aprendió. Assim, todos os dias ela o levava para caçar e lhe ensinava todas as coisas que aprendera sobre caça: sobre como roubar as galinhas do fazendeiro Brown sem despertar Bowser, o Cão de Caça, e tudo sobre as mil e uma maneiras de enganar um cachorro que ela tinha aprendido. Тож щодня вона брала його з собою на полювання і вчила всьому, що знала про полювання: як вкрасти курей фермера Брауна, не розбудивши пса Баузера, і про тисячу й один спосіб обдурити собаку, про які вона дізналася сама. This morning Granny Fox had taken Reddy across the Green Meadows, up through the Green Forest, and over to the railroad track. Ce matin, Granny Fox avait emmené Reddy à travers les prairies vertes, à travers la forêt verte et jusqu'à la voie ferrée. Esta manhã, Vovó Fox havia levado Reddy através de Green Meadows, subindo pela Green Forest e até a linha férrea. Reddy had never been there before and he didn't know just what to make of it. Granny trotted ahead until they came to a long bridge. Then she stopped.

"Come here, Reddy, and look down," she commanded. "Venha aqui, Reddy, e olhe para baixo", ela ordenou. Reddy did as he was told, but a glance down made him giddy, so giddy that he nearly fell. Reddy a fait ce qu'on lui avait dit, mais un coup d'œil vers le bas l'a rendu étourdi, tellement étourdi qu'il a failli tomber. Reddy fez o que lhe foi dito, mas um olhar para baixo o deixou tonto, tão tonto que ele quase caiu. Granny Fox grinned. Vovó Fox sorriu.

"Come across," said she, and ran lightly across to the other side. "Venha", disse ela, e correu levemente para o outro lado. But Reddy Fox was afraid. Yes, Sir, he was afraid to take one step on the long bridge. Sim, senhor, ele estava com medo de dar um passo na longa ponte. He was afraid that he would fall through into the water or onto the cruel rocks below. Ele estava com medo de cair na água ou nas rochas cruéis abaixo. Granny Fox ran back to where Reddy sat.

"For shame, Reddy Fox!" "Que vergonha, Reddy Fox!" said she. "What are you afraid of? Just don't look down and you will be safe enough. Now come along over with me." But Reddy Fox hung back and begged to go home and whimpered. Mais Reddy Fox resta en arrière et supplia de rentrer à la maison et gémit. Mas Reddy Fox ficou para trás e implorou para ir para casa e choramingou. Suddenly Granny Fox sprang to her feet, as if in great fright. De repente, Vovó Raposa pôs-se de pé, como se estivesse com muito medo. "Bowser the Hound! Come, Reddy, come!" she cried, and started across the bridge as fast as she could go.

Reddy didn't stop to look or to think. His one idea was to get away from Bowser the Hound. "Wait, Granny! Wait!" he cried, and started after her as fast as he could run. He was in the middle of the bridge before he remembered it at all. When he was at last safely across, it was to find old Granny Fox sitting down laughing at him. |||||بأمان||||||||||||| Then for the first time Reddy looked behind him to see where Bowser the Hound might be. He was nowhere to be seen. Could he have fallen off the bridge?

"Where is Bowser the Hound?" cried Reddy.

"Home in Farmer Brown's dooryard," replied Granny Fox dryly. Reddy stared at her for a minute. Then he began to understand that Granny Fox had simply scared him into running across the bridge. Reddy felt very cheap, very cheap indeed. Reddy se sentait très bon marché, très bon marché en effet. "Now we'll run back again," said Granny Fox. And this time Reddy did.